June Angel Baby Mommas Hoping for Rainbows!!

I was bored yesterday / today and made some 8x10s for the nursery. Probably going to change them a million times before printing them, but wanted your opinions. 8 images, so I'm going to link to the post in my journal - https://babyandbump.momtastic.com/p...ing-twin-weve-chosen-name-5.html#post28103325
MrsPhez: congrats on your BFP! I just know this will be your rainbow!

Stef: I'm one of those people who feels weird about other people throwing me a party so I didn't do a shower at all. In retrospect it would have been nice to get together with friends so I say do it and enjoy it! I loved your nursery boards. I'm not really planning on doing much to prepare our spare bedroom (which will no longer be a spare bedroom) into a nursery as we will need it for guests for the first few months. It's already a pale bluish green color so I think that'll work regardless of gender. Of course as this is months away I may change my mind and do a full-on nursery.

Afm: had my appointment yesterday at 15 weeks. The hb registered at 148, which is more of a boy's hb, so who knows. The doctor exclaimed that my bump is still barely visible, though somehow I've gained four pounds. This is what happens when the nausea goes away. Darn. He also mentioned that while it's too early to schedule my c-section he believes it will be done on Monday, December 9th. I was hoping for a tad sooner, but who knows at this point. Hope everyone is doing well.

Gosh, I really don’t know what to say. All the ladies have taken the words right out of my mouth :hugs:They are so wise and I really can’t add anything to what’s been written….

There’s an amazing book I’m reading right now. I know you will find it comforting and helpful. You just have to trust me. PM me your name and mailing address and I will order it for you ASAP!!!


I love your nursery and baby shower boards! I’m gonna follow you and probably steal some ideas.

Those graphics are awesome! You’re so talented. Lucky!!


I finally pinned the chicken and avocado recipe. It looks delicious!! Now I just have to make it.

Wow..gained 4 lbs but no real bump! Awesome. It’s all baby!


I ran Eric by dh this weekend. It’s a no-go. It reminds him of Erik Estrada. Plus his nephew is named Eric. Back to the drawing board..

Mrs. Phez,

Congratulations on your bfp :dust: I’m still the oldest of the group (almost 41!) All the rest of the ladies are spring chickens :haha:


The feeling just keeps getting stronger--I totally have a feeling my gummi bear is a boy. I had a dream this weekend--that it’s a boy! I’m going with my instinct.

Just got back last night from our Laughlin trip. Everyone had a great time. DH was able to relax and not think about work so that was nice. I had a little tiff Sunday morning with this a-hole that tried to steal a spot from a beach palapa I had been saving for our family since 6am. You know I did NOT let him get away with it. DON’T MESS WITH ME! I’M PREGNANT AND I DON’T TAKE SH*T FROM ANYBODY :growlmad:

Luckily, by the time dh and all the other men came down, he was nowhere to be found. So glad because trust me, there would have been trouble!! That blip on the radar is the only time this weekend my blood pressure was racing lol.
Meli: good for you for standing your ground. I've found that since becoming pregnant I am just not capable of dealing with any bs. Also, I hardly consider myself to be a spring chicken; I'm more of a tough old bird at this point. Sorry your dh shot down your name. We started discussing names Friday night and ended up nowhere. We've all got plenty of time to decide, so that's good. Of course I say this and we had a boys name picked out for Charlotte when I was about six weeks along, unfortunately I can't use it now.

You’re funny--tough old bird :haha: Yah right!!

Why can’t you use the boys name that you had picked out for Charlotte?
Meli: it was Chase Thomas and I think Chase and Charlotte are too close. I'm not a Kardashian so I'd prefer to use more than one letter and having the first three the same is too much. If I had had boy/girl twins I would have gone for it, but that's my only exception :)

Well, that does make sense. Too bad, because Chase Thomas is a nice name!

AND, you are logical, and make sense, so you obvs are not a Kartrashian :haha:
Meli: based on my rear end I could be the missing, blonde Kardashian. I could even change my name from Camille to Kamille and I'd totally be in.
Vegas, I feel weird about people throwing me parties too, I hate being the center of attention. I'm going to try to enjoy it though... Holly, who is throwing it, is pretty much a party planner in the closet... she really could make a career out of it. As for a nursery, I agree, that color would be fine for boy or girl. I really don't plan on buying much for the nursery, most of the stuff I want to make or for furniture, buy used and update it. I can make you some prints if you decide to do anything in the room :) That offer applies for all of you ladies! You've only gained 4 pounds? I was above that by ... idk, week 9? Lol.

Meli, glad you had a good time on your trip! I don't believe you could flip out on someone, you seem way too sweet! :haha:

Angel and Jasmine, get your butts on here!

AFM, my friend just did my hair last Monday and I already want it changed. I only had him trim and highlight, and I finally found a cut I want, and the highlight is just ehh... I need a bigger change and it wasn't enough for me. So I'm hoping I can convince him to do it again within the next week.

Also, I just felt her kick/saw movement from the outside for the first time!

Your offer of designing prints for the nursery is so sweet. I will probably take you up on it!

For my nursery, all I know so far is that I want white furniture. I want it to match the baseboards, crown moulding and the shutters. I’ll just have pops of color for the bedding and the wall art.

You’re right--I’m usually not one to go off on people or be confrontational at all, BUT I was not in the mood for this man’s d*ckness. It’s all about how you ask for something. If he’d have said “hey, can I borrow this chair and your shade for a while?” I’d have said “of course”! BUT, he said “Is this your chair? I’m taking it and you can’t stop me”! OH NO HE DIN’T! Y’all would have been proud of me. I moved right over next to the chair he commandeered and kept my spot. I ignored ALL the crap he was talking. I wasn’t going to get into a yelling match with him. It took all the self restraint I have, but I knew that the more I ignored him, the more upset he got. Ha ha! So I let him work himself up in a tizzy, and it wasn’t long before the lifeguard came over to investigate, and he called security to throw him out of the hotel. I won!! What a LOSER, picking a fight with a woman. He’s lucky he wasn’t around when dh, my brothers or cousins made their way to the beach!

So you like your haircut, but want more drastic color/highlights?

Awesome that you saw movement from the outside :happydance: What did it look like? Was it like the movie Aliens? I’m not trying to be facetious--I’m really curious!!


I suggested a boy's name last night to dh. He likes the name Andrew, but it’s a no-go for me because there’s already 2 Andrew’s in the family (my cousin’s 12 year old son, and a family friend).

Dh’s name is Raul Rios (Raul is 2 syllables and pronounced with both the ‘a’ and the ‘u’). It’s pronounced Raul (not pronounced like “Paul” is with one syllable). Anyways, I suggested the name Xander Raul Rios. And we can call him Andy for short. The name grew on him. He likes how it sounds, and the clincher was “I like the initials XRR. It sounds like a superhero’s name” lol. The things men think of when deciding on names. So, it looks like we have at least one possible name in our pocket! I wanted a name that sounds good in Spanish and English, but this one will do.
Meli, good for you on standing your ground with that guy! He sounds like he was a complete prick.

As for my hair, I've been trying to grow it out, so last time he cut it, he just trimmed. It's just bugging me because it's at that really annoying stage and does nothing, plus I can almost guarantee once I got it grown out, I'd cut it off out of not wanting to deal with it. Happens every time I grow it! Plus it's really fine, so it's just sort of bleh. It's naturally wavy, but if I just let it air dry, it frizzes and looks messy, so I have to blow dry / flat iron. When it's shorter, it's easier. The plan is not super short at all. Actually, let me find the pics.

https://i.imgur.com/v0ew7eM.jpg https://i.imgur.com/DkoH8Ow.jpg


We're doing the cut / color Monday. Luckily it's one of my close friends who does my hair, so he does it free (well, I'm making cookies, since he did it so recently). Otherwise, at the salon he works at, it would cost me in the neighborhood of $150. We used to change my hair color constantly, it's been all over the place!

Lol @ Aliens. It's funny you say that because it made me think of that scene in Dawn of the Dead (2004) when Luna dies, just before she becomes a zombie, the zombie baby makes her stomach poke out. I told Blake that and he said, "That's horrible." :haha: It wasn't really like that at all, lol. Just saw a little bump poke out. Has happened quite a few times since yesterday!

I'm biased on the name Andrew - it's my ex-husband's name, so bleh. Lol. Not a bad name, just... you know! It's also Blake's middle name, though. I like Xander! It's funny your DH said the superhero thing, Blake said that about West Wolz, too. Men!

That's a cute hairstyle and I love the color!! You're gonna HAVE to post a pic when it's done! Lucky that you have a friend to do for you :thumbup:

wow..I can't wait til I can see a something bumping my tummy :wacko:

What a coinky-dink that your ex's name is the same as Blake's middle name :haha:
Ok I have to rant. This woman at work is just SO annoying. This is the one that poked my tummy. At least 3 times a week she comments on my bump, not rude comments or anything, it's just annoying. Yes, I know it's getting bigger. That's what happens. She just talks sooooo much. She was just talking about how her ex-husband owes 27,000 in child support. Her kids are all grown up with kids of their own. Shouldn't she have gone after the money long ago? And then she mentioned something about her brother or her ex's brother or something being put in jail for not paying his child support. Is this really appropriate to be talking about? Don't get me wrong, I don't care what people talk about, personal stuff doesn't bother me, but this is telling the personal lives of OTHER people. Also, she laughs and makes jokes that aren't funny for EVERYTHING.

Maybe it's pg hormones getting to me; she's just annoying.

Stef: your co- worker sounds awful. You're right, she needs to get over the x-husband stuff and not bother you about it. You do need to post a photo of your new hair. How cool that you can already see the baby moving. I don't recall watching Charlotte move, but I had an anterior placenta, so there was extra padding. Personally, I find feeling the baby move creepy, but reassuring. Also, the reason you have gained where I have not is due to the fact you started out skinny. I have plenty in reserve for this kid.

Meli: that guy really was a jerk! I'm glad he got kicked out. I really like your name choice. I've never thought about using Xander on it's own (my brother's middle name is Alexander, so I've always thought of it as a nickname for that). I believe Xander is the main guy from X-men so it's a total superhero name, but in a good, subtle way. Ben likes the name Gunther or Gunny for short. This will not happen.

Afm: I'm at work and super-bored as I've pretty much finished my work for the day. I've been peeing non-stop this week. If this continues I'll be wearing Depends by the time the baby gets here. Did I mention that we scheduled our trip to Memphis? I'm looking forward to seeing our parents' reactions. I've never been able to tell my patents in person that I'm pregnant, so this will be fun (especially since I can let my belly do the talking for me).

YUP, your co-worker sounds annoying!! I don’t know how you put up with it. All I have to deal with is mine making slurping noises when drinking coffee, or food chewing noises @lunchtime. Seems way easier to put up with that!


You’re right. I never realized Xander is part of Alexander. DUHHH! I think I may like Alexander also….but I hate it in Spanish (Alejandro). I never liked that name but more so on my nerves since lady gaga has that Alejandro song. Annoying! Ohh, just remembered that my nephew’s name is Alexander, Jr. We call him AJ, so that’s why I forgot his name is Alexander :wacko:…so I guess back to Xander it is!

Omg I am so excited for your trip to Memphis :happydance: When are you going?? It would be awesome if Ben filmed their reactions! Priceless!

I still haven’t had the non-stop peeing sensation yet. Weird, esp since I had it from the beginning with my angel. Oh well, I’m not complaining :wacko:
We are going on August 2nd. I'll be 20 weeks. Btw, I like the name Guillermo (it sounds good with Goodin, and just rolls off the tongue) but as we are not at all of Spanish decent, it's out. Also, it is hard when you have a large family, as so many of the good names are already taken. I like Gus, but Ben's cousin named their kid August and call him Gus for short.
Mrs. Phez, Congrats!! That is wonderful news!

Jen, I am very sorry af came. I am happy to hear there have been some positive changes in your cycle though.

Vegas, I am happy to hear that your appointment went well! It seems so crazy to already know her birth date (going with your gut!). I also don't really like all the names to start with the same letter, that is why I have shied away from a couple of the names on my list. I had an anterior last time too and feel jipped after feeling her now. I told Jeff I felt he was jipped last time too. He can really feel the movements now and gets excited. I am excited for you to see your parents!

Stef, I am sorry about that job. We are hoping Jeff lands an amazing job right after he graduates, but I have a feeling it won't be that easy. What did they say about Blake's salary request? I notice a very big morning /night difference in my belly. Aren't those strong movements the best!! I tried to video her moving at the beach, but you couldn't see it. I really hated my hair before, where my friend did it blonde for me. It looked very yellow/brassy to me and I hated it. I finally just got it fixed before vacation. It is still really blonde, but not brassy. I like the cut you chose. I think my face is too fat for a look like that, but it is very stylish! Sorry about your coworker. There is always one that will drive you crazy! I really like your baby shower ideas and really like your nursery as well. I love the flower print rug and I also have the navy room pinned, the one with the rainbow blanket. I love your prints too. I really like the alphabet one. Could you do one like this:

Melissa, I can't blame you for micromanaging, as far as ds goes. I micromanage my dh constantly. It is so hard for me to back off with my "always right" personality! I am sorry you are waking up so early! That really sucks, I have trouble going to sleep, but usually no trouble staying asleep. Everywhere I have looked said that Unisom is okay to take. Good for you for telling that guy off! I am a very play by the rules person, so when someone breaks them, like line skipping it bothers me. I really like your name choice, and hubs is right, XRR does sound kind of super hero-ish!

Jasmine, I am sorry about the headaches. Did you not like the city you were in? I really like the name Cassius, so strong! And Romy Winter is very cute too! Your bear turned out lovely!

AFM, we had a great time at the beach. We packed food so only ate out a few times to save money. So that part sucked and also Carter seemed to prefer the pool over the beach, should have figured he would. I am very glad Carter is outgoing, but is SOOOOO friendly. He talks to every kid! Saying "what's your name?", he wants to play with them so bad. I love it, and it is very cute. But I feel so bad for him when the kids don't want to play or ignore him, also it almost forces me to conversate (is this a word? my spell check has it highlighted...) with their parents and I am not social AT ALL. I mean, it took me an entire year of being a member of this forum to post.

Anyhow, I am glad to be back I guess. Today we officially started potty training. Maybe a little later than some, but I really wanted to wait until he was ready. And while I think he was ready a month or two ago, I didn't want to deal with it at the beach. So far he has already had two pee accidents and a poo. I am feeling pretty discouraged about it, but we will continue trying.

We have our family pics this Sunday to take the gender reveal pics. I am very excited! But still REALLY dreading telling Carter about it.

Also, as you guys know I have been a bit iffy on the name we picked out. It is still a top pic, but here are some others I like (all with middle name Monroe):
Cassidy, Kinsley, Carson and Harper.

Scratch that, make it three pee accidents! I am going to start stickers tomorrow.
Vegas, feeling the baby move IS kind of creepy, lol. It throws me off guard a lot. Definitely do not allow Ben to choose the name Gunther. That's just... horrible. So this may sound crazy, but I've been wondering and since you said you've been peeing non-stop... I counted how many times I peed one day and think it's absolutely ridiculous - 18. I was going to ask you guys how many times you've peed in a day so I don't feel so alone in my living on the toilet, lol, but it sounded crazy.

Meli, I agree with you, Ben should film Vegas's parents reactions! That would be awesome.

Angel, they STILL haven't given Blake his review, so no news on his salary request. His review was due in May, so all this time without it is extra money he could have been making. He's pissed about them taking so long. You hated the hair in the pics you posted? It looked great in the pics! I think I look better when my hair isn't really long, it seems to make my face look too long and thin to me. Doesn't help that I lost weight mostly in my face at the beginning of this pg... I have really strong cheekbones so when I lose weight in my face, I look gaunt. Yep, I could do a print like the one you posted! You'll just have to let me know when you guys choose a name :) Speaking of, of the ones you listed, my favorite is Cassidy. Glad you had fun on your trip and that Carter is so social (I know the feeling of not being social AT ALL! Hoping Sienna doesn't have that problem, it sucks), and I'm excited for your gender reveal! Good luck with the potty training :)

AFM, dealing with ants at home and it's pissing me off. Don't know where they're coming from, but they're on the kitchen counter. That's the only place they seem to be, and there's nothing there for them to eat, so I'm not sure what's going on. It just started yesterday, so I took everything off the counters and cleaned like a mad woman just to be sure. Blake caulked around the window to make sure there's no tiny openings for them to come in, but they still seem to be coming... I think he's going to move the oven to see if there's any openings behind it. For now we've put cinnamon in the windows and wiped the counters down with vinegar. He did the vinegar this morning and I didn't see any when I got up, so hopefully that helped.

Also, we found a kitchen table on craigslist for $60. Only came with 2 chairs, but it's the table / chairs I've been wanting and I know where to get more chairs when we want to. We picked it up from a couple who lives down the street from us and is selling all their stuff to move (still down the street, just to a different house) - they also sold us a weed wacker for $10, a sander for $5, gave Blake an organizer thing for the office and gave us four placemats for the table. They're about our age, and Blake got along with the guy pretty well (they even had a beer together), so we may have actually made friends with a couple in our area.

I just saw condensation drip down my water bottle out of the corner of my eye and thought it was an ant. :wacko:

I'm so glad it's the weekend. I'm exhausted.
Real quick:

Angel: all those names are cute. Try bribing/rewarding Carter each time he successfully goes potty. We did m&m's, but I know you're not into candy. Perhaps one sticker each time and if he has no accidents all day long reward him with what I call the prize bag (others call it a treasure chest). I bought a bunch of little toys, coloring books, crayons, etc all in the dollar bin, and put them in a bag. At the end of each successful day Charlotte got to select one prize. It worked great for us.

Stef: buy some "Grant's kills ants". They have these little plastic sticks with poison on the inside that you can place where you have seen the ants and it will kill them all on no time. I peed 8x just at work on Wednesday.

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