June Angel Baby Mommas Hoping for Rainbows!!

Melissa, temp is up. It is 11dpo. Did you test? Dying to know!!!
I am very sorry. It could be too early so don't get discouraged yet!:hugs:
I go in for my 12 week app today. I am 12+3 today. I am excited to finally hear the heartbeat! We had a very nice day yesterday. The weather was so wonderful we could wear shorts and tank tops. We got the front and backyard mowed. We cleaned the garage. After nap we went to the park and the grocery store and Target. At target I finally got Carter some toddler bedding because I will let him stay 1 week in his crib in the apartment, but then he it is turning into a big boy bed. I put it in his crib last night and tucked in the edges and it kept him from moving all over. Today we are busy too. We have a play date at the park that is also a mini baby shower for one of the girls in our Mom's club. I have to be back home at 12:30 to put the boys to bed by 1 and my app is at 3:45. I may also meet a lady to sell my bike trailer, that I got and never got a bike for.:dohh: Tomorrow I am meeting someone to buy some storage stuff and then in the evening I am getting my hair done.:happydance: I really need it. I have been feeling so crappy, my face is so icky with spots everywhere! I am hoping this means girl, since they say that girls "steal your beauty". Any how, not much else going on. 12 days until the move. I have packed up 2 closets so far, but I hate to have everything packed up too soon.
Meli: if you implanted later, which is possible due to the little dip you had, then you could still get your BFP. Regardless, this chart looks really good and you haven't mentioned any spotting like in previous cycles.

Angel: I'm jealous that Carter still sleeps in a crib. Charlotte's been out if hers for a year now. Bedtime and naptime are so much harder when they can get out of bed whenever they want. Of course we had no choice as she was escaping constantly. Good luck with your appointment today, can't wait to see what your doctor says and to get the latest hb count. Oh, and I agree, girls do steal your beauty. I've never looked worse than I did while I was pregnant with Charlotte.

Jasmine: how did your appointment go?

Afm: my allergies are killing me! Other than that there is nothing to report as I have no pregnancy symptoms. It was the same last time, but with Charlotte I had every symptom in the book (except ms as I was just super nauseous all the time). Still hoping for the best, but preparing for the worst.
I didn't really start feeling any nausea until the end of week 5. You are about 5 weeks now right? When would your due date be again?
Yep, I'm 5+1 with an edd of 12/15. I didn't get the nausea with Charlotte until the end of week 5 either, but I couldn't sleep, had tons of cramping, sore boobs and I was really constipated. With the mc I got a bit nauseous starting around week 8, but I had bad headaches and I was super tired all the time. Molar pregnancies usually result in super high hCG, tons of morning sickness, and typically bleeding of brown blood. I really didn't have any of those issues. I just need to get to week 10 so the dr can confirm that history is not repeating itself. It's going to be a long five weeks.
Hi ladies, gm! I am waiting for the train, am getting to work late tda, had to go to lab to get blood drawn for thyroid tests. So i will reply properly in a few hours, but just wanted to advise that i tested again this morning and bfn :growlmad::growlmad::growlmad:
Meli: darn! Still keeping my fingers crossed for you!
Jasmine, weren't you supposed to post the pic yesterday? *tsk tsk*

Meli, sorry for the BFN, but remember, it isn't over until AF shows up!

Angel, our weather was super nice yesterday, too. I spent most of the day in the house feeling miserable, though, unfortunately! Good luck with the move and packing! I HATE packing, but I think I hate unpacking worse.

Vegas, I know all about the allergies! Mine are ridiculous, pretty much all year round. Like everyone else said, I wouldn't worry too much about not having symptoms - one - it's still early, and two - every pg is different.

AFM, I didn't do much of anything this weekend. Friday I had the interview - it went well, I will let you all know when I hear back. Friday night we spent at home and watched a movie. Saturday I got a little cleaning done, Blake got home from work, we both ended up falling asleep on the couch, then he woke up and went back to sleep in the bedroom, lol. I felt less nauseous on Saturday, but it all returned yesterday - I was miserable. Blake's brother came up to finally get the windows put in, they spent ALL day on it. From 6am to 9pm. Blake made a sill for the window in the kitchen, which is nice, except he made it IN the kitchen, so everything was covered in dust, which I had the joy of cleaning up.

This morning sucked SO bad. I left half an hour early because I had a dr appt at 8. The highway was SOOO backed up it took me 27 minutes to get one mile. I ended up having to reschedule the appt, go straight to work, and I still got here 5 minutes late. My water bottle leaked all over my back seat, my allergies are ridiculous, and I feel like hell. *whines*

Today was the EDD for my first mc. I'm surprisingly less sad than I thought I would be.
Hey girlies,

I've missssseddddd you! Here's my scan piccy, I'm not having twins, phew! I'll write my reply now too x


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Sounds like you had a great weekend. So the big countdown is on for the move….i hate moving too. Are you having lots of help so you don’t have to do any heavy lifting?
YAY for today’s appt :happydance: HOW EXCITING!! Will you have a pic to post?


Sorry to hear about your allergies. I suppose you’re not able to take anything for the allergies, or am I wrong?

I wouldn’t worry about the current ‘no pg symptoms’ compared to your pregnancy with Charlotte. Maybe you’re having a boy???

I’m sure your little bean is sticky and everything will be fine. You watch, 5 weeks will pass before you know it and then you will breathe a huge sigh of relief.


Yay to finally getting the windows put in!!

Sounds like your day started out horribly. Your traffic sounds like LA traffic-are you sure you’re not driving in LA?

I’m so glad you’re less sad than you thought you’d be :hugs: That’s great.


Aww your little bean is so cute!!!!


My temp spiked again today. WTH is going on?? I don’t think I was tossing around much when I took the temps, but I must have been, because I know that I pretty much had 4 hours of good sleep when I took the temps. I don’t know what’s going on but pretty sure it’s not a bfp :nope:. I think the soy has just made my temps higher. Bet they start going down tomorrow and af will be here by Weds, Thurs at the latest.

I have still spotted during the luteal phase, not as much as before, but it’s still there. I just went this morning to have blood drawn to check my thyroid levels because I think they are all messed up, and have scheduled an endometrial biopsy for April 24 to see if I have any polyps that could be causing my spotting during the luteal phase. So, maybe I didn’t get my bfp this cycle, but I’m taking steps to check out other factors that could be in my way of my bfp!
Hi everyone,

I’m finally back, i’ve only been away from here for one week and loads has happened! All the house guests have gone now, hooray! How horrible am I! Well, it’s just too tiring hosting atm I can’t cope with it! Although it's been very nice to see a lot of my friends especially with shane being away. We went to a safari park on Saturday which Eva enjoyed so much as she got to see 'Simba' she's loving Lion King atm!

Vegas, Eva was sick because she ate too much spagetti Bolognese then Shane gave her a massive hot chocolate, and that’s exactly what her sick was a combination of to, hmmmm tasty, perhaps that will bring your sickness on! She was fine though, thanks for the concern! That’s so cute about Charlotte saying her eyes were wiggling, hehe! OH was working away in Birmingham last week and Eva got upset because when she asked where he was I said Birmingham (don’t ask!) and she thought I said ‘Burning him!’ she thought he was away being burnt by someone, bless her! BTW my due date with Eva was 15th December like you and she came on the 10th! It’s really not too bad the only thing I find is that she has to wait a long time for parties and presents then it all comes at once! Your numbers are looking good btw! Good luck for the ultrasound s on Wednesday, it will be hard for you to enjoy the next 5 weeks but I have a good feeling! Glad your UTI is gone too!

Meli, Sorry all your technology conked out on you but glad you got your new desktop sorted, lol about downloading viruses, oops! Also, sounds like you have a lot to fork out for in the next few months! I like the fact your middle name is Erika that’s lovely! Shan’e dad is called Eric and he also likes that name but Eva has his mum’s middle name so I’m not allowing it! Meli, your temp is sooo high for 12dpo, something must be going on, if you’re not pregnant is it the soy? I think you might be pg though and it’s not showing yet. Sorry about the BFNs though, they are never nice! I really will be mad with your egg if she isn’t up the duff after all of the sterling BD’ing you put in this month! Only kidding I know when the time is right it will happen and it will be your special egg, that’s what my sister used to say to me and you are doing all of the best things to work towards getting it, I know it won't be long! I love your job advice to Stef too, so sweet!

Sweet, hitchhiker made me giggle too! Hope you’re doing well and not feeling too much like a hitchhiker this week!

Stef, sorry to hear about all of the nausea I hope it’s eased off a bit! Hope that your bangs are behaving too, we call it a fringe in the UK, bangs sounds very funny to me as fringe will to you! Cucumber cravings, hmm that’s a hard one to place! I’m just craving everything, every food, every hour! If I don’t eat for two hours, I’m in pain, and I’m not even joking! No nausea yet though, which worries me! Hope you have good news back from the job interview! The post storm pancakes sound absolutely AMAZING! I’d love to try them especially done American style! The tornado sounds insane we don’t get anything like that in this country really! It sounds exciting like Wizard of Oz! I’ve been getting headaches too btw, very annoying aren’t they! Sorry to hear it’s the EDD for first mc, I’m glad that you’re okay as can be about it!

Angel, I’m being very irritable too! I daren’t even have Eva’s 3 year old friend Lacey round, I’ll probably end up flooring her if she annoys me (seriously joking) Although she did scratch Eva's face and made it bleed at nursery this week so maybe not! Thanks for posting the HCG chart, that’s really useful! Nice picky Angel, your bump is lovely and a very organised wardrobe in the background, can you come and do mine please? Funnily enough about wanting to call my bean Peter August, I have changed my mind again now but only cos Shane originally said no to one of my fave names but has now said he likes it, we also like it for a girl the name is Rowan. So Rowan Stephen for a boy or Rowan Alana for a girl (my dad or sisters name as the middle name!) I’m terrible aren’t I but I absolutely LOVE this one and it really is one of my favourites!! Hope Shane doesn’t change his mind again! Good luck for appointment today and enjoy hearing the heartbeat it will be lovely!

Afm, I told work today that I was expecting as Shane had to tell his manager the other day when I needed him to come out early, I was worried about it getting around the office as we work on the same very small floor! I also wanted to try secure my maternity leave! My boss was really happy for me which was nice, I am only telling HR and management for now though! The scan was wonderful btw, we had to wait a good two hours to go in by which time I was a nervous wreck! I was so stressed out because I was late, I literally floored it to the appointment but there was a diversion and loads of traffic, then I think I got clocked speeding! I was a right state when I got there after running from the carpark carrying Eva but I need not have bothered as I had to wait so long! It was worth the wait though, the sonograpgher was really nice she made a real effort to show Eva and include Eva too! Eva got upset cos she thought they were hurting ‘her baby’ which was cute. She showed us the yolk sac and the heartbeat, I was surprised by how clear bean looked already! Right, that’s me caught up, I’m never staying away again! X x OMG nearly deleted this entire message then!

We missed you! And yes, don’t you dare leave for more than a few days-I absolutely forbid it lol!

Don’t feel bad about being glad your houseguests are gone. It’s exhausting, whether one is pg or not! Cleaning madly before they come, preparing, planning meals and buying extra food..cleaning when they leave..it’s exhausting! Fun, but def exhausting!

Omg that was too cute about Eva and “birmingham”. Kids are so cute.

Yah, unfortunately, I really do think it’s the soy that’s causing these high temps, not a bfp…

Tell me about it..I’m also mad at my ovaries lol! Watch…they’re gonna get the double soy dose in a few days!

I second your comment to Angel, about her wardrobe being nicely organized. I also am putting in my request for her to come and do mine, pretty please!

I like your names of Rowan Stephen and Rowan Alana! They are unique.

I’m glad that your work was very cool to your bfp news. I’m sure that’s a relief to you, now that you’ve told the people that need to know. One less item on your plate.

That was sweet of the sonographer to include Eva in the visit. Eva diva is too cute with her fear that they were ‘hurting her baby’ :hugs:
Thanks Meli, I still think your chart looks pretty great though, it's so frustrating when temps are high and you get bfns, you just wanna know either way don't you! I guess at least your cycles are nice and regular now, I'm keeping everything crossed for you x
Meli, the traffic this time was caused by an accident, but most mornings I deal with traffic caused by bridge construction - it's just never THIS bad!

Jasmine, glad you're back! Yay for the little bean! I can't blame Eva for eating too much spaghetti bolognese, share please! Lol. Oh I completely understand being in pain if you don't eat! I get an hour and a half to two hours after I eat before I start feeling sick and need to eat again, it's horrible! I eat at home, by the time I get to work I feel sick! Now you got me wanting those pancakes again! We're doing steak tonight, though, which I usually love but right now just doesn't sound appetizing... Blake's been giving me crap because I keep having trouble eating most foods... I knew about food aversions and all that, but didn't realize foods I love would literally make me nauseous at the thought of them! I was craving sandwiches about a week and a half ago, got my sandwich, and since then, the thought of a sandwich makes me want to puke! Oh and I love the name Rowan!

AFM, sometimes you just need a giant juicy fatty delicious double cheeseburger and curly fries at work... :haha:
Now I really want curly fries! I actually had a cheeseburger for tea too, naughty us x
Stef, I am glad today hasn't been too hard for you. I am sorry your commute was so crappy and you spilled your water. I have had several cravings for curly fries. We love Arby's at my house!

Jasmine, lovely pic!! Bean is looking great, or should I say Rowan Stephen? Thanks for the comment about my closet. You all know how anal I am, the closet is organized by type of shirt (for both Jeff and I), then the shorts, pants and dresses.:wacko: Oh that safari park sounds so fun! And don't feel about about wanting guests to leave, I actually hate having guests stay for an extended period at my house.

Meli, I hope your thyroid comes back okay, but if not, that you are able to get on meds right away.

Vegas, sorry your allergies are acting up. Try not to worry about your lack of symptoms. :hugs:

I had my appointment, I heard the hb. It was between 150 and 155, which is good. I had a blood draw for some genetic testing and the sex of the baby. The company doing it is trying to get lubricity or something because whatever my insurance doesn't cover, the company covers. I didn't really have time to think about it and go over the pros and cons of everything, so I just said yes. I may have said no if I had time to think about it, but what's done is done. They will give me the sex results in about two weeks. I don't think I would believe it if it said girl though so I would still wait until 6/19 for my gender scan. There was one part about the app that I didn't like, I don't feel like typing the entire conversation, but my doctor said something that lead me to believe he may want to try to induce me at 38 weeks. I really want a natural birth with no pain meds, no induction and certainly no c-section. Inducing that early will increase my chances greatly of having another c-section. I go back in four weeks and I will talk to him more about it. If that is his plan of action I may have to look for a new doctor. That really sucks though because when I was researching to find him, he seemed to be my best shot at a vbac.

Anyhow, I have a friend taking a picture for tomorrow to post as my pregnancy announcement. I will post it as soon as she sends it to me. Jeff will be calling his brother and mom before I post it on fb. I haven't told Carter though. The thought of telling him makes me feel sick to my stomach. I am not really sure why though.
Oh yeah I forgot to say, I told Carter we had to go to the store to get some baby shoes (for our picture) and he said "for my baby sister". Hope he is right!
Jasmine: Baby is looking perfect. I love the name Rowan. All of your names have been quite good. Sorry you are irritable, but I totally understand. To be honest I think little kids can get on your last nerve despite what your hormones are doing. I'm glad you've told your boss, at least that is off your mind now.

Meli: I'll be interested in hearing your test results. Your temps really do look so good. I had a month when I was trying to ttc the mc that I had a 16 day luteal phase. I took test after test all with bfn. Such an odd thing, but sometimes the chart gives us false hope. Of course if you implanted late then it will still take another few days for it to register so there is still hope! Also, I am taking Benadryl for my allergies, I've read it is OK to take.

Stef: Sorry that yesterday was your first due date, but happy you took it well. Glad to hear your interview went well.

Angel: That hb sounds good and strong. Do you remember the name of the test you took? I plan on doing as much genetic testing as possible considering what happened last time (I've always refused these tests in the past). I'm sorry your doctor thinks you need another c-section. I'm a pretty horrible candidate for a vbac myself, but my doctor was still willing to refer me to another doctor to consult about a vbac. Personally, if this pregnancy works out I am hoping to have it around week 38 to try and give a little more distance between the child's birthday and Christmas. Charlotte was over 7lbs at 37 weeks so I'm sure this one would be fully cooked by 38 weeks. Ask your doctor if he can refer you to someone as you are interested in a vbac and see what he says. I too wanted the natural experience, but I also want my baby here safely no matter what that takes and I'm sure you feel the same. Post that announcement for us to see!

Nothing to report here. I just realized how late it is and I'm still not ready for work (which is a huge staff meeting this am). So I'll write more later. Hope all is well.

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