June Angel Baby Mommas Hoping for Rainbows!!

Melissa, genetics are strange. I can't decide if I want Larry to have brown hair and bright blue eyes like Carter and I or blonde hair and blue eyes like Carter now and me as well when I was younger. As for the crib skirt, there is nothing actually wrong with them, I just don't really like the way they look, but chances are I will end up with one unless we find a crib we like with drawers like the one you posted or one low to the floor. I am sorry about your ex by the way. I am happy to here that you are getting some baby stuff from DS's mom! That sure is nice of her!

Stef, I am glad you found an extra use for the snoogle. I can't be bothered with trying to have sex! I have the heart burn bad too. I take tums in the day and zantac at night usually. I have tried thred up once before. I picked my particular box because it had squeaky shoes. It also came with a Sesame Street shirt, and two books. The shoes were in crap condition and we ended up tossing them, but the shirt and books were good. I never did list my own stuff though.

Vegas, I think you are very right as for our parents/grandparents and potty training! That is awesome that you have more clothes than you thought. That is so cute about Charlotte, such a diva!!

As for signs, I am due the 24th (dr's)/25th (mine). I am a moody, crazy scorpio and there is a chance that Larry could be one too! If she is born between Oct 23 and Nov 1(I don't think my dr will let me go farther). But if she is born before the 23th she will be a laid back libra like Jeff.
Speaking of genetics, I just read an article about a woman who just gave birth to her 12th son in a row (no girls at all). Her sister also has only boys and has ten of them. Could you imagine!?

Btw, I've decided that the nickname for this baby is to be "Thumper". This baby moves so much! I had an anterior placenta with Charlotte and didn't feel proper movement until week 21-22. I've been feeling this one since week 16. It's still a very odd sensation. I know that makes me weird, but the fact that there is a squirming little human growing in my tummy is kind of crazy.
Vegas, lol @ not buying my snoogle. It hasn't touched anywhere DTD related, hahaha. I rolled it up and put my tummy in the space in the middle.

Yay for more clothes, and for lots of movement. It is pretty crazy, I feel the same way.

That's CRAZY ... 12 boys in a row?! Blake originally wanted to keep going until we have a boy, but I guess he's changed his mind and wants to stop at 2, lol. Guess he's become ok with possibly only having daughters. I'm good stopping at 2, but if it's 2 girls, I may convince him to go for 3. But that's it. (I say that now, haha)

Meli, I've always ben told Aquarius's are crazy. I can't say I've known a lot of Aquarius's, but there's one that sticks out in my mind. My friend's ex (we'll call him J) was batshit crazy. No joke, crazy like he needs to be put in an institution style crazy. He decided to disown all of my friend's (we'll call him H) friends (even the ones he had become close to) because he was jealous of the time we spent with H. I was first to go. He told me I wasn't allowed in his house (which H was paying the rent and almost all of the bills for). One night we thought J was staying at his mom's, so I came over anyway. J keyed my car, down both sides and on the bumper. He yelled at me and argued with me until 5 in the morning. That's just the start of the crazy. That was a few years ago now, and apparently he is still crazy. He told H's ex-coworker / friend (we'll call her C) that he saw me and my ex-husband on the highway, stalking him, except I was wearing a wig. C told J, "First off, no one even has the same cars they had when you knew them. Second, those two have been divorced for awhile. Third, that's crazy." There's so much more I could tell you guys about how crazy he is, but that's probably good enough! :wacko:

Angel, they must have changed how thredup works. They don't do books now, all of the stuff is new or nearly new (apparently they're SUPER picky about what they accept), and you buy all the stuff separately.

As for genetics, I can pretty much guarantee how Sienna will look. Blake's genetics are very strong. He's the only one of 6 with dark hair, dark eyes. All of his brothers have blonde hair, blue eyes. The 6 of them are from 4 different fathers, but even the other 2 from a father with brown eyes have bright blue eyes, which I find crazy. So I know she'll be born with dark hair, dark eyes. Blake was born with darker skin (his newborn pic seriously looks like a little Native American baby wrapped in a papoose), but now he's super pale (as am I), so her skin tone can go either way, but she'll probably end up pale. The 3d/4d image we got already showed she has his big lips.

Also, where is Jasmine?!

It sounds so cute when you call her Larry :hugs:

I’m like you. I can’t be bothered to have sex. I just am so tired all the time! poor dh. And it doesn’t help that he read an article the other day in men’s health about “pregnancy facts”. It mentioned that SUPPOSEDLY (well, it does seem like Stef falls in this group) in the 2nd tri a woman’s sex drive comes back, sometimes even stronger than before. He pointed it out to me and asked if it was true. Thanks a lot, stupid stupid magazine :growlmad:!! Poor guy. He’s been so patient with me. I feel so guilty and I really have to work on kicking it up a notch, like soon. Because I know once baby comes, I will definitely be tired and won’t want to be bothered then even more!

FX that Larry is born under the Libra sign. Because I would think that once she gets to be a teen, if you guys are the same sign, you will probably clash. Goodness knows that the teen years are pretty rocky as it is.


I did read that same article about the 12th son! Pretty crazy huh!! They are obviously committed to having a girl lol!

Awww I like your “Thumper” nickname. How cute :hugs:

It doesn’t make you weird. I was thinking the same thing--of this baby inside nourishing itself off of us (like a leech lol) and how it truly is weird and fascinating!


Wow..your Aquarius acquaintance is CRAY CRAY! I lol’d at the thought of you wearing a wig just to stalk this dude :wacko: As if!

Where is this 3d/4d image of Sienna you speak of? Did I miss something??


Yesterday I received a text from Children’s Orchard (children's resell store) that they were having a 1 day sale-50% off of all swimwear. I spent $10 and bought 5 pairs of swim shorts for my little man. 1 for 3-6 months (I want to take him to swim lessons as soon as he’s 3 mos), 2 for 6-9 months and 2 for 12months. He is set up for our Laughlin and camping trips next year! All I need to buy are some swimshirts in size 12 mos.

So I have a cousin on my father’s side (she is the daughter of my dad’s cousin, so I guess that makes her my 2nd cousin?). She is 34 and about 1 year ago, I heard that she had 2 separate mc’s. I don’t know details of how far along she was, but she is now pg and due Oct 2. Her baby shower is tomorrow. She lives about 3 hours away from me! So, I will drive 1 hour away to my mom’s house and meet her there. Then mom and I will drive 1 hour away to my godmother’s house. Then my godmother will drive us another hour away to the party. And the party doesn’t even start until 5pm. That’s CRAZY :wacko: !! I don’t even want to think of how late I will be getting home on Saturday night. All I have to say is that she’d BETTER come to my baby shower when the time comes :haha:

So excited with ds’s Star testing results (yearly school testing). He came up as ‘advanced’ for all subjects except for math, of which the results were ‘strongly proficient’. SO excited and proud of him as he has always struggled with math. We have to think of a way to reward him.

He starts high school this year and is so excited. All summer long he’s had ‘sectionals’ twice a week with his band cohorts (those that play ‘wind’ instruments). He’s also finishing up the last day of his 2 week band camp at school. He’s been learning the marching and all that jazz and their preview performance is this afternoon so I am leaving work early. Then one of the parents is hosting a party for the kids tonight so he’ll be going to that. I used to think these sectionals and band camp were for the birds because it cuts into our vacations! But now I’m so glad they had them. I think the students became friends and bonded. Now he has a whole circle of friends that he’s starting HS with. Not to mention the upperclassmen that served as mentors to the incoming freshmen. So now he knows some upperclassmen. I remember when I was a freshman, knowing those seniors was cool (my older brother hooked me up with some of his girl friends).

I’m posting a pic from our 2011 Cancun vacation. It was a magically awesome trip, a once in a lifetime vacation because about 40 of my family members went, and some family friends also joined us. We were taking a pic of the 3 of us when my niece jumped in the picture :haha: LUV HER! So it’s the 4 of us in it. ds looks so different. First of all, he looks like a young man now, not like a little boy in the pic. Not to mention he surpasses me in height and is now 5’11”. Dh is 6’1” so he’d better watch out. I’m not that tall as it looks in the pic-I’m cheating and wearing my fav wedge flip flops :haha:


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    Cancun 002.jpg
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Meli, you should totally take pics of those swimsuits! That's awesome for your cousin, her due date is the day before my bday :) And how awesome about DS! What a smart young man. Love the pic! You are soooo gorgeous!

Also, I go through sex phases, lol. I don't ALWAYS want it all the time, but when I do, it drives me crazy. I did have a bigger sex drive pre-pg, though.

Hmm I thought I posted the 3d/4d, let me find again.

At 16+4. She looks like a little alien. Haha. When my brother comes out next month we should be going for another with 3d/4d so hopefully I'll get some that look like a little human baby :) See those big little lips?

Look how big my baby has gotten. I wish I could stop time!

Vegas, cute nickname!! Larry moves a lot too and like you I had an anterior placenta last time, so this is all new to me. She kicked or something so hard a few minutes ago, that is almost hurt and I jumped!

Stef, I agree, where is Jasmine!!!??

Melissa, you look so pretty! You have a beautiful family! My sex drive is def not in overdrive. Occasionally it is more, but mostly not. It is much more sensitive and easier to get off though! I don't like that though, because if he is doing it good (foreplay) I can get off in under 5 minutes and that is no fun! Sorry, TMI!!! And yes, I am already scared about having a teenage girl, even worse, one that is a scorpio!!
Awesome deal on those bathing suits!! And that is wonderful about ds, I am sure he will go far! Have fun at the shower!
Meli: beautiful family photo! My sex drive is pretty low. I'll think I want to do it, but I just don't have the energy to try. Sort of like exercise right now.

Angel: I'm jealous that you are able to "complete" the act so quickly. That's a problem I wish I had!

It is amazing how fast children grow up. We have a digital photo frame in the kitchen and I'll see baby photos or photos of Charlotte at 18 months old and wonder where did the time go?

Stef: Sienna looks adorable in the 3-d photo. It'll even be more amazing now that she's bigger.

Afm: not too much to report. Thumper is always moving now. Charlotte has now decided that the baby is going to be a boy and we should name him Kenyan. Where she got that name, I have no idea, but I don't think we will use it.

I'm feeling super tired today. I need an extra weekend day, but seeing as I've only worked four day weeks for the last month, I don't think I'll be taking any more time off until the Labor Day holiday. How is everyone else's energy levels? Also, has anyone started getting stretch marks? I don't have any yet, but I fear they may appear (they didn't last time).
Angel, I agree with Vegas, I'll take your "problem!" Lol.

Vegas, my energy is pretty low. I'm not sure about that increase in energy everyone talks about getting during second tri; I never did get it. Well, ok, it was more than first tri but that's only because I mostly slept through first tri, lol.

And no stretch marks here *knock on wood* I asked my mom and she said she got very few.

AFM, we went to the party for Blake's youngest brothers bdays Saturday - they're bdays are 2 weeks apart, so they throw a party on the same day. Youngest turned 10 last Sunday, second youngest turns 12 this Friday. Anyway, Blake's stepdad's father suggested us talking to his great niece, who was also at the party, about if she knows someone interested in buying my car. She's really nice, had me text her all the pics, and posted it on her FB that night. She knows someone who owns a car dealership, and we're meeting with him today. He seems very interested, and *crossing fingers* we may get enough to not only get another (older but still in decent shape and with AC) car AND pay off the midwife or other bills. Not getting my hopes up, but it looks very possible.

Sophie (the youngest niece, 1 1/2) was so freaking cute on Saturday. She learned there's a baby in my belly, so she was walking around going "baby baby baby baby" and she'd come up and kiss my belly. Whenever her mom said "Where's the baby?" she'd look at me or point at me and pucker up to come kiss. Then she decided she should be kissing everyone's bellies, including her dad and uncles. :haha:

Yes, I do see those ‘big little lips’. How adorable!! :hugs: Can't wait to see next month's pics!

I'm checking with dh to see if he wants to do a scan tomorrow. There's a local place that has a "Tuesday" special for $50. All along I've said I dont want to do those scans because I want it to be a surprise when he's bornm but now that I've seen yours....well now I kinda want to do it. He'll prob tell me "make up your mind!"

Your niece sounds so cute!!!


Carter has grown so much! He is so cute!! Those cheeks! I like that idea of taking pictures at different intervals, at the same place. I do that with ds every Memorial Day weekend. It started when he was 6 y/o. I am going to do the same thing with my baby!


I think you described it perfectly: “I’ll think I want to do it, but I don’t have the energy”. That’s me!!

Ha ha where in the world did Charlotte get the name “Kenyan” from? That’s unique for sure! There must be a character named that, either in books or tv or something.

My energy level goes up and down. It’s weird. What’s even weirder is what I found lurking in my belly button this weekend. I’m almost afraid to tell you guys…don’t wanna gross y’all out. It’s not dirt or lint. Anyone wanna take a guess?? :wacko::wacko::wacko:


My frizzhead hair and I thank y’all for the compliments on the pic. I love looking at it, takes me back to happy times :happydance:

ds’s band performance was nice. You know how bands will sometimes dance in unison, like move their knees and legs? Well, they did that as part of the routine, and all I have to say is: poor thing has no rhythm :nope:! He is just like me. I can’t claim him biologically, but I can certainly say he takes after me in that way. Afterwards he asked us if we “noticed when we were dancing out there?” It took all in me to not say “Oh, is that what that was?” ha ha :haha: jk! I mentioned it to my mom and she said “don’t worry, with practice he will loosen up and get better”.

I drove a total of 6.5 hours on Saturday. 4 hours to get there (HORRENDOUS TRAFFIC, thanks legendary LA freeways! :growlmad:). It only took me 2.5 hours to get home because there was no traffic at that time. I got home at 10pm and just collapsed. I did not get a chance to take a bump pic or of the baby’s new swimtrunks cache, I literally did almost nothing on Sunday except lounge at home. I did get a few things done towards the evening, but not nearly what I had planned/needed to do. Oh well. I will definitely try to take and post a bump pic within the next week or so. Promise!

The baby shower was nice, but kinda overdone. Let me explain why, and in advance let me say that I hope I don’t offend anyone!!

So it was held in the backyard of my cousin’s home. The decorations were beautiful, BUT it kinda felt like a wedding, or a sweet 16 party or something. There was a candy table (you know, where they have all kinds of candies in the color theme for people to help themselves to, the presentation was very nice). There was a fancy beautiful fondant 3 layer round cake (looked like it could have been a wedding cake or something). There were fresh flowers on every table (I get that, I think I’d like something like that) but they also had 2 glass containers with water and floating candles on each table also (kinda like you would at a wedding). She had those pretty homemade paper flower balls (like from pinterest) hanging from the patio ceiling (this looked nice, I would like something like this).

She had lots of friends and family helping her with the party. Each table had their own platter of desserts (Mexican sweet sour spicy sliced candy apples, huge chocolate dipped strawberries). I liked how each table had their own platter because this way, nothing went to waste. Because how many people go up to the tables to serve themselves this type of stuff, but if it’s placed at your table, you can’t help yourself, right? I noticed all the tables had finished the goodies that were placed there.

She also gave each guest a gift. It was a little box, kinda like the Chinese take out food boxes, it was nicely personalized with a pink ribbon and baby carriage sticker. It contained a typed note from the mother to be, and also made sure to state “I would love to meet you when I’m born, but please wait at least a couple of months for mommy to look pretty” ?? It also contained a body scrub in a nice little mason jar type of thingie, and some more candies in a pretty chiffon baggie.

I mean, really. Who of us has ever kept a party favor they’ve been given?? I know that I chuck them when I get home. The only people I imagine would want a party favor in this instance would be the mother to be and her mom.

Idk, I know that I am pretty pragmatic and low maintenance, but this party really seemed over the top. If it were up to me, I would totally prefer a ‘meet the baby’ party after my baby is born, for many reasons. First, because the timing is so close to the holidays. I don’t want to add more expenses to people’s budgets around the holiday season, not just to the guests, but to my mom and my cousins who will be hosting the shower. Secondly, luckily for us, we really don’t need people to buy us stuff. I thank God that we can afford all the items needed. Again, I plan on purchasing the majority of items gently used (first of all, because I need 2 of everything since my mom will be watching him for me, secondly the whole ‘reduce, reuse, recycle’ concept). One of the big ticket items that I plan on purchasing brand new are 3 car seats. I've heard that car seats should never be purchased 'used'. Of course, any gifts would be very appreciated, but we really don’t ‘need’ them, per se.

On the other hand, I don’t want to take away from my mom. She’s so excited and I am her only daughter, and I know that chances are, this will be my only baby, so this is her only chance to co-host a baby shower for her daughter. I guess I should have a conversation with her and my cousin who is the main co-host, and tell them that I don’t want anything over the top and just simple stuff. I don’t even want to give away favors to the guests :nope: The only thing I can see of reason to give to the guests would be like, a grab bag of candies for the kids that attend the shower (because I’m not going to say “no children allowed” like my cousin did for her shower :wacko:!). A bag of candies for the kid attendees (kinda like you do when you have a kiddie bday party) is reasonable, I think.

Again, I hope I don’t offend any of you, especially if you are planning a luxurious baby shower!!!!

Funny thing! A few weeks ago I decided on the theme for the nursery. It’s called Jungle Baby. I didn’t share it with my mom, just with dh to make sure he liked it (and he did)!. Anyways, I stopped at Walmart on Saturday before I went to my mom’s house for some household items and found some wall decals that are a pretty darn close match. I actually was looking for bathtub treads and they were right next to them so I thought that was a sign! They were $10 each and I bought 3 boxes (planning to use 1 box on the dresser I will buy). When I got there, my mom gave me a blanket that she bought for me to see if I liked it. It’s so ironic, it’s the jungle baby theme, albeit with the colors slightly darker. Isn’t that crazy?

It’s funny, because she also had a dream that I was carrying a baby boy. She says she had it 2 weeks before I found out and told her I was pg. She shared that dream with me when I told her I was pg.

Speaking of dreams, I’m going to start another post (because this one is so dang long, sorry!) about the dreams I’ve had while pg. I think I might have shared the first with you, but I don’t think I shared the second, and I know I haven’t shared the 3rd because I just had that dream.
So these are the dreams I've had, thus far:

6th week of gestation:

I dreamt that I saw my baby sleeping in a bed or crib. I heard someone say “Your baby will be fine” or “Your baby is fine”. Then I woke up.

9th week of gestation (while we were in Laughlin June 22, 2013).

That day, while on the beach at Laughlin, I had read the book about your unconceived/unborn child communicating with parents or parents to be. That night, I dreamt that I was at the gender scan, and was looking at the ultrasound results on the wall. Where the genitals should be, was the universal male gender symbol ♂. I realized the symbol meant “male” so I said out loud “It’s a boy!” In my dream, I realized that although I had a feeling that I had a boy cooking, I thought to myself “wow…this makes it so real now”. Although during waking hours, I have NO CLUE what the universal male gender symbol is/was, I recognized and knew exactly what it meant in my dream.

17th week of gestation (8/10/13):

I dreamt I was holding my baby and we were looking at each other, staring into each other’s eyes. He was about 3 mos old. I started to sing to him, and his face scrunched up, like he didn’t want me to sing to him. Kinda like, “please don’t sing to me mommy!” :nope: I always knew that my singing voice is horrible.

Then he was about 6 months old, and he was sitting across from me. we were playing and he was babbling away in response to my words.
Meli: so what did you find in your belly button? If it makes you feel better a few weeks ago I noticed that my belly button hurt where my old belly button ring hole was located (I took it out when preggo with Charlotte and never put it back). Anyway I messed with it and pus came out. Gross! I put some ointment on it and it's been fine ever since.

That shower sounds super fancy (I'm imagining the "Bridesmaids" Parisian themed wedding shower). I think people feel like they have to go over the top these days as opposed to doing little and people think it's just a gift grab. As I've said before I'm not a shower person, though I've been to many. Like you, I like the idea of a sip-and-see where you invite people over to meet the baby and provide drinks and light refreshments. To each their own.

I love that you are having so many baby dreams. I rarely dream about Charlotte or Thumper.

Stef: I hope that the car situation works out. Sounds good thus far. Also, so cute about Sophie.
Hey everyone,

Just wanted to say hi, I've been going through some pretty serious relationship problems with OH lately that I can't go into details of on here ATM but things have been tough and that's why I've been away.

I'm okay, I don't know what will happen with me and OH but we're trying to work through it for the sake of the girls.

Love to all of you and ill be in touch soon x

Oh no! I’m so sorry to hear that you’ve been having stresses and issues. God knows you don’t need that right now :hugs:

I don’t know what to say, and I know saying anything won’t change your situation. I will say that I will pray for you and your family, that things work out as are best, whatever that may be.

You’re in my thoughts and prayers.



The Bridesmaids Parisian theme is a good comparison. You make a good point; maybe people think doing an over the top party will not invite the thought of a ‘gift grab’. I never thought of it that way.

Oh, and for what’s in my belly button: TMI ALERT TMI ALERT! DANGER! WARNING! don’t keep reading if you are easily grossed out.

Scabs. I have scabs in my belly button. DISGUSTING!
Vegas, what an odd name for such a small person to come up with! As for energy, it is getting pretty tough. I get bursts, but there are lots of days that I don't want to leave the couch. I am also having a hard time standing for long. I get dizzy after just a few minutes and feel like I could pass out. My iron levels are good, so I am not sure what the deal is. I never dealt with this with Carter. My old belly ring was hurting about a month ago too and I started bothering it and stuff came out too! I also took mine out with Cart, so don't think you are too gross, or at least not gross alone!

Stef, how cute about your niece Sophie! Hope the car thing works out!

Melissa, You have to tell us what you found in your belly button!!! Hopefully ds loosens up, poor people like me and you seeming awkward our whole lives! Your jungle babies sound very cute. Sounds very similar to what we had for Carter.
As for the shower. I do agree that it was a bit over the top. I do think favors are pretty common though. Sounds like one of those parties you want to go to just to eat well and get free stuff.:blush:
What vivid dreams you have had! I haven't had many since the first trimester. The most recent was pretty bizarre though. I was able to bf and for some reason I was about to bf Carter. (I have no problem with extended bf, but the thought of bf Carter now really creeps me out, especially since we were never able to bf) Anyhow, Jeff started walking in and I decided not to. Then I started to bf the new baby and after I put him (pretty sure it was a boy in the dream) on the boob, he jerked back his head and said "it tasted gross". I woke up thinking "what the hell was that about"!

Jasmine, I am sorry you and oh are having some issues. :hugs:
Scabs aren't so bad, I was thinking a piece of food or something!
Scabs aren't so bad, I was thinking a piece of food or something!

ha ha you're funny :haha: Although, now that I think about it, food is about the only thing I can thing of that's worse than scabs :haha:

Edit: forgot to mention your dream. Yes, it does sound like an odd dream, esp when you say that you were never able to bf Carter. Who knows? Maybe you had a late/rich dinner that night :haha:
Vegas, I haven't had earrings in a good 12+ years, and the holes where they were STILL have pus on occasion. What's up with that?!

Meli, I'd say if you go for the 3d/4d today, don't be surprised if he looks like a little alien :haha: I'm excited to have one again to hopefully see a little human baby! I'm also impatient and want to see what she looks like, lol.

And I agree with Angel, food would definitely be worse!

That baby shower was definitely over the top, I think. I'm not big on being the center of attention, so I wouldn't want one quite like that... Blake's decided to make it co-ed, so yay, that will definitely make it more "normal" for me. Although my few guy friends will all be on vacation that weekend... oh well. His guy friends will be there and that also means his stepdad, etc. will be there, and to me that makes it like any other family gathering!

Sounds like your mom has some of that precognitive ability, too!

Jasmine, I'm sorry about your troubles! I hope everything works out in the best way possible.

Angel, are you going to try bf again? I'm wondering if you dream has anything to do with worrying about it not working again, and maybe blaming yourself?

As for dreams, I haven't been remembering a whole lot of mine, but the ones I do are almost entirely me being angry with Blake (not sure what that's all about!). I had one dream where I was in labor and I was trying to call him to get him there and apparently we were split up because some girl that he said was his girlfriend that he had known for two days answered; he told me he was busy and was in some town a good distance away. I kept calling and it sounded like he was with friends. Somehow LOs head was out a little bit, like up to her eyebrows, but I was holding her in (?!?). I finally convinced him to come, then all of a sudden I was at home (I drove home with a baby's head in my crotch?!) and calling him and told him to meet me at the house instead. :shrug:

Anyway... lol.

We sold my car, so yay. We were able to trade + cash, so we aren't down a car and we have the cash to pay some bills, so that's going to be a great help.
Jasmine: I am so sorry you are having issues at home. I hope you are able to work things out if you believe it to be for the best. *Hugs*

Meli: that's not too bad, I thought you'd found a bug in there or something.

Angel: interesting dream. I'd freak if Chatlotte tried to latch back on. Thankfully my child is too independent and impatient, so I doubt when the time comes she'd show any interest.

Afm: almost every night I almost get a Charlie horse in my left calf. I drink plenty of fluids during the day and eat a banana every morning so I'm not sure what is going on. Thankfully the cramping is mild, but it's annoying. Any ideas on how I can prevent this?
Stef: you must have been posting at the same time as me. Hooray for trading in the car and getting some extra cash in the process! The co-ed shower sounds like fun. When will you have it?

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