June Angel Baby Mommas Hoping for Rainbows!!


I’m glad you’re not letting the office gossip get under your skin. Good for you!

I’m pretty sure I missed the egg, but I’m not an expert charter so I will defer to you and ff. The first time I checked the saliva monitor was Saturday, and it had partial ferning. I didn’t start using opk’s until Tuesday morning and there was absolutely no color. Same with Weds morning. That’s why I think I dropped the egg on Monday cd12. I guess I’ll know for sure in a couple more days when ff decrees it :haha:

Yay to finally finding your baby’s heartbeat! :happydance:


I found that the tonsillectomy helped my allergies, but not in the sense that I alluded. I meant that, since I have allergies, many times they turned into head colds and then sinusitis and then migrated over to my tonsils causing a sore throat, but since I am missing the tonsils, I no longer get sore throats. Maybe they aren’t connected but that’s something I’ve noticed different since they were removed. Or maybe I’m just healthier now?

And so what if you’re addicted to the Doppler? :haha: If it makes you feel better and feel less anxiety, go for it!

I’m so sorry you forgot your lunch!! Can’t you borrow cash from a co-worker for lunch? I hate to do that, and haven’t had to so far, but I wouldn’t hesitate to do so if I was pg and had ms knocking on my door (or throat or tummy). I know the feeling of not wanting to use a non-bank atm and paying fees, etc, just to buy lunch, so I hope that maybe someone can loan you a few bucks.

Awww I don’t do fb. Times like this are when I wish I did!! Dh and I have a long running bet going as to who will sign up first. When I get pg, I know I will crack and finally do fb.


I’ll probably be like you and just do simple basic sign language. It’s better than nothing, right? Idk how long I can keep up the Spanish, either. For me, I have to work at speaking Spanish, meaning, I have to think my thoughts in English, translate them to Spanish in my head, then speak. It takes work and I get lazy. I think I will try to talk dh into being the Spanish speaker, and I will be the English speaker. I think Spanish comes easier to him than it does for me, although he denies it. We’ll see. They say the road to h e double hockey sticks is paved with good intentions, right?

I’ve heard of the idea of burying the placenta with a tree. I don’t think that’s gross. I’ve also heard of women eating their placenta --now I think that’s gross (disclaimer: no offense to anyone who has done that or plans on doing that!). We were planning on freezing the placenta so that’s the plan.

That sucks that Charlie’s parents did a switcheroo on you, especially when you guys moved to an apt to stay convenient to them:growlmad:. You don’t need the stress of less income, especially at a time like this. Sorry that you're stressing :hugs: I hope it takes them a LONG TIME to find someone else. Are you going to look for another child to babysit to take his place?

And again, WOW that you’ve already unpacked. Just WOW :thumbup:


dh and ds left the game at the end of the 6th inning to avoid traffic. They were home by 11pm and said they had a great time. Stef, it sounds like they had seats in the same section you were in. Apparently balls kept getting hit in their direction, a lady in front of them actually got beaned and was taken away for medical attention (they said she looked fine, they probably took her due to an overabundance of caution, which I think was smart). Dh said that one of the times that the ball came in their area, dd screamed loud and freaked everyone out lol :haha:
Angel: I am so sorry that Charlie's parents have decided to find another sitter and that they were rather rude about it. Just consider the apartment a temporary situation and look towards the future. Also, as your pregnancy progresses, taking care of another child will become more difficult so perhaps this may be for the best.

Jasmine: just a quick comment about your work mates; why do they think you might be pregnant? Just curious as to why they would think this.

Afm: I am 7+4 today. Still praying baby makes it out of the first tri. One of the ladies here at work announced that she is 14 weeks pregnant. My boss said I need to get pregnant with triplets. Odd comment to make. I haven't told him anything yet, but there is only one and for that I'm thankful.
Angel: I am so sorry that Charlie's parents have decided to find another sitter and that they were rather rude about it. Just consider the apartment a temporary situation and look towards the future. Also, as your pregnancy progresses, taking care of another child will become more difficult so perhaps this may be for the best.

Jasmine: just a quick comment about your work mates; why do they think you might be pregnant? Just curious as to why they would think this.

Afm: I am 7+4 today. Still praying baby makes it out of the first tri. One of the ladies here at work announced that she is 14 weeks pregnant. My boss said I need to get pregnant with triplets. Odd comment to make. I haven't told him anything yet, but there is only one and for that I'm thankful.

Ooo vegas, I like that slant you put on the child care suggestion for angel. I never thought of it that way!

7+4 is almost out of first tri. You're almost there. You can do it!

ok, I know this is a STUPID question and I should know the answer by now :dohh: but what do number+number mean specifically? Like, is it literally 7 weeks and 4 days pg?
Hi ladies,

I'm just going to put Eva to bed then I can finally reply but just wanted to show you, I did a photoshop trick of my new hair to see what it would look like, so here is before...


  • BEFORE.jpg
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And here is after. Shall I do it? x


  • red.jpg
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Angel, sorry you've been stressed. That sucks about Charlie, and how rude! Blake gets free Cardinals tickets from work pretty often, so that's cool. I'm not worrying about the blood, since it's so light and still brown... and having the doppler helps too! I'm pretty sure Blake wouldn't go for taking the placenta home, lol, he doesn't even want to catch the baby or cut the cord (wondering if that will change when the time comes).

vegas, I pretty much HAVE to eat small meals... all the time. I'm always craving carbs! I've wanted rice so much lately it's ridiculous. I accepted your friend request! And if you want a doppler, I say go for it, but I'd wait a little while since chances of finding a hb this early are probably next to zero! Give it until 10 weeks or so (I've heard of some women not finding it until 14+, though).

Meli, I could borrow cash, but I actually owe one of the office ladies right now, lol. They let me do it just because they know I never carry cash and always pay them back the next day. I spaced out my mini donuts and I'm doing ok, lol. The VP at my work was at the same game I went to the other night and someone near him got hit in the head with a foul ball! We had 3 or 4 foul balls hit all around us. And yep, 7+4 is 7 weeks 4 days. :)

Jasmine, you are stunning! I say go for it! You could easily pull off that color.

I second Stef’s comment--you are stunning! With your coloring, you can’t go wrong. GO FOR THE RED!

Oh and you MUST post a pic from the wedding (where you’ll be wearing your new outfit and accessories)! Pretty please? :flower:


I’m so glad spacing out your mini donuts helped! Maybe you could bring a box of snacks and keep them at your desk for snacking and for er’s like today?

Yup..that’s one of many reasons I didn’t want to go to last night’s game. Knowing me, I would have spaced out and prob would have been one of the peeps to get beaned! Although, dh has pretty good reflexes. I’m sure he would have saved me :winkwink:

Oh, and thanks for the confirmation of 7+4. I suspected, but wasn’t 100% sure :dohh:

Oh yah, this was last night’s conversation with dh about mother’s day.

ME: I talked to my mom today and told her that we were not going to be joining them on mother’s day.

DH: Why don’t you want to go? Don’t we go every year? Isn’t that where Rudy (my cousin’s husband) coordinates all the food, and you ladies are treated like queens, and y’all get flowers and gifts?

ME: I just don’t want to go this year.

DH: Cool.

ME: Oh, I told mom that we were going out of town, which obviously isn’t true. So you’ll have to play along with that. If in the future, anyone asks “how was your mothers day weekend out of town?” just say “fine” and I will respond with more white lie details, if needed.

DH: Ok.

And that was the extent of the convo. Whew…………..:thumbup:
Hey girls,

Just sitting outside madams room waiting for her to drop off its gonna be a looooong night! the clicking of the typing is too loud to type more but I've added you Stef and angel on Facebook, what's your link Vegas? Meli, join us hehe x

I'm back, she's dropped off it 21.22 here, so I'm exhausted but she was being so hyper and cute and funny tonight I couldn't resist keeping her up, I actually had a tiny bit more energy tonight which was nice! I hope it's not a bad sign, never free from the worry!

Vegas, Aww that really made me chuckle what you said about charlotte's swim lesson, I can just imagine it as I have a little diva myself as you know! You're right though, it's so much better to have her go through any trauma now, that's being a good parent! I need to take Eva swimming more, we plan to go on monday, she's a bit of a scardy cat even getting bath water on her face! I need to dip her head under, OH has been threatening to do that since she was a baby and I'm always like 'nooooooo!' Also, really glad you're appointment went well and they didn't lecture you! Like I said too I love what you said in the car and I agree with Angel it sounds like an amazing sign that this is your rainbow baby! Oh to answer your question I have no idea how colleagues know I'm pregnant, we have only told our bosses and close friends and family so it must have come from one of our bosses! The person that approached my colleague said 'Haven't you noticed all the changes?' so I guess that means, they think I'm showing? I'll explain the full story in a minute!

Stef, Glad you had fun at the game! Did you get to eat a giant hotdog? Just wondering! I'm sorry that you had another bleed but like you say it's great that you have the doppler and you're such a pro at finding it now too! It's a nice reassurance! I love what Blake was saying about the birth, OH was EXACTLY the same, but he went against his word and in his words 'Was down at the goal face the whole time' and also 'It was the more pleasant end' CHEEKY SO AND SO! So it wouldnt surprise me if Blake changed his tune! Awww, sorry you forgot youre lunch that's like a holy disaster in my book! Hope you'll be okay with your mini donuts :(

Angel, oh my god, I was so fuming for you when I read about Charlie's parents, how dare they? Talk about loyalty! Don't worry though I'm not completely happy in my new house, I'm the opposite of you, I love the house but I HATE the town, and I really want to move back to Wales which is where I am from, all of my family are there and I miss the seaside so much, I have lived away for 10 years now and I really want to go back but OH thinks it's just hormones talking :(

Meli, I'm happy that you are getting referred to a fertility specialist but will you promise me one thing, just one month will you please try the preseed, even just a tiny bit around fertile time? Okay, so I have been looking at your chart, I'm a complete novice but the up and down temps led me to think you hadn't ovulated and you're nowhere near you're cover line temp which is around 97.6 or 97.7 but then I saw the ferning so maybe you have to trust that! So confusing! I don't think it will be too hard to teach your baby spanish especially if you are the level you with it, I haven't even taught Eva to count in Welsh yet, I'm terrible! Hey, good for you about Mother's Day, I totally understand and how lovely that your mum and OH are being so cool about it! You can make up for it next year when you have your cute little baby there too! x x
Jasmine: I love the red! Go for it. I've always wanted to try going brunette, but I'm too chicken. Eva sounds so much like Charlotte. Charlotte hates getting her face wet and so making her go under water was the catalyst for the meltdown. Last night was much better once we convinced her to actually get in the water. I'll send you my FB link when I get home as I'm on my iPhone and it is about to die. I would kill my boss if he told people before I was ready to go public. Hope yours didn't do that.

Stef: my dh stuck to his guns and refused to cut the cord. Fine with me. We didn't keep the placenta either. Due to the molar thing my placentas now have to be sent away to be examined anyway. I actually joked with my doctor that I was sad I wouldn't be able to eat it. Yes, I was joking. She said she'd never heard of anyone wanting to make capsules out of it. I also enlightened her to a lotus birth (look that one up). She must think I'm nuts.

Meli: I'm about as far away from the end of my first trimester as can be, but thanks for the encouragement!
Okay, so this is the text message I got from my boss on Wednesday my day off:

Morning Jas! Just thought I'd let you know that Emma has just emailed me to say that Liz (a manager from another desk) was quizzing her in the kitchen about whether or not you are pregnant- apparently there's a lot of 'speculation' about it. Thought I'd warn you in case Liz asks you herself (which I wouldn't put past her due to the fact that shes a total idiot.) Emma, oof course, said she didn't have a clue but Id hate for you to come in tomorrow to folk asking you questions that might make you uncomfortable...If Liz says anything to me I'll be telling her to mind her own business and having a word with her about how inappropiate it is for a managee to be gossiping about members of staff - I feel like taking her to one side and having a little chat with her now tbh, anyway dont know where shes heard it but thought Id let you know chick! x x

My reply was something along the lines of 'wow news travels fast, let her get on with it bla bla bla! I don't really care tbh the only reason I would is if I lost it again and everyone was gossiping about me behind my back! So anyway, on our team we only have three people, me, another designer and one sub, it was a much larger team but we lost a huge contract and several staff members left at the same time so it naturally decreased the team! Anyway, the girl that was left well to cut a looooong story short me and her dont exactly have the best track record, she's the gobby cow I was telling you about (Emma in the text message, the girl who was approached by Liz) Anyway, I go into work this morning and she has NO idea that my boss told me what she knew and she pulled me and the other team member to one side to tell us that 'SHE WAS 6 WEEKS PREGNANT?' WTF? Who announces it to work mates at 6 weeks? Anyway, she obviosuly got wind of the fact that I was and wanted to trick me into saying I was and or announce hers first! So it worked because I was so shocked, I said 'I am too?' then I was so mad at myself because I really didnt want to announce mine like that and I feel like she calculated the whole thing! Our team will be reduced to one member when we both go off on maternity! x
Vegas, if you send me a piccy I can do that photoshop trick on your hair to make it brunette! Lokking forward to being facebook friends with everyone! x
Meli, that's not a bad idea, leaving a box of snacks at my desk. Glad DH didn't say anything about your plan for mother's day!

Jasmine, LOL!!! at "the more pleasant end." That cracked me up!!! Blake's going to have to be REALLY patient and understanding because being at the birthing center means not even an option for pain meds, nothing... basically like a home birth but at the center.

vegas, lol at your doctor possibly thinking you're nuts!

Jasmine, sounds like so much drama at your work! Sorry you ended up telling everyone before you wanted to!

AFM, ugh being at work is ick today... they're doing more work on the office. First this morning was something with wood and soooo much wood dust. Now they're gluing tiles to the floors so the glue smell is getting to me. I don't like the idea of breathing that stuff in but there's nowhere to go to get away from it. If they knew I was pg I might be able to get away with leaving early but I have no real excuse without them knowing!

I called Ultrasona yesterday and scheduled the private scan for next Saturday at 3:30. Yay!

We're going down to Blake's mom's tomorrow (and Mother's Day, of course) and Blake says, "How are we going to go down there without them finding out you're pregnant?" He asked if anyone at work had said anything. Apparently it's pretty obvious, lol. I've gained 7 pounds already, even with all the nausea :wacko:

I had never heard of a lotus birth so I had to look it up :wacko: See, I learned something new today. I can’t believe your dr has never heard of women making the placenta into capsules?


WOW-such office drama! It does sound like you were set up by that gobby cow (I don’t know what that means, but I imagine it’s not pleasant).

Lol at your cheeky oh :haha: He sounds like a joker.

Yes, I promise I will try to be better at using the preseed. I (and dh) just hate how it smells lol!


Wow….I know you mentioned that you wanted to give birth at the birthing center, but I didn’t know :dohh: that it translated into no meds at birth? All I can say is, you’re so brave!

Sorry work sucks today. Those chemicals can't be good for you. I hope the smell dissipates asap so when you return to work next week, you don't have to worry about it.

Ohhh you have to continue to be sneaky and hide the bloat this weekend! One more week before you can have the ultrasound and surprise all on Mothers day like you planned! :thumbup:


I’ve been feeling horrible since yesterday afternoon. I basically have been sneezing nonstop since I got off the train last night. otc allergy meds don’t seem to help much. Right nostril is nonstop itchy and right eye is nonstop watery. I look and feel like crap! UGH! :growlmad::growlmad:

I hope everyone has a great day.
Jasmine: I totally lol'd at you telling them at work. Not the way you had planned it at all. I almost told when the girl here announced she is pregnant, but it is way too soon and she needs to have her moment in the spotlight. I'll have to find a good photo for you to retouch.

Stef: your work sounds like mine today. My supervisor thought it would be a good day to clean out some areas, but that turned into me helping him move some rather heavy items. I'm ok with moving heavy stuff, but if they knew I was pregnant I bet I would have gotten a pass. Don't worry about a few pounds. When you are nauseous I find the only things I want to eat aren't all that good for you, plus there is just so much bloating! Just wear a floaty top and hope for the best.

Afm: today at work seems like it will never end. I feel tired and gross. My waist has totally disappeared. Where there was once a nice curve, there is now a straight line. I guess it is due to water retention or bloat, who knows. I knew my middle would disappear, but not this quickly! We gave guests coming in from out of town tomorrow. I'm not sure what kind of company I'm going to be this weekend between the nausea and fatigue, but I'll try to put on a happy face.
Meli: sorry about the allergies. Preseed does smell funny. Do you really even need it? I've used it, but never got my BFP using anything other than a tiny bit of K-Y which is supposedly a no-no.
Meli: sorry about the allergies. Preseed does smell funny. Do you really even need it? I've used it, but never got my BFP using anything other than a tiny bit of K-Y which is supposedly a no-no.

YAY to the waist disappearing waist (it feels weird to say that!) I say YAY to all pg symptoms.

Ugh…I would have totally begged off on moving heavy stuff and bluffed about back probs.

I don’t actually need lube, but just bought the preseed for ttc. Glad I’m not the only one that thinks it smells funny! It wouldn’t bother me, but now that I know it bothers my snoopy sniffer delicate flower dh, it’s made me very cognizant of the smell.

I hope you have a great weekend and are able to power thru the fatigue and ms :hugs:
Meli, I am sorry you are feeling crap.

Jasmine, I LOVE the red on you!!! I am sorry you ended up telling work like that.

Vegas, sorry your waist is gone. I am sure the next five weeks will go by quicker than you think!

Stef, we need pictures!!!!!

AFM, nothing new here, just wanted to tell you all that I will be the gross one and say that I plan on encapsulating my placenta:blush:. I also want to do all the other "crunchy" things. I wanted a home water birth, but with my clotting stuff I will feel better in the hospital at least with this one. I will be having a doula and doing delayed cord clamping.

I think it's awesome u plan to encapsulate ur placenta! Did u do that with carter?

Good news!!!! I think I told u guys abt my cousin on my dad's side who is pg and due in july? I said I was dreading her baby shower? Well, I got her invite today. Guess when her baby shower is??? Yup.....the same weekend we will be in Vegas! !!! Yay! Thank u God! And I already told my mom we were going to Vegas that weekend!

So I got lucky THIS time, getting away with not dealing with mothers day, AND this baby shower. I'm seriously thinking of going to counseling, I can't hide from stuff like this forever....am I overreacting? ?

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