June Angel Baby Mommas Hoping for Rainbows!!

Angel: those are very sweet photos! Can't wait to see the rest. I know I'm a meanie not finding out the gender, but I love a good surprise.

Afm: I'm having some issues with Charlotte and I'm hoping they have nothing to do with her knowing about the baby. The teachers at school say she won't listen to them at all. At home she is no more stubborn than usual, but she's been waking in the middle of the night either because she says she's scared or needs to pee. I always take her to the potty before we go to bed around 10 so she can pee and for months this has been enough for her to sleep through. Last night went in at 10:15 and her bed was soaked. She's never done that! She then got up again at 4:30 to pee (she has to come all the way across the house to do this so we will tuck her back in even though she has a bathroom two steps from her own room). I need my sleep and I need a secure child. Any suggestions?

Last week, it was between 105-108 degrees. It finally started cooling off Wednesday, but my Sunday we’ll be back in the 90’s. I guess I can deal with 90’s, but anything past that is too too hot! :growlmad:

Did you get your free slurpee and cool off yesterday?

I went this morning to get the new blood draw, and the nurse said that she will Fed Ex the samples today and indicate “re-draw”. Supposedly, that speeds up the process.

YES, you are a meanie with waiting til birth to find out gender :haha:

Actually, I kind of admire that patience. You obvs have more patience than I’ll ever have!

Ohhh..sorry to hear of those issues with Charlotte. I’ve never had to deal with this type of stuff. DS was 2 y/o when I met him and I don’t think he's ever had the waking up issue. He’s always been a good sleeper-even as a toddler--once he’s out, he’s down for the count! He’s a heavy sleeper to this day :thumbup:


I think you're right. You make a good point about the blood draw. I did some research and read the same thing--sometimes there’s not enough fetal dna in the maternal blood if it’s too early. Today I am 12+2 so that should be far enough along to extract what they need. I’ve come to see it as: as impatient as I am and irritated at the delay, I’d rather have the delay and have good results, and accurate results. I hope it’s a trade off :haha:

I’m glad your mom accompanied you to Silver Dollar City, since it sounds like she helped a lot with Carter, taking some of the burden off you.

Jen did respond to my pm! She said she will update us soon.

Regards to your thyroid rx, idk. I’m so sorry I can’t provide any help! However, since the instructions state to take it every day at the same time so that the level is pretty constant in your body, I wouldn’t double up on the dose. Maybe you could ask the pharmacist?

Sorry to hear of the heartburn. I know what you mean! Vegas turned me on to Pepcid and I swear by it.

Those pics of Carter are adorable! He is a doll :hugs:

Why oh why is she taking so long! Well, based on the sneak peek, I’m sure they will be worth the wait.

I wonder what will come first--my test results, or your pix?

Stef & Jasmine,

Where/how are you?
Hello Girls:

I am sorry I have been MIA lately. Things have been crazy busy and we have had something going on every night this week. Thankfully I have today off to get caught up on things. I am watching my almost 4 year old nephew so I just have a few mins to check in but I wanted to let you know I am doing ok and really appreciate all of your thoughts and prayers.

I really just had the one bad day (when af showed up). I seem to need one day to be mad and sad and disappointed that another month passed without a bfp. Once I have that day I seem to be able to get on with things and be positive again.

I am about halfway through my tww. I actually ovulated on my own without the trigger shot this month. The progesterone supplements are really doing their job. Last month for the first time I had a really high number on my cd21 test and this month I didn't need a trigger shot. Definite progress which is very encouraging. I had a tracking ultrasound last Thursday (which was cd14) and I had one big follicle. I likely would have triggered that day on a normal month but my doctor and the nurse that normally would do that were both away. I went in on Monday for a scan (cd 18) and they were going to trigger me that day. When I got my scan they saw that I had already ovulated. I am supposed to go today to get my progesterone level tested. I should get that result on Monday. So I ovulated sometime between Thursday and Monday. I estimate I am now somewhere between 5-7 dpo. Lets hope for another good number!!

Thank you so much for the candle Angel. We went to the lake on my angel due date (it was a Friday). That weekend was a long weekend (Canada Day is July 1 which is like the American 4th of July). So we had a nice weekend at the lake at my husband's family cabin. His mom and dad, sister and our niece and two nephews were up as well. The weather was pretty good and we had a really good day at the beach in the water on Monday before we came home. My husband of course had no idea what the day was (until I told him while we were having a bit of an argument in the car before we left for the lake). I had even mentioned it to him a couple weeks prior (and it falls on his mom's birthday) so he really had no excuse. I was a bit annoyed but I know he just thinks differently than I do. Its not that it isn't important to him. He felt really bad after I reminded him what the day was. It ended up being a pretty good day in the end. Although I wish that things had gone differently I have accepted that it wasn't meant to be. I wasn't sure how I would feel when the actual day came I was glad to know that I was ok with it.

I just know one of these months (soon) I will join you girls. Maybe this will be my month!! I do feel good about this cycle. We will know soon!! You girls will definitely be the first to know!!

Jasmine I am super excited to hear that you are having a girl. Its funny because it seems like in my life all the people around me are having boys. (My sister has four boys, my best friend just had a boy, my co-worker just had a boy two days ago). Everyone here so far is having a girl. Maybe Meli and Vegas will have boys to even things out a bit. When I think of me having a baby I definitely think I will have a girl. I don't know why, I just have always thought that.

I better post this and go entertain my nephew. Four year olds can get into a lot of trouble if they are left unattended (well he isn't unattended....but I don't just want him to watch tv all day....he is here to hang out with auntie!!). We were going to go to the pool today. It was 30 degrees C here the last few days. Of course, since I am off and want to go to the pool today the high is only 22 degrees and it is supposed to rain. We may still try to go. Or we might go to the park instead (as long as the rain stays away!!).

I will try to post more later. I have lots to respond to!!

It sounds like you are in a good place, both emotionally and physically. It is all so positive and encouraging--your body has definitely come around and started to cooperate :dance: That’s great that you ovulated on your own!!! I’m sure your progesterone number will come back high! :thumbup:

YES, you will be joining us soon with your bfp! I know it!

I hope it doesn’t rain and that you and your nephew have a blast, whatever you end up doing. They’re so much fun at that age!
Jen: congrats on ovulating on your own. Fingers crossed that this is your month. So chasing around after a four year old isn't enough to discouage you from wanting a child? Kids are great, but they are exhausting too!

Meli: because Charlotte got a bad report from school I did not take her to 7-11 as I refuse to reward bad behavior.
Jen: congrats on ovulating on your own. Fingers crossed that this is your month. So chasing around after a four year old isn't enough to discouage you from wanting a child? Kids are great, but they are exhausting too!

Meli: because Charlotte got a bad report from school I did not take her to 7-11 as I refuse to reward bad behavior.

Good call!
So quiet in here this weekend!

Vegas, I am sorry Charlotte is acting out. Do you guys talk about the baby a lot? If you haven't been then I wouldn't think it would have that affect already. What do I know. How has she been this weekend? Does she have all her teeth could one of those last molars be coming it, or maybe a growth spurt?

Melissa, I am glad they are going to rush the new draw. And yes, as much as my mom drives me CRAZY, she was very helpful at the theme park. It was really nice to just watch and enjoy. Also, I spoke to the pharmicist when I got my thyroid meds. He said that I could not double up my meds. I didn't like that answer because while my endocrinologist is okay with my numbers, I wish they were a little lower so missing one pill can raise my number and I didn't want that. So, I called my endocrinologist and he said that because the meds are so slow in entering and leaving the system that it was fine to take two one night. So I got two conflicting answers, not sure which one was really right, but being pregnant, I didn't want to screw around with my numbers so I took two. Hopefully it won't happen again while pregnant. If I weren't pregnant, I would have said oh well.
And hopefully I will get my pics first, but I am excited either way!!

Jen, I am glad you are feeling better and I am very happy to hear that your body seems to be doing a great job on its own! FX for your results Monday. I am also happy to hear that you took your angel's due date well.:hugs: The way you picture yourself having a girl, is how it was for me, only I pictured boys. Which of course is why I was SO shocked to hear girl! Hope you had fun at the pool, or at least had fun anyway if you didn't.

Stef and Jasmine, hope you guys are well.

AFM, I am starting to get super excited about having a baby. It feels like it hits me more each day and I am SUPER excited. But, I am extremely anxious too. I hate that we are in this house with no room for her and we have also been really scraping by without Charlie's money. Had we not had the vacation to pay for it would have been better, but I had already paid for a portion of it and didn't want to loose it. If I could ask for some prayers that Jeff gets a better paying job VERY shortly after graduating or that he gets moved up with his current job. And if he gets moved up, that the pay raise is worth it. Nothing else going on here. Here are a couple of pics. The first pic is of some stuff I got while pregnant last time, or between pregnancies. The second is of a couple other things I got on sale at Babies R Us.

The first pic has a carseat cover and bf cover. Also those shoes from the announcement pic and a Christmas sleep sack that I got for $1. The elephant onsie was from when I told Jeff about the angel pregnancy.
Angel: cute finds. I especially like the mermaid outfit. I suppose I need to pick up a few things if the price is right. I'll pray for Jeff. When does he graduate? May I ask what kind of degree he's getting? Also, I think you might be on the right track with growth spurt. Charlotte has been sleeping about 30-60 minutes longer in the morning so that usually equates growth spurt.

Afm: Saturday I turned 34. I don't feel like I'm quite that old. It feels like barely any time has passed since my 21st birthday. Ha! We had a great day together and I finally got a new laptop which means I could finally offload the 800+ photos from my camera so I can put together photo albums for 2012 and 2013. I was doing great with these until I ran out of memory on my old computer. Also, my charger only sometimes worked so it was just time. Although I have not started shopping for baby, I have started shopping for Christmas. I figure I'll be too big or busy in late November/early December to do it, so why not start now. Target has a ton of toys on sale so I'm saving money too. Now if I can just find a hiding spot until December 25th.
Meli, that sucks about having to do the blood test again! I hope they do get the results to you quickly, I'm dying to know! About the curtains, I'll have to measure the window. I found the curtain panel for about $30 after shipping... still seems like a lot to me!

Angel, those pics of Carter are awesome! He's going to be such a handsome young man. Loving the new clothes! We got a ton yesterday from Blake's mom. At the rate she is buying stuff, we won't need to buy anything, lol. I'll have to take some pics.

Vegas, I hope Charlotte starts behaving better. Sorry I don't have any advice! Has it gotten any better over the last few days? Yay for a new laptop! My extended warranty just ran out on mine, so I'm expecting it to spontaneously combust soon. That's how things usually work, right?

Jen, yay for o'ing on your own! Definitely a positive sign that things are headed in the right direction. :dust:

AFM, nothing to really report. Just been really down and tired and not feeling like doing much at all. I feel like I'm back in 1st tri, although not quite that bad. Heartburn has gotten worse (it's not horrible, just comes on more easily and wakes me up in the night). I feel extremely hormonal - depressed, sad, irritable, angry... As for other symptoms, my feet are swelling a lot and I've got a light linea negra starting. My boobs seem to have shrunk back down a little bit for now, not as firm. Boooo. I was beginning to like my bigger boobs, lol. Will be happy when they come back!

We went down to Blake's mom's to go swimming yesterday. People who say swimming is great during pg aren't lying. My back has been really sore lately from sitting at work / the 2 hours driving in addition to being pg... all pain gone in the pool. It was fabulous. And the kids weren't home so it was just us!

Had my latest midwife appt on Friday. Sienna kicked the doppler, little troublemaker!

Blake is a huge sucker for a cute face. He woke me up yesterday morning and my first reaction - "What did you do?" He was standing at the foot of the bed holding a kitten. She was wandering around our house, apparently a stray, and he took her in to give her food and water. Now she's living in our office until a friend of mine gets back from vacation (not until Sunday :wacko: ) to hopefully adopt her. I'm watching craigslist and a local missing pets website for anyone who may post her as missing and I'm going to get her scanned for a microchip. We're already growing attached to her, which is baaad. We can't keep another cat! Also, she has worms. Great! So now I'm contacting vets trying to see if I can get worm med without having to pay for an exam. :wacko: I'm pretty sure it's tapeworm but not 100% so I want the meds that treat both tapeworm and roundworm, which is only sold through the vets. I'm just hoping we don't end up not being able to give her away.
Someone knock some sense into me. This kitten has me in love. She's so damn cute and sweet. Took her to the vet yesterday, got flea meds (noticed a couple fleas on her yesterday when I got home) and deworming meds and got her scanned for a microchip (no chip). Totally fell in love with her yesterday. Got home from the vet and Blake was basically saying he wants to keep her. We decided we'll let my friend make the final decision - if she wants her, she adopts her. If not, we keep her. I was on my way in to the room we're keeping her in last night when I got a text from my friend saying she wants her. And then I got sad :( Stupid cat for being sweet and loving and stupid Blake for bringing her in...

Of course I will pray for you and your family’s circumstances getting better with Jeff’s graduation, whether it means getting a better job or getting promoted! :hugs:

Aww your outfits are so cute!!!


Happy Belated Bday :cake: ! Btw, you sure don’t look 34. Oh, and 34 ISN’T old (this coming from the soon-to-be 41 y/o)!

Nice bday gift ya got!

I like your idea of early Xmas shopping. I’m a planner so I may just do that. OR I may just use the excuse of being pg and busy to not buy as many gifts as I usually do. I ALWAYS overspend and I can’t help it :growlmad: I have a large family. We do a ‘secret santa’ for the kids and a separate one for the adults, but I still end up buying gifts for lots. Here’s a list: dh, ds, mom, dad, my 2 brothers, sil, niece and 2 nephews, my grandmother, my godson, mil, bil, my godmother. I spend at least $50 on each gift--that’s already $850 (I spend at least $100 on ds and ds gifts). Not to mention gifts for ds’s homeroom teacher, his band teacher, 3 of our neighbors, our mailman and our gardener, usually buy a few toys for the invariable toy drives that pop up….Come to think of it, maybe I will try to get out of gifts this year. Who am I kidding…I always give in :wacko:

GL on finding a hiding spot LOL!


Yay to getting bunch of clothes from Blake’s mom :thumbup:

Sorry you’re feeling down. Those damn hormones!! :hugs:

Don’t worry.. I’m sure your bigger boobs will be right back! I hate mine. They definitely get in the way of things now---I’m horrified to think of how big they will be when I give birth :nope:

I wish we had a pool…..I would so love it!

Aww…the visiting kitty sounds so cute! Perhaps it’s meant to be that your friend takes it furever….


Had a great weekend. it was my nephew’s 12th bday on Saturday so they had a swimming party/luau for him at my mom’s house. Sunday we just hibernated because it was so darn hot! :growlmad:

I bought an angel sounds monitor and used it last night. I heard my baby’s hb. At least, I think I did…but it seemed too easy to find it?? Like, it was right there. idk!? :wacko:

I have an appt with the perinatologist on Thursday afternoon. He is going to do the Nuchal measurement. Please keep praying for me and that my baby is healthy!
Vegas, he will have his MBA. His bachelors is in accounting, but the mba is business. He wants in the accounting field, but because he doesn't have any experience, he can't seem to get an interview for any of the positions that pay what he needs even though he has the knowledge. He has been stuck in the retail world for about ten years and really wants out. He can't afford to take starting pay for an accountant at 30-40k. He also wants to get his cpa, but we can't afford to do that until he gets a better paying job.

I am glad it sounds like a growth spurt and not the baby that is effecting Charlotte. Happy Birthday again and yay to a new computer! I really want to wipe this one clean and start over, but I need to same all my pics to disks first and it sounds like so much work! I will have to check out target and see what deals they have.

Stef, I am a sucker for kittens, so you will get no help from me. A friend of mine just got two kittens and said something about not being sure how long they will last before they get lost or eaten by a neighborhood tom cat. I couldn't believe how flippant she was about it. It broke my heart thinking about those kittens not being kept inside. But people have outside cats all over. She isn't a trashy or bad person and said she was getting them neutered. I don't know, I guess I just don't like the idea of outside pets.
I am glad your friend is willing to take her since you guys already have your hands full.
I am sorry you have been so tired and crappy feeling. I love swimming too. We have taken Carter tons already this summer. My LO always kicks the doppler too.

AFM, I have a mom's night out tonight with some girlfriends and I can't wait. I haven't been away from Jeff and Cart for more than an hour in over a month and I NEED a break! I got a groupon for the restaurant, so I am going to eat very cheap! And of course I can't drink, so that saves money too! I have been clearing out Carter's old stuff to sell on craigslist and tonight I am going to sell his crib bedding set. It kind of makes me sad. I know that I don't want to use it again even if we have a boy, so they is no point in it taking up space. Still a little sad though...
I have my next app tomorrow, no ultrasound or anything though. I will talk to him about my birth plan and about a vbac. I want to write down exactly what to expect in my upcoming visits. I also want to know when I get to see this bean again. I need another girl verification before I take tags off and start washing clothes!

Have fun tonight at your GNO!

You mentioned something about your computer and pictures on it. My cousin told me about a 'cloud' that you can sign up for. It's free to a certain extent (smaller memory) and you pay a monthly fee if you need more memory. I think this is what it does: it automatically downloads pix from your phone to your computer, AND to the cloud for storage. I could totally be wrong about this, I am so not a techie! Has anybody else heard of this and can shed some more light (and probably end up completely contradicting me lol)!

ANd there's prob a way to remove the pix from your computer and saving them without using disks. That WOULD take forever! I can ask our IT guys here at work. I'm sure they know.

You crack me up :haha: Still want to confirm girl?? Even after the genetic testing and ultrasound :wacko: We sure are funny creatures, aren't we!
Stef: I know you'll miss the kitten, but she is going to a good home.

Angel: wish I had some advice. Could he save up for the CPA exam as that very may give him a leg up. Most retail businesses employ accountants if he could just gear his resume to how his retail experience would help him be an effective accountant for their business.

I'm pretty sure it's ok to cut the tags off those clothes. So if you are selling some of Carter's stuff does this mean that two children is all you want? Forgive me if we've discussed this before.

Meli: we spend way too much on each other and family at Christmas and we also "adopt" a family at the holidays and buy for them as well. If I knew the ages of those kids I could buy for them now too. I could have killed Ben last year as he selected a three-month old and I had to go buy gifts for an infant right after my mc. Men are so stupid sometimes.

Afm: nothing much is going on today except that my boobs are about to fall out of this bra. This did not happen with DD. As I've always had small boobs dh is like the happiest guy alive. It's odd having cleavage for the first time ever.
Meli, I'm so tiny up top normally even a little growth made me excited. Not really complaining, though, I'd rather be tiny than huge and have back problems, etc.!

I would love to have a pool, too. Most of our neighbors do. He's talking about getting one someday, but first we'd have to do a bunch of work in our back yard, tear off our deck and replace it, blah blah blah. It won't happen for a long time, if ever.

Kitty is super cute, and such a sweetie. She isn't litter trained, but besides that, she's so well behaved. So sad to think of giving her away :(

If the heartbeat was pretty fast, it was LO's! At 11-12 weeks I started being able to place it right down and find the hb right away, so it doesn't surprise me you were able to! And I know your baby is going to be perfect!

Angel, I can't stand people allowing them outside, either. Ours are strictly indoors, unless we're letting them on the back deck when we are out there. There's just too much that can happen outside - cars, people, other animals, etc etc. Not to mention the havoc they can cause by killing birds and all that.

Have fun tonight! And I agree with vegas, I think you're pretty safe with taking those tags off!

Vegas, I had to giggle at your boobs comment. I felt the same way, first time cleavage! Blake hasn't noticed the shrinkage that I have, so I guess that's a positive. I also admit to fudging it a little and getting an amazing push-up bra :haha:
Vegas, we could try to save up, there just seems to be so much going on now. We need to move out of this apartment, we really need to get him a new vehicle and of course a baby is coming. We always think we have it together when ttc, then things somehow change or don't work like we think. The same thing happened with Carter.

Melissa, yay to finding the heartbeat!! I will certainly pray for a good test result!

Stef and Vegas, I would gladly give you guys some of my boobs! While they don't seem that big looking at me, but when I take my bra off, they are all floppy and in the way!

Jen, I hope your results were good.

Here is a menu for the place we are going, I am trying to choose between the Chili Relleno and the Cozumel. What do you all think?
Meli: I forgot to say that I too know your test will go perfectly. Also, it is a nice long scan so enjoy getting to watch baby move all around.

Stef: just so you know, it gets really depressing when you get to the point that your pregnancy is over and you stop breastfeeding and your boobs deflate (and go from small and perky to a wee bit saggy). Hopefully that won't happen to you.

Stop bonding with that kitten! All kittens are adorable, it's a fact! Just keep telling yourself that you are merely a foster mom and that you are just getting this kitten ready for its forever home.
Angel: they both sound great. I almost always order chili relleno, but the other sounds super tasty too. You have a coupon so buy both and take one home!

Ikwym about thinking you've got it all planned while ttc and then once you're pregnant everything changes. When I got pregnant with Charlotte we were both working at high-paying jobs in Vegas and by the time she got here we were living on Orlando on one income. It was a scary time, but we made it through and so will you.

Yay to a happy dh and bigger boobs! :thumbup:

I am so afraid of my boobs deflating!!! I swear I will get boob job/reduction/small implants if that happens to me. I think I will also get a tummy tuck if it’s ridic!

I lol’d at you commanding Stef to stop bonding with the kitty :haha:

You give some good advice to Angel (re the CPA exam) and also about your words of encouragement while downsizing when Charlotte arrived. It had to have been a scary time but you guys persevered!


Yah, dh talks all the time about things he wants to do to the house. I have to say, in the last 2 years or so, he's really come through with all he’s wanted to do. Now he wants to build a huge deck and install a palapa shade. Oh brother. I agree it would look nice, but I don’t think we’d get enough use out of it to justify the expense. BUT, a pool, I can support that!


Both entrees sound delicious. Now you made me crave Mexican food!!! Guess what I’m having for dinner?

Have you ever tried agua de horchata? It’s awesome! It’s a drink with rice and cinnamon. The best! Ask them if you can taste a sample before ordering it, just to make sure you like it. Agua de Jamaica is also awesome. Very refreshing, esp on hot days, however, stay away from it while pg. it’s not recommended, but I don’t remember why. It’s easy to make, but I stopped making it last summer. Havent had it in about 1 year. I also recommend the Flan (egg custard). That’s dh’s favorite Mexican dessert.

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