June Angel Baby Mommas Hoping for Rainbows!!

I am watching my nephews tonight and won't have a chance to reply properly. Just thought I'd send a quick reply to say thanks for all the thoughts and prayers!! I did test yesterday and today and bfn :( Its still early so I'm trying not to get discouraged. I was so sure that this was the month. Its probably good for me to see the bfn's so if af arrives I won't be so disappointed. I'll keep you posted. I should have some time tomorrow to reply properly.
Oh yeah. I wanted to say have a great trip to Angel in case I don't get to reply before you go. I hope you have a fabulous, fun yet relaxing time!!
Jenk: boo for the bfn, but as you said it is early and if it's not to be this month then at least you are prepared.

Angel: all the stress of packing and prepping for the trip will totally be worth it once you get to the beach. Hope you have a great vacation.

Afm: my doctor's appointment has been rescheduled for Monday as my doctor is sick. I'm meeting with one of the other docs on Monday, but seeing as he helped deliver Charlotte I'm ok with seeing him. I've been to my doctor's office six times this pregnancy and this will be the fourth doctor I've seen.
Meli, yayyyy for the good scan!

Vegas, we do have a Once Upon a Child close to us. I didn't know they did maternity, I'll have to check them out. I love working from home, actually. The problem with doing web design, though, is there are SO many people out there doing it, and there are SO many people doing it for pocket change. It doesn't seem to matter to people getting the work that the cheap people do cheap work, they only see $$$.

Angel, have fun at the beach! Sooooo jealous.

Jen, sorry about the bfn :( Hopefully it IS just because it's too early.

AFM, interview was ehh. I got thrown off because they didn't ask the standard interview questions, but other than that, just have an ehh feeling about it. Blake asked to be switched to salaried at his work (at the pay rate he makes when he works a good amount of overtime), so we would be doing well if they agree to it. And free family health insurance if they do it, so that would be great (otherwise it's $320 a month).

So here's a question - do you guys notice a really big bump difference between day and night? I took a picture last night before bed and first thing this morning to compare and the difference is crazy to me.

Morning / Night
I'm SO over this job hunting thing. Just got a call and, as expected, didn't get the job. I knew the response would be fast because they scheduled my interview for the last day they were interviewing. I've never had this much trouble getting a job. I'm hoping it's all for a reason.
Stef: sorry about the job. At least they let you know. Yes, my bump is the same. Barely there during the first part of the day and like a balloon in the evenings. I blame food bloat. It was the same with Charlotte too.

Yikes, now that you break it down, I do understand your stress. You sound just like me! I am the same as you. I ALWAYS pack for our trips myself (dh packs his own clothes, ds packs his own clothes, but I always have to check ds because he’s not known for packing the right stuff). Like, I bought him a couple new shirts for vegas and he only packed one of them. He doesn’t understand the concept of “T-shirts you use as pj tops and sleep in are NOT appropriate to wear outside as a shirt” :growlmad: KWIM?? The minute I back off and stop micromanaging, he does something like this. I’m back to micromanaging, meaning, I will have him put aside the clothes he wants to take to Laughlin, BUT I will review and have final say of what clothes he takes. Done being burned! I know you guys will probably say “leave him alone. Let him pack what he wants. He’s a big boy” but I feel like, how he looks and dresses is a reflection of me and dh. Idk. All I do know is that I’m not ready to let it go yet lol.

Like you, I’m the one that packs all the extras, like food, drinks, phone chargers, sunscreen, toiletries, all that kind of extra stuff.

Like you, I refuse to come home to a dirty house so all the laundry MUST be done and kitchen clean (I’m usually up til midnight the day before to finish all laundry).

But, like you said, it will all be worth it!!!

ohh, and every time you mention “Peepers” it makes me lol. Never fails!


I still haven’t given up hope, BUT it sounds like you are in the right mindset if, the stupid witch does come :growlmad:

Are you using IC’s??


6 appts with 4 different doctors? Wowsers. Oh well. At least you’re getting good care, and it seems like they are covering all the bases.

I looked into Once upon a Child but there are none close to me. BOO! But, I’m sure there has to be similar types of stores in my area. I need to start asking around. Not sure if my neighbor would know (she’s NOT the type to buy used stuff) BUT maybe her DIL might know. I’ll have to start investigating.


FX FX that 1. Blake gets changed to salaried, and 2. He gets the free family health insurance!!!

Yes, I do notice a huge difference between your morning and evening bump. That’s cray cray :wacko:

Vegas makes a good point-at least you found out right away, for sure, that this new job was a no-go, instead of twisting in the wind, wondering and waiting for an answer…


woke up again at 3:30am this morning, didn’t go back to sleep til 430am, then had to wake up at 5am. Feel like a zombie. Have heard that half a Unisom dosage is safe to take, but I think I should wait til I see my dr in 2 weeks and ask him….
Meli: I'm all about benadryl for helping me sleep. It's safe according to the info my doctor gave me and I find half a tablet about 30 minutes before bed does the trick. I think Unisom is also OK as I've heard people use it as a ms remedy. Also, I also make sure my house is clean before I go on vacay. It's nice to come home to a clean house, plus should something awful happen to us our patents wouldn't have to see the way I really live. :)
Hello girls,

Jen, Awww I'm keeping my fingers crossed for your BFP Hun, hopefully it's just too early to show, if I see the witch flying past ill knock her off her broom! Hope the nephews behave for you!

Stef, really sorry about the job, I'm thinking it is for a reason! I can see a big difference in your bump, wowsers! It's really grown even in the morning picture since last week even! I adore your girls name too, it's lovely that you both love it and choose it together! Shane and I have such different tastes in names, it's very hard to decide and I hate it being nameless! Thinking your angel baby too, big hugs x x

Angel, hope you have an amazing time, packing drives me up the wall, I hate having to use my brain that much! Have you gotten more use to the baby being a girl yet and are you liking any other names? Made me laugh when you said get off my arse and update, it needs kicking into gear you're right haha x

Vegas, Awww that's great news that you've been given the all clear for first tri, I'm so happy for you! Have you decided whether you'll find out the sex yet and how many weeks are you?

Meli, cute little scan picture and you've moved up a baby on your ticker, yaaaay! Sorry about all the early waking, gosh we thought we'd escaped all that when we were temping! Will you find out the sex and any names? I have a feeling you and I will both have boys actually!

Afm, it's Shane and my 5th wedding anniversary today but we've been together for ten! As we're saving up hard we had a celebratory meal of chicken burgers and apple pies with cream and cups of teas! Well probably go out for a drink tomorrow evening too! Who said romance is dead hey! We've decided to move back to beautiful York so as I say we're saving up like mad as well need it! We have a house viewing tomorrow early evening, a 2 bedroom cottage in a gorgeous village within walking distance to York! The thought of moving again is making us feel ill but I think t would be a lot harder when baby arrives! Pregnancy wise I'm feeling pretty good, apart from headaches every single day, I literally take two paracetamol per day for them, I have a lot more energy now, still not full amount but getting there! Names wise ATM we have astrid rose and Cassius Stephen but they could change, also loving romy or Roma for a girl!

Will post my bear picture now! Lots of love, thinking of you all lovely JAB girls x xx

Extra good luck Jen x x
Sonny bear is traditionally made, weighed down with steel shot and 5 way jointed with cotter pins! I hope he'll make the little girl Molly happy, she's saved her birthday money to put towards it herself, bless her!

Thought I'd share a piccy of Shane and I, ten whole years ago, where does the time (and fresh face) go?


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Do you use the Benadryl every night? Are you afraid of developing a need for it?

You’re funny--so true about making sure parents don’t see the way we really live LOL! I’m already making lists of things I want to make sure are done before baby is born because I know my mom and mil will want to stay with us a few weeks (not at the same time, I hope!). Little things that get by me on a weekly basis, like, washing out the recycle bin in the kitchen, wiping down and cleaning the freezer and fridge.. u know, stuff like that.


I will definitely want to find out the sex for sure. I really think this gummi bear is a boy, but we have no boy names we’ve thought of. I like the name Eric, but I have no idea what dh thinks since we’ve always focused on girl names…

EXACTLY! I thought those sleepless mornings were over once temping was done :nope:

Aww your bear is so cute <3 I LOVE the red vest!

That’s a sweet pic of you and Shane!! Congratulations on your wedding anniversary :cake: Have fun celebrating!!

Wow…moving back to York! You’re probably right--it will be easier now than after baby has arrived.

I like all the names you mentioned!!
Jasmine: such a cute photo of you and our dh. You both look super young! The bear is also adorable. Are you making one for the baby?

Meli: I take it once or twice a week. Wow, you're really getting detailed with te cleaning. I cleaned out the freezer, fridge and did a deep clean of our microwave last weekend. Amazing how dirty those things get! Perhaps I should do it more often (yeah, right!).
Vegas, I'm sure you're right about the food bloat, it just seems so insane for there to be that much of it!

Meli, I second Vegas's recommendation of Benadryl (was recommended by my midwife, too), but don't take it too often. I was taking it when I had a rash that was so itchy it kept me up all night. I had to take it every night for a week or so, and after that, I had to ween myself off of it because I couldn't sleep without it.

Jasmine, Blake and I have very different tastes in names, too. I honestly thought it would take us the entire pregnancy to pick one! Happy late anniversary! Such a cute photo of you two! Also, I really love Romy and Roma! Good luck with moving again :)

Angel, hope you're having fun at the beach (without me :growlmad: hehehe). :winkwink:

Jen, any news on the testing front?

AFM, a friend of mine has decided she wants to plan my baby shower. I'm totally not a girl when it comes to this stuff, I'm just not into all of it. She had me looking on Pinterest for ideas and I saw soooo much stuff that I find... well, cheesy! I gave her some ideas, though, that I think are good and will work even with my desire to not be the center of attention, ever. Lol.

My baby shower board - https://pinterest.com/stefrw/baby-shower/

We're probably going with a onesie creating station, a headband creating station, and one where people can write notes to the baby either on a big S that I can hang on the wall or on a frame / matte for a picture (I'm leaning toward the S). We're also planning an open house style (come and go as you please, no set times for presents, food, etc.), bring your gifts unwrapped so we can display on a table, and bring your favorite children's book in place of a card.

Also, I'm totally in love with this idea for a nursery... trying to figure out how to make it work in our house. Mostly because Blake's mom got us a crib that is a beautiful dark wood color, and while I CAN paint it (it's used, has some scratches that we are going to try to work out or stain over), it feels weird when she purposely picked it because she knows I love dark colored wood furniture.

My nursery board - https://pinterest.com/stefrw/nursery/

Holly, the friend who is doing the baby shower, wants to try and use some of the nursery ideas (mainly the garland and pom flowers) for baby shower decor so I can reuse them.
So I got my definitive answer today and unfortunately it was not the one I was hoping for. Af arrived today (at either 14 or 15 dpo). I really had a good feeling this month and its tough to know that I will not get my bfp before my angel`s due date. I do a pretty good job of staying positive most of the time but I really do find the arrival of af knocks me down. It is positive that I had a good progesterone number this month for the first time ever. It is positive that my lp was 14 or 15 days (and not 11 or 12 days like the last few months). I didn`t have a 50 day cycle and I didn't need to use provera to induce af. Those things are all positive and I am grateful for them. But I'm also disappointed and devastated and sad and discouraged. I feel like I try and I try to do everything right and month after month my body lets me down. I know I have to have faith that it will happen. That I WILL get my rainbow baby one day. But today its just a little harder to stay in that space. This rollercoaster has taken a toll on me. All of the medication I have had to take make me feel like I am pregnant. I can't trust what I feel and I can't help but get my hopes up. I know tomorrow I will feel better and start to get my optimism back. I will start a new cycles routine of pills and scans and appointments, triggers and timed bd'ing and I will hope that it will be my month. But today I am sad. Today I am mad. Today I feel helpless. It probably doesn't help that I am off work today. I am sitting at home by myself. I should go out and do something. Distract myself. But I just don't feel like doing anything.

Thank you all for your encouragement. I really do appreciate all of your positive thoughts and prayers. I know you are all rooting for me and that means a lot to me. I know I will be ok. I will get through this disappointment like I have gotten through the many before. I have to keep telling myself I am making progress. I am getting things sorted out with my hormones and that it will happen when it is supposed to. It will happen when my body is ready. Its just hard because the rest of me is ready now and has been ready for the last few years.
Oh Jen, I'm so so sorry that nasty witch got you, it is so annoying when you think it's your month and everything seems so positive and so right and she still comes for you! I bet you'll be like a lot of us on here and get your BFP when you're not feeling it! All of those things that you have mentioned are so encouraging though and it will only be a matter of time before it really does happen! I know it doesn't feel like it now but it WILL happen. Today, you are allowed to be sad and mad and all of those things and if you don't feel like doing anything just dont! You'll be okay, dont worry, it will be on to the next one soon enough just give yourself a few days to be mad with the witch! I cant claim to understand how you feel with all of the meds and everything else but we are all here to listen and respond (well, most of the time, when Im not being lazy) and encourage. Stoopid witch x x x x
Meli - Funny you mention the name Eric, it's my OHs dads name! He likes it also but we already have his mums name as Eva's middle name so too bad!

Vegas - I'm planning on making the baby a vintage jointed monkey, Ive wanted to make it for a long time, its a pattern I got off Etsy and it's adorable, this is the perfect excuse!

Stef - I'm loving your pinterest boards! The nursery one is great, I think we have similar taste there, I really need to make a nursery board but as I don't know where we'll be living I doubt Ill do a nursery straight away, even though I'm dying to do out a vintage woodland themed one! The baby shower sounds so cool, people rarely do them over here so it all seems so exciting to me! All of the ideas are fab, unconventional, I love the sound of it! Yeah, I'm totally in love with the name Romy, I thought Romy Winter sounded quite nice together, it's quite hard to pair it with a middle name I find! x x
Jenk: I am so sorry the witch got you. I think we all know how disappointing it can be to try so hard only to have AF arrive. But remember, you have been pregnant before, your body is capable, but perhaps just isn't quite ready. All of your numbers were so much better this last cycle that I truly believe your body is headed in the right direction. I also think that as devastating as this is that you should focus on all the positives in your life: good health, good job, supportive and loving husband and family. Don't let this define you because it doesn't. Again, I'm so sorry the witch got you, but I believe you will be pregnant before you know it. We are all here for you!
Why's everyone so quiet! It's normally me that's the quiet one! x
Hello ladies!
Not sure if you remember me but I lost my baby in October and found this thread with some familiar names! You'll see from my signature I just got my bfp! Feeling so tired which makes me feel great! Congrats to all those who have conceived their rainbows. Hang in there to those who haven't, I'm 37 next week and thought my time was up after another chemical in April. Hoping this one sticks!
Oh Jen, I'm so sorry! Jasmine and Vegas are right, though - you're headed in the right direction and your time is coming soon!

Jasmine, we're only doing a nursery before she is born because he figures we won't have time after (he's probably right!). She'll be sleeping in our room for a while, though, so it almost feels wasteful to do a nursery, but at least it will be there. I like this nursery idea because it seems like it can transition to toddler pretty easily. We're probably going with a different paint color (thinking something yellow) so that the furniture will all match. Vintage woodland sounds adorable! You'll have to start a board and share. Even if you don't plan on doing one right away, at least you'll have your ideas ready :)

I'm really ehh on the whole baby shower thing, which is why I wanted it to be unconventional. That and my friend is going to be getting me amazing custom made cupcakes... how can I deny cupcakes? If you remember, that little self survey we all took, I think I put cupcakes are my favorite thing :haha: And Romy Winter is ADORABLE! I LOVE it!

MrsPhez, congrats!!! :happydance:

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