June Angel Baby Mommas Hoping for Rainbows!!

I'm not sure, he's apparently liked it since Heroes was first out on TV, and after having me watch it on Netflix, it renewed his interest in the name. I think he just came up with the pickup line to be funny with his family, lol. They just rolled their eyes. They all like the name though, because his grandpa's name was Wes, so they're saying they can call him that... which he hates and might discourage his choice of West. We've been talking about names since the first pg... we can't seem to agree on many!

I'm completely with you on the day needing to hurry up!
Stef: I think West is cute. Perhaps both of you need to make a list without each other's help then compare. If the same name(s) show up then they make it to the next level. Not sure what the strategy is if no names are the same.
Hey girls

I just thought I would pop in and say hello. I have been thinking of you all and have tried to read to keep up with whats going on with you. Big huge congrats to all of you. I am really truly very excited that your rainbow babies have found you!! Meli and Vegas I haven't congratulated you personally yet. I have been rooting for all of you in the background even though I haven't posted for awhile. When I read about your bfp's I was almost as excited as I would have been if it was my own!!

Things have been a bit tough for me over the last few months. I guess I needed to take a break from BnB although it wasn't really planned. For some reason I just wasn't able to post. I would come on here, read your posts and just couldn't find words to respond. The longer I didn't post the harder it got.

In February after my round of provera, clomid and the trigger shot af got me at day 25 (which never happens). The blood test said based on my progesterone levels I didn't even ovulate. That was pretty devastating to me because with the trigger shot ovulation pretty much always happens. I had been so sure I had based on how I felt. I had a nice big follicle and everything looked good. No idea why it didn't happen. My doctor said it was possible I did ovulate and my progesterone just dropped really fast after ovulation. 7dpo it was at 1.8 (should have been at least 15 based on the medicated cycle). There is no way a baby is going to stick at that level!!

I decided I needed to take a break from ttc. I cut out gluten and dairy completely (as I had testing that showed I had a major intolerance which was causing inflammation which is bad for ttc). We didn't ttc at all in March. I starting taking some more supplements and between the doctor and the pharmacist we decided I needed progesterone supplementation. I starting taking prometrium (the natural form of progesterone most commonly used) in May. I had to force my cycle to start again because after the 25 day cycle in February it was 50+ days and nothing was happening. We decided we would ttc again that cycle and I took the clomid. I had a major allergic reaction to the Prometrium (to the peanut oil carrier in the pill) and ended up in the emergency room (I was out of town for a conference when that happened). I had to stop the prometrium and switch to a specially made plain progesterone pill. They said despite the allergic reaction I could still do the trigger shot this month.

I tried really hard not to get my hopes up but you know how that goes. I was optimistic that the progesterone would be the magic my body needed and maybe this would be my month. Yesterday af arrived (earlier than expected as it was only 11-12 days after I would have ovulated...based on my tracking tests I am pretty sure of when I ovulated). I guess its good that the tracking showed I ovulated but I must say I was pretty devastated yesterday when I realized af was making an early appearance. So onto the next cycle.

I am trying to stay positive but it has been a pretty tough couple of months for me. I think the fact that June is just around the corner makes it just a little harder. My due date would have been June 28. I guess there is still one more chance that I could get my bfp before then. You guys give me hope. I am so glad that you all got your bfp's before your angel's due dates. I am hoping that some of the JAB baby dust will rub off on me!! I have made my 1st follicle tracking appointment for June 3. I will take the clomid starting tomorrow. I will just keep on trying. Maybe June will be my month!!

Anyways, I just wanted to let you guys know that even though I haven't been around that I am still thinking about you all. This ttc journey can be a tough one and your support has meant a lot to me. I had a bit of a meltdown last night. Seeing af really let me know how much my hopes were up this month. I know that I need to let it out. I really hate to bring my troubles to such a positive thread where you all are doing so well. I guess I was hoping to have some good news to share before I came back and posted again. I realized that I shouldn't wait and hold it all in. I hope you guys don't mind me coming back here after all this time.
Hey girls!

Aww Vegas, I'm so happy that you're appointment went really well and that you heard the HB! Do you feel positive about this pregnancy and your scan more after hearing that? Funny that you haven't thought of names, you seem like such a cool character, between that and keeping the pregnancy a secret, I'm bloody neurotic compared to you, I think of names in my sleep!

Stef, yaaay for feeling movements, I too have been having the bubble weird type feeling the last couple of days and have been thinking it's baby too! The name West is quite cute but it's practically unheard of here in the UK, is it common there? I'm struggling so much with boy's names, quite like Cole but don't love it!

Meli, about the siggy, it wouldn't let me add all of the BFPs on seperately so I thought I'd just revamp the siggy, I've changed 'got our rainbows' to 'growing' though as we can't take anything for granted sadly! Okay, so I'll get OH to do a bump piccy of me this evening and I'll put it up! My bump feels particularly big tonight, as I've just polished off the Friday fish and chips! Sorry about your swollen ankles and feet btw. I myself have a condition in my left foot and ankle where it is permanently swollen so I know exactly how you feel, it's very uncomfortable! The sore boobs are a good sign, mine aren't as sore anymore but they were for quite a few weeks, just like that! The charm was a good idea, I bet it's really pretty! Sorry , what's the pepcid for again Meli? I thought you meant that pink medicine stuff for indigestion at first!

Angel, I changed my mind on the pram, still went with a maclaren but got this one...


I had to order both and refuse the one I didn't want at delivery. I was really annoyed cos the day after I bought it they released a really good 15% code, I emailed them and they refunded the difference! So with that code in mind I went for the above one with a cosy sheepskin liner to go in it, they both arrived today and I absolutely LOVE it and so does Eva, she wouldn't get out of it and kept putting her dolly 'Pinky' in it! Hey, I just googled the one you want, it's really smart! I never used to be fussed about prams but I'm getting more into it now with this baby, the whole point of the maclaren is to only buy one pram throughout but i can feel myself wanting more which is silly! Do you think you'll need a double for definite? I'm hoping to boot Eva out now! Love the bump pic and the crazy cheesy smile even more! It cheered me up!

Jenkb123, hi there! We thought you and jennc had disappeared completely! Good to see you back and I'm so sorry to hear you've been having a hard time :( I hope you get ypur BFP really soon, it's heartbreaking getting AF every month, I only waited 4 months and it felt like a lifetime and each time it takes a little bit more from you. We are here always on this thread as you know, the support is here for you!

afm, I have been taking some meds for my digesting problem and pooing problem and as you know things are looking a bit better! I actually feel like my energy has come back a lot more today and I kind of feel now like it was maybe the constipation that has been making me feel sluggish and really tired, I have 'Lactalose solution' and 'Gaviscon advanced' and they seem to be a good combo! I've also bought some fruit and fibre for breakfasts so I'm swapping my toast with peanut butter for that and fruit, I know it's not rocket science but I'm not all that good with my diet etc.

I'm just enjoying a nice break from putting Eva to bed, as OH is doing it tonight, he works every evening at home from monday to Thursday so I do it all week and it's tiring as I wait outside her room for her to drop off, it's really uncomfortable and boring but luckily I have the ipad to keep me company. I only just figured out how to take the sound off the keyboard so I can use that time to reply on here now, bonus!
Here it is, it's me at 13+5!


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Jenk: it is so good to hear from you! We've all been wondering how you've been doing. I'm so sorry that things haven't been going very smoothly for you, but you are doing everything you can. Seeing as you've been reading through the thread you may have seen that taking a month off or moving to a new house has been highly successful for all of us. I really do feel like the stress of ttc works against us like nothing else. It will happen for you!
I just wanted to let you all know that I don't know how much I will be posting until Tues. My internet is not really working. I have hacked into someone else's wifi to get on tonight. Hopefully they will fix it soon, but with it being a holiday weekend, I can see the office not getting to it until Tues. I will miss you all!
Stef, Blake is so funny! I like the name West and Wes. I agree with Vegas, amke separate lists and then come together and see what you can come up with.

Jasmine, cute bump!!! That sheep skin sounds lovely! I am glad they gave you that % refunded. I already have a double since I baby sit that boy. I have a front back version and I hate it though! It won't even fit in my trunk! I am glad you are getting a bed time break! I love when Jeff does Carter's bed time. I am also glad you think you have found a solution to the constipation. Constipation can cause sluggishness, so you may be right!

Meli, I hope you trip to Vegas went well and can't wait to hear from you!

Vegas, how was your weekend?

Jenk, I am sorry you have had a hard time. I will say a few extra prayers for you. And then another extra for it to be in June! Of course we don't mind you returning! I hope you will feel okay posting a bit more in the future.:hugs:
I wish Jennc would update us. She has pinned a lot of gender reveal stuff and a lot of pregnancy photography, so it makes me wonder.:shrug:
Vegas, I've been making a list of names, he's poo poo'd most of them! Lol. He randomly just starts spitting out names and most of them I say no to. I think he's pretty set on West, though, since it seems to be sticking. I think it's cute, too, it's just a matter of it going with his last name (Wolz, pronounced "walls"). The WW is throwing me...

jenkb, so sorry you're having such a hard time. We definitely don't mind you coming back, we've been wondering how you were doing. Vegas is right, the stress of ttc can be a bitch (that part being my loose interpretation of her words :haha: )

Jasmine, West is pretty unheard of here, too! I think that's part of why he likes it. I really like the name Cole! Glad you have some energy back! Yay for the bump! So cute!

AFM, West has become, to Blake, "West Wolz, billionaire lady's man superhero mogul." :roll:

He suggested another name for a girl last night that we both like - Rory.

So I'm still sick. Think it turned into a sinus infection, tmi - snot was green on Saturday. Texted my midwife and she can't prescribe meds for that, she suggested grapefruit seed extract, which I already had because I was taking it a few months ago. I'm convinced it's what got me through the flu so quickly (3 days when everyone around me took 2 weeks). The green stuff started clearing up right away and I started feeling better. Slept most of the weekend, still feeling bleh, but better than I was last week. Just can't wait for it to all clear up...

Had a second dry heaving incident this morning (not sure if I posted about that before). Apparently, when it didn't bother me in the past, if I hit my gag reflex (brushing my tongue you dirty perverts! lol j/k), not only do I gag, but if I hit it just the right away, it makes me heave for a good 3-4 minutes. Bleh! At that point I'd rather just throw up and get it over with! I texted Blake about it and he says, "be careful, that probably stresses the baby out quite a bit." Like I can control it and like babies in the womb never experience their mommies throwing up :dohh: lol oh Blake.

Sooo happy for a 4 day work week this week. Can we just cut it to 4 hours?
Jasmine: what a nice bump! Happy to hear you've sorted out your constipation issue. Now I'm getting a bit backed up. I need to start eating more fruits and veggies which I think will help. Also happy to hear you decided on a stroller.

Angel: do you even need a double stroller? I haven't used a stroller for months now and just plan on using my old strollers (yes, I have more than one and sure I could use another too).

Stef: I like the name Rory. My bff's mom's name is Aurora and everyone calls her Rory. I totally have the same gag reflex issue as you do. Just switch to mouthwash for a while and don't bother brushing your tongue. Typically, I'll only dry heave once or twice, but then I feel on the verge of piling for the next 10-15 minutes. I totally don't get why this happens.

Afm: not too much to report. My nausea is way better, but it still comes and goes. I've noticed that although I'm starting to get my appetite back I can't eat all that much. I suppose this should be a good thing! For some reason I'm having a bit of trouble staying asleep at night, which just makes me tired during the day
Hi ladies.
I hope everyone had a great weekend!


Hope you didn’t go into withdrawals without the internet. I know I would have.

My new due date is Jan 22.

Interesting what you wrote about Jennc. I hope she is pg and just hasnt shared it.


I’m so glad your appt went well!

Thanks so much for your awesome vegas recommendations. We did Burger Bar and the Gonzalez y Gonzalez restaurant. We also went to the Palms for their prime rib special and they no longer serve it. BOO! But that’s ok. Prime rib wasn’t meant to be for us this time. Plus, I wasn’t really hungry at that point, anyways :nope:.


Sounds like you probably did feel baby movement this morning. Yay!!! :thumbup:

omg...blake the comedian is at it again, isn’t he? He is too funny!!

Sorry to hear that you’re still sick. When you take the GSE extract, how do you take it? with juice? And how much do you take?

Lol at the gag reflex and the clarification that ‘brushing your tongue’ causes it. SURE, sure..that's what caused the gagging :winkwink:


Wow..sounds like you’ve really been put the wringer lately and your body is not cooperating at all. I’m so sorry to hear that. You know we all can relate to this.

I hope you come online and interact with us if it helps you. Since you’ve been reading our posts, you know that you’re always on our mind and we wonder how you’re doing.

I will also pray for you that June IS your month.

GL with your June 3 folly tracking appt. Keep us posted, and know that we’re here for you :hugs:


Yay to finally cleaning out the plumbing!

You took the words right out of my mouth when you told vegas “you seem like such a cool character, between that and keeping the pregnancy a secret, I'm bloody neurotic compared to you”. I could have said the same thing to her.

CUTE BUMP PIC!!! :thumbup:

Speaking of fish and chips, we had some at the New York New York casino in Vegas. IT WAS AWESOME! Best I’ve ever had.

The lifesaving Pepcid is for heartburn (although, I haven’t needed it since Friday. I wonder why?....

Oooooohhhh nice pram. I’m glad you got the extra percentage off! Every little bit helps.

I’m glad you changed your diet to add more fiber. You know what really helps me is drinking tons of water. You’d be surprised! Force yourself to drink at least 60 ounces a day and see the difference. I drink mine starting when I get to work and like to finish by 2pm at the latest. If I finish by 2pm, I don’t have to use the train bathroom. YUCK :nope:


vegas was nice. We were supposed to come home Sunday morning but everyone wanted to stay another night, so we came home on Monday morning instead.

When we got to vegas on Thursday night, my calves/knees/ankles and feet were so swollen I thought they were going to explode! Even dh was alarmed, and it takes a lot to do that. I elevated my feet for a few hours and pushed fluids. That did the trick. I guess a 4 hour drive without stretch breaks is not bueno. To keep the swelling to a minimum, I seem to require feet elevation every night. Oh, and I think my shoes contribute to the swelling. I wore cute flip flops to work today. I don’t care! :nope:

Besides the typical exhaustion from walking lots, I was fine. dh and I did return to the hotel in the afternoons so I could nap a couple of hours and get my second wind. Monday morning, as soon as we got in the car for the drive home, I started sneezing and didn’t stop. I have a terrible sore throat/ and stuffy/runny nose, and headache. No temp though, so that’s good. I’m afraid to take anything for relief of symptoms..any suggestions, anyone?

Thursday afternoon my ob finally prescribed progesterone vaginal suppositories. It is such a rare item that CVS didn’t have it in stock and had to be ordered :growlmad: It’s supposed to be ready for me to pick up today.

I didn’t mention about my appt last week with my ob because I was so frustrated and I didn’t know how it would play itself out.

Last week, when I went to my ob’s office to take the pregnancy test to start the ball rolling, they did a urine pg test. No blood pressure test, no nothing! Then they had me fill out a questionnaire, and said “Ok. Make an appt out front to return when you are 10 weeks along”.

I was stunned. I was like, “really?” and they said, “yes. The dr doesn’t see patients until you are at least 10 weeks along” I was like “WHAT?? Even with my advanced maternal age and miscarriage history?” And they said “Yes”. The nurse finally relented, and let me make an appt for June 17--8.5 weeks along. Then I said, “don’t I have to take any blood tests? You know, to measure hcg levels, test my progesterone since we suspect it’s low, etc etc?” and they said, “no”.

Needless to say, I’m not happy with the level of care I’m receiving with this dr’s office. My old ob gyn saw me at 6 weeks exactly, and had scheduled my next appt for the 10 week mark (which unfortunately didn’t happen due to the mc). I don’t want to fight with the office to be seen, so I decided to change medical groups, and the change is effective June 1. YAY! :happydance:

So, I was able to schedule my first appt with the ob for Fri, June 8. I will be 7+1. They could have seen me earlier, at 6 weeks, but thought I’d push it out one more week.
Oh here is a picture of my angel charm bracelet. You can’t see it, but inscribed on the angel is “Angel watching over me”.


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Meli: what a pretty necklace. I'm glad you are switching doctors. I've never heard of having to wait until week 10 for an appointment (at least not in the US). I wonder if all the foot swelling has to do with your progesterone levels? Progesterone causes so many of the little issues during pregnancy. Hopefully the suppositories will help. Boo on the Palms not having the prime rib special. Btw, where did you get the fish n chips? Was it Nine Fine Irishmen? I thought about suggesting it, but didn't as I've only drank there and not eaten. Sounds like you had a fun trip other than the cold you picked up. Could it be an allergy? If so benydryl is safe (I take it quite often). Other than that saline nose spray and lots of liquids. Hope it passes for you quickly.

Well, my primary care dr said that excess estrogen can cause the swelling (although, I never had this happen the first time).

The fish and chips was from a little place called Fulton Fish. It was towards the end of the little food court in NYNY, actually it was right next door to Gonzalez y Gonzalez. I’m telling you…it rocked! Nom nom nom…

You know, I first thought it was allergies, seeing as I was sneezing so much, but this morning the discharge is now yellow…kinda like it’s turning into a sinus infection now. Perhaps it started as allergies and now is turning into a sinus infection? I wish I knew exactly what it was so I could start treating it safely. So far I haven’t taken anything and I’m miserable. I bought some turkey rice soup from the hospital cafeteria and it hit the spot..
Vegas, I'm not sure why it happens, either. I can get the initial gagging, but the subsequent dry heaving / feeling of needing to puke for that long baffles me. I seriously sit in front of the toilet heaving and spitting for the whole time.

You're not the only one having trouble sleeping! Angel and I were talking about that same problem in my journal. Sucks!

Meli, for the GSE, I just follow the directions - one a day. If you can taste anything (if you're not too stuffed up), it is kind of gross. I'm not sure if juice interacts with it at all (it doesn't say anything on the bottle so I assume not), but if you can taste, I would take it with something flavored (when I'm not too stuffed up, 7-Up and Sprite work great for me for this).
You should try it, since you think you've developed a sinus infection (this must be going around, I got it, I think my mom and dad got it, another woman on my FB got it, you have it...). It's anti-bacterial. I noticed the colored snot Saturday, started the GSE that day, and while I'm still plugged up today (been taking it daily since), the colored stuff stopped by Sunday. Sinus infections knock me on my ass hard, and by Sunday I was feeling so much better than I had Saturday and every other day last week... to the point I cleaned a bit and probably overdid it and felt crappy again yesterday, but hey, that's what I do! :dohh:

I also recommend clearing out your sinuses as much as possible so it doesn't get worse. I'm really prone to sinus infections because of my bad allergies and nasal polyps (dr. didn't want to remove them why?!). Blowing my nose just isn't enough - taking a hot shower and letting the steam clear me out usually helps a lot. It's temporary, but it's better than letting all that gunk just sit up there. And like Vegas said, Benadryl is safe.

And lol, Blake WISHES it was that causing me to gag instead of my toothbrush! We DTD on Saturday (part of my overdoing it!) and I finished him with that. I think I about died, I knew I was stuffed up but didn't realize it was THAT bad! Now I refuse to do it again until I'm less stuffed up.

Glad you had fun in Vegas! Sorry you ended up getting sick. Also glad you're switching doctors, that sounds ridiculous! Huge lack of bedside manner.

The bracelet is beautiful!

Thanks for the info about the GSE. I will look for it and use it tonight (I hope I can find it!).

I used to do daily nasal rinses but stopped a few months ago. You make a good point-I think I will start doing that again. I just need to buy a new kit.

Ugh I am required to do some stupid university sexual harassment training and I am falling asleep. I am only halfway through........:growlmad:
Stef: at least you have the energy to dtd. It's one of my aversions right now. It's been over a week and dh is none too happy with it. Oh well!

Meli: have fun at your seminar. I'm sure it's filled with awkward conversation and bad videos.
Jasmine – Love your bump pic!! That's exciting that you found a new pram (that is so English....we are boring and call them strollers here in Canada....pram sounds much cooler!!) Glad to hear your digestive problems are sorting themselves out.

Vegas – I am so excited that you heard the heartbeat. That truly is a milestone. I hope your sleep issues go away quickly. Being tired at work makes for a very long day! The progesterone that I was taking makes me really tired too. There were a few afternoons where I wished for a pillow and a blanket at work. I am sure I could have curled up under my desk and had a nap!! Glad that your nausea is feeling better for now.

Angel – Glad they got your internet fixed. Why do those things seem to always happen on a long weekend?? I can't believe you are already over 18 weeks! The time really does go quickly!! I just saw in your spoiler that your genetic testing said you were having a girl. That is so exciting. I don't remember reading that before.

Stef – I hope the sinus infection clears up quickly. I've never heard of using GSE to knock out colds. I will have to remember that. Especially since it sounds like it works pretty well!! I like the name Rory too. Sounds like you are making a bit of progress on names if you have come up with at least one name you both like.

Meli – Glad to hear that you had fun in Las Vegas despite the swelling issue. I've never been to Vegas. I think it is a place that everyone should visit at least once in their lifetime. I just don't know how you would ever decide what to do. There is way too much going on!! It sounds like you had a good balance of doing stuff and taking breaks when you needed them. I'm sorry to hear you seem to have picked up a sinus infection while you were away. I hope it goes away quickly and Stef's GSE suggestion works for you too!!

I've never heard of excess estrogen causing swelling. I hope the progesterone supplements they have finally given you help balance things out. When I get my bfp I will be taking progesterone suppositories too. I am now taking progesterone pills in the second half of my cycle (from day 12 to af or positive pregnancy test), once I get my bfp I am supposed to switch to suppositories.

I'm glad to hear that you were able to switch your doctor so quickly. Not seeing you until 10 (or even 8 weeks) and not doing any testing is not an acceptable level of care. Especially when you have more concerns and anxiety about being pregnant after a loss. Good for you for not accepting that and switching to somewhere you feel more taken care of. You deserve some reassurances!! June 8 will be here before you know it!!

AFM – I had to go and get an ultrasound today on my breast. At my last check-up my doctor said that she felt something fibrous and thought I should get it checked. My mom had breast cancer when she was 46 (which is less than 10 years older than I am now) so they like to be extra careful. Since I was at the beginning of my cycle (and definitely not pregnant) they did a mamogram too. They said everything looked good. So that was a big relief!! I remember Meli you had something similar not that long ago.

I just want to say big thanks for the support as always girls!! I really do try to stay positive...once in awhile the negativity creeps in and I have a moment. Knowing you all have gotten your bfp's does show me that it can (and will happen!!). I've gotten over the initial disappointment of af's early appearance and am ready to get on with the next cycle!!
Jenk: glad your mammogram went well. Doesn't it always seem like the doctors can find something new for us to worry about.

Afm: I didn't take my own advice this morning and thought I could brush my fuzzy tongue without consequence. Instead I ended up throwing up in the sink. That's a first. Back to mouthwash it is!

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