June Angel Baby Mommas Hoping for Rainbows!!

Can I have a mini rant here? I am so sick of girls on here being so sensitive!! They post a question that there really isn't a way for anyone to answer and then get pissy when they don't get replies. They keep bumping and writing things like "I guess you are don't fancy my post". Or complain that no one is following their journals, but all the do is whine in them. They expect us to be able to give them the answers that we couldn't possibly have.

Anyway, sorry for the rant.:flower:
Can I have a mini rant here? I am so sick of girls on here being so sensitive!! They post a question that there really isn't a way for anyone to answer and then get pissy when they don't get replies. They keep bumping and writing things like "I guess you are don't fancy my post". Or complain that no one is following their journals, but all the do is whine in them. They expect us to be able to give them the answers that we couldn't possibly have.

Anyway, sorry for the rant.:flower:

I completely agree! I think there are a lot of women on here that are drama queens (not on our page) I had this one lady pretty much copy everything I have said and then it was apart of her story... she always changed her situation depending on who she was talking to... very sad that she has to go on here to get some attention....
Sorry lots of little posts in one area... I pretty much figured out a lot of the lingo... I just can't figure out FF???
FF-fertility friend, the site/app to chart your cycle.
I think I need to start coming on and responding every few hours, so much to catch up on already!

I know what you mean--the minute you pack something away, you’re going to need it!!

FX that all this stress will be going away soon, both for yours and DH’s sake!

Oh! I loved your V-day idea!! Loved it so much that I copied you!!! I hope you don't mind...what a copy cat I am, right! I ordered it today online from Barnes and Noble, it was in stock so I reserved it at my local B&N and will pick it up today after work!

I have a few costumes that I wear for DH (French maid, red riding hood, cheerleader, german barmaid, and at least one more that I can’t think of atm) but I don’t wear them in the winter because I get too cold. I guess that I will reward DH, bite the bullet, and wear one this weekend, he’s been such a good sport lately.

Good thing that you are using the OPK’s and caught the O! FX that you will be able to give DH a positive digi on vday!!!! :dust:

Boo to the lady who decided to hire someone loca! FX that the other company will hire you to redo their website!

That’s cute that DH swears you’re pregnant, FX he is right! As for willpower, don’t look to me for that….I have NONE, remember lol!! I’m a work in progress! If I send you willpower vibes, that just might clean me out lol! JK!

I totally understand about the u/s pics. I did put one in the box we buried, but kept a copy for myself. Just had to.

We were sitting on the couch and OH says "Where are our pillows?!" referring to the couch pillows we packed away :haha: I told him that would happen! I don't mind at all that you bought the book! I'm glad I was able to give you a gift idea :) I still have to fill most of it out and don't know when I'll find the time without OH around! I think the sexy outfits are fun! I also have a nurse one that I got for his bday last August that he loved.

Your weekend sounds like it was fun! I'm glad to here the stress with your uncle and the donation has been relieved. Any news from the u/s yesterday (or did I miss that)?

Stef, I am glad you found your pics to hold onto. FX for you!!!!! Bet oh loved that maid outfit!

He did!

Stef and Meli - you two are seriously kinky, my oh can only dream of freanch maids and german barmaids, the best I can offer is my five year old sexy lingerie and that's a treat! ha! Aww poor OH I should treat him more often! Meli, I'm loving calling OH 'a good sport lately!' made me chuckle!

Outfits are just the start of it for me ;) lol

Yup, I’m back, and back in obsessive ttc mode, drinking grapefruit juice, lol! But I will def make it a point and wait to poas until at least 11dpo, and that’s if my temps stay up and don’t start falling. No more of this silliness, poas at 6dpo. What a fool!

I don't know about anyone else but I've found myself doing the same thing... just because I can and I'm impatient :wacko:

Ok, so here are my selections for girl names. I picked the name Rameli, because it’s a combination of my name (Melissa) and DH name (Raul). We can then call her Meli. I like Rameli because it’s different and not very common at all. The emphasis should be on the ‘me’ of the name, not on the ‘ra’ or the ‘li’..if that makes any sense at all?? The only reason I don’t like Rameli is because I don’t want it to be confused with an Indian name. I did a google search and found it belongs to a few Indian men as a first name. Not to mention that DH and SS are not convinced they like this name at all. Neither are my cousins! So, I then thought of the alternate name of Ramelia, I think that would make it easier for people to know how to pronounce it correctly, it’s just “Amelia” with an “R” in front of it.

Then, DH suggested an alternative - Merali. It’s still a mix of both of our names. This time, the emphasis should be on the ‘ra’.

So what do you guys think about these girl names?? Please be honest!! I will not take in personal in the least!! Promise!

Rameli Grace
Rameli Lydia (Lydia is my mother’s middle name)

Merali Lydia
Merali Sophia
Merali Grace

Ramelia Grace
Ramelia Celeste

As far as boy names, we have not agreed to any at all. DH likes these names, but I’m not sold…


My favorites are Merali Sophia and Merali Grace!

Angel & Vegas, no signs yet. OH swears I'm eating more as of yesterday but I think maybe that's wishful thinking. Although... there was this one thing that happened shortly before getting the BFPs the last times, and it only happened those two times, and yesterday. I got a sharp pain in my upper back between my shoulder blades when I breathed in. It lasts up to an hour. I'm not sure what causes it or if it's even related in any way at all, but it's just odd it's only ever happened shortly before a BFP.

I'm in a mood today. Our cat got outside again yesterday morning, still haven't found her. She has me worried because there was frost everywhere this morning. The window to the neighbor's dirt cellar that she was hiding in last time is blocked off now, so I have no idea where she is. Also, I had a job interview for today, after a phone interview that went very well. I would have swore that I had the job, but I got a call this morning around 9 from the guy saying he has to cancel our interview because he already hired someone else. Rude?!? How could he go hire someone without following through on interviews he had set up? How does he know I wouldn't have been better for the position after meeting me? I'm pissed :growlmad:

On the positive side, we are finally closing on the house, should be tomorrow. So Gracie (that's the kitty) needs to show up fast before we move :( and I need to find a new job fast or I'm going to be stuck with 2 hours of driving every day, which will significantly decrease my take home pay with gas costs.
I am sorry your kitty is missing and that interviewer was an asshole! That is very rude!
I hope Gracie comes back today and that the back pain is a sign for you!
Can I have one more mini rant here? Guess I am a little irritable. Before I start, if this applies to anyone here, I am very sorry. I mean no offense!!!:flower:
I hate it when I see a lady on here saying something like "we have been trying for two years with no luck!", but when asked if they are temping, checking cm, using preseed, doing all they can to ttc, they say the can't be arsed to temp! How can you complain that you aren't getting preg when you aren't doing all you can to make it happen. Now I completely understand that some people have other problems like pcos, but I can't understand why you wouldn't do eveything to help yourself. End rant! Sorry again!!

I like your response to the ‘favorite store’ survey question:”I like finding new things I didn’t even know I needed”. That’s me too! Some people (DH) may call me a shopaholic, but I don’t agree. Just because I'm a bargain and sensible shopper, doesnt make me a shopaholic. Whatevs.

GL with the Clomid! YAY! I’m glad things and timing are finally moving in a positive direction for you.

You’re right…things DO have a way of working themselves out. All this stress I’ve put myself under for the last 2 months…life would have been so much easier had I not stressed myself out about it!


You make a good point about a name ending in “a” has a female connotation.. I never thought of it that way! I think I’ll let DH and SS pick boy names, and I’ll be in charge of the girl names lol!

I lol when you said that DH should be the one dressing up to get you in the mood! Trust me, I really don’t do anything but wear the costumes. I definitely don’t do anything more than that, and it helps so much, it's less work for me IYKWIM~I had a gf who used to dance for her dh. I can’t do that!! I am very shy with that kind of stuff (not to mention that I SUCK at dancing, have absolutely no rhythm so I am very self conscious). So, when I do wear a costume, I just wear it around the house and go about my business, and let him salivate lol! Obviously I can only do this on the weekends that SS is with his mom. Oh, and I would KILL dh if he laughed at me, I am so self conscious! And it would be the last time I wear a costume lol!

DH has been a good sport lately, my last luteal phase I told him we couldn’t DTD because I wanted to track the spotting, to make sure that it wasn’t due to BD or anything like that, so I basically cut him off from Jan 14-Jan 27 (when AF came) and then AF was here, so had to wait a couple days, then we BD’d a couple of times, then we went out of town so that was impossible, basically, we haven’t been on our regular routine of BD at least 3-4 times a week (which is FINE with me!) …and he hasn’t been grouchy or resentful for it, so I will reward him this weekend (and it’s O time, so it’s a win-win)!

FX that you figure out FF to track the O. Write all the stuff down until it’s working for you so that you can plug in the info eventually. Hoping the days pass by quickly for you so that DH will be back before you know it. Angel had some good ideas of passing the time with Charlotte until he’s back!


WOW-sex 15 times this cycle! Lucky DH! Pretty darn sure you caught the egg-how could it be missed? No way those soldiers could have missed your egg lol! :dust:

I get what you say about some girls being so sensitive. I’ve seen some bump their question, when they only posted it a couple of hours before~ It’s like, people aren’t sitting around waiting to see what they can respond to. Be patient lol!


Yes, I bought the book the other day and holy cow! There is so much info to fill out! I don’t think that I will be able to fill it out thoughtfully for Vday. I think I’ll start working on it and if I’m lucky, I’ll have it ready for part of his bday gift (June 3).

Nurse costume, huh? That’s one I def stay away from…his ex wife is a nurse, and I don’t want to go there lol! That’s ok, I have plenty already!

That's a good sign about the pain between your shoulder blades!! Sounds like your mom’s prediction is coming true!!! YAAAAAAAAAAAAAY!!! :dust:

I hope that Gracie is ok, and comes home soon. Rude for that man to hire someone else before finishing the interviews!! I’m sure something else will come up soon for you-either a WFH position or a position closer to your new house! When will you be moving?


When are you going out of town for the hen's weekend? That should be lots of fun! :happydance:


I had blood drawn and an ultrasound done on Monday. I hope the ultrasound results are clear, the tech told me that she couldn’t ‘see’ that much, and asked if I had drank enough water?? :nope: I go back to my ob/gyn for the results on Friday afternoon. FX they tell me there’s nothing wrong, or that they can tell me what the issue is, and that whatever the problem is, it’s easily fixable. I’m starting to think that maybe the best thing for me after the mc would have been to have a d&c. We’ll see!!

So far, the name Ramelia Grace is winning..it seems to be the fav amongst our group!
Totes embarrasimo, I just posted this whole post in Angel's ttc blog, oopsy! Sorry Angel!

Here it is:

Hello Jenkb123, good news on the timing for af, I bet you're glad to see the back of that cycle and start a new one! Fx you catch the egg this month! I like the fact you like Notting Hill for the English accents, hehe, I am bias!

Ha Vegas, yes, I'm so glad that you said that about dressing up too! Unfortunately, unlike your OH, mine is never hardly in the mood, he has a low sex drive, it has been the cause of many of our arguments as mine is a lot higher, even so I don't dress up for OH as he probably wouldn't appreciate and I would feel silly if he blew me out, which he does tend to do sometimes! I like the sound of your OH dressing up to get you in the mood, that's funny, what could he be I wonder? Spiderman? Also, I hope you're right about me ovulating the second night of smiley face as that way we will have done it the day before, day off and day after but I don't have a clue at all when I did, like Angel I need a few more days temping! I know what you mean about FF, on my phone sometimes it does that and other times it freezes on just one chart, and won't let me go on another, my cycles have deffo changed since the mc, I suppose it's good for you that you can track them before you start well if FF lets you! Do you have a ttc date? Sorry you're stuck at home while your OH is in Vegas, I know that feeling well! You'll have to indulge yourself in trashy tv and nice food, any excuse eh!

Wow Angel, 15 times this month? I can only dream of that, my OH was moaning and hardly able to perform just three times, I hate it :( I hope we both manage to time it right though, how frustrating not knowing what day we ovulated, it's deffo around the same time though, so we'll be in the tww together now, try not to stress about your down temp, I always have a few in the tww! Yeah, rant away, I have also encountered some attention seekers on this site, that's why I hardly ever go anywhere apart from here anymore!

Sweetmomma, it's good to hear you have nice strong pg symptoms no matter how annoying they are! I can't wait for morning sickness again, hehe! Are you feeling tired? That is my worst symptom to deal with, zzzzzzzz

Steph, you are way too kinky, I'm jealous! Then when my OH does finally get in the mood we can have our moments too and we used to have a lot more before eva came along, although when I got my smiley the other day we just plonked her in front of Wizard of Oz downstairs and went for a quickie upstairs that was fun, I like ttc sometimes just so I can demand sex of OH, next month I might make it up when I'm ovulating just so I get a bit of action! Hope the move goes well and Gracie returns, our move date is 28th Feb. Yeah, screw that job too, what a joke! x

Ha Angel, I'm feeling irritable myself atm too, must be our post ovulation stage! I don't get that either, I'm too much of a control freak not too! Ha!

Meli, I did LOL at the thought of you dressing up as his ex wife! Hehe! You have such a good memory, I'm off to London this weekend for 'Allison's adventures in Wonderland' it's going to be amazing and I guess I'm not pregnant after all so I can have a few drinkies! Ramelia Grace is lovely, I agree! Jude Stephen is winning for boy's for me and Astrid Wren or Willow Fawn we like but not set on for girl's, Shane really wants another girl, he just wants to be surrounded by girls pampering I now him too well!

Jennc - how are things with you hun? x
So I'm a bit worried. I am in Montreal for meetings. I got here this afternoon. I had to be at the airport by 5am to catch my flight. I had a short stop in Toronto and arrived in Montreal at around 12pm. A long morning of traveling. I've had pretty bad cramps the last two days. I don't usually get cramps (except when I've taken Provera...I think due to low progesterone.) Since about 10am this morning I've had really really heavy bleeding. Tmi but I've been soaking through super plus tampons in less than an hour plus I have had clotting bigger than I did during my miscarriage. I guess this makes sense since in the past if I had had a 54 day cycle I would have bled for 3-4 weeks and the last few times I took Provera af was heavier and done in less than a week. It must just mean my lining has really built up (which I guess is a good thing). But I'm not sure how I am going to make it through my meetings. I have to go for supper in a couple hours and I literally feel like I am gushing blood. The cramps are starting to ease off a bit so maybe things will slow down. I hope!! I really just want to crawl into bed and stay there but I guess I have to go out and hope I don't bleed all over the restaurant. Sorry!! I hope I didn't gross anyone out!!
So I'm a bit worried. I am in Montreal for meetings. I got here this afternoon. I had to be at the airport by 5am to catch my flight. I had a short stop in Toronto and arrived in Montreal at around 12pm. A long morning of traveling. I've had pretty bad cramps the last two days. I don't usually get cramps (except when I've taken Provera...I think due to low progesterone.) Since about 10am this morning I've had really really heavy bleeding. Tmi but I've been soaking through super plus tampons in less than an hour plus I have had clotting bigger than I did during my miscarriage. I guess this makes sense since in the past if I had had a 54 day cycle I would have bled for 3-4 weeks and the last few times I took Provera af was heavier and done in less than a week. It must just mean my lining has really built up (which I guess is a good thing). But I'm not sure how I am going to make it through my meetings. I have to go for supper in a couple hours and I literally feel like I am gushing blood. The cramps are starting to ease off a bit so maybe things will slow down. I hope!! I really just want to crawl into bed and stay there but I guess I have to go out and hope I don't bleed all over the restaurant. Sorry!! I hope I didn't gross anyone out!!
I am sorry you are having such an awful af. I hope it subsides a bit for your dinner and meetings.:hugs:
Jenk: wear a super plus tampon (or two at a time, gross but effective), a pad and black pants and you should be fine through dinner.

I'm at work and getting ready to leave so I'll catch up with the rest of you after dinner :)

Awesome! Have fun in London this weekend, what drinkie poos are you planning on indulging in?? LUV your choice of Jude Stephen, and I like both selections you listed for girls :thumbup:


Vegas has good suggestions on doubling up on tampons. When I’m heavy, I triple up during the night. Super plus tampon, and 2 extra long with wings Always pads. I have to use them front to back to avoid leaks/stains. I hate it cuz it feels like I’m wearing a diaper lol! But it’s better than having an accident…and it helps warn DH when he reaches over, feels the diaper, then he knows it's :nope: not :nope: gonna happen that night lol!

Hope your cramps go away soon! And try to eat foods high in iron for the next couple days to make up for that heavier flow. Here I am, sounding like a mom….
Jasmine- morning sickness is finally subsiding a little at least for today... I am always tired lol!!! Have fun in London!
Meli- I use to have to double up on the pads like that!!!! I used 2 overnight pads and still typically leaked!!! I hated it!!! After I had Izzabella (my oldest) my cycles got a little better...
Jenk- hopefully your cycle lightens up!!!
Hugs and loves :) <3
Oh forgot! Had my appt today... It was only with the ma though... She put my due date at Sept 12th but that's for a 28 day cycler and I am actually a 30 day... Might get a dating ultrasound in the next few days tx :)

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