June Angel Baby Mommas Hoping for Rainbows!!

OK, so I'm going to post this real quick and then we have a b-day party to go to (it took me almost 30 minutes to convince my laptop to start). So here I am at 16+6. Still not the most defined bump, but at least I'm starting to look preggo. Hope everyone is having a great weekend. I'll respond to all the other posts later.


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That sounds so weird…letting your dry cleaned clothes sit in plastic bags until 2014! But I guess 2014 will be here before we know it.

Wow..you’re brave to want to go play golf in the heat. DH and I pretty much hibernate when it’s this hot. If there’s no consistent shade, we’re not going lol :nope:

You make a good point for not telling Charlotte just yet about the baby…

Your 4th of July sounds like it was lots of fun! Free watermelon and hot dogs..I’m there!

I HATE home fireworks. They are so loud to me and I’m a big scaredy cat—so afraid someone will get hurt. Watching the fireworks show, I had to put on my ear plugs because I kept getting startled. Think I will need to bring baby earplugs for next year for my gummi bear!

Yup..you definitely have a bump!! So cute!! And I don’t know what you’re talking about when you say you had some leftover padding from Charlotte? Where??? :wacko: You’re all baby!!


Dh is also a compulsive gum smacker, good thing that he hardly chews gum! Sometimes, when he asks me if I have some (which I always do, btw) I say “sorry, I do not” :muaha:

Like you, I also am very chatty and tend to over-share once I feel comfortable. It bugs DH to no end because he is a VERY private person. I have to censor what I say around him.

2 weeks to wait for the prints?? WHAT?? I don’t know how you can be so patient!

Now it makes sense why you dread telling Carter about the baby….but Vegas makes good points.

YAY to Carter getting the hang of the pooping!! :happydance:

Sorry that your parents irritate you. Hopefully that feeling lessens once the baby is here! Because you know they love Carter so much, they’re gonna love the new baby just as much and will probably want to spend even more time with you guys!

Probably a stupid question, but what is your vday?


I LOVE that rainbow blanket!!! I have to hunt someone down to see if I can put in my order. I think my office mate knits. She’s a sweet older lady (around 55 y/o) but I hate to discuss baby things with her because, well……….her daughter died 10 years ago. She struggled to get pregnant, went through the whole fertility specialist route, had numerous miscarriages before a successful pregnancy. Her daughter was sickly and had some disease, she was in and out of the hospital for a bulk of her short life, and died when she was 5 years old. Breaks my heart so I really try to be considerate and not yap about me and my pregnancy. She is a very very strong lady, with strong faith. I admire her!!!

I do have 2 new ultrasound pics but they are so unclear! I mean, I can see the feet and arms but the head seems to blend into, idk, maybe the sac?

Love the bump! You have definitely popped. Love the top you’re wearing, also!

GL on your maternity pics tomorrow! I can’t wait to see them! Don’t be nervous. I’m sure they will come out beautiful!

Like you, I'm super camera shy. I blink a lot in photos with flash—it’s like I anticipate the flash and blink. I’ve done that since I was a kid. Have ruined at least a couple of wedding group shots when I served as flower girl :growlmad:

As an adult, I’ve realized that when I am slightly ‘buzzed’, 2 things happen. I loosen up and get more rhythm when dancing, AND I get more photogenic! IDK what I’m going to do when it’s time for maternity pix. I mean, not like I can down liquor to get a quick buzz, right?


1 more day for your scan!!!!


I went shopping to Ross for maternity clothes and bought 3 pairs of bottoms: jean shorts, jean capris, and jeans. Also bought a tank and a cute sleeveless top. Spent $65. Nothing cost more than $15.99!

The name Milo is out :nope: DH says it reminds him of a dog? There was a movie out that was named Milo and it was about a dog? Even my mom gave it a thumbs down. But, the name Xander seems to have grown on her.

Here is the view from my brother’s porch that was unable to post.

We went to the parade and my brother is a veteran, so he was in the front of the parade in the color guard. DH asked him how he felt and he said it felt great to feel the appreciation from the crowd. USC pretty much owns that island. They have such a presence there and USC ferries in the whole marching band to march in the parade. THEY ROCK! They played their songs and of course, the famous Fleetwood Mac song “Tusk”.

The fireworks show was awesome! Such fancy designs of fireworks that I’ve never seen before!

oh yeah...another thing! DH insisted on renting a golf cart to explore the island on the afternoon of the 4th. We stopped at a scenic view to take pix, and he busts out this ring!!


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OMG Melissa!!! That ring is gorgeous!!!How sweet of him!
That view is to die fo as well!!
And tell dh that Milo is in!! Milo is actually the name of the cat in the movie "Milo and Otis" and it is a very cute movie.
Please don't even say that I will see my parents more! I can NOT handle anymore!
Vday is viability day, when your baby can live outside of the womb, still with significant help of course.
And as for being buzzed, I am the same. I loosen up, actually try dancing occasionally and am much better in bed.:blush: (or at least adventurous!)
And my wait for pics is already killing me!! I check her site constantly. She will post a sneak peek soon that will include just a couple pics and then we will get the rest.

AFM, nothing going on here, need to get off this computer and do some cleaning!
Meli: that ring is gorgeous! The view is nice too, but you get to look at the ring all the time. Sounds like a wonderful weekend. I guess I should go check out Ross as I currently only have one pair of maternity shorts. I ordered another pair from Old Navy two weeks ago and they still aren't here. Arg! While 2014 seems like a long way off to wear something again, after Charlotte I wasn't working and when I started back this year I was pulling dry cleaning tags from 2009 off of my suit pants! At least they still fit.

Angel: Hooray for v-day! Let's hope she bakes for a good while longer. Can't wait to see your photos once they come in. I'd be checking the photos website all the time too.

Stef: you have a great bump. Not sure what you mean by the "ab thing". With Charlotte I never got a really round bump as it always was a bit flat at the point that stuck out the most. I need to check out your links as everyone really seems to like the blanket. Glad your ant problem has cleared up.

Jasmine: I'll be checking this thread first thing tomorrow and I expect to see your announcement! Enjoy your scan.

Afm: so Ben told Charlotte about the baby yesterday. I don't know why he felt the need to tell her. Pretty sure she has already forgotten. Yesterday she was adamant that this is going to be a girl. Today we took Charlotte to see her first movie in the theater. We saw Despicable Me 2 in 3-D. She did great and the movie was super cute. Glad we went to the early showing as there was only about 15 other people there (most with little kids too). Hope we will still be able to find time to do things with just her after the baby is here.
Stef, I do think I know what you mean about your belly. Sort of b shaped. I had it with Cart, but not this time. Probably because everything is still stretched out from him. I think it is so crazy that four of us had the navy/gray wall nursery with the rainbow blanket pinned!

Vegas, glad the movie went well. We went to an exclusive showing of a Veggie Tale movie with Carter, but it was only 45 min and he cried when we had to leave. We are going to our first real movie this Tues. One of the theaters does free family movies in the summer, but they are older movies, so we are going to see Ice Age. I am hoping he does well, or if not, that there aren't many other people there. I am glad telling Charlotte went well. She will probably bring it up again randomly. You are certainly right about the impatience of a toddler though. We didn't even tell Carter about going to the beach until the day before, because he still doesn't even remotely understand "tomorrow".

Jasmine, can't wait until tomorrow! Will you be our third girl, or get the boy you think it is?????

AFM, got lots done today. Swept and vaccumed. Dusted and windexed all the glass. A load still in the dryer and washer, but then all laundry will be done. Feeling pretty good. I have even been able to skip nap a few times lately, but only when we spend the morning at home. If we go anywhere, I am exhausted.
So right now I feel like I am in pregnancy limbo, like I am done with 2nd tri, but not quite ready for 3rd tri.
Guys, have to be very quick, will rely properly tonight I promise!


SO shocked but very happy :) x x x x
First, Jasmine, yayyyy for another girl! I bet Eva is going to love that!

Vegas, what a cute bump! I agree with Meli, WHAT extra padding? Liar!

Angel is right, the ab thing I'm talking about is sort of a B shape, but not from excess fat, from ab muscle. This is the only time I'd ever complain about a muscle, lol.

Meli, Blake and I hibernate when it's hot, too, and the summers here are BAD, so we usually only get out if we're at his mom's with the pool. Since we're now an hour and a half away from her house... it's not going to happen much this summer!

That's so sad about your co-worker's daughter! I can completely understand not wanting to talk too much baby stuff with her. I have a friend who knits, but I put an order in with her for a scarf ... idk, 4 years ago? So yeah, not attempting that one again!

When I get buzzed, I squint a lot, so my buzzed pics don't look so great (although I do get way less camera shy!).

Yay for inexpensive maternity clothes! I stopped at Goodwill again, only managed to find a pair of jeans, but they were brand new, still with tags, cute and only $4.99, so I'm not complaining. I can wear jeans and stuff to work, but no one seems to wear tank tops or sleeveless things (which is mostly what I have for summer), so I've been hunting down shirts with sleeves... with not much luck!

What a beautiful view! And ring! That's gorgeous!

Angel, we're definitely taking hints from that nursery, but Blake wasn't into the gray walls, so that's changing, and since his mom got us a crib, it won't be gray, it'll be dark wood.

AFM, didn't end up doing the photos yesterday. The guy never got ahold of me, and around 3:30 I said screw it, we'll just do it another time. I still plan to do more than one shoot, though, so probably in a few weeks.

We saw World War Z on Friday. It was pretty awesome, but I'm biased. I'm a HUGE zombie fan. There were some really crazy parts, they introduced new things I'd never seen in a zombie movie (and I've seen A LOT).

I need to find something work from home ASAP. I've given up on a regular job because at this point I'd be starting it then leaving for maternity leave with the good chance of not going back, with the costs of daycare being SO high. This drive is stressing me out and knowing I have to leave here when she's born and not having a back up income is stressing me out even more...

But on another note. Yayyyyy again for Jasmine :) Have you guys narrowed down to a girl's name you love? :happydance:
Yay for a girl Jasmine!!!! That is wonderful!!! Now we need Melissa and Vegas to even it up!

Ok, ok…… I take back my comment that you will end up seeing your parents more once the baby is here :winkwink:

Thanks for explaining v-day. I had never heard of that term before. You learn something new every day!

Yah, I HATE dancing. Probably because I’m not good at it AT ALL. I have not one iota of rhythm in this body. Sad because my parents sent me to dance lessons from age 3 until age 9. I always hated the lessons! Sorry my parents wasted their money, although they will never admit it was a waste :nope: My mom and dad both have rhythm so idk where my shortfall comes from. DH loves to dance, and my mom and godmother are always his dance partners. So yah, getting buzzed helps loosen me up too! That's the only time I will be caught dead on the dancefloor!

Can’t wait for the sneak peek of your pics!!!

I also have the grey walled nursery pinned, I think? I love it but I don’t think it’s going to happen. We’ve been thinking of rearranging/switching rooms for DS and the office. Which means the nursery will be the smallest room, and I think dark walls will make the room look smaller.

Wow..sounds like you got lots done yesterday! I did absolutely NOTHING--didn’t even unpack :nope: Bad girl! Just relaxed and caught up on my sleep deficit. We did go out for lunch.


If you haven’t got your Old Navy order by now, I don’t think you will :nope: My orders take at the most 7 days, but usually less than that. Perhaps the item was backordered or out of stock?

I only went to one Ross, but will stop by another Ross after work today or tomorrow. The one I went to had mostly casual wear, not too much of a selection of ‘work’ attire. I’m hoping this other Ross has more of a selection.

Omg that would be so funny if Charlotte was right about the new baby being a girl~

We all went to the movies on Friday night while at Catalina and also saw Despicable Me. It was so cute!

Oohh and now that you posted your pic, I now see what you mean about being the long lost, blonde Kardashian :thumbup: I agree, you could fit in with that family LOL :haha:


Too bad you guys live so far from someone with a pool. Sounds like us. My mom has a huge pool but we live about 1 hour away--longer if there is dang traffic (and there usually is)! :growlmad:

Yah, I definitely censor things I say around my office mate. She is so sweet, always asks how my dr appts went, etc etc. I tell ya, she is so, so strong. I don’t think I could be as serene as she is! I guess her faith and the grace of God gives her the strength to not live in the past.

Re the knitting, I remembered a co-worker whose wife knits. I bought a really pretty whirly scarf from her, it was $25. I can’t imagine how much she would charge me for a blanket! :nope:

Yay to new jeans for less than $5!!! :happydance::thumbup:

Instead of buying shirts with sleeves, couldn’t you buy like a light shrug to wear with your tanks and sleeveless tops? Just to cover up your arms?

BUMMER to no photos yesterday. BOO!!!!

I also want to see World War Z. sounds like an action packed movie.

I hope you find a WFH job soon!! You don’t need this stress!!


Congrats on your little girl :thumbup: YAY!! I’m sure Eva will be an awesome big sis, and they can share a room! Maybe that will help Eva and her anxiety of fallling asleep alone!
Hello everyone!

Right, so I’ve got ten minutes to reply now! Phewff!

Vegas – Fab news that you can now feel some movement! Are you getting anymore? Mine started at 16 weeks too and now it’s a daily thing, I love it, although I only feel it when I sit down after putting Eva to bed as I can finally notice it then! You’ll probably find the same! Your bump is coming along nicely Vegas! Did you have your day date yet? That sounds fun and a good idea, shane and I should do that while we can! The parade sounds amazing! Wish they did stuff like that around here! I get jelous of 4th July and Thanksgiving, it all looks so fun! I giggled at Charlottle saying ‘girl’ to the boys name cos that’s EXACTLY what Eva said too!

Angel – sounds like you and Cart are doing a fantastic job on the potty training, so well done! It’s not easy! He is coming on very quick! Accidents are to be expected, Eva still has the odd one. In fact, on a recent trip to the beach she took a huge poo in her knickers and we had to leave it under car and run away, okay so I’m showing my true colours now! Oh yes, that’s right you are moving house too then aren’t you! I’m not the only nutter around here! That’s a fab idea about the park too, it won’t put me off! Great news for V day, yaaaaaaayyyyy! Can’t wait for mine! Also, with all that cleaning sounds like your nesting, I am too!

Meli – Hope you’re having a great time in Catalina Island! Wow, that view is too die for and the ring! Lucky girl! I wonder if you’ll have a girl, it’s just that I KNEW I was having a boy too and guess what it’s a girl! Hehe! Oh and you are so not this girl in my office, she’s a total nasty dick for a start! At least you keep it to yourself and aren’t RUDE! She actually storms off if anyone is eating too loudly around her and swears and gets really horrible about it! It’s funny cos she has made our whole team feel so uncomfortable that every time she goes to the loo or out to the shop, we all get our snacks out and munch them dead quick! Everyone’s right though, we shouldn’t but she’s so intimidating! I’m not a huge fan of listening to people eat eithet but the way this girl conducts herself is outrageous! It’s laughable even! You’re nothing like her! Good idea about the must haves, I’ll get my thinking cap on for you hun, I know exactly what you mean, I’d much rather have advise of friends too! So pleased that you’re scan went well too! Great bargains on the maternity wear, wow, wish I could find stuff that cheap!

Stef – I’ve had a look at those patterns, they are well above my knitting standards I’m afraid, I’m still quite basic at knitting and much as I’d love to knit you a blanket, it takes me FOREVER! This one I’m doing for my baby I started before my angel was conceived and it’s only half way through! I’m actually much better at sewing but I LOVE to knit and want to get better! You’re better off finding an old lady like Meli said, some of them knit at crazy speeds! Oh I love those pom poms too, I may copy that idea if I may! Wow, your bump really has popped, it’s adorable and very neat! Sorry that the work situ is stressing you out, all I can say is try no to stress but that’s easier said than done I know! Big hugs x

AFM – So we’ve been having our first proper sunny weather this year in the UK this weekend and my god, it’s been hot, I now know what you girls mean when you say it can be too hot! Eva got sunstroke on Saturday and continued with a fever all day yesterday! I love the sun but I have to say it’s been very hot, not as great when you’re pregnant! The scan went really well this morning, all the checks were fine, which is such a relief! She kept us waiting until right at the very end of the scan to tell us the sex, I was a nervous wreck! Especially as the baby was being cheeky and was asleep the whole time, we were sent out for half an hour to eat chocolate and run up and down the stairs! It worked and she got to do the final check and then revealed the sex! She asked us each what we though, I said boy and Shane said girl and she said Shane was right! I was GOBSMACKED! I had tears streaming down my face! Shane thought I was disappointed at the fact it wasn’t a boy until I explained that the tears were that of happiness and being overwhelmed! It was just such a shock, I hadn’t thought of the baby being a girl at all and had even put a draw together of boys clothes! I have some absolutely gorgeous handmade boys cardigans, if Meli or Vegas have a boy I’ll have to mail them over! Shane is chuffed to bits as he really wanted another girl and I’m happy too, I have loads of girls clothes and toys and things and it means we can get a 2 bedroom house now! I just have to think of a girls name now for definite, still love Romy and Willow but gonna get my thinking cap on!

Well, hope all you lovely ladies are doing well including the others that haven’t been on in a while! Loads of love x x x
Okay Meli - Some newborn musthaves (sorry if some are British):

Baby sling (I have peanut shell and moby wrap)
bouncer chair
Breast pump (if you're breast feeding of course but mine was invaluable as my milk didn't come in on day three as expected, I used it to stimulate the supply and make the milk come in!)
Breast milk bags (if breast feeding)
Baby monitor - I'm deffo getting the Angelcare this time, I used to check if Eva was breathing about fifty times a night, it will stop me from doing this!
Muslim cloths - getting giant ones this time, they have a multitude of uses!
Tuppence and crumble starsuit (google it, it's fab!)
'Sock ons' - okay socks falling of the baby is one of my personal annoyances!
No cry sleep solution book (or a book about baby sleeping etc, your preferred method!)

For you:

maternity pads
Strong painkillers (cocodamol etc)
Cheap comfy knickers or disposal ones
V shaped pillow for later stages of pregnancy and feeding when baby is here
nipple cream
breast pads
Water spray for labour

I'll think of some more as and when! These are just mine of course, everyone's different ..
I am glad everything went well with the ultrasound. I may have cried when I found mine was a girl too, if I weren't already about to cry from having to pee so bad! I know what you mean about it being hot. It is 93 degrees here today, so 33.89 degrees celcius. We went swimming for a bit and it was lovely, but other than that, you don't want to get out of the house or even open blinds to let sun in because it heats the house so much! Carter really is doing great. I started the Thur we came back from vacation and I would say he was fully potty trained by the next Friday, and I mean him going to the potty without any prompting, poo and pee. He has been wearing a night time diaper still, but this morning it was still dry and he was saying "I gotta pee mom!!!"

To add the the must have list, a must have for me was a Bobby type pillow, great for nursing and just letting baby lay against or sit up against. We also had an angelcare monitor that I now wouldn't be without (but LOTS of people don't have those). It is a breathing censor for tummy sleeping and for those scared of sids.

What I didn't use:
burp cloths, just used my receiving blankets
tons of receiving blankets, a five pack should be good
tons of fitted crib sheets, 3 should be fine

Also, if you are buying bottles, I would buy a ton of one kind. We bought a bunch of playtex drop ins, but then later changed to doctor browns. We hardly got any use out of the drop ins, so a complete waste of money.
Jasmine: congrats on another girl! Guess Eva knew all along. I'm sure they will be such good friends (and also have their fair share of fights). I can't believe they waited to the end to announce the gender. I would not have been able to concentrate until they told me. Of course we are not finding out so ours will be a pretty boring scan, but it's always nice to see how baby has grown. Love your list for Meli. I'm going to have to look some of those items up.

Stef: hooray for cheap jeans! Boo to the photographer for standing you up. So Chatlotte had pom flowers in her room. They are so easy to make. I still haven't looked at your Pinterest, but I have a how-to link on mine under my "kid stuff" board. You could even do it as a baby shower activity. I'm going to put World War Z in my Netflix queue. I also like zombie and vampire movies, but not movies about ghosts. Too scary!

Angel: I wish (sometimes) that I was still at home as Regal Cinemas offers $1 kids movies on Tuesdays during the summer. Like your theater they are older movies, but the kids don't care.

Afm: I've been out and about all day at work. Not a bad way to spend a Monday. Still wearing my normal pants, but the hairband is really starting to stretch. Got a call from my doctor that the spina bifida test came back normal. I felt it would but dh had an uncle with SB so that sort of concerned me.
Glad your test came back normal! My ob never even told me results from my neural tube defect testing and with having such a crappy ultrasound last time I never even asked any questions.
Angel: you didn't use burp cloths? We packed 3-4 everywhere we went as Charlotte spit up all the time. Seriously, she would spit up at least once a day until she turned one. It was so gross, but the doctor refused to give her anything as she was putting on weight (the greedy little thing was off the charts).

Meli: my must haves
-A crib wedge. Helps with reflux and can help prevent SIDS
-Mesh bumper. Not so pretty, but can also prevent suffocation (yes, I'm a paranoid mommy)
-Sleep sack blankets and swaddle me swaddle blankets. Keeps them warm and secure (and again can prevent SIDS).
-Bouncy seat and/or baby swing
-Pack-n-play: we used this exclusively for the first ten weeks while she slept in our room. We then used it for travel for the next two years and I also used the play element while I attempted to get in a shower and didn't want her destroying the house.
-Small underpads for use on the changing table (buy these on the incontinence aisle at the drug store) the small size is about 18x24 and fits perfectly on top of your changing pad, but saves you a ton of laundry
Nope, I must have had about twelve, but I only used a burp cloth about ten times. Carter wasn't very spitty, but when he did, I just wiped it with the receiving blanket and I put the receiving blanket over my shoulder. Just thinking about this is getting me all excited!!! How silly to be excited about spit up!

Oh yes and I agree with the sleep sacks! With Carter we had two pack in plays, one to travel with us and one the stayed by the bed as a bassinet. Both had bassinet attachments though. With McKinley (just testing it out:wacko:) I will by an Arms Reach Co-sleeper.
We also had both a swing and a bouncy/vibrate chair, and really liked them both.
Jen this is for you. I am extremely sorry I forgot. Here is to your angel, God's light shining all around him or her and full of love!
So I got some second hand 0-3/3mo clothes from a lady and I feel like I got a steal! There are tons of cute outfits, and stuff I would actually buy! I got all this for $50!!

And for you Melissa, to put a face to the name, Peepers!
Angel: well, I think you have the 0-3 month age covered. Lots of cute stuff there. Peepers looks thrilled in that photo. Lol.

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