June Angel Baby Mommas Hoping for Rainbows!!


Aww, that was sweet what your mom did, pulling over to help someone! I saw my mom doing the same type of things, so I guess that’s where I get it from.

I’m SO glad Jeff let you choose the doula you preferred. :happydance:

Your bump is SO CUTE! It’s really starting to fill out now.

That sucks that Jeff went golfing on mother’s day. What was he thinking? Oh well, I hope you had a great day nonetheless.

YAY to your successful prenatal appt today! :thumbup:


Sounds like your beach house was really nice. I saw the national weather forecast on Friday night (or was it Sat?) and it had thunderstorms forecast for a large swath of Florida. I didn’t know exactly where you were, but I did think of y’all and was certainly hoping that you guys weren’t in that storm zone!

Sorry to hear that you ate some bad food. Bad seafood is the worst. I agree with Angel-thankfully Charlotte didn’t get it, and that Ben was able to drive you guys home. What a trooper!

I’m glad you’re feeling a little better today :hugs:

Ooohh an ipad mini, huh? I hate the fact that dh has an ipad. We have a sectional. He lays on the chaise lounge and I lay next to him, with my feet facing him. Usually, at some point, he will usually massage/caress my feet, ankles, legs and knees. I LOVE it! BUT since he’s had that stupid ipad, he has it next to him while we watch tv. He is addicted to Scrabble and Words with Friends. So he multi tasks between paying attention to the tv and the ipad. I think I’ve had maybe 2 or 3 massages since that stupid ipad came into our lives. I HATE YOU IPAD! :growlmad:


My dh sounds just like Blake. Very direct, up front and blunt. Like you, sometimes I envy it, but more often than not, I wish he just wouldn’t say anything. Y’all have probably figured this out by now, but I’m one of those people that just doesn’t like to rock the boat.

Awww your ultrasound pix are AWESOME :happydance:! Looks like a real baby now! :hugs: I LOVE the pic with the thumb sucking! Too precious.

Sounds like you WERE right; your family had a feeling you were pg, and are so excited for you. LOL at the video game name suggestions :wacko:

That was so sweet of Blake and his mother’s day gift!


Friday night was horrible. In between dh’s crabbiness, to me snapping at ds when he dared talk back to me on Friday night, I was wiped out. ds' school trip to celebrate their graduation was Friday, and they went to Magic Mountain, which is only 10 min away from home. I told ds to call me when they started loading the buses so that I could make the drive over to the school. So, at 9:20 he texted me to say they were loading, so I jumped in my car and drove to his school. WELL, turns out they were missing one student. The other 2 schoolbuses got to school at 10pm, of course it was the school bus ds was on that had that stupid late girl. They didn’t get to the school until 10:30pm=1 hour sitting in the parking lot for me. I heard they are going to charge the girl's parents $300 for the extra half hour the school will have to pay the district for the extra time incurred. GOOD! She wasn't a couple min late--she was 40 min late! That's unacceptable.

Then ds smelled like cr*p because, of course, he’s a boy, and his clothes were wet, so I was trying not to retch with the smell and hurt his feelings. I told him, “as soon as you get home, please take a shower and put your dirty clothes out in the garage-do not put them in your dirty clothes hamper”. What does he do? he comes home, changes into clean pajamas, BEFORE taking his shower --wth?? He had to pack for the next day, because school band was going to Disneyland for a performance. I had told him to take a shower before he packed for Disneyland. Well, I kept my cool when I told him to please take a shower first, but then later on when he was questioning my instructions on packing (he didn’t want to use a garment bag, he just wanted to fold up his performance clothes) I lost it. Oh yah, did I mention he wore his BRAND new tennis shoes, when I specifically told him NOT to? Yup, I was out of patience and snapped at him. I apologized later that night before he went to bed, but it was just a bad and loooong day for me so I had a short leash. Then it was back up at 7am to take him back to school for the Disneyland trip.

And, as I suspected, it was a looooooooonnnnnggg weekend. dh alternated between being a grouchy old man and complaining about anything and everything, to apologizing to me for his “d*ckness”, to back to being irritable and impatient, back to apologizing and kissing my a**. Literally, he was like a batsh*t crazy hormonal chick--I kid you not!

I really hope these are the worst days of his recovery because I don’t know how much longer I can stand it :growlmad: Actually, since I will be at work this week, at least I don’t have to deal with him during the day and nightime, like I did during the weekend. I can deal with his cray cray in the evenings :wacko:

Good news about the baby shower! My mom ended up contacting my cousin (who is hosting the shower) to see if they can do a dual shower, and she agreed. YAY YAY YAY YAY! :happydance::happydance: So I’m back to not having to deal with this stuff!!! I think this was the best thing that happened all weekend! I don’t understand, why my mom was so understanding about me not going over for mother’s day, but didn’t bat an eye about asking me to HELP her host a baby shower for my cousin? I mean, really mom? Don’t you get it? ay yay yay. So glad I didn’t have to break it down for her.

It sounds like everyone had a wonderful mother’s day and I’m glad! :flower:

I hate to whine to y’all but if not to you, then to whom? RANT OVER. Thanks for listening :hugs: What would I do without you guys? Oh, I know. I'd go crazy :wacko:
Rant away!!! Sorry your weekend sucked and dh is being such a grouchy cry baby!! And now maybe ds will be a little better at listening to you from now on. Awesome on getting out of that shower!
Rant away!!! Sorry your weekend sucked and dh is being such a grouchy cry baby!! And now maybe ds will be a little better at listening to you from now on. Awesome on getting out of that shower!

Ikr! Getting out of the shower is such a relief and lliterally the best thing that came out of this weekend.
Meli: what a crappy sounding weekend. Ds sounds like a typical teenage boy. Remind him that smelly boys don't get girlfriends (not that you want to encourage that). Also, I can't believe the school would wait on that girl. You would think they would just leave and she would just have to miss the trip (that's what my school would have done). Thank goodness you got out of the shower (again). Perhaps your mom did get it after all. Your such a good daughter, had my mom suggested I throw a shower for someone after I had a mc I would tell her exactly why that is an awful idea.

Afm: I'm getting nervous about my scan on Thursday. What if it's like last time and the baby has died? I'll be honest, if I lose this one I don't think I will try again.

You know, normally ds doesn’t smell bad. He actually showers twice a day-once before school, and in the evening --without any prodding! He doesn’t ‘smell’ like a typical teenager (you know, smelly socks or feet!) so we’ve dodged that bullet so far. He was stinky from running around all day in the heat. I think that he was just so focused on packing (because I did say “first thing we need to do when we get home is to finish packing for Disneyland”). I guess he didn’t use his brain and think “why would I change into clean pajamas before taking a shower? Let me take a shower first before I pack”. I guess I need to 1. be more explicit with him, and 2. not overload him with too many demands at once lol!

Yah, I wish they would have left the girl at the park, and called the mom to say “Go find your daughter”. It wouldn’t have been that bad, I don’t think any of those kids live more than 15 minutes from Magic Mountain.

OH, and speaking of Magic Mountain, anybody want to come out this summer to visit Magic Mountain AND ME? :winkwink: Anyone?? ha ha just had to ask.

Vegas!! Everything will be fine on Thursday. IT WILL! It has to be. Just (try) to stay positive (I know, I know, it’s easier said than done!) Keep thinking positive thoughts and feeling positive vibes. I am praying for you!!! :flower: No more of this nonsense of ‘not trying again’. We won't discuss that because there is NO NEED. You're making me tear up! This IS your rainbow.
Meli: thanks, I needed that. It's just hard sometimes. Part of me wants to embrace this pregnancy (thanks to all the symptoms I can't ignore it) and another part wants to prepare me for the worst, shield me from attaching myself to something that might not be. I felt like a fool for rubbing my belly and thinking all was well when, in fact, my baby had been dead in me for who knows how long before I went to that appointment at 13 weeks. I felt mislead by statistics that said once you hear the hb you are out if the woods. And I was mad at myself for letting it hurt me as much as it did. I worked so hard and long to get pregnant with my angel baby and when it didn't happen I really was devastated. I know we all were when it happened to us. I just don't want to feel like that again nor do I want to see my dh upset like that again. I pray this time is different. It feels different. Sorry to be a downer, but I know everyone here understand.
Vegas, Blake got me the regular iPad for Christmas, it's great! A friend of mine got the mini and loves it!

Don't worry! Everything is going to be fine. I TOTALLY get the worry, and think it's completely normal. Like Meli said, this one IS your rainbow baby.

Angel, yay! Nice strong heartbeat. And I'm sending a virtual punch your DH's way for the golfing.

Meli, I'm sorry but I had to giggle at your iPad hatred!

About being direct and up front - I told Blake I hope our kids are like him in the sense that he never lies (seriously, that's why he can't keep a secret and tattles on himself when he does things he shouldn't, lol). He says, "No you don't. There's some things you just don't want to know." I said, "You'd rather they lie to you than be honest all the time?" Lol, apparently he would. That probably applies more to daughters than sons in his case, I'm sure.

Everyone keeps saying, "The baby looks so big already!" Blake's youngest brothers, besides the video game names, told us we're having a "fat baby," lol.

I'm sorry your weekend sucked! At least DH was apologizing. I feel like I'm doing the same thing he was doing - attitude one minute, apologizing the next! Damn hormones. How's he feeling after having a few days to rest? And lol @ cray cray - Blake says that all the time.

Yay for getting out of the shower - again! :)

It’s natural to want to protect yourself again and not get your hopes up, just to be devastated again. Unfortunately, all of us can understand that, for sure! I know you had to get out your negative feelings and vent, and I pray that by you doing that/venting to us, you ‘released’ those thoughts, for them to never return! Like you said, this one IS ‘different’ :hugs:

Yup, those statistics about once you hear the hb at 6 wks, you’re good to go--those are LIES, as all of us so horridly found out.

Oh, and I didn’t mean to imply that you’re a downer! It came out the wrong way :flower: We are all entitled to rant, if we want to. Heck, I just had a rant session yesterday. I think we’ve earned it.


Omg I lol’d at you sending Jeff a ‘virtual punch’ for his golf trip. You’re funny!:haha:

Yup, I agree with you, and your hopes that your kids are like Blake, and never lie. I’m sure by the time your daughter(s) get old enough, they will censor themselves about ‘female’ issues when talking to him.

the stuff kids say..fat baby :haha::haha:

Poor Blake and your hormones. That’s ok, you’re entitled!

dh was still crabby last night. I told him to relax and to stop taking it out on me and ds. I even said, I’ll take ds' share, instead of you crabbing to ds, crab to me! I’m an adult and can deal with it better.

Last night, his mom called to check up on him. I ratted him out to her. HA HA! After we talked a few minutes, I handed the phone to him and left the room while she was giving him a stern talking to. It was pretty funny. She told him! :haha:
Stef: there is nothing wrong with a chunky baby; more to cuddle! So what apps/games do I need to get for my iPad? Also, have you tried to read on it? I have an e-reader already and think I may prefer it to the iPad.

Angel: I too still can't believe your dh played golf on Mother's Day. I told my dh about it and he wanted to know what idiot scheduled a tournament for Mother's Day. Ironically, my dh played in a golf tourney yesterday and won us four tickets to Kennedy Space Center. Charlotte lover outer space, so it should be fun.
Hi ladies,

I'm going to catch up properly with you all this evening too, I have a LOT to get through! I just wanted to let you all know though, that I had my 12 week scan this morning and all was perfect, I'm so happy! I was waiting until I had that today to reply. I'll put some piccys up and be in touch later! Lots of love to you all x x
Meli, even if we have daughters that don't censor themselves, he should be used to it because I rarely censor myself around him! By now he should know almost as much about female stuff as I do! I'm not sure what he had learned from women in the past, but we've only been apart overnight 3 times since we met (the first night and two more nights within the first week), so he's seen / heard about pretty much everything, lol.

Lol @ you ratting DH out to his mom. Did that help with his crabbiness?

Vegas, I haven't tried reading on the iPad, so I can't say what I'd prefer! Hmm apps to download... Pepperplate is my favorite recipe app - it can sync across multiple devices (even cross Apple / Android). There's a bunch of free kids stuff that's great on the bigger screen (Blake's niece loves the coloring apps). Blake loves Crayon Physics (sounds like a kids game but is really more for adults). I also really love some of the puzzle apps (Jigsaw Box is awesome).

Kennedy Space Center sounds like fun!

Jasmine, YAY! I saw one of your u/s pics on FB :) More more more!
Jasmine: hooray for a good scan! I just sent you a friend request on FB. I know I was supposed to do this weeks ago, but my mind has turned to mush.

Stef: I think our men are now used to us oversharing our female issues. It's part of the job. I'll have to check out some if those apps. I need to get a case for mine too, but haven't had the time to go shopping.

Meli: I lol'd that you ratted out your dh to your mil. You know no matter how old they are they will still listen to their mothers.

Afm: nothing much to report. Less than 24 hours to my scan. If all goes well and they give me photos I'll post it on here. Regardless, I'll let you all know how it went.

I can’t wait to see your scan pix! I bet you have a fat baby like Stef LOL! (it’s a joke--no offense meant--I’m putting this disclaimer in case you miss the reference from Stef earlier about her ‘fat baby’ because I know you have so much to catch up on). Besides, 1. I LOVE fat babies and 2. I don’t even think you can tell how chubby a baby is from a scan-is that correct? Ohhh, what do I know…?


Wow…that is very impressive that you haven’t been away from Blake for more than 3 nights since you met. I remember those days, a long time ago, when I actually didn’t look forward to a night apart from dh every once in a while. Am I bad??? Omg, I remember when we first met, there were a couple of previously scheduled vacations I went to, without him. And I would cry for him every night--no joke!! HOW RIDICULOUS WAS I ??

I’m not sure if his mom’s lecture helped, because I didn’t really spend too much time alone with him last night. He seemed to be in a better mood, a co-worker/friend of his even came over to pick up something from him last night. I had already taken my shower and was in my pj’s when he got there, so I was stuck in my bedroom for about 45 minutes. I wasn’t about to show my face!


I know you didn’t direct the ipad question to me, BUT, dh got a really cool keyboard and cover for his ipad. I have to get the link and post it for you to check out. I want to buy it for my mom.

I can’t wait to see your scan pictures tomorrow!!! What time is your appt??


Last night was awesome! ds had his final junior high band concert of his career. The theme was “Broadway Revue”. They played medleys from Les Miz, Chicago, Hairspray, Sound of Music, and my all time fav musical, GREASE! At the end, the teacher gave out 5 awards, and ds got one!!! I was so THRILLED! Thank goodness I had my camera ready and was able to take a few pix. Wish I had been prepared enough to actually record it!

I know I was a crazy woo-hoo yelling fool. I later asked ds if he heard me yelling, and he said “Not this time. I think I was in such a daze and shocked. But my friends said they heard you”. dh missed the concert (obviously) and he was so sad he missed the moment. ds’ mom also missed it and was very upset that she wasn’t there. But that’s ok. I’m going to take him out to dinner tomorrow night to celebrate. I made a color copy of the certificate today. I’m going to frame it and give it to ds so he can take it to his mom’s house and hang it there. That way, he can have his certificate hanging in both homes!

I love his music teacher. She’s really inspired him and I want to buy her a nice gift. Any suggestions ($50 limit)? ds told me she doesnt drink coffee, so starbucks gift card is out...
Vegas, you are not a downer. We have all had your worries and completely understand where you are coming from. Please, lean on us! But like Melissa said, this IS your rainbow! I know everything will be perfect!

Jasmine, I am so happy your app went well and the pic I saw is lovely!! Can't wait to see more!

Stef, everyone loves fat babies!! I also laughed at your virtual punch and passed it on to him!!! Even my brother said "what a douche bag!". Haha, he won't ever live it down!

Melissa, I am so glad ds did well and you had such a great night! What a great mom you are!! He is very lucky! Hopefully dh is feeling better and has a more positive attitude!

AFM, I got my doppler back from the friend I had holding it for me. We tried it last night and couldn't find anything. I tried again this morning in the bedroom while Jeff was in the living room. I found it, but he wasn't there! I waddled out with my pants around my knees to have him come in there. Then I couldn't find it again!!!!
We have just realized that Jeff will be out of town for my gender scan, so we are trying to get it moved ahead a week, but they haven't called me back. Hopefully they can and it will be exactly 4 weeks away.
I took the boys to a park today that had water fountains, they had a blast! I love summer and can't wait for the weather to be consistent!
I have also got Carter's birthday cake ordered $70 for a Mr. Potato Head cake. He is OBSESSED with Mr. Potato Head! Strange I know!
My hormones are acting crazy today and I am in an amazing mood! I feel so talkative and loving today!! I had one of those moments where I thought "how could anyone love their child as much as I love mine?! I mean my love just takes up so much space, there isn't enough room for someone else to love their child this much!!!" I think it is this great weather making me silly, happy, crazy!!

Poor Jeff…getting clowned so hard, by those he knows, and those he doesn’t (us!) :haha:

The visual of you waddling out with your pants around your knees made me lol :haha:

That is too funny that Carter is obsessed with Mr. Potato Head!! Well, he is a classic, right?

I’m glad you had a great day and are in an awesome mood. You’re overdue for one! :flower:
He was actually resting there. I kept asking him if he was okay and if he was tired. He was lying there for like ten minutes!
He was actually resting there. I kept asking him if he was okay and if he was tired. He was lying there for like ten minutes!

Awww he tuckered himself out! Bet he slept good last night!
That was this morning. He fell asleep on the way home to nap, and I carried him inside and right to bed!

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