June Angel Baby Mommas Hoping for Rainbows!!

Very cute! Love the look of the tile in your shower.
Hi everybody,

Just a quick check tonight, will check in properly tomorrow from work. BUT just wanted to say to vegas, cute bump!!! And I lol'd at Charlotte photo bombing the pic. It looks like she's saying "mommy, what are u doing?!"
Angel: thanks. I've been taking my bump photos in the guest bathroom as it has the longer mirror. Strangely, I don't have a full-length mirror in the house. We re-did that bathroom last year from it's original 1950's turquoise and orange tile. When will you know if you have to travel to Memphis for your mother-in-law's surgery?

Meli: I thought it was cute that Charlotte ended up in the photo. Sunday on our way home from mass she asked me "What's in your tummy, mommy?" I said "A baby." And she replied, "Oh, can I see your baby?". Ben and I laughed so hard.
We aren't going then for sure now. They reviewed her echocardiogram and it showed an irregular heartbeat. So now she has to be cleared by a cardiologist, which it reasonable. Apparently she had two lumps, on on her neck that they "think" was caused by a bad tooth she had for a while. She should get the biopsy info back very soon. She also has one in her throat. This is the one they are going to surgically remove. She should be able to find out if it is/was malignant before she goes home from surgery, whenever that ends up being. I think any surgery is going to be risky for her just because she is such a big woman. It is really a sad case, where she let her weight get so bad that she couldn't even find a doctor willing to do gastric bypass on her because of the risks of death.

Aww I wish I could have taken Charlotte with us. I’m sure she would have loads of fun camping. It’s fun if you go with a bunch of people, especially if they also have kids so they can keep each other company. There were about 35 of us, and a bunch of kids in the mix, so the cousins got to hang out. They all brought their bikes so they spent lots of time on the bikes, or we were at the beach. I think they even adopted a couple of kids into the group that were camping but didn’t have any friends or family. All I know is that at each meal there were always a couple of kids that I served that I didn’t recognize :haha:

You know, I’m not really an outdoorsy person either, at all, BUT it’s not so bad. The way I see it, if there is running water for toilets and showers, then it’s not so bad. Not to mention I love being so close to the beach! We have a huge tent, we take a cot for ds, and our temper pedic mattress topper for us, and plenty of food and drink and we’re good to go.

No flutters yet. I do feel something faintly and sporadically, but I can’t describe it. I just know it’s not gas :wacko:

I’m glad your trip went well. Charlotte sounds like she was a real trooper and a good traveler. That was nice of your mom to buy you clothes. How sweet!!

Lol at Charlotte wanting to see the baby. Don’t we all wish the same--that we had a peephole in our stomachs when pg :wacko:


Yes, you are correct. I am sure you would be so uncomfortable to camp out at this point. I found myself struggling to get off of the mattress sometimes! Dh would have to help hoist me up!

My appt was b-o-r-i-n-g. All we did was listen to the heartbeat. He said that my next appt @20 weeks will be the anatomy scan and that will be more interesting. Dh felt cheated that he drove all the way there and we “didn’t get to see anything” :nope:

Yay to passing the glucose test!!! :thumbup:

Wow…I will definitely keep your mil in my prayers. Maybe this will be a turning point for her in wanting to get healthier. One can only hope, right?


I liked Blake’s response to laundry, and how he forgot how to do laundry when you moved in lol :haha:

Yay to vday :thumbup:!!! I’m glad the snoogle is working out for you.

Less than 2 months left of your 20’s? no sympathy from me here :nope: :haha: Which reminds me that I must update my signature, not just for my age, but my tickers. Dr moved up my edd.

Your niece is adorable! I’m glad she behaved and it sounds like you all had a great time!

Yay to all the hand-me-downs! I can’t wait to hear what the ‘surprise’ is!!

Yes, it definitely sounds like something strange is going on with your ex-husband. Sounds kinda like my ex-fiance. Except that situation did not end well AT ALL. What I have learned in my life is this: If someone ever threatens to kill themselves, BELIEVE THEM. I know sometimes you feel they are being dramatic, but if someone actually says it out loud to you, there is something very, very, very wrong with them and that comment is not to be taken lightly.

Jasmine and Jen,

How are you guys doing?


Camping was awesome. Not only was it fun, but when we can get by without someone needing an ambulance ride due to breaking ribs on a jet ski (my stupid cousin), or needing stitches on chin because of a bike accident (ds), then we deem it a success :haha: Last year or the year before, in the middle of the night, my mom fell off of her cot, right in front of dh. She was fine, but it provided lots of laughs for all of us. We had to use that episode for laughs again this time. It’s hilarious, whether it’s my mom or dh telling the story :haha:

Everyone gave me a break this weekend because of my ‘condition’. Older brother didn’t let me help set up the tent. He made me sit down with the women and he helped dh set up the tent and unload.

My mom always pretty much does all/most of the cooking and I help her, here and there, with side dishes and stuff, but even she kept telling me to sit down. I think I can get used to this treatment :winkwink:

Both my brothers yelled at me for touching the raw chicken. I’m like “my hands are clean, and how else am I supposed to put it on the grill?”!! They’re like “it’s not about that!! It’s about salmonella”. Oh brother!

Last night dh and I saw on Netflix “The business of being born”. YIKES! Makes me want a midwife now! But I fall into the ‘high risk’ category so I don’t think that’s going to happen. I would love to have a water birth in the hospital, though! That’s also not going to happen :nope:

Oh, and I bought a beach hat for my lil man. It is so cute! Dh loved it. It will be for next summer’s Laughlin and camping trips.

I think I found a crib I like. It’s a crib/changer combo.
Angel: gee, your poor MIL has a lot going on. I pray that everything will be ok and that maybe these scares will give her the motivation to make some changes in her life that will enable her to be healthier in the future.
Meli: your camping trip sounds like so much fun! Perhaps I'll have to reconsider my stance on camping.

I saw the business of being born too. I always wanted a drug-free birth, but I had no choice but to get a c-section. Honestly, I'm happy that option and modern technology was available to me as otherwise I may have ended up with a stillborn (my grandmother had several and I wonder if we had the same issue). A healthy baby is most important, though I believe a woman should be able to have whatever kind of birth she wants without being pushed into something she doesn't want or need. Heck, I feel a bit bad about not going for a vbac, but I'd have to change practices and besides I don't want to get my hopes up and still end up with a c-section.

I like the crib, but unless you are really pressed for space, I'm not so sure about the combo option. Babies are in diapers until they are almost three and after the first nine months or so, that baby is going to be way longer than the changing area on the crib/table combo. On the other hand, it is cute and has great storage.

I would suggest going camping with an experienced camper, at least the first time. idk how it is in Florida, but here in CA reservations can be made starting 6 mos in advance, on the 1st of the month, so it’s a mad scramble to reserve spots because there is so much demand. We reserved our spots 2/1/13.

I totally agree with you. I don’t think I ever mentioned this, but dh’s ex-wife delivered her baby on 10/31 (the day before I miscarried. Pretty ironic, huh?) Anyways, her uterus ruptured and she was in pretty bad shape, in ICU for 6 days. Those situations are the kind that freak me out. That’s why I want to be in a hospital, but I really wish hospitals here did the birthing pools and let you stand up while pushing and delivering for gravity to help the process along. That totally makes sense to me.

You make some valid points about the crib. Idk if we are necessarily pressed for space, but it would be nice to have something like this crib, which does take up less space, if that makes any sense? So where would I change him after he outgrows the table? Humm….
I love the crib combo! Lots of people say they don't use the changing tables, but we used ours tons. I also like the drawers under, it eliminates the need for a skirt. I hate them and would gladly get out of having one. Can it be converted to a toddler bed? If so, do plan on using for that too?
Meli: yikes about dh's ex! That's my biggest fear if I were to attempt the vbac.

I bought a regular dresser for Charlotte and put a changing pad on top. I bought like 200 diapers and 12 packs of wipes at a time from Costco and had plenty of room to store them all in the drawers. Now I use it as a regular dresser. I just bought a cheap one from Ikea so if she destroyed it I wouldn't care. I bought some cute flower drawer pulls from Anthropologie and exchanged them out for the stock pulls. I agree with Angel about crib skirts, they are a pain. I guess at some point I'll have to pull all the baby stuff out of storage.
Meli: yikes about dh's ex! That's my biggest fear if I were to attempt the vbac.

I bought a regular dresser for Charlotte and put a changing pad on top. I bought like 200 diapers and 12 packs of wipes at a time from Costco and had plenty of room to store them all in the drawers. Now I use it as a regular dresser. I just bought a cheap one from Ikea so if she destroyed it I wouldn't care. I bought some cute flower drawer pulls from Anthropologie and exchanged them out for the stock pulls. I agree with Angel about crib skirts, they are a pain. I guess at some point I'll have to pull all the baby stuff out of storage.

We plan to use a dresser this time, I am hoping to find a bedroom hutch, with some shelves on top. But still giving me room for the changing pad.
That is pretty scary about your ex Melissa. I am glad you had fun camping though, I am always super jealous of all your fun family/friends trips!
Vegas, cute bump! Love Charlotte in the pic.

Angel, I hope your MIL ends up being ok.

Meli, what's your new due date? Also, scary about your ex. Mine was nothing like that, and I won't go into detail, but it's enough to say he's a pathological liar and when confronted with the truth, he either continues the lie or blames whoever is confronting him for why he lied.

And when are we going to get a bump pic from you, hmm?!?

I watched The Business of Being Born last pregnancy when I was looking into the midwife, and that's what made me decide to go with one. The second one (More Business of Being Born) is interesting, too.

AFM, omg the heartburn has gotten significantly worse. It's been non-stop for the last 38 hours. Last night it got so bad I ate cherry Tums. That sounds silly, but you guys have no idea how badly I HATE cherry flavoring; I almost threw up trying to chew just one. Cherry is all we have left so I HAVE to get more today.

Also, we discovered the Snoogle is good for DTD :sex:

And oh yeah, almost forgot. I found a website I wanted to tell you guys about. thredUP (https://www.thredup.com/r/FRXQQP) has gently used (apparently they're extremely picky about what they except) maternity (and regular women's, junior's, children's) clothing for really good prices. My cart has 5 shirts, 1 pair of jeans, 2 pairs of pants and a really cute nursing coverup sweater and it's only $61.41 (free shipping over $50). That's before discount (20% off new customers first purchase, but I found a $15 off $15+ code BTS15 that's good through tomorrow that I'm going to use since $15 is more than 20% of my total), so I'm getting all of that stuff for $46.41. :happydance:
Stef: remind me not to buy your snoogle off you ;). Those sound like some great deals on the clothes! Please go out and buy some Pepcid Complete! Tums didn't do anything for my horrible heartburn, but it was gone within 30 minutes with the Pepcid (it's a chewable btw, and I think there is a cool mint and berry flavor). Also, I buy the CVS knockoff called "dual action complete".

Meli: yes, it's time to reveal your bump if you have one yet.

Afm: today, I finally got my box of maternity clothes out. There is more in there than I remembered, so that's good. I feel huge today. Did I mention my feet swelled up on me Sunday? I'm guessing too much sodium from the BBQ ribs. These next 18 weeks are going to creep by....

My mom loved the crib combo also. I think I will get her the crib combo for her house, and I will get a traditional crib with changing table/bedroom hutch for my house.

When I mentioned to my mom the crib combo option, she loved it. I pointed out what vegas said (that baby won’t fit on the changing table portion after a few months). She said “that’s ok. We’ll potty train him when he’s 1 y/o”. I was like “sure, ok”. She swears my older brother potty trained himself. She says that when he was 9 mos old, my mom and dad noticed him squirming at times. My dad said “I bet you he has to use the bathroom”. My mom was like “sure he does”. Sure enough, my dad took him to the toilet and he used it! Of course he was still in diapers til he was 18 mos old, but my mom says he pretty much started training himself.

I like your idea about the bedroom hutch, I think I saw something on pinterest like that. I still need to pin it.

I’ve always liked how the bedskirt looks, but now that you and Vegas have said negative things about it, I’ll make sure not to get one :nope:

Yah, my ex has a pretty tragic story. Although it’s been 7 years since it happened, it still makes me sad when I think of it.


Ikr! She ended up getting a hysterectomy to save her life. So she’s got Matthew, then her 3 y/o daughter and 8 m/o son from her second marriage. I’m pretty sure she probably wanted to have some more kids, so now that option has been taken from her. But what’s more important is that she has her life and is around to raise and enjoy her kids.

I like your idea of getting a cheap dresser and dressing it up with cute drawer pulls. I think I will do that!

Sorry to hear your feet swelled up, but I’m sure the bbq ribs were worth it. YUM!

You made a good point when you reminded yourself (and us!) not to buy the snoogle off of Stef :haha::haha:


My new due date is 01/20/14, which makes Sundays the day that I start the new week of gestation. Meaning today I am 16+5, but I think my ticker says I am 16+1.

And I hate to say it, but I hope my little man is fully baked and comes out 2 weeks earlier. Please God! I don’t want my baby born under the Aquarius sign :wacko: I know I have no control over it, and his health comes first, but if there's any way to influence it, I'm gonna try lol

I hope your ex fades away into the background where he belongs, and gets over whatever is up his butt and causing this new fascination with you and your life.

I will try to take a bump pic this weekend and post it next week.

I need to check out More Business of Being Born. I didn’t know there was a second one!

And I agree with vegas. Pepcid complete ROCKS. You will never go back to Tums after trying Pepcid complete.

Hey-good job on those deals you found on clothes. YAY!


I didn’t think I was feeling crabby the last couple of days, but I guess I have been somewhat crabby. I snapped at dh last night (although to be fair, I think he was crabby too and snapped at me first). At work, I am getting lots of calls with stupid, stupid questions from our new incoming students. My response always starts with “Did you receive the multiple letters and emails that contain this information? It’s very clear. Please re-read the information and call me back if you still have questions”. Guess what? I have never received a call back from them. Some (many) of these students don’t act like young adults :growlmad:
Meli: ok, I'm curious, what's the deal with Aquarius? Charlotte is one, but she's on the cusp of Pisces. The only sign I wouldn't want for a child is Scorpio (I dated three in a row, so too much conflict with my sign, cancer).

I have a theory about our moms and how we were potty trained way younger than kids these days: 1. Their memories aren't all that great. 2. Diapers back then, both disposable and cloth, were awful, made toddlers more aware that they were sitting in their own filth, and thus encouraged earlier potty training. Just my thoughts on the matter.

There are 3 Aquarius' that I base my fear on. 1 is an ex ex boyfriend. He was such a moody mo-fo.

Then I have my godson (my cousin’s son). He is also such a moody bratty kid! But it goes beyond brattiness--he is just so moody and you cannot ‘discipline’ the moodiness out of them. He is now 11 years old and still hasn’t grown out of it. Sadly, I don’t think he ever will :nope:

There’s also a train acquaintance who is another moody mo-fo. I just announced the pg to my train acquaintances last week, and he got all excited when I told him my edd was jan 20. He’s like “YAY! My bday is Jan 25”. I thought to myself, “GREAT!” :growlmad::growlmad:

Is Charlotte moody at all?

Ha ha I think your theory about our moms and diaper training makes lots of sense. My mom did use cloth diapers with my oldest brother, and her memory probably isn’t all that great :haha:
Meli: oh my God, is she moody!! I call her my little bunny bear (I have no idea when I started this or why) and when she's mad at me she says "Mommy, I am not your little bunny bear any more!". It's like she gets some three year-old version of PMS. I've known a few "normal" Aquarians so I figured it would be OK. Maybe not!
Meli: oh my God, is she moody!! I call her my little bunny bear (I have no idea when I started this or why) and when she's mad at me she says "Mommy, I am not your little bunny bear any more!". It's like she gets some three year-old version of PMS. I've known a few "normal" Aquarians so I figured it would be OK. Maybe not!

Btw, forgot to mention that ds told me that his mom said she would pass along all her 6-9 months clothes that her baby has outgrown. I thought that was really sweet and told dh I will give her some $. He doesn’t agree with me but what’s fair is fair.

Oh, another thing. Remember my cousin’s baby shower that I weaseled my way out of going because we went to Las Vegas? Well, she had her baby boy a few weeks ago (on the same day Kate Middleton delivered). I haven’t met him yet but my mom has. She suspects he will have the same green eyes as his mom. I think the following is unfair:

My father is 1 of 5 children. His father (my grandfather) had green eyes. His paternal grandmother (my great-grandmother) had blue eyes.

Well, of the 5 children, they all have brown eyes, except for my father. He has beautiful hazel caramel eyes. When he’s mad, his eyes literally blaze and burn right through you.

Anyways, of all the nephews and nieces from my dad’s side, only one of us has beautiful eyes. Yes, the one that just delivered her baby, she has green eyes. But her dad has brown eyes and so does her mom.

How fair is it that my dad, the only sibling with hazel eyes, has no children with his eyes :nope: but his brother, who has dark brown eyes, has the daughter with beautiful green eyes :growlmad:

Genetics is so strange, isn’t it?

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