June Angel Baby Mommas Hoping for Rainbows!!

Vegas - scan pics, scan pics, scan pics!

I hope Chevy is doing better today. Will the vet let you make payments?
Stef: ugh, the scan photos are awful! Baby was hiding under my hip and they couldn't get very good head shots. I ended up with three fuzzy profile photos out of the 90 overall that she took. The doctor came in and got sone additional views after baby moved a bit, but he didn't take any additional photos. I'm a bit disappointed, but they were happy with everything they did see. Baby is 13oz now, which is the 56 percentile (for what that matters). The tech asked us to look away when she was looking at the kidneys and says she knows the gender. It's odd that someone out there knows, but it's not me! I'm still thinking girl.

No, they wouldn't do a payment plan for the dogs, but we'll manage. It's just that we put a lot on the CC this last month already since Ben overbought for my b-day. They are both doing well today, though Chevy does still get a tad wobbly.

What's going on with everyone else?
I should be able to post later tonight, but I wanted to post this for Stef.

Meli, I have only had two cats, for them litter training was never an issue. We didn't even have to teach them, and one of them we got very young. Also, my cat is never on the table or counter. We don't allow it at all! I abhor the thought of hair in my food!. Now, I can't say what he does when we are sleeping...

Vegas, I hope Chevy is okay. And I am very glad that your LO is looking great! I can't believe how quickly it is all going for us! I recently took Carter to a splash time at a community pool and there were quite a few tight bellies and even a super cute preggo one in a bikini. I was a tad jealous! I am hoping that now that I know I have thyroid issues and am on meds, that I will be more successful at dieting after she is born. And thanks for the prayers. Hopefully we will know something in a couple weeks.

Stef, glad you had a good time at the zoo and the restaurant. It looked pretty awesome with that view. I really want to get back there to go to the zoo and I really want to take Carter back to the City Museum. He was only 12 months when we took him last time so he didn't get to take full advantage of all that climbing. And as for stains, I seem to get something on me every time I eat now. And Carter has taken to wiping his hands on my belly.:growlmad:

Afm, I got a SUPER, AWESOME deal at Target tonight. I got the 6 onsies and a tiny $1 flashlight for Carter for $5.12, counting tax!!! One set is 18mo, but for only $2.68 I couldn't pass them up!
So watching the dogs wasn't awful, but I decided to take Carter down there Saturday night to spend the night. He slept awful and woke at 4am. Jeff was fighting with him to go back to sleep until 6:30am when they both got in bed with me. Nothing else really going on with me. I have my glucose test Friday and I am not looking forward to it. I can't remember, but apparently you feel like crap all day after. Friday is the only day Jeff has off where I can have somewhat of a break from Carter and such. I hate to feel like poo the whole time. I have scheduled a lunch date with a girlfriend anyway. FX!

Vegas, wow! Way to cooperate, baby! Lol. Sounds like you have a stubborn one in there. Glad he or she is looking good :)

That sucks that they won't do payments. Vets are crazy expensive. My brother once got pet insurance for his dog :haha: He got rid of it after about a year though, realized he spent more on the insurance than he would have on the visits.

Angel, Jessica in the link you posted is my midwife :) Been seeing her since the last pg, before the birth center officially opened, been going to the birth center since March. What's awesome is it's about 3 1/2 miles from my house.

We're going back to the zoo again Saturday with the niece, might take her to the restaurant. If you get a chance to come back to the zoo, you should definitely check out The Boathouse! Maybe sometime next summer you can come out and we can all get together! We love City Museum, so much fun. Blake was talking about possibly going there on Saturday, too.

So Carter wiping his hands on your belly isn't cool, but I have to admit I giggled at it, sorry! :haha:

You're going to have enough clothes to cover the entire first year or two by the time she's born!

Meli, Jasmine - where are you?!

That restaurant looked nice and relaxing. Guac and mayo?? Sounds so weird to me, but I must try it one of these days! Would you mix equal parts of both?

Have fun at the zoo this weekend!

Oh btw I haven’t mailed the dress yet. Can you believe I haven’t done laundry for at least 2 weeks :nope:?? Yikes! Dh doesn’t mind--he just says “relax. Take advantage of this time before baby comes”. He’s such an enabler! But I have to do laundry soon so hopefully I should be able to mail the dress by the middle of next week.


So glad to hear your doggies are getting better :thumbup: I can totally believe the vet bills added up that much. OUCH! It hurts me to think of that. Oh well, what can ya do but be glad that they recovered, right?

YAY to great scan results :happydance: (although you mentioned the pix weren’t the greatest) but what matters is that your lil one is healthy!


I’m like you; hopeful that once my little man is born they can fine tune my thyroid meds and I can be more successful at dieting.

YAY to the awesome deals you are finding :thumbup:

Have fun on Friday's lunch date!


I have my 15 week appt today. Looking forward to seeing how much the little man has grown. Oh, and I’m starting to like Xavier Raul better than Xander Raul, atm.

I have been crazy busy at work, and I’ve been coming home and preparing for our camping trip this weekend. Each year about 30 of us go camping to EL Capitan State Beach (Santa Barbara). It’s lots of fun and beautiful weather. I LUV going to sleep and needing to wear warm winter pj’s and waking up to the fresh morning, and eating breakfast in my pj’s and beanie lol. Can you tell I love cool weather? And it’s such a difference in weather from our house. I don’t even mind sleeping in a tent (although, I will admit that we actually bring our queen size temper pedic mattress topper from our guest bed LOL). Hey, that’s how we roll :winkwink:
Angel: those are some deals! Not sure what to suggest to keep Carter from wiping his hands on you other than repeating "we only wipe our hands on towels, not our pants or shirts" until he get the message. I like to use rules that say "we" as opposed to "you". Of course I slip up sometimes and call her a bad girl if I get really mad or she's done something very bad. Parenting is never easy.
Meli: your camping trip sounds like fun! Do you want to take Charlotte with you? She wants to go camping so badly, but I'm not an outdoorsy person (despite my profession). Are you feeling any flutters yet?
Stef, A meet up would be awesome!!! We will have to check that restaurant out!

Melissa, Your camping trip sounds so fun! I really wanted to camp this summer and now it is too late. I am already too uncomfortable in my own bed. I don't think there is anyway I am going to sleep in a tent on an air mattress. I love camping though! How was your app?! I can't wait to see my little Larry again! Which name does your dh like best out of the two?

Vegas, he has only started wiping on my belly. It is like he sees it sticking out and says "hey, I'll just use this!" I don't know it is not too often so I am not worried.

Nothing going on, got my glucose test tomorrow, wish me luck!
I passed!!! And I feel okay actually! Yay for a day off! Also, my fundal height was 31 weeks! Way off, but she said it was probably due to position of the baby.
Meli, yep, I just mix equal parts, maybe a bit more guac depending on how strong it is. This restaurant used to put guacamole mayo on the veggie burger, but they stopped, and the server recommended mixing them myself one time, and it's so yummy! Good for dipping fries in, too.

Lucky your dh is enabling you to be lazy! Blake is all, "Where's my pants? I have no clean socks." Blah blah. He has 3 pairs of jeans that he wears and I have to wash them after every single wear because he works with metal and gets slivers on them. Makes it tough to keep up! I told him, "You know how to do laundry, too!" His response? "I forgot when I met you." Hahaha. <<sarcastic laugh

How did your appt go? Have fun camping! I've been wanting to go bad since last summer, but I'm with Angel - I would be completely uncomfortable at this point!

Angel, yayyy for passing the test! Mine will be in 4 weeks. Not looking forward to it!

Vegas, Jasmine, how are you both feeling?

AFM, vday yesterday, yay! Still no real bump growth, boo. I'm feeling all the symptoms of a large belly without actually having it, grr. Blake got me a Snoogle. Pretty awkward at first, takes up a lot of space, but it's been helping soooo much. Every morning I've been waking up hardly able to move and with a headache, but the last two mornings have been so much better.
I just realized on my drive into work this morning that I have less than 2 months left of my 20s. :cry: :haha:

I guess everyone was busy this weekend? We had fun at the zoo with the niece. She was amazingly well behaved, curious about everything. We did the stingray / shark exhibit and she was super cautious about petting the sharks, but Blake got her to and she loved it; she ended up wanting a stuffed shark. We spent at least half an hour in there with them both laying with their hands in the pool petting stingrays and sharks.

https://i.imgur.com/DjgjVHG.jpg https://i.imgur.com/Cuq0wiy.jpg

She said her favorite part was the penguins, which we did first, but I also think she loved the goats, because we did that last and she talked about them the entire day before we got there.


Yesterday was her bday party, which was fun, too. They had a slip and slide so it was fun watching the LOs play on that, especially the 1 1/2 year old niece. She also greatly enjoyed handing me chunks of her mushed up birthday cake, all the juices she kept stealing from tables, and rubbing mud on everyone and everything. Got a ton of clothing and shoes from SIL, mostly 12-16 months, so that'll be put away for awhile, but there's also a bunch of blankets, bibs, burp cloths, socks... Some super cute stuff. She gave us a regular monitor, and Blake's grandma is giving us one of the video ones (and she got us a car seat, and something else she says we're going to love but she won't tell us what it is yet).
Congrats on passing vday Stef!!! I am glad you had a fun weekend with your niece and fun at the bday party. Awesome on the box of baby stuff!

Vegas, so how did it go with your parents?
I'm back! Memphis was a lot of fun. Everyone was super surprised and genuinely happy for us. I was a bit worried they'd be mad that we held out so long, but no one seemed bothered by it. Charlotte had so much fun playing with her cousins that she cried when it was time to say goodbye. My mom went out and bought me some baby clothes on Sunday. All are boy's clothes since she knows we are prepared in case it's a girl. I'm pretty sure mom has assured us that it will be another girl. That's what she wants anyway.

Ben's parents are already looking at flights to come down at the end of December. Not sure when my parents will be able to visit.

Charlotte did great with all the travel. We had to get up at 4:15 on Friday in order to catch our flight, but she was pretty good all day other than refusing to nap and therefore being a bit bratty at lunch that day. By the next day she was perfect.

I'm 21 weeks and took a new bump photo today, but I'll have to post it later from my pc. Is there no way to post from my iPhone to BnB?
Vegas, glad it went well! Glad Charlotte handled the travel well. I would get cranky getting up that early, too. :haha:

You can get your pic on here from your phone if you upload it and link to it in IMG tags. I use https://imgur.com

AFM, no midwife appt today. :growlmad: Today's appt was actually a reschedule from Friday at 5. They called and asked if I could come Friday... I was like, "Yeah, since that's when my original appt was..." Now it's for 4. I'm confused... first I can't come in Friday and they don't know why someone scheduled me for that day... but now I can? Getting very frustrated. I understand the whole new business, they're busy etc. thing... just getting annoyed with everything.

Something weird is going on with my ex-husband. All of a sudden he seems to want to hang out with my friends. First, he looks me up on LinkedIn (there's alerts when people view your profile), then he goes to one of my closest friend's salons to get his hair cut (this is the first time he's had my friend do his hair since I left), and my friend finds out his fiance left him. Now I get a text last night at almost 1am from my friend's partner saying, "Ugh... your ex husband is still here. Kill me. Don't ask... he came over..." He wasn't friends with my friends outside of me (he tried to be, no one wanted him around). It's creeping me out a little (he was almost stalkery after I left, trying to find out where I lived, looking me up online, etc).
Stef: sorry they keep messing with your appointment. How odd about your ex. What do you think he wants or do you think he's just being nostalgic? Btw, do you have LinkedIn prime or whatever they call it? Without it, I didn't think you could see who had been looking at your profile.
I don't have a clue what he wants. He's manipulative, so I know it's not just nostalgia, there's definitely something going on.

No, I don't have the Premium thing. I'm not sure how it works, just know that the notifications drop-down thing showed that he had looked at my profile.

Bump pic, bump pic, bump pic!
Stef: I'll have to upload when I get home as the link won't work with my iPhone. Not sure why, but I'm sure it's operator error.
Vegas, I am so glad it went well with your parents. I am happy the traveling was easy as well. There is a posibility we may be back in Memphis early next week for Jeff's mom's surgery. Can't wait to see your bump. I use photobucket to upload and get image codes.

Stef, I am sorry about your ex. Maybe he heard you were pregnant and wishes he had made a baby with you and now he is single and well you know men... I am sorry about your app as well. It sucks when you get excited about something and then get disappointed.
OK, windows 8 totally sucks so I'm not sure if this is going to work at all, but this is my attempt at loading my 21 week bump photo.


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