June Angel Baby Mommas Hoping for Rainbows!!

Hi ladies, sorry haven't checked in lately. I have been staying home from work not just because of illness (much better now but still nasal and slight cough) but also because there is a huge wildfire raging some miles away and we had to be prepared for evacuation orders. Lately it seems to be better so hopeful it stays that way.

I will try to check in properly late tonight or early tmo morning. Hope everyone is having a great weekend!
Jenk: yep, ttc turns dtd into a chore. I couldn't even tell dh when I was in my fertile window as it made him feel like I was using him. Now I'm either so bloated, nauseated, tired and/or constipated that sex is the last thing I want.

Meli: stay safe! We get them here too and sometimes you can smell the smoke or you get ash falling in your yard. Believe it or not fire is very natural, but as we've moved into/ closer to natural areas now we have to fight the fires as opposed to letting them burn out on their own.

So today is mine and Meli's due date. I think being pregnant again softens the blow, but I'm still a bit sad. I'd much rather have a baby in arms right now than have to wait six more months, but I'm still thrilled to be given another opportunity. Yesterday I got my angel sounds Doppler. I heard the hb last night, but couldn't find it today when dh wanted to listen. Not sure if there is some trick to it, but I'm going to keep trying till I find it.
I will read through everyone's posts later, but I wanted to say I will be thinking about two of our beautiful angels in heaven tonight. Vegas, Melissa, I love you ladies! God had a job for your babies and the work they are doing there is beautiful and more important than you will ever know.

Melissa, I take my progesterone at night, since that is when I take my thyroid meds (because of the calcium restrictions). I haven't noticed them making me tired, but I am already going to bed so:shrug:. Please stay safe. I think I prefer our tornadoes over wildfires. Hugs today.:hugs:

Vegas, I think I said this, but at 9.5 weeks I gave my dopller for someone else to hold because I couldn't find the heartbeat with it and it was stressing me out. I didn't get it back until 16 weeks. There has only been one time that I haven't been able to find it. Try not to stress when you can't find it. Hugs today.:hugs:

Jenk, Are youe happy to be working one more day? When I worked at Chase I had Fridays off and it was always so nice to be able to have dr app and what not. And yes, I did get to go to the zoo. We didn't get any rain, but the day started out cool, so I work jeans, but it warmed up very quickly and I was sweating so bad by the time we left. We had a great time though. It was a good last day for Charlie. I will miss him a bit, but I am sure Carter will miss him a lot, once he realizes that he hasn't been around. I think if he seems sad that I will ask to have Charlie every once in a while for free just so they can play and maybe take him to his new sitters after lunch. Because I would want to stop babysitting at the end of September, we decided to not take on another kid. I like that because I can spend the summer focused on Carter, since this is his last chance to be an only child.

Jasmine, hope you had a good weekend.

Stef, you need to get your behind on here and let me know that you are okay after those tornadoes!!!:hugs:

AFM, I spent the weekend in Memphis visiting with my in laws and meeting my new niece, the one due two weeks before me. It didn't bother me at all, as far as my angel goes. But it made me super jealous and ready to have this baby to hold! She was very sweet and slept the whole time. She is only ten days old today and only 7 pounds now. Carter got a Toy Story bday cake and some presents from his Nana and Papaw and one from his aunt and uncle. It was nice to be away from house work and stuff, but I am glad to be home. Carter starts swimming lessons tomorrow and I am more excited than him. 10 days until we find out the sex and 19 days until our beach vacation!!!
Hi everyone,

I’m finally getting some spare time to come on here and update you all, yaayy! I’m at work, it’s normally hard for me to post at work as I have so many people that can see my screen but today I don’t care!

Just wanted to say I’ve been thinking about you Vegas and Meli, and you’re special date yesterday, my angel baby was due today. It’s a sad day and I think I’ll always remember it every year but like you say Vegas, being pregnant again definitely takes the edge off. That’s lovely what you have done with the candles Angel you’re so thoughtful!

Stef - "West Wolz, billionaire lady's man superhero mogul." This had me peeing myself and ‘Jasmiiiiinneeee that is all!’ hehe!’ You and Blake are so funny! I didn’t realise it was a rare name there too! I like a lot of unusal names myself but I also like old fashioned names! I can’t decide what I’ll go for but for boys we currently like Frankie, Ronnie and Teddy all with the middle name Stephen! I love your choice of Rory for a girl, simply stunning and so cute and unique! I like Vegas’s bff’s mom’s name of Aurora shortened to Rory too! I like Tessa and Willow for a girl atm but I’m not deciding properly until I find out the gender July 8th! Well done on all of the responses about your photoshoot ad, what a great idea! I would really like a professional newborn shoot this time too, I wonder if I can do anything similar to you! I’ll get my thinking cap on! Sorry to hear you were sick and all of the dry gaging, wink wink, my OH finally got a little treat from me last night of that kind, he was very happy about it, luckily no gagging for me! Did the birthing centre get back in touch in the end?

Meli, sounds like you had a fab time in Veas and even better you got fish and chips! Go you! We have been having pizza instead some weeks now, my new favourite is pepperoni extra it’s pepperoni, jalapeno peppers, mushrooms, peppers and red onion! Pretty perfect if you ask me, I’m loving the spicy stuff atm! I’ll have to remember about the pepcid, I got killer heartburn with Eva last time! Thanks, also for the tip on drinking water I know I don’t drink enough, I think it’s cos I need to pee too often if I do but I need to try and drink more! So glad you managed to change medical groups too, it sounds a lot better what you’re getting now and you get an appointment on Friday which is fab! I’ll be thinking of you! I think it was a good idea to push it forward a week you’ll see way more and then it won’t be as long until your next appointment yay! I’m glad you got your progesterone finally! Stay safe with those scary fires too!

Jen, hehe that’s funny what you say about pram being so english! Stroller sounds weird to me! Normally we call travel systems ‘prams’ (well the carrycot on wheels) and strollers are called ‘buggys’ over here!
I’m so relieved for you Jen, about your boob, I’m so glad everything is okay! I bet you had a little fright there but like you say better safe than sorry! My nanna also died from breast cancer but not as young as your poor mum. Yes, you can definitely get your BFP and you will, we are all routing for you! Good luck and great attitude for this cycle too! Great news for now having Friday’s off, I do too, I absolutely love it!

Angel, sorry about the crappy weather! I can certainly relate to that, although we have been quite lucky and had a couple of sunny days here lately! The bank holiday weekend was nice for like the first time ever in the UK! Aww, your new niece sounds gorgeous! When I met my little nephew Archie I felt like that too and he’s such a chilled out little guy as well! You have an exciting couple of weeks coming up, I actually am so excited about you finding out the gender although I reckon it’s a girl for sure! How will you do the gender reveal to your friends and family? I need to start taking Eva swimming at least once a week now it’s the summer, starting from Saturday, she will love it! Carter’s cake sounds amazing too, I love Toy Story I have them all but eva is not fussed on it for some reason!

Vegas, sorry you’ve been feeling super tired and not too great! I would say I’m finally starting to feel better now so it will pass eventually! So sorry again about your due date. Also, well done for finding the HB already I only found mine for the first ever time last Friday, I thought I had before but now I know I hadn’t! It was 142bpm! When is your next scan and do you plan to find out the gender?

AFM, I’m starting to get a little bit of my energy back which is nice, my bump is coming along and I’m looking forward to finding out the gender July 8th. My cravings have been spicy food and peaches strangely enough, I can’t get enough of the smell of peaches and went to The Body Shop at the weekend and bought a load of peach flavour shower gel, body butter etc, I want o eat it! I’ve gone off chocolate too, I’m sad for my loss! I’ve been asking around friends and family to see if there is any baby stuff I can borrow or use and I’ve done quite well, so far I have acquired an icandy Cherry travel system, a cot and loads of clothes! Yayyy! Not much else to report really! Same old, same old! X x x
Jen, I'm not sure if the transplant means no more dialysis... That's a good question! I do know that she is doing very well. My coworker is posting her updates on Facebook and yesterday was day 4 post-op, she was sitting up in a chair, her second chest tube and central line had been removed and she was able to eat dinner. :thumbup:

Thank you for explaining the reasoning behind the different methods of progesterone! That does make sense.

Meli, stay safe!

vegas, I find it easier to find the hb with the doppler if I'm laying flat, sometimes with my butt propped up a bit, and the doppler angled slightly at an angle toward my pubic bone. Also, if you only use a little of the gel, try adding a bit more.

Angel, we're ok! It looked scary at our house for a few minutes and was crazy windy, but it passed quickly. When the satellite came back we heard sooo much about tornadoes all around us. One hit about 15-20 minutes away, a town I pass on my way to work (Earth City), then made it's way toward the town I used to live in that a few of my friends are in. Apparently it hit the corner of the apartment building a friend of mine lives in, and a lot of that area is still without power. Another friend of mine was staying in Gillespie, IL at his Grandma's house this weekend, they got hit HARD. The town Blake works in, 15 minutes from us, got hit later Friday night.

I'm sooo excited for your gender scan!

Jasmine, we like old fashioned names, too, but can't seem to agree on the ones we both like! I love Willow too, it was one of my favorites (it's already been vetoed by Blake, lol). Luckily enough, the special treats for Blake don't make me gag! I'm not sure why... I have been extra careful when doing that, though, don't want to throw up on him :haha:

Glad some of your energy is coming back! Mine has been, too. Not enough to get everything done that I need to get done, but I'm getting there.

And special hugs to vegas, Meli and Jasmine :hugs:

AFM, you guys are talking about swimming and it reminded me, I pulled out my bikinis that I've loved for the last 2-3 years to try them on. The bottoms are too small :( Have just the tiniest bit of buttcrack sticking out of them. Which I laugh at but makes me sad because one of the suits I absolutely LOVE and it took me years to find a bikini I loved and was comfortable in. Boooooooo. I was thinking about searching to see if I can find the matching bottoms in a larger size, but they're Hollister and they tend to cycle out styles often (snobs! lol). I'm not completely sure I'll be comfortable in a bikini with a bump, but wth why not?

I did get ahold of the birthing center, it wasn't about my appt, they were just asking if I sent in this month's payment.

So I have another job interview today! We'll see how that goes. Had to search for a shirt that doesn't show my tummy and still works for a job interview, that was difficult.

So odd thing happened the other day. I was talking to my mom on Tuesday about the payments for the birthing center. We can handle them, it's just a matter of working out our budget with the new house and everything (and we were expecting to be able to pay up front, but that fell through). She said to me, "You know if your grandma was still here, she would help you out with money." My grandma passed away in August of 2011. Well, on Thursday, my aunt gets a check in the mail, a refund or something, in my grandma's name. Since my aunt and my mom both signed the death certificate, they are splitting the check and my parents are sending me their half to make a payment to the birthing center.

How weird is that? Two days after my mom says my grandma would help us out if she were still here, a check comes in her name.
Angel: thank you for the kind words and sweet gesture. I've decided I'll put the Doppler away for a bit. It's supposed to reassure me, not worry me! I do know I heard the hb on Saturday (could also hear my own arteries pumping away so I know the difference). Your weekend trip sounds like it was very nice. Glad you enjoyed your visit and meeting your new niece. I bet Carter had a great time too. It will be interesting to see how he does without the other boy around. Still, it will give him plenty of one-on-one time before baby arrives.

Jasmine: sounds like all is going well with you. Well done on getting free baby stuff! Your taste in pizza sounds a lot like mine. We love spicy stuff on our pizza (I like combining pepperoni, jalapeño, bell pepper and pineapple). Like you I'm peeing every two seconds. It's so annoying! Sorry that today is your due date. Such a sad reminder of what could have been. Onto a happier subject, I can't decide if I want to find out the gender. We didn't with Charlotte and hadn't planned on it with the mc, but now part of me wants to know. I think it might help me bond more. But part of me really likes a good surprise.

Meli/Stef/Jenk: how was your weekend?

Afm: I went to visit my friend's two week old baby yesterday. She was adorable, but seeing Kelly so exhausted made it not so bad that I wasn't holding my own like I expected to be when we both found out we were pregnant. She asked when dh and I would try again and I lied and told her after I got my all-clear in July. I'll tell her after my appointment next week (since I'll see her and I think it'll be harder to hide). I just need to get past that 13 week appointment as that is when I got the bad news last time. I have no reason to think anything is wrong, but emotionally I can't shake that fear.

So for those in second tri, when did you have to start wearing maternity clothes? I can still fit into my normal stuff, but I'm not sure for how much longer. With Charlotte it was 14 weeks, but this time I haven't gained any weight, so who knows.
vegas, I don't think I could wait to find out the sex! My mom said she waited with both my brother and me. I do love surprises... I'm just NOT that patient!

What day next week is your appointment?

I haven't switched to maternity clothes yet, but I have switched to bigger clothes. I'm a thrift store fanatic, so when I found a few pairs of jeans I liked in larger sizes, I grabbed them. I'm up about 2 sizes. While the bigger sizes "fit," they're pretty uncomfortable when I'm sitting and I'm usually unbuttoning them. I'm also using the hair tie trick on smaller pants to loosen them up then wearing a belly band over them to hide that they're unbuttoned. I do need to get new underwear and already went up in bra size.
Holy damn. I was just looking through storm damage photos on weather.com - https://www.weather.com/news/photos-violent-storms-erupt-20130531 - the first 4 are 20 minutes away from me.
Stef: hooray for your grandmother helping out! How nice of your mom. It was just meant to be. Yikes, about the tornadoes, they scare the crap out of me. Growing up we had a basement, but we have nothing here and it makes me very uncomfortable. I suppose I can use belly bands and a hair tie for awhile. I'd like to make it to 17 weeks before needing to switch full-time, though I already have a few things ordered. My appointment is next Thursday. Don't you have one that week? Angel too, I believe.
The last two places I lived didn't have a basement, either. Well, technically our last house that we just moved from did, but you had to access it from the outside, the ceiling was so low we had to bend over in there (and we're pretty short), and there were no lights. Before there I lived in a 3rd floor condo, so that was pretty scary during stormy weather, too. This new house has a huge basement, though, so that's good. It's not finished but it works when the storms come.

I use the BeBand from Target. For now I fold it over because it's more comfortable that way, but I'm sure once I'm bigger having it undone will be better.

Oh yeah, I did know your appt was Thursday, just slipped my mind! Mine is Friday, Angel's is Wednesday.
Stef: I think I forgot to wish you good luck with your interview, so good luck! My parents basement isn't finished either, but it's safe and that's all that matters. I have one of the bands from Target too. I just think wearing it during the summer is going to be so hot. Hopefully not.
I know you're in bed Jasmine, but this one is for your angel. Up there working with the rest of them, never forgotten.

Hi ladies,

I hope everyone had a great weekend! Mine was nice and lazy. We did a whole lot of nuthin’, except going out to eat lol. We are going out again tonight to celebrate ds bday today.


I think that is an excellent idea you had to barter your services for photographer services!! :thumbup: That’s awesome! I wish I had a skill like yours that was easily bartered….I like your idea of buying gently used maternity clothes from craigslist! I may just have to see if I get lucky like you.

Wow.,.so many photographer options for you. Decisions, decisions!!!

How scary about the tornadoes being so close to you. Yikes~! So glad they passed over you guys.

how did your interview go?? FX it went well!

I was lol’ing when you talked about your bikinis showing some crack. If you wear them like that, you can be like Kim KarTRASHian LOL :wacko: I think you will look cute wearing a bikini. You seem pretty brave so I say GO FOR IT!

Don’t feel sad. I’m sure you will fit right back into your favorite suit again when it’s time to go swimming next year!

that is too cool that 1. A check came in your grandma’s name and 2. That your parents gave it to you :hugs:


Yah, I haven’t noticed any side effects from these progesterone pills, but I think it’s been hard to tell because I’ve been sick. Perhaps the true test will be this week, working normal hours. Hopefully, no sleepiness! I take them twice a day, usually 530am and 6pmish.

I hope your cyst went away!!

PS didn’t you have an appt today to track your follicles?? Good luck :hugs:


Never heard of the ivory soap trick. Good to know!! Oh and I had to say “poor dh” when you said he is trying hard, came home and did bunch of chores to get you in the mood. Isn’t that the worst? It makes me feel so guilty when I don’t come through….:nope:

Yah, we have lots of ash around here. I can’t wait to wash my car but will wait until the weekend, I think that’s when they anticipate having the fire put out.

YAY to finding the hb with the Doppler :thumbup:!!! But I think you’re probably right to put it away right now to not stress you out.

I can’t put my sentiments better than you can (about our June 2 due date).

You said it perfectly and summed up my thoughts and feelings exactly!!:hugs:


Thank you so much for lighting the candle and your words. YOU ARE SO SWEET! :hugs:

You mentioned taking the thyroid med at different times than the progesterone. Does that mean that I can’t do both thyroid med and vaginal progesterone together?

Sounds like you had a beautiful weekend with your family and meeting the new addition to your family!

I’m glad you had a great last day with Charlie. I think that’s nice of you to plan to still spend time with Charlie, here and there, on your own time.



I love pizza too! I love to get pep and pineapple, then I sprinkle some dried red pepper chile flakes. The straight jalapenos are too hot for me lol

So glad to hear you’re starting to feel better and get your energy back :happydance: Peach cravings, huh? I guess that’s not too bad, right. They’re in season and healthy, too!

Awesome to being able to borrow lots of baby items. Way to go!!:thumbup:


I have been struggling with fruit flies in my house for the last week or so. I blamed it on an overripe pineapple that I threw out last week (although I know I didn’t see any fruit flies on it when I threw it out). Well, trash day is tomorrow so last night dh did the trash round up and guess what he found in ds bedroom? A banana with a SWARM of stupid fruitflies!! ds has been gone since Friday, and I don’t even want to talk to him right now because I’m afraid I will be a snarky b. Like, instead of “Hi, how are you?” it will be “hi do you have ANY idea of the crap you left behind in this house??” :growlmad: He’s never done anything like that at all before, so idk. He has thrown food wrapper trash in the office trash can (I guess while he does his hw) even though I keep telling him not to--but he's never thrown food anywhere besides the kitchen trashcan. And those stupid flies are FAST! It is so hard to try to slap the sh*t out of them/kill them. Anyways!

Oh! And re the sex, can you believe we haven’t dtd since I conceived last month! Omg this is literally the LONGEST ever this has happened. Between me being out of commission due to the biopsy, then his tonsillectomy and recovery, then me getting sick, now him thinking he wants to wait and check in with the dr at Friday’s appt to make sure it is ‘ok’ for us to dtd (because, you know, his penis is so large and long that it may be treacherous :wacko::winkwink::winkwink:). I mean, I know he is big, but I really don’t think it’s at the level where the baby needs to watch out lol. But I have no problem waiting either, because like most of you, I have not been in the mood, have been either sick, or tired, or bloated, or all 3!
Jasmine, I am glad you are starting to get some energy back! I like spicy with this pregnancy too and REALLY liked it with the miscarriage!

Stef, I am very happy that you guys are okay. That is super scary that those tornadoes were so close!! FX that interview went well! There is no way in hell I could or should wear a bikini, haven't worn one that wasn't a tankini in ten years. That is really great that your mom is giving you that money! How strange that she said that about your grandma and then got a check!

Vegas, I bloat VERY bad with pregnancy so I start wearing maternity early. I was wearing maternity pants by 8 weeks with all three pregnancies. While I could still squeeze in my regular pants, they were very uncomfortable and I had a huge muffin top.

Melissa, I do take my thyroid meds and my progesterone at the same time, at night. I am sorry about the flies, but leaving a banana in his room sounds pretty typical for his age. Try not to be too hard on him. As for sex, we still haven't had any since I posted last about it.:blush:
Do you guys know that I haven't seen this baby since I was 9.5 weeks? I CANNOT wait for my ultrasound! By the time I get to, it will have been 11 weeks.
vegas, I'm hoping the band isn't too hot during the summer, too. It does seem like it will be, unfortunately.

Meli, lol I was staring at my butt in the mirror in the bikini bottom trying to decide if it was too trashy to pull off... yes, yes it was. :haha: I was just grasping at straws because I love that suit so much! My butt is on the bigger size for my body anyway so part of the reason I love that suit is because it took forever to find one that fit my bottom properly.

That SUCKS about the fruit flies, those are damn near impossible to get rid of. I found this link with suggestions for helping get rid of them - https://www.diylife.com/2011/07/18/how-to-get-rid-of-fruit-flies/

Lol @ your DH being too long that it's treacherous! Blake was talking about poking the baby in the head and all that, hahaha, but then he bumped my cervix one time while dtd and he was all feeling like Superman.

Angel, I just started getting back into wearing a bikini a couple years ago, hadn't worn one since I was a teenager before that. Before the bikini I had a cute 50s style top one that I wore with the boy short bottoms.

You ladies are all crazy with your spicy cravings. Pop Tarts give me heartburn, NO WAY could I handle jalapenos or spicy stuff!

You're not the only one that can't wait for your ultrasound!

AFM, interview went well. I had to go in this morning for testing. I left the testing, was driving to work and got a call telling me I passed the testing and they want to interview me again at another location this afternoon.

I'm iffy on the job, though. I was asked if I was willing to relocate - as in anywhere in the country. Then she said to consider how far I would be willing to travel because chances are, I won't get the location I want. If I have to travel very far, it will defeat the purpose of getting a new job. Training is 3-6 months (which means I MAY still be in training when the baby comes, which would probably be bad) and may not be at the same location I would manage. I'm taking it one step at a time though, I can always turn it down if I get offered the position.

I was talking to my midwife about next week. She's not confident her machine will give us an accurate look at the sex of the baby. I still want to look, though... it's possible it will be very obvious, and if not, I will schedule a private ultrasound.

I've had a pounding headache on and off since Saturday - I think it's stress. On the pg symptom front - nausea seems all gone. Well, except for occasionally in the morning... and that involves brushing my teeth still. I didn't do my tongue this morning, but I was coughing and brushing my teeth and one or the other set me off and I threw up stomach acid into the sink for about 5 minutes. Other than that, nothing really new noticeable except my nipples are super extra crazy sensitive (they're always very sensitive, even not pg, but this past week they've been RIDICULOUSLY sensitive).
Meli: yuck about the flies. Boys just don't think about that kind of stuff. I think this is why my mom had a no food in your room policy. I finally gave in and we dtd on Sunday. He changed my brakes for me so I thought he deserved an award (also it was during the day so I wasn't feeling super tired or bloated. So are you starting to get a bunch of symptoms?

Angel: I can't believe it has been so long since you've seen your baby. I'm sure it will be amazing. I went 11 weeks without a scan with Charlotte as I turned down the Down's testing. I'm actually a bit nervous about it this time, but I'm nervous about everything relating to this pregnancy.

Stef: congrats on making it to round 2 of the interview process. Just see how it goes and then decide. Also, I believe Target has maternity swim suits. I'm sticking to my bikini since I don't give a crap and we have our own pool so other than my family and my 6'-8" neighbor, no one will see me (and the tall boy will learn to keep his eyes on his own yard).

Afm: not much to report. Wish I was sleeping better at night, but other than that all appears to be good.
Vegas & Angel, I don't think I could go that long without a scan. I'm lucky with the midwife having the portable machine. Had I gone with an OB, I was told I'd have only TWO scans the entire pg, and if I wanted more, I'd have to pay full price for them.

Vegas, there will be quite a few people seeing me in my bikini, but they're all Blake's family (and anyone they have over), so it doesn't really bother me.

I'm super torn about this job. It's salaried, MINIMUM 44 hours per week... that alone has me iffy on it with the baby coming. There's a lot of being on my feet, I have zero experience in management (how I got this far and why they seem interested in me anyway is baffling to me)... But the pay is good (over double what I'm making now, believe it or not).

I'm totally stressing over it and I don't even have it yet... I think that's why I've had the headache / neckache since Saturday... Friday was the day I set up the first interview for yesterday. Ack. Just thinking about this my headache is coming back again! :wacko:

You’re right. That’s why I don’t want to talk to him because I am afraid to be mean about it. Especially because I spent about an hour last night fighting this losing battle. I mean, I vacuumed them up, poured bleach down all our drains, set out bowls of cider vinegar and dishsoap to attract them and not working so far….

Wow..I can’t believe it’s been that long in between ultrasounds for you! FX it gets here soon!

How's the weather out your way? Has it gotten better?


Thanks for the link. I am going to have to check it out because my solutions don’t seem to be working. I am currently trying to spoil an apple so that I can add it to the concoction; supposedly that will work. My neighbor suggested calling our exterminator and having him treat the inside of the house for this, but I don’t wanna do that. The last time they treated the inside of the house, I had a bad sinus attack about 1 day later. If I suffered through my stupid cold without taking OTC meds, I certainly don’t want to expose myself to that stuff inside my house :nope:

Pop tarts give you heartburn? Funny!! (but prob not funny to you lol)

I think vegas makes a good point-just go through the process and then make up your mind. So far, it seems the only positive about taking the new job is more money--but money isn’t always everything, right? And if minimum expectation of hours worked are 44, what is the norm of hours you will be expected to work? Add more hours to the 44 and you’re rapidly dwindling your ‘hourly wage’ IYKWIM? One positive I can think of, is that you would gain more experience, making you more competitive and valuable for future jobs and you can add management to your skill set. If it was me, and I decided to decline, tell them that you decline because you are pg and you don’t think it’s good timing for both you and the employer at the moment, that way you can leave the door open for the future.


We have that same rule about no food in the rooms, but he obvs doesn’t listen. By the time I get home (515pm ish) he is done with hw and out of the office. I need to make it a point to remember to go in there each night and check and make him clean it out each time until he drills it in his head.

Yup, I’d say that changing your brakes definitely qualifies to reward him lol :winkwink:

The only symptoms so far are: gagging when I brush my tongue. I also gag sometimes during the particularly strong coughing fits. No nausea yet, the heartburn went away one week ago, for the most part. Biggest thing I notice is that I don’t have an appetite in the morning, I can hang in there and not eat til about 12ish or so. I don’t have any aversions, but neither do I crave anything in particular, it’s kind of weird. I do fill up and get full really fast though. Like a bowl of soup and half a cup of water will fill me up. I love sweets and desserts but don’t seem to have room once I’m done eating. I have NEVER EVER been one to pass on dessert and have done so for at least a week.

I hope you start sleeping better!!

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