June Angel Baby Mommas Hoping for Rainbows!!

Stef: I agree with Meli. Also, is this job in retail? If so, I'd pass (based on several friend's experiences).

Meli: I'm the same about desserts. I normally love them, but lately they either just aren't as appealing as normal or I simply don't have room. Perhaps this, and not drinking wine any more, is why I haven't gained any weight (I think I may even be down a pound or two). With Charlotte I had very specific aversion (couldn't even look at steak), but this time most foods just don't seem all that appealing. It's getting better, but I couldn't even cook dinner for a week or two.

Good question regarding whether or not the job is in retail! I didn’t think of that, but I totally agree with you.

Awesome about not having gained any weight yet :thumbup: I don’t think I have yet but I certainly am not jumping on the scale to check, either :nope:

So would you say that this pg is different than with Charlotte? Do you suspect a boy?
Meli: no, I believe it is another girl. This pregnancy feels a lot like Charlotte and the mc felt totally different. Of course that could be because the mc wasn't right from the beginning, but I had no symptoms until week eight (which is also the week the baby stopped growing). I'm not trying to not gain weight, but between everything looking so gross and the food poisoning I had, I guess I haven't given my body an opportunity to gain. That said, I've made and eaten two really awesome dinners in a row. If you are still on Pinterest try out the chicken enchiladas with avocado cream sauce I pinned. Awesome recipe.

Afm: as I'm a glutton for punishment and my ultrasound gel finally arrived yesterday, I tried out the doppler again. After about five minutes I found it! Super low (like along my pubic bone), but it was there sounding like a distant herd of galloping horses. Whew! I vow to stay away for at least one more week. I'll do it again the night before my next scan as my own blood pressure was so high before the scan that the doctor had the nurse take it again after where it had dropped a ton.
Well, I won't be needing to worry about whether or not to accept the job. I'm 95% sure I would have been offered a position, if I had been willing to relocate. What a waste of time. The girl I interviewed with yesterday didn't know what she was talking about. They DON'T hire management that isn't willing to relocate. The woman today said maybe 1 in 500 times will they hire management that hasn't relocated.

And yeah, it was in retail.

Meli, EVERYTHING gives me heartburn! Not always, it's really hit or miss so I never know what's safe to eat.

Vegas, I have an aversion to steak this pg! Blake hates it because he loves steak and has become a pro at cooking and grilling it.

I'm still finding the heartbeat quite low, too.

Also, I'm pretty sure I felt baby movement again today driving home. Felt exactly the same as that one time before, completely unlike anything else I've ever felt, and in the same area. Kind of squiggly. Not sure how else to describe it, lol.
Vegas, I am glad you found the hb again! My doctor doesn't do the downs testing unless you have it in your family.

Stef, I am sorry that job didn't work out. But yay to more movement!! Feeling movement and having my doppler are the only that have kept me sane without an ultrasound. With Carter I had a ton!!! A photo book full of ultrasound pics. The office I was at in Memphis would scan you for anything, basically any time you wanted. And being it was my first time, every pain meant I had to call. I am MUCH more relaxed this time.

Melissa, I turned down sweets early in this pregnancy too.

Jenk, did you have a dr app? Where are you at in your cycle again?

Jasmine, how was your day yesterday?:hugs:
Stef: hooray for movement! Boo about the job, but I'm sure it's for the best. I wonder if ou are having a girl based on the steak aversion. We'll know soon enough!

Angel: I like your doctor, that makes a lot of sense.
Hello Ladies:

Sending big hugs to Meli, Vegas and Jasmine. I wasn't able to post but I was thinking of all three of you on your due dates. I am so glad that you all got your bfp's before your angel due dates. It doesn't take away the loss but it does give you something positive to focus on.

Angel: Loved the candles!! That was so thoughtful and a wonderful way to honour Meli's, Vegas's and Jasmine's angels.

I am happy to be working one more day. I have always worked full time (until I got laid off last year). So going from working full time, to not working at all, to working 3 days was an adjustment! Four days is perfect. I still get a bit of extra time off but my paycheck is a little bigger!!

I think it is a great idea to have Charlie once in awhile so Carter can still play with him. It will make the adjustment a little easier for both of them! It will be nice to spend the summer with just Carter so that you can get that extra one on one time before the new baby comes. I am glad to hear you are feeling more relaxed with this pregnancy.

Jasmine: Luckily my mom fully recovered from her cancer. I am sorry to hear your Nana passed away from it. It is a terrible disease! I am so glad that you are starting to get some of your energy back. I love all of your English expressions. I wish I could get away with talking about prams and buggy's. I love spicy food and peaches. I think those would be great cravings to have. Sounds like you got a lot of the stuff you will need for the baby already. You are so organized (and resourceful to get all those things without having to go out and buy them!!)

Stef: I am glad the tornado's kept their distance from you. I have heard so much on the news lately about the terrible tornado's in Oklahoma. It is really scary to see how much devastation can happen in such a short time. I love your story about the money from your grandma. It really is like she found a way to help you from the other side.

I'm sorry that this job didn't work out. It sounds like it wasn't the right one for you anyways. I just know you will find something great soon. I hope that your headache has gone away now! Stress is the worst.

That is so exciting about feeling baby movement!!

Meli: I am glad the fires stayed away and you didn't have to evacuate. That is so scary too. I am sorry about the banana incident. Fruit flies are terrible to get rid of. I had them once and my husband found these stick things with sticky stuff on them that the fruit flies got stuck on. They did help to clear them up. Once I got rid of the rotten potatoes (that were hiding in a cupboard generating fruit flies) and put out the sticky things they did go away quite quickly. I hope you can get rid of yours quickly too!!

I did have my follicle tracking appointment today. I'll put the update at the end of this post.

Vegas: My weekend was good. Thanks for asking!! We got stuff to plant our garden. We got the tomatoes and peppers planted and just have to finish up planting the seeds in the next few days. I hope you had a good weekend too! I don't think I will find out the gender when I am pregnant. I like the idea of a surprise. I do see how knowing would be more practical though. It would be a lot easier to plan what you need if you know if you are having a boy or a girl. But I still don't think I would find out.

I can't wait for your 13 week appointment so you can feel some reassurance. I can understand how getting past the point that you found out there was a problem last time would be a huge relief. I just know everything is going to be ok this time. But I know its hard not to worry!!

That is exciting that you found the heartbeat with the doppler a couple of times. I can see how not being able to find it consistently would be cause for worry though. It's probably a good idea to put it away for a bit until you can find it more easily.

AFM: I had my follicle tracking appointment yesterday. There were two follicles, one on each side. One was 19.5 and the other was 14.9. They typically are ready to ovulate between 17 and 25. They said I could have gotten my trigger shot on Monday but I decided to wait a couple more days to let the follicles develop a bit more. Usually they have been closer to 25 before I get the shot. I am going tomorrow for another scan and the trigger shot. I am cd13 today, tomorrow will be cd14. After the shot I should ovulate within 24-36 hours. I could possibly have two follicles that will be ready to go. I will have at least one. Last month I was a little behind where I am now (so maybe that means the progesterone helped a bit). I started the progesterone pills yesterday and will take it now until af arrives or I get my bfp (at which point I will switch to suppositories). So hopefully this month we can catch one of those eggs!! I better go and make sure that we dtd tonight before my husband falls asleep. No matter how many other things I am doing to help my chances I can't catch the egg without proper bd timing!!

I'll let you know what I find out tomorrow.

Also, I am excited to hear about all your appointments next week!! Angel 11 weeks is a long time between ultrasounds. Your baby will have grown a ton between the last one and now. It will be exciting to see how much he/she has changed!!
Angel, having the doppler has definitely kept me sane! I've been lucky enough that since the first time I found the hb with it, I've been able to find it every time pretty easily (it's always been right around the same area, although there have been times when I'll be listening and without me moving, it disappears! Hyper baby, lol).

I would love to have a photo book full of the u/s pics! I could, if I wanted to take a picture of the screen every time my midwife did one, lol, since her machine doesn't do prints. If we can tell the gender next week I WILL be taking a pic of the screen!

I was also anti-sweets early in this pg, but from about 7 weeks on, sweets and bad for me foods are pretty much all I've wanted... :wacko:

Vegas, I feel like it's a girl. I felt boy at the beginning (when I was craving veggies and healthy foods and before the steak aversion started), but after that bleed and everything, my feelings switched to girl (makes me wonder if there were possibly boy/girl twins before the vanishing twin). I would honestly be surprised if it turns out to be a boy! Although Blake would be happy :haha:

Jen, unfortunately, I still have the headache! Today it's at the base of my skull in the back extending to my left temple, ugh!

Good luck with catching that egg this cycle! :dust:
Jenk: I hope your garden yields lots of yummy produce. Good luck with all the bd'ing. Sending lots of baby dust your way. Also, working four days a week sounds ideal. I could really use one weekday off to get things done without all the weekend crowds.

I just thought I would share with you all, what I think about ALL the time!!

I will definitely check out the chicken enchilada recipe you mentioned. The avocado cream sauce sounds YUMMY!

I guess we’ll see your rainbow is a boy or girl eventually…I’m interested to see if everyone’s theories turn out correct.

You mentioned that your angel stopped growing at 8 weeks, but you didn’t miscarry till 13 weeks. Freaking me out (about my situation) because I read somewhere that usually, with an mmc, it takes a couple of weeks for the angel to stop growing before the body knows to expel it/start the mc. If that's true, your case throws that theory out the window. Have you heard anything about that?


Sorry to hear that the choice for the new job was taken out of your hands. But I agree that maybe it is for the best.

I cant believe that you STILL have that damn headache :growlmad: BUT YAY to more movement!! :happydance:


I’m so glad that you are much more relaxed this time around. Especially since you’ve had to go so long without scans!

Yumm…those nachos you posted look scrumptious. Thx for making me hungrier lol!


It sounds like you had a nice weekend planting your garden. Although gardening is sometimes physically exhausting, in a way I also find it relaxing..and I like the feeling of accomplishment and seeing the fruits of my labor progress and grow. Ha ha kind of like a baby huh!

GL with today’s appt and with catching the egg!!!!This IS your month!! I am praying for you.


I think we may have gotten rid of MOST of the fruit flies. YAY :happydance: I think running bleach down all the faucets must have helped.

So when do y'all think a hb can be heard with the angel sounds Doppler? Trying to figure out when I should buy it….
I would not even buy it until 12+ weeks if I had to do it over. Stressed me out big time when I couldn't find it.
Meli, I think the mc situation really depends. My first mc, it didn't take any time at all, it happened at 5+2 and when I had the u/s that day, there was nothing to see. My second, the baby stopped growing at 8 weeks also, and I didn't start bleeding until 11+3. I ended up using Cytotec at 11+5 and officially miscarried at 11+6. As for what I've read about mmc's, I've seen more where the baby stops growing and then weeks later the miscarriage happens. Apparently the reason seeing a hb after 8 weeks USUALLY means reduced risk of mc is because if there's a genetic problem with the baby, it will stop growing around 8 weeks and the body will have the mc at the time the missing / messed up genetic material would have been needed for continued growth (in my case, if this was the cause, which I am not sure of, between 11-12 weeks, and that's the time I've seen being most common from other ladies on here and across the internet).

I found the hb on the AngelSounds at 10+2, couldn't find anything at 9+2. It says to start trying at 14+, but I tend to agree with Angel. If it's going to worry you if you can't find it, I'd wait until 12+.
Thanks for all the baby dust ladies. When I was at my appointment today the nurse said to me that she thought this was my month. She has never said that before so I hope she is right!! Between that and all of your baby dust and prayers I think I have to catch the egg this month!!

Stef – I hope your headache goes away soon. That is frustrating that it keeps hanging around!!

Angel – Those nachos look amazing. I really do miss melted cheese!! There is no substitution for gooey melted cheese.

Meli – I am glad to hear that you seem to have gotten the fruit fly situation under control. I think I would wait to buy a Doppler until closer to the 12 week mark. I know if I had one in my house I would be too tempted to use it. There is no point in giving yourself extra things to worry about. It is already so hard not to worry about every little thing that happens (or doesn’t happen).

Vegas – I agree it is great to have a day during the week to schedule appointments and get errands done. I love having my Friday’s off. It will be especially nice this summer when we go to the lake on the weekend. I can get all the packing done during the day while Corrie is at work and then we can get on the road earlier. His family has a cabin at a lake about two hours away from us. So we like to try to get away when we can.

I had my tracking appointment today. My lining was thicker which was good. It seemed thinner than usual last time but it seems to have caught up. One of the side effects of the Clomid is that it can thin your lining. So I am always a little worried if the numbers aren’t as good as previous months. My follicles were both bigger. The one on the right side is a size that is ready to go (20.8). The other one still could be ready in the next couple of days. It went from 14.5 to 16.7 since Monday. Gives me double the chance of catching an egg so that is good!! I would be ok with twins (as long as it’s not more than two!!). The medication I am on does slightly elevate the odds of multiples. That is part of the reason they do the tracking, to make sure there aren’t too many follicles. The good news is that they will do an early scan when I do get pregnant to check to see how many there are.

I got the trigger shot today. That should mean 24-36 hours to ovulation. Just about to enter the tww. I really hope that this is my month. For some reason I really do think it will be.

Yay to the thicker lining and the more mature eggs!!!

FX FX FX! :dust::dust:

Angel and Stef,Thanks for your input. Let’s see how long I can wait to buy the Doppler..

Now that Stef mentioned the 8 week situation, I wonder if I should reschedule my appt (which is set for Friday June 7) at 7+1.
Should I push it out til 8.5 or 9 weeks?? I don’t know what to do!!
Meli - I think I would go for the scan at 7w1 on Friday. They should be able to see the heartbeat by then. I think no matter how long you wait there is always going to be a reason to wait just a little longer. I think if you go and see the heartbeat it will make you feel a little better (before the next thing comes up that makes you worry again). It really is a never ending cycle.

My 7w scan is where I found out there was a problem as I was measuring 5w3and I knew there was no possible way I was out that much on my dates. I had to wait for a week before I knew 100% that I had lost the baby (although I was quite sure the minute they told me what I was measuring). At first I thought I should have waited another week before having the scan because I might have been able to eliminate that time where I was in limbo. If I had waited another week they would have been more certain it was a mc and not just off dates. But knowing there was a problem at that point helped me come to terms with what was going on before the bleeding started. I would have just had one more week of thinking things were ok and I would have been shocked when I started to mc. I guess my point is that having a scan now or later won't change what is going to happen. Things will either be ok or they won't. Chances are everything will be great. Having gone through a previous loss makes the chances of a problem seem higher than what they really are. There is never any guarantee that things won't go wrong at a much later time. The chances just get less and less and less as you get further along. No matter how often people tell you to try not to worry you will always worry. Any chance you have to get a bit of reassurance is worth it. Otherwise you will just have longer to wait and worry before you get to see your baby.

Anyways.....that's my two cents worth. I think you should do whatever makes you feel most comfortable.
Meli: Stef and Angel seem to have covered the issue. In my case I was measuring a full week off when I totally knew my dates. My doctor pretty much brushed me off, but did say if I really was a week off then there would be reason for concern. I didn't push the issue much other than to say I wanted another ultrasound which she said I could make up an excuse like cramping and they would give me one, but they wouldn't do it just because I thought the dates were off. After the mc she said that although the baby didn't progress beyond eight weeks, it may have lived quite a bit longer, but just couldn't grow and could have passed just days prior. I never even had a hint of blood. I think you will be able to see plenty at 7+1, but you could always ask if they would humor you a few weeks later (or just call and tell them you have bad cramps). Will you do the us for the Down's screening? That can be done as early as 11 weeks, I believe.

Angel: now I want nachos!

Jenk: your appointment sounds like it went very well. Twins would be exciting though I know you'd be thrilled with just one. Fingers X'd for you!

You’re right!! Having a scan this week or next week won’t change the outcome. What will be, will be, regardless.

I will keep this appt. I know dh is so excited and is looking forward to seeing all on Friday.


Thanks for your input. I am going to ask if I can come in weekly for screening, I don’t care if I have to pay for it (well, I guess it depends how much they would charge). I mean, something within reason because I’m not gonna pay $500 or something each time I go in for a scan.

I will definitely do the Downs screening if it means I can get an extra scan!
Melissa, like Vegas, my baby was also measuring a week off so that was a first sign that something was up. Not always the case, many catch up, but the first worrisome sign. I would keep your app. You are not going to stop worrying even if you wait a week or two. Unfortunately for us, our whole pregnancies are going to be a bit stressful until we have the baby in our arms.

Jenk, that is great news about your follicles! I think that nurse is right!

Vegas, sorry! I am heading to the store in a minute for stuff for tacos/nachos. I can hold out no longer!!
Meli: I meant Stef and Jenk covered the mc issue. Gee, my baby brain has gotten so bad! I think a scan every two or three weeks during first tri is reassuring enough. Scans are about $110 each at my doctor's office (I know since I'm still paying my $500 deductible). Also, I say wait until your first tri is over until you buy the doppler. I should not have bought it so soon and I'm 12 weeks.

Angel: yum! We had Stoufers frozen family meal. Not bad, but not nachos. I may have to make a run or the border tomorrow.

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