June Angel Baby Mommas Hoping for Rainbows!!

Hey guys,

Jen – How are you feeling hunny?

MrsPhez – Hi there! Congratulations on your little rainbow baby, I’m so happy for you! I love how you say it’s great that you’re feeling tried, I know what you mean but phewf, I’m hoping I never have to got through that exhaustion ever again in my whole life! Wishing you all the best for your sticky rainbow! X x

Stef – Yes, I totally think for the first baby you should do a nursery! It sounds lovely and I do remember Eva was in her own room at around 7 months! The fact that it can transcribe to a toddler room too is very sensible indeed, I’m intending on doing that this time so rather than buying proper nursery furniture I’m just going to buy a really nice second hand chest of dawers that we can carry on using afterwards, a rail and a cotbed but I might have the two kids in bunk beds so I may just get a cot! We shall have to see where we end up living! Yayyy for new hair and feeling and seeing the baby move! That woman does sound so annoying! I’m sat with a girl that has a weird thing about people eating, she’s forver moaning and giving people filthy looks so I feel I cant eat at my desk which is very annoying as I’m starving all of the time! As she’s pregnant too though, she has to eat and she makes such a meal out of trying to be quiet as a mouse when eating a bag of crisps! Weirdo! Those ants sound bloody awful Stef! Did you manage to get rid of the little buggars?

I love the prints that you have designed, they look really professional and it’s lovely that you know the gender and name, I can’t wait till we do too! I’m thinking we’re having a boy still. It would be a whole lot easier to have a girl, as I love the name Romy, (Shane is now doubting our choice of Cassius, grrrrr) we have a lot of girls clothes and other girly stuff and we could get a 2 bedroom house, Eva would get a sister but I’d also absolutely love a son! Currently calling the baby Conrad for a joke, poor thing! Oh, here is the link to my pinterest ‘Bambino’ board. https://pinterest.com/jasmineivy/bambino/

Vegas, I’m so glad your appointment went well, I never know how many weeks you are as I have a memory like a sieve and you don’t have a ticker! Oooh, exciting news about knowing the date, Eva’s birthday is the day after that, the 10th December! It is a little close to Christmas but I guess you couldn’t get it much earlier! I went into labour on the 9th and that’s my MIL’s birthday so we all thought Eva would be born the 9th too! How are you feeling now the sickness has gone, do you have the monster appetite? You made me chickle with your blonde Kardashian comment and I absolutely LOVE the name Gus, I’d like to use it myself, it would be good as a nickname for Cassius I though too! Annoying that we cant use the names we love! Could you use just ‘Gus’ on it’s own though? As for peeing, omg, it’s getting absurd for me, I’m getting fed up with it too, it’s like a full time job, so glad I’m not the only one!

Meli – are we friends on pinterest? I’m liking the sound of this chicken and avocado dish, I love avacado! Oh noo, that’s so annoying about your name choice, why do the DHs have to be such pains when it comes to naming! I know what you mean about the superhero thing though, as it took me a while to get DH to come around to Cassius, he eventually did because he likes the nickname Cas, cos apparently there is a football hooligan called Cas! Now though, he is against the name because my best friend’s sisters kid is called it and he thinks its too distinctive to have more than one, I kind of know what he means though but its annoying cos I do think we’re having a boy and we don’t agree on any names! I love your choice of Xander too! I love Xaviour but DH won’t go for that either! So glad you had fun on your little break and well done you for telling that idiot where to go! I would have been proud of myself too as I find confrontation hard but it is definitely needed sometimes!

Angel – So glad you had a fab time at the beach and what you said about Carter really resonated with me! Eva is exactly the same and I constantly feel so sad when kids don’t respond to her in the same way. She tries to hold hands with perfect strangers and play with them! She always wants to be friends with everyone, it’s cute but it makes me feel guilty as I’m a bit of a loner (by choice) we don’t have family nearby so she’s not able to play with her cousins etc. That’s one of the main reasons I’m so happy we’re having another kid so she has some company! How did the pictures and telling Carter go? I love your girl names btw, my favourite is Kinsley I think but I also like Harper a lot! Good luck with the potty training, stickers are the way forward, I have just ordered a load for Eva as we’re struggling with bedtime, mainly her going to bed without us sat on the landing, she seems to have anxiety about being left even for a minute! I’m going to work really hard at it this week, I’m praying the stickers will help!

AFM – I’m feeling so much better these days, which I’m so happy about! I have nearly all of my energy back again which is great! I’m able to make stuff again now, so I’m knitting my rainbow baby blanket. Knitting myself a scarf and I have plans for a fully jointed mohair monkey for the baby and hopefully a handmade cot mobile with felt woodland animals! We went into York at the weekend, we wanted to check out a particular suburb, we really liked it! The property is really affordable there, it has some rough areas though which you need to avoid but one thing I didn’t like was the park was so full of litter the worst Ive ever seen and some of the people seemed a bit rough and a few rowdy lads, without sounded snobby! The area itself though, the town, the houses were lovely so I don’t think the park should put me off, what do you guys think? We have decided to move after Christmas now, I want to move sooner but we won’t be able to afford it sadly. It will be hard moving with a small baby but as long as we’re out by March when we have to officially choose Eva’s school for September 2014, I’m happy!

I have my gender scan a week today, it’s first thing in the morning so I don’t have to wait too long (and neither do you!) which is great! I have been feeling lots of movement too and can see it on the outside now and again, DH also got to feel a big kick last night, yeeeyyyyy! I have bought a few things, totally overspent and dipped into the moving savings which is very naughty but we got a moby wrap, a peanut shell sling, a travel sterilizer, a changing bag so pretty good and Eva got new shoes, 2 new pairs of trainers, some sandals, a new coat and a new dressing gown, some of it was second hand though so we’re not too bad!

Have a great week then ladies, hopefully I’ll update sooner than my scan next week but if not I’ll definitely update as soon as I know the gender, I won’t keep you waiting! Lots of love x x x x
Jasmine: thanks for the great update. I love all the names you are considering as they are all so unique. You sound like you are going to be busy with all your craft projects. Sorry they have you sitting next to the other pregnant lady and that she is annoying. I'd eat anyway. At this point there is no way I can stop myself. Moving with a small baby does sound taxing, but babies adapt so quickly to new surroundings that the transition should be pretty easy.

Afm: I am 16+1 today. I think I've been feeling some movement, but not very often. I bought a little boy's outfit this weekend in the 0-3 month size just in case we do have a boy. It was from Costco so it was super affordable and if I end up with a girl I can donate it or give it to someone who is having a boy.
Vegas, hopefully the movements become more definite soon. Day one of potty training ended in 5 accidents. Day two we went pants less all day except for nap, bed and in the car to my moms. He had no accidents. Days 4 and 5 were good as well. No accidents other than poo. I am also still putting a diaper on at nap and bed. So he is getting better and loves to get praised when he still has the pic on his pullup and to get a sticker. I don't think he will poo on the potty for a while yet though.

Jasmine, the thought of moving after Christmas is very daunting, but if you remember, I am doing it too.:dohh: Hoping this time we are both happy with our move. As for the park, maybe you can choose an area on the outskirts and maybe be able to go to a park in a neighboring suburb? I think our pictures yesterday will turn out good. I can't wait to see them. We aren't telling Cart until we get the pics back to announce to everyone. Still dreading it:( That woman at work sounds awful! Like Vegas said, I would eat anyway! Sounds like she needs to get over herself!

Stef, Did you get rid of your ants? That sounds like a steal on that table!

Melissa, how are you???

AFM, We have another possible name, McKinley Monroe. What do you all think? Here is a pic of my latest shopping spree. We have spent about $95 in clothes so far. I also got a moby and ergo before I was even pregnant with my angel. I only have one thing for newborn and only two for 0-3. I am buying stuff on sale, and all of that is summer stuff. Also, here is a lying down bump from 22+1.


Angel: you have a great bump. Mine is still more of a questionable gut (as in, is she pregnant or has she been drinking too much beer look). So are you planning on using another president's name this time or is that merely a coincidence? I think both McKinley and Monroe are cute, but as McKinley was assassinated, I prefer Monroe. Those little shoes you bought are adorable. It's hard to remember feet that small. Hooray to Carter on the potty training. Poo training was a battle for us. I finally put my foot down and refused to give her any more pull-ups as she'd ask for them so she could poo. She had the control, but didn't like too poop in the potty. She held it for a week and then finally did it in the potty at Mother's Day Out. The teacher said it was impressive. She was so proud of herself that she never used a diaper again.
Lol, I didn't even think of the president connections. We would use McKinley Monroe together as first and middle name and I said we could call her M&M!

Wow…your Memphis trip is only 4 weeks away. It will be here before you know it!

Guillermo Goodin does roll off the tongue, but I guess it would sound kind of funny since you’re not of Spanish descent.

Where does one buy “Grant’s kills ants”? We usually do have annoying ant episodes once in a great while, especially during these heat waves, but so far, no ants to be seen! I just want to be prepared. AND now that I said that, I bet I just caused bunches of ants to congregate and plot to get into my house :wacko:

Yay to movement :thumbup: When are you going to post a bump pic? In February I bought a couple of cute girl dresses, but returned them 2 mos later. I was so proud of myself! I was cleaning and wanted to stop hoarding stuff lol. How quickly I forgot that resolution. I still have a couple of little girl gold bangle bracelets I bought around the same time. I have to remember that I have them so I can gift them so they don’t go to waste because I KNOW I am having a boy :blue:

Lol at your connection of the dots with Angel’s baby names! Carter, McKinley, Monroe…etc. I never realized that.

I love your name, btw. Camille and Camila. Nickname could be Mila or Cami. Did anybody ever call you Cami?

Lol at your poop battles with Charlotte :haha:


Hee hee. I’m the annoying weirdo lady that hates the sound people make when they eat. BUT I have to say, that my office mate has NO IDEA that it bothers me. I never tell people, because I know it’s just a ‘thing’ of mine and it’s not fair to others. I’ve always had that ‘thing’-I remember as a little girl telling my older brother to “eat right!” DH and DS are very aware of this quirk, and try very hard not to irritate me. I just have to give DS a look and he right away apologizes and stops whatever irritating noise he’s making :haha:

I also try to ‘eat quietly’ also!! Because I feel, if I cannot stand the noise of others eating, then surely it’s reciprocated! For me, it goes further than just eating noises. It bugs the crap out of me even when people start opening up their food packaging. Like, the crinkly noises of packages and plastic wrapping opening, IYKWIM? People eating out of a bag of chips, and the noises they make when dipping into the bag again?? I know, I know….I’m cuckoo :wacko: BUT I feel better to hear that there are other cuckoos out there, just like me :haha:

Why is calling the baby “Conrad” a joke?

Yes, we are friends on pinterest. I repinned it from vegas (Camille). I also like the name Cassius. It’s different, that’s for sure. It reminds me of a Greek or Roman god.

I hope the stickers help Eva get better sleep trained and give you some sanity back!

I’m so glad you’re feeling better now! Wow…handmade mobile cot..I’m very impressed. You def need to post a pic when that puppy is finished. You’re so creative!!

As far as your upcoming move, I wouldn’t let a park put me off, if I liked the town and the houses.

Can’t wait for your gender scan results!!! Yay to lots of movement!!

Sounds like you guys went on a shopping spree. LUV those! Sounds like even Eva made out like a bandit!

I’m going to ask y’all to make a list of ‘must haves’. I have no idea on ‘must haves’ and can do research, but I’d rather get a list from recent mothers, and not just from a marketing ploy. I don’t want to buy a bunch of useless stuff that goes unused.


CUTE bump!!!

OH and I like the print you posted for Kennedy :thumbup: I think I will copy you!!

I try to micromanage DH but he’s kind of stubborn. He lets me micromanage to a certain extent, but then he’ll put his foot down. But I try!

Like you, I am also a very play by the rules person. I like how you put it! THAT’S why it bothered me so much!

Sounds like you guys had a great time at the beach! YAY!

I can’t believe that both you and Stef had said you’re not social. It doesn’t seem like it at all. Coulda fooled me!

GL with the potty training saga.

Omg I cant wait to see your gender reveal pics :happydance: WHEN will they be ready??
Why are they taking so long? Do I sound like a whiny brat yet?

Why are you dreading telling Carter about the gender? I’m sorry if I missed this in your previous posts…

I like Cassidy, Kinsley, McKinley and Harper. They all flow with the middle name of Monroe.

ohhhh those clothes are SO CUTE! Esp the ballet shoes!!!


I LOL’d at you telling Vegas to “definitely do not allow Ben to choose the name Gunther. That's just... horrible”. Hee hee!! Although, I have to agree with you.

Yay to getting good deals, and making local new friends :thumbup:

Btw, I stopped at Goodwill last night on my way home from work to check out the maternity clothes. Did you know they have maternity mixed in with all the clothes?? Argh. Oh well, what do you expect from Goodwill, right? Anyways, I found one new, cute summer dress that isn’t even maternity, but it’ll work for now. It’s a black tank dress/shift with crocheted upper yoke. Cute! I spent about 5 min there and got exasperated and impatient. Oh well, I tried. I think I’ll check out Ross’ maternity section soon, not this weekend, but next weekend.

I hope you had a great and restful weekend.


We’ve been dealing with a horrid heat wave for the last few days. We have central air, but it’s been so hot that sometimes it feels like the A/C isn't even on!! Well, ok, I’m the “A/C” control freak of the house. I hate to have it lower than 76, first and foremost because I HATE paying huge utility bills, secondly because it messes with my sinuses. DH was all excited when he realized I would be pg through the summer. Where I live, summer lasts through mid November. He’s like “YAY! You’re going to be hot and miserable due to this pg, so you’re gonna want the A/C on more than usual and you won’t fight me to turn it on" LOL.

Tomorrow morning I have my next appt with my ob/gyn. I can’t wait to see how much my gummi bear has grown :happydance: My last appt was 2 weeks ago.

Tomorrow evening we're going to Catalina Island to visit my brother. We’ll come back home on Saturday. My mom, nephews, and niece will also be there. He has an awesome house. We can watch the 4th of July fireworks from his front porch. I’ll post a pic when I get there. All the postcards I’ve seen of Catalina Island Harbor look like they could have been taken from his front porch. It’s awesome!
Meli: Catalina sounds wonderful. I've always heard good things about it. Can't wait for your ultrasound. Can you believe you are almost 11 weeks! I'm not sure how you can keep your thermostat so high. We've lived in Vegas and now Orlando and keep ours at 73 when we're home and 68 at night and I'm still hot! And no, no one calls me Milly or Cammy, but I think Mila is super cute. If you had a girl you'd have Meli and Mila. Adorable! Btw, my younger cousin is Camila. I like to believe her parents stole my name :)

Afm: our weekend plans are shaping up. A parade on the 4th then BBQ at the neighbor's that evening. Friday, not sure. And Saturday Charlotte has another b-day party to attend. Seems like time is flying and I'm fine with it!

No, I certainly CANNOT believe I am almost 11 weeks along! SO excited!!

HEY, I didn’t think about Meli & Mila! That would be cute! Hey, maybe I could use "Milo" for a boy :wacko: Yup, I suspect your family did steal your name.

Yah, I may change my A/C policy. I do think my personal heater is running hotter than normal :haha:

Your weekend sounds like it’s gonna be lots of fun :happydance:
Meli: Milo is super cute too! Actually, Camila is a family name on the father's side so they really didn't steal it (though I only found that out a few years ago).
I have determined that I can no longer wear 90% of my work pants. I think I'll take them to the dry cleaners tonight and then let them sit in plastic bags until sometime in 2014. Ugh. In other news, since Charlotte's daycare is open on Friday I think we're going to drop her off for a little while and have a day date. Ben wants us to play nine holes of golf and then have lunch. Sounds great other than the fact I haven't played golf since 2006 and it's going to be super hot. At least it's something different.
Vegas, your day date does sound fun, even though it will be hot. I am sorry you can't fit your pants any more. That is awesome that you made it this far with them. How clever of Charlotte to ask for pullups to poo in! Girls are so much more mature than boys. Carter would have never thought that far.

Melissa, I love the name Milo!! And honestly I get VERY annoyed by the sounds of eating, so bad that with dh, I feel like I could punch him in the face when he is eating a burger or something.:sick: But at least we know we are extreme and don't expect people to not eat. Dh is also a compulsive gum smacker and I HATE IT!!! As for me not being social, it is very hard for me to make friends, but once I do, I consider myself a very good friend and very loyal. I also get very chatty and tend to over-share once I feel comfortable. And no, you don't sound like a whiny brat, I feel like on waiting for them! It takes about two weeks for her to edit them and send us all the print rights. So I think it will still be another week and a half:( And I don't dread telling Carter the gender, I dread telling him about the pregnancy all together. We are so close and I feel like I am taking something away from him by having another child. I know that I am not, and a sibling will only enrich his life, but I can't help it. I hope you are having a great time, can't wait to see pics!!

AFM, potty training is going very well! He has pooped in the potty three nights in a row and basically for the last three days he told us when he needed to go pee and poo. we only suggested or took him when out of when it had been a couple of hours. Tomorrow morning my parents are coming at 8:30am to get Carter and take him to breakfast and the park. Then I have to spend all day with them because we are having dinner together and going to see fireworks at the ball field. Arggghhh! I am so tired of seeing them all the time. It is as if they can't understand their grandparents role. They do not have to see him once a week and constantly be trying to hang out with us. There are intrusive and controlling and honestly I hope dh lands a job at least a couple hours away so we can get away from them.
Angel: wow! Carter has really picked up potty training quickly. I know how you feel about the whole sibling thing. We haven't told Charlotte either. I'm doing this mainly because there is still such a long wait that I feel she will want the baby as soon as I tell her and will bug me about it until he/she arrives or be mad that I'm withholding the baby (I mean, three year olds aren't known for their patience or grasp of time). I'm sorry your parents are ever present, buttery obviously love pending time with Carter. Charlotte's lucky to see her grandparents twice a year.

Afm: we spent the morning at a parade and 4th of July celebration in our little town (we live in Winter Park, not Orlando as my avatar states). It was a lot of fun. they had free water, watermelon and hot dogs for everyone. They gave balloons to all the kids and they also had a ton of free games and music for everyone to enjoy. I bought her some sparklers for tonight, but I think Ben is out buying the good stuff now. As much as I like to look at fireworks I wish he would buy any of the scary stuff.

Last night Ben asked Charlotte what she would name a boy if she ever had a brother. She responded "girl". I guess this means a boy is out of the question.

Hope everyone is doing well.
Angel: in the above post buttery= but they. Darn autocorrect!
Hi everybody,

I will respond properly when I get home. Just wanted to wish all a happy 4th of july. Ps, appt was great. Got to see mi lil gummy bear. He was kicking and moving his arms and legs so much. every time I go, he is measuring one day earlier. My original edd was jan 24, we are now at a jan 20 due date. Dh says at this rate, we will end up with a jan 10 due date lol :wacko:

Here's a pic of the harbor from the front porch. Luv the weather here. We are on a huge hill with tons of stairs, and this island is so safe that dh allowed me to keep bedroom window open ALL night. I LUV sleeping with bedroom windows open but dh is so paranoid he never allows it :wacko:
Jasmine, can't wait for your gender scan! You and vegas aren't the only ones peeing all the time. The one day I counted, it was 18 times. :wacko: Also, would it be crazy for me to ask to commission you to knit me that rainbow blanket in the nursery pic or one like this (it looks like it'd be easier, but I know nothing about knitting!) - https://www.e-patternscentral.com/d...code=EK00140&gclid=CPiki5nRmLgCFVBp7Aoddi0AkQ ? :flower: I plan to make a mobile out of yarn (using this idea https://www.makeandtakes.com/glue-yarn-ball-tutorial ) and making tissue paper pom flowers ( https://www.designdazzle.com/2012/04/how-to-make-tissue-pom-flowers/ ) as well as the prints. Plan to find a used or inexpensive dresser to possibly refinish and use for storage / changing table.

Vegas, like Jasmine, I keep forgetting how far along you are! Time seems like it's flying every time you say how far you are! That's cute that Charlotte won't allow a boy. Lilah, the older of the two nieces, was the same way before we found out it's a girl. She's the only one on that side of the family that thought it was a girl (although she'll be like that with all future cousins, I'm sure!).

Angel, glad Carter is doing well with potty training! Loving all the new clothes. I want to go crazy buying clothes, but with the two nieces, I know we'll be getting a lot of hand me downs, so I feel wrong spending the money just yet until I know what we'll have from them.

Meli, I agree, I'd like the must haves list, too! Idk about Angel, but I have a much easier time being social not in person. I even get nervous calling people, lol. Yep, I've found maternity mixed in at Goodwill, very annoying. It's not like it's hard to tell what is and isn't maternity. If it isn't obvious. the tags on the inside always say it! Do you have any pics from this last u/s? Oh also, I love the name Milo. I tried getting Blake to let me name Capone (the cat) Milo when we adopted him, he wouldn't go for it, so I said I can use it for a child's name and he didn't like that idea either, lol. I do love it, though!

AFM, haven't seen many ants since that one day. There were a few the next day and a couple the day after that, but then they all but stopped. Not sure what we did... maybe the window caulking helped, maybe wiping down the counters with vinegar... I don't know, but I'm not complaining!

Blake had to work yesterday, so I spent the whole day cleaning. Now the house is pretty much spotless, yay! He then slept from 3:30-8:30 and then we went for the town fireworks. There were soooo many people and the street to the park was closed already by the time we got down there, so we drove closer to our house and parked in a lot where we could see fireworks for 360 degrees. It was pretty cool; this town doesn't mess around when it comes to celebrating for sure. Our whole neighborhood was setting them off, too.

I've been feeling A LOT of movement lately. They're getting super strong.

Also, should be doing first maternity pics on Sunday, so that's exciting (and nerve wracking... I'm super camera shy).

I took a pic of my new hair to show you guys and was going to upload it now, but I forgot that I took it with my iPad, and I didn't take it with me to work. :dohh: So I'll post that later.

Halfway bump pics!
https://i.imgur.com/OGGpjJp.jpg https://i.imgur.com/8B6zONZ.jpg
Oh! Meant to ask, since we're doing photos Sunday, do you guys have any ideas for pics? I'm pretty much clueless and am not inspired when googling maternity / pregnancy pics.
Stef, you looked like you popped a little!

Vegas, yes they certainly love him and he loves them too. But they drive me crazy and can't wait to get away from them. It is even worse with these hormones. Carter also knew this one was a girl, all the way back from when we bought those shoes for our pregnancy announcement.
Wow, that celebration sounds wonderful! So much free stuff! I think we will take Carter to a parade next year. I think they do a few around here and in neighboring towns.

Melissa, your pic didn't come through:( It does sound beautiful. I love sleeping with the windows open too.
Stef, I have a maternity pic board on pinterest, you can look at that for a couple ideas. Pinterest has a ton.
Oh yeah, and its my vday today!:happydance: She was measuring three days behind last time, so I will feel better at 25 weeks.
Angel, I was just asking Blake the other day, "Does my stomach look bigger than a few days ago, like a lot bigger?" Lol. I think I popped a little, too! Still getting this weird ab bump thing though... Don't know if you can see it in those pics very well.

Thanks for pointing me toward your pic board, I also found Meli's and got a couple ideas between the two of them. I did find a few on Pinterest when I looked before. I think part of the problem is I'm not very big yet, and the pic ideas are mostly better for being further along. I just want some midway ones so I can send them to my mom.

Yay for vday!!!

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