June Angel Baby Mommas Hoping for Rainbows!!

I didn't with Carter. I was very uninformed about everything baby and birth related with him.

Yay to getting out of that shower!!!!
Meli: so happy that you don't have to go to the shower. I don't think you need counseling, you need time. I'm still dreading my due date in June, but I figure once it has passed then that will be it.

Angel: encapsulating the placenta isn't all that gross too me since it has been dried. It's not like you're eating it with a knife and fork. My SIL used a doula and that went well for her. I had planned a natural drug-free birth with Charlotte (my mom had us natural, I hate needles, and I surely didn't want to be induced), but my body had other plans. Because, it turns out, my uterus is heart shaped my dr said all future babies will likely be Breech without hope of turning; so c-sections it is. I had no intention of doing anything with my placentas, but thanks to the molar it has to be sent off to the lab anyway. None if this concerns me as long as I get to take home a healthy newborn when all is said and done.

Afm: yesterday I felt great, today is not shaping up to be as nice. My out of town guests are still here so I'm going to put on a happy face and power through. How is everyone else doing/feeling?
Meli, I'm either brave or crazy, lol. I'm not opposed to meds, I just know if I have the option I will wimp out and take them, and I really don't want to. If absolutely necessary, I can transfer to a hospital, but I really want to try and stick it out because I know I can do it!

I hope your allergies have eased up some! I know all too well about that!

Yay for not having to go to the baby shower! And I agree with vegas about just needing some time.

vegas, you're right, the only things I've really wanted to eat definitely aren't good for me! I started this pg wanting veggies and lots of healthy stuff, but lately it's been grease and carbs. I hope that you feel better today (sort of? yay for ms, but it sucks that it sucks! lol)

angel, can you do a water birth at the hospital? I'm considering it myself, it's an option at the birthing center.

Jasmine - happy 11 weeks!

AFM, so much for surprising FMIL with the news. I'm upset that she found out from Blake, but I can't REALLY be upset with him... he didn't TELL her, she asked, and I can understand not wanting to lie to his mom. I was just soooo excited for the reveal on Sunday... still get to tell my parents with the u/s, but it'll be through text or email since they're not local. I do plan to send them a recording of the hb with the pic, though. Trying to decide the best way to do it... hb first, then send pic as they're listening to it? Thinking about telling my brother Saturday night and having him help me come up with a good idea for how to tell my parents.

I've decided pg hormones make me an absolute bitch. Not sure quite how to deal with that...
Angel, here's a pic! Comparing 4 weeks (pre-pg size) to last night, right before bed. I'm wondering when the bloat will subside! At this point I'm thinking I won't even notice when the bloat disappears and bump forms because I feel like the bloat isn't going to disappear, lol.


I think it’s awesome that you’re into doing the ‘crunchy’ thing :haha:, as you put it. I lol’d when vegas said it’s ‘not like you’re eating it with a fork and knife’. I think we will definitely freeze the umbilical cord blood stem cells.

How are you feeling today?


I hope you got lots more energy to get through your weekend, and didn’t end up more tired this morning, than when you started the weekend!

How are you feeling today?


I would say that you’re brave. Lots!

Yes, my allergies have eased up a lot, still have random sneezing here and there but nothing like the watery eyes and marathon sneezing fits from last week. I haven’t even had to take anymore meds since the first time, so that’s a plus.

So sorry Blake caved and spilled the beans, but I’m so glad that you understand and forgive him for that. That’s sweet of you. I know you said pg hormones make you an absolute bitch, BUT, if that really was the case, then I don’t think you would be forgiving him so easily, right? Give yourself some credit :flower:

I think it’s a great idea to brainstorm with your brother about how to tell your parents!!

Awww…such a cute bump!!


I hope you are doing well and not too ‘knackered’! Ohm and I second Stef’s well wishes of “happy 11 weeks!” milestone!:flower:


I think you’re all correct about the therapy. I even brought up the idea to dh this weekend (briefly) and even he said he didn’t think it was necessary. I’ll give it another 3 mos and revisit the idea then (if necessary).

I have my dr appt today to ‘discuss next steps’. I’m kind of freaking out because I just recently found this “Details” feature in FF, in the “Fertility Analyzer” under “Luteal Phase”. It says:

“Your temperature seems to fluctuate more than usual. When temperatures fluctuate a great deal, it is usually due to inconsistencies in temperature taking methods. Make sure you are taking your temperature at the same time every day, when you first wake up, after a solid block of sleep, and with a BBT thermometer. If you are doing all this and are still getting rocky temperatures, you can try taking your temperature vaginally. Some women notice more stable temperatures when taking their temperature vaginally.
Temperatures can also fluctuate a great deal when you are not ovulating, or when you have delayed ovulation. If you are taking your temperatures accurately and are still having large temperature fluctuations and no clear ovulation pattern, then this might be the case”.

WTF!!! My fluctuations are not due to inconsistencies in temp taking methods and times, so I have to surmise that these fluctuations are due to an anovulatory cycle!!! :growlmad::growlmad: So then I looked back at all my other cycles, and I found one more (Jan 5) that FF had flagged the same way!!! Granted, this current cycle looks WAY more rocky than the Jan one, but I don’t know. Thank God I am going to see her today or I would be going out of my mind. I can’t see her soon enough! FX she refers me to a FS so we can get this show on the road :haha:
Meli: FF can be a bit persnickety with her info. Haven't you been using opks? Between temping and opks I think you should have been able to confirm ovulation on your own. Still, I bring up your concerns. And don't forget, you are chilling out this month and therefore you shouldn't be worried about these things (easier said than done, I know). Also, if you really are feeling down then go see someone. I don't want to discourage you if you really need the help. It's ok to talk to someone and work your way through things.

Stef: well, we always knew Blake would cave early and he did so well holding it in as long as he did. You are right, it's bad karma if you deny when asked. Cute bloat/bump photo. You will feel better once the bloat goes away so that's a plus. Are you getting excited about the ultrasound? I'm excited for you.

Afm: the weekend was great, but now I'm exhausted. I got a call from the high-risk doctor and they've set up an appointment with ultrasound for Thursday the 16th. I'll be 9+4 which I'm hoping is far enough along to spot something. The expert I emailed said a repeat partial molar can be detected during a scan at 10 weeks. I guess they could repeat if necessary. So the pregnant girl at work and I were chatting this morning and she said she had a loss this fall. I told her about my loss, but didn't mention my current situation. She knew what a molar was and was a bit shocked. She is the first person I've ever said anything about this to at work. Her original due date is at the end of the month so she knows that it is going to be bittersweet even if she is expecting her rainbow.

Angel, Jasmine, Sweetmomma: how are you all doing?
Meli: FF can be a bit persnickety with her info. Haven't you been using opks? Between temping and opks I think you should have been able to confirm ovulation on your own. Still, I bring up your concerns. And don't forget, you are chilling out this month and therefore you shouldn't be worried about these things (easier said than done, I know). Also, if you really are feeling down then go see someone. I don't want to discourage you if you really need the help. It's ok to talk to someone and work your way through things.

Stef: well, we always knew Blake would cave early and he did so well holding it in as long as he did. You are right, it's bad karma if you deny when asked. Cute bloat/bump photo. You will feel better once the bloat goes away so that's a plus. Are you getting excited about the ultrasound? I'm excited for you.

Afm: the weekend was great, but now I'm exhausted. I got a call from the high-risk doctor and they've set up an appointment with ultrasound for Thursday the 16th. I'll be 9+4 which I'm hoping is far enough along to spot something. The expert I emailed said a repeat partial molar can be detected during a scan at 10 weeks. I guess they could repeat if necessary. So the pregnant girl at work and I were chatting this morning and she said she had a loss this fall. I told her about my loss, but didn't mention my current situation. She knew what a molar was and was a bit shocked. She is the first person I've ever said anything about this to at work. Her original due date is at the end of the month so she knows that it is going to be bittersweet even if she is expecting her rainbow.

Angel, Jasmine, Sweetmomma: how are you all doing?


I was using opk's, but not til CD12 and it was already really really light, almost non-existent by then....see, that's how 'chilled out' I was lol!

and yah, I know that was my intention to be all chill this month, and I was doing good! I swear :winkwink: BUT then with the stupid anovulatory junk, it got me all riled up again!!! :wacko::wacko:

I'm glad your specialist appt was scheduled sooner rather than later so you can finally have your peace of mind! :hugs:
Stef, I already replied to your journal so sorry for repeating myself but, nice bump!!! I agree with you, that by the time you lose the bloat it will be baby sticking out.

Meli, I am not sure about your chart this month, but like Vegas said, I thought you were taking a semi-break. Try not to worry about it, if you have several indicators a month about ovulation, ferning, pos opk and higher temps then I wouldn't worry. And while you didn't get to opk this month, you have in previous months, so you know you ovulate. And I agree with everyone else, it is still completely okay to be grieving and sad still. There are still lots of times that I am sad about my loss. If you do feel like it would help to talk to someone you should do it though.

Vegas, I am glad you had a great weekend. That is really nice that you were able to talk to your coworker and share your experiences. I am not sure what they will be able to see in regards to checking about the pregnancy being molar (but since I am sure it is not, I won't worry about that). But I had an ultrasound at 9+4 and I could see the baby wiggling and everything!!
Angel: I sure do hope I see a little baby wiggling. Last time my fetus didn't grow past eight weeks, so if baby is measuring 9+ then we are ahead of the game. What they are looking for is the start of moles (ie cysts) forming near the placenta. If they don't see any evidence of moles then the threat of a molar should be gone (though I expect they will do at least one more scan and all my genetic testing at 12 weeks).
I am sure everything is fine Vegas!!!

Oh yeah, Stef, my hospital doesn't offer birth pools. If they did I would be trying to get one!
Hey girls, just to let you all know we're holidaying in Wales this week then it's the wedding, so if I'm away even more than usual don't take it personally, we have hardly any Internet and none at all at the wedding so ill report back after my 12 week scan a week tomorrow x
Meli, well I can't really get mad at him for not wanting to lie to his mom! I knew if anyone actually came out and asked him he would tell, he's not the lying type. I talked to his mom yesterday and she said he used to tell on himself when he did anything wrong as a kid, lol. Which means he was ratting himself out a lot because he was a little troublemaker!

I'm glad your allergies eased up. I'm not sure what to expect of mine since the weather here is so up and down lately!

How did your dr appt go?

vegas, I'm very excited about the ultrasound! I want this week to go by quicker... it's only Tuesday ugh! I told his mom I was surprised he lasted as long as he did, she laughed. She knows how bad he is at keeping secrets.

Are you feeling any better today?

Angel, that sucks they don't offer birthing pools. Maybe you could see about getting a room with a tub?

Jasmine, we'll miss you! Can't wait until your scan!

AFM, talked with FMIL yesterday. She's hoping the baby will "spread its legs" at the ultrasound on Saturday and we'll be able to tell early if it's a boy or a girl, lol. I think we'll have quite a few chances for finding out before scheduling an actual gender ultrasound - this u/s on Saturday (wouldn't that be crazy to find out at 12+2? I've heard of it happening, but I don't think I'd trust it!), midwife appt at 13+1, I can ask for an u/s if I want, midwife appt at 17+1 (as long as they aren't over booked for that day, that's when I'll be scheduling the next appt for), then I'll schedule a private gender scan for the pics between 18 and 20 weeks. I think it would be nice to find out for Father's Day, if I can get my appt with my m/w at 17+1, that'll be 2 days before Father's Day. Father's Day is a rough day for Blake ever since his dad died, and this year Father's Day is the EDD of the last m/c, so having something positive like that would be good for both of us.

Job hunt still going on... I'm trying really hard not to get frustrated and lose hope, but I'm having a VERY hard time. Very soon jobs I interview for are going to know I'm pregnant, and I know they can't not hire someone because of that, but they can find another excuse. That and there's been a few hot days, and they're going to keep coming. The 2- 2/12 hours of driving a day is hard enough, throw in the heat and no a/c... I don't handle heat well at all. Talked with Blake about taking his car, but until he can get new tires, we aren't sure we should trust it on the long drives.

My brother called me yesterday. Out of the blue he says, "So how's the preggers thing going that you aren't telling me about?" I was like "... What are you talking about?" Lol, I didn't know what to say. He didn't pester, though, so he either knows somehow (I haven't told ANYONE but you guys and Blake wouldn't have told him), or he's messing with me and figrued it out yesterday. I didn't tell him, but I know he knows now.

I'm starting to wonder if jenkb and jennc are ever coming back.

Sorry ladies, I babble when I'm tired. Lol :wacko:

Based on last week’s conversation, I expect you to say that you’re already all done unpacking?!


How are you doing today?


Have fun and don’t forget to take a pic of you in your fab new outfit so you can post it next week!!!


Wouldn’t it be awesome if you could find out the gender on Saturday!! Ohhhhhh…I’m afraid to even hope for such a thing, it would be so cool!

I’m sure this Father’s day will be the BEST EVER for both of you guys (until Father’s day 2014, when baby Stake or baby Blef will be here -- I’m trying to do an anagram of yours and Blake’s names…kind of like Brangelina LOL!) :wacko:

I was thinking the same thing you mentioned (about job search and being visibly pregnant soon)…..that sucks but you’re probably right.

FX that 1. You finally find a job closer to home, and 2. You can get new tires asap for Blake’s car. I agree that you shouldn’t be driving it on highway speeds if you’re not sure of the car’s roadworthiness.

To me, it sounds like your brother does have an inkling of your great news!

And I wonder about jenkb and jennc also. I hope they are doing ok.


My ob gyn has prescribed birth control pills for me in an effort to normalize my hormones. In addition to hypothyroidism causing weight gain and fatigue, it can also cause secondary infertility and miscarriages. So the birth control is for 2 reasons: to try to normalize my hormones, and to avoid pregnancy until my thyroid levels have been optimized.

Once my thyroid is working correctly, she will then do a hysterosalpingogram. If she finds polyps, she will burn them off.

If the spotting continues, she will then prescribe progesterone.

So that’s the plan for the next couple of months!

dh went out of town for business this morning. He'll be back tomorrow night so ds and I are on our own tonight. We've been plotting our escapades since last night. First, I have to take him to his school for a quick band performance. Then we'll order our fav pizza for dinner (pizza hut peperoni with cheese stuffed crust). We almost never have pizza because 1. it's so bad for you, and 2. dh doesnt like pizza :growlmad:

then we'll go to the mall and possibly get fro yo for dessert on the way home :thumbup:
Meli, oh yes, I was done unpacking last week!! It was too crowded here too leave boxes around. I am glad they are taking the steps for you. I bet you thyroid is back to normal within two full months of meds. My level was WAY higher than yours and went down quickly. My endocrinologist said they go down pretty quick, it is going back up that takes some time. I think the birth control is a good idea. It will also give you a real good chance to take a break. I actually went this morning to get my thyroid levels checked because I have been feeling super tired all of a sudden. Pizza sounds so good! Our favorite is Dominos, pepperoni with banana peppers.

Stef, I am sorry about the job hunt. I will say a few extra prayers for you. I bet the midwife can see what the sex is at the 17 week visit, unless lo doesn't cooperate. I wouldn't trust a scan from 12 or 13 weeks though. I wonder how your brother knew? I am fairly certain the hospital doesn't offer tubs either so that would be out too.

Jasmine, have fun!!!! Don't worry about us, we will miss you but, enjoy yourself!!!

AFM, I met with another doula today. I really liked her. She has even had two vbac deliveries herself with my ob. So she is very familiar with him and with the hospital I will be at. Jeff didn't get a good vibe from her though. I don't know, I know it is my choice, but since they will be working together to help me, I want him to like her. He can't really say why he didn't like her, I guess they just didn't click. He was mostly running after the kids, so I don't know how much he really got to connect with her.
Also, the weather is very nice today and we took the boys for lunch in the park. I can't wait for consistently warm weather!!
Jasmine: hope you have a super fun holiday and a great time at the wedding. Please do post a pic of your cute outfit.

Stef: wonder how your brother knows? Your whole family must be psychic! No a/c would suck in the summer and I know fixing it is way expensive too. Not sure if you would be able to tell the gender this week, but by Father's day you totally should. Still it will be fun to guess. What do you think you are having?

Meli: being on birth control should totally make the next few months stress free wrt ttc. Heck, it very well might work. Before I got pg with DD, I went off the pill for about four-five months as we were ttc. I only got my period once and had to be put on Provera to start it back. I then decided to go back on the pill due to some travel I would be doing for work. I stayed on the pill for about five months, went off of it and was pregnant about six weeks later. Not sure how much the pill had to do with it, but it obviously didn't hurt.

Ooooh, I hope your thyroid is fine and that you’re just feeling tired due to the pg!

I am so impressed that you finished unpacking…

Peperoni with banana peppers sounds good too! We put peperoni and pineapple on ours :wacko:

I’m glad you clicked with the doula you met with today. Maybe you could give it a couple more shots for Jeff to warm up/click with her? You make a good point that he was busy running after the kids and probably wasn’t enough time for them to mesh.


I agree with your prediction that Stef’s brother is psychic lol. She did say her mom is, right?

Thanks for sharing your DD and bc success story. Like you said, it obviously didn’t hurt, right!
Meli, like Angel said, I probably wouldn't trust if they said the gender this weekend, but like Vegas said, it will be fun to guess! I've looked at soooo many 12 week nub pics so I'm going to be searching it out, lol.

Baby Stake or Blef made me literally LOL at work!

I hope that the bc does the trick for you. I'm glad that you have a plan set now to get things moving in the right direction!

And yep, idk if I'd call my mom "psychic," but she does have strong feelings about things, and knows things before being told. I'm really surprised she hasn't asked if I'm pg yet, because I can't lie to her!

Angel, that sucks your hospital doesn't offer tubs, either! I have no clue how my brother knew, or if maybe he didn't know and was bluffing just to see what I'd say (if that's the case, he knows now just from my reaction!). I'm kind of surprised he didn't say anything else about it.

I hope Jeff comes around to this doula, since you like her.

Vegas, my brother does get strong feelings about things, crazy strong sometimes. One time when he was out here visiting me and we decided to have some fun and ghost hunt. He was driving, drove my car into a town he'd never been in, to a street full of big old beautiful houses. He had a STRONG feeling something was there. We found out later that the neighborhood was part of the underground railroad, how crazy is that?

When the pg started, I felt boy, but after that first bleed, the feeling changed to girl. Blake thinks girl, too.

AFM, I've felt miserable the last week. With 2nd tri around the corner my body's apparently decided to be cliche and "get worse before it gets better." :wacko:
Hi ladies,

I am here, waiting in pre-op with dh to be taken in for his tonsillectomy. He has had to fast since last night, I am also fasting in solidarity and I am STARVING. I can't wait for him to be taken for surgery so I can run out to grab some food. Am trawling yelp for nearby recommendations. Looks like it will be Thai.


Sorry ur feeling like crap! Hang in there. And I cant wait for sat's scan!! I can't imagine how u feel. I would want to sleep away the next 48 hours lol! Hope u feel better really soon.
Meli: hope all goes well with your dh's surgery and that he has a speedy recovery. Thai sounds yummy.

Stef: I think your mom knows, but isn't asking because she doesn't want to upset you or cause you any anxiety (if that makes sense). I bet she will be so thrilled to see the ultrasound photo this weekend. You will share it with us, right? Sorry you feel crummy, hopefully it will pass soon.

Afm: I have been getting the worst headaches every night right before or after dinner. I've even got a bit of one now. I still have the nausea too, but it's not too terrible. My back hurts when I get up in the morning, but I have been working out so perhaps that is a contributing factor too. I just feel like I'm falling apart! Now I remember why I waited so long to have another. We leave for our weekend at the beach tomorrow morning. I'm looking forward to feeling the warm sand between my toes and a couple of virgin piña coladas.
Meli, hope your DH is doing well after his surgery! I DO want to just sleep until the scan!

vegas, of course I'll be sharing the scan with you guys! Not sure if I'll get a chance to post this weekend, but definitely Monday at the latest. Sorry you've been getting headaches, they suck. I hope you have fun on your beach weekend!

AFM, I started having an "ache" in my cervix / vagina. Not sure what that means... texted my mw, waiting to hear a response. I'm so paranoid...

Countdown - 1 day, 5 hours, 32 minutes!

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