June Angel Baby Mommas Hoping for Rainbows!!

You're probably right, considering he told work weeks ago! If he told anyone else he hasn't said anything to me, but last time I had to actually come out and ASK for him to tell me. If I ask if he's told anyone, he can't lie. If I don't ask, he just doesn't tell me, lol. It was his idea to wait awhile, I thought I was impatient!

I'm sitting at work soooo feeling like I'm going to throw up. Tried eating a snack (fiber brownie), but I really DON'T want it, so about two bites in it felt like it might make its way back out... went to the bathroom, no puking, but bleh... can't wait to get out of here in 26 minutes and drive in the 80 degree weather with no a/c... double bleh! More like just can't wait to be home.
Angel: way to go with the packing! We've moved a ton and I despise packing.

Ok, so my appointment was at 12:45, we got there at 12:35 and didn't get in until 1:45. The front desk people are a bunch of morons who put two people, who should have gone after me, ahead of me thanks to the fact that they entered my insurance in incorrectly last week. Anyway the scan went well. I'm measuring two days ahead. Couldn't really see much other than the yolk sac this time. She did show me my c-section scar and tell me that I ovulated on the left side (I could have sworn it was the right). The mc came from the left so I'm hoping this was a better egg. I'm going back next Friday for another scan and she thinks we'll be able to detect a hb at that time. I also rescheduled the appointment with my doctor as I'm putting off seeing her as long as possible. So that's it for now. Thanks for talking me down :)
:happydance: I knew it would go well!!! You have a lovely, sticky bean in there and I am certain you are cancer free from the last pregnancy!!! Sorry the office staff sucked though! I feel the same about the eggs. I am pretty certain that I ovulated on the opposite side as the miscarriage, yet on the same side as Carter. I felt really good about that.
vegas, sorry the staff sucked, but glad the scan went well!

I've never asked what side I o'd from, now I'm curious. I honestly am not sure this time, because I felt twinges from both sides at o time, which is unusual.

A little convo between me and Blake last night:
Me: My stomach hurts
Blake: That's my fault, I'm sorry
Me: Why?
Blake: My sperms have a tendency to go up there and make babies
Me: Yeah, they're pretty potent!

Lol. I've seriously considered getting BlakesBrain.com to post the crazy stuff he says, it's ALL the time he comes up with stuff that cracks me up, and it comes so naturally, it's hilarious. The first mc, on the way to the ER, he asked in all seriousness, "Could cannibalism hurt the baby?" Think about that one for a second... lol.
Stef: I'm at work totally lol-ing about Blake's comments.
I’m so glad your scan went well!! :happydance: We told you :hugs:


LOL at Blake’s comments! I vote that you DO get that website and compile his thoughts. That would be an awesome repository!

Sweetmomma, Angel & Jasmine,

I hope y’all are doing well!

AF finally arrived this morning.

I got my blood test results. TSH 2.4, Free T3 2.6, Free T4 1.0

I’ve done some research. They are not ideal and it seems that I would benefit from meds. I emailed my dr a few minutes ago, FX she agrees and doesn’t give me a hard time!!! :growlmad:
Meli: sorry the witch got you, but happy you are able to start on a new cycle. I have no idea what those numbers mean, but I hope your doctor agrees with you.

What is everyone up to this weekend? I hired a sitter for Saturday night so we are going out to dinner. Should be nice to get out for a bit. We haven't had a date night in ages.
Blake mentioned BlakesBrain.com again last night. He really wants me to start it - guess he wants his 15 minutes, lol. Problem is, I wouldn't remember things he's said, and I'd forget to write them down. Plus a lot of the stuff is either inside joke related or "you have to know him" kind of stuff.

Meli, sorry af showed, but at least now you can move on to the next cycle! Have you decided if you're going to do the soy this time?

vegas, we have tickets for tonight to Shen Yun that Blake got for free from work ($400 worth of tickets!). The rest of the weekend I'm not sure what we're doing, but I'd really like to spend some time outside, since it's supposed to be really nice!

So our anniversary was yesterday. Blake tried lobster for the first time. Said he liked the taste, not so much the texture. I'm good on all that... not a seafood fan!

Appt with midwife today... kind of nervous. At this point last time the baby was dead but we didn't know yet. I'll be so relieved once I see everything is ok... just so so ready to get to that appt and see... about 6 hours to wait. Haven't gotten the results from the progesterone test yet, but will at some point today or at my appt.
Stef: I just know today's appointment will go well. It is so easy to compare to your last experience, I know I have. Let us know how it goes and what they say about the shots. Happy belated anniversary! Sorry Blake wasn't the biggest fan of lobster, but it can be a little chewy. Does Blake know Shen Yun is a dance performance? No way my dh would go, but glad to hear Blake is open-minded.

Fridays at work can just drag on. Is it 5:00 yet?!
vegas, I've never tried lobster... never plan to either! I'm BIG on texture, so if he wasn't a fan, I'll probably hate it. That and seafood... ick. He did say he would try it again, wants to try it grilled. He ate the whole tail, so he didn't hate it. Usually if he doesn't like something, he makes it QUITE obvious, like little kid obvious, lol.

He does know it's a dance performance, he looked up video before accepting the tickets from work. We're supposed to be bringing a friend and his son, not sure if that will fall through (this friend falls through a lot).

Totally agree about Fridays! I'm leaving an hour early today, though, to get home and have time to shower and everything so that I don't have to worry about it after my appt and we can just figure out dinner then getting to the theater.

I hope you have fun on your date night tomorrow!
Melissa, sorry about af.
Stef, Like Vegas said, I know today will be fine.
Jasmine, shall I make the tired ass comment again??
Sweetmomma, hope all is well.
Vegas, have fun this weekend!! Hope the rest of your work day flies!

AFM, I am pretty sure I said I would post a bump pic. Sorry it has taken so long. I wanted one where I was dressed and had makeup and stuff on. Because I also wanted to show you all my hair. But, Jeff has been working later and I am always in my pjs and ready for bed when he gets home. He hasn't been home for dinner since Tues and won't be until Mon.
We have officially told everyone about the pregnancy but Carter. I told my grandma yesterday. Turns out my mom had already blabbed, go figure, right?!
This weekend I will probably pack some. We need to go to the apartment to do some measuring to see what all has to go into storage. Saturday evening I am going to my mom's house to hang out with my grandma again. My parents are in Ireland on vacation and my grandma has come from 2 hours away to dog sit, so I want to take advantage and hang out with her some. I have two interviews scheduled with doula's set up. The first and seventh. I am pretty excited. One of them also does birth photography, which I wanted to hire anyway. If I ended up going with her, I could get the doula service, the birth photography and a newborn photography package for about $1300. The savings would be nice, but I really want to make sure I mesh well with her as a first priority. Other than that, not much else going on. Have fun this weekend ladies!!

Date night should be fun! Does Charlotte not give you a hard time to leave her with someone?


I haven’t decided yet about the soy. I think I will flip a coin tonight lol!

Glad you had a nice anniversary yesterday.

I’m sure that your scan will be perfect today :happydance:

DH doesn’t eat shrimp or lobster (he calls them the cockroaches of the sea) but myself and DS LOVE them.

Have fun tonight at your performance!


I second your tired ass comment :haha:

I cant wait to see a pic of your hair! Can’t you take a selfie?

I think that's a nice idea to spend time with your grandma.

Gl with the doula interviews. I hope one of these is the right one and you could stop your search.


DS is with us this weekend so we will go to dinner tonight. Tomorrow we are going to dinner and the movies with DD who is coming to visit from college. I think we will see Oblivion. Then Sunday I will do everything that I didn’t get to do on Sat (laundry, etc etc). Joy!

Good news-my dr agreed to start me on a low dose of levothyroxine (Synthroid) for hypothyroidism. I hope I respond well to it, and respond quickly.
Hey girlies,

Have been reading all the posts but not replying, like a BAD Internet friend, I'm sorry, will you forgive me again, perrrrrllleeeaaassseeee with a cherry on? I've been in bed around 8pm every night this week, I'm having a mad one tonight, it's 10pm and I'm only just in bed, whoooooo!

Meli, just wanted to say I'm so sorry stupid af came, I've had it with your ovaries now, seriously it's OVER. Just kidding, we gotta kick their stupid ovarian shaped ass this month, are you gonna soy them out? What do the bloods mean? Why are you concerned? Sorry that you feel very down about it all right now, I think it's understandable and of course if you need to take a break well understand, I sure haven't exactly been mrs proactive of late! I would miss you though! I'm totally in agreement about temping less, it's so stressful! good luck with all you decide!

Vegas, I'm so happy for you that your appointment went as well as can be expected right now, I have a good feeling about this little beany!

Angel, yes you need to make the tired ass comment, it stops me being a lurker! I LOVE your announcement it's so original and I love the piccy, I really think you'll have a girl!

Stef, Blake is such a character isn't he! Gotta loves blakes brains.com! Wishing you all the luck for your scan shortly, I'll be equally as nervous at my 12 weeks, hope to hear great news soon!

Afm, not much to report, having a gret relationship with Ian the iPad in bed each night, zero energy, very hormonal, out tomorrow night at "book club" which is really just get twated on wine club and joke about having not read the book club but obviously I'll be sober tomorrow will still be good as we do loads of homemade food, nom nom! Told close friends and family today about baked bean too x
Oh yeah I'm dying to see angels hair too, dying get it? Hilarious aren't I

You guys crack me up!!! I did get it dyed like the picture and cut that length too. I am awful at selfies! Jeff works until 10:30 tonight. I will try this weekend.

Meli, that is the medication I am on. It worked really quickly for me.

Jasmine, glad to see you back! Have fun at the book club. I would like to join one, but when it is a book I don't enjoy I have a very hard time reading and comprehending. How did you family react?

I’ve also had it with my ovaries lol! They don’t know what short rope they're on!

I don’t think I will take the soy this month, for 2 reasons: first is because I am having the endometrial biopsy on Weds, and my fertile period starts the following Sunday. BD’ing depends on whether or not I am still bleeding, and I don’t want to take the soy, go through the side effects while I am taking them, and then more side effects during the tww, for nothing. Also, you’re not supposed to use them very long so I don’t want to ‘waste’ taking them, iykwim?

2nd reason I wont take them is because I am going to start taking the thyroid meds today and I don’t want to confuse any side effects from the soy and the thyroid.

I am still going to keep temping, soy or not, CD 8 til o is confirmed….

Have fun at your book club tomorrow! I know you’ll enjoy the food even though you can’t join them in the wine. Who cares! Are you going to share your news, or just say that you’re on antibiotics (if asked why you’re not drinking)?

How exciting that you broke the news! :dance:

And YES, you are hilarious AND brills with your ‘dye’ comment :rofl:


I’m like you, if I’m not into the book, I have a difficult time even wanting to finish it. And I’m not too discriminating, once I start a book, I will finish it, but sometimes you find a clunker and forget it.

I’m glad the rx worked quickly for you, I hope it does the same for me!! FX
I'll respond properly later, we have to eat and run to the show but I wanted to update you guys on my appt.

Let's just say I'm pretty officially convinced there was a twin and that's what the bleeding was. Scan showed one small sac with no baby in it (or a subchorionic hemorrhage, but she said it didn't look like that), midwife said I should probably expect more bleeding.

Good news - baby is doing just fine! Sac is shaped well, baby measures 9+2. HB 147. He/she was wiggling around a lot, to the point the midwife had a hard time measuring the HB. I'm soooo relieved.

My progesterone is 33.5, so I don't need to continue the shots. We are testing again in a month to make sure it stays where it's supposed to be.

So yay!
That is all great news Stef!!!! I am so happy for you!!! I am sorry you lost the twin though and I hope any more bleed comes and goes quickly for you.:hugs:
Stef: So glad to hear that everything is looking good. Also sorry to hear that there may have been a twin, but I'm sure you are super happy to get just one healthy baby. I'm sure you were relieved to hear that you won't be needing any more shots.

Meli: This sounds like it is going to shape up to be an interesting cycle between the biopsy and the new meds. I'd say this is a really good month just to go with the flow and not worry about temps, opks and all the rest.

Angel: OK, so we'll wait for the pic, but we really want to see your new hair and growing bump.

Jasmine: Good to see you on here. Hope you have fun at your book club. We understand that you're feeling zapped. When you feel up to it, I'm sure we'll hear more from you.

AFM: DH went to bed early so I'm watching tv and playing on the internet. I think I'm finally starting to get a few pregnancy symptoms, my nipples are really sore and all I've wanted to do since I got home was lay down. Strangely enough I'm getting a second wind and am not ready for bed. Bad tv must be energizing me.
Vegas, those are both symptoms I had, well still have. It was worse before though. I was SO exhausted all day and even more so around 7, but come 9pm I was wide awake and up until 1am.

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