June Angel Baby Mommas Hoping for Rainbows!!


So sweet, yes, I would love your extra prayers! Thank you!

omg, Sunday is almost here…..I can’t wait for you to :test:!!! Temps a bit higher is a good sign!! I totally know what you mean about wanting a new pg to be totally diff than the last one….I feel the same way, but like vegas put it, I’ll still be stressed no matter if a new pg is the same, or totally different from the last.

wow, sounds like a fun weekend for you! I hope you had fun at your mommy's night out last night. Yes, I remember you mentioning the Irish place, was it really only one month ago that you mentioned it? It seems, like, forever…! Have lots of fun tonight, and enjoy some ‘adult drink’s:wine:! They say it’s safe to ‘drink til it’s pink’, right!

I’m not sure of which movie we will see. We will prob figure it out in a couple of hours. It’s usually hard to select a movie because our neighbors go to the movies a lot more often than we do, so they’ve usually seen all the movies already, unless we go to a movie that opened the weekend we are actually going. I would like to see “Identity Theft” cuz it looks hilarious, but we’ll see.

The 80’s arcade sounds fabulous! And for just $5?? You can’t beat that!! I would LOVE to go to something like that, but there’s nothing like that around here. So, I guess movies for us it will be…


Yes, it was chilling to read her response. I had to call her as she told me to call her if I wanted to, instead of eml, and how do you eml a response to something like that?? I feel so bad for her, she sacrificed a lot. She basically told me that, because the recipient was her father, she would still make the same decision today and donate, but had it been anyone else besides her father, mother or brother, she would not have donated, and certainly not to an estranged person. I appreciate her honesty.

Good thing u guys have credit secure, that will def take care of nipping any attempted id theft straight in the bud! Omg, I cant believe that his rental car was hit! Prob some drunk casino patron!! Argh.,,,what a headache. Like you said, the silver lining is that your credit card covers the damage!!!whew!

Did you take another opk yesterday? What was the result??


So I went to my dr. appt. I asked what my blood results were, she said all she tested blood wise was for blood type, and tells me I’m O positive. I’m like, "yes, I know that, thank you". She then asks me to pee in a cup, says "results say you're not pg", again I’m like "yes, I know that, thank you"….She does a pap smear (which was good because I've been due for one since Oct), looks at ultrasound results, and says uterus looks good, slightly thickened lining but that could be due to the cycle day I'm on. Then she says there is a small ovarian cyst on the left ovary. I KNEW IT! . I don’t know if you guys remember that last month, I swore up and down that I was pg, because on 7dpo I started feeling pain on left side of pelvis in the evening, next 2 days I had more spotting than usual, my left side lower back was totally sore for 2 days, I totally thought I was feeling implantation and ib bleeding. I was like “I know I’m not going crazy. I know what I felt, and it was not in my head, I can symptom spot madly like everyone is capable of, but how could I make up such pain?” I’m so glad to know that it wasn’t in my head! And now I know to expect the same in the future, and when it does, I will not get excited, it's not a 'symptom', cuz it's just the cyst. She basically agreed that, yes, it is highly improbable that I get pg with all this spotting going on. Oh yeah, when she first came in and looked at my file, she has me repeat all my info (name, dob) and says “40 y/o? Is this correct? Or is this a mistake in my computer?” I’m like “Yes, unfortunately for me, that is correct. I am 40” She says “Sorry, but u don’t look 40, I just wanted to make sure your records are correct”. We go on with the appt, and when we talk about the spotting, and the mc, she asks “what birth control methods have you used all these years?” I said “the pull out method”. She says “And you never got pg?” I said, “no, not until we actually tried to get pg” She says “Did you get pg with help?” I go “No, I got pg naturally” She says “So you got pg right away, with no assistance?!!” I said, “Yes, the only assistance was from DH” lol! It's like she didnt believe me!! Anyways, during the conversation re the spotting, she says “I don’t think you are even ovulating” and I said, “well, this is the 2nd month that I’ve been charting, using opks’s and temping, and my o was confirmed last month. For my current cycle, supposedly, I o’d yesterday, or should o today”. She looked skeptical….which now freaks me out because my temps do not reflect o!! I was hoping today’s would dip and confirm o yesterday, esp because I got a pos opk on Thursday, but no go!! We only dtd Thurs nite and early Fri morning, I was discouraged and didn’t even want to BD last night because, as she said, chances are very low I could get pg with all this spotting. Plus DH is getting sick so he didn’t push BD last night!! (don’t worry, I am SURE he will ‘cash in his chips’ and collect the remaining BD’s I owe him as soon as he starts feeling better LOL). I will keep using opk’s and I’m really hoping that I had the surge on thurs, didn’t o, but will surge again and actually o in the next couple of days..if not, I don’t know what is going on!! Maybe she’s right, and I’m not o’ing. OH NO! ok, will try to relax and keep my routine of temping and opks and hope my body straightens out.

So she says she thinks that since it’s "only been 3 mos since my mc, we should wait a couple more months and see what happens, see if the spotting clears up on it’s own". I’m like, “NO, I can’t wait, I’m now 40 ½ and cannot wait any longer”. I felt like saying “I’m 40, remember!! Don’t be fooled by looks” LOL. Sheesh, that was about the best part of the appt-that she kept forgetting I’m 40 lol. Sigh….I’ll take ANY compliments where I can get them. That’s what it comes to when you’re my age lol! So she finally wrote up orders for me to return on CD3 (for AMH testing) and to return on CD21 (that’s to test my progesterone levels). I guess my appt wasn’t a total bust…

Oh yah, another thing..,..my primary dr called yesterday to say that my mammogram results came in, something in left breast that they want to take a closer look at…so more xrays. Not looking forward to that! I was almost in tears after my last mammogram! Man, they’re brutal! :growlmad:

Oh, I went to Whole Foods last night and bought red clover tea, nettle tea, and 'woman's moon cycle' tea (this includes raspberry leaf and dong quai root extract). I HATE tea, but will drink daily, alternating between the three, and drink one cup a day. I'll drink it in the evening, after dinner, when I take my prenatals and COQ10, making it part of my routine will ensure I dont forget. I asked my dr, and she had no comment/stance on these teas. I figure it can't hurt.
Meli: Your doctor is right, you don't look 40 (it's kids that age you, I used to look young once too). Of course, you need her to be more proactive than the wait and see method since you feel your age is working against you. I think that the 21 day progesterone is a good indicator of things (not that I've had one). How long are your cycles typically? Sorry I can't remember. Also sorry to hear they want to take a closer look at your mammogram. When do you go in for that? You don't need any extra worry in your life. To be honest I was thinking that now that you had the stress of the liver donation pretty much behind you that you would get pg right away. I swear stress does make it more difficult, but trying to relax while ttc is near impossible.

I want to see "Identity Theft" too. It looks hilarious. As it is, "Savages" came in on our Netflix, so if dh isn't too tired I suppose we will watch that tonight. We have a home theater of sorts in our home (we call it the man den) so we pretty much watch everything here as opposed to going to the movies. I love being able to pause the movie so I can have a potty break and then go get another glass of wine.

DH is on his way home. I took another ovulation test last night and one today and both were big ol negatives. I wonder if this is going to be another super long cycle. On the other hand, my face is breaking out something awful, so the hormones are doing something different. I sure hope my cycle decides to become a bit more normal before we TTC or this is going to drive me crazy.

Has anyone broken down and tested?
Hi Vegas,

My cycles are typically 28-29 day cycles, and luckily went back to normal pretty quickly after the mc. I’m actually more worried about my hormones, and whether or not I actually o’d this month. I’m not too worried about the breast issue, I’ve had a benign fibroma taken out of the same breast about 20yrs ago, I’m hoping it’s just due to the pg and mc hormones. It’s actually a good thing at this point, to not be pg so that they can do whatever they have to do, whether it’s just more xrays, or even to remove it, if necessary (just trying to have pma!).

I don’t think we’ve seen “Savages” yet. We cancelled our Netflix a couple of years ago, and do Redbox every weekend. Last night I rented 4 movies lol! We’ve only seen 2 so far. Our ‘home theatre’ is set up in our living room—DH wired it for surround sound, it’s pretty impressive, but WAY to loud for my liking most of the time, I’m sure YKWIM, I guess it’s a guy thing lol! I totally prefer staying home and watching movies at home—with a set up like that, it’s just as good an experience, but better actually, because we can pause it whenever we want! We just go to dinner and movies with the neighbors because they invite us, and we enjoy their company.

Wow.. I don’t know how you get the patience for those long cycles. If they stay long when it’s time for you to ttc, do u do anything about it? Or just deal with the long cycles, because u do know that o will come, eventually?
I’m sure DH is home now and y’all are enjoying each other’s company. DH and I decided to stay home after all, since both our neighbor and DH have the sniffles. I’m making chicken soup for DH and neighbors, it should be ready soon.

Oh yah, just found out my 28 y/o cousin (from my dad’s side of the family) is pg. She already invited me to her baby shower scheduled for May. Joy. I’m truly happy for her, but NOT looking forward to attending her shower, and not being pg :growlmad:. Oh well, I will cross that bridge when I get to it.
Meli: You are so lucky to have a normal length cycle. Mine are typically 30-33 days as I have a shorter luteal phase (about 10 days). Seeing as I am going to the doctor's office monthly anyway, I will mention it to the nurse and she can ask the doctor about it or give me some advice herself. That is actually why I am already using the ovulation tests as I know she will ask. I'm glad to hear you aren't freaking out about the breast thing and you are probably right that it is nothing as you've had something removed before. I used to have very fibrous breasts, but since I had Charlotte they have softened up a lot. Had they stayed the same I know that it would have been difficult to really see much with a mammogram as the tissue was so dense (or at least that is what I read once).

Can you just send your cousin a gift as opposed to attending the shower? Also, May is a ways off so perhaps you too will be pregnant at that time. Heck, maybe we both will be!
I will have to read up on everyone's responses and reply properly tonight. I just wanted to let you all know that Identity Thief was hilarious, a little over the top, but still hilarious. Also, bfn this morning at 8/9 dpo. Still early though. No symptoms though.
Meli- I would have never guessed 40 either! My fingers are crossed that there is nothing to worry about with the mamogram retesting... hopefully it was just a wierd shadow... Also I am glad after you talked to your dr. they are going to help try a few things. Hugs and baby dust. :)
Angel- what all did the identy theft all do? My fingers are crossed for you as well... with this one I didn't even know I was preggers till the 5 week mark (and I am one to typically know right away!!!!)... only symptomes were fatigue which I have pretty much all the time lol.... so don't be down you still have a chance :) Baby dust sending your way as well

AFM- I had training yesterday so needless to say I stayed home from church today... I work 5 days a week 10-6 with a bunch of kids so I am exahsted by the time I get home! I leave the house at 730 to get my girls to school and I don't get back home til 7ish... so going to training all day yesterday I want at least one day for me and my family... feel kinda wierd. Morning sickness comes and goes... hits hard about 6 at night.... dh made a really good beef stir fry last night... niether of us has ever made that before so I was happy it turned out :) hugs to all and sending baby dust!!! We need more BFP!!! It will happen :)
Sorry Identy thief was for Vegas... lol... Angel hope your test shows positive in the next few days :)
Helloooo everyone,

Right, where shall I start! Vegas, I'll probably first test on Wednesday of this week, I will be 10dpo by then which is when I got my last bfp. I was also told by a fortune teller that the number 13 would be lucky for me, unlucky for some but lucky for me. This will be 13th February from a cd13 ovulation so here's hoping but tbh I think we left it a bit late this month! I'm really sorry about all of the bad luck DH has been having lately that is really rubbish and just so ironic that nothing like that happened to you once whilst you lived over there. I hope you have got it sorted, is he back yet, hope so!

Stef, are you 10dpo today? Have you tested? That is soo cute about your OH rubbing your belly, when I was pregnany with Eva I used to absolutely love it when DH did this too!I hope Gracie hasn't gone away to die too, I hope she turns up soon.

Meli, that's crazy about the liver donation, I can't believe they don't properly make you aware of this? If I was you, I wouldn't do it, he has other offers they're not woman ttc, I don't think you should give up your chance to be a mummy, you might end up resenting him? Also, I hope the cyst is nothing to worry about, I had a cyst on my ovary when I got pregnant with Eva. I kept going to the doctors cos I could literally feel it hurting me and asked for a scan, they scanned me to confirm, the second time they scanned me I had gotten pregnant, I was six weeks and she showed me on the ultrasound a tiny flashing light, it was one of the most beautiful things I have ever seen! My 6 week old embryos heart flashing away! Anyway, my point is it didn't stop me catching but I was worried about it as it was 4cm, but it went away on it's own. Fx also about the shadow, gosh it's one thing after another Meli, I hope all is okay. Just looking at your chart, btw, do you think you ovulated on cd11? Hopefully you will get your crosshairs tomorrow. I am sorry that someone else in the family is now pg, it seems so unfair but jeez you're due some good luck! The shower will be hard but you are strong enough x

Angel, thanks I have told OH about that other anti-depressent but we have been discussing it further and I'm not sure he is going to take them anymore. We're gonna try and get him through it without them, mainly as the insomnia is a side affect and it's something he really suffers with anyway so we don't want to make it worse, we also feel like perhaps we are masking the problem and not solving it? At the same time, I'm worried as I wanted him to get sorted so maybe back to the doctors for some counselling again. Hope you had a lovely weekend of socialising too! Sounds fun!

Sweetmomma, wow your week sounds exhausting, even if you weren't pregnant! Also, glad you had a lovely beef stir fry, I love it when recipes turn out good first time as it usually takes a few practices and I love beef stir fry! Oh made a lovely beef stew today for my return, i eat soo much!

I got back from London around 3pm today, had an absolute fantastic time! There were around 25 of us altogether! I knew around half of them, we ended up having our nails done, then going for brunch, then we went to a recording studio to record a CD, it was soo much fun, we also had a party there, loads of cava, nibbles, music, it was great! I actually had a few glasses but stopped drinking at 6pm and just stuck to water as I didn't want to get carried away in case I was pg, we went for a slap up meal and then to a club for dancing! I was exhausted and freezing by the end of the night as my day started at 5am but wow it was so worth it! We had a ball! Amd now onto ttc in full swing if we haven't caught this month!

Baby dust to everyone testing this week, keep us posted! x x x
Will still properly reply later.
Jasmine, I took welbutrin in conjuction with trazadone at night to help with sleep. I really liked the combo. I don't take them anymore (probably could though:haha:), but I took them for anxiety.
ThanksAngel, thats really helpful, I have made a note of those for our plan b listxxx
Jasmine- I am so glad your trip went great and sounds like you had a blast!!!! Sometimes that's all we need is a fun getaway :) ... My weeks are extremely tiring even when not pg. I think that's why I didn't know I was, were we weren't trying yet so I didn't suspect anything... I was getting over a cold and working all day I just thought I was tired because of that. Found out otherwise though. I go and see a Dr wedn. As last wedn was just with a ma... Going to talk to them then on my concerns.... I wasn't aware I was preggers so I took ibprophen, melatonine (a sleep aid even though it is something we naturally produce it is a hormone and can interfere with other natural pregnant hormones...), drank a little (less than a beer and two sips of a mixed drink) but still.... I am more worried about the ibprophen....
Tonight the hubs is going to make deer burgers... What are you all having?
Meli, I told you that you didn't look 40!!! I am sorry your appointment wasn't as enlightening as you had hoped, but I am happy to hear they are doing something. I think you will get some good answers with the cd3/21 tests. I am also sorry about the worry with your mammogram. I am sure you are right though, and that it is nothing serious. It looks like if you get another high temp tomorrow that ff might confirm your o though. I agree with Vegas, hopefully in May you will be preg and going to that shower won't be so hard. And I want to say thank you for giving me a huge craving for chicken soup!!

Vegas, I am happy to hear dh is home, are things going better for him? Looking like everything will be able to get sorted without too much hassle? I completely feel you on the long cycles. I din't o until cd 24 or 25 this time! I am used to having 35 day cycles though I guess. You are still taking the vit b to increase your lp right?

Sweetmomma, Wow, what a long week! I would take my Sundays too! Glad the stir fry turned out good! Love when that happens! Tonight we had pork chops with apples and stuffing. It only turned our so-so, probably not a keeper. Oh well. I am sorry for your sickness. That stinks to be right at dinner time. Don't be too worried about the ibuprofen, I am sure all will be fine.

Jasmine, I am glad you had fun. It sounds like it was a blast!!! I can't believe we are all so close with testing! Roll on Wednesday!!! Pretty awesome about that fortune teller! Hope she is right! I can't blame you all for wanting more of a treatment with counseling. I think it is a great idea.

AFM, I had a pretty good time this weekend. We had an awesome girls night on Friday! We played a game of seeing who could shove 50 marshmallows in there mouth and wrote some dirty impromptu poetry using 80's song titles. It was pretty fun! Then on Saturday the Irish restaurant was good. We got fries with some Guiness cheese dip. It was very good. I also had a dish called Cottage Pie. It was basically pot roast with veggies and gravy and a dollop of mashed potatoes. It was good too though. The reason we decided to go to the movies is because our downtown area is doing a special until Vday. If you buy an entree at a participating restaurant, you could get a movie ticket for only $5. So we went ahead and did that while the offer was out there. The movie was so funny! I would definitely recommend it! I may or may not test in the morning. I suppose it will depend on my temp and will power. This morning's temp was low when I took it at 8 at 98.3. I was disappointed about it. I took it again at 10am when we got up and the first reading was 99.3 and then it was 99.1. I think I will get a new thermometer if we don't get preg this time.
Angel- I am sorry dinner wasn't a big hit... A good and easy way to make the perfect pork chops that my family loves is... Rinse off and dry pork chops, mix in bowl BBQ sauce and a touch of ranch then dip into crushed corn flakes bake on baking sheet lined with waxed paper... 350 until it reaches proper temps :) even my picky eater likes it :)
Oh man I bet the things you guys came up with for the 80's song titles were funny! That's awesome they have deals like that in your area! I should look and see if my area has something like that going on. Which movie did you guys see?

So what do you think of this squinter. I can barely see it in real life, but there is certainly something there. I am 9/10dpo. I will be testing again tomorrow, so I will post then too. With my last two pregnancies I told other people before I told Jeff, so tomorrow I plan to test and then leave the room. I am going to let him be the first to look at the test, so he will be the first to know. So fx there is a better line tomorrow! For some reason I am not freaking out, excited. Maybe I will be once I have a better line. I hope the worry doesn't overshadow all the happiness.

Sweetmomma, we saw Identity Thief. It was very funny!
I can see it Angel! Omg, I have everything crossed for you! EEEEEEKKKKKKK! Can't wait to know for sure x x x
Pretty excited Angel! I see a little faint line!!!!!! Post it tomorrow also!!!!
Angel: I'm at work on my phone, but if I make it as big as possible then I can see the faintest of lines. Can't wait to see what tomorrow brings! V. exciting!

:dust: CONGRATULATIONS!! :dust:

You’re welcome for the chicken soup craving, looks like your bfp caused the craving lol! Here’s to many more cravings for the next 9 mos lol!! I'm glad you enjoyed Identity Thief, and that reminds me, I’d like to add Jason Bateman to my list of ‘hot men’. I’ve always liked him, from when he starred on Silver Spoons with Ricky Schroeder. To me, he is a ‘hot average’ type of man. Like not too unreachable hot. I hope I make sense lol!!

I’m so glad you had a great time this weekend. Your Girls night out sounds like fun! I like the marshmallow/dirty poetry game. I’ll keep that in mind for the next bachelorette party I attend lol!


I would totally love to just send a gift, as opposed to attending the shower, but my mom would totally guilt me into going. You know, “I don’t ask you for anything. All I ask is that we be a supportive, united family..blah blah” I want to say “But mom! That’s my dad’s side of the family! You guys have been divorced for ten years! Why do you care whether or not I go to family events on my dads side?” But, I hold my tongue. Because she’s right….I’ll just have to suck it up and deal.

I’m glad DH finally made it home!

Yes, fx that we’re both pg by May! By the looks of my health issues, it will prob be at least a couple of months before I can actually start ttc, well, I can keep trying, but I don't think I will be successful until all my health issues are fixed! The good thing about ttc in a couple of mos is that I’ll be in good company--with u and any others of our group who are still going for it! If I recall correctly, you were going to start ttc late March/April ‘ish’?

Have you always had a short luteal phase, even when when you got pg with Charlotte?


Wow, you have a hard job. I don’t know how you do it not pg, I certainly don’t know how you do it pg!! Beef stir fry sounds delish! Thanks for the pork chops recipe. I am totally going to try it!!! GL at your dr appt this Wednesday. Hopefully you’ll be far enough along so you can see and hear your little bean’s heartbeat! I’m sure the ibuprofen wont cause any probs, don’t even worry about it and add to your stress level (I know, it’s easy to say, but hard to do).


I’m intrigued by your fortune teller predictions!! How many times have you gone to one? Has anything of what’s been predicted, come true? That is eerie about the #13 prediction, your CD13 ovulation, and testing Feb 13. WOW!
:dust: Can’t wait til you test on Weds! :dust:

Have you had any other symptoms?

Yah, it’s crazy what that ‘liver donor buddy’ told me. I am pretty sure that I cannot donate, I cannot take that chance. It was hard enough contemplating donating, thinking that I had to wait 3 mos to ttc after the procedure, but now? not a chance.

FX my cyst goes away on it’s own. I’m so glad to hear that it didn’t stop you from catching the egg, it gives me hope! I can just picture the heart flashing away! What a lovely sight that might have been!

It sounds like you guys had a blast!! 25 is a large group, it must have been some fun mayhem lol! I’ve never heard of going to a recording studio for something, that must be something new (or I’m more out of it than I think), it sounds really cool!


FF finally confirmed o on CD12 (Thursday) and says I am 4dpo, BUT, I’m still not completely convinced because I fudged a couple of the temps, I think my thermometer battery is dying so I will buy another battery tonight on the way home. I guess I’ll have to wait and see if my temps stay elevated to really know, for sure, that I did o. The other reason I’m not convinced that I o’d was because I’ve not had any other signs of o, no ovarian twinges at all! And I normally get them quick twinges daily starting the day of o, til at least 5-6dpo, and nada this time!

I got a pos opk on Thursday morning, but I may have ovulated right after the pos opk, because about 3pm, TMI~… when I used the toilet, I had some light pink watery blood on the tp when I wiped, and then had brown spotting later on and the next day again (Friday). We bd’d on Sunday night, Thursday night and Friday morning. Even if I truly did o on Thursday, I’m pretty sure I missed the egg, it coming way early and all (darn sneaky egg!) but that’s ok. It’s better that I take care of this mammogram/breast issue before getting pg, I suppose.

So, since I’m supposedly 4dpo, I’ll go get labwork done on Thursday (7dpo) to measure the progesterone. At least the wheels are finally in motion to figure out what’s up with my body! I scheduled my follow up test for the suspicious mammogram result for Feb 25.
Meli: Sometimes I feel FF is about a day off with ovulation so I'd just go with whatever day you felt was right. Sorry you are forced to go to family events. I have a very small family and we live so far away that I don't have to deal with any of that! My plan is to start TTC in April/May.

Angel: Let's see today's test!

Still nothing here, I'm on CD25 and got another negative OPK yesterday. That makes five in a row and my temps are super low. I'm starting to get a bit frustrated. Also, in other news I got the summary of my hospital bill in from my insurance and the hospital charged almost $14,000-I'm responsible for like $800 of that. I was only there like six hours! This doesn't include what my doctor charged (which I've already paid). I swear this mc was more expensive than when I had Charlotte and I was in the hospital for two nights with her. Sorry to bring it up, but it makes me mad that they charge so much for so little.

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