June Angel Baby Mommas Hoping for Rainbows!!

Okay, here are my much anticipated pics!!! One I am letting it all hang out, one I am sucking in and the other one was just for fun. Can you believe how bloated I am!!!! These are from today at 13+2, baby is the size of a peach.



Morning girls,

Angel, wow, your hair looks AMAZING, I absolutely love it, are you happy with it, I'm getting a little chopped off mine and some layers put in on Saturday, can't wait! Loving the bump too, it's bigger than I thought but mine is also quite big for 9 weeks, ill post a piccy of myself next week with new hair and bump too! Family reacted very well to the news, so that's good, it felt good telling people!

Stef, I'm so thrilled that your scan went well, it's sad news about the twin, strange how you had a feeling from the beginning about it being twins but its a relief that the other one is doing great and you've made it passed the crucial time so far.

Vegas, I'm glad you've started getting more symptoms now, it's all down hill from here, hehe! Just kidding!

Meli, good luck with the biopsy on Wednesday, and taking a more relaxed approach this month, I think it's a great idea!

I'm off work today, had such a busy weekend just needed a day to catch up on housework and chill out! We went to the coast yesterday, did a huge walk, eat loads, it was lush, I'm trying to power through the tiredness but its hard! X
Angel: your hair and your bump look amazing.

Jasmine: sounds like you had a lovely weekend.
Thanks ladies!

Jasmine, your weekend does sound like it was lovely!
Meli, do you think, if the bleeding stops in time, you'll give BDing a go without the soy? Or just play it by ear?

vegas, yay (sort of, lol) for finally having symptoms!

Angel, loooove the hair! You look gorgeous. And great bump :)

Jasmine, can't wait to see your pic! You guys are making me want new hair, lol. I'm trying to grow mine some and it's looking raggedy!

AFM, so more on my appt. My midwife knew I'd want an ultrasound - asked me if I had peed when I got there like she would normally have me do (for the pee stick thing that measures ... pee stuff. lol). She pulled the ultrasound machine into her office, and I was soooo nervous. She found the baby right away, zoomed in, and right then I knew everything was ok. She kept commenting on how healthy the baby looked (measuring a day ahead based on LMP and 2 days ahead based on suspected o). She showed us how the sac had a nice thick lining to protect the baby, and said the baby was wiggling so much she was having a hard time measuring the HB. We noticed the other sac after, when I had asked if the bleeding could have been from a twin and she started looking around more. We're getting a huge discount on her fees, too, so that works out. When they were first opening the birthing center (last pg), they had a special for anyone paying up front - $3500, normally $5000. She was going to offer us $4250, but Blake talked her into giving us the $3500 deal. That's $3500 for all visits, blood work, plus the birth and some visits after).

Blake has a feeling now that it's a girl, so he's got his favorite girl name picked out. We had to meet at the appt because he was running late from work, and when we went back out to the car, he kissed me goodbye to head home and said, "Claire if it's a girl."

The midwife said I should expect some more bleeding, and, of course, it started Friday night. It was light, though, watery and brown, so nothing to worry about. There was a spurt (lol that just sounds gross in this reference) of it when I went to the bathroom before bed Friday night, then it was light, mostly just when I wiped, until Saturday afternoon. None since!

I actually thought to write down a Blake's Brain moment this weekend after the appt. "Looks like we have a good, healthy baby. Thick sac. We like thick sacs." Had me cracking up.

I still haven't told anyone and still want to hold out until Mother's Day. He did blab to a couple neighbors and a friend this weekend, of course! He was talking to a couple of the neighbors outside just getting to know them and told them, then last night he talked to a friend he hasn't seen in at least 15 years and told him. I hope he can hold out on family until Mother's Day so we can give them the private u/s pics!
Stef: I'm glad she warned you that there might be more bleeding. Way to go on getting the reduced rate! I'd still look into programs in Missouri that cover or assist with medical costs should you need a c-section or hospitalization for any other reason. My d&c costs had I not had insurance would have been a tad over $20k, my c-section was only a tad bit more than that including the hospital stay. Not trying to worry you, but want you to be prepared should the need arise.

Afm: my older dog, Chevy, is at the vet's this morning. He has been acting really funny. I think his back is bothering him, but afraid it could be something more. He's only eight, almost nine, so he's not super old. Anyway, I consider him my first child and I'm worried.
Vegas, thanks, I will definitely look into options.

I hope Chevy is ok!

I’m so glad to hear your appt went well and that you were able to see your baby!! :wohoo:

Sorry that your twin fears were confirmed.

I’m glad you can stop the progesterone shots. I’m sure you won’t miss those. And yay to thick sacs :thumbup:

So, not only is Blake adorable, and hilarious with his ‘blakisms’, BUT he’s also a good negotiator!

I like the name Claire. It’s beautiful, simple, classy, & timeless.

Yes, if the bleeding stops, we’ll BD, if not, we’ll just have to wait to ttc until next cycle.

How was Friday night’s show?


Yes, I agree, this month is starting out to be pretty chill so far. I think I will keep testing for o, just to keep eye on my cycle, but I’m definitely feeling more relaxed this cycle. I’m deathly afraid of getting an infection if we BD before I’m healed, so I will not push it, for sure!

YAY to finally feeling more pg symptoms! :happydance:

How was date night?

Poor Chevy. 9 years isn’t old. I hope there’s nothing wrong, and if there is, it’s something easily fixed.


Cant wait to see your pic next week!!

I’m glad your family reacted well. FX time hurries up and passes so y’all can start telling family and friends the good news.

Your weekend sounds amazing. Have a great day off (although it sounds like you’ll be pretty busy!)


Love your new hairstyle. You look so pretty! Your bump is so cute!!

Thinking of you..I know your move is coming up soon. I’m dreading it with you :nope:


My weekend was fun. Friday night we went out to dinner, Saturday morning we went out to breakfast, then came home for couple hours, then we went to lunch and to the movies (saw Oblivion, it was ok, I would rate it a 6 out of 10, wait for the rental!) then we tried out a new dessert place (Rita’s ice custard happiness), then when out for dinner again…too much eating out! We normally don’t eat out so often, but it was the weekend we had DS, and DD came to spend Saturday with us, soooooooooooo….we splurged a little.

Sunday, didn’t do much in the morning, went to car wash and then picked up lunch, didn’t start actually DOING anything until the late afternoon, when I did a couple loads of laundry and I cleaned the fridge from top to bottom (with DS help!)

Today is my 3rd day on the thyroid meds, so far, so good, no side effects! AND I may be feeling a little more energy than usual. I think the true test will be the nap on my train ride home. Will I nap really hard (as usual)? We’ll see.

I am starting to get nervous about Wednesday’s procedure (pain-wise). I’ve done research and people have different reactions to it. My dr said to take 400-600mg advil a couple hours before the procedure. Really? Oh yah? Well, in that case, I’m going to take 800mg! I’m such a rebel :haha:
Meli: a weekend without cooking sounds like the perfect weekend to me. Oblivion looked like it would be really good, but I'll keep my expectations in check. We never go to the movies anyway as we have a big screen at home (dh's splurge for the house). Hooray for more energy. Hope the procedure goes well, I'd say take the Advil before and two glasses of wine when you get home and you should feel just fine.

So it's Chevy's back that's bothering him. I OK'd them giving him a few injections and they will send him home with some meds. They said they will want to monitor him over the next few weeks. The vet is conveniently located next to my obgyn so perhaps I'll make his appointments for the same time as my own.
Meli: a weekend without cooking sounds like the perfect weekend to me. Oblivion looked like it would be really good, but I'll keep my expectations in check. We never go to the movies anyway as we have a big screen at home (dh's splurge for the house). Hooray for more energy. Hope the procedure goes well, I'd say take the Advil before and two glasses of wine when you get home and you should feel just fine.

So it's Chevy's back that's bothering him. I OK'd them giving him a few injections and they will send him home with some meds. They said they will want to monitor him over the next few weeks. The vet is conveniently located next to my obgyn so perhaps I'll make his appointments for the same time as my own.


yup, no cooking was a definite plus, BUT I'd say half the time the food was guilty pleasures, the other half we ate healthily. That's the part that got me-the guilty pleasures lol!

ooooo I will gladly follow your orders of wine when I return home from the biopsy. I hadn't thought of that. Yes ma'am!!

Oblivion is the perfect rental.

I'm glad Chevy's on the mend. Funny you knew exactly what was wrong with him. You're such a good mom :thumbup:
Meli: I only knew because a) he's had back trouble before and b) I tagged two of my vet friends on FB to ask what they thought.
Meli: I only knew because a) he's had back trouble before and b) I tagged two of my vet friends on FB to ask what they thought.

o-i-c. Here's another time that I think FB was helpful lol.
Meli, I definitely don't miss the shots, although part of me wanted to keep up with them just because I'm paranoid! It's been 7 1/2 days since the last shot and there hasn't been any problems, so I think everything is good.

Blake is DEFINITELY a good negotiator. He's pretty good at getting his way - he doesn't shut up about it until he does, lol. I've learned to combat that, but most people just give in to him. :haha:

Good luck with the procedure tomorrow! Definitely don't push it as far as BDing before bleeding is done. Last mc, we did the day I thought the bleeding was done, and it ended up coming back shortly after. I ended up getting an infection, not sure if it was from that or from bleeding for awhile, but it's still not worth the risk!

I forgot to mention the show... His friend, as expected, bailed on his. Got stuck working. So Blake was calling around seeing if there was anyone who wanted to go last minute, no luck. We ended up deciding to go alone. We got downtown where the opera house is, got there a few minutes late, spent forever searching for parking, then ended up giving up and going to rent a movie instead, lol! We saw the tickets basically just as something to do for the night, not something we were super excited to see, so we didn't feel like we were really missing anything. It worked out anyway because I started feeling icky on the drive home.

We've been eating out way too much, too. Mostly because the only foods I can stomach are things from restaurants!

vegas, how is Chevy doing?

Angel & Jasmine, how are you ladies feeling?

AFM, I called that last job I interviewed for back, didn't get it. Getting very discouraged... have ANOTHER interview tomorrow morning, Hoping having to get up early isn't going to ruin my chances - I'm soooo not a morning person, but she couldn't meet with me in the afternoon when I get out of work, so I have to go in for 7:30 to meet her. I'm really over this job search thing. I'm going to be showing before I end up finding something at this rate.

Bringing Capone to the vet today, one of his eyes is oozing pretty bad. He's acting normal otherwise, but it's been going on since Saturday / Sunday.

Had another Blake thing I remembered to write down, lol. Months ago we saw a clip of a kid with a runny nose saying, "I have boogers," all cute like and since then we both say that whenever our noses are running, lol. So he tells me this last night, and I said, "So do I," and his response was "Women aren't supposed to say that kind of stuff. Women are sugar and spice and everything nice, men are boogers and ass and everything crass." :haha:

I think wanting to share the things that crack me up with you guys is what reminds me to write them down!

Oh yeah, we watched This Is 40 this weekend and part of it had us literally crying we were laughing so hard. The husband is pretty much a 40 year old version of Blake, no joke. He said, "I think someone followed me around for awhile to create this character."
Vegas, sorry about Chevy but glad he seems to be doing better.

Melissa, I will have to look that movie up. I never know about movies. Seems like my tv never leaves pbs, nick jr and disney jr.:wacko: All that eating out sounds lush(I have taken that from all my lovely English/Brit forum friends!)!! Eating out is my favorite thing to do! I am sure tomorrow's procedure will be textbook! I would take 800 too though, just in case!:haha:

Jasmine, how was that lovely weekend? We need that pic! You too Steph!

Steph, Blake is so cute! I hope Capone is okay and that some meds will fix him right up. I am sorry about that job. I hope tomorrow's is the one!

AFM, I am doing alright pregnancy wise. My back has been really hurting. It seems ridiculous that it hurts this bad so early on. I am hoping once it gets warmer I can start taking daily walks and stuff. I also want to take prenatal yoga. It starts on May 5th so I think I will sign up. So anyhow, I am hoping that all the extra activity will help alleviate the back pain.
We are almost done packing aside from the bathrooms, kitchen, garage and toys. Jeff is almost done patching and repainting all the holes from pictures and stuff. I am not looking forward to the move though. I have just found out that my dad can't help though so that only leaves Jeff to lift heavy stuff. He has a friend that says he will help, but I am not sure how reliable he is. He is also supposed to see if said friend has another friend that can help if we pay him.
On a positive note though, I have booked our beach vacation!!! We are staying in a condo in Gulf Shores, AL. I am so excited!!!!

My dh is a great negotiator also. Sometimes I think his ego gets involved, so it stresses me out sometimes, but what can I say. For the most part, it works out well.

Sounds like Friday night worked out for the best. At least the tickets were free.

Awww, sorry to hear about the last interview results :hugs: Ya know, there has to be a reason for that. It must not have been a good fit for you. You have to think that. I’m sure the perfect job will come along at the right time. I hope that if tomorrow’s interview is the right fit for you, it will work out.

Yah, I already warned dh that I will be out of commission starting tmo night, for who knows how long. Get it while you can :haha:

Sorry that Capone isn’t doing well. What a coinky dink that both Capone and Chevy aren’t 100%.

Lol at blake’s boogers~!


sorry that your back is hurting so soon in the game :hugs: I don't do yoga, but I hear it's great, so hopefully pregnancy yoga will help you lots!

I hope you guys can find others to help, even if you have to pay them. Poor Jeff!

YAY to the beach vacation! It will be lush (as Jasmine would say -I think?)! You're going to look so cute in your swimsuit with your bump!


One of the movies I rented this weekend was This is 40. The dvr didn’t recognize there was a disc in there. It said “no disc”. Dh cleaned it again, saw there were no scratches on it to cause the error. I finally returned it and called redbox to complain. Turns out it was a blue ray (we have a dvd player). OOOPS. My bad. I still haven't shared that part with dh :haha:

Tonight will be lots of fun (not!). We have to go to a Marching Band orientation night at the high school for DS. He will be starting high school in August and we’ve convinced him to try out for Marching Band. I’m still working on convincing him to also do Track. He’s got the body for it (tall, thin and lanky). You don’t really need coordination to run, just endurance. Both of us have NO COORDINATION. It’s like he really is my spawn lol! How I ever got accepted onto drill team and cheerleading, I will never know. Fact.

Do any of you watch “Rules of Engagement”? It’s a hilariously funny show. The main character, Jeff, is totally my dh. And my dh says that the female character (Audrey) is totally me. I’m prob dating myself because I suspect this show is watched more by the over 40 crowd lol!
Stef. Well you didn't get the job, but you've got another interview set up do there is still hope. Sorry Capone isn't well. Hope his eye gets better soon.

Angel: I agree with Meli; try yoga. I bought a pregnancy yoga DVD (shiva ray) from Target and used it throughout my pregnancy with Charlotte. They modify for each trimester which is nice. The beach vacay sounds wonderful. We are trying to plan one of our own as we haven't been to the beach in forever. Hope Jeff finds someone to help you move.

Meli: we used to watch Rules of Engagement so I know what you are talking about. I ran track so I highly recommend it for your ds. I was not good enough to be a cheerleader (girls from my school cheered for the all-boys school). Anyway as Angel may recall, Memphis is super competitive wrt cheering and the boy's school produced national champs almost every year. Band would also be good. What instrument does he play?

Afm: starting to feel a tinge of nausea and foods are starting to taste funny to me. As of this morning Chevy was not doing well at all. You could look at him and see how much pain he is in. He kept tensing up and yelping this morning before i gave him his meds. Last night they had to give him a shot of morphine as he was crying out in pain. I have meds to give him over the next two weeks and then we go back to see if it's helped. Of course they said I should bring him in if he's still experiencing the kind of pain they witnessed yesterday. If this doesn't work they will suggest x-rays, an MRI and most likely surgery, but I cannot afford to spend $5000+ to treat him nor will I let him suffer. I just pray the meds help and he'll be the happy dog I'm used to.

I only ran track in elementary and middle school, so I don’t know why I think I’m the authority on track :haha: As for not being good enough to be a cheerleader, neither was I. Trust me! I can explain why I made the team in elementary school, and was captain when I was in 6th grade (even though the team included 7th and 8th graders!). I chalk that up to the fact that my parents were big school boosters, were very involved in the fundraising, were visible at all events, etc. I totally know that’s how it happened, I’m sure the powers that be wanted to keep my parents happy.

As far as high school, now I was a smaller fish in a big pond, as opposed to elementary school. I only cheered for 2 years because I was also on swim team, and it was just too much with the studying and school workload, and practice, and games, etc etc. I gave up cheer starting junior year.

I hope I can talk DS into track. I kow that if we train with him, he will do it. We go for walks at least 5x/week. When we get back, he likes me to spot him while he does pushups and situps. I’ve got his number. If he doesn’t have an audience, he’s not enthused. So, my plan is to slowly (and I mean slowly!) start jogging, instead of walking with him, and see if he gets the confidence. Do you think it’s too late for him, at this age? Oh and he plays the clarinet. Not a sexy or cool instrument, but oh well. I guess it’s better than drums and him having to practice at home lol!

I’m so sorry Chevy is suffering. Poor thing :hugs: I will add him to my prayers that the meds start working!!
Meli: it's never too late! I was a sprinter in high school, but I had never run before then. Now I run distance for exercise and I had to totally retrain myself as I was used to short bursts of energy. My dh ran too and was tall and skinny, for that body type I'd recommend hurdles, middle distance (800m) or ling distance including considering cross country. As for field events, maybe the high jump or long jump. Just my two cents! Btw, track meets are super long and boring. My parents only watched me run when I made it to the state meet my senior year. But, I ran for me, not them, so it was fine.

Thanks for the details and encouragement! I will definitely keep encouraging him.

Yup, i totally remember the track meets; my mom feeding us bananas with peanut butter and being bored out of my mind when it wasn't my turn. Thank goodness nowadays there are plenty of pillows and seats sold to make those stupid bleachers comfy. First world probs, huh?

OH, and congrats for making it to state!!!
Meli: your mom sounds awesome. The only reason I made it to state is because I was part of a relay team where we had one girl who was super fast. Sadly, she ended up getting expelled from school a year or so later because she got caught shoplifting and with Catholic schools just because you did something bad during your free time didn't mean you weren't subject to punishment.

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