June Angel Baby Mommas Hoping for Rainbows!!

Meli: I got my hair cut once at the Aveda Institute (training place) and it took forever! The girl had to ask permission before every snip (or so it seemed). So is your phone a blackberry? I must admit typing is way easier on the bb. I bet Halle Berry has taken every supplement know to the fertility world and done acupuncture too. Sure, it's natural, but as we know you can help nature out.

As for when you all can add the BFP; I'd prefer to wait until the molar threat has passed. The expert dr I emailed yesterday recommends an ultrasound at 6 and 10 weeks. After that I think I'll be ok with it. Did I mention that dh and I don't plan on telling anyone, unless of course they see me pregnant, that we are expecting until the baby is here. Pretty sure we won't stick with this, but he told far more people than I did and I think it was really difficult for him to tell them the bad news. Other than him, you all are the only people I've told.

I don’t have a blackberry, I have an HTC evo shift (has a pull out keypad). Luv the keypad!

I completely understand why you want to wait for us to update our siggies. Just let me know when you’re comfy with adding it.

Wow….waiting to announce your pg until the baby arrives? I don’t think I could do that (I guess I have a big mouth lol)?

Well, I guess your secret’s safe with me!
vegas, my hair is naturally pretty wavy. I either have to scrunch it up with curl spray to make it smooth or blow dry and flatiron, or it gets crazy. I guess I'll be going with the curls until I can replace my flatiron! My bangs are really hard to keep tame without it, though. Looks pretty crazy today.

Speaking of keeping the pg secret, Blake's already sort of blabbed. He asked if I told anyone yet, which I haven't (except you guys), and I asked him, "Have you told anyone, blabbermouth?" His response, "Nope... well I may have blabbed to coworkers." :roll:

Meli, I actually asked her today about the blood test and the shots. She explained - apparently if I get the blood test on the day I would do a shot, before I do the shot, she'll be able to tell if my body is producing enough on it's own because the shot won't be effective anymore (because it will be just before I do another one). I don't know anything about easing off it, but we're only doing two shots a week, so I'm not sure there would be much easing off anyway!

I don't blame you for being worried they would change your phone plan. It wouldn't surprise me if they did! You might want to call and ask or ask if you go to buy a new phone.

Eww chili on cucumber?! That sounds strange to me! I like mine with a little salt or with Italian dressing. Yummmmm.

I did actually pull my hair back today, but it's still pretty crazy. My bangs do this curly thing, and the hair on the side sort of curls out and sticks straight off the side of my head... and it's more noticeable pulled back, lol. Hairspray totally fails at holding it in place! Did that make any sense?
vegas, my hair is naturally pretty wavy. I either have to scrunch it up with curl spray to make it smooth or blow dry and flatiron, or it gets crazy. I guess I'll be going with the curls until I can replace my flatiron! My bangs are really hard to keep tame without it, though. Looks pretty crazy today.

Speaking of keeping the pg secret, Blake's already sort of blabbed. He asked if I told anyone yet, which I haven't (except you guys), and I asked him, "Have you told anyone, blabbermouth?" His response, "Nope... well I may have blabbed to coworkers." :roll:

Meli, I actually asked her today about the blood test and the shots. She explained - apparently if I get the blood test on the day I would do a shot, before I do the shot, she'll be able to tell if my body is producing enough on it's own because the shot won't be effective anymore (because it will be just before I do another one). I don't know anything about easing off it, but we're only doing two shots a week, so I'm not sure there would be much easing off anyway!

I don't blame you for being worried they would change your phone plan. It wouldn't surprise me if they did! You might want to call and ask or ask if you go to buy a new phone.

Eww chili on cucumber?! That sounds strange to me! I like mine with a little salt or with Italian dressing. Yummmmm.

I did actually pull my hair back today, but it's still pretty crazy. My bangs do this curly thing, and the hair on the side sort of curls out and sticks straight off the side of my head... and it's more noticeable pulled back, lol. Hairspray totally fails at holding it in place! Did that make any sense?


LOL at Blake blabbing!!!

I'm glad you got the prog answer from the midwife.

hee hee chili on cucumber is the chili powder. It's pretty tasty! But I'm not recommending you try it, since adding salt to fruits and veggies isn't smart!

hee hee your hair description makes sense, because I had the same bangs issue as you! I grew out my bangs years ago and it was the best thing I ever did. Dont have to mess with them anymore-Just use a side part and voila! Ready to go! I remember that it did take me a while to get used to seeing myself without bangs.
Are we at all surprised that he blabbed to his coworkers? Haha, I'm not!

Hmm ok chili powder makes more sense, lol. I was over here picturing actual CHILI! Chili powder does sound like it could be tasty.

I've had my bangs grown out before, I really don't like it. My forehead isn't huge, but it just feels too big without the bangs. I keep them longish (to my eyebrows, maybe just a bit longer) and side-swept. It's where they blend into the rest of my hair that funny curl shows up! Without my flatiron I feel like they're right about to turn into those 50s rolled bangs!

So if my coworkers don't know I'm pg, I'd be surprised. We've talked before about how you never come out and ASK a woman if she's pg, lol, so I know they wouldn't ask, but they must know. I used to come in every day with coffee and a donut, then I just one day stopped out of the blue and started bringing water and fruit. Now the bloating, the peeing all the time, and I'm sitting here with saltines because I'm soooo nauseous all the time. The guys probably don't notice (although I just found out the other day that my boss's son, who works here, is expecting his second child, his wife is due in September, so maybe he does notice. He IS the one that commented THE FIRST DAY that I hadn't brought in coffee!), but I'm sure the ladies out front with me do. They also know I was out for two days throwing up, which WAS a stomach bug, but no one else here caught it, so it has me wondering if they don't think it was a bug!

My hormones are a WRECK, too. The strangest things make me tear up. I was reading an article from one of the pg bulletin emails. It's about dealing with rude comments from strangers when you're pg (e.g. "You're huge!" etc.). This sentence made me tear up: "Because pregnancy is an emotionally sensitive time, it's actually more important than ever to take care of yourself." Wth?!? :wacko:

Countdown to next appt - 9 days. 9 days too long!

I know what you mean when you say “It's where they blend into the rest of my hair that funny curl shows up! Without my flatiron I feel like they're right about to turn into those 50s rolled bangs!” I can picture that, because that happens to me also lol!

It could go either way about your co-workers suspecting something or not! Especially with the comment about no coffee and donut. But, you could just be self conscious because YOU know you are pg, and are reading too much into it. I know the stomach virus has definitely been going around (right vegas and jasmine?) so I don’t think it’s out of the realm of possibility.

Lol at the things that make you tear up!

FX the next 9 days to your next appt fly by. :happydance:
Stef: I wouldn't worry about any man thinking you are pregnant. I think you'd practically have to be holding an infant before they'd notice. I can't believe Blake held out as long as he did before blabbing. Hopefully the nine days will pass quickly for you.

Meli: your chart is still looking good! Keeping my fingers crossed they stay high!

I'm getting ready to head to the dr for hCG test #2. Praying my number stays within a normal limit.
Stef: I wouldn't worry about any man thinking you are pregnant. I think you'd practically have to be holding an infant before they'd notice. I can't believe Blake held out as long as he did before blabbing. Hopefully the nine days will pass quickly for you.

Meli: your chart is still looking good! Keeping my fingers crossed they stay high!

I'm getting ready to head to the dr for hCG test #2. Praying my number stays within a normal limit.


lol at you telling Stef that a man wouldnt notice pg signs until one is holding an infant :haha:

I'm sure your test results will be GREAT! (I'm saying this like Tony the Tiger does)!
Vegas, we can def wait for our sigs. If I ever get to move out of this state and away from my parents, I will wait as long as possible to tell them. Until the baby is born if I can keep them away long enough! Your hcg number looks great!!!

Meli, your chart is looking good. FX the temps foretell a bfp and not just the soy!

Stef, yeah I don't think a man would notice at all. Jeff would just think I am getting fat and being a bitch!

AFM, been really irritable. The boy I have been babysitting has been really getting on my nerves. I know that is awful to say. I mean he is only 2. He isn't doing anything wrong, I am just hormonal and bitchy! Some good news, my mom won Jeff and I tickets to a concert this Friday. It is Miranda Lambert and Dierks Bentley. I wouldn't have bought tickets myself, but I do like them and I am sure it will be fun. It just sucks that now she has to babysit Carter again and I really didn't want to have that happen for a while and I can't drink!!! I am getting excited to be getting close to the second trimester and my app Monday. I really wish they would do a scan, not because I am worried, just because I want to see! They are only using the doppler though. I will take what I can get though.
Angel: the concert sounds like tons of fun. You think your mom won them because she knows you're mad? I'd take that as an apology ( as long as she follows your rules about Carter). We all get irritable at times, it'll pass, no need to feel guilty. Are you not doing all that genetic testing they usually do at 12 weeks? I've never done it, but they do give you a scan if you opt in. I'm opting in after what happened last time, I've gone from optimistic to overly cautious.
My ob's office does not routinely do the nuchal testing at 12 weeks.:shrug: I think they can still measure for it at 20 weeks so I will ask that they do it then. And my mom may be sorry, but I still don't trust her not to spank him. Every time I go one strike with her and babysitting, something always comes up when I need her.
Meli, I ended up going and getting a cheapo flatiron for temporary use until I can get a good one - got another job interview for Friday so I can't risk crazy hair! Just have to be careful not to overdo it with this one because the cheapo ones tend to fry my hair.

I'm not worried about my coworkers suspecting it, I know they won't say anything!

vegas, lol! And I'm not sure how long Blake held out, he didn't tell me when he blabbed! Did you get your second hCG results back?

angel, most men probably wouldn't notice, but Blake definitely would! I become A LOT more emotional than I normally am when I'm pg, it takes a lot to get me to cry otherwise. That and when I bloat AT ALL it's noticeable.

I saw your post on FB about the concert, hope you have fun!

AFM, not much new. I do have another job interview on Friday. FX this is the one! It pays less then this job (more hourly, but less hours), but being that it's 8 minutes away, I'll be taking home more with the difference in gas. I'm fine with working less and driving WAY less but still taking home more!

We had horrrrrrible weather last night. Tornado warnings. We wound up in the basement because the winds were STRONG, tore a piece of our deck off (not a piece that can't easily be replaced or put back up if it's not damaged otherwise). Saw some broken trees on my way to work this morning, some broken fences. Tornadoes actually hit the town I moved out of last April and a few other towns.

After the storm I needed pancakes, lol, so we went to IHOP where I ate WAY too much - chocolate chip pancakes, buttermilk pancakes, hash browns, bacon, some strawberry banana crepe... and then I went home feeling sick :haha:

Also, whatever happened to jenkb and jennc?
Angel: well you are lucky that your doctor doesn't focus so much on those types of tests. Of course you are younger than me so you have way less risk too. It's just nice to see the LO again.

Stef: how scary! I'm glad you have a basement. No one has them here due to the high water table and we get some scary weather here as well. IHOP sounds good right about now. GL with the interview, the reduced drive sounds ideal.

Afm: the nurse called a few minutes ago to say that my levels are now at 744, up from 265 on Monday. I'm scared that they are rising too quickly as high hCG can indicate another molar pregnancy, or twins, or nothing. They want me to do an ultrasound next week so I scheduled it for Wednesday. I'm going to make dh come with me. I'm really freaking. I just can't bear bad news again. I don't feel at all pregnant and that worries me. The only sign I have is slight insomnia and the occasional dirty dream. Barely any cramping, my boobs don't hurt and I'm not even bloated. I hate to be a pessimist, but I refuse to acknowledge this pregnancy all the way until I'm sure it is viable. I really hate first tri!

Meli/Jasmine/Sweetmomma: where/how are you.

Jenk/Jenn: we miss you as well!

Oooh that concert sounds like fun! It sounds like maybe your mom is trying to win some points…

Your appt on Monday will be here before you know it :happydance: Don't forget to post the pic that they take!!


Did the nurse indicate concern, or are you going off of dr. google? Do you have your hcg results from your last pregnancies to compare these with? Maybe you’re just one of those women whose hcg rises quickly. I totally understand your concern at this point, BUT please just stay hopeful and positive (I KNOW it’s easy to say but hard to do). That’s all you can do. I completely understand that you don’t want to acknowledge this pregnancy until you’re sure everything is ok.

As far as not feeling pg, I’m sure that’s contributing to your pessimism. But remember, every pregnancy is different, and regardless of when you started feeling pg symptoms with your last pg’s, this is a totally different pregnancy, so try not to gauge off of that…

I pray for all my JAB gals every night. Sending you positive and peaceful feelings….and of course a big :hug:


GL on tomorrow’s job interview!!! It sounds like it would be awesome for you and your new situation. Break a leg :thumbup:

Ok…here comes the mama bear in me…forgive me if I sound presumptuous, you’re probably already doing this already, BUT just wanted to put this out there because I really really want you to get this job!!

ok, here we go...Don’t forget to put your resume and cover letter in a nice folder with a see through cover! And take more than one, just in case that you are interviewed by more than 1 person, you can give each of them one. Oh, and don’t forget to do some research on this company, so that when they ask you (as they invariably do) “Do you have any questions for me” you can respond with a question other than the basic ones (ask them other questions besides “how much is the pay?” or “What is the sick leave policy”?). Also, do you have an answer for the question most interviewers ask “Name something that you need to work on?” Meaning, that your answer is something that turns a negative into a positive?

Wow…tornadoes scare the crap out of me! I’m glad you guys moved last April!!

We love IHOP! My fav is their grand slam breakfast…

We had horrible winds 2 nights ago also-70mph! I think the news said that 70mph is hurricane force winds. In my backyard, I have a decorative 3 panel wrought iron screen. It’s a plant holder. It fell over and broke 2 pots, and messed up the potted bougainvilleas I had JUST BOUGHT last weekend! I’m mad :growlmad::growlmad:. The bougainvilleas weren’t cheap either!


I’m doing well. I’m 8dpo, and my temps are still up, but they’re flat. The fact that the temps are still up doesn’t mean anything, because my temps don’t start dropping until 10-11dpo, so I still have a few days to go to see if they start dropping. However, at this point, based on the fact of my elevated temps (compared to all my previously charted cycles) I’m thinking soy did the job, as far as having a stronger o, even if I don’t get my bfp. Other than the higher temps, no symptoms really to speak of.
Meli: thanks. Your chart does look good. Would it be considered triphasic yet? I had two periods of three days of flat temps in this current BFP cycle one higher than the last. Of course we know that trying to read temp charts is kind of like reading tea leaves, but the fact that your temps are still up is good. Can't wait to see what the next few days bring!
Meli: thanks. Your chart does look good. Would it be considered triphasic yet? I had two periods of three days of flat temps in this current BFP cycle one higher than the last. Of course we know that trying to read temp charts is kind of like reading tea leaves, but the fact that your temps are still up is good. Can't wait to see what the next few days bring!


Thanks for the pma!

Nope, FF hasn't said my chart's triphasic.

So far, I also have 2 periods of flat temps, one higher than the last, like you did. Hopefully, I have the same result as you. FX!!!!

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