June Angel Baby Mommas Hoping for Rainbows!!

Hi girls!

Vegas - Glad the spina bifida test came back normal for you and I can't believe you're still in regular trousers! I feel huge now, there's no way I can get in normal stuff, I need to get myself a maternity swimsuit next as I'm stretching my regular one! Sorry to hear you have been having some issues with charlotte, I'm sure it's not too closely related to the new baby! I have finding Eva tough at the mo too, it's the bedtime thing with us, she seems to have some sort of anxiety about being left alone in her room even for a minute. We are finding ourselves sat on the uncomfortable landing for up to 3 hours a night! She is also sometimes using the excuse that she needs the toilet to get out of bed, and she also wet the bed the other night, I am sure she did it for attention! Maybe Charlotte is drinking more fluids with it being hot weather and she is learning how to get attention from going to the toilet? I think I make the mistake of tucking Eva back up and kissing her when she goes back to bed, I think the advise is just to be cool and put them back to bed with minimal contact but it's so hard! I have tried getting her a nightlight, being tough (but I always lose my cool, upset her and then feel guilty!) and have tried stickers but she's outsmarted me on those saying she doesn't want them, she would rather have me and daddy and puts them in the bin? 3 and a half is a tough age! Try not to get too anxious about it being related to the new baby, I doubt it is but I admit I'm getting stressed to wondering how on earth I'll have time for a new baby when madam Eva takes up so much! Well done you for not rewarding bad behaviour, that's easier said than done when they're throwing a huge tantrum! Happy birthday for Saturday too and Meli is right you look a lot younger than 34! I don't know all that much about icloud apart from what Meli said but i know that my macbook isn't compatible as the OS isn't recent enough?

Jen - My thoughts are with you and your angel with your recent due date. I'm glad that you managed to get away and go to the lake, that sounds lovely! Congrats for ovulating on your own, you're making amazing progress! Yes, another girl, it's mainly boys in our family, my OH's dad had 11 borthers and his 41 year old sister was the last girl before Eva! It's all nephews so it's nice to throw some girls into the mix! You're right about 4 year olds phewf!

Angel - Looks like you have been busy bargain hunting that 50 dollar bundle is an amzing deal! I've been doing the same, I've been buying some bundles from ebay. The one that arrived yesterday cost me the eauilvilent of 4 dollars, it seriously felt like daylight robbery, I felt sorry for the person selling it but then realised that someone else would have snagged it if I hadn't! It was all 0-3 months and it had so much stuff all from expensive places and it was all laundered, ironed and beautifully presented! I don't think I can buy new now I know how much I can get on ebay! I love the pictures of Carter, can't wait till the rest come in, not long now! I will keep Jeff in my thoughts x

Meli - Here I am! Sorry for being away all of time, we're having a nightmare with Eva's bedtime atm (see above), and I can't log on at work, then on my days off I'm so behind with washing and cleaning etc and having to entertain Eva, I'm exhausted all of the time! I'm always checking in and thinking of you girls though, don't worry! I'm sorry for the mix up with your test, I hope you get the results really soon, I'm also really excited to hear what they say about the gender! It would be funny if it was another girl! Exviting news that you found the heartbeat, if it's quicker than yours (you can listen to yours) then it's the heartbeat! I will keep you in my thoughts for your test but i also think your gummi bear is just fine!

Stef - Sorry to hear you have been feeling all moody lately, I have to say I have too! I've been getting really tired again like you, it must be the stage we're at and the heat! Sorry I can't help with the blanket, mine is nowhere near finished, I don't think I'll ever get my proper energy back, it's depressing me! I have started to go swimming once a week too, it's tonight actually, it's more to give me a break from the landing and the bedtime routine. Shane has a lot of work to do each night but it's all extra and he doesn't get paid extra, it's more to do with the fact that he is a workaholic and a perfectionist, I have insisted that he takes at least one night a week off from it to help me with eva whether he likes it or not so that I can swim and it's AMAZING! You're right, it feels so good to be weightless in the water and I love going in the jacuzzi between lengths! The kitten sounds cute but Vegas is right, you need to get unattached! You'll be too busy for a kitten very soon!

AFM, l'm having extreme paranoia that the baby is in fact a boy and she got it wrong! I think it's because the clairvoyants both said it was a boy but they did say that when I was pregnant with the angel so maybe they could have meant that? Idk, but I'm driving myself mad. So much so that i have booked a secret gender scan, I haven't told OH cos he'll go mad, we can't afford it but I just need to make sure it is a girl before I bond even more! I'm so excited about the thought of having two little girls but I need to know for sure! Our sonographer did say that she was as sure as she can be and that she had had quite a few checks, she even showed me the white lines but i can't shake the thought! Luckily it was only £39 for this scan as it's a quick ten minute gender scan and it's a week today, in the morning! I'll keep you posted! Other than that not loads going on over here, we're still having a heatwave which is great a proper summer at last even if it is a little hot, it's fine! Planning the nursery, struggling with Eva's sleep and fretting about the sex of the baby!

Take care girls x x
Oh I almost forgot, if it is definitely a girl, we have a name, a definite one this time!

It will be...

Violet Isobel or Violet Wren

Which middle name do you guys prefer? X x x
Angel, I can totally relate with everything changing when you become pg!

Lol @ your boobs being floppy and in the way. Just because the description is funny, of course!

What did you end up ordering at the restaurant?

Vegas, no saggy boobs! That WILL NOT happen! *crosses fingers*

I can't help it! The kitten is just so cute! Something happened yesterday that helped a bit, though. Not that I don't still think she's adorable and sweet, but it made me realize I really don't want to have to train another kitten. She HATES the litter box with a passion. She likes to pee on the office chair and poop on the cat tree. Yesterday I was sitting on the chair and she didn't know what else to do, so she went in the box. Yay! But then, when I wasn't in the room, she went WILD. Water from her bowl everywhere, and she pooped on the cat tree. But she didn't just poop. She either had explosive diarrhea, or she treated is as though she were in the litter box and scratched at it. It was on the cat tree, but also all over the walls behind the tree. What a MESS!

Meli, we have a huge deck right now, it spans the entire back of the house, but I don't think anyone ever sealed it, so the wood isn't in the best condition and houses a lot of bugs. We want to tear it off and make a smaller one (still large, just not MASSIVE like it is now), which will open up the backyard to more sunlight, too, so that would be great. If you had a pool, wouldn't you probably end up getting a lot of use out of the deck, too?

I second the horchata recommendation! Delicious stuff. Tastes like the milk leftover from Cinnamon Toast Crunch.

Jasmine, sorry Eva's been such a pain! Hopefully she calms down soon. Take me swimming with you! I'd love to go weekly, unfortunately it's just too much of a drive to add to all the driving I already do for work to go to Blake's mom's once a week anymore. She's about 1 1/2 hours from us now.

Don't worry about the blanket! I know all too well about lack of energy. I don't understand what people are talking about when they say they have a lot of energy in second tri!

Glad Shane is giving you a break to go swimming. Where do you go?

You and Angel are so silly with being worried the sex of your LOs is wrong! I've thought about that a little bit, but the tech went over it so many times and said she was 100% sure. When is the private scan you have booked?

I like Violet Isobel best, very pretty! I tried convincing Blake of the name Violet (and Isabelle!) before we came up with Sienna, he wouldn't go for it. Glad you are using it, I love that name!

AFM, feeling a bit better today. Still emotional, but in a sappy, stupid girl kind of way... which is not me in any way, so I hate it :haha: Better than being depressed, though.

We watched the new Evil Dead last night. I liked it. Really gory and twisted. I remember not liking the originals, but I may have to go back and watch them again. This one seemed more creepy, less cheesy, though. Not recommended at all if you can't sit through a good horror, it was DEFINITELY creepy. And if blood gets to you, I wouldn't watch it either, because there was A LOT of it. One of my all time favorite movies is Dead Alive (aka Braindead), which had the most fake blood ever used in a horror movie, and it was RIDICULOUS, but I think Evil Dead may have outdone it. And yep, just Googled it and it did! Not that anyone cares, lol.
Jasmine: I love the name Violet. As for the middle name, I think I prefer Wren, but they are both nice.

Ok, so about Eva's sleep; we went through the same thing back in January. It was awful and even once she was asleep she would wake up multiple times in the night and it would start all over. We did a few things that helped. We bought a nightlight. We bought a fan to create white noise (part of the problem started with New Year's fireworks). We sat silently outside her door until she fell asleep (I made the mistake of sleeping with her in her bed one night and that was a disaster). We made sure to get all of the excuses out of the way before bed: read book, go potty, sip of milk, etc. When she got back up I'd take her back without speaking to her. We also bought her a glow worm which I told her would protect her and keep her company. At some point it all worked out and she started going to sleep without tears and she stays in bed. Three year olds are tough and they have a mind of their own. Good luck!

Stef: thought about you this morning when I came across a puppy that had been abandoned or lost here at work. Looks like she is about eight weeks old and a black lab mix. Our site super had already discovered her this morning and called animal control to pick her up, but I wanted nothing more than to take her home with me. I did pet her for awhile, but that was it. I've already got my hands full with two dogs already.
Here is my gender reveal!!!
Here are the rest of my pics, if you need a password, it is jafam342.

Jasmine, I love the name Violet Wren. So different, you never hear Wren here. So did you already have the private one? That is great that you have been able to find such great deals too! I am sorry you are still having such trouble at bed time. I wish I had some suggestions. This was happening before your move too right?

Stef, I ended up getting the Cozumel, something fried was sounding too good to pass up. I also ordered the queso dip and the Choco loco dessert. I did order the horchata, but they were already all out of it for the day.:cry: I guess I will just have to go back for lunch one day! I ate way too much though and was miserably full all night. Well worth it to get a night out!
And what a nightmare with cat diarrhea on the cat tree and pee on your chair! Yuck!
Can you give me a good recommendation for a horror movie that is NOT gory and is just a genuine good ghost story?

Vegas, how cute about that puppy, I don't know that I could have given it up. I am just as much a sucker for puppies as I am for kittens!

So let me know what you guys think of my pics. Some I don't like and my face looks really fat in, but overall I really like them.
I will reply to all later, but just wanted to quickly say:


BEAUTIFUL pictures! I saw them all. They are gorgeous. You have a beautiful and handsome family :hugs:

I also love the backgrounds, the poses, the lighting/time of day was perfect! Your photographer is a pro!
Angel: love your announcement! It's perfect. The rest of the photos are great too. Are you ordering them from the photographer or do you get a cd where you can print them yourself? If you do get to print them yourself go to mpix.com as they are used by professionals, have reasonable prices and super fast delivery. I need to find a family photographer here as Ben wants get photos before baby arrives.
Vegas, I agree with Angel, I don't know if I could have let the puppy go! I'm not a dog person, but when they're puppies... it's different!

Angel, choco loco droooool. Don't even have to look at the menu to know I want one, lol.

Hmm good ghost story... I really love some of the classics - The Shining (1980, not 1997), Poltergeist (1982), Amityville Horror (1979). If you're looking for something newer, Sinister (2012) was pretty good. Insidious (2010) was decent. If you're into the tongue-in-cheek (think Ghostbusters, Beetlejuice) style, I love The Frighteners (1996) (not scary). If you don't mind subtitles, I really liked The Orphanage (2007), but it's in Spanish. I'd say Sinister and Insidious are of the more "scary" style, while The Orphanage is of the more "spooky" style, if that makes any sense. If you're into the "spooky" style, a lot of people love The Others (2001), but I just didn't get into it (not really a Nicole Kidman fan, though, so that might've done it).

Also, I LOVE your pics, they're gorgeous! And that one of Carter is way too freaking cute.

AFM, so we watched the original Evil Dead last night because I thought maybe I just hadn't given it a fair chance when I saw it years ago. Bleh. Still don't like it much. I normally love older horror, they focus more on storyline than effects, but this one is just sooooo cheesy I couldn't get into it... and I normally get a kick out of the cheesy, too!

Blake realized how stressed out I've been yesterday and surprised me with cupcakes (my favorite thing in the world, remember? lol).

22 weeks today!
Thanks everyone!

Vegas, I forgot to answer you before- I want more kids, but I know me and I know I will still buy lots new so I went through all Carter's stuff and got rid of about a tubs worth, but we still have 3-4 in storage. Also, I do get a cd with print rights. I usually go to Sams or Walmart for prints.

Stef, thanks for the recommendations. I did actually like Sinister. Jeff had to leave for work late or fell asleep or something and I finished watching the second half by myself, freaked me right out! I also LOVED Frighteners! I thought I was the only one!
Nope, The Frighteners is an AWESOME movie! I wish I had more ghost movie suggestions for you, but I'm more of the zombie / gore horror movie type! I'm also really jaded with horror and not easily impressed.
Hi ladies, just a quick check in until I can respond properly tomorrow from work. Baby was not cooperating. He is standing on his head lol. They couldn't get the measurements they needed. maternit21 results still not ready! They said results still pending. I've gotta scrape up some MORE patience. She said HOPEFULLY by next Tuesday or Wednesday I should know the deal. So pls keep us in ur prayers!


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Lovely pic Melissa! I will say some extra prayers! I know you can muster up some more patience, after all, I waited 10 weeks to announce the sex of mine (to family at least) after my genetic test! So if I can wait that long, I know you can wait a week.:hugs:
I hope that didn't sound mean, I didn't mean it like that!!!:flower:
Hi ladies, just a quick check in until I can respond properly tomorrow from work. Baby was not cooperating. He is standing on his head lol. They couldn't get the measurements they needed. maternit21 results still not ready! They said results still pending. I've gotta scrape up some MORE patience. She said HOPEFULLY by next Tuesday or Wednesday I should know the deal. So pls keep us in ur prayers!
So, I am finally in double digits today!!!

Also, I wanted to tell you guys a funny Carter story. He loves to run around without his underwear after going pee. Well now that he naked on bottom a lot, he also likes to play/mess with his penis.:wacko: Well one day he was pulling on the outer skin, like pulling it over the head. I said "what are you doing?" and he said" trying to put my penis back in my bag!". I about died laughing!!

Also, someone please make me tell my son about this baby!!! I am so scared to tell him, it makes me practically cry every time I think about it. I need to do it asap though because complete strangers at stores are starting to try to talk to him about it!
So I just told him. It wasn't awful. Lets see if he even remembers.:wacko:
Meli, grrr for having to wait longer! I just know everything is fine, though :) I'm just curious to see what is says about the sex!

Angel, omg hahahaha my boss was standing right behind me when I read what Carter said and I had to hold my laugh in. Yay for double digits! Glad telling Carter went ok. Did he just think you were getting fat? :haha:

AFM, I'm so ready for my friend to pick up this kitten (Sunday or Monday, depending on when she gets home from vacation on Sunday). She absolutely refuses to use the litter box. She's pooped on the cat tree, the walls, the floor, the chair, a towel on the chair, the desk (including on top of important papers which she somehow managed to hit in spite of them being hidden under the keyboard... and not hitting the keyboard?)... I put together a spray (Dawn dish soap, peroxide and water) that seems to be getting the smell out but I won't know for sure until she's gone and we can clean up the whole room for good. Just hoping it doesn't stop Sonny and Capone from using the cat tree, it was one of their favorite spots.

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