June Angel Baby Mommas Hoping for Rainbows!!

Can I have a mini rant here? I am so sick of girls on here being so sensitive!! They post a question that there really isn't a way for anyone to answer and then get pissy when they don't get replies. They keep bumping and writing things like "I guess you are don't fancy my post". Or complain that no one is following their journals, but all the do is whine in them. They expect us to be able to give them the answers that we couldn't possibly have.

Anyway, sorry for the rant.:flower:

Hey Angel,

I was browsing bnb last nite and I am pretty sure that i know EXACTLY which thread u are talking about LOL!

I like your response to the ‘favorite store’ survey question:”I like finding new things I didn’t even know I needed”. That’s me too! Some people (DH) may call me a shopaholic, but I don’t agree. Just because I'm a bargain and sensible shopper, doesnt make me a shopaholic. Whatevs.

That's my problem when shopping... and apparently OH's too, which is why we end up walking out of stores with way more than we went in for!

I lol when you said that DH should be the one dressing up to get you in the mood! Trust me, I really don’t do anything but wear the costumes. I definitely don’t do anything more than that, and it helps so much, it's less work for me IYKWIM~I had a gf who used to dance for her dh. I can’t do that!! I am very shy with that kind of stuff (not to mention that I SUCK at dancing, have absolutely no rhythm so I am very self conscious). So, when I do wear a costume, I just wear it around the house and go about my business, and let him salivate lol! Obviously I can only do this on the weekends that SS is with his mom. Oh, and I would KILL dh if he laughed at me, I am so self conscious! And it would be the last time I wear a costume lol!

I'm super self conscious about that stuff too, I usually feel silly! OH likes the role play too, which makes me feel extra silly.

Yes, I bought the book the other day and holy cow! There is so much info to fill out! I don’t think that I will be able to fill it out thoughtfully for Vday. I think I’ll start working on it and if I’m lucky, I’ll have it ready for part of his bday gift (June 3).

Nurse costume, huh? That’s one I def stay away from…his ex wife is a nurse, and I don’t want to go there lol! That’s ok, I have plenty already!

That's a good sign about the pain between your shoulder blades!! Sounds like your mom’s prediction is coming true!!! YAAAAAAAAAAAAAY!!! :dust:

I hope that Gracie is ok, and comes home soon. Rude for that man to hire someone else before finishing the interviews!! I’m sure something else will come up soon for you-either a WFH position or a position closer to your new house! When will you be moving?

I keep telling myself I need to finish filling it out, but it's so hard when most of the time I'm home, he's there! And I can't at work, they're renovating so I'm sharing an office with the VP right now.

Haha yeah, stay away from the nurse costume! That's the one OH likes me to role play with the most, lol.

No sign of Gracie yet... I put alerts out to the shelters, wrote notes to my neighbors, have a post on craigslist... Last time she got out she stayed right around the house, so hopefully that's what she's doing this time. We're starting the moving this weekend, but we have until the end of this month to be completely moved, so I hope she shows up before then.


I had blood drawn and an ultrasound done on Monday. I hope the ultrasound results are clear, the tech told me that she couldn’t ‘see’ that much, and asked if I had drank enough water?? :nope: I go back to my ob/gyn for the results on Friday afternoon. FX they tell me there’s nothing wrong, or that they can tell me what the issue is, and that whatever the problem is, it’s easily fixable. I’m starting to think that maybe the best thing for me after the mc would have been to have a d&c. We’ll see!!

FX for you!

Steph, you are way too kinky, I'm jealous! Then when my OH does finally get in the mood we can have our moments too and we used to have a lot more before eva came along, although when I got my smiley the other day we just plonked her in front of Wizard of Oz downstairs and went for a quickie upstairs that was fun, I like ttc sometimes just so I can demand sex of OH, next month I might make it up when I'm ovulating just so I get a bit of action! Hope the move goes well and Gracie returns, our move date is 28th Feb. Yeah, screw that job too, what a joke! x

I'm lucky that OH is in the mood often. Not as much recently because of all the stress, but usually he is ALMOST as much as I am, lol. And he's definitely into the kinky stuff, which I love! He gave me a late Xmas present on New Year's Eve of a blindfold thing, a little whip and some handcuffs (velcro comfy ones). Fun times!

3 weeks till your move! Have you started packing? We got a little packing done... still SOOO much to do!

So I'm a bit worried. I am in Montreal for meetings. I got here this afternoon. I had to be at the airport by 5am to catch my flight. I had a short stop in Toronto and arrived in Montreal at around 12pm. A long morning of traveling. I've had pretty bad cramps the last two days. I don't usually get cramps (except when I've taken Provera...I think due to low progesterone.) Since about 10am this morning I've had really really heavy bleeding. Tmi but I've been soaking through super plus tampons in less than an hour plus I have had clotting bigger than I did during my miscarriage. I guess this makes sense since in the past if I had had a 54 day cycle I would have bled for 3-4 weeks and the last few times I took Provera af was heavier and done in less than a week. It must just mean my lining has really built up (which I guess is a good thing). But I'm not sure how I am going to make it through my meetings. I have to go for supper in a couple hours and I literally feel like I am gushing blood. The cramps are starting to ease off a bit so maybe things will slow down. I hope!! I really just want to crawl into bed and stay there but I guess I have to go out and hope I don't bleed all over the restaurant. Sorry!! I hope I didn't gross anyone out!!

I hope the bleeding has slowed down! I agree with making sure you get plenty of iron - iron supplements or use it as an excuse to eat a big juicy steak!

I think I might be coming down with something again, at least that's what I'm telling myself so I don't get my hopes up. I woke up when OH did this morning with heartburn and feeling nauseous. I also had a serious craving for chocolate covered pretzels and M&M's in buttered popcorn and Pepsi yesterday... FX but also not getting my hopes up (or trying not to!). It feels like it'd be too early for anything like that yet (7 dpo today).

Oh yeah! We close on the house today, finally!

GL on your dating ultrasound! How exciting!


DH tried to have me do the role play, but I just.can’t.go.there. I just can’t. I feel too too self conscious. Our compromise is for me to wear them but not do any role play lol!

Oooo that sounds like a KINKY and fun xmas present LOL!

Your symptoms sound promising….7dpo isn’t too early, possible you implanted CD5 or CD6 and could already be having symptoms!! Don’t necessarily keep your hopes up too much, so you’re not too too disappointed if not pg, BUT, you also need to stay, and think positive, right?? When do you plan to start testing??

Congrats on the house finally closing!


FF says I ovulated CD9, which was Monday. FF is basing the O on my temperature curve, so I don’t know what’s going on with my temps. Weird. I doubted it, because I usually O on CD15, not to mention that I had a negative opk yesterday fmu, and the opk from tda’s fmu is darker than yesterday’s (these are my first times using the IC’s) so I used the Dollar store cheapies a few minutes ago, and it’s positive!! WTH!! Looks like I’m about to O sooner than I thought-like 2 days earlier than I was planning!! So much for DTD everyday during the fertile window…guess we’ll have to do it tonight, tomorrow morning, and tomorrow night. And I just started drinking the Robitussin last night…rats! I think you’re supposed to drink it like the 5 days before O and couple days after….

After my dr's appt tomorrow, I'm going to Whole Foods to buy some herbal teas a lady posted on another thread. I'm willing to try anything, it can't hurt is how I see it, BUT I will ask my dr first before I buy and ingest them. I currently take prenatals and COQ10, going to ask if I should add Vit D and Vit E to the mix, and if I can start drinking nettle tea, raspberry leaf tea, red clover tea, and False unicorn root in tincture form.

These stupid ads are so annoying on bnb. I have to remember to mute the volume on my computer when I’m on bnb at work because the stupid ads give me away lol!
I have chrome and I use ad blocker plus it is wonderful. I can't stand the ads!!
Meli, hope you get some answers tomorrow! The role playing is why I never wear costumes. I suppose if I didn't have to I would wear them too. Good luck catching that egg!!!

Stef, I am sorry Gracie hasn't returned yet. FX for her return and your symptoms!!
Aww, Sweetmomma I bet you can't wait for your ultrasound! Yeah the early pregnancy tiredness is pretty hard, especially when you have little ones to look after too, no going to bed whenever you feel like it! I remember when I was pg with Eva, I was sooo tired but OH didnt understand and was playing his music loud so I drove to our local supermarket carpark put my coat over my head and went to sleep for three hours! He was so worried about me, but I was that tired i didn't care where I slept!

Meli, ahh glad Jude Stephen gets a vote from you, it's deffo our fave! About your ovulation, mine did that a couple of months ago but when it got some new temps it readjusted it, can't believe though that you seem to be ovulating early now too, just like I did, wtf? At least you'll be joining us in the tww! Good luck with the bd'ing! Your OH will be pleased :) About drinking in London, I'm not going mad just in case but I think a couple of cocktails will be on the cards! The daytime events look fun too, we're going to a nail salon that Rita Orla goes too!

Steph, your symptoms sound exciting! I bet I'd be testing already by now if I was you! I can't wait till you can, eep! Your OH sounds like fun btw ;) No way we haven't started packing yet, I'm dreading it tbh! What's your moving date again?

Angel, good to see you got a nice high temp today! How you feeling today? Been starting any fights on facebook? :haha:

ps I just bought an ipad!
I have chrome and I use ad blocker plus it is wonderful. I can't stand the ads!!

That is way out of my area of expertise lol! I guess I could have our IT guys come look at it for me....
Lmao Jasmine! No, no fights today, but it is only half way over! Yes a nice high one today! My temps have been so crazy this cycle. With todays temp added, ff changed my o day to Saturday. And if I keep monday's temp it says I o'd Monday. I feel like I still o'd Friday because I felt the most, also my opks were neg on Friday and if I o'd sat, wouldn't they have been pos. I tested three different times on Friday.

I know, role playing stinks!! I can’t/refuse to do it! That’s why I just put the costume on and go about my business. He’d like me to role play, but the way I see it, he’d better appreciate the fact I wear them, and take it or leave it lol!


I know right! What is up with this early o? Totally throwing off my plans! I just texted DH with the new strategy, he said ‘sure’. I think he’s kind of bummed with this early o because he was planning to BD for 6 days straight (yikes). Last night I told him that I was going to o on Sunday, so I wanted to strategize and plan to BD tonight (Thurs nite), Sat night, and Sunday morning. He said, "no way! The internet says a woman is fertile for 6 days! We’re doing it for 6 days straight starting Thurs nite"! I tried to explain to him that it’s not the case for us, he’s 45 and I’m 40, the 6 day fertile window is best case scenario, as in TEENS! And we’re way past that! He said “stop being so negative. U act like we’re decrepit and one foot in the grave. Start being positive and let’s just do this” Bless his heart. He is so clueless about these things. I just said “ok” lol. He is too much. I think I’m going to have him accompany me to my dr appt tomorrow so he hears, good or bad, straight from the horse's mouth (hoping it’s good though!)

Enjoy your weekend, you deserve some fun times! And enjoy those cocktails, I’ve got a feeling that soon, you’ll realize that you won’t be able to drink for at least 9 mos :dust:

Congrats on your ipad! I’m sure you’re going to enjoy it. DH just found out that he’s getting one for work. Great--more chargers to keep track of in our house!

:dust: JASMINE, STEF, ANGEL :dust:

It’s all up to you guys right now, BUT NO PRESSURE lol! We need to get some more BFP’s soon!! Conventional wisdom says women are more fertile after a mc, right?? Let’s prove that conventional wisdom right! Lol I wish that this (positive thinking) was all it took. Well, what else do we have, but to think positive!
Ah, how sweet of your husband Meli! Even if it is only to get some :sex:!! He is being such a good sport I think you should give him the six days!
Ah, how sweet of your husband Meli! Even if it is only to get some :sex:!! He is being such a good sport I think you should give him the six days!

Yes, you're right, I think I will give him the 6 days. He really has been very patient the last couple of weeks. He deserves it!:winkwink:
I wanted to pass on some coupon codes I found for some free baby stuff. I think it would be US only (sorry Jasmine). Bad luck or not, I got two of them. You could buy them as gifts too I guess.

"valentines2013" for a free nursing pillow at nursingpillow.com
"valentines2013" for a free nursing cover at uddercovers.com
"ucovers" for a free sling at sevenslings.com
"ucovers" for a free car seat canopy at carseatcanopy.com
Angel: I have now installed the ad blocker. Thanks! It was really simple, wish I had done it sooner!

Stef: Congrats on the house! Hope your cat comes home soon.

Meli: That is an early ovulation. I say you should still bd as you never know. Hope you get some answers tomorrow. Actually, I hope they tell you all is perfectly fine.

Sweetmomma: Hope you are feeling well.

Jasmine: One of these days I am going to get an iPad. I'm just afraid that I'll become even more addicted to it than I am my iPhone.

So today started out well, but ended kind of crappy. I have this board thing I got appointed to in my town and I was supposed to have my first meeting with them today. I was running a bit late because there was no parking (other than in tow away zones) and by the time I found a spot and got up to the room I found out they had cancelled the meeting. They had tried to call me, but had one of the numbers wrong. While most everyone was really nice about it, one lady really chastised me. Considering this is a volunteer thing I really thought about telling the lady that she could shove it, but I refrained. I felt bad that so many people waited on me and then were sent home (I was 15 minutes late by the time I got up there). I should have left work earlier too, but my new boss came in and was talking to me so what was I supposed to do? I swear I am much more responsible than this normally. Now it is almost 8:30 and Charlotte refuses to go to sleep. I am in the next room listening to her whine. Speaking of wine, as soon as she's asleep I'm pouring myself a glass. Hope everyone has a nice Friday and a good weekend.
Awww, Meli, your OH sounds awesome! I think he deserves the six days too! Did you get to dtd last night?

Angel, so if you did ovulate Monday, did you dtd around then too? Your temps are looking good though and at least you know now you have definitely ovulated! I just mentioned it on your journal but the month I got pg my temp went really high too, fingers crossed! I'm so hoping it's a BFP for you and Stef and me of course! I'm 5dpo, too early for symptoms but I have been sooo hungry these last couple of days and have had af style cramps but I also had them the months I haven't been pregnant so not getting hopes up!

Aww, Vegas, sorry you had a shit day, isn't trying to get the little one off to sleep just the cherry on the cake too! I can't believe they all left after just 15 minutes and that woman was rude to you, wth? Anyway, I hope you managed to relax and have a very large glass of wine!

Stef, how many dpo are you now? I'm getting excited you're our first tester!

Afm, I haven't mentioned it to anyone but my OH suffers from some problems, he has a condition called GAD, which is general anxiety disorder which basically means that you worries to an extreme level about really small things to the point where it takes over his life! He also suffers from insomnia, low confidence, ocd, paranoia and depression in nutshell!

It is almost always work related, mainly the ocd, he is obssessed with his job and convinced he is going to lose it (but of course he never would as he works so dam hard!)! As well as being early for work every day, he cuts his lunch short and works every evening at home for free in secret basically, it's really the bane of our lives as I feel like it's all he cares about and of course i'd appreciate the help on an evening too. Imo, you work to live not the other way around.

We can have phases where he is fine and will only suffer from one or two of these problems and things seem to go along okay but other times where it's bad. Atm, it's been quite bad for aound 3 months and I am finding it very difficult too! Anyway, to cut a long story short, he has finally decided to go on anti-depressants, after years and years of these problems I have to say I am really glad. He started the course today, according to the doctor, these tablets take a couple of weeks to start working but they are really good. I'm hoping so! Anyway, I don't know why I told you that I guess because it feels like a good thing for us that he is finally getting medication because it's making me a bit poorly too!

Jasmine: That's great that your dh is being proactive about his conditions. I hope the medication really helps. Perhaps he realizes things can be better and he wants to try to make it that way. So when do you think you will test? From my personal experience I got bfps at 10 (I think) and 12 dpo and that wasn't even using a First Response.

Well, the day/night just got even worse. As I mentioned DH is in Vegas and tonight someone stole his wallet while he was sitting at a blackjack table. They tried to use his credit cards to buy some electronics at 11pm (why are stores open that late?), but the store declined the cards (miracle). They also got $200 and his ID. Luckily he won $500 at the tables so he has cash, but I have to scan and e-mail him a copy of his passport this morning so he can go to the police to get some sort of temporary ID so he can fly home tomorrow. What a mess! We have lived all over in crime-ridden places, including six years in Vegas and this is the first time this has ever happened. I told him that is what happens to tourists like him. Ha!

DH tried to have me do the role play, but I just.can’t.go.there. I just can’t. I feel too too self conscious. Our compromise is for me to wear them but not do any role play lol!

Oooo that sounds like a KINKY and fun xmas present LOL!

Your symptoms sound promising….7dpo isn’t too early, possible you implanted CD5 or CD6 and could already be having symptoms!! Don’t necessarily keep your hopes up too much, so you’re not too too disappointed if not pg, BUT, you also need to stay, and think positive, right?? When do you plan to start testing??

Congrats on the house finally closing!


FF says I ovulated CD9, which was Monday. FF is basing the O on my temperature curve, so I don’t know what’s going on with my temps. Weird. I doubted it, because I usually O on CD15, not to mention that I had a negative opk yesterday fmu, and the opk from tda’s fmu is darker than yesterday’s (these are my first times using the IC’s) so I used the Dollar store cheapies a few minutes ago, and it’s positive!! WTH!! Looks like I’m about to O sooner than I thought-like 2 days earlier than I was planning!! So much for DTD everyday during the fertile window…guess we’ll have to do it tonight, tomorrow morning, and tomorrow night. And I just started drinking the Robitussin last night…rats! I think you’re supposed to drink it like the 5 days before O and couple days after….

After my dr's appt tomorrow, I'm going to Whole Foods to buy some herbal teas a lady posted on another thread. I'm willing to try anything, it can't hurt is how I see it, BUT I will ask my dr first before I buy and ingest them. I currently take prenatals and COQ10, going to ask if I should add Vit D and Vit E to the mix, and if I can start drinking nettle tea, raspberry leaf tea, red clover tea, and False unicorn root in tincture form.

These stupid ads are so annoying on bnb. I have to remember to mute the volume on my computer when I’m on bnb at work because the stupid ads give me away lol!

I'm super self conscious about it, too! I feel silly. He has to coax me into it and basically just tell me what he wants me to say, lol. I totally prefer the sexy outfits that I don't have to roleplay in.

FX for you! Get lots of BDing in! I say to give him the 6 days too, even if just for fun :)

Steph, your symptoms sound exciting! I bet I'd be testing already by now if I was you! I can't wait till you can, eep! Your OH sounds like fun btw ;) No way we haven't started packing yet, I'm dreading it tbh! What's your moving date again?

We don't have a set moving in date, but we're going to spend this weekend and next week moving everything over. We have until the end of the month, but I'm sure we'll be moved before then!

ps I just bought an ipad!

OH got me one for Xmas! Do you love it?

:dust: JASMINE, STEF, ANGEL :dust:

It’s all up to you guys right now, BUT NO PRESSURE lol! We need to get some more BFP’s soon!! Conventional wisdom says women are more fertile after a mc, right?? Let’s prove that conventional wisdom right! Lol I wish that this (positive thinking) was all it took. Well, what else do we have, but to think positive!

Lol! Thinking POSITIVE is right!

So today started out well, but ended kind of crappy. I have this board thing I got appointed to in my town and I was supposed to have my first meeting with them today. I was running a bit late because there was no parking (other than in tow away zones) and by the time I found a spot and got up to the room I found out they had cancelled the meeting. They had tried to call me, but had one of the numbers wrong. While most everyone was really nice about it, one lady really chastised me. Considering this is a volunteer thing I really thought about telling the lady that she could shove it, but I refrained. I felt bad that so many people waited on me and then were sent home (I was 15 minutes late by the time I got up there). I should have left work earlier too, but my new boss came in and was talking to me so what was I supposed to do? I swear I am much more responsible than this normally. Now it is almost 8:30 and Charlotte refuses to go to sleep. I am in the next room listening to her whine. Speaking of wine, as soon as she's asleep I'm pouring myself a glass. Hope everyone has a nice Friday and a good weekend.

That sucks they canceled the meeting. Sometimes you just can't help being late... and it's only 15 minutes! Hope you were able to get Charlotte to sleep and enjoyed that glass of wine!

Stef, how many dpo are you now? I'm getting excited you're our first tester!

Afm, I haven't mentioned it to anyone but my OH suffers from some problems, he has a condition called GAD, which is general anxiety disorder which basically means that you worries to an extreme level about really small things to the point where it takes over his life! He also suffers from insomnia, low confidence, ocd, paranoia and depression in nutshell!

It is almost always work related, mainly the ocd, he is obssessed with his job and convinced he is going to lose it (but of course he never would as he works so dam hard!)! As well as being early for work every day, he cuts his lunch short and works every evening at home for free in secret basically, it's really the bane of our lives as I feel like it's all he cares about and of course i'd appreciate the help on an evening too. Imo, you work to live not the other way around.

We can have phases where he is fine and will only suffer from one or two of these problems and things seem to go along okay but other times where it's bad. Atm, it's been quite bad for aound 3 months and I am finding it very difficult too! Anyway, to cut a long story short, he has finally decided to go on anti-depressants, after years and years of these problems I have to say I am really glad. He started the course today, according to the doctor, these tablets take a couple of weeks to start working but they are really good. I'm hoping so! Anyway, I don't know why I told you that I guess because it feels like a good thing for us that he is finally getting medication because it's making me a bit poorly too!


I'm 8 DPO today.

I hope the meds work out for him! Sounds rough. OH has social anxiety disorder that effects him most when we are in groups of people where he doesn't know anyone and the person / people he is with do (e.g. we went to a friend of mine's wedding, I knew a few people, he knew no one).

Well, the day/night just got even worse. As I mentioned DH is in Vegas and tonight someone stole his wallet while he was sitting at a blackjack table. They tried to use his credit cards to buy some electronics at 11pm (why are stores open that late?), but the store declined the cards (miracle). They also got $200 and his ID. Luckily he won $500 at the tables so he has cash, but I have to scan and e-mail him a copy of his passport this morning so he can go to the police to get some sort of temporary ID so he can fly home tomorrow. What a mess! We have lived all over in crime-ridden places, including six years in Vegas and this is the first time this has ever happened. I told him that is what happens to tourists like him. Ha!

That sucks! I've never had a whole wallet stolen, but I did have someone steal one of my credit cards and use it to buy $300 worth of fast food in 6 days (how ridiculous is that?!).

AFM... I wanted willpower to wait... but I've already tested :blush: Of course it's BFN... I wasn't expecting a BFP yet. POAS addiction is so rough! I'm going to try REALLY hard to wait until at least next week to test again. OH is thoroughly convinced I'm pregnant, he even rubbed on my belly last night - didn't say a word, just rubbed it and kissed me. Aww.

And yep, we closed on the house yesterday! We spent a few hours there last night talking about our plans for it. We'll be starting moving stuff over today and he took next week off to get the bulk of everything moved and unpacked.

Still no signs of Gracie :( She's old and has been acting funny... I just wish if she were dying she would've stayed home so at least I would know.

Thanks for posting those coupon codes! I will order them this weekend.


Don’t worry about the bfn, 10dpo is still early! Don’t the majority of women get their bfp on 11dpo or later? Maybe test 12dpo Sunday?? Look at me, egging you on. I told you I don’t have any willpower, not for me, not even for anybody else!!

DH sounds so cute…rubbing and kissing your tummy. How sweet!!!

So glad the house finally closed so all that drama is over with. I hope Gracie shows up soon!!


Sorry to hear of your crappy day :hug: I’ve served on the board of a volunteer nonprofit org before, and it’s difficult. People have to remember that everyone is DONATING their time, this is a VOLUNTEER effort. It sucks when they forget that and start acting like we’re all getting paid!! You were in a tight spot---you have a new job, were talking to the boss, no way that you could cut boss off and say “gotta go!” You did the right thing by staying behind until the conversation was over. Hope the wine helped take the edge off.

Wow…so DH was a pickpocket victim, huh? Horrible! Glad he had some cash on him, but I would be really freaked out about ID fraud…I would totally call all 3 credit agencies and put a fraud alert on my acct-that bars people from opening credit cards/lines of credit online, it has to be done in person, with multiple forms of ID that must be displayed before new lines of credit can be opened.


I’m so glad that your DH decided to get some help. These types of disorders are very common, unfortunately. It’s sad because as you mentioned, it doesn’t just affect him, it affects all those in his life, and I’m glad he is realizing it! Before DH, I was in another long term relationship--together 8 years, and engaged the last 3 years, but never got married. your DH sounds like my ex... He suffered from depression, insomnia, low confidence, but he refused to recognize it or get help. Looking back, I recognize that it was the cause of our horrible sex life --he was NEVER in the mood! I always had to initiate BD, he would reject me 9 out of 10 times. At the time, I took it personal, and thought it was MY fault--I wasn’t pretty enough, sexy enough, etc etc. No matter what my friends said, no matter what I saw in the mirror reflection, to have OH reject me time and time again, was devastating. But it wasn’t about me--it was about him. I wish I was stronger and was able to see that back then, not because I wish was still with him, because I dont, and I do believe things happen for a reason, but I wasn’t able to realize that. If I had, I would have saved myself lots of agony, but hindsight is always 20/20.

My relationship with DH is the polar opposite. He is always in the mood, and although it’s very tiresome, I try not to ever reject him. Because I know how it feels, and it feels horrible!! I always tell my girlfriends “Try not to reject your DH. It feels horrible. I know--I went through it, and it’s the most horrible feeling in the world. Don’t think men don’t suffer from rejection, they start feeling doubtful too, they think you’re not attracted to them anymore, etc”.

Anyways, keep being strong and supporting him and I’m sure the medicine will help him loads and loads! :happydance:

Oh yah, one more thing...

Last week, before I went out of town, I did some more research about live liver donation, and pregnancy following the procedure. Everything I found online, all the medical literature, indicated it was “ok to get pregnant after donating liver, only caveat is they suggest to wait 3 mos before getting pg”.

Well, I found a live living donor ‘buddy’ website, where people who have already donated, agree to be a ‘buddy’ or ‘mentor’ to someone considering the donation, to give advise, be available for questions before and after the procedure, etc. So I emailed a woman who had it done 10 yrs ago. I stated “Forgive me, and I hope my questions aren’t too intrusive, but my questions to you are as follows (and forgive me if they aren’t even applicable to you!) 1. Did you have any children before you donated? 2. Did you have children after you donated? 3. Let’s say you were in my position as I described above—and knowing what you know now, would you still make the same decision to donate?"

I was shocked at her response (below):

"God bless you for considering being a living liver donor to your uncle (or anyone). It is the most dangerous live donation that exists and there is a lot of information to share with you. Nothing is too personal when we are discussing laying down your life for another. I have been told that because of the donation, the experts here in Los Angeles recommend that I do not get pregnant as I most likely will not be able to carry the child or the child may suffer from birth defects and one or both may die. There has not been a successful birth from a living liver donor to date in the United States that anyone is aware of. As you now understand, being chosen is not a trivial process and (from experience) it shouldn't be. Marrying the man of my dreams and having his children is very important and had I had known of any impedance in that area of life donating, would not work. My sweet dad (the recipient) would have been the first to decline. My family and myself repeatedly asked if the donation would affect the above future and was told no problem. There is no blame; however sometimes "no problem" can mean there is no data on that. I pray that makes sense. OB/GYN specialists I have seen since, have chuckled when I repeated the "no problem" as it was stated to me prior to donating, as that is simply not true. The Transplant teams are great and please do not misunderstand me; simply do not expect them to provide you with all the information your brother needs to receive. Fortunately for you and your uncle he sounds like a good strong and loving match for "Mission Save Our Estranged Uncle". Life is so precious and thank you for being giving."


Have you guys heard of this huge manhunt going on here in SoCal for an ex cop? They're currently looking for him in Big Bear and have basically shut down that resort town. That's where we were when we went to the mountains last week!! So glad this wasn't happening last week, it would have totally ruined and possibly cancelled the trip!


We BD’d last night, then I woke him up this morning at the crack of dawn (430am) before I had to get ready for work and we BD’d again.We’ll prob BD again tonight and tomorrow morning. Can’t wait to see my temps drop tomorrow to confirm today’s o. I’m excited because I have my ob/gyn appt this afternoon. FX I get good news!

We’re supposed to have a big rainstorm today (well, I don’t know how big, but here in SoCal, the minute there’s any chance of rain, the media plays up “Storm Watch”). I think DH and I are going out to dinner and movies with our neighbors, then staying in tomorrow and watching movies all day. I think I’ll do laundry and housecleaning on Sunday. I also need to clean the guest room/nursery because we’re having shutters installed on Weds and they need to be able to navigate around the room.

I hope everyone has a great weekend. I think I'll be able to stalk BnB during the weekend-DH is going golfing at some point. TTYS!
Oh no Vegas!! I am sorry that happened to your dh. I hope he is able to get some ID so he doesn't have a hassle at the airport! Meli is right, I would go ahead and call all the credit agencies too.I am also sorry you were late and the ladies weren't very nice. I do hope you enjoyed your wine though!

Jasmine, I really don't think I o'd on Monday. I think Friday or Sat for sure, so 6 or 7 dpo. I am happy that no matter what, ff says I o'd though! If I did o monday, the last day I had sex was Saturday. Still possible but:shrug:
I am sorry it has been a struggle with you dh, I am sure it felt better to talk about it though. I am happy he is getting on some anti-depressants. If the one he is on doesn't work out, have him check into Wellbutrin, it could also help with his low sex drive (or at least it helped mine). It can also help lose weight, if he needed to that is.

Stef, sorry about the bfn. Last time I got a bfn at 8dpo and bfp at 10dpo, so you are still in it, but you already know that! I am so sorry Gracie hasn't returned. I am a huge animal lover and this just hurts my heart! I will be thinking about her and praying she returns! I am not sure if I already said this, but CONGRATS on the house!!!

Wow Meli, what a response!! It is a bit daunting huh? If you don't mind me saying, I will say a few extra prayers that this is your month! And OMG about that manhunt! That is crazy that you were just there! I hope that your app goes well and you get some answers. Also have fun shopping today and with your date night!

AFM, 6 or 7 dpo. Going to try to wait until Sunday to test. Other than temps a bit higher, I don't think I have any symptoms that I don't already get for AF. Last time I got this electric, tingly feeling in by boobs, like my milk was coming in. I keep hoping to feel that as it should be a sign for me. Then in the same second, I think NO, I don't want that! That pregnancy didn't work out, I don't want another one to be anything like that one! Does any one else feel like that? Sorry to be a buzz kill.
Anyway, I have a mommy night out tonight and I am very excited! Then tomorrow my mom is taking Carter. Jeff and I are finally going to go to that Irish place I told you all about like a month ago. After that we may go to the movies. I don't even know what is out, Melissa what are you guys thinking of seeing? Instead of going to the movies, we may got to an 80's style arcade. They have all you can play for $5.
Stef: Sorry to hear that Gracie hasn't come home. I hope she makes it home soon. Not to be a bummer, but my cat ran away when he was 16 and never returned. I'm sure I know why he ran away and honestly it was easier for me this way. It's been over ten years now and I still like to think that he is someone else's big fat house cat. Don't worry about the bfn at this point as it is still way early.

Meli: First, how did your appointment go today? Second, wow. Thank goodness you went on that website as you are certainly getting some very honest and experienced answers. I feel so bad for the lady who wrote you. I hope at the very least she can find a surrogate. What a sacrifice, but in her chance she did donate to the man who gave her life. Finally, glad your trip was last weekend. I haven't checked the news since getting home so I'm not sure if they've found the guy yet.

Angel: I understand about wanting the new pregnancy to be totally different from the last. I felt so much better (less nausea, I wasn't gaining as much, etc) with this past pregnancy that I told dh that he/she was the perfect little fetus. Little did I know! I too would feel better if/when I do get pg that the next experience will be totally different, though I don't think even that will put my mind at ease. Can't wait to here the results of your test this weekend. Have fun on your night out. The arcade idea sounds like a lot of fun, so that would be my vote.

AFM: Ben did call the credit bureau first thing this morning, plus he has credit secure so I think that should pretty much take care of it. Sadly, his day didn't get any better. When he went down to his rental car this morning he saw where someone had backed into it, smashing one of the rear lights and leaving a big scratch. Luckily our credit card covers this sort of damage. I'm really hoping this is the end of his bad luck. I believe bad things happen in threes and tomorrow he is flying home. Praying it will be a safe flight as Charlotte and I need him here with us. Nothing else to report here. I still haven't ovulated and it is CD21. I took an ovulation test last night and it was super light. I think I'll take another in a few minutes to see if there is a change. I was hoping it would happen while dh was away so we could resume normal activities without a barrier. Perhaps that is the third unlucky item for him.

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