June Angel Baby Mommas Hoping for Rainbows!!

We have talked about vbac before and he is a supportive vbac doctor and has even said with the last pregnancy "in your case, a vaginal birth will be safer than a repeat csection". That is why I was so confused and upset by it. It came from left field.
Jasmine, now I want another burger and more curly fries! Lol.

Angel, we love Arby's, too. Well, I don't like roast beef, but I like their chicken stuff, curly fries, potato wedges (droooool), shakes (extra drooooool)... God I'm hungry...

Yay for a nice strong heartbeat! I mentioned in your journal about your doc wanting to induce, but I would DEFINITELY talk with him about it knowing now that he was supportive of vbac before.

Can't wait to see your announcement pic!

vegas, late for work - why I don't get on the computer in the morning! I'm always running late already! Traffic again this morning... ugh. Can't wait to have a job closer to work.

AFM, last progesterone shot of that vial was last night. I'm getting blood work done on Thursday to see if I need to continue the shots, then my appt on Friday - more blood work, the pee tests, u/s... this week needs to hurry up! I'll take a slow down for Thursday, though, it's our anniversary :)
Hopefully you won't need to continue the shots. My ob hasn't decided if he wants me to get the daily heparin injections. I am not looking forward to it!
Angel,That’s a nice strong hb! :happydance: I can’t wait for you to post the announcement. You mentioned needing shoes so I think I *may* have a feeling of the pic. We’ll see!

Since Carter said you were buying shoes for ‘his sister’, does that mean you already told him you are pg?


I think the genetic testing is a great idea.

I hope you got to work on time without stressing too much!


Unlike you, I love Arby’s roast beef sandwiches. Unfortunately for me (or maybe, fortunately?) the only Arby’s in my city is about 10 miles away. I think I’ve only eaten there once in the last 5 years.

FX that you don’t need anymore progesterone shots..I remember you said they were unpleasant.


My temp dropped today and I feel the witch cackling in the corner. I slept horribly wrong last night and my neck/right shoulder and arm are so sore. I can barely move them. I soooo wanted to call in sick to work today, but I’m taking a sick day next Weds for the endometrial biopsy, and then calling in sick on May 24 (Vegas trip. I need to call in sick that day because my co-worker is off for 2 weeks during that time, and I suspect my Director may very well tell me “no” to a vacation day. He’s done that before--denied me a vacation day if my co-worker and he will not be around. So I will fix his wagon and just call in sick. TAKE THAT!) Anyways, that’s why I dragged myself in today and brought with me an herbal hot pack that I can warm up in microwave and put on my shoulders. I think it’s the only way I’ll make it through the day.

In the meantime, I need to figure out my plan for next cycle. I am scheduled for the endometrial biopsy next Weds, which according to FF should be CD7. My o day will probably be 7 days later. I don’t know how long I will bleed from the procedure, and I read that you can’t BD until the bleeding stops. What I need to figure out, is if I should take the soy isoflavones again or not. I don’t want to take the soy and suffer through the side effects, and then not even be able to BD, in effect, having taken the soy for nothing. Not just because of the side effects, but because I don’t want to take soy for too long because of the possible long term side effects…If I DO decide to take the soy, I need to take it starting CD3, which will be here soon. Or, maybe just count myself out for the next cycle and start ttc the following one?

I hope everyone has a great day!
Meli: perhaps you could post something in the ttc section and also the ttc after 35 section as well (covers mores bases that way).

Stef: I hope you won't have to continue with the shots.

Angel: I hope you don't need shots either! Do you think your doc forgot that you had spoken about a vbac? I'm sure he'd be happy to talk to you about it.

Afm: meeting one of the day went well. It was a huge outdoor thing so even though I was a bit late no one noticed or cared. Meeting two of the day starts at 6:30pm so it's going to be a long day. I've been a bit crampy today. Tomorrow is my ultrasound. I'll only be 5+3 so I doubt we'll see much. I'm dragging Ben with me as I refuse to go to any appointment without him after last time. Maybe I'll let him off the hook after the 20 week scan.
Angel, eek! Daily shots would suck! I get nervous for the shot every time, not sure why - as long as I make sure I drink some juice before and after, it's not too bad. The second one was horrible because I hadn't eaten much and wasn't feeling well to begin with. Last night's wasn't bad at all - I drank some apple juice first. Blake also is becoming a pro, lol, he doesn't clue me in as to when he's going to inject, he just keeps talking and does it when I'm not expecting so I don't tense my butt cheeks! :haha: Hope you don't have to do the daily injections!

Meli, we're lucky enough to have pretty much every restaurant we could want super close to the new house. That's bad, too, though, haha. Sorry your temp dropped and you're expecting AF. Stupid witch! I'm not sure what advice to give on the soy this next cycle - if you want to avoid the side effects and all that, maybe you can skip it, and if the bleeding from the biopsy stops in time, you can give it a go without the soy?

vegas, don't blame you for dragging him with you! I wanted to bring Blake to my first appt, but I was only able to get one that he couldn't come to, or I would have had to wait until this next one. He IS coming to this one, though, thankfully. I don't think he'd miss it.

I'm just about to eat another double cheeseburger and fries. :-# I'm so hungry and it's the only thing that isn't turning me off from food! I AM eating chicken tonight, so that makes up for it, right?
Melissa, sorry it looks like af will show. I agree with Vegas, post a thread about it and see how long other ladies bled. If they didn't bleed too long, I would go ahead with the soy just in case. And no, we haven't told Carter, that is why when he said it, it was so strange.

Vegas, hope your next meeting goes well and the day flies! I drug Jeff to my first ultrasound too. I was very nervous and having him there helped. I called my OB's office today to find out more information about that testing. Apparently they were supposed to give me a pamphlet and have me sign something which they neglected to do. The office lady was very apologetic and went over everything over the phone with me. It irritates me though, if all of that was supposed to be given, I could have made an informed choice. Anyhow, the test is called Panorama and the company is called Gentath. I haven't been able to to any research on them yet, but I will by the end of tonight. As for my dr forgetting about my vbac, that is impossible because we already mentioned it while I was laying on the bed for the doppler. The whole visit was strange. I am going to have to clear the air next visit because I hate being unsure.

That’s a good idea you and angel suggested about posting in the other sections. I may just do that.

Omg you have a long day today….poor you!

Wow…your first ultrasound is almost here!!:happydance:


LOL at Blake’s handiwork resulting in you not tensing butt cheeks! I always have DH remove the bandages/tape from when they draw blood. I can’t do it myself. I’ll sit there for 20 minutes, pulling micro inches at a time.

Your advice about the soy for this cycle mirrors my gut instinct. DH and I had an interesting conversation last night (that he brought up-details below).

Enjoy the cheeseburger and fries!! I don’t think that eating chicken later makes up for it, but WHO CARES lol! :haha::haha:


Wow…that is strange how Carter made that comment about a baby sister!!! FX he does have an insight that we lack!


I don’t think I mentioned this, but I had such a vivid dream on Friday night. I woke up Saturday morning, mentally dissected and analyzed it, and told DH about it. I dreamt I was on a cruise with DH, DS, and my extended family. After the first day at sea, I realized that the ship we were on wasn’t meant for the open seas, it was meant for bodies of water that weren’t very rough. Well, when I realized that, I panicked, because in my dream, I remembered that on the first cruise DH and I took, there were pretty rough seas for a couple of days (which did happen in real life). I was panicking because I was afraid to tell everyone what I had just realized--that if we hit rough seas, we were screwed. My next thought was “I’m not going to enjoy myself for the next week because knowing what I know, I can never relax”. My dilemma was trying to figure out: do I ‘sound the alarm’ and tell everyone, or just stay quiet and hope nothing happens?

I’m walking around the ship to keep inspecting it, and I see that there was masking tape and stuff along the floors, and that WATER was starting to leak inside. OMG! I was then frantically trying to find DH and my family to tell them that we needed to get the h*ll out of there. at that point, cruise employees were starting to quietly tell people to get in the lifeboats. I finally found my family and DS and told them to get to the lifeboats. They were so calm and taking their time. I was screaming at them and they were so chill! I finally found DH in the casino. Ran up to a man I thought was him, was hysterical and crying, when he turns around, the face morphed into someone else. It wasn’t him, although it looked like him, until I got right in front of him. This happened 3 times. Finally I found him and same thing..he was chill as we went to the lifeboats. Then the dream ended.

Well, upon reflection I right away realized that in my dream, the ship was me in an allegorical sense. Meaning that, everything looks fine, but once you start looking at it, it’s falling apart? Or I’m afraid it’s falling apart? And that I’m trying to tell people (family, my dr’s) that something’s wrong...my body's broken. I’m screaming it but everyone refuses to listen to me and my fears!!

So when I explained the dream to DH, he says “That’s not what your dream was about at all. You’re just worried about the Vegas trip. Didn’t you mention casinos? Weren't we just talking about it last night? You’re a planner and you want to make sure it’s a perfect trip and everyone has a great time”.

I didn’t want to argue his point. I mean, HE knows what MY dreams mean, right lol!

Well, I guess it took a couple of days for him to reflect on that conversation, and it sounds like he is starting to ‘get it’. Meaning, he gets that I have very real fears and he just pooh poo’d them again with his analysis of my dream, and not agreeing with my interpretation.

last night, he says “listen, I need to tell you something. I just want you to know that I’m worried about you. I think you are way way involved in this ttc stuff. I see you, you’re always smiling when you think someone’s looking and say everything is ok when asked, but I don’t think you really are ok. I see your face when you’re online engrossed in the bnb website. You’re taking all these supplements, herbal teas, waking up at ungodly hours of the morning to temp, etc. You’re stressing out, gaining weight, this can’t be good for you. I love how when you want something, you go after it so wholeheartedly, I can appreciate all your efforts to make this happen, but maybe this is something that is out of your control. I just want you to know that I love you no matter what happens, child together, or no child. We have Matthew and I know he loves you with all his heart. I don’t want you to be under this stress just because you think I want a child. I’m fine with whatever happens, I just don’t want to lose us, or lose you, in this process. You’re making yourself sick. You’re only 40 y/o. You act like you’re 50. Women have babies so much later in life. We can go do IVF if that’s what you want. I don’t care how much it costs. If you want to do it, we will. We have options and choices that many don’t have. I just want you to please stop stressing over it” then he hugged me hard.

Wow…in between the tears, I couldn’t really say much but “thank you”. I WISH it was just about me feeling pressure from him to conceive, because then I would gladly jump off this ttc train if that was the case, because what he said just got me off the hook, but that’s not the case at all. It’s me that wants this to happen so badly. Not to mention the fact that I got pg so quickly the first time isn't helping my expectations!

So, he got me thinking about it and he makes some good points. I think I will just temp starting CD8 or so, until o is confirmed (I know, I know, I've said that before! but I mean it this time!). Then I will stop temping. I think that alone, will go a long way in making me less anxious and stressed.
Meli: your dh is so sweet. I think we as women do place too much pressure on ourselves. As much as we try it's hard to ignore that damn biological clock. Sometimes I wish I had never found bnb (though I love you all) as sometimes it is too much information and can cause as much concern as comfort. I think stress plays a huge part in conception and if you can minimize it then I believe it will help. I like your idea of doing less temping. I can also honestly say that even though I've used things like preseed, it never helped me conceive, the supplements may have helped, but who knows, I think it just made me feel like I was being proactive. I truly believe it will happen for you naturally. Have you considered a month off? No temping, no opks, maybe even limit your bnb time (though I'd really miss you)? Just change your focus to your family and live in the moment.

Here is our announcement!!!
Ah Melissa, I am so sorry you have been having such a rough time inside. I wish I could hug you right now!!! Everything he said is right though. Like Vegas, I think limiting bnb time could help, especially during the tww. Maybe take next month off no matter the bleeding issue and just BD when you feel like it?:hugs:
Meli, I agree with angel and vegas on maybe taking a month off. REALLY taking a month off - no temping, no soy, no worrying! BD when you want, not when you think you should. Rest when you want, instead of BDing because you feel the need to. At the very least, you'll get some relaxation and stress relief, then you can go back at it fully rested and stress free.

What your DH said actually made ME tear up! Sitting here at work in the front office with my boss right in front of me, just about cried. :cry: It was so sweet (what DH said, not me almost crying in front of my boss, lol)!

angel, posted in your journal, loving the announcement! I'm already considering what to do for a FB announcement whenever we do it (I'm probably going to wait for FB until after we find out gender), but I do have an idea I really like!

I LOVE the announcement! It’s beautiful! I love the shading/color. It kind of has that ‘vintagey’ look. Does that make sense?


You’re right about the pressure. All the pressure I feel is what I’ve done to myself. And I need to stop torturing myself.


I didn’t mean to make you tear up. Sorry!! :hugs: I hate when that happens to me. I have sinus/allergy issues so whenever I tear up, even lil tears, I get the sinus pressure headache for the rest of the day. HATE IT!

I can’t wait until it’s time for you to post your announcement. I want to see it!!

I am definitely taking a month off of the soy, due to the biopsy I’m having next week.


Thanks to all of you for your suggestions and virtual hugs:hugs:

This morning, I didn’t temp, and was reminded of how nice it felt to sleep in until the alarm goes off! No tossing and turning….I’m fine with temping until I confirm o, it’s the last week of temping, when I’m getting into the ‘home stretch’, that I start getting anxious.

It probably makes sense for me to get off of bnb, but I.just.can’t. I would miss you guys too much! You all are the only outlet I have about this ttc stuff, I don’t know what I would do without the support. I can’t quit y’all (line from brokeback mountain :haha:). I feel very connected to you guys, maybe it’s because of the heartache we went through together, maybe it’s because we mesh as a group well, idk. All I do know is that I would miss y’all too much. I’m willing to cut back on other things, but not bnb. Even though I’m not pg yet, I’d still like to stay online with y’all, if you don’t mind..and I’m hoping that at least I’ll be pg before sweetmomma gives birth.
Meli: Of course we want you here, we just don't want to make you any more stressed than you are already and we don't want to get you into trouble with your dh because you are on bnb.

Stef: Gender announcements are a lot of fun, but do you really think Blake can hold out telling the world until you are 20 weeks?

OK, speaking of stress, my scan is in less than an hour. I'm home having lunch, not that I can eat, before I go. Anyway, I think I'm going to have a panic attack. I know we aren't going to really even see anything (I really wish we weren't doing one this early) and all I can think about is that instead of seeing a gestational sac that they will instead see a bunch of cysts saying that the molar tissue is back, but there is no baby. Also, the last scan I had in this office is when I saw my lifeless little baby. I was really caught off guard last time and now I feel like I have to steel myself for the worse. I really just don't want to go back to this office anymore, it's like returning to the scene of a horrible crime. I know I am over-reacting, but these people led me to believe everything was fine when I went in for my eight week scan, discounted any concerns I had about the dating being off, and then at 13 week told me my baby was dead and it could possibly give me cancer. Ben doesn't want to hear any of this. He tells me it is out of my control and I should just live in the moment and not worry. How on earth am I supposed to do that? OK, enough of my pity party. I'll let you know how it goes.
Meli, I agree with vegas, we definitely want you here! But only if it's not causing you more stress :)

vegas, you're right, he probably can't hold out that long. We're still telling family on Mother's Day, and probably close friends around that time. I'm just waiting on FB... maybe, I'm totally impatient, too lol. The announcement idea I have isn't gender specific, so if we can't wait I can still use it.

And big hugs :hugs: Ben is right that it is out of your control, unfortunately, but I completely understand worrying. Wouldn't it be nice to be as laid back as our men seem sometimes? I do know, at least in Blake's case, that he worries secretly, tries not to show it so it doesn't worry me more. So I wouldn't get upset with Ben for telling you not to worry, there's a good chance he is worrying secretly, too.
Vegas, :hugs: I know everything is going to be just fine for you. I do understand your worry though, I am glad Ben will be there with you.:hugs:

Melissa, I am glad you are taking a month off soy and planning to stop temping after o is confirmed, I really think it will help. We would certainly miss you if you left us!! We are very connected in our group. Sometimes when I am with my RL friends I think about how I can't wait to get home to check on one of you.

We will be taking our vacation 2 days after we have our gender scan. When we come back, I want to get our family pictures done. In one of those photos I will do the gender reveal.
Jeff has been nagging me about packing. I haven't done that much because I know how long it takes me and I know how much has to be left out until the end. Well today I decided okay, I will do some packing so he will see. In an hour I had all of our room, the closet and all the photos off the wall and shelves packed. Then I got to say "See, I know what I am doing!!"

I don’t think you are over reacting at ALL! It’s where you first realized the heartbreak that was your reality.

I agree with Stef-I am positive that Ben is just as worried but feels he can’t show it to you. Men are wired that way. And I’m glad that he’s going with you!

I know everything will be fine. It will all work out. :hugs::hugs:


When do you plan on announcing on fb?


I’m the same way, so I know what you mean. Sometimes I can’t wait get online and check on you guys, or share something!

You rock, packing so quick! :thumbup: When will men learn that we have our ways and we know best in certain situations??
Meli, I want to wait as long as I can to announce on FB. I did plan to wait until we found out gender, but like vegas said, probably won't be able to. I guess it really depends on if I can get Blake to wait, lol.
Meli, I want to wait as long as I can to announce on FB. I did plan to wait until we found out gender, but like vegas said, probably won't be able to. I guess it really depends on if I can get Blake to wait, lol.

Well, GL with that! :haha:

Something tells me that adorable Blake will not be able to keep the great news to himself for too long :nope:

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