June Angel Baby Mommas Hoping for Rainbows!!


the Ipad thingie I was referring to is called the Profolio keyboard & case cover


it's both a keyboard AND a sturdy case cover. Pretty cool!
Quick update and then I'll read through everything and respond later. My appointment went great! Baby has a super-strong hb (180+) and is measuring a bit ahead at 10 weeks. Once I get home tonight I'll upload a photo. I'm going back to the high-risk clinic for the rest of my scans (next one at 13 weeks). The doctor and sonographer were both outstanding and I couldn't be happier.
Vegas, I am so happy for you!!!! I can't wait to see! So.... can we add you to our sigs!
Vegas, I think you're right about them being used to our female issues! Something made me laugh this morning, though... not quite a female issue, but funny. I had horribly gassy tummy all day yesterday that just wouldn't go away. I tried massaging it last night before bed, no help. When Blake got up this morning to get ready for work, I totally just let a fart out. He goes, "OH MY GOD. Did you just FART?!?" Yes, yes I did. He says, "You're supposed to warn me so I can leave the room! You're not getting any for a couple weeks now." Hahaha. Then he added, "I'm just going to pretend that was the baby. If it's a boy, all is good. If it ends up being a girl, we'll have to have a talk." :haha: He's so proud of his man gas, I fart once and he's all grossed out!

Yayyyyyy for the good scan! Can't wait to see pics!

Meli, glad DH seems to be in a better mood! That's awesome about DS's award! Hmm... gift idea... iTunes gift card?

Angel, I lol'd at you waddling out with your pants around your knees! Hope you can get your gender scan moved.

You're going to have to get a pic of that cake, sounds so cute! Glad you've been in a good mood, I can tell from you post :haha:

That pic of Carter is too cute!

YAYY to your awesome scan and strong hb :wohoo::wohoo::wohoo:

I’m so glad you liked both the doctor and sonographer. It sounds like you are in great hands and I can’t wait to see your pics! :hugs:


Lol at your gas issues :haha: OK, I will say it. I try not to do this in front of dh, but sometimes I can’t help it (you know, like you laugh hard and it comes out). He farts all the time in front of me, but I don’t mind because his don’t smell. I’m not kidding. AND he has an unusual talent--when he passes them, they sound like music instruments and songs or something.. cuz of the way he meters them out. Does that make sense? OMG he would totally KILL me if he knew I told you guys this!! We definitely don’t pass gas in front of ds--we don’t want him to think it’s ok to do that in public :haha:

Ohh, I like your idea of itunes. I know ds will love that idea also. I hadn’t thought of that!


Stef makes a good point. You’ll have to post a pic of Carter’s bday cake!!

So.....let’s see….we’re waiting for both vegas & Jasmine to post scan pics. Can’t wait!!! HURRY HURRY!!
Meli, I do try not to do it in front of him usually. I didn't do this one on purpose, but I have an excuse! And it felt good for it to FINALLY come out! And LOLOLOL at musical instruments! Blake's definitely smell... STINK. He's so proud. Weirdo.

Yeah, come on Jasmine and Vegas!!!

Birthday cake at work for the owner's 80th bday. Chocolate cake and cheesecake with strawberries. I just showed everyone the u/s pics so now they'll know why I'm going to request a piece of each!
Meli, I do try not to do it in front of him usually. I didn't do this one on purpose, but I have an excuse! And it felt good for it to FINALLY come out! And LOLOLOL at musical instruments! Blake's definitely smell... STINK. He's so proud. Weirdo.

Yeah, come on Jasmine and Vegas!!!

Birthday cake at work for the owner's 80th bday. Chocolate cake and cheesecake with strawberries. I just showed everyone the u/s pics so now they'll know why I'm going to request a piece of each!

YAY to 2 pieces of cake!!! :happydance:

What did they say when you told them??
They were all excited. They loved the pics! "Awww look at the little foot!" Lol. They all knew about my first m/c, but not the second. The women started telling me stories about when they had their kids, asking about names, etc.
They were all excited. They loved the pics! "Awww look at the little foot!" Lol. They all knew about my first m/c, but not the second. The women started telling me stories about when they had their kids, asking about names, etc.

aww so sweet!!

What different circumstances than poor Jasmine, being put on the spot by that stupid cow!
Meli: you are such a great mom to your ds. I love that you made a copy if his award so he can have one at both houses. So thoughtful! That iPad case is pretty cool. This weekend I'm going to get something for it.

Stef: there is a total double standard when it comes to gas. I refuse to do it in front of dh and wish he would consider not doing it in front of me. Oh well. Wish I could tell you what to take for the gas, but it is just one of those side effects.

Angel: I want to see that cake too! Charlotte also loves Mr. Potato Head. I bought her a giant potato head that has two bodies and like 50 pieces for Christmas. If he doesn't already have that one you should see if you can find it (I paid like $15 for it at Costco, but it was only there at Christmas).

Afm: so my friend here in town had her baby yesterday and she is adorable. We were due about two weeks apart so it is a bit sad for me to see that her baby is here. Of course today's scan has filled me with so much hope. If y'all want to add my BFP feel free. I haven't told anyone besides you guys and my dh and don't know when I'll announce to the rest of the world. I plan on keeping it off FB all together, so keep that in mind. If all continues to go well I think I'm going to wait until my 20 week scan to announce to friends and family- of course co-workers will be told earlier since it will get hard to hide at some point ;)
Yeah I'll miss my co-workers when I finally find another job, they're all super nice.

Oh yeah, I told my closest friends yesterday, too. One did a little dance in his chair and said, "I'm going to be an uncle again, I'm so excited!" Lol.
Stef: congrats on telling work. Now I'm hungry for cake! My appetite is totally back.
Vegas, I'd be happy if Blake would just stop aiming his farts at me, lol. Pig.

The wife of the company's owner was telling us her granddaughter just had her baby yesterday, too. On the bathroom floor at her hospital. Apparently she was 6cm dilated and went to go to the bathroom and out came the baby!

I'm soooo happy your u/s went well and we can add your BFP now! YAY! :happydance:
So I just peed for the 7th time since I got to work. Less than 5 hours ago. :wacko:

I updated my Siggy. YYYYYAAAAAAAYYYY!!

Me too! I also started a pg journal, yay! Link in sig.

On another note, I'm thinking about removing jenkb and jennc from my sig... I hope everything is good with them and they got their BFPs, they just haven't been here in soooooo long.
Me too! I also started a pg journal, yay! Link in sig.

On another note, I'm thinking about removing jenkb and jennc from my sig... I hope everything is good with them and they got their BFPs, they just haven't been here in soooooo long.


I was thinking of doing the same thing, BUT then it leaves me as the only one of the group without a bfp! :cry::growlmad:
Stef: I think it's ok to remove them. I'm just too lazy to bother. I do wonder how they are doing.
Well Hiiiii everyone,

I’m back! Sorry it’s going to be a long catch up! I’ll post my scan pictures in a separate post after this one just in case it messes this message up that would be very annoying!

Meli - Really great news about getting out of the baby shower for the second time, whoooooo! I was annoyed at your mum for making you go at one point but luckily you don’t have too now! I don’t think you were overreacting about not going at all, if anything it’s sensible and you know yourself well enough to know that you wouldn’t cope with it, and that’s just sensible if you ask me! I wouldn’t have gone, no way! Sorry about all of the allergies you have been having, yuk, is it hayfever?

I will post a wedding outfit piccy on here when I can get one as me and OH both forgot our cameras for the wedding, can you believe that, we are gutted! So I don’t know if anyone has a picture of me, also it was so absolutely freezing there that most people kept there coats or cardigans or blankets wrapped around them so it wasn’t quite as glam as we hoped but still brilliant! So if someone does have a piccy of me I'm probably huddled around a fire in a fur coat with a mug of soup, rock and roll!

About your ttc plan, I agree with what Angel says, it will hopefully work quickly too. At least then you know you’ve covered all basis and are all systems go to try! I’m sorry about all the drama with OH’s tonsillectomy, there aren’t many more annoying things than an ill and pathetic behaving husband! My OH really loves to milk it when he’s ill, I’d probably end up divorcing him if he had a tonsillectomy! Sorry you didn’t end up getting your Thai food after all of the research, funnily enough it's my birthday on Sunday and we had booked a Thai restaurant too, which I read loads of reviews for, but ended up cancelling due to lack of money so no Thai for me either! Boooo! I was so hoping for a chilli banana!

Meli, rant away, anytime! It can’t be easy living with two men! Wish I could come out to magic mountain to visit you ,where is it, I so wish we all lived closer! That’s funny about the fat baby remark, at first I hadn’t seen Stef’s comment as I had only been scanning the posts so I had no clue what you meant but now I do, hehe! I hope I have a fat baby too, they’re the cutest! Eva had gorgeous fat cheeks when she was born but you can judge my pictures for yourself in a minute! DHs concert sounded fantastic! Angel’s right you sound like an amazing mum, he really is lucky and you are just so thoughtful you put me to shame!

Vegas – I could have kicked myself for how I announced my pregnancy at work but you’re right, it is funny if you think about it and totally typical of me to mess it up! Ah, well I hate a big fuss anyways! I’m sorry you have been feeling tired and gross, I’d like to say it doesn’t last long but I’m still feeling it! Ooh your break sounded lovely, I love the thought of warm sand between my toes and virgin pina coladas, unfortunately we don’t get many hot days at all in the UK, its very DEPRESSING! Sorry the sickness ruined it at the end though. I’m so thrilled for you that your scan went as well as can be and the feeling you have been having are exactly the same as us all, so please don’t feel bad about it! I had also decided that if this pregnancy doesn’t work out for me that I wouldn’t try again either, I really have tried not to get too attached but I guess I better start now! My friend asked me today if I had a nickname for my baby and I said Randy Gladstone for a joke, she thought I needed a cuter one and I agreed! The name rnady came from this weirdo guy in the magazine I work for and here in the UK Randy means horny so it was a definite joke! I’ll not mention your pg on fb but I’ll update my siggy in a minute, yaaayyyyy!

Stef – I liked your remark
I've decided pg hormones make me an absolute bitch. Not sure quite how to deal with that...

That’s exactly how I feel! I get the ‘rage’ I think we (our OHs mainly) just have to accept that we’re bitches for 9 months! Also, when you say about not being very socialble or good with strnagers that’s exactly like me too! Your bump piccy was cute! I wish I was as tiny as you! I’m really sorry that you’re having such a hardtime job hunting. I’m so happy for you that your scan went really well and the pictures are just adorable! They are so clear, especially the hand and the foot and is that a boy’s part I spy? I know nothing about nubs though! Just a wild guess that it’s a boy! So nice about Blakes Mothers day gift, if it wasn’t for all the farting he’d be the perfect guy!

Angel – I’m loving the fact that you want to do all things ‘crunchy’ when it comes to your birth! I ended up being a bit crunchy without ever intending to, I requested a water birth but Eva’s heartbeat was too fast, then I had a totally natural labour, breastfed, co-slept, baby-wore and never intended on doing any of it! By crunchy do you mean a bit hippyish? That’s what I presumed you meant! I think with this baby, I will try and do the same but I must say I found breast feeding a real challenge, I’m having to have a good think about that one, I mean I’ll do it at first but I’m not sure how long for. I doubt I would encapsulate my placenta though, that’s hardcore crunchy! I’m glad you have found a doula that you really like too and I’m glad Jeff has decided to go for her now too! I have been thinking about birth photography, I love all of the newborn pictures, I have found one that looks pretty good near here but it’s a matter of affording it right now! I love your 16 week bump too! Love the picture of Carter and so glad you had a fantastic time in the sun, I’m not jealous at all, honest!

AFM, obviously I’m still ridiculously tired, it’s getting boring now and I’m really trying my best to power through it but it’s hard! I hope it will ease off in the next few weeks, as I haven’t been able to do anything in the evenings, I normally make bears or knit, watch films/TV, chat with friends/family I swear I do none of that atm :(

Anyway, good news is both the wedding/holiday and the scan were fantastic! I was really nervous before the scan, especially the moment when she first put the scanner on my stomach, we had Eva with us too and she almost had a HUGE paddy but a miracle oocured outside the room in the form of a random stranger with stickers to hand and it totally worked if it hadn’t Shane wouldn’t have been able to come in as he would have had to wait outside with tantrumming Eva, phew close one!

So as we were having the Down Syndrome screening we got to see the baby for quite a while as she took the measurements, it was rubbing it’s little eyes and kicking and turning over, so cute, I was just staring at it in wonderment and pure joy.

The wedding was so good. There were different levels of accommodation, all outdoor apart from the luxury apartments for the wedding party, we originally thought we were staying in a ‘Nomad tent’ which is basically just a canvas tent but when we arrived we found out we had been upgraded and we actually stayed in a ‘Shack’ it was basically a little log cabin with a real wood burning stove in it and a canvas tippy (sp) attached to it, I’m not gonna lie, it was ******* freezing at night, I slept in full clothes, my coat, a sleeping bag and two woollen blankets and still woke up shivering several times each night but my god it was worth it!

Eva loved camping, isn’t it funny how kids don’t feel the cold, she was fine, she met the love of her life there too, Oscar, aged 3 and a half, they were inseparable, there is a picky on my fb of them slow dancing in front of the Elvis impersonator, so cute! The food was insanely nice, it was all so rustic, locally sourced handmade you name it, they had a big outdoor oven for doing the homemade pizzas in on the first night and they were the nicest I’ve ever had, complete with homemade soup with chilli butter in enamel cups under the stars! We saw many of our good friend, watched two of our best friend’s get married, enjoyed the great outfdoors, even outdoor eco showers! It was an adventure, we loved it! We had a vintage tea party in a huge barn, a hog roast, a bbq breakfast the next day, it was fab!

Okay so I could say loads more but I’m gonna try and get these pictures on now!
Loads of love x x
Argghh, the lighting in here is too crap to photograph the scan pictures but here is the one that is already on fb for you mainly Meli as you haven't seen it, it's rubbing it's eyes with both fists...

Also, the beautiful bride and groom...

Also, the wedding itinary poster, had to show you this as I designed it, hehe!


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