I like your response to the favorite store survey question:I like finding new things I didnt even know I needed. Thats me too! Some people (DH) may call me a shopaholic, but I dont agree. Just because I'm a bargain and sensible shopper, doesnt make me a shopaholic. Whatevs.
GL with the Clomid! YAY! Im glad things and timing are finally moving in a positive direction for you.
Youre right
things DO have a way of working themselves out. All this stress Ive put myself under for the last 2 months
life would have been so much easier had I not stressed myself out about it!
You make a good point about a name ending in a has a female connotation.. I never thought of it that way! I think Ill let DH and SS pick boy names, and Ill be in charge of the girl names lol!
I lol when you said that DH should be the one dressing up to get you in the mood! Trust me, I really dont do anything but wear the costumes. I definitely dont do anything more than that, and it helps so much, it's less work for me IYKWIM~I had a gf who used to dance for her dh. I cant do that!! I am very shy with that kind of stuff (not to mention that I SUCK at dancing, have absolutely no rhythm so I am very self conscious). So, when I do wear a costume, I just wear it around the house and go about my business, and let him salivate lol! Obviously I can only do this on the weekends that SS is with his mom. Oh, and I would KILL dh if he laughed at me, I am so self conscious! And it would be the last time I wear a costume lol!
DH has been a good sport lately, my last luteal phase I told him we couldnt DTD because I wanted to track the spotting, to make sure that it wasnt due to BD or anything like that, so I basically cut him off from Jan 14-Jan 27 (when AF came) and then AF was here, so had to wait a couple days, then we BDd a couple of times, then we went out of town so that was impossible, basically, we havent been on our regular routine of BD at least 3-4 times a week (which is FINE with me!)
and he hasnt been grouchy or resentful for it, so I will reward him this weekend (and its O time, so its a win-win)!
FX that you figure out FF to track the O. Write all the stuff down until its working for you so that you can plug in the info eventually. Hoping the days pass by quickly for you so that DH will be back before you know it. Angel had some good ideas of passing the time with Charlotte until hes back!
WOW-sex 15 times this cycle! Lucky DH! Pretty darn sure you caught the egg-how could it be missed? No way those soldiers could have missed your egg lol!
I get what you say about some girls being so sensitive. Ive seen some bump their question, when they only posted it a couple of hours before~ Its like, people arent sitting around waiting to see what they can respond to. Be patient lol!
Yes, I bought the book the other day and holy cow! There is so much info to fill out! I dont think that I will be able to fill it out thoughtfully for Vday. I think Ill start working on it and if Im lucky, Ill have it ready for part of his bday gift (June 3).
Nurse costume, huh? Thats one I def stay away from
his ex wife is a nurse, and I dont want to go there lol! Thats ok, I have plenty already!
That's a good sign about the pain between your shoulder blades!! Sounds like your moms prediction is coming true!!! YAAAAAAAAAAAAAY!!!
I hope that Gracie is ok, and comes home soon. Rude for that man to hire someone else before finishing the interviews!! Im sure something else will come up soon for you-either a WFH position or a position closer to your new house! When will you be moving?
When are you going out of town for the hen's weekend? That should be lots of fun!
I had blood drawn and an ultrasound done on Monday. I hope the ultrasound results are clear, the tech told me that she couldnt see that much, and asked if I had drank enough water??

I go back to my ob/gyn for the results on Friday afternoon. FX they tell me theres nothing wrong, or that they can tell me what the issue is, and that whatever the problem is, its easily fixable. Im starting to think that maybe the best thing for me after the mc would have been to have a d&c. Well see!!
So far, the name Ramelia Grace is seems to be the fav amongst our group!