June Angel Baby Mommas Hoping for Rainbows!!

Jen, I think that nurse was right, this will be your month!

Meli, Jen put it very well! I agree, keep your appt. She is right, there will always be some reason to worry, and like Vegas said, you can always fake craps or something to get another scan if you want to!

Vegas, you're 12 weeks already?! Time is flying! In some aspects, anyway. I feel like my next appt is taking forever to get here.

AFM, went to a friend's house yesterday. I used to go once a week, every week, because my friends all get together and have dinner, but I haven't gone much lately. Was nice to see everyone. We had tacos, nachos, etc. My suggestion, but totally had nothing to do with Angel's post about nachos, lol, I suggested this meal last week.

Headache is still here... worse today. I made it through almost 45 minutes this morning before it hit and hit hard. It's in the front of my head (seems to be on both sides now), shooting toward the back and down my neck, I can even feel it in my teeth. It's pulsing... I can feel my heart beating in my head. :wacko:
Stef: yep, I'm 12+4 today. So sorry you are having headaches. Have you taken any Tylenol for it? Also, I find a lot of water and a few minutes nap really helps. You may also want to mention it to your midwife.

Afm: it's raining cats and dogs here as tropical storm Andrea sits over us. We even partially drained our pool last night so it wouldn't overflow and flood our patio or house. Hopefully it will be gone sometime tomorrow and the weekend will be nice.
Yep, tried Tylenol. Doesn't seem to help, so I didn't bother with it today. Water is usually all I drink, although I'll admit that I've been slacking some days this week. Naps usually make it worse for me, to be honest. I decided to get ahold of my midwife, texted her a bit ago. Hope she has some good ideas!

Thanks for the info of the approximate cost of scans. $100 isn't bad. I think I can justify getting a weekly scan for my peace of mind. Let’s see if this new dr goes for it.

I made my run for the border last night. Of course, their nachos don’t compare to the pic that Angel posted :nope: But I guess it satisfied the craving (for now). I know I’ve eaten awesome nachos before, but I can’t remember where I got them from. Has it really been that long since I’ve eaten a plate of nachos??

Omg I cannot believe you are already 12+4. YAY!!! :happydance:

FX the hurricane moves along promptly and you don’t experience any issues with it.


Yah, I think I can always fake ‘craps’ like you said LOL! Although, I really hate to fib about something like this; I’d rather pay and not feel like I am jinxing myself, kwim? I do feel light cramping here and there, but I know it’s normal. Most times I don’t have issues with ‘white lies’, but the last few times I have called in to work, something’s happened. About 5 years ago, I lied and said my car didn’t start. Well, less than a week later, my car didn’t start!!!! Yup, learned my lesson then, but then memorial weekend, I went out of town. Originally I had planned to call in sick that day, but then I found out I was pg and I put in for a sick day for dr’s appts. Then I got sick 3 days later!! So although ultimately I didn’t say I was sick, I did lie and say I had dr’s appts. If it wasn’t for this, I prob would fudge it lol!

How coincidental that angel posted the nachos, and you had homemade nachos last night. YUMM!

Your headache sounds horrendous :growlmad: So sorry you’re still struggling with it :hugs: I hope your midwife can provide you with solutions that work for you.


Again, speaking of ‘faking craps’ (ha ha sorry Stef, for clowning you!) I am either: constipated, or have crampy diarrhea. One of those where there is no notice-all you know is all of a sudden, you have GOT TO GO! Kinda feel like a little kid sometimes when I’m like-gotta go!! And gotta go now!!

You know, I’m trying really hard to stay positive. But I felt like I had to temper dh’s expectations last night. He is so excited for this first appt and can’t wait to see our bean and he is hoping for twins. He’s crazy. He’s in my head and last night I had a dream that I was putting away my stroller in the car trunk and it was a double stroller!

Anyways, I told him he had to be prepared for possible heartbreak, based on my history. He got upset and said I was so negative, why did I have to be so negative, I sound like so and so (someone in our family who is very negative). I tried to explain that although I am so happy and excited, I am also guarded. I am afraid to start planning ahead for the future and daydreaming of when my baby finally arrives. Vegas, I think you mentioned this before, you said you felt like a fool, thinking that all was ok while you’re getting your bump, rubbing your belly, not knowing that your angel’s heart had stopped beating…That’s how I feel. I need to keep a tiny piece of my heart guarded…it won’t make my heart break any less if, God forbid, I have another miscarriage, BUT….

I guess I feel scared not just cuz of my prior mc, but also because:

My thyroid treatment that had just started one month prior to my bfp

As soon as I got my progesterone rx, I stopped spotting. I couldn’t get the rx in my hands until 5 weeks 5 days, so if the spotting stopped once I started taking it, that means I WAS low in progesterone and obviously needed it. This freaks me out. Did I start taking it too late??

The horrendous heartburn I had the first couple of weeks went away about 1 ½ weeks ago. Why would that symptom disappear?

My boobs are still very sore, and my appetite is still kind of weird, but these symptoms could just be due to the progesterone…

Last pregnancy, I was peeing constantly by 6 weeks, IIRC. I am 7 weeks today and I still haven’t had that urge to pee constantly….

Anyways, just had to vent….
Meli, hahahaha of all the typos I could have made! :roll: Lol.

I completely understand not wanting to fake it after what you said! It sounds like karma has her eye on you! In which case, yeah, I would definitely avoid that :)

My midwife did get back to me, but I was hoping for better suggestions. She said a little caffeine (that's why I've done the last few days, iced tea - a ton less caffeine than coffee even, but enough where it takes the edge off), a hot compress or bath, which doesn't help me at work which is when they're worst, or ibuprofen (which I thought was a no no the whole pregnancy but apparently is ok in moderation during second tri). She added that if I'm still taking the baby aspirin, I can't take ibuprofen, so that's out. Guess I'll just stick to the little bits of caffeine and do hot compresses at home.

Man those real craps suck! I hope they go away!

I understand why you're worried, I'm sure DH does too. It sounds like he's super excited and has a good feeling about it. Blake was like this, too. Every time I expressed concern he told me he knew everything would be ok, he could feel it. Maybe your DH is having that feeling, too.

And remember, every pg is different. Symptoms coming and going could very well be normal for this pg. :hugs:

What a coincidence, I had a baby dream last night, too! In mine I was at the gender u/s and it was SO clear it was like a video camera in my uterus. The baby was almost full term in it. Gender was VERY clear - girl. She was beautiful, looked so much like Blake, had a full head of dark hair.

How would you feel if it DID end up being twins?

Interesting that caffeine would be a suggestion, but I guess it makes sense, doesn’t caffeine make the blood vessels open up or something?

You make a good point about every pg is different. I’m trying hard not to compare.

Aww your baby sounds beautiful! I bet she WILL look just like you described! In Mexican old wives tales they say heartburn during pregnancy means the baby has lots of hair. And you have lots of heartburn, right?

Yikes…twins?! I feel like I would be so blessed just to have one healthy and happy baby. I can’t wrap my head around 2. It seems like way too much to presume to ask for, kwim? I do know that my plans to take my baby into work on the train with me wouldn’t end up working, after all. I will probably barely be able to handle 1 on the train, much less 2 :wacko:
Meli: you sound just like me and my dh. He is the eternal optimist and I always play devil's advocate. Honestly, I think it's a good balance. I keep a happy face for him and share all my fears with you guys. Otis natural to be scared, over-analytical and guarded at this time. The farther along I get the more comfortable I am feeling, yet there's always that little nagging voice.... I know you are concerned, especially about all the meds, but had the conditions not been right you probably would not have conceived anyway. Those medicines are fixing issues you have and the baby is just fine. All our mc's were most likely genetic and wouldn't have anything to do with our hormone levels.
Stef: Meli is right; lots of heartburn=lots of hair. At least it did with Charlotte. I can't wait to see if your prediction comes true.

You make good points. Thank you!!

I think I will do the same thing, and will no longer share my fears with him, just you guys (aren't you guys lucky!)
Meli, yeah caffeine does something like that. It does seem to help, I'm just trying to not have too much because I've had sooo little the last few months that it makes me jittery and sick feeling pretty easily.

I've heard that heartburn / hair thing. It wouldn't surprise me to have a baby with a head full of hair. I was born pretty bald, but Blake was born with a ton of hair on his head, and I think his genes are pretty strong. They'd have to be - of the 6 boys his mom had, he is the ONLY one with dark hair, dark eyes. Her blue eyes are somehow dominant and override the dark eyes for most of her boys, 2 of his brothers were born with the bright blue eyes even though their father (different than Blake's father) had dark eyes.
Oh yeah, you guys might find this funny. 5 1/2 hours at work and I've peed 8 times. Two of these times were 12 minutes apart. I'm on track for 9 pees before I leave in 20 minutes.
Aww Meli, I can completely understand where you are coming from. I think it is our nature to worry about things and look for reasons and causes, something we did or didn’t do to explain why things happen. That way we can trick ourselves into believing we actually have control over whether things happen. I do it myself all the time. I think Vegas is right. Our miscarriages were likely all caused by some fluke chromosomal issue and nothing we did or didn’t do would have affected it. I think that if your body wasn’t ready to get pregnant because of the progesterone or the thyroid issues then you wouldn’t have conceived this month.

I also think that no matter how much we try to guard ourselves against heartbreak it would still be extremely devastating if anything were to happen. Vegas is full of good advice. I agree that having a balance of optimism and cautiousness is a good thing in a relationship. It is great if your husband is excited and thrilled and unable to imagine that anything bad could happen but I understand why its harder for you to feel that way. I hope that you can get some reassurance at your scan on Friday. You deserve to enjoy this pregnancy (even if the doubts and fears sneak back in from time to time)!!

As far as the symptoms go, I have always heard that symptoms come and go, and every pregnancy is different. It’s totally impossible to just stop worrying. That being said sometimes you can shift your perspective of a situation. Think of it as enjoying every minute you have with this baby. Whether it is a short time or a long time, the time you spend should be positive and joyful. There is no way to predict or control what will happen and you will deal with it whatever it is. I really do feel that things will work out for you this time. I am sending all of you my positive thoughts and strong baby growing vibes!!

Stef - I hope that headache goes away soon!! It has lasted for way too long. I have heard that headaches can be a symptom of pregnancy.

Oh yea.....all this nacho talk is really making me want nachos. Look what you started Angel!! lol
I also wanted to say that I am thinking about you Angel today on your angel's due date!!

Meli - This is definitely the perfect place to vent out your fears and worries!! We are very lucky that you trust us enough to be able to do that. Don't ever feel that we don't want to hear them!! I often hear what you guys say and am surprised by how similar your worries and fears are to my own. We have a special group here.

You make a very valid point about wanting to trick myself into believing we have control over things, when we really don’t.

I like your point of shifting perspective. You are so right and you made me tear up (which cleared my sinuses, so that’s a good thing)! Every minute SHOULD be positive and joyful and not full of stress, so I am going to (try) to work on it.


Wow..that’s a peeing record lol!

Thanks to all of you guys, you all are so giving and quick to lift me up when I am down, I love you all and really appreciate you…your support has meant more than you’ll ever know!
Angel: I'm also thinking about you and praying for your angel today. Hope you are doing ok despite the sad day.
:hugs: to Angel

Midwife thinks the headache is probably tension. I'm just hoping it lets up soon.

Meli, ended up 10 times in 6 hours!

Blake has decided he's completely impatient and wants a gender scan ASAP. He doesn't want to be questioning the sex if the u/s with the m/w isn't clear This after just two days ago saying he's willing to wait a few more weeks. So he had me calling the private scan places. The one down the street from us is closed until Saturday so he had me call the one 35ish minutes from us. It was also closed by the time I called but should call back tomorrow. He wants the soonest appt, so we may find out tomorrow or Saturday. I can't quite tell him no, I want to wait, because I really don't!
And for mine. Jeff doesn't even realize what today is.

Hi ladies,

Sorry I've been a bit quiet this week, it's been hectic at work and I've requested to go up to 4 days so I've been trying to make a good impression! I also have a mohair bear commission on in the evenings which I'm trying but making slow progress with! Feeling my age ATM hehe!

I'll reply properly this evening but I just wanted to say angel I'm thinking of you lots today, I hope it's not too bad! My OH didnt seem all that bothered either, men eh, sometimes they just don't get it! Massive hugs sweetie and big love to everyone else too! X x x
Angel, Blake probably won't realize when our angel's EDD comes either, but I'm not expecting him to. I'm just hoping that knowing we have a LO coming soon helps him through the day, since it's Father's Day and he always has a rough time with it. His dad died when he was 10 and it just messed him up. Until me he was convinced that if he cared about someone they would die or leave (after his dad, a lot of friends / family died in a short period of time), poor guy. Hope yesterday wasn't too hard on you! :hugs:

So we ended up booking a private gender scan. He doesn't want to find out its one sex at the m/w and then have it be wrong. She was pretty adamant that it's very hard to tell with her machine and she couldn't guarantee anything. We were planning on going with Ultrasona, which is a place 5 minutes down the road. They have a very limited number of hours, so we probably would have ended up with next Saturday, after the m/w appt. I decided to go ahead and call Expectations, the place further away, just to see when they could do it because they are MUCH more open, the woman that runs the place pretty much takes any appts Monday - Saturday. That's where we went when we found out about the last angel. She is SUPER sweet. The place costs a bit more and they don't seem to give as many prints as Ultrasona, but the lady is just so nice (the lady at Ultrasona is super nice, too, she's just always sooo busy, the location is busier and with the less hours...)! We found out they have a special that's Mondays only and is $39 cheaper than their regular gender package (and $30 cheaper than Ultrasona's), so we scheduled for Monday.

Headache still here :( Today Tylenol is taking the edge off, but the back of my neck feels like I slept on a mountain of pillows (I made sure last night my pillow wasn't propped up AT ALL and that my head and neck were completely straight). I'm going to sleep on a different pillow tonight just to make sure that's not what's causing this.
Jasmine: more work while preggo does not sound like fun, but good luck. Can we see the bear when you are done. I'm curious what they look like.

Stef: how exciting that you'll find out on Monday. So much for the gender being your Father's Day surprise.

Angel: my dh thought our due date was the 3rd. Close, but not quite. I wish I could live in a man's carefree world sometimes. Happy b-day to Carter! I'm looking forward to seeing photos of his Mr. Potato Head cake. I'm sure he's going to have a great party.

Afm: I feel like crap. It was all I could do to stay awake until 9:30 last night. I even had to lay down for a bit after dinner as I was so tired. Today I have a tinge of nausea again. I guess it never fully went away, but today seems worse. I'm so tired and just want to go home, but I don't want to take the time off, especially since I have doctors appointments coming up. Hurry up 5pm!

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