June Angel Baby Mommas Hoping for Rainbows!!

Meli: your baby has the cutest belly. I'll give you some if my patience. I just know your baby is perfectly healthy. As you'll recall my lo wasn't totally cooperative and they kept shaking my belly to get a better measurement. The blood test will tell you all you need to know. Just a little while longer. Besides most of that is weekend so you'll be distracted.

Angel: lol about Carter. This is why I'd feel odd about having a boy. How do you as a woman deal with penis issues/questions/maintenance? Congrats on being double digits!

Stef: glad the kitten is making sure you don't get attached. Lol.

Afm: I'm at a conference in St. Petersburg today and tomorrow. Ben and Charlotte will join me later today. My hotel is supposedly haunted, but I'm on the third floor and the 4th and 5th floors are the haunted floors. Thought you'd appreciate this, Stef. Also, I hear there is a movie coming out today. "The Conjuring" that is supposed to be the scariest movie out in over a decade. I'll wait until it comes out on DVD, but I thought I'd share what I had heard for those of you who like scary movies. In baby news, I'm feeling movements several times of day now.
Vegas, if I were you, I'd do some ghost hunting up on the 4th and 5th floors. I've totally done that in hotels that seem like they'd be haunted, lol. I've even gone for a group ghost hunt at an old no longer used bed and breakfast style place, that was a total bust because there were way too many people, but still fun.

We're supposed to go mini-golfing with some friends this weekend, but if they flake, I'm totally going to see about going to The Conjuring. The reviews so far are great.

YAYYY for movements!
Vegas, enjoy St. Petersburg!
As for penis maintenance, I just make sure to pull the skin all the way back to clean it. He is circumcised, so I don't know if that makes it easier. Also, we make sure to use the right word. That way if one day he comes home calling it some weird name, we can say "hey, where did you get that!!" The worst part is now that he is potty trained and playing with it ALL the time!! I don't want to give him sexual issues, so I say "please stop playing with your penis right now." Instead of "Stop! That is gross!", which is what I want to say!
I have seen "The Conjuring" previews and it looks super creepy!
:happydance:Yay to daily movements!! Today we had a fire station tour and they turned on one of the alarms and it woke my lo right up!

Stef, that reminds me, while thinking of scary movies, do you know of any good movies like "Skeleton Key". I really liked that one.
I am sorry about the kitten, I know the smell must be icky with our super sniffers!

Omg your kitty now sounds like a nightmare! I hope you guys are able to get the smell completely out once she’s in her new home. I like how vegas put it: "good thing she is helping you not get attached" :haha:

Ha ha I can totally imagine you ghost hunting, especially with your love of scary movies.

I’m gonna have to see if The Orphanage is available on Netflix. Our new tv came with the direct hookup to Netflix so even a techie challenged person like myself can do it!

Hey, how tall are you? I know you look tiny framewise, but curious as to how tall you are?

Have fun mini-golfing (or at the movies)!


Has Carter mentioned his baby sister, since you broke the news?

Yay to double digits :thumbup:

Yah, as vegas mentioned, I am afraid I would have the same concerns with ‘penis’ issues. I guess the responsible thing is to respond the way you described, although I am tempted to yell “honey, ds has a question for you”!


Yah, they kept shaking my belly also, but no dice. He was kind of standing on his head, and was at an angle-as opposed to being sideways, iykwim? I wish I would have known to eat or drink something right before to wake him up.

Awesome that you’re feeling more movement :thumbup:

Btw, off topic but I thought this was funny and had to mention it: we rented “Identity Thief” last weekend. I believe Melissa McCarthy’s character lives in Winter Park, FL. When this was mentioned, I believe Justin Bateman’s character made a derogatory remark about Winter Park. Angel, perhaps you remember this scene? Anyways, I could be wrong, but I told dh “HEY! I think that’s where vegas lives”!?! Anyways, I don’t understand the comment because the scenes they showed of it, looked beautiful!?

Have fun at your conference. Being so close to the ‘haunted’ floors, I hope the ghosts don’t go hunting for you LOL! I actually believe in ghosts, I saw one with my own eyes in our house years ago, in my 20’s, and my mom saw the exact same thing around the same time period. That’s when I knew I was not going crazy. For a while, I thought I was losing it! SO, to people who say “ I don’t believe in ghosts”, I say, “I used to think that way too. Actually, I never believed, or disbelieved…but once you actually see/experience one for yourself, then it’s hard to disbelieve any longer”.


no fun plans this weekend. Tomorrow I have to take the car in to the dealer for service, then we are going to the store we own for a few hours. It’s usually about 10-15 degrees hotter than where we live. JOY! Like it’s not hot enough where we live, we are actually driving somewhere hotter :growlmad:

Then Sunday we will be driving 2 hours round trip in the opposite direction. It’s MIL’s bday and where she lives, is the same situation: 10-15 degrees hotter. OUCH! So this weekend won’t be much fun :nope: I will be happy if I can get my laundry done in addition to all that driving around and being everywhere but home. On the plus side, we’re going to tell her about the baby so I am looking forward to that :happydance:

Wow..can’t believe someone put up a wood deck but didn’t seal it?? Wth is wrong with them :dohh:

Idk that we would use a deck too often because it would get the sun most of the day, and when it’s hot, it’s hot ! so either we would be in the pool or back in the house lol!

You had a good description of the horchata (leftover milk from cinnamon toast crunch)! I couldn’t have described it better myself.


I vote for Violet Isobel!! It’s a beautiful name.

You make me lol at your secret gender scan :haha: Talk about extreme paranoia! I think you’re right--the clairvoyants were prob referring to your angel!

Vegas gave some great suggestions. I hope Eva’s sleep patterns straighten out soon-especially for the sake of your sanity :hugs:
Angel: I forgot to say earlier that I'm pretty sure that Carter will sort of go on with his life without thinking about the baby unless you continue to bring it up. He's three and at that age kids are pretty self-centered which is fine. Although Ben spilled the beans to Charlotte I don't intend on making that much of it until we get within a month or so of the due date. Maybe that's the wrong approach, but she keeps asking about her birthday and that's seven months away! No need to get them all riled up about the baby too!
Meli: in Identity Thief none of the scenes were actually filmed in Winter Park. Winter Park is one of the oldest winter vacation spots in Florida and is generally very upscale and very beautiful with all the oak trees with Spanish Moss and many of the roads are paved with brick which is unique. We like it.

I wouldn't blame yourself for baby not being in the right position, they sort of do whatever they want (and will continue to forever).
winter park sounds beautiful! I wonder what that comment in the movie was all about :wacko:

that's exactly what the dr said: Baby will do what they want, and it only gets worse as they get older LOL

Dr was a good schmoozer. Both dh and my mom go to all my appts. This was the first appt where my mom and dh took turns coming to see the monitor (usually it's just dh who is in the exam room with me).

When dh came in, the dr tells him "Yup, she's pg. And the baby looks like you"

after a few minutes, dh left and it was my mom's turn. Dr tells her "Baby looks like grandma". That's also when he said "Baby is going to do what they want to do and it just gets worse as they get older. Baby isn't cooperating so better start getting used to it" :wacko:

That's when my mom said "I know what you mean" HA, she's funny :haha: I believe she was referring to me lol

he was a funny dr. :haha:
Yeah, they say it is the "worst place in America". Based on your description Vegas, it sounds pretty darn nice! Brick paved roads! I would love it! So quaint!

Carter has not mentioned the baby, other than when I was looking at my belly he said "what's in there?". I don't think he will bring it up until we do. I honestly would not have told him until a few weeks before the due date, but stupid strangers feel its okay to talk to random kids....

Melissa, hope you have at least a little bit of fun this weekend, even with the heat. It has been around 95 here. Today when Cart and I got home from our play date, my bra and undershirt, with a built in bra were soaked, as well as my undies. I am having a massive sweating problem!
My newest lot of clothes, all of it under $20! And all the fleece outfits are newborn. I am feeling pretty good about my thrifty finds! But I am super depressed today about living in this shitty ass apartment. As you can tell this is the start of a pity party... I am really feeling the nesting urge and there is just no room to do anything here!! I had all my baby clothes in a big babies r us bag, aside from that $50 lot, I had those in two of my dresser drawers. I really wanted to be able to see them easily, so I cleared out the bottom rack of our closet. I put them there, then hated it. We added the rack because the closet is so small, but is only two feet off the ground, so they looked all crowded and dark down there. So then I cleaned out a space in the play room closet. It is used as storage and for dresses and Jeff's t-shirt (our closet now, is less than half of what we had). They still look all crowded and it is just making me so upset that there is no space for her here. It's like she will be an after thought here instead of part of our family life, with all of her stuff just shoved everywhere.:cry: Okay, let me put on my big girl panties now.

Angel: I'm sorry you are in limbo between an apartment you dislike and hopefully a new home soon after baby arrives. We moved from our home of four years right before Charlotte was born and I hated not being able to really do a nursery in the old house and then being in a rental where I couldn't do everything I wanted. Just think, babies don't care what their room looks like, just that they are being cared for. I know it sucks, but it's just a short term situation.

WOW!! Where are you finding all these good deals?? Good for you!! :thumbup:

Sorry you’re feeling down :hugs: …I guess it’s normal to feel the way you do. Not just because the circumstances you are currently in are crappy, especially compared to the house you used to live in before, but your hormones probably don't help the situation.

Vegas makes good points. I can’t really add much to it, except to say, just look at the positives. Things could be much worse. Truly, they can. You, Jeff, Carter and McKinley (I think that’s what you called her last time)? all have your health, thank God. That’s the most important part of the puzzle. Come what may, you will deal with. And your babies will be/are so loved!

I know nothing we say will make you feel better. I hope you felt better just by venting. :hugs:

How is everyone else doing?
Angel, I know I've seen The Skeleton Key, but I don't remember much about it, so I did some researching for movies that other people who liked it like. Here's some I found - The Reaping (2007), The Believers (1987), The Gift (2000), The Messengers (2007), Mirrors (2008), Session 9 (2001) - none of these have great reviews (6.6 and below on IMDB), but I can't say anything about most of them personally. I've seen The Gift, but don't really remember much about it either! Mirrors was ok. Session 9 I've been meaning to watch, just haven't yet. Others recommended with better reviews were (and there's some duplicates from ones I've mentioned before) - The Others (2001), The Orphanage (2007), The Wicker Man (1974), Rosemary's Baby (1968). There were some other recommendations, but I'm not sure why they were included... like The Descent (2005), which I liked, but it's kind of gory, and not really of similar style to what I remember from The Skeleton Key.

If you're into vampires at all, Let the Right One In (2008) was really good. Not your typical vampire movie. It's foreign, though. It was remade in English (Let Me In, 2010), but I haven't seen that one yet. I'm going to take a wild guess it's not as good (remakes usually aren't!). Also LOVE Interview With the Vampire (1994), just thought I'd throw that in there :)

Loving the new clothes! I'm sorry you're feeling that way about the apartment, but Vegas is right, the baby isn't going to care about the apartment being small or her stuff being cramped. And it IS only temporary!

Meli, I love ghost hunting! Blake doesn't even believe in ghosts, but something tells me he'll come around eventually. His niece, who is turning 5 next week, has been talking about her "ghost friends" at her house for awhile now. Considering she doesn't know what ghosts are, it's a little odd she's calling her "imaginary" friends that. I've had a number of ghostly experiences, so I'm a true believer.

I checked and The Orphanage isn't available to stream on Netflix. Booooo. Worth a rent if you can find it, though!

I'm 5'5".

Did you like Identity Thief? I was expecting so much more considering the actors. It had it's funny moments, but overall, just seemed to drag on too much.

AFM, we didn't go to the movies OR mini golf this weekend. The mini golf place just didn't look fun, definitely geared more towards kids, and not in the fun kind of way... it was just ehh. So we ended up going to this place that has an arcade, bars, restaurant, bowling etc. We were going to do cosmic bowling like we had a month or so ago, but they didn't have a special going on and the cost was just outrageous. Next time we'll go back on a Friday, when they have the special, which is A LOT cheaper. We did have fun acting like kids in the arcade, though (think a mini Dave & Buster's).

My friend is coming for the kitten today! I'm going to miss her cuteness and one of our cats enjoys playing with her when we let her out to roam around, but I'm happy there will be no more poop clean up! The last couple days haven't been too bad, she's still going wherever she pleases, but being on a regulated diet has finally kicked in and her poops have become more solid, so they aren't so bad to clean up. We picked up some odor neutralizing spray I plan to go over the room with once she's gone, so our kitties should have their room (the office is their favorite place because of the cat tree) back by tomorrow once I have everything cleaned up. I've been cleaning every time she does her thing in there, so hopefully it just takes wiping everything down one more time and vacuuming the cat tree again! Glad she's going to a good home, she's going to have the crap spoiled out of her. I honestly think she's going to get more attention than my friend's husband for awhile, lol.

Die, heartburn, die. :wacko:
Hi ladies,

I JUST got the call from my dr’s office. Maternit21 test results are in…..everything is good, and it’s a :blue: ! I knew it!!!

I am so relieved that the news is good. I cried here at work when I got the news. I can’t wait to get home and tell dh because I want to tell him in person. I don’t want to tell the rest of my family until I tell dh because someone will put it on fb, and although neither myself nor dh are on fb, you know how it goes…

Thank you for all your prayers and positive thoughts. I AM ON CLOUD 9.


How weird about your niece and her imaginary friends! I truly believe kids are more open to things, AND spirits seem to seek them out, idk because they are more open, or because the child’s heart is still pure.

I also checked on the Orphanage via streaming on Friday. Not available--boo!! We will definitely try to rent it. We did watch The Skeleton Key (thanks Angel)! and that was cool. We will definitely check out some of your other suggestions.

You’re 5’5”? Rats! I asked because I have a couple of dresses that I bought but they are just a smidge too short for my liking. I was going to pass them on to you but if you’re the same as me, I guess there’s no point. Unless, how short do you wear casual dresses?

I did like Identity Thief. I thought it was funny, not as funny as Bridesmaids, but still funny. Great for a rental, I suppose. However, I think Justin Bateman is a hottie, so that helped!

I’m glad you had fun in the arcade. Did they have the old school games (ms pacman, centipede)? I miss those!

Yay to the kitty going to it’s furever home! I'm sure you will miss her but you’ve got enough cats to take care of--especially with Siena!
Yay for a healthy boy!!! Are you still going to do a scan to confirm? More pics, more pics! :)

Kids are definitely more open to those kinds of things. My parents (well, my mom, anyway) never discouraged that openness in us (my dad doesn't believe, so that was a damper, but he never discouraged us from being open minded ourselves). My brother has a really strong sense with that kind of stuff still. I do a bit, but not nearly as much as he does.

As for dresses... how short are they? Lol. I'd say I usually won't go higher than a couple inches above the knee.

The arcade didn't really have the old school stuff, it was more like ... well if you haven't been to a Dave & Buster's, I'm not sure how to explain... there's the skeeball stuff, basketball, those kinds of things, then there's the ones where you can race cars, motorcycles, shoot at things, the games where you can compete in trivia, there was a giant digital Connect 4 which was pretty cool... a GIANT claw machine...

Speaking of old school, we saw an old school Ninja Turtles full sized arcade game for sale at a video game store. How COOL would that be?! Too bad it was $2000!
I will reply properly later but yay to a boy!!!! We needed a little testosterone in our group!!! I am so happy for you. Boys are so fun! And they LOVE their mommas!! I would have been perfectly happy to two boys, or three or four...

We haven't chosen a name yet, but have decided to nickname her Larry after Larry the Cucumber from Veggie Tales (Carter's name choice).
Meli:congrats on your HEALTHY baby boy!!!! I'm so happy for you. Now you can start seriously thinking about names.

Stef: I saw both versions of "Let the Right One In", but the book was way better. I prefer reading horror type books to watching the movies (like "American Psycho" or any of Thomas Harris' books). "Rosemary's Baby" was really good though it is old-fashioned. To me "The Ring" was scary. I also liked Gothika. Have you ever seen a movie called "The Changeling"? I saw it when I was about 12 and at the time it totally freaked me out.

Afm: well for reasons unknown I am so excited that the royal baby has arrived, but I was sort of hoping for a girl so we'd (they, England) would have a future king. No news on my part other than the fact I went looking for a maternity bathing suit yesterday, found nothing I liked, and was pretty depressed at the sight of my body as it reflected back at me. Of course, Target dressing rooms aren't exactly the most flattering. We are going to another conference this weekend, my husbands, and there is an all-day beach party on Saturday. Yikes!
Angel, lol@ Larry.

Vegas, was Let Me In as good as Let the Right One In? I haven't read the book. I haven't seen The Changeling... I'll have to check and see if it's on Netflix.

I'm not a one piece or tankini type of person, so I went and got a couple bikinis that fit (the ones I had, which I LOVED, don't fit my butt anymore :( )

So the annoying lady here was just talking about the pregnancy announcement she got from her nephew and his wife. They spent about $2 per announcement to mail them (not counting the supplies to create them (they put a robin's egg with a note "We're eggspecting" in a box inside another box), and they are due in March. I heard that and had to figure out how far along that meant they are because I realized it couldn't be very far... they can't be much more than 7 weeks. With past experience, I find it crazy to announce so early, especially with such an elaborate announcement... I hope for them that everything goes well. I can't help but think about those kinds of things when I learn people are early in pg... it just baffles my mind that there are women who get pg, stay pg, never experience troubles. It just seems odd to me (obviously in a good way for them, I just can't help but EXPECT some sort of troubles).

Kitten is in her new home. She was nervous the second my friend walked in the house (she was literally attacking a couch pillow when she walked in, and then she jumped off the couch and sat still and quiet until they coaxed her back). I got pictures last night, though, of her cuddling with my friend, so that's great. My cats are really confused. Sonny, who was playing with her like crazy whenever she was out seems sad. He follows me around and searches for her.
Hey everyone,

Ill reply tomorrow after my scan in the morning! Things are mental busy here at work as we're designing a one off royal baby magazine and as you can imagine its all go today to get it to print!

I just wanted to say though, Melissa, I'm so thrilled to read your amazing news a healthy baby boy! Congratulations! You'll have to try and persuade OH to go with Eric now and you were right all along!

Speak soon x
Stef: that does seem soon for a formal announcement. Like you, I hope all goes well, but personally I would have waited until 12 weeks. I think I preferred the Swedish version of Let the Right One In to the American version even though I like the American actors.

Glad kitty has a new home so you can keep yours clean!

Angel: love all of your new photos. Carter looks so grown up.

Afm: I'm not sure if it was the full moon or something else, but baby G was moving a ton yesterday. Today not so much, which is fine since I didn't exactly enjoy when baby was kicking me in the girl parts. Lol.

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