June Angel Baby Mommas Hoping for Rainbows!!


I’m going to call you Jen from now on, since jennc doesn’t seem to come on anymore and you’re the only Jen now!

You mentioned that the progesterone made you sleepy. I’ve read that the pills seem to do that more than the vaginal suppositories. I hope that’s correct, because I just started taking the suppositories last night. I’m supposed to take them twice a day. I guess I need to wait and see how they affect me. I hope they don’t make me sleepy!!

Yah, I totally think everyone should go to Las Vegas at least once. I guess I can say that since I only live 4 hours away, making it a much more feasible trip than for most. We’ve been going since we were little kids. Back then, we had to stay at Circus Circus. That was the only hotel that allowed children to stay in. Since then, vegas has wisened up to marketing it as a ‘family vacation’ destination. Well, I don’t know how true that is. I mean, I cannot count on one hand the number of trucks we saw that had huge billboards with practically naked women on it. We were stuck right behind one at a stop light…one that seemed to take particularly long. And one of the girls was literally wearing a thong that was a scrap of material. Literally showed her a**. I’m sure vegas can relate to seeing those everywhere. Anywho, I think it helps to ask other’s opinions (people who’ve been there already) on what to do, where to stay in vegas.

I’m so glad your mammogram went well, and that you found out your results right away :thumbup::thumbup: Here they make you wait and don’t let the technician interpret the results in anyway.

YAYY to feeling better and a great attitude. Although, don’t forget that you can always vent negativity when you have to :hugs:


Sorry to hear you threw up this morning! :hugs:


My throat is so sore and I started coughing last night so I stayed home from work today. I didn’t want to risk it and I truly feel like crap. dh pretty much put his foot down and said I need to stay home. I will try to return to work tomorrow.

Oh, Stef, forgot to mention that I DID find the GSE last night in my medicine cabinet. I took a dosage last night and one this morning, and this afternoon my discharge has turned CLEAR! It’s no longer yellow!! If I hadn’t of seen it myself, I wouldn’t believe it.:happydance:

Oh, and I picked up my progesterone supplements last night from CVS. 100 mg vaginal suppositories/twice a day. It cost $100 for a one month supply….I'm not complaining if it helps my rainbow.
Vegas, I have used my double a ton!!! I use it at the zoo, at the theme park and when I take the boys for a walk for my exercise. I am glad the nausea has let up. I too am having trouble at night. Mine is from restless legs. Last night I was up until 3! Made for an exhausted mommy today!

Melissa, I am glad you all had a good time last weekend! I am sorry about your swelling and you allergies/sinuses acting up. Do you mean Friday June 7th? I am sorry the OB's office sucked and that you found a new one! Can your dr prescribe you oral pills? I wonder if that is why the price is so different, oral vs suppository. My month's worth is under $10. The bracelet is beautiful. Thanks for sharing.

Stef, I have to admit, my first thought was blowjob.:blush:

Jen, I am so glad that your ultrasound went well. What a relief!

Jasmine, how are you? Hope Eva is better.

AFM, not much going on. My last day watching Charlie is Friday. I also have his step sister that day (like 10yrs old) and we are supposed to go to the zoo, but we are expecting bad weather again. I am so over this crappy ass weather!
Angel: have you tried putting a bar of Ivory soap at the foot of your bed? I hear that helps with restless leg syndrome. You might want to google the correct technique, but it is a harmless trick to try.

Nothing to report here other than being super-tired.
Vegas, I was having the aversion to dtd most of the time until about last week, but then I got sick and wasn't feeling up to it most of the time still. We're used to some sort of fun time every day or every other day, so he was getting really frustrated! I indicated yesterday while he was still at work that I totally wanted him (I sent a naughty pic and said I want you :blush: ) so I figured he'd jump on that. He was tired and stressed when he got home so I didn't push anything, figured he'd loosen up and then bedtime would be fun time. Instead, I went to bed, he said he'd be in in a few minutes because he was playing a game on his computer, and 3 hours later he's crawling into bed. :growlmad: I'm jumping him today I think.

I'm sure your energy for dtd will come back soon!

Jen, when you said you could have crawled under your desk and had a nap it made me giggle. One of the girls at work brings her daughters in on some Mondays and Fridays because she takes them straight to dialysis after work. One day, the younger one (she's 8 or 9) was apparently exhausted, crawled under the desk and passed out and started snoring. It was too cute. (Side note on the little one - she got her kidney and liver transplant last night, so yay!)

Glad your mammogram went well!

Meli, I'm glad the GSE helped a bit so far! I hope it helps to start clear everything up more quickly. Mine is finally clearing out - sinus infections always take me a very long time to get rid of, but it seems to be going so much faster this time! Taking off from work was probably a good idea, getting a lot of rest is important, especially being pg!

That seems expensive for the progesterone... guess suppositories are the most expensive version? My shots were about $70 for a month (including the syringes).

I'm wondering why different people prescribe different methods of progesterone... personal preference or is there some reasoning behind it? Hmm...

Angel, hahaha I knew someone (or all of you, lol) would think blowjob first (because that would be MY first thought too!).

Jasmiiiiiiiiiiiiine. That is all. :flower:

AFM, I found a lot of maternity clothes on craigslist that looks awesome - super cute, lots of pieces, good condition, only $75. I'm hoping she still has it next week when I should have the money to get it.

I also put up my own posting looking for maternity photographers who were interested in trading their photography for my web / logo design. I figured it's worth a shot, I don't need anything fancy, I just want to be able to do a few shoots throughout to have some pics for my family who lives 1000 miles away, and I didn't want to spend hundreds on it, so I appealed to amateurs who might not have their websites set up yet or who are looking to expand their portfolio. I've gotten 4 responses so far, yay! I was sort of hoping for just one because I hate having to turn down multiple people, lol. Two people sent photo examples, two didn't. I'm debating if I should go with one of the two who did or ask the other two to send examples or wait to see if I get more responses today...

15 weeks!
Stef, if it were me, I would go ahead and toss out the other two. If they had some good pics to send, they would have. We are getting family pics at the end of June and I am going to have her take a few maternity for me. In one of the pics we will do the gender reveal.
Stef: I agree with Angel, unless you didn't like the photos the two sent and then I'd ask the others for examples. Ah, young love. I've been with dh for 17 years so dtd isn't as common as it once was; throw in some nausea and forget about it. He was trying so hard last night too. He beat me home, unloaded the dishwasher and did laundry. Of course I have been peeved at him for blaming me for not having any clean boxer shorts (he's 35 he can do his own dang laundry, but he's been spoiled having me home for the last three years). That's so sad and sweet about the girl sleeping under her mom's desk. I hope the transplants take and she goes on to have a very healthy long life.
Can I get your opinions on the two people? They're amateurs so they could still use some work, but they aren't bad.


And I just searched for one of the others who responded and found her on FB, so I have some ideas of her work, too -


Aaaaand as I was typing this I just got another email, lol, awesome! She's willing to do just one shoot for trade (help with a new website, although looking at her photography pricing, the cost of one session wouldn't cover very much web work...), any further would cost.

Vegas, we're just horndogs usually, lol. Yeah Blake was getting on me about the laundry thing, too. I'm pretty convinced he doesn't even remember how to use a washing machine at this point.
Stef: I'll take a look when I get home tonight. I don't think I'll be able to see enough detail on my phone. Perhaps you can do one session with one photographer and another with a second.
So is the third option willing to just trade, your work for hers? I like her photos best and her posing too.

As for sex in this house, well there is none. We have had sex 3 times since have moved in, that is less than once a week.:blush: It is my fault though. He would take it every night!
What are the cost for photographers there? We just booked the family ones I was talking about and the session is 50 minutes, 2 locations, 2 outfit changes, a cd and a few prints for only $200.
Angel: you made me feel much better about our little drought. He'd take it all the time too, but right now I just feel gross all around. That sounds like a good deal for the photo session.
Angel: you made me feel much better about our little drought. He'd take it all the time too, but right now I just feel gross all around. That sounds like a good deal for the photo session.

Thanks, and we have used her before so we know we like her. And that her prices aren't low because she sucks.
Stef: I like Candra's the best, but I'd tell her that you can only do x amount for one shoot and see if she'll give you more.
Angel, do you mean Lentini? Yeah, she's willing to just trade. Bonus about her is she's close, and I may have actually met her before (I've met a few of the people in her photos at an event here called Naughti Gras and at a birthday party).

The pricing of your photographer sounds about the same as what I've seen here for session photography. These people that have contacted me are generally lower, but they don't have as much experience or they do it just as a hobby.

Vegas, I was thinking that, too, if I went with her telling her what I could give her in exchange for one session.

So this morning I got another email. His photos have a gorgeous composition, quality is amazing. These are the three pics he attached to the email as examples -

And here's a link to his Flickr which has some more

So the birthing center called yesterday while I was at work, left a message to call back but didn't tell me why. I called back when I left work and they had just closed. She just called back and left another message, but again didn't tell me what it's about. :wacko: If they want to reschedule my appt from the 14th I'm going to be soooo mad.
Stef: this latest guy's work is really good. He is by far the most artistic of the group and his composition and lighting are the best (IMHO, lighting is key). Did you ever get in touch with the birthing center?
I thought his work was great, too. I haven't called the center back yet, waiting until I get out of work. They're open late today so I should be able to catch them then.

And holy crap. I think I need to remove the listing for a photog because I just keep getting more people... this one woman is interested, she doesn't really need web design, just wants someone to bounce ideas off and complain to (her words, lol). So basically it sounds like she wants to do it for free just for someone to talk to about her site when she needs it (how awesome is that?!). Her work is AMAZING.

https://www.kristakov.com/ - bottom left, menu pulls out, once you click portfolio you can manually go through the photos by clicking the arrow on the bottom right

Then there's this guy that just emailed me as I started typing this - https://jimdiaz.photoshelter.com/

I'm so torn it's ridiculous. These last two, for me, blow EVERYONE else out of the water.
Just dropping you all a line (so funny i just mistyped and out 'lie' hehe) to say I'm sorry for being so incredibly rubbish at replying, I will properly reply over the weekend x

Ps we never have sex maybe once every six weeks ATM so bad, we're both to blame although I would have it more then him x
Stef, I really like Jim Diaz, but I cant seem to get into Krista's. First up for web work for Jim, when you click on a new pick, stop making me scroll back down to view it!
Meli – I read that the pills made you more sleepy than the suppositories too but I am not sure I agree (at least for me). When I first was taking the prometrium I was taking it vaginally. So it was still a pill. I just wasn't taking it orally. I found that they made me way more sleepy than the pills I am taking now (which I take orally). I had heard that taking them vaginally was supposed to help with the side effects and tiredness. The new progesterone pills I take are slow release though. So maybe that helps? I guess when I have to take the suppositories (after I get pregnant I am supposed to switch to those) I can compare. I was taking mine before bed (with the hopes that I could sleep off most of the sleepiness). How has it been for you?? Have they made you more tired? The pregnancy is probably already making you sleepy so maybe you don't notice a difference!!

If I ever go to Vegas I will definitely ask for advise from you and Vegas. It is always good to have insider scoop to know where the best places to go (and avoid) are!! I was very glad to get the results from my ultrasound and mammogram right away. They actually send you in to talk to the doctor before you go home. Which is so much better than having to wait for weeks!! My family doctor called me yesterday and wants me to come in in the next two weeks. She said that the results were a little different than what she was expecting based on what she felt (which may mean a cyst moved or went away) so she wants to check again. I'm glad she was actually reading my results and got back to me. It often feels like you go get tests done and the results go into your chart and no one actually reads them. I just recently started seeing her. I am impressed so far with her thoroughness!!

I hope you are feeling better and that the day home helped you kick that cold!! It seems like lots of people get sick with a cold during the early part of their pregnancy. Maybe your body is so busy growing the baby that it forgets to fight off illnesses.

Angel: I hope the weather was good for your trip to the zoo today. Were you able to go? Will you miss Charlie now that you are done watching him? Will you take on a new kid(s) now? I have never heard of Vegas's trick with the Ivory soap. I hope that it can work for you. My legs get like that sometimes when I am overtired and I know how tough it can be to sleep when it happens!

Stef – I am so glad that little girl got her transplant! I hope she is doing well. Will the transplant mean she doesn't have to do dialysis anymore?? That would be so tough on a kid (and the parents). I can picture her snoring under the desk. It sounds so cute!!

As far as the reason for the different methods of taking the progesterone, I know a bit about that. They say that taking the pills vaginally, or suppositories helps the progesterone to get to the right place more easily. It also bypasses the process of having to go through your bloodstream to get to the area where it needs to be. Having higher levels in your bloodstream can increase the symptoms you experience. My pharmacist described it as bathing your uterus and cervix in progesterone. They said more of it is actually absorbed and soaked in that way. I think different doctors have different opinions on which way is actually more effective (I think they are probably both similar) although less side effects is a good thing. So I figure suppositories (when pregnant) sound logical to me.

I think trading web services for photography is a brilliant idea!! I'm not surprised that you got a lot of response. I can imagine that it would be tough to pick because there are so many good photographers out there. I agree the last two are really good. I really like Kim Kristokov's photo's. It is so hard to pick. I think any of them would be good. Go with the one you can negotiate the best deal with!!

Yay for 15 weeks!! I hope the birthing centre didn't postpone your appointment!!

Jasmine – I can certainly relate to being rubbish at replying. Sometimes time goes by way too fast. I hope you are feeling well!!

AFM – I had today off work. My new schedule is that I work Monday to Thursday. I was working Monday, Wednesday, Friday before. So its one extra day a week. It is great to have Friday's off. It will be especially nice in the summer. I met my mom and my youngest nephew at the park today and then we went out for lunch. It was a nice way to spend my day off!! Hope everyone is feeling well!! Does anyone have anything exciting planned for the weekend??
oops....my reply to Vegas didn't copy over

Vegas: Boo to throwing up!! Its crazy that you were just talking about that same situation with Stef and then it happened to you!! I love all of your tips and suggestions. I had never heard of the Ivory soap thing. I am always looking for home remedies that don't involve taking pills.

I can relate to the lack of dtd. I have only been married for 2 years but I have been with my husband for almost 10 years. This whole ttc business has messed with our sex life for sure. It's hard not to start feeling like it is a job when you have to do it so much during that fertile period whether you are tired or not feeling great or whatever, you don't want to miss the egg. So at times where we don't have to do it I do find that we do it a lot less than we used to. I know when I was pregnant I really didn't feel like doing it very often. It will be nice to get back to a more normal routine. I definitely think Stef's sex life would kill us!! Oh to be young again...lol!! For now I am blaming it on all the hormones. Its tough when you can barely stay awake!!

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