June Angel Baby Mommas Hoping for Rainbows!!


You make a good point. I haven’t even thought that far ahead yet. I would hope California has the same type of law. I must look into it.

How long did you bf Charlotte for?


Love the name! It’s beautiful!
Meli: just for three months and most of that was combo feeding. I only had a manual pump last time, but I believe if I have a double electric pump then I'll be able to continue for longer.


I'm lucky. About 3 years ago, my cousin gave me her electric pump (she said she hadn't given up hope on me wanting to ttc). She said they paid over $500 for it, so it sounds like it should be pretty convenient to use. Who knows--I've never even opened it lol
Thanks ladies! Blake's already performed how well the name works for talking sweet to her and for being stern with her :haha:
Omgoodness!!! :) It has been forever since I have been on this site. Just a lot going on in personal life...
Meli!!!! Congrats!!!! I am so excited for you!!!! I have been wondering if you would have a bfp!!! I will be reading a lot in the next couple days to figure out what I have missed or if someone is willing to recap for me! lol!
AFM- I am now 7 months... Lucas is fully active in there... heart burn is in full force and Tums are my best friend right now. My 5 yr old daughter broke her arm, will finally get her cast off July 2nd... She fell off her sisters shoulders and landed on the floor... despite the rule we do not lift eachother up! I am officially a mom of a 2nd grader and kindergartener... work is in full swing with school being out now... feeling pretty good except the heart burn and the fatique has set back in. Miss you ladies! Feeling so bad it has taken me so long to get back on here! We are all settled in at the new place... having a Norwex party on sunday :)
Welcome back Sweetmomma!!! Well as you can see by our sigs, Meli, Jasmine, Stef, Vegas and I all have our rainbows growing. Jenk is currently waiting to test and we haven't heard from jennc. I am glad little Lucas is doing well, but sorry about the heartburn. I had it awful with Carter and can feel it getting worse with this one. Also, Stef and I are both having girls. I am sorry about your daughter. Having a cast stinks, especially during the summer!
Oh I see something being written about breast pumps... check with all your insurances... I got the Medela Freestyle for free because my insurance paid for it!!!!! I can give you all the name and number to the place that I went through to get mine... they are willing to ship it anywhere (US only I think but you can always ask...) PMSI is the name of the company... web address is www.PacificMsi.com Phone numbers are (425)462-0577 or you can call them toll free at (800)578-2260 and they can tell you if they work with your insurance! :)
Wow! That is amazing!!!! Congrats to everyone! Babydust to you Jenk! I am praying for a BFP for you right now!
Here is a pic of Lucas and I at 26 weeks 6 days :) and my girls... Abby was still in a splint at that time... she is in a hard cast now pink of course lol


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Vegas, yes we are driving and yes it will suck!!! We do have a dvd player thankfully and I got one of those neck things so hopefully he will sleep there better. We are driving all the way through on the way there, but probably stopping to stay in Memphis on the way back.
As for pumping, luckily I get to stay home. I am hoping to feed strictly from the breast for the first 4-6 weeks, but still pump to get a stock up. I am really hoping it works this time!

Melissa, Carter got some beach toys for his bday so we don't have to worry about them luckily. I know he is going to have a blast. We haven't told him we are going, but he has asked several times in the past couple of months to go to the beach.
I want to join your family! You take all these awesome family vacations! Just tell them you have an a headache or something? Or maybe that is messes with your thyroid meds or progesterone?

Stef, I wish I could take you all to the beach with us, and split the cost!!! I am glad Father's Day was okay for Blake and happy to hear you have chosen a name.

Sweetmomma, thanks for the heads up on the insurance deal. I have heard of insurance paying for them before, but I always forget!

Jen, how are things? Anymore symptoms?

Jasmine, get your arse on here and give us a real update on you!

AFM, no changes since my last update. Jeff left for Chicago tonight and won't be back until Thursday night. Feeling stressed about packing all by myself.
Sweetmomma: welcome back! You look great. Glad your DD is getting her cast off soon, that'll make summer a lot more fun. My insurance also covers a Madela double electric pump, but you can't order it until a few weeks before your due date. Not sure how that will work for me as I'll have a c-section around week 38/39. Ask your doctor about Pepcid Complete chewables for your reflux. My doctor recommended them with Charlotte and they worked miracles whereas Tums did nothing for my severe heartburn. And don't forget, heartburn = hair, so your baby will likely have a head full.

Meli: I agree with Angel, either tell them the alcohol interacts poorly with your new meds or just order a drink and don't drink it. No one will notice. Have fun!

Angel: good luck with the drive. As you may recall we did the 12 hour drive from here to Memphis over Christmas and I just made sure to have an assortment of car activities and snacks available. I also bought a cheap lap desk so she could color. We never stopped for more than ten minutes every three hours and we made it all the way without a meltdown. The way home was a different story......

Afm: I just got a call from my doctor's office saying that the results of my first trimester screening came back normal. I guess this means we can rule out Down's and other basic genetic issues. Every day this is feeling more real and I'm so happy. On the other hand my pants are getting a little snug. Not sure if I'm ready for maternity wear just yet as I have such a limited supply of summer maternity clothes.

I know that I no longer call you Jenkb, BUT I’ve been chanting the following since this morning: Jenkb! BFP! I like how it rhymes :wacko:


So glad to hear you are doing well, although it sounds like you have been somewhat stressed out, what with your daughter’s arm, and your personal life. I hope the craziness stops soon :hugs:

Your bump is so cute! Looks like you have a long torso so you’re not huge yet? Jealous! I know I am going to look like a total butterball.

Vegas is right--per her recommendation, I bought some Pepcid chewables. I got mine from Sams Club. They are kind of pricey but they work so well that they are worth it! $24 for a bottle of 30.


Yay to Carter being stocked up with beach supplies :happydance:

Y’all are welcome to join my family. We have lots of friends who love to join us on our vacays. They always comment on how united we are--regardless of family drama. I totally recognize that we are blessed. We have lots of adopted family lol!

Yah, I think I will use the thyroid meds excuse. There are 2 cousins that I won’t be able to lie to if they flat out ask me (or even look at me funny). I will have to swear them to secrecy (which won’t last very long, because they will tell their mom (my aunts) and so on and so on…who knows, my mom has probably already told at least one of her sisters, who has probably told her daughter..you know how it goes! It’s funny because that’s how we are, if we share something with each other, we always share it with our moms (unless, of course, it’s really scandalous or makes the person look bad!). But if it’s something like a bfp, we will share it with our moms (even though we were sworn to secrecy lol!)

I second you with telling Jasmine to get her arse on here and SHARE lol :haha:

Try not to feel stressed about the packing for your trip :hugs: I mean, you almost single-handedly packed your house up when you moved, right? This will be a piece of cake compared to that!


YAY TO NORMAL SCREENING RESULTS :headspin::headspin::wohoo::wohoo::wohoo:

Now you can definitely breathe a little easier…roll on, next milestone!

Stef had a good idea about buying maternity clothes from Craigslist. I’ve been browsing to see what’s out there and I’ve seen some cute stuff--good stuff, like from Pea in the Pod, etc, for great prices. If you open up the parameters, maybe look at areas that are nearby, you might be surprised!

I won’t tell dh if I do buy through craigslist because I don’t think he will want me to do that. First off, he’ll want to go with me because he doesn’t trust anyone, secondly he may be skeeved out. The way I see it, I’m not going to buy underwear or bras or undergarments or swimsuits or anything like that. Just dresses, tops and bottoms. That’s all!

I’ve decided I will wait until 1st tri is over before I start buying real maternity clothes. I’ve just started buying stuff like maxi dresses that I can wear starting now and will stretch for pregnancy. I've found a couple of cute ones from Walmart-one was $15, another was $13.


I have my weekly scan today in a couple of hours (8+5) (instead of Friday) since we are going out of town on Friday, and my dr. doesn’t have office hours on Thursdays. Then, next scan will be the following Friday, at 10+0. Wish me luck!

I have been waking up around 330am-4am for the last couple of weeks. It’s so annoying :growlmad: Only once has it been because I have to use the bathroom, so I know that’s not the reason for waking up. Although I can normally fall back asleep pretty quickly, that’s not always the case. Today, I woke up at 230am and it took at least 1 hour to fall back asleep. Then it was time to wake up. Today is going to be a long day…….:growlmad:
sweetmomma, sorry about your daughter breaking her arm! Kids get over that stuff so quickly, though. Glad she'll be getting the cast off soon! Bump is looking great!

Angel, aww come on, can't pay my way to the beach? :haha: Juuuust kidding :) And I agree with Meli, I wouldn't stress too much about the packing. You seem pretty good at it!

Vegas, sooo glad the screening came back normal! :happydance: Hope you're able to find some good maternity clothes. I've about given up on pants myself.

Meli, Blake was a little weirded out with the Goodwill thing when we first met... until the first time I brought him to one. What can I say, I'm thrifty! Wearing a cute knee length Old Navy skirt that looks brand new today, got it at Goodwill for $1.50! Yay for the scan! Pics this time? I wake up every morning around the same time as you, but it's always to pee!

AFM, another job interview today. I think this is going to be the last one I go to. I looked into the costs of daycare here, and as of right now, it costs more than I make, and that's not counting what I spend on gas. I'm going to increase my search for a work from home position so we don't have to worry about daycare. Kind of freaking out because I don't know what we'll do if I don't find one :wacko:

We announced on FB last night. Not the announcement I wanted, but it works. My idea was either (1) somehow have a sign on my belly saying Eviction Notice 11/21 or something like that, or (2) putting a pink baby footprint on my belly (either on a white shirt or right on my belly but probably a shirt). Since I haven't met with the photographer I found yet, none of that happened and Blake wanted to announce now now now because he's excited. I said he could take a picture for me and we could write her name on my belly with lipstick or something and he said "that's stupid," to which I responded, "you're stupid." :haha: Joking, of course!

ON skirt for $1.50?? That rocks!!

Looking at my scan pics, they are very fuzzy and not clear at all. Perhaps my dr has an older model machine? It doesn’t look old, but the scan pics don’t look clear so idk….If today’s pic is clearer, I’ll post it….

GL on today’s interview!! FX FX FX FX!!!

Just in case you find yourself in the situation you mentioned (no new job and no work from home job): have you thought about staying home with Siena, and watching another child? Maybe start watching another child after a few months--as long as you guys can stretch your budget to accommodate not having your paycheck?

Your ideas of announcements were cute!! Too bad you didn’t get a chance to do them, but I understand Blake wanting to announce now now now lol!
Meli: I'm glad the tummy meds are working for you. Yes, you must post photos of baby for us. Of course I'm saying this and I haven't posted my latest scan photo either. My dh would freak about the Craig's list thing. One of my friends just had a baby so I might be able to borrow from her if I ever fess up to being pregnant.

Stef: my goodwill here sucks, but we had one in Vegas that was awesome. You just never know what you'll find. When I'm normal sized I like to shop (and sell) to a consignment store near my house. Actually, now that I think about it, Once Upon a Child, which is a clothing/toy/gear consignment store also sells maternity wear. I think I'll check them out. They are nationwide so you should see if there is one near you.
Stef: can you do work from home? You could advertise on Craigslist. Or if it doesn't matter where the person is located you could set up shop on Etsy. I've seen lots of web designers advertise there (that is what you do, right?).
Here's today's scan of my baby (8+6). My next appt is in 2 weeks (10+6). He was so cute, we could see him wriggling his legs.

I have a feeling it's a boy, because I am not craving sweets, and my mom told me she dreamt boy!


Tag! Your turn :haha:


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Aw Melissa how cute! It is so awesome to see them move!

Vegas, I am so happy your tests were normal!

Stef, good luck today!

Jen, we are all praying hard!!
And as for packing, I did pack and unpack over 90% of the house by myself and I ALWAYS pack for our trips by myself. It just sucks. We are taking some food with us so that we don't have to stop and spend so much on food and I don't want to shop until tomorrow. Also I want to do laundry before packing, but I want wait until the last minute to do laundry so I don't leave a bunch of dirty clothes. So I don't want to pack until late tomorrow. And I have to drive Peepers to a town an hour away to stay with my grandma so that will take 3 hours of my evening to drive there, eat with Grandma and drive back. So anyhow, I feel like everything is getting rushed into tomorrow and I know I will still need a nap tomorrow. 48 hours though, and I will be sitting on the beach!!!

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