June Angel Baby Mommas Hoping for Rainbows!!

Vegas, haha, right! He never would have let me get away with waiting 2 days to tell him, anyway. I wouldn't have been able to lie and say we couldn't tell if we could, either. It would show big time on my face. Oh well, maybe this way is better because, although I can't use the cute idea I had to tell him, he'll get to be there when we find out. And I can still use the idea to announce on FB.

I'm sorry you're feeling crappy! Hopefully you start to feel better soon!

I hope you had a good day yesterday, regardless of the fact that it was your angel’s due date. I prayed for you last night :hugs:

Happy birthday to Carter! I agree with vegas-pls post a picture of the cake!


I agree with vegas. I’d also like to see a picture of the bear when you finish it.


Omg I am so excited for Monday and for you guys to find out what you’re having. I’m voting for your gut instinct! GIRL, GIRL, GIRL, GIRL (I am chanting this lol)!


Sorry you’re feeling so tired lately. Hopefully you can get some great rest this weekend!


How are you doing? Any symptoms so far? I don't even know why I am asking you this--I know that I certainly didnt feel any symptoms at ALL during my tww. Maybe because I wasn't looking for any? Anyways, just curious and hope you're doing well.


Dr’s appt went well! My jellybean is measuring at 7 weeks (although according to FF, it should be 7+1, but whatever! I’m not going to stress over it). HB good at 140-142 bpm. Doctor was pleased. I asked “Is there any way I could come in more often for a scan”? and he replied “Sure! I’ll see you again in another week”. YAY! I like this new doctor so far :happydance:

I compared this scan pic from the one taken with my angel, and they look to be in the same place in the uterus. Looking at the pic, baby is up high, left hand side. Does anyone know what that means? Angel, I think it was you who mentioned something about where the baby is, tells u the gender?

Last night I had a dream. I don’t remember if it was a voice telling me “your baby is fine”, or if I actually saw a baby and knew it was mine and baby was ok. All I know is I woke up in the middle of the night, realized my dream, and went right back to sleep repeating to myself “my baby is fine”….
Melissa, That is really great news about your appointment!! I am so happy for you. Do you have a positive feeling about this pregnancy in general? If it was a vaginal scan, they say (Ramsey Method) that if the baby is on the right its a boy and left its a girl.

I am really behind on my replies. Hopefully I can tonight.

Thanks for the info on the Ramsey method. I hope it’s right cuz then it means it’s a girl! Ok trying not to get to excited….

You know, before last night’s dream, I was really iffy about it, just trying to keep my guard up. Then after everyone talked some sense into me, I realized that it was true what Jen said-try to enjoy every moment, what will be, will be.

Then I had that dream last night, and it further helped me to feel positive.
And I realized, I’d rather be positive that this is my rainbow. If God forbid, it wasn’t meant to be, of course I will be devastated.

As opposed to, being negative to safeguard myself, and it coming true, being right that it wasn’t meant to be. What consolation is it that “I was right”? IYKWIM?
Meli – I am sooooo thrilled that your scan went well today and that the baby was measuring right on target (one day off is pretty much as good as it gets). Plus you got to see the heartbeat. Your doctor sounds awesome. Yay for extra scans!! It sounds like your dream confirmed that you already have had a shift in your perspective. Between the dream and the great scan today it sounds like you are feeling better about things. I am so glad to hear that. I know exactly what you mean. Worrying and feeling negative about what might happen doesn’t have any benefit to you. It won’t change what ever is going to happen, and it really doesn’t make you feel any better if the worst case scenario comes true. All it does is makes you feel miserable in the moment on top of everything else. So enjoy every minute!!

Due to all the medication I have had to take (ie. the clomid, the trigger shot and the progesterone) I can’t trust any symptoms I feel. The trigger shot is 10,000 units of HCG. So basically your body thinks that it is pregnant. I get the sore boobs, tiredness, etc that you would typically feel after you have been pregnant for awhile and your HCG has gone up. I get all the symptoms and side effects of pregnancy every month with none of the benefit :( I did feel some cramping yesterday that I am hoping was ovulation pains. I don’t always feel that so I am hoping it is a good sign. Now all I can do is wait!! I have to wait a little longer to test to make sure that all of the HCG is out of my system. If I took a test today it would say I was pregnant. I may try testing out the HCG starting next week just to see how long it takes for the test to go negative. It seems crazy to test hoping for a negative after all this time ttc and hoping for positives!! I will go get my progesterone levels tested next week on Wednesday. Hopefully I will get to see a bigger number than 1.8 (which is the highest I have ever gotten on a blood test in the past).

Stef – If the headache is from tension would a massage help?? I know when you are pregnant you have to be careful about certain pressure points but I think a neck and shoulder massage would still be ok. Sounds like you need to move your office into the bathroom with the amount of times you have had to go pee!! It’s so exciting that you will get to find out the gender in a few days. Plus its a bonus that you found a deal on the scan package!!

Angel – I don’t think Corrie will remember our angel’s due date either. Men’s brains are so different. By the week after the miscarriage he had already moved on. It’s not that he doesn’t care or that it wasn’t important. It just seems that if he can’t do anything to fix or change something he just moves on to the next thing or the next step. The sentimental part isn’t there. Also, if you asked him what his mom or sister’s birthday was I don’t think he could tell you (other than a general time frame). I really do think it’s a guy thing.

I hope Carter has a great birthday!! I’d love to see a picture of the Mr. Potato Head cake too. I make cakes for my four nephews birthdays so I appreciate the work that goes into them!!

Jasmine – I find it seems like I am working a lot more (even though I just went from 3 to 4 days). I hope you aren’t feeling too tired with the extra time!! I agree with the other girls. I would love to see a picture of the bear when you are done.

Vegas – I hope you are able to get some extra rest this weekend. At least it is Friday!! It sucks you have been feeling so tired and blah. Hopefully you were busy enough at work that it made the day go by fast. There is nothing worse than a slow day when you are tired!!

I am glad its Friday!! It is supposed to rain here all weekend. Which is good because we really need the rain to clean up the dust (its been very dusty this spring). It is bad because we didn’t get everything planted in the garden yet. I would love to have a big rain after everything is planted!!

Aww that sucks to have all those symptoms and without a bfp. But that’s in the past! This month WILL be different-it won't all have been for naught.

Sounds like you felt ovulation pains to me=a strong ovulation. That’s awesome :happydance:

Ok…so Weds June 12 is the day that you test and (I assume it takes a couple days to get results) get the AWESOME news that your progesterone level is superb :thumbup:

I pray for all of my bnb ladies every night, and especially for you, that this is your month (well, truth be told, not every night, it happens at least a couple times a week that I fall asleep before I can say my prayers..BAD GIRL!)

I hope you enjoy the rain (although you didnt get to plant anything). I love the rain, especially if we can stay home and dont have to go anwhere!)
Still haven't had a chance to post properly, but I thought I would post these while Carter is napping. Can't wait for him to see it!



Meli: hooray for an awesome scan and for a doctor who is willing to let you have more scans when you want them! If the Ramzi method is right then I'm having another girl. All three of mine have been to the left. Time will tell. Are you planning on finding out?

Jen: symptom spotting is overrated anyway. The only symptom I had was that one night I went to bed early, which I never do (though I'm doing it a lot these days). I can't wait until you can test for real. I feel good about this month for you.

Angel: soooo cute! How did the party go?

Afm: I've felt like crap this weekend, I even left work early on Friday as I just needed a nap so badly. I've napped a lot this weekend and I'm still tired. Like Stef I'm getting headaches and nothing works to make them go away. Also my nausea and food aversions have returned. Thankfully they aren't as severe as before, but still annoying. I'm hoping this all goes away in second tri. One more week!
Vegas, hope you made it through that tropical storm without any damage! Also hope you are feeling a bit better by tonight. I am sorry it has been rough. I didn't get my nap today and I am a right grump!

Stef, how is your headache? I have been peeing a ton lately too! There are A LOT of times that I pee and then stand up and then sit back down again. I feel the need to pee every time I stand up, just because of gravity and this baby on my bladder!

Jasmine, you def need to show us that bear!

Melissa, I have had good nachos in lots of places, but they are never the same I order them the next time. I also hate fibbing. I have the same superstition you do. Also, about your craps, I get really bad belly aches when pregnant. The kind where your stomach cramps really bad and you feel like you could throw up while sitting on the toilet. I take Kaopectate, but it doesn't really help. I have heard you can drink apple cider vinegar to get rid of belly aches, but it is vile to drink by itself. I think it is normal to not want to get so attached right away, but really, will it hurt any less if you don't? I am glad you have come around a little on that. I am so glad that your scan went well! I am assuming you could only see one jellybean in there?

Jen, FX that your progesterone is finally higher! Jeff is the same about not knowing his family's bdays. Did you get a chance to do any planting after the rain?

AFM, I bought a jar of jalapenos on the 5th when I got the nacho stuff and I finished it off today. I am sure Jeff ate some but I had the majority! As for my angel, Jeff came home that evening and I was already in the bed reading. He came back and asked me who this candle was for, thinking it was one of you. I just stared at him. Then it dawned on him and he said "oh man, I am so sorry!!"

I can't believe what a busy week we have! Stef, Vegas and I all have scans. And Jen is set to test, right? At least test for the negative!? We may find out two of our rainbow's genders this week!!

Also, Carter's party went well. Although I didn't get the reaction I was hoping for on the cake. I know he loved it, but with everyone looking at him, he said "that cake is baaaad!!!" All the kids had a great time and I didn't have to entertain them so it was nice.

3 more days!!!!!!!! I can't wait! I wish we had time to go buy something if it is a girl afterwards, but we have to pick Carter up from the sitters so we can get him home to nap. This is the first time we have ever left him with someone that is not family and I am nervous about it. It is only for a couple hours, and I really trust this friend and she had twins that just turned three too so he will have a great time. He loves to play at her house.
Angel: the tropical storm was nothing really. We got more rain and wind with the afternoon storm we had yesterday. I've never been through a real hurricane and I'm hoping I won't have to. So do you really think that you it is possible that you are not pregnant with a girl? I figured the genetic test is pretty accurate. Btw, if you are feeling like you aren't fully emptying your bladder, lean forward towards the end of peeing and it will help shift your bladder. I'm peeing lots too. I was hoping my uterus would pop out of te way before the baby got big enough to impact my bladder, but you and Stef aren't giving me much hope. Don't worry about Carter, he'll do great with your friend. Of course as I hav no relatives here I am willing to leave Charlotte with anyone with a pulse.

Stef: I'm super excited to hear all about your scan tomorrow.
I feel like scientifically I should believe the test, but I really felt in my gut it was a boy. I have to admit, I will be disappointed if it turns out to be a boy. I know I will get over it quickly, but still. As for peeing, thanks for the tip, I will certainly try it because I don't feel I am emptying at all. I am glad the storm wasn't too bad. I am grateful that my mom is around if I need a sitter, but I hate leaving Carter with her. In fact I don't like leaving him with anyone. Carter loves it, but I would rather find a way to keep him myself. I am really strict with food and with nap, so I guess that is why I don't like anyone watching him. And with my mom, well I have told you all why I don't like her keeping him.

Is yours on the 13th or 14th?
Hello ladies!

Grrrr, I was hoping to get on here today and reply properly but I 've had actual work to do, can you believe that, at work? Rude.

Anyway, I will as soon as I can, I'm busy in the evenings with the bear and I promise I'll post a piccy of it, he's a scruffy little black fella!

I'm excited that we may find out the gender of Angel and Stef's baby's this week! Yay! Okay, I'm gonna say...



Those are my predictions!

Love the cake Angel and good luck testing Jen! Hurry up second tri for Vegas, Yaay for a great scan too Meli, so much going on with us all, it's great :)

I'll come on her as soon as i can at work this week! Miss you all and thinking of you all! x x x
Jen, I hope your progesterone levels are higher when you get this next test! Do you know what your levels were when you lost your angel? Lol about just working out of the bathroom. I work on my laptop, so it would technically work! :haha: And I agree about men's brains working differently. Blake seems to remember birthdays (mostly, there's a lot of people in his family so some slip, but he does remember anniversaries and all that), but certain things completely slip his mind. He's asked me multiple times how old his youngest brothers are, lol. And as for remembering the angels due dates, at least with him, I'm not expecting him to because it was a painful time for him as well, and I honestly think he would have blocked the date out of his memory.

Angel, that cake is too cute! I have that peeing thing too - standing up then feeling the need to pee again right away, and I do that leaning forward thing Vegas mentioned. It does help get some extra pee out, but I still feel the urge to go pretty much right away anyway!

Vegas, I hope you're feeling better today! Peeing all the time is so fun, isn't it? :dohh: Glad the storm wasn't too bad!

Jasmine, Blake and his family will be very happy if your prediction is correct! I found out his whole family, except two of his brothers, are rooting for a boy. The two who want girl say that because one of them, his oldest brother and only one with kids, has two girls and wants someone to pawn all the baby stuff off on, and the other wants a girl because he knows how badly Blake wants a boy and said if he has one this time he might not want anymore, so he wants girl first, boy second.

AFM, Blake's mom, stepdad and two youngest brothers came up to our house yesterday and brought us the crib his mom got. She also brought a bunch of bottles, a couple baby books, and a portable travel bed thing.

Headache is STILL here. I switched pillows Saturday night in hopes that would help - no luck. It's almost definitely tension, though, because I was able to get rid of it in the evening on Friday, then when it started to come back, if I moved my head / neck a certain way, it either helped or made it worse. So every day I've taken two Tylenol and sipped on a cup of iced tea through the day for a steady dose of low-level caffeine. I hate taking pills but without the Tylenol and bit of caffeine the day is pretty much unbearable. With it, my head still hurts and the back of my neck feels like I have a metal rod shoved in it, but at least I don't feel like crying or throwing up! It seems to fade and get much better by late afternoon. I have one more pillow that's different that I'm going to try tonight and hope it helps, but after that, I feel pretty much like I'm just stuck with it. I had migraines as a teenager from a hormone imbalance, so I'm wondering if pg hormones are part of the problem.

Other than that... nothing really new going on! We went to the zoo again yesterday, but weren't there very long. We didn't see much of anything before we decided we wanted to go for lunch to this restaurant in the park. We figured we could come back to the zoo after (we didn't). This restaurant is awesome, it's on the water, you can rent paddle boats (we planned too but decided against it with the rain). We ate outside under an umbrella in the rain, it was relaxing and fun. He got a kick out of all the ducks hanging out and wants to go back (the burger he got that he fell in love with helped that, lol). So our weekend was pretty good and definitely relaxing, which was nice.

6 hours until gender scan! :happydance:
I say both Angel and Stef are having girls.

Stef: I'm sorry about the headache. Maybe you could try some sea bands. I use them for nausea, but since they apply to pressure points I believe it helps wiring headaches too. My original set from Charlotte broke (the bead fell out of one of the bands) and over the last week or so I've been without them, my symptoms gave started to return. I bought a new pair yesterday and already feel a bit better. They cost me $12 at CVS, but I'm sure you could find them cheaper elsewhere.

Yes, I would definitely like to do gender testing when the time comes. My dr mentioned some tests he recommends, one that was intriguing is given at 11-12 weeks, it’s a blood test so there’s no chance of miscarriage, and it’s 99.85 percent accurate to advise if there are any health issues. Supposedly it’s better than CVS or amnio. I really would want to know in advance so that I can prepare for any issues.

I hope your ms goes away with your new sea bands :hugs:

YAY to one more week for the official end of first tri!!! :thumbup:

I hope you got lots of rest this weekend.


Yes, there is only one jellybean (thank goodness!) :wacko:

I’m glad I’m not the only one with the upset stomach! I thought it was just me….I need to look into the apple cider vinegar stuff. You know, I’m wondering if all this spicy stuff I eat contributes to the upset stomach? I seem to notice it more after spicy salsa. Hummmm……………

ha ha you finished the jar of jalapenos already? Look at you lol! I bought 2 watermelons last Thursday and I am more than halfway finished with the first. We LUV watermelon. It seems to be my go-to dinner, especially if I ate a heavy lunch. LUV LUV my watermelon!

Omg I was cracking up when you wrote that you ‘just stared at Jeff’ when he asked what the candle was for. I can just picture you doing that! If it looks anything like mine would in that instance, it would be looks that kill!

YAY to finding out your rainbow’s gender this week :thumbup:

Carter’s cake was SO CUTE! His reaction sounds cute too!


How rude of your work to actually have work for you to do!


WHERE IS THE SCAN PIC ALREADY? I was hoping you’d have shared by now lol!

FX that finding out the gender takes your mind off of the headaches and takes the edge off!


Hope you’re doing well!
Vegas, hmm maybe I'll pick up some of those sea-bands. I looked into them before but never broke down and got them.

Meli! I haven't even had the scan yet, lol. Leaving work in 3 minutes and heading to the u/s place. Impatient woman! Haha, I completely feel the same way, I'm soooo ready to be there already!
Damn it, Stef! You are not allowed to post until you know the gender! I've only checked my computer like a dozen times today. Good luck. Hope baby cooperates.
Okay, it has been 8 minutes. Surely you know by now!!! You don't need pants to post! I am so excited!!!

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