June Angel Baby Mommas Hoping for Rainbows!!

Jasmine, Vegas & Angel,

Thanks so much for your ‘must have’ list. It is invaluable :hugs:


Yay to negative SB results :happydance: How many tests did you do?


Love that pic of Peepers and Carter. Carter is adorable!! He no longer has that ‘baby’ face in your signature. He’s starting to develop a lil boy face, iykwim?'

SCORE! on the clothes you bought :thumbup: Maybe you can keep buying clothes from the same lady, since you like her style and she seems to take care of the stuff?!

Aww, that was so sweet of your candle for Jen’s angel. I have a horrible memory!!


Try to stay cool over there!
Meli: I'm not sure how many tests I've done. Three? Cystic fibrosis, Down's (which includes other stuff too) and Spina Bifida. Pretty much whatever they recommended. I refused all these with Charlotte and the mc, but this time I really wanted reassurance. Are you doing any of the tests? How about the NT scan for Down's? Are you still doing weekly scans? Are you going to do this the whole pregnancy? I'd love to get a weekly scan, my SIL got one due to some issues, but with work I dong know where I'd find the time.

Afm: I am starting to gain weight at an alarming rate. I need to try to keep this in check. So hard to do when I'm hungry all the time.

I did the Maternit21 test. It’s a chromosomal test (The test detects the relative amount of 21, 18, 13, X and Y chromosomal material). But now I’m wondering why I didn’t do all the other non-invasive blood tests! What an idiot :growlmad: I think I was just so excited that all was still good with my gummi bear. I should have asked for all non-invasive tests.

My last weekly scan was last week. My next dr visit is 3 weeks from now.
So far, I have lost 4 lbs since I got pg :thumbup: YAY! BUT, it’s a good thing because I’d gained weight before I got pg so, with losing weight, all is good so far!
Meli: have you received the results from the Maternit21 test? Will they tell you the gender? The spina bifida test is a second trimester test so they may offer it to you after week 14. If you had the other test it covers most everything else. Way to go on the four pounds. I lost two by week 13 and have put on seven in the last four weeks. Oops!
The maternity 21 test should be testing for downs syndrome and then you have neural tube defect testing around 20 weeks I think by ultrasound or they can do some blood tests for that. I think I had that around 16 weeks-ish. I have not even been offered spina bifida testing. May only be offered if there is a family history. I think that for me, I gained 4 pounds between my 16 week visit and 20 week visit. I don't even want to know what I have gained in the last month! I will find out next Wed though.
Angel: I believe that the scale in every doctor's office I have been to lies and is evil. This is why I prefer to weigh at home before I go to the doctor. So you are telling me there is more testing to look forward to? Great. I'm so ready for this kid to just get here so I can see with my own eyes if he/she is OK.
Jasmine - at least you can make an attempt at knitting! I can't knit OR sew, and there's a set of curtains I really would like for the nursery that require sewing (I haven't pinned them, really should have because now I have to search out the picture again :wacko: ) Of course you can steal the poms idea! I'm hoping to find someone who wants to help me make them, but like Vegas said, they're really easy (at least they look really easy, but I tend to muck up easy projects, lol).

Vegas, I do have a pin linked for the how-to on the poms! They do look really easy, just a matter of finding the willpower to give it a shot. I love all horror movies. I'm actually pretty jaded with them... I've seen sooooo many it's really hard to impress me with them.

Meli, do you know when you'll get the results? We aren't doing any of the testing. I don't know about him, but the way I see it is that if there's anything wrong that these tests would find, there is nothing we can do, and we'll love her like crazy anyway.

Angel, loving the clothes! You got me searching craigslist for clothes, lol. I really shouldn't be buying any right now though, we still haven't seen what we'll be getting from the nieces (SIL has said she has a ton of stuff, a lot still with tags). Besides, what I should really be searching for is maternity clothes. Quickly running out of anything that fits and the hairtie trick on my pants is starting to fail.

AFM, been feeling really off the last week or so. Really down, moody, snappy, irritable. :wacko:

No, I’m still waiting on results of the Maternit21 test. They did the blood draw on July 3, and said it takes about 7 business days. I’m hoping they will call me with good news by Monday July 15 at the absolute latest, but I plan to start calling them starting day after tomorrow (Friday). I’m so impatient!!

Again, asking about the gender was another thing that slipped through my mind at my appt. I always write down questions that I have before I go and I take that sticky note in with me, BUT if any questions come up during the appt, forget it!! I get too excited and it all flies out the window.

So, in a nutshell, I forgot to ask for all non-invasive tests, I forgot to ask the heartrate # (although we did listen to it) and I forgot to ask if the test results include gender. I am such a dork! Seriously, if it’s not written down, I forget to do it.

However, the research I’ve done on the test indicates that they do find out the gender. FX! I don’t want to wait another 3 weeks to find out if my gut is correct (or not)!

7 lbs in 5 weeks isn’t bad! Especially if you start out TINY like you did!


Thanks for the heads up about the other tests. Makes me feel better that it sounds like I didn’t let anything fall through the cracks, and more tests should be coming up at my next appt.


Show me the pic of the curtains you mentioned to Jasmine. I have a great seamstress who is really, really reasonable. Depending on the curtains you want, and how complicated they are, perhaps I can have her take a look at them.

Because of my advanced maternal age, I know that my dr is all for me doing all the testing. I just didn’t want to do any invasive testing, like CVS or amnio, due to the mc risk.

Sorry you’re not in the best of moods. Probably due to your job situation. I hope you get out of that funk soon :hugs:
Meli, I hope your results show gender! I'm excited to know if you're right and don't want to wait, either! :haha:

These are the original curtains I found - https://aboyagirlandapug.blogspot.com/2010/04/8-ruffle-curtain-tutorial.html

And some really good pics of shower curtains that I think provided the inspiration - https://www.elleapparelblog.com/2011/02/anthropology-ruffle-shower-curtain.html

Searching for the pic I also found these, which I think are cute too - https://www.craftingintherain.com/2013/04/ruffle-curtains-circle-ruffles.html

The first pic definitely looks doable.

I've also been eyeing these curtains! However, we have plantation shutters, so I guess curtains are out for us. We have glass shower doors, so it's not like I can have made for my shower.

Hey, I just thought of something. The room that will be the nursery has french glass doors. Right now I have sheer panel curtains on the doors. I wonder if I could do the ruffley thing for the french doors??

What are the measurements of your window(s)?

What color(s) were you wanting to do them in?
Meli: I totally blank on most of my questions every time I go to the doctor too. I'm excited to hear your results (esp. The gender). I doubt you would need any invasive tests. The only reason I tested is I just wanted to be prepared should anything be wrong, but we would love the baby no matter what.

Stef: that's a lot of sewing for those ruffle curtains! I sewed the curtains for Charlotte's room (last thing I sewed, in fact). And if I can sew anyone can. On the other hand, I've seen ruffle curtains being sold in a few places so you may be able to pick them up for a reasonable price. Also, check e-bay. They have everything! Sorry you are feeling down. Just try to focus on the positives and all the fun baby stuff. I was laid off from my job when I was 24 weeks preggo with Charlotte and I got pretty depressed. It helped to keep my mind on the baby and work on new projects.

Work has been crazy today. I think the baby is making me irritable. Of course it could be my co-workers ;). Is it 5:00 yet?!

I’m impressed that you sewed curtains! I can’t do that. I can sew buttons, I can sew most tears/rips, but I cannot do hems, for sure! For things I need cut and/or hemmed, I take them to the seamstress ($3)! Or, my mom can do simple hems for me.

Aww don’t blame poor baby G :hugs: I’m sure it’s your co-workers making you irritable :haha:
Stef, I am sorry you have been so moody, I almost cried twice yesterday.:wacko: I like the second link a lot. I think I have that pinned somewhere.

Melissa, I always flake out at the doctors with questions too! I try to write them down, but always feel so silly pulling out my pad.

Vegas, sorry work sucked today. I am also anxious for October to be here, because I am starting to get very excited!

So I want to tell you guys what happened when we went out to eat last night. We went to Golden Corral, which is a buffet here. It isn't great, but they have a lot of variety and Carter eats very well there. Anyhow, I went to get some steak and the conversation with the grill guy went as follows:
Me: What are your steak at now? (meaning medium, well, etc)
Him: None you can have. (he sees my belly)
I give him my crazy eye!
Him: You need it well done, right?
Me: Well medium well is fine with me
So he cuts one open and says
Him: "no"
Me: well let me see.
He then shakes his head and puts it aside. He grabs another one, cuts it and then shakes his head again and puts it aside. At this point, I can not believe this is happening and walk away without saying a word. I find my waitress and tell her to send a manager to my table. I tell him, and his jaw drops. He is as flabbergasted as I. He takes the guy off the grill, personally brings me a steak and refunds our money. I could not believe that guy was not going to let me have a steak because he didn't feel it was safe for me to eat. I was about to fly through the glass at him! I was so mad I was sweating and shaking!
Angel: well, on one hand it was nice of him to be concerned. On the other he needs to mind his own business and serve you what you asked for. I for one, am a horrible pregnant person. We cook steaks all the time and I won't even eat them if they are more than medium. So far this hasn't been an issue, but I do know there is some risk. Of course if you've seen that most recent YouTube video of that Golden Corral down here in Florida, you might avoid their meat all together. I'm glad the manager made things right. At least he knows you don't deny a pregnant lady food!

Wow..talk about that guy taking his job way too seriously! I can see why you’d be annoyed. Hopefully they just re-trained him on how to do his job and didn’t fire him. I’d get mad if someone tried to withhold steak from me! Don’t even try it (dh calls me a carnivore)!:haha:

Vegas & Stef,

How you doin? Feeling less irritable today?


Nothing much going on. I had an appt with the endocrinologist yesterday to check on my thyroid. She said the numbers from the blood draw came out great and I will see her again in 4 weeks. She called me today to give me the results, I didnt have to call her to follow up. Impressive! Not to mention she took alot of time with me and documented my medical history very thoroughly.

I think DH and I have eaten out for dinner almost every night for the last 2 weeks! That's horrible! But it's been too hot to cook anything for dinner.....

I pm’d Jen since she hasn’t checked in lately. Hope she’s ok!
Meli: hooray for 12 weeks and good test results. How hot has it been where you are? It's gotten a bit humid here, but it is Florida and this summer really hasn't been that bad. I hope we hear from Jen soon as I've been thinking about her. And, yes, I'm in a better mood today. Probably because my boss hasn't been around. Also, it's almost Friday!

Btw ladies, today is 7-11 aka free slurpee day from 11-7 at all 7-11's. Free 12oz slurpees to help cool us all off. I wasn't actually aware of this until a few minutes ago, but I may stop in.
OMG ladies I am so pissed off/irritated!!I just got a call from my dr office. The Maternit21 lab advised them that I need to re-take the test. They said there wasn’t enough of a sample provided-even though they took 2 vials of blood :nope: The nurse said that’s weird-they’ve done this test plenty of times and never had this problem. She suspects maybe something happened on the lab's end--perhaps a vial broke or something? I’M SO MAD :growlmad::growlmad::growlmad: I WAS SUPPOSED TO BE GETTING THE RESULTS IN THE NEXT COUPLE OF DAYS--NOW I NEED TO WAIT AT LEAST 7 MORE DAYS FOR RESULTS! Leave it to me and my body for a snafu like this to happen!

Thank goodness I don’t have to drive into work tomorrow to get this done since my mom can pick me up from work and take me back to dr's office tomorrow to get more blood drawn.
Meli: I'm so sorry. Ask if they can rush the re-test. They at least owe that to you.
Melissa, Yay to 12 weeks!!! I am glad to hear your thyroid numbers are good. I was told with my genetics test, (which I believe was the same as yours, just done by a different company) that there was a chance I might get no result and they would need to re-draw. What I think it means is that they weren't able to extract enough of baby's blood from yours. Sorry you have to wait longer though. I can't wait to find out what you are having. Currently you are the only one left to find out since meanie Vegas is planning to hold out on us and when Jen gets her bfp she is planning to hold out too. Did she respond. I hope she is doing well. We have been VERY fortunate in getting pregnant right away. We truly do realize how lucky we have been. I can't imagine how hard it must be to see bfn's month after month. I still pray for her every night and I hope it happens for her very soon.

Vegas, that stinks, we really don't have any 7-11's that I know of here:( I don't even want to watch that video. I currently like Golden Corral :blush: and would rather walk with my head in the clouds.

AFM, we went to Silver Dollar City today. It was fun, but so so so hot! 91 degrees today I think. My mom went with us, so she followed Cart around and pushed the stroller. No big plans this weekend, may go back to the water park, but not sure. Melissa, I forgot to refill my thyroid meds today and I don't have a pill to take tomorrow. Do you know if I get them first thing in the morning if I can take one in the AM and one in the PM?
I am starting to get really bad heartburn. I woke last night at 3:30 and 5:30 to take tums. I am going to take my zantac tonight, it is already hurting right now (eating Taco Bell doesn't help). This was the only thing that made me miserable when pregnant with Carter. I used to take the max dose of tums (10) and a zantac every night and it was still bad. I am not looking forward to dealing with that again, especially since I still have 15 weeks to go (can you believe it is only 15 weeks!!!!). We finally got our sneak peek on Tuesday, only two pictures of Carter. But hopefully only a week and a half and we will have them all. I am getting VERY anxious!!!
Here was our sneak peek. I noticed after we left the house that Jeff didn't put an undershirt on him, but it was too late to go back. I then later noticed that other button was undone and buttoned it about 30 minutes into our shoot.

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