June Angel Baby Mommas Hoping for Rainbows!!

Melissa, I am so glad the app went well!

Jen, make sure you update us on your progesterone results. FX!!!
Hey Girls:

So this morning I tried to reply. I have the day off but had a work related meeting at 11am. Before my meeting I was determined that I was going to sit down and reply. I always use Word to type my responses in (since I have had too many times when I lost my long reply) but today I didn't have much time so I didn't use word. I was just typing my last sentence and hit the wrong combination of keys and it flipped the page and I lost the whole thing. Grrrr!!! I was so mad. I didn't have time to redo it :(

So I will try to recreate it now.

This week has been insanely busy. Work has been busy and I've had things happening most evenings. I am so glad its the weekend!!

So excited about all of the scans this week. Girls for Stef and Angel!!! I have always pictured myself having girls. Just think of all the cute little dresses you can get. So exciting!!! I am also so excited that Meli's and Vegas's scans were good too. Vegas the fact that your doctor said that he was super confident that this was not another partial molar is fantastic. What a reassurance!! Meli the fact that the baby is measuring right on schedule and the heartbeat is good is also super reassuring. I am so glad your doctor is on board for weekly scans. Jasmine you must be due for a scan soon!!

I will do my individual replies in a bit. I am excited to give you my update. So in the past the highest progesterone level I have ever had was 1.8. This was typically at 7dpo. The test I had Wednesday was 7 days post trigger shot (so it was likely 5-6 dpo). I found out the results and my level was 101!!!! Which is actually high. So I am feeling pretty good that the progesterone supplements have been helping. That number means I definitely ovulated and it was a strong ovulation. Because it is so high it could also mean that I ovulated more than one egg. I did have two that were the right size when I got my trigger so it is possible. That would give me double the chance of catching the egg this month. I am feeling pretty positive. Even if I don't catch the egg this month, the fact that my levels are going up makes me feel more encouraged about my chances for the future. I also did a pregnancy test this morning to see if the trigger shot had left my system yet and it was negative. That means if I get a positive in the next week or two that it will be a real bfp and not just a remnant from the trigger shot. The nurse told me to wait two weeks to test. I don't think I will be able to wait that long. I will try to hold out until next Friday (which would be about 14dpo).

I have to go and clean the bathroom and start supper (what fun). I will check in a little later and reply individually. Oh...and I just wanted to say Thanks Angel. I noticed you changed your siggy. I appreciate the FX'ed.....mine are crossed too!! :) I am anxious to join you all!!

:thumbup::thumbup::thumbup: I really think this is your month!! I can't wait for next Friday 14dpo! Or maybe earlier? lol

I didnt notice Angel had changed her signature.


I hope you dont mind if I copy you? :haha:

:thumbup::thumbup::thumbup: I really think this is your month!! I can't wait for next Friday 14dpo! Or maybe earlier? lol

I didnt notice Angel had changed her signature.


I hope you dont mind if I copy you? :haha:

I am going to copy you back and color it diff.
Jenk: wow, that is an impressive increase! Can't wait to see if it results in your bfp. Regardless, it appears everything is headed in the right direction.

I need to change my signature too as I don't even have Meli's bfp!
Hey Jen, amazing news on your numbers I have everything crossed for you x x x
Well its Sunday night and the weekend just flew right by. We hung out with our niece on Saturday. She is 12. I brought her with me to my Zumba class. I think she had fun. We took her for lunch and watched some horse jumping and racing on tv (she loves horses). We dropped her off at a birthday party and then went and picked up my nephews (the older three, the youngest was with his other grandma) and took them to see Man of Steel in 3-D. They loved it. It was a fun day. Today we had Corrie's sister, brother-in-law and our niece and two nephews as well as Corrie's dad for supper (his mom was out of town). We had pulled pork taco's with coleslaw and peach crisp. It was a busy but fun weekend. I hope the rest of you had a good weekend and a good fathers day!!

Thanks for all the positive thoughts and prayers girls. Your support means a lot to me. It makes me feel good to know you are all rooting for me!!

Angel – You asked me a question about progesterone a little while back. I actually don't know what my progesterone level was the month I got pregnant. We hadn't tested it because we confirmed ovulation with a tracking scan. I wish I had tested it. I am very curious what it would have been. They say progesterone is pro-gestation. It promotes implantation and sticking. A good level is supposed to make a more friendly environment for everything pregnancy related. Higher levels also help with lengthening the luteal phase which is also helpful.

I's still so excited that you are having a girl. Carter will love having a little sister to protect (or torment....probably both)!! I'm sorry you weren't able to enjoy your scan due to the overly full bladder. It is really not fair when they make you fill your bladder and then sit and wait while they run late. I agree that you need a private scan to make up for your negative experience this time!! The clothes you got are so cute. I just love little girl clothes!! Love the shirt in your new bump pic from your journal. You look great!!

Stef – I think that is so cute that Blake came home with girl clothes and the sizes weren't quite right. I love how excited he is, and really, it is the thought that counts right!! I also think that she will be a daddy's girl and he will buy her everything she wants. I also love your scan pictures!! Your bump is getting bigger. I can't believe you are already 17 weeks. Almost halfway!! Wow....6 boys, Blake must have had a crazy house growing up. I know how crazy my sister's house is and they only have 4 boys. I hope you have a boy next!! How many kids do you want??

Vegas – That comment about the matchbox cars in the pink treasure box is so cute!! I can picture it. I don't think I will find out what I am having either when I am pregnant. I've always thought a surprise at the end of labour would be a good thing. After hearing all of the gender scan results here though it does make me reconsider a little. Your comment about the shaken baby syndrome made me lol too!! Doesn't sound too comfortable. Good thing your bladder wasn't as full as Angel's or you would have had a problem!! I'm so happy that everything looked good!! Oh, and yes, I am Cabadian (I lol'ed at that too!!)

Phantom – It was nice of you to drop in and say hello. I also remember you. I am so glad to hear things are going well for you. Being pregnant with twins must be crazy!! I can only imagine how excited the family you are having them for is!! You are doing an amazing thing.

Jasmine – I think you need to tell us the story about “the convert”. I can't wait to see a picture of your bear. Did you manage to fatten him up a bit??

Meli – What is a nu-wave oven?? I hope you were able to catch up on some sleep this weekend!! Thanks for the bright pink fx in your siggy!! I am also excited that you were measuring right on track at your scan. It is so great that your doctor will let you come in for weekly scans!! I agree with Vegas that different doctors have different habits and techniques. Its so hard to know what they mean when they say and do things. Its especially hard when you are looking for indications that something might be wrong (or looking for signs that something was wrong in a prior situation). At least this time everything is looking perfect. You can just enjoy your weekly scans and let them reassure you that things are going well!! How was your weekend with your stepdaughter?? Was your husband surprised?? How was your progesterone draw?? Hope the suppositories are doing their job and your levels are good!! That is great news about your cousin being a match for donation for your uncle. Does she know about the possible fertility implications?? Wow...what a lot of questions!! Cute dress!! Looks perfect for summer.

AFM – I have been feeling lots of progesterone related symptoms. I have been getting really bad motion sickness in the car and have been feeling nauseous in the evenings. I have had lots of weird cramps/pains in my stomach especially today and have had sore boobs (and lots of tingling weird feelings in them). I know it is too early for them to be pregnancy symptoms. But I am grateful that thanks to the high progesterone I have a good chance this month. I am hoping that it turns into my bfp. I am not sure if I will wait until Friday to test. Since I am off Friday I thought it would be a good day but it is awfully far away (and I have a big stash of internet cheapies that are calling my name). Someone better talk me out of testing early!!
Meli, I definitely want to check out Ross! Glad you mentioned getting something if I want it because it won't be there later... I always have a problem shopping where I think, "Do I REALLY need this?" and put things back and then pick them back up a few dozen times before I decide, lol.

How was your weekend with your stepdaughter? And how was your progesterone level?

Jen, yay for high progesterone levels! My level was 40 at about 4 1/2 weeks pregnant, when there was twins, so 101 is awesome! Yeah Blake did grow up in a crazy house, but his youngest brother was born shortly before he moved out (youngest are almost 10 and 12). How many do I want? Not 6! Lol. I'd say 2-3, MAYBE 4 if we end up 3 girls and I still want a boy. And LOL you KNOW we aren't the group to talk you out of testing early!!! :haha: We're POAS addicts!

Angel & Meli, I'm copying you both on the sig!

Vegas and Jasmine - how are you both? Vegas, are you feeling any better?
Jenk: sounds like you had a busy, but fun weekend. I've always gotten my BFP's quite early so I'm not the right person to discourage you. That being said, Internet cheapies can be unpredictable. I got my first positive on one at 9dpo, but it was really faint.

Stef: I was reading my alumni newsletter the other day and there was a blurb in there welcoming a new new baby and how he was joining his siblings and it went on to name six boys all 10 and under! You just know she keeps trying for that elusive girl.

I told the rest of the people at work. The men said they noticed something had gotten bigger and it wasn't my stomach. Men! Ben and I are thinking about going home (Memphis) in August and if so that is when our families will find out. If we don't go then I'll wait until the pregnancy is viable ( week 24 or thereabouts). Hope everyone had a nice weekend. Father's Day was pretty low key in our house as Ben had been out of town and didn't get back until Sunday afternoon. We did have a cake and cards so that was nice. Today I'm tired, but my nausea is pretty much gone. In it's place is now an insatiable appetite. Uh oh!

Sounds like you had an awesome (and busy!) weekend. Pulled pork tacos? Peach crisp?? Sounds d-i-v-i-n-e :thumbup:

The nuwave oven is a circular countertop oven that uses convection, conduction and infrared to cook your food. I saw it on an infomercial but bought it from home depot online (I don’t trust ordering directly from manufacturers for those ‘seen on tv’ items. I’ve been burned before and don’t trust ANY of them anymore! I will only buy ‘as seen on tv items from real brick and mortar stores). The nu wave oven cooks your food quicker, even frozen food so it comes in handy if you forget to defrost your meats. It keeps the food moist and tender. You can also cook veggies in it, and can bake stuff in it too. It’s neat because it doesn’t heat up the house, like it would if you turned on the regular stove/oven. It works WAY better than a microwave, because it doesn’t dry out your food when you heat it up. I rarely use our microwave anymore.

Yes, I was able to get some more rest this weekend. I wasn’t able to sleep in, but was able to take mid-day naps. I seem to need those.

My progesterone came in at 22. Dr was happy with those results so he kept me on the same dosage of 200mg/day. I would have thought that my number would have been way higher due to the fact that I am on the suppositories, but he said the number is good, so I’m not concerned.

Yes, I did share the fertility concerns with my cousin. In her case, she is good. She’s 34 years old and has an 8 year old, 6 year old and a 4 year old (2girls and 1 boy). I think (hope!) she is done (those kids are a HANDFUL)! I don’t want to talk smack, BUT her and her husband are of the parenting philosophy of, well, they have none! Their kids run wild. Anywho!

Your symptoms sound SO PROMISING :dance::dance: I remember feeling a ‘pinprick’ type of feeling around my belly button during the middle of my tww, and towards the end, I was getting the tingling type of feeling in my underarms.

I will not try to talk you out of testing early, as a matter of fact, I would say start testing at 12dpo! BUT I will warn you against the IC’s HPT’s. I know others have had better experience with them (vegas) but I HATE them. They gave me a bfn on 12dpo (which could be normal, depending on when I implanted, right?) BUT on 16dpo, they gave me a squinter--where I had to have dh look at it. Right away I took a FRER and a digital and they came up so dark & positive within SECONDS. I used the IC’s again for the next couple of days, because I was curious when they would start turning positive, but they were still so faint and barely had any color on them. So I hate them :growlmad: Having said that, the IC’s opk’s work fine for me, it’s just the HPT’s that I hate lol.


The habit of ‘do I really need this’ IS a practical one to have, but not at Ross lol!


Lol at the men saying they noticed something(s) had gotten bigger!

Ugh I know what you mean about having an insatiable appetite. A couple of weeks ago, I used to full so quickly. NOW, it seems like the opposite. I’m trying not to freak out and hope it changes back to getting full quickly!


I agree with Jen. I think we need to hear the story of “the convert” AND need to know what’s going on with possibly moving house??


How are you?


My weekend was great. DH wasn’t surprised when she showed up on Friday night (because I spilled the beans 2 days before) but he acted appropriately to make it believable, that he was surprised lol!

As planned, I went to my mom’s house to bbq and celebrate Father’s Day with my family. My nephews and niece went swimming, the adults just watched them.

I got my progesterone draw earlier that day, and this one HURT :growlmad: Isn’t it amazing how each technician is different? I wonder if he was too busy talking to me to pay attention. That’s the last time I let him do the draw.

I got back home around 430pm, just in time to cook the rice pilaf and veggies for the bbq (cuz you know they were all STARVING and helpless without me :growlmad:

They had gone out to breakfast, then the movies. After dinner, DH took them to Coldstone’s Creamery. I passed that up, if you can believe that! Sunday, we bbq’d again but didn’t go anywhere, just chilled out watching Netflix.

My stepdaughter didn’t offer to do dishes OR pick up, OR help me with cooking-not ONCE. I wouldn’t have let her, but it would have been nice if she’d have offered. I don’t blame her for that-I blame it on her mother. That’s something a mom teaches her children “When you go over other people’s houses, you don’t just clean up after yourself, you help clean up. I know you are their guest, but you must be helpful and not a burden to them”. I was hoping she would get the hint because I would call DS over to help me here and there because I was multi-tasking (he would finish sautéing the rice while I was peeling/cutting the veggies, etc). I mean, it didn’t take much and I didn’t need much help, but whatever I did need, DS helped me with. She was just on the sofa, watching tv and/or using her phone. Oh well.

Even DH noticed and commented to me on it later that night. I told him to just leave it alone, she is way past that age to be told and I think she would totally take it wrong coming from either him or myself. I just don’t want to antagonize her or make her uncomfortable so I just dropped it. It’s not that important to me. Hopefully she will learn this on her own eventually.

I feel like I catered to her all weekend but I don’t mind, I love that she wants to spend time with her dad now that she is older, when she was younger she couldn’t be bothered. She left this morning. Yup, it was a long weekend!
Vegas, SIX under 10? Crazy lady! Noooo thank you!

Meli, glad your progesterone is good and you had a good weekend! Stepdaughter sounds spoiled!

AFM, just realized yesterday was the EDD for my last angel. I did realize it yesterday, but it bothered me a lot less than I expected.

Yah, I guess she is kind of spoiled. She drives a nicer car than I do (a BMW!) AND she has a nicer handbag than I do (a Louis Vuitton!)

I do have to give her credit for being a smart cookie and taking summer classes to finish her bachelor's earlier. She's pre-med at UC Irvine and she works part time at a dr's office (8-10 hours a week). For that I DO give her credit for!

I'm glad to hear that your angel's due date passed without making you too sad :hugs: I don't remember who put it this way (maybe vegas or Jen?): being pregnant again doesn't make what happened go away, but it does give you something positive to focus on.
Stef, I am very sorry I didn't post my candle pic for your angel.
Certainly not forgotten.
Vegas, What is wrong with men!! I am also super hungry all the time and make myself miserable eating too much and being so full I can barely breath!

Melissa, your step daughter does sound pretty spoiled. Helping with and after dinner is big in our family. My brother once brought home a girlfriend that didn't offer any help. We disliked her from the start. The next one though jumped in, we said she was a "keeper'!

Jenk, I like the sound of those symptoms! I also tested very early at 10dpo, so no discouragement here! You have tested to get a negative, right? I think you are right about Carter both tormenting and protecting his little sister!

Stef, how was Blake on father's day?

Jasmine, can't wait to see the bear, did you ever dye your hair red?

AFM, not much going on waiting until Friday morning to leave for Gulf Shores and the BEACH! I need to start making lists and stuff, but I just haven't felt like it this time.
Meli: seeing as she's you SD, I'd just say "get in here and help!". I'm pretty direct like that. Still it sounds like a pleasant weekend.

Angel: the funny thing is that for the last few weeks I could eat the smallest amounts and be totally full. Now I'm a bottomless pit. Today I had a smoothie for breakfast a salad for lunch and a couple of healthy snacks as my diet all weekend was pure (yummy) junk. While I might be hungry the least I can do is eat a few nourishing things. Carter is going to have the best time at the beach. Are you driving down? We used to drive from Memphis and it was the longest drive ever. I sure hope you have a portable DVD player. Kids have it so good these days.

Stef: so sorry we missed your date yesterday, but I'm glad you could celebrate Father's Day knowing you will soon have your rainbow.

I agree. In my family we also notice if the person sits on their a**or if they at least offer to help out. You’d be surprised how many don’t even offer!

You’re so good! I completely forgot about Jasmine dying her hair red. She was supposed to post a pic, wasn’t she? HEY, we got ripped off! LOL

That’s right..you’re going to the beach soon :happydance:!! Have you bought bunch of beach toys for Carter? I saw lots of cute beach toys at Dollar Tree.

We are going on our annual family trip to Laughlin this weekend. There’s about 30 of us that go. We are leaving Friday morning and coming back on Monday. It will be tough keeping my pregnancy a secret from my cousins. Once they notice I’m not drinking, I’m sure they will figure it out. They won’t buy the “I can’t drink because I am taking antibiotics” ruse. That’s never stopped me before lol!


I know what you mean, but I am a chicken for confrontation. I wish I could have spoken up!

Forgot to mention that I think it would be so cute if you popped out all pregnant when you went home to memphis! I can just imagine your families' faces!! Hopefully Ben can record it!
Ok, this is more of a future concern, but I'm bringing it up now. So the HR lady, the other pregnant lady and I were talking about breast feeding and the pregnant gal mentioned that we should qualify for free breast pumps. I said great, but where can I pump as I have a cube, not an office. The other preggo lady has her own office. Anyway the HR girl said I could do it in the bathroom. The other lady said no, I could borrow her office, but I know that'll never work. So I looked it up when I got home and the federal law says they have to provide me a private spot other than a bathroom. This law only applies to companies over 50 people, but I work for the county and they're huge. Just passing this info on and wondering what everyone else plans on doing.
Meli, I guess she does deserve credit for all that, but it's still no excuse for being rude!

Angel, he handled Father's Day really well. He didn't seem upset at all, not like last year - we spent it on the couch and he lost himself in his video games all day. This time he was all "It's Father's Day, it's Father's Day" every time he wanted to do something. Lol. :dohh:

I'm so jealous! Take me to the beach with you!!!

Vegas, I'm hoping not to be in this office anymore once the baby comes (obviously, been job hunting!), but I don't think that would apply to me anyway. I'm almost positive there's less than 50 people that work for the company. Probably even less than 30.

AFM, so Blake mentioned a name on Sunday that I just fell in love with. I gave it a day and told him yesterday that I just love it, when he first said it something clicked. So we started thinking, well what would we use for a middle name? We went through a bunch last night and when he said one, his face just lit up and we had our name - Sienna Marie.

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