June Angel Baby Mommas Hoping for Rainbows!!

Stef: that pain is pretty normal. With my DD I had times where it felt like a stabbing pain in my vagina (sorry if that's tmi). Other girls on bnb talked about it too so I thinks it's quite common. The weird things a body does while preggo....
Stef: that pain is pretty normal. With my DD I had times where it felt like a stabbing pain in my vagina (sorry if that's tmi). Other girls on bnb talked about it too so I thinks it's quite common. The weird things a body does while preggo....

I don't think we can have tmi here! Yeah she said it's probably just from everything growing and to let her know if I start cramping heavily or bleeding. I found the hb again this morning (and yesterday, day before... haha so much for once or twice a week) so it must just be normal pains. Can't help but be paranoid all the time, though!

How are you feeling? I saw your beach pic on FB, I'm so jealous!

YAY to the countdown for tomorrow’s scan!!! :thumbup:

That’s good news that your vagina ache is nothing :wacko:

I think Vegas makes a good point (about your mom already knowing you are pg, but she’s letting you tell her on your terms--the complete opposite of MIL, may I add?) ha ha jk but not trying to rub salt in the wound :winkwink:


TMI, on this board? Ha! I don’t think there’s such a thing :nope:

Sorry to hear of your headaches. Regular headaches can be so debilitating, I can imagine pg hormonal headaches are 10x worse!

I’m sure you’re not falling apart, but I believe you when you say that it feels like you are.

I hope you guys have lots and lots of fun at the beach and you get to relax and have as many virgin pina coladas as you can handle :flower:


Where are youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu?? I hope everything is ok. You’ve been kind of quiet lately. When are you going to post another bump pic?


The surgery went well, thank God. Funny thing is, I mentioned yesterday that I was trawling yelp for nearby food recommendations, found a Thai restaurant one block from the hospital, read ALL 104 reviews, and even wrote down the dish I was going to order. Well, the surgeon comes in to take dh away, tells me “I’ll see you in 40 min. I’ll come get you from the waiting room to bring you back to be with dh in recovery!”

Well, there went my plans for Thai food :cry: I was stuck going downstairs to the hospital cafeteria. As if that wasn’t bad enough, it was 1:45pm, so lunch hour was done and cafeteria was basically a no-man’s land, fend for yourself type of place. Ended up making a stupid stupid turkey sandwich :growlmad: BORING! But it’s a good thing that I ate downstairs, because no sooner than I came back up to the waiting room, less than 5 min later the surgeon came for me to bring me to dh’s recovery room.

Oh, and did I mention that the 2 hours prior to surgery, while in the waiting room, this older man was talking my ear off? I couldn’t really concentrate on web surfing, or even getting any work done that I planned on. I guess I was the only sympathetic face there that could speak to him in Spanish. I felt sorry for him. Really really nice older man, his wife was having surgery for something or other, he was using a walker and looked really feeble for his age, I think he had a stroke in the past or something. Anyhoooo….His kids were about my age and they would pop in and out, would tell him to ‘leave the poor girl alone, you’re bothering her’ LOL! then I would have to pipe up to deny that he was ‘bothering me’. He was telling me about his 2 kids, the daughter was an RN, the son graduated from UCLA and was a teacher at CSULA. He talked about how proud he was of his kids and what they’d accomplished, and teared up when I told him that him and his wife had a HUGE part in those accomplishments..

Oh, so today my mom came to my work to bring me lunch, and mentions that she wants to ask for my help because SHE wants to host a baby shower for my cousin (the one whose baby shower I am missing on memorial weekend)? I said I would help her, because my mom hardly asks me for anything. I've just accepted that I can't get away from it. I think we’ll be doing it in the beginning of June…

I hope all of you have a wonderful, wonderful weekend and a beautiful and blessed mothers day! :flower:
Meli, vagina ache made me lol!!!

I honestly don't think my mom knows and is waiting for me to tell her, she's totally NOT that kind of person. She's a HUGE pesterer. I guarantee she's going to say she knew when I tell her, though. Unless she knows and is waiting just to see how long I wait to tell her so she can whine at me for not telling her sooner, lol, she's also a huge guilt tripper!

Glad DH's surgery went well! Is he a whiny sick person? Wondering how he is handling recovery.

That was nice of you to talk with that man for so long! I hate talking with strangers - I'm not a very social person at all.

That sucks you can't seem to get away from your cousin's pregnancy! Why does she need two baby showers?

So AFM I'm wondering if those cramps were my uterus popping her little head out of my pelvic area because the cramping is pretty much gone, and now my pants are tighter than they were a few hours ago, lol. I don't think it's the normal bloating because that usually happens over a longer period of time. I guess I'll know for sure if I wake up tomorrow and it hasn't gone back down like it has been normally...

My mom sounds like yours--a huge guilt tripper. We need to remember to not do that to our kids, but I suspect we may change our minds when it’s our turn lol.

Yah, I’ve been accused by dh of being ‘too nice’ and ‘too trusting’. Whatevs. I am what I am and I can’t change it. I mean, I’m not about to jump in someone else’s car if they offer me a ride, but I’ve been known to pull over and offer complete strangers a ride before…the latest was a couple of years ago when I saw a lady pushing a stroller up a huge hill, with a toddler trying to keep up with her. It was a hot summer day…and I just had to give her a ride. dh read me the riot act later. I DON’T CARE. It was the right thing to do. Like, it breaks my heart when I see women with babies and children waiting for the bus. I figure that it has to be so difficult to have to take the bus in everyday situations, and especially with children, and in the heat, and rain, and cold..

Re the baby shower: IKR! My mom’s point is that, they don’t have many friends or relatives, so she wants to help them out. I wanted to ask her “why don’t we just buy her a couple of big gifts, like a crib and changing table, or something”? Because 1. I could still get out of facing the situation and 2. I’m sure purchasing those items would still be cheaper than hosting an actual baby shower. Oh well…..

Of course dh is a ‘whiny sick person’, aren’t all men :winkwink:??? dh’s recovery is going well for HIM, not so much for me. He is driving me crazy because he’s not sleeping!!! His dr prescribed 2 different painkillers: Percocet pills and an acetaminophen/codeine liquid. Well, the Percocet pills are the stronger of the two, so he’s been taking those. BUT they wire him up and he can’t sleep. I told him that he should call his surgeon to have him prescribe a different painkiller because obviously Percocet isn’t the right one for him, but he refused.

Yesterday, for the first few hours after the surgery, I was actually re-thinking my decision to come to work today. He was in bad shape and I thought I should stay home with him, but the fact that he’s wired up and stuff made me feel a little less guilty about coming to work. That’s the ONLY plus. He was so annoying while recovering...kept repeating how much he loved me, loves the kids, we're the best, blah blah blah...you know, how a person that's crazy drunk gets? :wacko::haha:

I remember that when I had my tonsillectomy, I literally slept day and night for the first 7 days or so. That’s the only way I got through it and it boggles my mind that he’s not resting. He is stubborn and doesn’t want to acknowledge the fact that in order for the body to heal, it has to rest. Men! This is going to be a looooooong weekend…..

Meli, I am glad his surgery went well and that his recovery, while it doesn't sound the best, isn't awful. I am sorry you have to help with that shower now! I am always so scared to help people, but I have a memory of my mom from when I was 10-12 or something and she stopped to pick up a lady walking with her two kids and pushing a shopping cart full of shopping bags. It has really stuck with me and something I am proud of her for doing. Doing things like that, she taught me to be very compassionate and one of the reasons I decided to major in social work.

Stef, can't wait for the scan!!!

Vegas, I am sorry about your head aches. I hope you have fun at the beach though!

Jasmine, hope you are having fun too!

AFM, Jeff said he was okay choosing that doula, so I did. I also started the ball rolling on childbirth classes and a birth photographer.
My last day with Charlie should be May 31st.
I have a prenatal app next Monday and will get to hear the heartbeat.
I am very mad at Jeff, he scheduled to go play golf on..... mother's day!!!! Can you f-ing believe that. My day, for being a mom to his three kids and he gets to play golf!!
Nothing else going on, here is a bump pic. Sorry it is blurry. It is from tonight at 16 weeks exactly.
Oh yeah, and Stef, vag pain is normal. I had it with Carter, the miscarriage and this one. I had it quite a bit today. I think Kinsley/ Little Prince is just going through a growth spurt.
Angel: great bump!

Happy Mother's Day everyone!

Afm: our beach vacation started out nicely and ended badly. The house was great and Charlotte and the dogs had the best time playing on the beach. The place we stayed was so secluded that I may have only seen five other people on the beach all weekend. The bad news is that yesterday afternoon/evening I felt terrible and chalked it up to ms. I tried Togo to bed early, but when I laid down I realized I was going to be sick. So I spent all night being sick, and now Ben is a bit sick too. I think it is from some chowder I had for lunch yesterday, but who knows. Luckily we both felt ok enough that Ben could drive the 2.5 hours home. I've spent most of the afternoon napping and I feel a bit better, but I still have my nightly headache on top of everything. Oh well. Hope everyone else had a better day.

Stef: where's that photo?
Ah Vegas! i am sorry you guys are sick. Hopefully it was just a small case and will be over soon. At least it didn't seem to get Charlotte.
Meli, I think it's difficult not to be a guilt tripper, lol.

Blake tells me I'm too nice, too! He's VERY blunt, if something makes him angry, upsets him, etc., he will say something, even if he doesn't know the person who did it. Sometimes I envy that, but sometimes I wonder why he can't just keep his mouth shut sometimes, lol.

Hmm I think buying some of the big gifts makes more sense, personally! With two showers it seems like she'll be getting a lot of duplicate gifts.

Sorry DH is driving you crazy! I hope he was able to get some rest this weekend.

Angel, glad you got to choose the doula you wanted! Is that prenatal today or next Monday?

My day, for being a mom to his three kids and he gets to play golf!!

Three? Did I miss something? :?:

Sorry he scheduled golf for mother's day! Did he end up going?

Love the bump!!!

Vegas, that sucks about getting sick! I hope you're feeling better now. It's too bad it had to ruin the end of your trip.

AFM, super busy weekend. Friday I ended up overdoing it when I got home and felt miserable Friday night. Saturday I got up, overdid it again (what else is new!) and felt ick before going to the ultrasound. Glad it was in the late afternoon so I was able to rest before going. Ultrasound went very well! Pics below. The package we got is only supposed to come with 2-3 pictures, she printed us 9! I'm not sure if it's because we were the last appt of the day or because it was Mother's Day weekend, but I thought that was pretty nice of her.

So at first the baby wasn't moving at all, I was bummed, thought we weren't going to get to see anything cute. Then we noticed something - hiccuping. How cute! After a minute or so of that, the baby really started moving around. At the start, he / she was facing one direction, then flipped completely around, started wiggling like crazy, bouncing and kicking. And thumb sucking!

HB at 167, measuring a day ahead still.

Mother's Day was good. I did send my brother the hb recording and an u/s pic first. He calls me and says, "I KNEW it! I almost called you this morning and said Happy Mother's Day!" When he got to our parents house he called me and we played the hb first, and my mom in the background yells, "I KNEW IT!!!" Lol. Since I wasn't able to send any of the u/s pics in time for yesterday, I scanned them and sent my brother one of my favorites and he had an 8x10 of it printed for my mom (and one of himself, aww). So they're very excited!

We went down to Blake's mom's which is always fun. Everyone is excited. Blake's youngest brother (who is 9) doesn't care if it's a boy or girl, as long as he or she is "cool and fun." His oldest niece (who is 4) wants it to be a girl. Both of his youngest brothers (9 and 11) were suggesting ridiculous video game themed baby names - Mario, Luigi, Bowser, Donkey Kong. I told them when it's their turn to have kids I'm going to remind them of this.

Blake's mom told me my tummy was already bigger yesterday than it was when I went down there earlier this week, and that was wearing a loose dress vs. the tank top I had on the other time, so I'm pretty sure I'm actually "showing" now vs just bloating. Glad this is the week I'm telling everyone! Closest friend today, other friends on Wednesday, work on Thursday!

Now for pics... I'm putting up 6 of them, so I'm going to put them in a spoiler just to save space


Thumb sucking!



I see a nub... Maybe? A foot? I'm not sure.

Angel: thankfully, Charlotte remains well. I'm feeling loads better today as well. Considering I napped a combined four hours yesterday and then slept nine hours last night, I should be better. I'm still making sure to eat bland foods for a while.

How is everyone else doing? Meli, how's your dh feeling?
Aw, great pics Steph!!! I am glad it went well and your family is excited!! Did the ultrasound tech give any ickling as to the sex?

As for me, by three I meant that I have been pregnant with his children three times. Counts for something right!!!
Stef: those are great images! Baby looks so big already. I totally see a nub. Does that mean boy or are we suppose to analyze the angle of the nub? I'm so glad you finally got to tell your family, I know they must be so excited for you.
Aw, great pics Steph!!! I am glad it went well and your family is excited!! Did the ultrasound tech give any ickling as to the sex?

As for me, by three I meant that I have been pregnant with his children three times. Counts for something right!!!

She didn't; Blake leaned forward in his chair (he may have even stood up, I can't remember!) when she froze on that foot / nub shot and questioned it, but she either couldn't say either way, or wouldn't.

And oohhh ok, that makes sense. I thought maybe there was something you weren't telling us! :haha:

Stef: those are great images! Baby looks so big already. I totally see a nub. Does that mean boy or are we suppose to analyze the angle of the nub? I'm so glad you finally got to tell your family, I know they must be so excited for you.

I'm not sure... the tech didn't comment either way, but when I looked up 12 week nub pics, it looks like most babies still have a nub at this point and that angle can help tell - what I saw was girl is parallel to spine, boy is 30 degree angle, but apparently that's also not 100%.

I'll take your predictions, though! :)
Oh yeah, I forgot! Blake woke me up yesterday morning saying, "Capone (the cat) won't listen to me, you need to come out here because he listens to you." I was half asleep and bleh and walked out the living room to find gifts and a card. Capone was behaving perfectly fine, sitting next to the gifts, but apparently he was sniffing around and Blake was afraid he'd break one so he wanted to get me out there to see before anything happened. I think it was just his excuse for not being able to hold surprises very long, lol. I said, "What did you do?" and his response was, "It's Mother's Day, you're a mom now." Aww. I've been searching for decaf iced tea because I really miss my iced tea, so he got me an iced tea / iced coffee maker and a few packs of decaf tea bags. I wasn't expecting anything, so I was surprised!
Stef: I'm not sure about the gender and I realized that it makes me uncomfortable to be zooming in on your child's privates as I try to make a determination.
Stef: just now saw your Mother's day post (I'm guilty of leaving this page open and don't see new posts until after I post). How sweet of Blake! Let me know how you like your iced tea maker. Charlotte gave me my gift OB Thursday (who knew that would be better than Sunday) and she gave me an iPad mini. I love it! Didn't Blake get you one for Christmas?
Stef: I'm not sure about the gender and I realized that it makes me uncomfortable to be zooming in on your child's privates as I try to make a determination.


That is very sweet of Blake!!

And yes Steph, he did go golfing and my prenatal was today. Heartbeat at 157, found right away.

Vegas, glad you are feeling better!

Meli and Jasmine, hope you all are doing well!

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