June Angel Baby Mommas Hoping for Rainbows!!

Stef: Hooray on the move and the engagement ring! Sorry Gracie hasn't come home. She is so beautiful.

Jasmine: I totally see lines on those top two tests. Maybe go out and buy a first response to use tomorrow as well. If I think I have a line I always go out and buy another brand just to double check. If you've got milk coming out I would have no other explanation than a bfp. Again, I think it is bfp.

Angel: Veins and shortness of breath were my only two symptoms with the last pregnancy until about week eight when my nausea set in. Have you tested again today to see if it has gotten even darker?

Meli: Saw on the news this morning that they caught that guy up in Big Bear. Super scary. Glad your family was nowhere near there while all this was happening. Are your temps still up? I still think you've got a good chance.
Stef, good to see you back, sorry about Gracie hunny and keeping everything crossed for your tests the next few days too! How you feeling about the new house? Bet you're exhausted! Also, I hate it when the OH's decide they could hapily wait to ttc, they have no idea do they!

New house is great! It's a HUGE mess right now with all our crap spread everywhere, but we got our fridge delivered yesterday and OH went grocery shopping after I went to bed so we finally have food! Can't wait until I have time to help unpack and clean up. I know he's saying to wait with good intentions... but that just frustrates me! Waiting... GRR! Knowing him if I'm not pg this month, he'll end up not talking about it at all and we'll BD when I'm o'ing anyway!

I hope those fortune tellers are right about a little boy for you! FX!


Hour commute sounds exhausting. GL on getting a new gig soon!! I hope Gracie does show up soon to give you some peace.

:dust: FX for tomorrow’s test! :dust: Hopefully the hcg will be strong enough to show on an IC!!

Congrats on your new ring! It sounds lovely! How cute that he couldn’t wait until Vday. Sounds like me-impatient lol!

I hope she does, too. I'm missing her a lot today, feeling teary eyed out of the blue (hopefully a sign of pg and not af!).

Yeah he is super impatient, he gets excited. He gave me my bday presents way early, Xmas presents way early, lol. He had planned on proposing on New Year's Eve and couldn't wait and did it two days early. He gets like a little kid with surprises, it's cute.

vegas, thank you. That pic is a few years old and doesn't show how beautiful her eyes are - they're a bright gold.

Another BFN with cheapies this morning. Wanted to use a FRER, but the box in the cabinet was empty. Apparently I used them all before and didn't throw the box away for whatever reason, so I have to wait. Trying to hold my pee all day, last went at 7 this morning... 3 hours in and I have to go sooo bad lol. Have to wait until at least 2:30ish, get out of work at 2 and can pick up some tests when I leave (that is, if af doesn't show up before then). No signs of af, but also no really noticeable pg symptoms outside of what I had before. :shrug:

How is everyone doing today? Will you all be my Valentines? :flower:

I totally see the lines!! Had you not done the test with the water (brills, btw, I never thought of that b4) I would totally be inclined to think they were evaps, BUT with those test results, and the leaking nipples, high temps--You HAVE to be pg!! those fortune tellers were right! I’m getting chills!!Can’t wait to see tomorrow’s darker lines! :dust:

I was rofl when I read your question about posting a piccy of leaking milk! You’re funny!


Your symptoms keep getting more and more promising! :dust: That’s awesome!! When are you posting today’s test???:test::test:


Yes, they think that guy died in the fire. It seems like we dodged a couple of bullets-first bullet dodged was a horrible tour bus accident on the day we returned home from the mountains (a tour bus' brakes went out and crashed into other cars on the highway leading to the mountains-killed 8 people and injured many more), and then this guy that was on the run for almost one week. I’m such a worry wart-I totally would have been on edge the whole weekend, had this been going on during our time there.

My temp dipped a little today, but nothing major going on, seems to be pretty much following my pattern from last month’s cycle, for the most part…but thanks for the pma!


So glad you guys are settling into the new house! I admire you…I would so not trust DH to go to the grocery store without me to stock us up. I know, I know, I’m such a control freak (or so I’ve been told, hee hee!). Don’t let OH’s comment about ‘wanting to wait to ttc if you’re not pg right now’ bother you, because #1, this is your month and you’re already pg, and #2, like you said, you guys will end up BD’ing when during your fertile period anyway lol! And if I remember correctly, didn't your mom also predict a Feb bfp?? (sorry if I'm confused and it's not you who said that).

And I think I’ll answer for the whole group when I say “YES! We’ll be your valentine” lol! :flower:

Speaking of vday, SS is now 14, and I totally miss the days when I would buy him the set of valentines cards and little treats to give out to his classmates…I think he stopped wanting to do that about 4 years ago lol!

Wouldn’t that be awesome if we had 3 BFP’s this cycle--Angel, Jasmine and Stef?!! That would knock out almost half of the group (as far as I know, anyways, since haven’t heard from JennC and Jenkb--hope they’re doing ok).
Oh! I forgot. We did go to look at adopting Capone a new buddy last night. We found a beautiful, sweet male kitty about his age who is also super playful. We're fostering him to see if it works out... so far he's not too keen on having Capone around. We're keeping them in separate rooms to adjust to each others' scents but we did put them together for a little while. Capone is fine with him, wants to play, but he isn't having it. I think he's just nervous being in a new place - when we have him in the extra bedroom by himself he's SUPER lovey and sweet and happy. We've got 2 weeks to a month to see if it works out... I hope it does, Capone is so lonely without Gracie!
I'm not sure I should trust him to do the shopping, lol. He said he was going out for some basics - milk, juice, etc. $200 something later... Oh well, at least we have food!

I LOVE your point #1! I so hope you're right! And yep, it was my mom who predicted a Feb BFP. A mid-Feb BFP to be exact!

I've totally been tempted to get those cute little cards and treats and hand them out at work, lol. I miss doing it myself! That was one of the best days in school, IMO.
I did a FRER this morning too which was completely BFN, feel confused as these symptoms I'm having, surely a FRER would pick it up at 10dpo? Hmmm, can't wait to see tomorrows temp and test, praying something good happens! I went and got some more FRERS so hopefully will have a better idea! Meli, it was a good idea about the water, if I hadn't have been such a smart arse I would be celebrating now but I guess it's good to know for sure, whether its good news or bad news! I was being totally serious about the nipple pic btw, tmi or what! I agree a hatrick of BFPs would be amazing, I'd love for you too but I agree about the X-rays and timing!

AWww Stef, cute about the new cat, hope they get used to each other soon and you get some stuff packed away! HOpe your mums prediction was right!

IM still getting the milk but that's it really, just using my iPad for the first time too, exciting! X

Got my labs back from yesterday, progesterone was at 19something, so good and my hcg was only 31 or 37, but I go in tomorrow to make sure that it is going up!

Now, I will go back and see what is going on!
Stef, of course we will be your Valentines!!! FX for a bfp on that frer! I hope that your foster kitty works out. I am sure he will come around.

Jasmine, Sorry about the bfn, hopefully tomorrow's will be your bfp!! I am sure none of us would mind a nipple pic!

MEli, I wouldn't trust my oh to go grocery shopping alone either! I am glad you don't have to worry about that guy. I heard they were expecting him to go out with a bang. Like taking other lives and then suicide by police.

Vegas, is the job still going okay?

Jenn and Jenk, where are you all? How are you doing?
YAaaay for being each others valentines btw, so sweet x That's a fab BFP angel x

Hehe, sorry Stef! X

You just gave me (another) good idea!! I’m such a copy cat, aren’t I lol! Today is Ash Wednesday so I am going to church tonight to get ashes, and will drag SS with me. We may just stop by Target aftewards and buy some vday cards and candies for the office ladies!

Hope Capone decides to play nice with your new kitty!


Stay positive! 10dpo is still really early!!!! C’monnnnnnnnnnnn a darker line for tomorrow’s test!!!! Oh, and I did think you were j/k about the nipple pic, but like Angel said, I don’t think any of us would mind it lol!


Omg I totally see that line now. Tbh, I didn’t see any of the lines with your earlier pix, I kept wondering if there was something wrong with my eyes cuz everyone but me saw the line! Jasmine’s pix today were the first ones where I can actually see the line, then you posted yours, and now I finally can see the lines!!

You must be so excited, progesterone sounds good and FX your hcg levels keep going up!! I’m itching to change my siggy and add your bfp, but will wait for your ok!

All this nipple talk has me feeling giggly too! :haha:
If I hear back on Friday that my levels are going up then I think you all can add them. FX!! I am feeling positive this pregnancy. Last time I felt something was off from the get go. I told Jeff that I had a feeling that we were going to have an ultrasound and the baby would be dead. I told him that a day before I had my first spottting. I also made a thread about needing positivity before my spotting too.
Yeah those are bigger drops. I hope it is a sign for you! I am able to get just a teeny tiny drop from mine after being in the shower. FX!!! :dust:

How interesting it is that you felt something off from the get go! I know what you mean, I had the same feeling with my pg, even thought I have never been pg, but I just had a feeling that something was off, and I even told my mom the day she took me to my first dr/ultrasound appt. Even after I saw my bean and heard the hb and got my ultrasound pic, I still wasn’t truly convinced. I tried to be convinced, but have to say I still wasn’t 100% convinced. I don’t know it’s because I truly had that instinct, or because I was just so shocked it happened so quick, esp with my advanced maternal age, that I thought it was too good to be true and didn’t want to get too excited and was trying to protect myself (and now I know that it was too good to be true, obvs).

Nonetheless, I know your levels are going to keep going up, and this one’s a sticky bean, but I can understand your cautiousness.

Let’s change your sentence to this:

Instead of “IF I hear back on Friday that my levels are going up then I think you all can add them”

We shall change it to this: “WHEN I hear back on Friday that my levels are going up then you all can add them”



Omg! Yup……That’s a nipple alright lol! I mean, really, it truly cannot be a nipple infection, right? You’re not still breastfeeding Eva, or are you? If you’re not, I don’t see how it can be an infected nipple!

Cant wait til you post tomorrow’s test!! :dust:
Jasmine: Interesting. I could barely get milk out of mine when I was breast feeding, much less now. Something has to be going on. Have you googled it to see if it could be anything other than baby related? Keep testing!

Meli: You are so good going to church tonight. Last time I went to Ash Wednesday services was the day before Charlotte was born and I needed to get in some face time with the big guy (as I knew I was having a c-section). I hope everyone at your work enjoys their Valentines. Normally I would do the same, but since I'm so new I don't want them to think I'm odd.

Angel: Sounds like things are going well. I felt the same way you did with the last pregnancy. Sometimes you just know. Hope you continue to only have positive vibes this time; I know we have them for you.

Stef: Yes, I will be your Valentine if you will be mine :kiss:. Hope the new kitty has found a forever home with you. Also, I hope you find a new job with a shorter commute.

Nothing at all to report other than yet another super light line on my opk. Thank goodness they are the cheap tests. Work is going well. Everyone is still very nice, but the pace of work is a lot slower than I am used to. I suppose that is nothing to complain about.
Morning! I've removed the nipple piccy now, hehe!

Just done a cheapie and a FRER both bfns, just confused and gutted really! I wanted to put a test in OH's card, it's not fair and I hate the fact that my stupid nipple is leaking, why would it be doing that? Okay, can anyone else who is not pregnant, squeeze milk out of their nipple? Even just a tiny bit? Vegas you said much less now does that mean you can get some out? I breast fed Eva but stopped when she was 4 months! If it carries on I'm going to the doctors, I've been googling it and it seems it could be something called galactorrhea - over-production of the hormone prolactin but more common in puberty and menapause, I don't even know what prolactin is! I have some nasty af cramps atm and this evening of last month I started spotting so hopefully the witch will get me sooner rather than later, of course I would prefer a BFP but this limbo land is truly horrible!

Angel, I was exactly the same with my angel, I kept telling my OH that I thought I would have a mmc, I also said to my friend it's not right as soon as I got my bfp, sometimes gut feeling are scarily right! So I hope you're right this time too! :)

Vegas - really glad work is going well and from my experience with those OPKs the lines progressively get darker so fingers crossed you get a result in the next few days!

Meli and Stef - good luck testing!

I have work today, I've been up since 5am, ttc does my head in, I swear I'd get more sleep if I actually had a baby! x

*UPDATE* Just looked at the cheapie again, another line there but only appeared after 45 minutes and doesn't seem to be any colour, is it possible to have this many evaps? What's going on?

Will post a piccy soon as it uploads!
Here it is! What do you guys think? Surely the FRER would be showing something too?


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Sorry for all of these frantic messages girls, ttc is turning me into a crazy fool!

Right, so after that test this morning, I conducted another little experiment, dipped a pg test into plain water and one into my urine but at the same time this time, the urine one has developed a super faint bfp but only after 45 minutes again and the water one is completely bfn, so this is a good sign. I'm thinking I just need to wait it out really even though it's killing me! No sign of af, another high temp and lots of creamy cm too! I think if I was being optimistic that I ovulated a day or two later than FF predicted as my cd13 temp was a guess temp, so I could be a day or two behind 11dpo so more like 9/10dpo, which would explain the super faint lines and BFNs on FRERs but I can't get my hopes up yet! Will keep you all posted, REALLY?! X X X

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