June Angel Baby Mommas Hoping for Rainbows!!

Hehe you two are cracking me up! I'm obsessing too, it's nearly 11pm here waaaay past bedtime! X
Oh my gosh, thanks Melissa! Watermelon sounds delicious!! I must have some!
Hehe you two are cracking me up! I'm obsessing too, it's nearly 11pm here waaaay past bedtime! X

I wish I could be asleep before 11pm just once a week. I was in bed by 11 last night, but with my legs and insomnia I was up until 1:30!
Ooh noo thats not good! I have the opposite problem I can hardly stay awake! Need to make the most of it I guess! X
Stef – Like the other girls I have been checking for updates to see what the scan results are. I am so excited to find out!! I sure hope they are able to tell the gender or they will have all the JAB girls to answer to!! I’m sorry the headache will not go away. I think its quite likely that hormones are to blame.

The month I got my bfp I didn’t have my progesterone tested. We had done a follicle scan that had confirmed ovulation so we didn’t think it was necessary. I am very curious to know what it would have been. The highest I have ever gotten was 1.8 so I wish I would have know what it was when I was actually pregnant. I think some of the times I tested low I had actually ovulated. My doctor said it was possible. I think it is a form of luteal phase deficiency to have your levels drop sharply after ovulation. You definitely can not sustain a pregnancy (or even conceive) if this happens. My short luteal phase the last few months would support this theory. Now that I am taking progesterone pills from cd12 onwards I am hoping this will correct itself.

Meli – I am hoping the pains meant a strong ovulation. I have felt more “symptoms” this month than I did last month. But I know I can’t trust them so I am trying not to get my hopes up too much. Although, I know I will be very disappointed if af shows up this month. Thank you so much for your thoughts and prayers. It really means a lot to me.

Angel – Love the cake. It is so cute!! I love that the arm has fallen off and is off to the side.

Vegas – I’m sorry to hear you are still feeling so crappy. I can’t believe you are already one week away from 2nd tri. That is so exciting!! I can’t believe how fast the time flies by. All of the JAB babies are going to be born before we know it!!

Jasmine – At least being so busy should be making the time go by really fast!! Hope you have been feeling well.

I am so excited to hear the results from all the scans this week. I will be going for the blood progesterone test on Wednesday and should find out the results from that on Thursday or Friday at the latest. I will likely take a pregnancy test Friday to see if the HCG is out of my system. I will be about 7-8dpo by then so it will be too early for a real bfp but at least if I get a negative that day I will be able to test the following week and know it is not leftover HCG from my trigger shot if I get a bfp then. Waiting is so tough!!!

So it only rained on Saturday so we were able to get the rest of the garden planted on Sunday. I like the rain too Meli. It is so clean and fresh and it makes everything so green. I just wish we had had our garden planted before it rained so it could benefit from the showers! Its pretty dark out there today so we will likely get some more rain tonight or tomorrow. This time the garden is waiting for it!!
Stef – I sure hope they are able to tell the gender or they will have all the JAB girls to answer to!!

So true! I am glad to hear you got your garden planted. I will be praying for your rainbow as well. I wonder how the month you got your bfp why your progesterone was higher. Does your progesterone have to be a certain amount for implantation? Sorry if that is a silly question. I hope you get good results and I hope you get them Thursday!!!

Stef!!!!!! How dare you make us wait so long! We are dying in suspense here!
Sorry ladies!!! Today just flew by.

So the tech showed us the baby in regular 2d and that 3d/4d. The baby was sucking thumb, waving, rolling around. Just as hyper as the last ultrasound!

And she was 100% sure - we're team :pink:

My feeling was right!

We have a few pics that I'll upload tomorrow.
Hooray! I knew it. Girls make you feel like crap (at least mine did). Time to start buying cute little dresses! What does Blake think? I am so excited for you (and would have been had it been a boy too).:happydance::happydance::happydance:
Haha how WRONG was I!

Congratulations Stef, that's great! 'Who run da world -GIRLS!'

Guess what I woke up at 5am to check for an update and then I think I had a dream about you and your girl! x x x
Thanks ladies! Blake was upset at first, but he got over it pretty quickly. He went to the store last night to pick up a few things for dinner, ended up coming home with 3 baby girl outfits (including 2 dresses, a onesie and a pair of shorts for next summer, although he forgot to consider sizing and got the onesie in a 6 month, which is fine because it's a summer one, but got the shorts to go with the onesie and got those in newborn, lol). He's talking to her more now and he's convinced she's going to be a daddy's girl and he's going to buy her everything she could possibly ever want. :dohh:




Little alien baby
Stef: Those pics are amazing. She is just perfect! She will be a daddy's girl and Blake willlove every minute of it. Let hominids girls are happy doing boy stuff too. Ben gave Charlotte all of his old matchbox cars and she keeps them in her pink treasure chest. She likes getting dirty and finds burping hilarious just like any little boy would. I think it's super sweet that Blake is already buying her clothes.

So will any of us have a boy? I swear mine is another girl as I look and feel awful. Still not sure if I'll find out. At first I was positive I wanted to know, but now I'm thinking I want to be surprised again. I've got plenty of time to make that call. First, I just want to make sure baby is healthy.
Hey girls-- not sure if you remember me--- I came across this group as I was browsing--- but I was with you all in the June Babies Group, although slightly different as I was carrying surro-babies that I lost... but I wanted to know I think of you all a lot, especially this month.

And I hope life is easy as you pass your Angel Due Dates. xx
Awww I agree such cute pictures! I think that's so sweet of blake, bless him he just wanted to use the name west wolz!

I really think ill have a boy and ill probably be the only one! I think everyone else will have girls! X
Vegas, he's worried about raising a girl because he knows next to nothing about them - he has his two nieces, but that's it. He was raised with 5 brothers. He's amazing with his nieces though, so I know he'll be fine. He's just already worrying about things like dating and prom and all that, lol. I reassured him that if she's anything like me, she's definitely going to be a daddy's girl.

Ahhhhhh if you wait to find out I might go crazy! :haha: I mean, it's cool if you wait, just realize it will make me insane :wacko: Hehehe. Do you have a feeling that it's a girl other than the feeling like crap? I'm really beginning to think there's something to these old wive's tales. Last pg I looked great, no nausea (well, not true, just once though), Chinese gender prediction said boy, food cravings said boy, and I STRONGLY felt boy the whole time. This time - look like crap, felt like crap, prediction said girl, food cravings say girl.

Phantom, I remember you! I actually silently follow your journal and am so excited for you and your IPs!

Jasmine, lol he did say something about not being able to use West and all the lines he had stored up for him. Now he's decided I need to find a job making a lot of money so he can be a stay at home dad to watch her every second and make sure she doesn't get into trouble :haha:

I can't wait to find out what you're having! You're going in the beginning of July, right?

Blake will spoil this lil girl so much. Look, he’s already started! That’s awesome!! and YAY to getting bunch of hand me downs from your in laws. Too cool!

You know, I think it’s verrrrry interesting that you had a handle on this pregnancy from the beginning. First, you had a feeling about twins, and you were right. THEN you said after the bleed you had around Easter (I think it was around then?) that your gut feeling changed to a girl, and you were right!! I think you may have inherited your mom’s intuition skills!


So cute that Charlotte keeps Ben’s matchbox cars in her pink treasure chest!! Btw, keep meaning to ask you. Do you guys call her Charlie?

I can’t believe first tri is almost over for you. Remember when I said “you’re almost there” and you responded “7 weeks is hardly ‘almost there’ but thanks for the encouragement” lol. Feels like that was yesterday, and here you are!


We miss you!! Hope they’re not working you too hard!


Any cute pix of Carter from his bday?


One more day for the follicle scan! Extra special prayers for you tonight!!!


I also remember you. Congrats on your pregnancy--more than halfway through, right? How time flies…


Dh has already started with “you shouldn’t use so much perfume. It’s not healthy for the baby”. UHHHH it’s my curl enhancer and hairspray, you fool LOL

So last night, in addition to watermelon, I also had fresh mangoes. Now I am craving corn on the cob, Mexican style. Has anyone ever had it before?? I know it sounds gross, but it’s scrumptious. Once it’s cooked, you put a layer of mayo on it, then sprinkle it with dried Mexican cheese, then sprinkle with some fine dry chile powder. OMG!! I must have it NOW. I bought it last night but was too lazy to cook it. I think I will make that tonight, I’ll cook it using my nuwave oven.

I don’t really have any aversions, per se, only one I can think of at the moment is coffee, which grosses me out, which is fine cuz I’m not having caffeine anyway. (I bought decaf last week and had 1 cup during the weekend, couldn’t even finish half of it, it felt like it was thick and gross).

I don’t crave sweets like cakes and pies and candies, which is unlike me. Sometimes I do crave charms blowpops or ice cream popsicles, but the Mexican kind of popsicles (walnut, or coconut).

No real nausea, I don’t crave anything in particular, but can still eat stuff, like beef, chicken, etc. It’s so weird. It’s like I can eat anything, yet no real cravings, and no aversions (besides the coffee).

I don’t think I feel like crap, but neither do I feel awesome. I can say that from the very beginning, I have been breaking out like crazy, little pimples on the front of my face, huge pimples all over my neck! Even my mom noticed it..

Then you have my ultrasound pic, which based on the Ramsey method, says girl?...

So based on that, what do you guys guess??
Phantom: of course we remember you! Congrats on the twins, I know the family must be ecstatic. How does it feel to be pregnant with two babies?

Jasmine: remind me of your symptoms and/or cravings. You may be the only one. If we have another girl then I think we will try once more for a boy. Too bad men can't have babies as I'd prefer to sit the next one out.
Meli, I've always had a bit of the intuition thing, it's just gotten so much stronger with pregnancy! I'm excited to see if she comes out looking like she did in my dream.

Lol @ DH. He sounds like Blake. And actually that Mexican style corn sounds awesome! I've had aversions to coffee, too, don't think it's going to go away! Reading everything you said, I get the feeling of girl!
Thanks :)

The parents are soooo excited. They came out for the 20 week scan and ended up leaving in tears (the happy kind) it was really amazing to watch.

Carrying twins----- is very different then carrying one. I honestly didn't think it would be, besides the obvious size change.

I get tired a lot, etc.

BUT it's funny when my belly starts moving ALL over... like an octopus in there or something...

Congrats on all of your bfps (and the ones that will come)

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