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So sweet, yes, I would love your extra prayers! Thank you!
omg, Sunday is almost here ..I cant wait for you to
!!! Temps a bit higher is a good sign!! I totally know what you mean about wanting a new pg to be totally diff than the last one
.I feel the same way, but like vegas put it, Ill still be stressed no matter if a new pg is the same, or totally different from the last.
wow, sounds like a fun weekend for you! I hope you had fun at your mommy's night out last night. Yes, I remember you mentioning the Irish place, was it really only one month ago that you mentioned it? It seems, like, forever ! Have lots of fun tonight, and enjoy some adult drinks
! They say its safe to drink til its pink, right!
Im not sure of which movie we will see. We will prob figure it out in a couple of hours. Its usually hard to select a movie because our neighbors go to the movies a lot more often than we do, so theyve usually seen all the movies already, unless we go to a movie that opened the weekend we are actually going. I would like to see Identity Theft cuz it looks hilarious, but well see.
The 80s arcade sounds fabulous! And for just $5?? You cant beat that!! I would LOVE to go to something like that, but theres nothing like that around here. So, I guess movies for us it will be
Yes, it was chilling to read her response. I had to call her as she told me to call her if I wanted to, instead of eml, and how do you eml a response to something like that?? I feel so bad for her, she sacrificed a lot. She basically told me that, because the recipient was her father, she would still make the same decision today and donate, but had it been anyone else besides her father, mother or brother, she would not have donated, and certainly not to an estranged person. I appreciate her honesty.
Good thing u guys have credit secure, that will def take care of nipping any attempted id theft straight in the bud! Omg, I cant believe that his rental car was hit! Prob some drunk casino patron!! Argh.,,,what a headache. Like you said, the silver lining is that your credit card covers the damage!!!whew!
Did you take another opk yesterday? What was the result??
So I went to my dr. appt. I asked what my blood results were, she said all she tested blood wise was for blood type, and tells me Im O positive. Im like, "yes, I know that, thank you". She then asks me to pee in a cup, says "results say you're not pg", again Im like "yes, I know that, thank you" .She does a pap smear (which was good because I've been due for one since Oct), looks at ultrasound results, and says uterus looks good, slightly thickened lining but that could be due to the cycle day I'm on. Then she says there is a small ovarian cyst on the left ovary. I KNEW IT! . I dont know if you guys remember that last month, I swore up and down that I was pg, because on 7dpo I started feeling pain on left side of pelvis in the evening, next 2 days I had more spotting than usual, my left side lower back was totally sore for 2 days, I totally thought I was feeling implantation and ib bleeding. I was like I know Im not going crazy. I know what I felt, and it was not in my head, I can symptom spot madly like everyone is capable of, but how could I make up such pain? Im so glad to know that it wasnt in my head! And now I know to expect the same in the future, and when it does, I will not get excited, it's not a 'symptom', cuz it's just the cyst. She basically agreed that, yes, it is highly improbable that I get pg with all this spotting going on. Oh yeah, when she first came in and looked at my file, she has me repeat all my info (name, dob) and says 40 y/o? Is this correct? Or is this a mistake in my computer? Im like Yes, unfortunately for me, that is correct. I am 40 She says Sorry, but u dont look 40, I just wanted to make sure your records are correct. We go on with the appt, and when we talk about the spotting, and the mc, she asks what birth control methods have you used all these years? I said the pull out method. She says And you never got pg? I said, no, not until we actually tried to get pg She says Did you get pg with help? I go No, I got pg naturally She says So you got pg right away, with no assistance?!! I said, Yes, the only assistance was from DH lol! It's like she didnt believe me!! Anyways, during the conversation re the spotting, she says I dont think you are even ovulating and I said, well, this is the 2nd month that Ive been charting, using opkss and temping, and my o was confirmed last month. For my current cycle, supposedly, I od yesterday, or should o today. She looked skeptical .which now freaks me out because my temps do not reflect o!! I was hoping todays would dip and confirm o yesterday, esp because I got a pos opk on Thursday, but no go!! We only dtd Thurs nite and early Fri morning, I was discouraged and didnt even want to BD last night because, as she said, chances are very low I could get pg with all this spotting. Plus DH is getting sick so he didnt push BD last night!! (dont worry, I am SURE he will cash in his chips and collect the remaining BDs I owe him as soon as he starts feeling better LOL). I will keep using opks and Im really hoping that I had the surge on thurs, didnt o, but will surge again and actually o in the next couple of days..if not, I dont know what is going on!! Maybe shes right, and Im not oing. OH NO! ok, will try to relax and keep my routine of temping and opks and hope my body straightens out.
So she says she thinks that since its "only been 3 mos since my mc, we should wait a couple more months and see what happens, see if the spotting clears up on its own". Im like, NO, I cant wait, Im now 40 ½ and cannot wait any longer. I felt like saying Im 40, remember!! Dont be fooled by looks LOL. Sheesh, that was about the best part of the appt-that she kept forgetting Im 40 lol. Sigh .Ill take ANY compliments where I can get them. Thats what it comes to when youre my age lol! So she finally wrote up orders for me to return on CD3 (for AMH testing) and to return on CD21 (thats to test my progesterone levels). I guess my appt wasnt a total bust
Oh yah, another thing.., primary dr called yesterday to say that my mammogram results came in, something in left breast that they want to take a closer look at so more xrays. Not looking forward to that! I was almost in tears after my last mammogram! Man, theyre brutal!
Oh, I went to Whole Foods last night and bought red clover tea, nettle tea, and 'woman's moon cycle' tea (this includes raspberry leaf and dong quai root extract). I HATE tea, but will drink daily, alternating between the three, and drink one cup a day. I'll drink it in the evening, after dinner, when I take my prenatals and COQ10, making it part of my routine will ensure I dont forget. I asked my dr, and she had no comment/stance on these teas. I figure it can't hurt.
So sweet, yes, I would love your extra prayers! Thank you!
omg, Sunday is almost here ..I cant wait for you to

wow, sounds like a fun weekend for you! I hope you had fun at your mommy's night out last night. Yes, I remember you mentioning the Irish place, was it really only one month ago that you mentioned it? It seems, like, forever ! Have lots of fun tonight, and enjoy some adult drinks

Im not sure of which movie we will see. We will prob figure it out in a couple of hours. Its usually hard to select a movie because our neighbors go to the movies a lot more often than we do, so theyve usually seen all the movies already, unless we go to a movie that opened the weekend we are actually going. I would like to see Identity Theft cuz it looks hilarious, but well see.
The 80s arcade sounds fabulous! And for just $5?? You cant beat that!! I would LOVE to go to something like that, but theres nothing like that around here. So, I guess movies for us it will be
Yes, it was chilling to read her response. I had to call her as she told me to call her if I wanted to, instead of eml, and how do you eml a response to something like that?? I feel so bad for her, she sacrificed a lot. She basically told me that, because the recipient was her father, she would still make the same decision today and donate, but had it been anyone else besides her father, mother or brother, she would not have donated, and certainly not to an estranged person. I appreciate her honesty.
Good thing u guys have credit secure, that will def take care of nipping any attempted id theft straight in the bud! Omg, I cant believe that his rental car was hit! Prob some drunk casino patron!! Argh.,,,what a headache. Like you said, the silver lining is that your credit card covers the damage!!!whew!
Did you take another opk yesterday? What was the result??
So I went to my dr. appt. I asked what my blood results were, she said all she tested blood wise was for blood type, and tells me Im O positive. Im like, "yes, I know that, thank you". She then asks me to pee in a cup, says "results say you're not pg", again Im like "yes, I know that, thank you" .She does a pap smear (which was good because I've been due for one since Oct), looks at ultrasound results, and says uterus looks good, slightly thickened lining but that could be due to the cycle day I'm on. Then she says there is a small ovarian cyst on the left ovary. I KNEW IT! . I dont know if you guys remember that last month, I swore up and down that I was pg, because on 7dpo I started feeling pain on left side of pelvis in the evening, next 2 days I had more spotting than usual, my left side lower back was totally sore for 2 days, I totally thought I was feeling implantation and ib bleeding. I was like I know Im not going crazy. I know what I felt, and it was not in my head, I can symptom spot madly like everyone is capable of, but how could I make up such pain? Im so glad to know that it wasnt in my head! And now I know to expect the same in the future, and when it does, I will not get excited, it's not a 'symptom', cuz it's just the cyst. She basically agreed that, yes, it is highly improbable that I get pg with all this spotting going on. Oh yeah, when she first came in and looked at my file, she has me repeat all my info (name, dob) and says 40 y/o? Is this correct? Or is this a mistake in my computer? Im like Yes, unfortunately for me, that is correct. I am 40 She says Sorry, but u dont look 40, I just wanted to make sure your records are correct. We go on with the appt, and when we talk about the spotting, and the mc, she asks what birth control methods have you used all these years? I said the pull out method. She says And you never got pg? I said, no, not until we actually tried to get pg She says Did you get pg with help? I go No, I got pg naturally She says So you got pg right away, with no assistance?!! I said, Yes, the only assistance was from DH lol! It's like she didnt believe me!! Anyways, during the conversation re the spotting, she says I dont think you are even ovulating and I said, well, this is the 2nd month that Ive been charting, using opkss and temping, and my o was confirmed last month. For my current cycle, supposedly, I od yesterday, or should o today. She looked skeptical .which now freaks me out because my temps do not reflect o!! I was hoping todays would dip and confirm o yesterday, esp because I got a pos opk on Thursday, but no go!! We only dtd Thurs nite and early Fri morning, I was discouraged and didnt even want to BD last night because, as she said, chances are very low I could get pg with all this spotting. Plus DH is getting sick so he didnt push BD last night!! (dont worry, I am SURE he will cash in his chips and collect the remaining BDs I owe him as soon as he starts feeling better LOL). I will keep using opks and Im really hoping that I had the surge on thurs, didnt o, but will surge again and actually o in the next couple of days..if not, I dont know what is going on!! Maybe shes right, and Im not oing. OH NO! ok, will try to relax and keep my routine of temping and opks and hope my body straightens out.
So she says she thinks that since its "only been 3 mos since my mc, we should wait a couple more months and see what happens, see if the spotting clears up on its own". Im like, NO, I cant wait, Im now 40 ½ and cannot wait any longer. I felt like saying Im 40, remember!! Dont be fooled by looks LOL. Sheesh, that was about the best part of the appt-that she kept forgetting Im 40 lol. Sigh .Ill take ANY compliments where I can get them. Thats what it comes to when youre my age lol! So she finally wrote up orders for me to return on CD3 (for AMH testing) and to return on CD21 (thats to test my progesterone levels). I guess my appt wasnt a total bust
Oh yah, another thing.., primary dr called yesterday to say that my mammogram results came in, something in left breast that they want to take a closer look at so more xrays. Not looking forward to that! I was almost in tears after my last mammogram! Man, theyre brutal!

Oh, I went to Whole Foods last night and bought red clover tea, nettle tea, and 'woman's moon cycle' tea (this includes raspberry leaf and dong quai root extract). I HATE tea, but will drink daily, alternating between the three, and drink one cup a day. I'll drink it in the evening, after dinner, when I take my prenatals and COQ10, making it part of my routine will ensure I dont forget. I asked my dr, and she had no comment/stance on these teas. I figure it can't hurt.