June Angel Baby Mommas Hoping for Rainbows!!

Angel: a Girl! How exciting! I have a feeling that the test is accurate, surely they would have seen the y chromosome. Of course you'll know for sure soon enough.

Jasmine: let me know what you think of Oz. You are lucky you are just now experiencing nausea, hopefully it won't last long.

Afm: my nausea comes and goes. This morning I was thisclose to actually throwing up. I'm really hoping this doesn't turn into actual ms as I've never had it before. My second scan is at 2:40 this afternoon. I'll update you all after. Hoping it's all good news.
Jasmine, sorry about the nausea. Have fun at the movies!! Yes, I can order that outfit! After I told Jeff yesterday, he said "so my wallet is really going to hurt huh?" and I said "I am sure it will, and while we are talking about your wallet, it is $20 lighter. Lady and the Tramp is going back in the vault so I had to buy it!" He just laughed and said "okay".

Vegas, sorry about your nausea too! Good luck today, I am sure it will be perfect!

AFM, I had an awful dream this morning! We all went to Walmart, but for some crazy reason, we left Carter in the car. So Jeff and I were inside and and everything kept stalling us. The lines were long, then the customers were taking forever. Then when we got out, somehow we were in another car, while Carter was still in our car. People kept walking in our way as we were trying to get to Carter, then Jeff was acting like he couldn't remember where we parked so he kept going down the wrong aisles. We finally were about the pass the aisle I knew we parked in and I jumped out of the car and ran over to the car. There were a ton of people around our car, and some were saying things like "its okay" or "just breathe". I got there and finally got him out. He was crying hysterically and was so panicked. It was so awful, I feel panicked again myself just thinking of it. It was awful!!!!!!
We are almost done packing, when I say we, I mean me. The toys, tvs, our bathroom and about 1/4 of the kitchen still left to pack. I am starting to feel really sad about leaving. This is the only house Carter has known and I feel like we are taking something from him. Maybe its the source of the dream.:shrug:
I am really excited about the prospect of a girl, but I am so scared to get excited and then be disappointing. If we find out it is a boy, I don't want to feel like that, because I will be happy either way. I did go on a pinning spree yesterday though!
Angel: sorry about the crazy dream, bit I'm sure it is related to the stress of the move. Just think, it will all be behind you soon.

Afm: had my second scan. Saw a hb of 127 which should speed up soon enough. Baby is measuring at 6+4 as opposed to my date of 6+5, but I guess that's close enough. I see my actual doctor on Tuesday. Preparing myself for her lecture, but hoping she'll take it easy on me. For now I'm just going to enjoy my weekend.
Hey guys,

Oz was great, have you seen it Vegas? Or anyone, we loved it! So does the fact you've seen the hb rule out molar now, forgive me if that's a dumb question!

Angel, sorry about the scary dream I hate it when they're so vivid like that! Unless its a sex dream with a hot guy, ummmm I meant OH of course! X
Jasmine: no, it doesn't rule it out as I saw the hb with the mc. The 10 or 12 week scan will rule it out.
Vegas, I am glad the scan went well. Was baby on right or left? And was it transvaginal?

Jasmine, I have not seen that movie. I am completely out of the movie loop!
Angel: the left. All three of my pregnancies I've had early transvaginal ultrasounds with baby always on the left. I'm thinking another girl. What do you think?
Well mine was on the right, which would say boy. The chinese gender things say girl, the mayan predictor says girl and the genetic test says girl, so I have no idea!! What are you craving?
Angel: the Chinese prediction says boy. I'm not really craving anything ATM. With Charlotte I couldn't even look at red meat, but so far I'm fine with it. Last week, before the nausea started I was craving runny eggs. I ate them even though they are considered a no-no. Now, eggs seem a bit gross. So who knows. GL with the move!

Meli: where are you? How are you feeling?
Angel, Yayyyyyy for girl! Hope the test is right! I would definitely do the private scan now, I'm completely impatient and would want to know ASAP!

vegas, glad the scan went well! If you don't mind me asking, how do they tell a pg is molar? No need to answer if it's too upsetting! :hugs:

Meli, glad the procedure went well! How are you feeling now?

Jasmine, would be awesome if we all lived near each other! I haven't seen Oz yet, I really want to! We'll probably just wait until it's out to rent, though.

I've been wanting to get on here and catch up with everyone for days now! Didn't have time on Thursday - actually had work to do at work, then my boss and his wife took me and the other two ladies out to lunch, that was nice! Yesterday I spent the whole day at a conference. Boring, but free lunch!

Capone is doing much better. His eye is a bit watery still, but the oozing has slowed down A LOT.

Still no more bleeding! I did start getting paranoid and worried again the other day, though. I started cramping. It's probably my uterus stretching, but after the bleeds and stopping the progesterone... I'm just such a worrier! I texted my mw about it and she said it probably IS just stretching, but if I wanted to go back on progesterone, it would be fine. I thought about it alllll day then decided I'm just being paranoid.

I tried that Chinese prediction thing this time (last time it said boy and that's the VERY strong gut feeling we both had), but it's 50/50 since I either o'd on Feb 28th or March 1st, one says boy, one says girl. I do feel I o'd on March 1st, as that's when I had the twinges, so based on that, it says girl. I'm having a hard time with cravings predicting anything because before the original bleed I was craving pasta and veggies, sweets grossed me out. Since then, though, it's greasy hamburgers and fries and foods with chocolate chips and cinnamon.

Soooo... I got rid of my paranoia (at least temporarily) this morning. I tried the doppler last weekend and couldn't find anything after searching for about an hour. I tried again this morning and decided to search a little higher than I expected to be able to find anything... and found the hb! Only took me about a minute to find it. How exciting! I recorded it, if I can figure out a way to get it on here, I'll post it for you guys :) It absolutely made my day!
Stef: how exciting that you heard the hb! Which Doppler do you have? I don't know what to make of your cravings. Wrt the molar thing, what happens is when the placenta starts to form instead of just having a placenta it starts sending out molar tissue which presents itself in the form of cysts (these cysts send your hCG sky high and can spread to the lungs and other organs causing a mild but aggressive form of cancer). The ultrasound of a person with a full molar looks like their uterus is filled with a cluster of grapes. For a partial-molar you would still see some cysts. A partial molar means 69 chromosomes, 1 egg fertilized by 2 eggs. In a full molar no baby ever forms because an egg with no genetic information is fertilized by two sperm. Since we have now seen a hb that rules out the full molar, but we have to wait for the 10 week scan to see what the placenta is doing and if the baby is growing correctly. 69 chromosomes is not compatible with life, so the fetus is slow growing and typically won't make it past the first tri. This is probably more than you ever wanted to know :)
Vegas, I have an AngelSounds that I bought last November, got it for $30 on Amazon.

Thanks for all the info! I was really curious about it all, just never looked it up. Never can have too much information :) (well, maybe that's not true, lol)

So I decided to pull out the doppler again when Blake got home from work to find the hb again rather than playing him the recorded one. I tried for about 30 seconds before he took it over, lol. Took us a little longer, but he was able to find it. Then he started telling me all his plans for the nursery :)

I found a place to upload the file, here's the link, you can hear my heartbeat toward the end - https://vocaroo.com/i/s1SanQ4mciTq
Hello lovely ladies!

Stef, awww I just listened to your baby's heartbeat, how amazing is that! I also have the angel sounds doppler, I pulled it out today inspired by you and spent about 30 minutes this afternoon and the same later early evening and I can't here a thing! I'm getting worried as it's just like last time but I'm trying to chill out about it, have put it away and I'm not gonna try until next Sunday now! Where exactly did you place your doppler though? I have my 12 week scan booked for 15th May so not long until I know all is okay hopefully! My nausea has started now too though so I guess that's a promising sign, like you I'm off foods in the evening and even thinking of certain foods like egg or pasta make me wanna vom!

Angel, that's funny about poor Jeff's wallet, at least you were honest, I have been so naughty this month treating myself for the wedding, poor OH would have a fit if he knew how much some of the things cost! I feel guilty but i never treat myself to clothes, hair and make up and it's important to me to look good as we're seeing a lot of friends and some we haven't seen for years! Oooh, don't temp me with Disney movies now! Oz was great, Eva loved it too, some bits were a bit scary but strangely enough she actually likes getting a little scared! She's constantly asking me and oH to scare her by being witches or monsters, I've perfected a mean cackle now!

Vegas, okay I have my fingers crossed that this isn't another partial molar pregnancy then, I found the information really interesting and it's something you know NOTHING about unless you experience it or know someone who has! When will you tell Charlotte about the pregnancy, soon after the all clear or a while?

Meli, Oh I don't like a quiet Meli! Is everything alright chick? Hope your recovery isn't too horrible and that's it's just your chilled out month! Just wanted to say thinking of you though x

Sweetmomma, do you know the gender now then? Is it a boy your having and are you well?

x x x
Just wanted to let you all know that I probably will not post a good reply until tomorrow. We are moved in, and I would say I am almost half way done unpacking. I am exhausted and my back is killing me and we just now got hot water, so I haven't even been able to shower since 7am yesterday. Can't wait to take one tonight!!!!!
Angel: Ohhh, you really can hear the hb quite clearly. How often will you use it?

Jasmine: I wouldn't worry too much about not being able to find the hb, it can be pretty tricky with a home doppler. I'm afraid since my tummy isn't what it used to be that the extra padding would hinder me hearing anything for a while. Not sure if I will buy one or not, though I like the idea of being able to listen whenever I like. Also, I never let spending dh's money bother me.

Angel: So glad to hear you are all moved in, hope the rest if the unpacking goes quickly for you. Good to hear you can finally take a hot shower, I'm sure it will feel wonderful.

I'm super tired today and my back hurts. I'm trying to force myself to eat healthy foods, but all I really want are carbs, though at times nothing is appealing. DH booked us a beach vacation for two weeks from now. It's just a two hour drive away and we are only going for three nights, but it should be nice. We've rented a house on the beach and we are even allowed to bring the dogs. Chevy is feeling better so I hope he and Rufus will enjoy their first trip to the ocean. Charlotte is already excited as I bought her some new beach toys today.
Jasmine: I'm not sure when I plan on telling Charlotte. Perhaps somewhere around week 20. Have you already told Eva? What does she think?
Angel, that's fab news that you're in, I remember how exhausting it was for me and I wasn't pg at the time and we had hot water! Hope you managed to get a good night sleep and a decent shower! It's all done now at least, the moving part anyway!

Vegas, thanks, I think that's what it could be, I deffo still have a bit of a mum tum, so maybe the extra padding is making it harder, I will try again next week! I have told Eva, she is excited but she doesn't quite understand, she thinks she has a baby in her belly too and she calls my baby, baby Jim! It used to be Leeroy with the angel, who knows where she finds these names! She calls her baby Rosie though! She's very excited though! Your beach vacation sounds amazing, where abouts is it? I'd like to be nosey and google!

x x x
Jasmine: that is so cute about Eva naming your baby and hers. I can't remember the exact name of the beach town, but it is just north of Jupiter, Florida.
Jasmine, aww Eva is too cute! Don't worry about not finding the hb with the doppler, it's still pretty early days for those, I was surprised I found it already! I know a lot of women don't find it with them until a lot later, so no worries! The first time I found it about halfway between my belly button and hairline, second time was a little lower. I don't know if it helped at all, but I laid flat with my butt propped up a bit on a blanket and angled the doppler slightly downward instead of completely flat.

Angel, yay for being moved in! Can you come unpack for me? We STILL have stuff to unpack! By the time I get home every day I'm feeling to exhausted and miserable to do anything!

vegas, I want to use it every day, multiple times, lol. I'm going to try not to use it more than a couple times a week, though. Don't want to become obsessed! If the healthy foods make you nauseous, stick with the carbs you want. Better to get something in you than end up throwing up because you ate something that made you feel sick!

Meli, how are you doing?

AFM, nothing new here. With the extra hour at work I have to deal with extra traffic on the way home, so now my daily driving is about 2 1/2 hours. It's really pathetic considering what I make... Let's just put it this way - if Blake works some overtime, he can make more in a week than I make in a month. I don't hate my job - it's boring, yeah, but my co-workers are really nice. Just this drive for the money... stressing me out. I have to get up earlier than necessary, get home later than necessary, feel like I have no time to get anything done around the house or have any time to rest. I'm happy I have a job, but all of it is just getting to me so bad! *done ranting*
Hi ladies.

Sorry been mia for a while. Work has been crazy busy (how dare they!) and it’s hard for me to get some privacy to log in while at home. I haven’t even had the opportunity to lurk, so I haven’t read anything since last week. Missed you guys!! :flower:

I think that I finally stopped spotting from last week’s biopsy, which, let me tell ya, was horribly painful. I took 800mg advil 2 hours before the procedure, AND another 800mg after. I have another appt to discuss the results on May 6.

My weekend was busy but great. I will read and try to catch up tonight or tomorrow at the latest.

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