June Angel Baby Mommas Hoping for Rainbows!!

Oh, I forgot. I said to Blake yesterday, "I think it's a girl and that old wive's tale about baby girls stealing their mother's beauty is true because I've looked horrible lately." He says, "You've looked pregnant lately." I gave him a look and said, "What's that supposed to mean?" And he says, "That you've looked like a god - great." Lol. Nice save!
Meli: if it were not for my daily diet coke I would be a zombie. A little won't hurt you and perhaps you could switch to half-caf or do one full-strength and the other decaf.

Give me a minute to think of restaurants in Vegas. I'm rusty. You're staying at Mandalay Bay, right? I thought about your trip last night and how Vegas and pregnancy aren't the best mix (though I guess I did it). Ikwym about seafood. Of course I was enjoying seafood until my little clam chowder incident last weekend. Now I can't even think about it.

Don't feel bad about not telling your mom. I still haven't told mine. I want to be absolutely sure it's good news when I tell her. I'm still thinking of just waiting until baby is here (seriously).

Afm: my nausea feels a tad better today. Really hoping this silly ms is coming to an end. Anyone got any ideas on birthday gifts forth man who has everything? Ben's bday is tomorrow and I'll I've got him is a cake and some new golf balls. Charlotte suggested a motocycle, but that is not happening (and where does she come up with this stuff?).

Yah, I usually have 2 cups a day. Idk…I ate lunch one hour ago and now I can’t stop yawning, seriously! I don’t think this experiment will last very long…


I may try your idea of half decaf, half regular! Hummm….

Boo to no ultrasound!!

Were you able to wash the blood out of your clothes before it stained?

You guys can add it to your siggies now. I already updated my signature with status. It’s so funny because just last week, I updated my signature to “Waiting to Try”. I went back this morning and changed it to “pregnant”

Oh, and a nice save by Blake. He’s good!


Yes, we are staying at Mandalay Bay. I’m trying not to freak out at the thought of the secondhand smoke from the casinos…For sure vegas and pregnancy are not the best mix. How did you deal with the secondhand smoke while pg?

I guess I shouldn’t feel bad about not telling my mom yet. And I can’t believe you might wait until baby is here to tell her! Won’t that be a shock to her?

I’m so glad you’re feeling better today!

Omg I LOL at Charlotte’s suggestion of a motorcycle :haha:! That’s funny. That’d be cute if you found a miniature/matchbox motorcycle and wrapped it up for him, from Charlotte!

Gosh I have no suggestions. As a matter of fact, that reminds me that dh’s bday is coming up soon--and I haven’t even started thinking about his gift yet! Thanks for the reminder!
Stef: Blake is so sweet! And smart enough to know that you compliment a pregnant woman no matter what.

Meli: smoke wasn't an issue for me. The newer the casino, the higher the ceiling and the better the hvac (ventilation) system. Stay out of the Tropicana, Flamingo and Bally's and you should probably be ok. I'll pm you with a list of restaurants. I'm serious about not telling anyone about the baby (other than those who see me in person). I doubt it'll happen, but I like keeping it to ourselves. I think a baby would be a great Christmas gift to our parents and they wouldn't have to worry for the next 6.5 months. Wish I could have that luxury!
Hi everyone,

Exciting news, I just bought my pram!


We raised some funds through selling some stuff and OH won a bet so we decided to go ahead and get the pram! I deliberated for ages over that one or the Maclaren XT but went for this in the end as it's the better deal and I also got more money off so it worked out well! I only wanted to buy one pram through baby and toddlerdom so this fitted the bill, I may also get the soft carrycot too!

Right, I'm trying to add Meli's BFP into my siggy but it says I can't have more than 7 pictures in it, grrr so annoying! I can't wait to have them all flashing I'm so proud of us all, we did it!

Vegas, I love the idea of keeping the baby a secret and the just popping it out at Christmas, haha! I reckon that would be very hard though, to keep it concealed, I'm already noticably showing!

Stef, I bet you look gorgeous, hey how's your bump looking now? When will you find out the gender?

Angel, how are you?

Meli, it is horrible not being able to tell when you want to shout it from the rooftops but I guess it's worth the wait! Are you being like me and Stef were and still POAS?

x x x
Vegas, glad your nausea was feeling better. Is it still? Mine's finally letting up. Still feel bleh throughout the day if I don't eat, but not feeling like I need to throw up all the time.

What did you end up getting Ben? I loved Meli's idea of a Matchbox motorcycle!

My mom would kill me if I didn't tell her until the baby was born! But with my mom that would require outright lying, since she comes out and asks. Apparently she told my aunt months ago that she thinks I'm pregnant... around the time I got the BFP. Crazy lady.

Meli, how are you doing on the caffeine?

I'm not sure if I got all the blood out... I have to check the pants. My m/w used a spray on them that they use at the birthing center, but it didn't get it out as much as she hoped. She said it would help it not set. I went home and rinsed and scrubbed with soap and cold water, but forgot to go back and check if it needed to be done again before I threw them in the wash :wacko: So hopefully it came out before the dryer set it in...

Jasmine, yay! What color did you get? I really like the silver/pine green (but that would get messy so fast) and the black/citrus lime. I like green, though :)

I have a m/w appt at 17+1 and will definitely be asking for an u/s in case we can tell the gender then. Unfortunately Blake won't be able to make it to that appt (the only time I could get for that day is before he gets home, I have to leave work early to make it on time), but he said that's ok, I can just tell him if I find out the gender. Since the appt is 2 days before Father's Day... if I find out, I'm thinking about not telling him until then :haha:

Here's a bump pic from yesterday at 13+4. No bloat (hahaha omg I almost typed blump because I was thinking bump and bloat at the same time) in this one. I'll be taking another at 14 weeks on Thursday.

Aww well cute bump Stef! Love it and the top! I got the black and citrus colourway, I love green too! Yayyy for finding out the gender at 17 weeks I found out at 16 with Eva so it's deffo possible!

Also, is anyone else having trouble digesting food, I can eat fine during the day but by early evening I feel like I have a gastric band on and can hardly eat a thing, can this be linked with constipation cos i have that bad, I need to go to the docs tomorrow to get some meds, I haven't been for a number 2 in like 2 weeks, TMI sorry?
Jasmine, I tried getting the full top in the pic because it's cute - like a rainbow. I was taking it myself so I wasn't able to without risk of dropping the phone, though.

I'm not having any #2 problems, but I know what you mean about evening being harder to eat. I can't fit much of any food in there by that point, and normally I'm a piggie! The constipation could definitely be making it worse for you. Hope the meds you get work!
Jasmine: love the stroller. I'm still not sure why strollers are so darn expensive. I think I'm just going to keep what I've got, but then again, maybe I'll upgrade. I really do think I could keep this secret from most of my friends and family as they live so far away (and rarely visit), but I'm sure Ben will end up telling his mom and then it'll be a race to see how fast she can inform the world (she blabbed last time and then I got clean-up duty after the mc). Also, love your new siggy. I'll update mine tonight. As for digestion; it's hit or miss. Now that I'm starting to feel better I'm adding fruits and veggies back which seems to help (though I'm getting a bit gassy). I had horrible constipation with Charlotte, in fact, it was one of my symptoms that made me think I could be pregnant. My doctor prescribed a pre-natal that included a stool softener and it worked wonders! Perhaps you could ask your doctor about this.

Stef: I totally think you will be able to see the gender at 17 weeks and I love making it into a Father's Day surprise. I do detect the beginnings of a cute bump. I'm afraid all I have is a blump (perfect word even if it was an accident).

Meli: how are you feeling today?

Angel: what's up!

Afm: still haven't shopped for a gift and today is his b-day. I think perhaps we will get him a matchbox motorcycle and that Charlotte can give it to him. I'm leaning towards getting him his own iPad. If he doesn't like it he can return it. I'm really starting to feel better which is scary and a relief all at once. I have a dr appointment on Thursday, so hopefully I'll get to hear the hb again. I feel all I ever do is go to the doctor, but I'm happy to do it.
Vegas, hope Ben's mom doesn't blab! My mom can keep a secret if I ask her to... sort of, but she lets out little hints that everyone is able to guess from. :roll:

I'm hoping we can see the gender! I suppose it all depends on if the baby cooperates that day. I still want to do the private u/s between 18-20 weeks to get pics, but Blake was all, "If you find out with the m/w, why spend the extra money?" Because I want pics, that's why!!!

Lol I do love the word blump. I was thinking after I almost typed it, "Hmm. I think I just coined a knew term." Lol.

I started feeling a bit better around the point you're at now, then it all came back pretty quickly. Are you getting another u/s on Thursday or just the doppler?

AFM, apparently I ALREADY have to deal with people touching my stomach. I get that from Blake's mom already, which I expected, every time I see her. But a woman at work, the newest person who's been here 2 or 3 weeks, just came up to me while I'm sitting at my desk with my laptop on my lap, poked me in the tummy and said, "Is that baby?"
Stef: how odd that someone who barely knows you would be touching your tummy, especially since not even you can feel him/her kicking at this point. I agree with you about wanting more images at 20 weeks if your mw doesn't provide them. No scan at this appointment, I'm assuming the other doctor sent over the photos from last week. Next scan is on June 13 when I'll be 13+4.
I thought it was odd, too. I should have discouraged her from doing it again by saying something like, "Are you calling me fat?!" :haha:

Your next scan is a day after Angel's gender scan and a day before my next one. Going to be lots of pics to share :) That is if I can get a shot of the u/s screen with my phone since it doesn't do prints, lol.
Stef: Perhaps Jasmine and Meli can get scans that week too. I think that would put Meli around eight weeks which is the perfect time for a scan.
I have my 20 week scan on July 8th! So not far after! That's when they tell you the gender here too.

How rude of that woman Stef!

Vegas the gift sounds great but I'm a big fan of apple, just got an iPhone.

I'm rested up on the sofa tonight with soup and a duvet, tried to have a nap but oh was kicking off as had work to do and couldn't look after eva so I had to come down, grrrr men! It's like the only time I ever come in from work and go to bed, he can be a stroppy beggar at times wouldn't mind but it was his driving that made me feel ill in the first place. X

Thanks for the info about the smoke and the new casinos. You’ve put my mind at ease, and I will definitely stay away from the 3 you mentioned. I got your pm, thank you!!! :flower: So helpful!

About not sharing your pg news-you know, when you put it that way, it makes sense to me! It’s definitely a luxury that they won’t have to worry about anything. It sounds like you think Ben will crack first and spill the beans :haha:

I think the Ipad is a great idea. I don’t think you can go wrong with that.

FX that they will give you a chance to hear the hb on Thursday! I don’t know when I’ll get a scan this time. Last year, my first scan was at 6+2. I don’t know if I should try to get in at that time again, or wait a little longer?


Love your new siggy. I am going to copy it-I hope you don’t mind~!

That pram is cool. It looks like it does everything, including walk the baby for you!

You said you’re already noticeably showing. BUMP PIC TIME!! :thumbup:

I lol at the visual of vegas popping out her baby and passing it around at xmas :haha:

Let’s see…I poas the first time on Sat with an IC, which had a faint line that could barely be seen. Then I used answer first response and the EPT digital. I was curious about why the IC was very faint, so the next day I used fmu, and the line still came back so faint! If it wasn’t for the strong positives on the answer and digital, I would have been freaking out. I think those IC’s SUCK! Or maybe I just had a bad batch? So, I have not poas’d since Sunday morning..But I do see how it can get addicting!

Jasmine! Not going #2 for such a long time isn’t healthy-preggo or not :nope: I hope you get this resolved asap :hugs:

Sorry that Mr. Jasmine couldn’t watch Eva diva for you and interrupted your snooze! I know what you mean about his driving making you ill in the first place. I get the same way. That’s why I’m always the one in the drivers seat. His driving doesn’t make me ill per se, rather he just stresses me out because I think he is a very aggressive driver. So I’d rather drive and have him hound me here and there with his backseat driving. The only exception is when we’re in his car. I don’t dare drive it, with him in the car. I’ll only drive it if I’m alone. Cuckoo, I know :wacko:


Your mom isn’t a crazy lady--she obvs has a gift lol :flower:

So far, so good without the caffeine. Today is day 3, and no headache yet. YAY! I haven’t had a chance to go to the store to buy decaf so I can do the half and half experiment.

I think it’s an awesome idea to wait to tell Blake the gender for father’s day!!

Cute blump (love that word!) and cute top!:thumbup:

What was that girl thinking, poking your tummy! You were very gracious to not be rude.


Where are you?! Hope you’re doing well :flower:


I’m doing well, except that I’ve noticed that my legs/ankles and feet are so swollen!! Even first thing in the morning! I think this has been going on for at least 1 week, maybe 10 days.

I went for a blood draw this morning to check my thyroid levels. I go tomorrow afternoon to my ob/gyn for a pg test (prob urine) then once it comes back positive, I will get blood drawn and hopefully get my progesterone rx she promised!

One side effect that I’ve noticed so far is that I no longer have an appetite in the morning. I‘m not complaining! I’m glad, actually, I would much rather not have an appetite for a bit, than to be ravenous.

Weird thing is that even though I don’t have breakfast, I still have horrendous heartburn. Idk what’s up with that!?

I also have sore bb’s (I can’t even cross my hands over my chest anymore).

Last night, dh and ds went to costco and bought a new 70 inch tv. It’s awesome. It took him at least 3 hours to get it set up, and hook up the surround sound. Someone’s in love! (dh and ds, not me). I don’t/can’t appreciate all the bells and whistles this one has…stuff like you can check your emls on it, get Netflix and Pandora on the tv, I know there’s more stuff, but my eyes just glazed over at a certain point. Just tell me that I can still record and watch my fav, judge judy, on the dvr and I’m happy :haha:

Oh, and I forgot to say that dh has been in an amazing mood since I got my bfp. He's not a crabby patty anymore! I know he’s not feeling that much better, because he still gets some bleeding episodes here and there, and gets tired quickly, so I know his awesome mood is due to the bfp.
Jasmine: sorry you weren't able to relax tonight. Hopefully you were able to get Miss Eva settled quickly so you could get back to resting.

Meli: I'd ask for an early scan and another at eight weeks. The more the merrier. You're better than me with testing. i took a test daily for over a week. i had like 20 ics so why not. They did work well for me, but im sure the quality control for such cheap tests isn't all that great. I've not been as hungry in the morning either as my tummy always feels odd at that time. I take Pepcid Complete for my heartburn. My dr said to take it with Charlotte and it really helps. Hope your appointment goes well tomorrow. Glad to hear your dh is in a good mood. Between the bfp and the new tv he should be!
Sorry for my lack of response lately. I have been feeling super tired and will reply properly tomorrow.:flower:

Do you mean early scan, like now? or at 6 weeks (which is when they can usually see the bean, I think?)

If the IC’s I had didn’t suck, I think I may have kept testing, like you did. It felt so good to see those lines! But when I kept getting those faint lines, I said, scr*w this lol :wacko:

I’m totally going to buy the Pepcid today. Thanks for the suggestion.

You make a good point that dh had BETTER be in a good mood right now. It doesn’t get any better than a bfp and a new tv!

This morning he was bleeding and passing clots again. He’s finally going back to his surgeon today to see what’s up with that. I hope they don’t have to seal it again with the laser :nope:

I told him he needs to stop messing with it!! My goodness, he spends the day between looking at his throat (using MY lighted magnifying mirror--I actually hid it from him and he got mad so I had to give it back!) and weighing himself. He’s worse than a chick. Maybe I’m just a hater, because when I had my tonsillectomy, I lost 5 lbs. That’s it!! 5 lbs!!! Guess how much he’s lost in 13 days?? 13 lbs!! WTH??!! FACT: SOOOOOOO NOT FAIR!

I know I mentioned yesterday that my legs and mostly feet, are swollen. Well, one foot and ankle (the right side) is more swollen than the other!! Weird, huh! Leave it to me to have funky things happening with my body :wacko::wacko:

You know, I realized a few days ago that this bfp was my last chance before the 'would have been due date'. And, I've been wanting to buy a pandora bracelet with an angel charm for so long, but I keep putting it off because it's so expensive. I also kept telling myself to wait until I got my new bfp, because I was afraid it would be too painful to wear an angel bracelet, until that point. WELL, last week I was looking at overstock.com and I found a pretty heart charm bracelet. I started browsing and found an angel charm bracelet! Of course, it's not the quality of a pandora, not at all. But I thought, for the price ($24.99) why not? So I bought it! Then 4 days later I got my bfp! I'm hopeful these are good signs....
Meli: that is so sweet about the charm. I think we all have our little angels watching over us. Who knows, perhaps our angels are our rainbows (not sure how the soul department works). Anyway, I don't think they would scan you until you are at least five weeks because they wouldn't be able to see a gestational sac any earlier. You may be able to hear a hb by the end of week six. I did. My dh has also used my magnifying mirror to watch himself as he digs out tonsil stone (super yuck). Don't worry about his weight loss I'm sure he'll pack it all back on this weekend :) Btw, drink more water to see if it will help your swelling. I know it seems counterintuitive, but I think it'll help.
Vegas, I am glad you nausea is better. I love Charlotte’s suggestion of a motorcycle!! :rofl: I hope his birthday went well. I would be completely serious in not telling my mom if we didn't live by them. If I knew I wouldn't see them in the ten months, I would completely keep it a secret!!

Jasmine, I love the pram!! I have serious pram envy, I drive Jeff crazy. I REALLY want a BOB Revolution double jogging stroller. We used a single during our last beach vacation and loved it! As for digestion, I wish I couldn't eat at night!! I wake up in the middle of the night just to eat now! I am sorry about the constipation though, that sucks. Can you try some fiber?

Stef, the blood thing happened to me when they did an IV when I was induced with Carter. It also recently happened to Jeff. It was when we went to the ER and he had his appendix removed so I was right next to him during the blood draw. I saw the blood start to gush out and I caught it with my hands. He looked at me horrified! And I said “what? You wouldn't touch my blood?” after I said that he clammed up because I looked offended, but I didn't want it to get all over his pants!! I mean, I am the one that does the laundry!
That sounds like a great idea to keep it a secret from Blake, do you think you can?? I certainly think they will be able to tell at 17 weeks! Very cute bump, love the word blump too! I can’t believe you already have people touching your bump! What is wrong with people?!

Melissa, if I were you, I would try to wait until at least 7 weeks. With this pregnancy, I had one at 6+2 and while they were pretty sure they saw a heartbeat, they weren't 100% sure and it was pretty stressful.
Yay to symptoms!!!! And yay to no more Mr. Crabby Patty!! I am glad you got to get that bracelet!! Like I said before, meant to be!

AFM, I can’t believe we have all those scans in a row!! What a fun week it will be! I am sure I am feeling movement now. Nothing that is regular or anything, but still awesome!! There really isn't anything else going on here. I spent Mon and Tues lying around the house. I finally got out today and feel better. Here is a 17+5 bump pic. Sorry about my crazy, cheesy smile!

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