June Angel Baby Mommas Hoping for Rainbows!!


Just like dh said, don’t take this the wrong way, BUT I am SO GLAD you are feeling MS symptoms. YAY!!! :thumbup:

Having a girl would surely simplify things, wouldn’t it, clothes wise at least? But whatever is meant to be, will be.

YAY to seeing the hearbeat! :thumbup::thumbup: Whoo hooo!!! That stinks that you’re having to prepare yourself for the lecture you’re expecting at tomorrow’s dr appt. It would make me feel like I’m back in my high school days! :growlmad:

GL at tomorrow’s appt! And just tune her out for the dreaded lecture. Don’t let it get to you!

Sorry your back hurts! Stef makes a good point, and I agree with her. Better to eat the carbs than throwing up food that you don’t want to/don’t crave eating.

Your upcoming vacay sounds awesome. 2 hours drive is nothing, and 3 days away is enough time to decompress, relax, and enjoy. You and Angel should post pics of the lil ones playing in the sand (and of your bumps, if you feel up to it!)

Glad to hear that Chevy is feeling better!


Sorry to hear that you’re feeling tired all the time. BUT I can’t wait to see a pic of your new haircut! How exciting--you’re going for a really exciting change! How brave of you!!!

LUV LUV the pix you posted of the stuff you just bought online. I love to wear maxi dresses, I have them in many colors. I’m like vegas (and I think Stef posted the same thing?). I’m not daring enough to wear that head decoration and hip stuff like that. I love how stuff like that looks on other people, but I would hate how it looks on me. I agree with Angel-I don’t have the confidence to pull stuff like that off. I feel like I look silly, so I would feel silly. Sometimes I feel like my mom dresses nicer than me, actually, she really does! She’s hip and wears cute stuff all the time, stuff that’s in style. Her manicure and pedicure are impeccable always! I chalk it up to the fact that she’s retired so she has time to keep herself up (however, she does help my brother and sis in law with the kids during the week..oh well, there went my excuse)!

I’m glad your family enjoyed the Oz movie. We’ll rent it when it comes out.

That’s so cute about Eva and her propensity for liking to be scared and you perfecting a mean cackle! adorable!

I know what you mean about feeling guilty when u treat yourself, (cuz I feel the same way) but you shouldn’t! You deserve it!

You’re funny about ‘not liking a quiet Meli’. Y’all are so sweet. Like Angel, I do wish we lived way closer to each other so we could get together in person and hang out! :hugs:


Thanks for saying that me admitting to loving Rules of Engagement doesn’t date me.

FX that you get a call back with great news about last week’s interview.

How scary that your bleeding came back, but like you said, brown is old blood, and your mw did say you’d prob still have some bleed, right?
2 more weeks for your private scan….HOW EXCITING!! I cant wait for you to surprise your mom and mil with the pics!!!

I’m glad Capone is on the mend.

omg I heard your baby heartbeat!! How awesome is that!!!!!!very very cool! :happydance:

Sorry for all your extra stress dealing with your drive to work. I would suggest that maybe you stop working and Blake work OT, but I think stats prove that it’s harder to find a new job, when you’re unemployed. Maybe you could work 3 days/week instead of 5? Just a thought…


YAYYYYYYYY to your baby girl :happydance::thumbup: !!!! I totally think you could trust the genetic testing. It doesn’t get any clearer than that, right?

Wow..i can’t believe that you are so close to 16/17 week mark. Time is flying!!

Sorry about your dream. I agree with Jasmine (I think she said the dream was prob due to stress from your move? Sorry if I’m wrong!)

That’s awesome that you guys are all moved in already, and almost halfway done unpacking?? You rock!! Wow, that is truly impressive! Good for you. I hope you enjoyed your hot shower!
Hi ladies,

As I said, so sorry it took me forever to check in. I will NEVER be off for so long again lol!

Last week was crazy busy. I had the procedure on Weds, came home and slept with the help of wine (thanks again for the suggestion, vegas lol!). Then we had another meeting for DS and his high school band stuff (and another meeting tomorrow afternoon!)

I don’t know if I mentioned this before, but in addition to my full time job and DH’s full time job, we also own a store in a city about 90 min away. We have employees that work for us, and usually we go down to check in and stuff about once a month, usually on a Saturday. Well, we went this weekend and we were literally there ALL day, instead of a few hours. One of the employees will be going back to school soon so we had a bunch of interviews scheduled. It's so hard to pick, but I think I have my fav from our last round of interviews last month...

Oooh one fun thing we did was, we went to Sams Club Friday night to buy some supplies for the store. When we got there, DH mentions he wants me to look at their watches to help him pick one for his daughter’s birthday (which isn’t until Sep!). That raised my suspicions, but ok. Then the salesclerk starts talking to us, complimenting my ring, wants to see it, then she says “oh, you’re a size 7 finger, right?” then she says, “here, try on this one, just for kicks. Let’s see how it looks” yadda yadda. Well, after trying on about 15 rings, DH finally asks “ok, which are your fav?” SOOOO I guess that means that maybe I will be getting a new bridal ring set for my birthday in Aug (maybe?) or Xmas? Who knows!! Yayyyyyyyyyyy!!

And I finally bought my new phone. Just as I feared/suspected…$300 ouch!! DS picked it out for me because I have no clue and no patience for that stuff.. I did the math and it comes out to $12/month when you do the math ($300/24 mos, or the 2 years of the contract). That made me feel a little less guilty lol! Still stung, but I feel a little less guilty…
Meli: You're back :happydance::happydance::happydance:!!! I was about to send out a search team. So sorry that your procedure was painful (jerks should have given you something stronger than Advil). Should be interesting to see the results. How are the new prescriptions treating you? What did you decide about the soy this month? Very exciting about the possibility of jewelry in your future. I'm thinking it might come sooner than August. It appears you really do know quite a bit about resumes and hiring if you own a store and are in charge (with your dh of course) of hiring. I've only ever had to help with hiring one person and it is hard as most of the people you interview seem so nice and so in need of the work (especially these days). I hope you find the perfect fit.

Stef: That is a lot of driving, but from everything you've said they seem like good people to work for. Don't worry about not getting stuff done around the house, it can all wait for the weekend (or Blake).

AFM: OMG I am so bloated today! I even worked out, but it didn't help. Charlotte had her first swim lesson this afternoon. She started out great and then they dipped her head under water and she went ballistic. She kept crying for me and telling the instructor that she was done and was going home. It was hilarious. Hoping that she will get used to the concept in the next few weeks. I'd much rather have a bunch of tears now than a child who could drown.
Meli, yay, you're back!!! I'm glad you're doing ok after the procedure - sorry that it hurt like it did! They really should have prescribed you something.

Yep, mw did say I'd have more bleeding. I actually had less than I expected to, but I'm not complaining about that!

I went to use the doppler again today to find out the battery was dead. Blake left it turned on the other day, oops! Don't have a replacement battery in the house, boooooo.

I couldn't stop working there, I've thought about it. Blake already puts in a good amount of OT, so putting in enough more to cover my paycheck would be just too much! Unfortunately, we really can't afford a cut in my hours right now :wacko: Which is why I'm hoping I find something sooooon. I applied to another work from home thing today, that would be great. Wouldn't have to worry about time off when the baby comes. Any chance your store needs someone work from home ;) Hehe j/k! I also asked my mw if she has anything open at the birthing center, lol. She doesn't think so, but she's going to talk with her business partner to see if they can come up with something.

Ooh new, jewelery, nice!

vegas, everyone I work with is really nice... as for running a business, ehh. Not the most reliable. Blah to bloating! And lol to Charlotte's reaction in the water! I'm sure she'll get over it quickly!

I saw this article on a local news website. Found it really interesting so I wanted to share - Fetal surgery performed at St. Louis Fetal Care Institute

Ohhh I meant to tell you yesterday that your explanation about molar pregnancy was very informative and easy to understand. It sucks that your circumstances forced you to be well versed in it, but thanks for sharing the info.

I agree that I should have been given stronger stuff for the biopsy. It literally felt like she was digging inside and ripping out chunks of me--and she had to do it twice--she had 2 specimen bottles!! I was almost in tears (but I didn’t cry-y’all would have been proud of me lol). I had to do LOTS of deep breathing to get through it. never again! during the consult, when discussing the spotting, she mentioned “maybe I was low on progesterone?” YA THINK?? That’s what I’ve been saying all along!!! The she mentioned that a lap prob wouldn’t do much for me since I just recently got pg, so there’s obvs nothing wrong with the tubes (so she says). She finally said that since I’m coming up on 6 mos after the mc and not pg yet, and I “don’t have much time left” (those were her words!), sounds like she will refer me to a fertility specialist at my next appt. I SHOULD HOPE SO! FX.

It would be nice if my new jewelry makes an appearance before my bday (4 mos is a long time to wait! It’s torture!) but we’ll see. I’ll try not to think about it too much!

Yes, it is so hard to decide who to hire out of a pool of applicants, especially when there are so many of them. It’s nerve wracking because like you said, we need the perfect fit or else we have headaches awaiting us! Hiring decisions are a collaborative process between DH and myself. I deal more with the day to day employee/HR issues, place inventory orders twice a week, speak with vendors, etc. He does more the back end stuff (accounting, negotiations with vendor pricing, reports, basically the business end of it). Well, he had misgivings about our last hire (not just from his instinct, but also because she was the sister of one of our existing employees). I didn’t have misgivings about her, and wanted to hire her more than he did. Well, that was a mistake. I’m such a pushover and kept giving her SO MANY chances! Towards the end she was late almost everyday, and she was the one that opened the store. It was so annoying. She finally quit. Turns out she was waiting/wanting for me to fire her so that she could claim unemployment (her sister/our employee spilled the beans weeks later). Glad I didn’t fire her!

After that fiasco, I defer to him for final hiring decision. I give my input and suggestion but I’ve learned that he does have such a good gut instinct about people, he knows how to read them very well. I don’t know if I’m just naïve, or if it’s because I give people the benefit of the doubt (even those who maybe don’t deserve it?) I guess we’re on opposite ends of the spectrum-he’s mistrustful, and I’m too trusting.

Poor poor Charlotte at her first swim lesson (although I was lol at your description of her saying she was DONE and was going home!). My older brother and I never had swim lessons until we were older than her age, but I remember when I was 6 (before I had official swim lessons), we moved into a house with a pool. The first day it was time to get in the pool, I spent all morning begging, pleading, bargaining and negotiating with my dad because I wanted to swim, but when it came time to actually get in, I was afraid. I remember he finally put me in the water and I got over the fear eventually. When my little brother was born, my mom actually took him to the ymca for swim lessons when he was 6 mos. At that age, the parent actually gets in the water with them. We all ended up literally becoming fishes and good swimmers. Swim lessons as an infant is actually one of the things on my list of ‘to do’ items. Here are a few: 1. I want my baby to have swim lessons starting as an infant / 6 mos, so that they never develop a fear of water. 2. I want to speak to my baby in both English and Spanish so that they learn, and never forget Spanish, and 3. I want to teach my baby sign language. Please don’t laugh at me lol! That’s my list, and I’m sticking to it (for now!) we’ll see if I actually follow it lol!

I bet Charlotte gets over her fear as the lessons progress. I say this is a situation that calls for bribery! Whether it’s to bribe her into actually going, or to keeping her head in the water for a count, etc…


Did you buy a new battery for your doppler? Maybe 2 or 3 extra?

Awww, I wish we had a need for an employee that can wfh…if we did, I’d hire you :flower:! Unfortunately, our employees need to be there every day. I feel like I wfh for the store, we have 13 cameras and watching them, sometimes feels like a job in and of itself. My dad helps us out with the monitoring though. It’s too much of a job for dh or myself to do, considering we already have jobs.

FX your mw can use your help at the birthing center. That would be awesome. And maybe they'd kick in an additional discount for you!

Hey, that was an interesting article on the fetal surgery that you linked to. Amazing!! Thanks for sharing.


I didn’t end up taking the soy this cycle, and I’m glad I didn’t. I think I missed the egg :dohh:. I only started temping on Sunday, but didn’t actually plug the numbers into ff until this morning. Today is CD13, and it looks like I o’d yesterday, and we weren’t able to BD until this morning. (I wanted to wait for at least 1 full day of no spotting, which turns out to have been yesterday). So I gave myself the all clear this morning, but I think we were too late. Ooops! Oh well. I guess I really did take it easy this cycle lol! This morning was the first day I poas this cycle! BUT I’ll keep using opks and temping for the next couple of days just to make sure that I already o’d. I guess it really wasn’t meant to be this month!

I’ve been taking the thryroid rx for about 9 days now, and I think it has more positives than negatives. I have markedly more energy, both in the morning but especially in the afternoon and evening, so that’s a plus. I can tell because before, on the train ride home, I was asleep before we got to the first stop, and when we got to my stop, I would be in such a deep sleep that I would wake up when it was time to get off the train and I’d stumble around like if I was drunk, KWIM? Now, it takes me a while to fall asleep, and I don’t sleep so ‘deep’ if that makes any sense at all. I’ve also been sleeping better throughout the night (although I suspect that’s due to the fact that I just started temping a couple days ago lol!)

The only negative is that I’ve been having slight headaches in the afternoon, not horrific, not even bad enough for me to take anything for it, but just enough for me to notice. It's tolerable.

Did I tell you guys I decided I will no longer use the progesterone cream? It gave me such a rash, and for dayssssssss afterward. Not worth it. My skin is so sensitive. Hoping my dr will give me progesterone pills next time I see her, but even if she doesn’t, still not going to use the cream.:growlmad:
Meli: I'm glad the doctor you spoke with thinks it might be time to talk to a RE. I'm not convinced that you need the RE, but I think having a new set of eyes looking at your situation will be a big benefit. I do think that progesterone pills might be in order due to your spotting and I've heard that progesterone cream just doesn't do the job like the pills will do. I can't wait until you have a baby so you can see how much of your to-do list you get to do. Personally, I just try to make it through each day. They offer Spanish at Charlotte's daycare, but I'm waiting for her to master the English language a bit more before she learns Spanish. Being in Florida it will come in handy. I was stupid and took French in high school. That got me nowhere.

AFM: Went to the doctor today. Brought dh along (as I've been doing at every appointment thus far). She did congratulate me and then wanted to know if it was on purpose. I told her no and she started to give me a mini-lecture and then stopped herself. All-in-all it was a good appointment. She is referring me to a high-risk practice to do the next ultrasound and perhaps some additional appointments. I'm happy that she is doing this as I know she is not an expert on molar pregnancies and I want someone who really knows what they are looking for to take a look. I should be going in about two weeks, but I have to wait for them to call me.
Meli, eek! Your description of what you felt during the procedure... I would have punched someone! I don't think I like your dr very much!

I haven't bought a new battery yet, plan to today though. Walgreens has a 2 pack on sale so I'll have a back up. I was going to get them yesterday but wouldn't have had much time to use it anyway, so I decided to wait until today.

Glad the thyroid med is helping out! Sorry about the rash from the cream, that would probably happen to me, too. Super sensitive skin. I actually have a rash right now, think it's from the new dryer sheets!

vegas, I think I've heard that teaching a child another language while they're learning to master English can be beneficial. I don't remember why, just remember hearing that.

I'm glad your dr didn't go nuts on you! You worried for nothing ;)

AFM, Blake got free tickets from work to a Cardinals game for last night, so we went to that. It was fun. Got to bed late because of it, though, so I'm soooo tired today!

10 days until private scan!
Stef: I love the Cardinals, glad you got to go. Are you doing anything for your rash? It would drive me crazy (I'm a scratcher).

Afm: so this is going to sound super sappy, but I still thought I'd share. On the way to work this morning I was thinking about everything and I said aloud to the baby (which I've never spoken aloud to it as I'm still trying to distance myself) "please live". Really, what more is there to say. No sooner than the words left my mouth that "Somewhere Over the Rainbow" started playing on the radio. I'm taking it as a sign and I sure hope this is truly my rainbow.

You make a good point. A new set of eyes (with a more specialized skill set) will hopefully be a huge benefit. I’ve also heard the same about the pg cream not being as helpful as the pills.

Yah, I know that my baby to do list is rather ambitious, but I will at least try it. Will I continue or be consistent? Idk lol! My mom swears that my brothers and myself spoke majority Spanish when we started kindergarten. This was her intention, her and my father spoke to us in English, and our nanny spoke to us in Spanish. So we were bilingual when we started school. Out of the 3 of us, I retained the most of it. I can still read and write in Spanish. People who don’t know Spanish, think that I speak perfectly when they hear me speak it. But, people who KNOW how to speak proper Spanish, probably snicker to themselves. In high school, I actually took Honors/AP Spanish throughout all 4 years and fulfilled my college foreign language requirement. The only other option was French, and I was too lazy to learn a new language. Figured I may as well work on one that I already know, and in CA, it’s just as useful as in Florida, so it worked out well. Dh took French in hs and college, but he speaks perfect Spanish because his parents are not really bilingual, so he always communicates to them in Spanish, even to this day. I have to say it’s cool to hear him talk in French, when he does so, at my prodding :haha:

I’m so glad that your doctor didn’t really give you a harsh lecture and actually congratulated you! Even better is the news that you will be cared for by a high risk practice. :thumbup::thumbup: That’s awesome! Not that you’ll need it, but it can only help, and not hurt, to have extra special care.

Awww I loved reading what happened to you this morning with the radio. You don’t seem to be a sappy person (at least, that's what it seems to me, I could be wrong), so this really means something. I agree with you--this was your sign that this IS your rainbow! :flower:


I’m glad you had fun at the Cardinals game (and even better, that the tix were free. YAY!) sorry you're paying for it today :hugs:

10 days until the private scan….omg! It will be here before you know it, but I know these days are probably dragging for you.

I’ve heard the same thing; that teaching a child another language is beneficial. Probably due to more neurons firing and developing or some gobbledy gook like that. I’ve read that teaching sign language is beneficial for the same reasons.


I’ve been thinking about mother’s day, and have totally been dreading the whole mother’s day celebration. On the one hand, I do want to be there to honor my mother, and my grandmother is 89 years old and we don’t know how many more mothers day celebrations she will be around for. However, I know myself and my big crybabyness…and I don’t want to 1. Embarrass myself 2. Be a buzzkill or 3. Be pitied by my family.

I didn’t think my mom would take it well AT ALL. I was afraid of a guilt trip, but I spoke to her this morning and told her that I would not be there because dh was taking me out of town for the weekend. I shared that this was a difficult time for me, and asked her if she minded. She responded that she completely understood and did not mind at all. I thanked her for understanding my situation. WHEW! What a relief to not have this hanging over me!!

The reality is that dh is getting his tonsils taken out on May 9, so he will be in no condition to go anywhere/do anything for a few days. So I told a white lie. I kinda feel bad for doing that, but I don’t want them to think of me sitting at home, doing nothing (which is what I will probably end up doing, and that’s what I want to do). I want them to think that I am out of town and having a fabulous time. Does that make any sense?

So I made this decision without consulting dh. I didn’t get a chance to discuss this last night because we went out to have a steak dinner to celebrate ds’s successful audition and acceptance to his HS marching band and orchestra. We invited our neighbors to join us and got home late. I immediately developed a headache so I just took a shower and went to bed. Tonight I will be home alone in the evening (YAY!) :happydance: as dh and ds are going to a dodgers game. They are trying to guilt me to go with them but no thanks! I’d rather go to the mall. I have to buy a bday gift for my father and my mil & my mom’s mothers day present anyways. I probably wont get to discuss this with dh until tomorrow night. For his sake, he’d better not give me a hard time :nope:
Vegas, not really doing anything for the rash, it didn't get too bad before I realized what it's probably from. I rewashed most of my clothes and skipped the dryer sheets, so I'm going to see if it goes away, try the sheets again, and if it comes back, I'll know for sure that's what it was. I'm a scratcher, too. Big time!

I agree with Meli that what happened with the radio definitely means something!

Our seats at the game were awesome. Right behind home plate (well not RIGHT, we were some rows back, but behind the home plate, quite close!).

Meli, the days ARE dragging! I woke up Monday somehow thinking it was Thursday, same thing with today! Wishful thinking.

Hope DH doesn't give you a hard time! I can understand not wanting to go for Mother's Day, don't feel guilty!

I forgot to add in my last post - Blake was talking about what he wants to do in our yard and mentioned planting trees. Then he added he wants to plant one the day the baby is born. Awwww. Hopefully it's not frozen out then!
Meli: an evening alone sounds divine. Congrats on your ds getting into band! I wouldn't worry too much about skipping Mother's Day and I'm so happy your mom understands. Let's hope that by next year you will have plenty to celebrate! So how come dh is getting his tonsils out now (as you usually get this done as a child)? My dh wants his out as he gets bad infections about once a year, but he only goes to urgent care and not a regular physician's office so it's not like urgent care is going to order the surgery.

Stef: can you tell me is there any difference between a private scan and the ones you have in a doctor's office? Just curious. Those seats last night do sound amazing. We used to go to all sorts of sporting events as we'd get offered last minute tickets, but now that we have Charlotte we rarely get to go. Oh well, it was fun while it lasted!
Vegas, I'm not sure if there's a difference, I've only ever had scans at the ER, midwife, and private place. I use the private place because my mw's u/s machine is portable and older, so no sound, bit of lower quality, no printable pics. This is the private place I go to - https://www.ultrasonastlouis.com/ - it's St. Louis, but can give you an idea of what a private place might do differently.

In taking out his tonsils, dh is following my lead. I took mine out a week before Christmas 2010. The main reason I removed them was because…tmi alert for those easily grossed out! I used to get tonsil stones (official name is tonsiloliths). They are nasty smelling suckers that come out of the tonsil crypts. The only way to get rid of the tonsil stones, is to remove the tonsils. However, the ‘official’, read, insurance diagnosis, was ‘recurrent sinusitis’. Because I literally would get sinusitis or head cold at least 2x/year. I have gotten sick much less since removing them. I think allergy and tonsils may be tied to each other because I have had a slight relief in my allergy issues since the removal. Dh also has stupid tonsil stones, so he finally got the nerve/desire to remove them. I was the guinea pig. He wanted to wait and see how my surgery went, if the surgery made any difference to the tonsil stones and sinusitis, if all the pain would be worth it.

I think we may have to put ds in private music lessons for the summertime and buy him a new instrument (joy!). I misspoke when I stated he was a clarinet player. He’s actually an oboe player, but just recently started learning the clarinet a couple of mos ago (when we found out that marching band does not utilize an oboe). So, he needs to really practice to get up to snuff in time for marching band season, thus the audition yesterday. Seems the oboe and clarinet are pretty similar and since ds has mastered the oboe, the band director said he’s confident ds will be up to snuff in time for marching band season. Here’s to more expenses…private music lessons and a new instrument………but I’m just glad that he’s in! :thumbup:


Love the idea of planting the tree. I’ve heard of that before, but it being done like at the one year birthday, I think? Anyways, I think it’s a wonderful lovely idea. There goes your adorable dh blake again. Tell him to cut it out. He’s making my dh look bad :haha::haha:
Meli: dh gets tonsil stones too and that is a big factor in him wanting to take out the tonsils. How was your recovery? I think it is great that your ds will now know how to play two instruments. Perhaps he will get offered a music scholarship.

Stef: I still need to take a look at that link. I'm all for planting trees. Just make sure to plant something that will live a long time like an oak.

Yup, we r definitely hoping for a music scholarship. Thing is, I work for a famous prestigious private university. One of the benefits offered is a free ride for our dependents. Unfortunately, although ds is very intelligent, I’m not quite sure he would be accepted. Because we are talking minimum requirements of 4.6 cumulative gpa, SAT’s off the board, plus all the extracurricular activities to make one stand out. I’m just being realistic! I know things can change, and I hope that they do, but I hate to put all eggs in one basket, so FX he gets some sort of music scholarship. Every little bit helps. Oh, and the track thing, I think it’s a no go :nope: :growlmad:. He’s not at all impressed, and said he doesn’t want to ‘bite off more than he can chew” meaning, he’s lazy. Ok, ok, j/k. I suspect it’s his mom being negative about track because remember, she lives 75 min away, and she would have to bring him to weekend events. I’m sure she doesn’t want to add another activity to the mix. But that’s ok, I’m just relieved we got her buy in and commitment to band. Because if she had said no, we, no actually, ds, would have been screwed.

My tonsillectomy was fine. I checked into to surgery center at 6:30am, surgery started 7:30am, I was woken up from anesthesia at 9:30am, and released at 10am. I slept all the way on the car ride home. They suggest 2 week recovery time, but I believe that 1 week recovery time is fine for someone who has an office job/sits at a desk all day. Perhaps one who works a physically demanding job would do well with 2 weeks recovery. I actually had 3 ½ weeks of recovery because I did it right before our school holiday/winter break. I was ridiculously hungry for the first few days because you can’t really eat much of substance. It was a cycle of wake up in the morning and first thing was to take the pain rx, then go back to sleep, on and off throughout the day, and take the pain rx right on time. The mornings were the worst because by the time you wake up, the pain meds had worn off and my throat felt so raw. But as long as I took the pain meds right away, I would be fine. I mean, I had surgery on 12/21 and actually did go to my family’s xmas eve and xmas day celebrations. I was a little groggy and couldn’t drive, but I was fine. I totally suggest the surgery for those who have those nasty tonsil stones because there is no other way to get rid of them otherwise, and they make your breath stink, and make you so self conscious of it. I tried so many things to get rid of them- you name it, I tried it; gargling salt water, buying special homeopathic toothpaste and rinses, using neti pots and saline rinses, nothing worked. All I could do was poke around back there with toothpicks and stuff to find and extract them. Don’t mean to gross anybody out, but I’m sure your dh can relate to the icky and frustratedness factor. My dh is a big baby (aren’t all men :haha: ?) and if my recovery was all that bad, rest assured, removing his would be the last thing on his to-do list.

Oh, and I’m posting at night. From home. Not from work. Lovely to have some privacy at home once in a while LOL :happydance:
Hey girls,

Don't have time to reply properly now as I can only reply at home and not work, I have a lot of people who can see my screen and they don't know I'm pregnant yet! Well, apparently there is 'a lot of speculation' about me being pregnant according to my boss, there has been some gossip flying about in the office but I'm not bothered, it was probably my boss, I'll explain later!

I just wanted to say WELCOME BACK Meli! Yaaaaaayyyy, so glad you're back and well! Sorry the proceedure was painful and are you sure you have missed the egg? It looks like it could have been yesterday going by your chart?

Vegas, what you said to your baby didn't make me think you were sappy but made me well up tears, now who's sappy! I can totally relate as I have tried not to get so attached to my baby too.

Angel, hope you're all settled in, you have done marvellously well with the packing by the sounds of it!

Stef, I'm so excited for your private ultrasound! And guess what? I managed to find my babys heartbeat following your exact advice so THANK YOU SO MUCH!

Big squishes all round x x x
Meli, I have really bad allergies (i.e. I can't breath through my nose MOST of the time), but no tonsils, so no help there for me! Had my tonsils and adenoids removed when I was 7 - all I remember was not even wanting ice cream.

I'm sure DS will do great with the clarinet - I played it in elementary school and loved it. Don't remember why I ended up stopping.

Lol @ making your DH look bad! That's silly. :)

vegas, I'll tell him about planting an oak. I really like his idea so I hope he doesn't change his mind or get lazy about it, lol. It might be a pain planting a tree in November. How are your pg symptoms?

Jasmine, YAY! I'm so glad you were able to find the hb! Now don't get addicted to the doppler, as I think I'm starting to be ;)

AFM, picked up more batteries for the doppler yesterday. Got home and tried it. Turned it on, set it down, and hb was RIGHT there, didn't have to look at all. That was pretty cool! I listened for a few minutes and then it disappeared, baby moved! I had a few minutes before I had to leave for work this morning and used it again :haha: Set it down, nothing, moved a bit to the left and there it was! I love this thing!

I'm starting to think I'm going to have bleeding on and off this entire pg. Had a bit more last night. It was only when I went to the bathroom one time and only when I wiped, and it was brown. Just annoying!

Today is going to be rough. I forgot my lunch at home :wacko: The nausea is back full force (never really went away, just calmed down a little), so I start feeling sick after not eating for an hour and a half to two hours. I have some mini donuts (healthy, right?!) so hopefully they'll help at least a little until I get home. Don't have the cash to go get something for lunch today!

Angel, how are you doing?

Oh yeah, been meaning to post this and keep forgetting - would love to be FB friends with you ladies! - https://facebook.com/braiiins
Sorry I haven't been on lately. I have been super stressed and for the time being, the comp is in the play room with no comfortable place to sit.

Meli, I am glad the procedure went well. And congrats to ds on making band!! I am sure he will do great with the clarinet. I hope that dh's procedure goes well. I hope you get that referral at the next app. I do not think your baby wish list is to much. We tried to do a little sign language with Carter, but slacked pretty bad. We did the simple stuff like, more and all done. I am also glad you were able to get out of the mother's day celebration.

Vegas, what happened in the car certainly sounds like a sign of your rainbow baby!!! I am glad your dr visit went well. Are you around 7 weeks now? Also, thanks for posting all that about molar pregnancies. I too have been very interested and you did a great job explaining it!

Stef, the tree sounds like a great idea and sorry if this is gross for some, but you could bury your placenta and grow the tree above it. I am so jealous you got to go to a game. I love the cardinals! I was born in MO, so am a life long fan. They were playing in the world series the day I was born and won the series on my 21st bday. I am so happy you are able to find the hb so easily, I know how reassuring it must be. I am sorry you forgot your lunch and that the bleeding keeps happening. Some people do bleed their whole pregnancy. So try not to worry unless there is cause. I also hope taking away the dyer sheets helps with the rash.

Jasmine, glad to hear you are okay. I am sorry the office is gossiping, but I am sure if you refuse to even acknowledge it, it will go away, or at least ease until you are ready to tell. That is at 12 weeks right? Big squishes back at ya!!!

AFM, I am all done unpacking, we just have to hang all our pictures and stuff up. I do really hate it here. I have no closet space, have to drag the boys out every time I need to walk the dog, hauling up groceries sucks and the comp is not in the living room (hopefully that changes reasonable soon). The main reason for moving in here was so that I could keep watching Charlie. There were no houses in our price range that were big enough or in a nice enough neighborhood for us, so we chose an apt to stay in Springfield. There were lots of houses in our price range in a few neighboring cities and we were okay living in, but knew Charlies parents wouldn't drive to, so we moved here. Well yesterday they told us that they would be looking for other childcare options because an apt was on their list of things that was unsuitable as a childcare environment. Not his exact words, but unsuitable was. I am so sad and pissed that we are stuck here and then now we won't even be getting that extra income on top of the fact that I feel super insulted by his unsuitable comment. Anyhow, I have had a very shitty couple of days.
Stef: sorry you forgot your lunch and the nausea is back. I find carbs and small meals help my nausea (also warm tea). I sent you a FB friend request. My nausea comes and goes. I wish it would just go. Now you really are making me want a doppler, but I just know I won't be able to find anything.

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