June Angel Baby Mommas Hoping for Rainbows!!

Hey Girls:

First off I need to say YAY!! to Meli. I am so excited that your testing all came back good and you found out you were having a boy!!! The first official boy from this thread. Although Vegas could still beat you by having the first actual baby boy born since she is ahead of you and doesn’t know what she is having yet.

Angel – Love your photo’s!! You all look great. I really like the way the photographer set things up. And your gender reveal photo was lovely. Carter looks so much older than he did in the other photo you used to have on your siggy. They grow up so fast!!

Jasmine – Looking forward to hearing about your scan tomorrow. The news about the Royal baby is pretty exciting. I can only imagine how crazy things are in England!!

Stef – I’m glad the kitty got to go to a good home. As much as you and your kitties will miss it, with the new baby coming, a cat who poops and pee’s everywhere is not something you want to be dealing with!!

AFM - I don’t really have much time to post as I am at work but I just wanted to send you guys a quick update. Af arrived right on time on Friday :(. So it is on to the next cycle. Hopefully this next one will be the one!! I have been trying to focus on the positives. Things have been getting better since I’ve been taking the progesterone. I really hope that it fixed whatever the problem is and my bfp is right around the corner. My progesterone level was 60.2 at my 21 day test this time so that is another strong number. Plus I ovulated on my own which is a huge bonus (I didn’t have to spend $150 on the shot and then have pregnancy symptoms for 2 weeks). That shows me that things really are improving. So I go for my tracking appointment on July 31. We will see how things look that day. I actually get to see my doctor which is good as I used my last prescription refill for the clomid this month. They don’t like you to take it for more than six consecutive months so we will see what my doctor says about that.
Vegas, thanks for the encouragement. I know it is only temporary. Isn't there a Changeling with Angelina Jolie, if so, I didn't really like it. You mentioned the full moon, I actually looked it up, because yesterday Carter was being such a pain, I thought, hmmm maybe it's a full moon. He was still a little turd today though. I am glad you got lots of movement, sorry it was in your vag though. I am positive that Larry is transverse, so I don't really get vag kicks or punches right now. I know I still have time, but I hope she goes head down soon, so I am not freaking out towards the end!

Melissa, yay again for a boy!! I am so happy for you! I am super happy everything came out normal too! Justin Bateman sure is a hottie!!

Jen, I am sorry af showed up. I know you are doing everything right, maybe you could add some preseed? I am sorry if you are already using it. We used it on all of our bfps.

Stef, thanks for thinking about movies for me. I have seen The Others, didn't like it. I did like The Reaping and Rosemary's Baby (and the book is super creepy too). As for The Descent, yuck! Can't handle gore at all!
I am not so much into vampires (aside from Twilight shamefully...). I did just get a book from the library called The Historian. I may pick it back up, but for now I put it aside. It is pretty dry and hard to get into.
I did like Identity Thief, but there were parts where I was like "really, come on!".
The place you went to sounds really fun! I still want to go back to the arcade in our town once this baby is out!
I second the die heartburn!!! I do it to myself, eating stuff I know will kill me later.
I am glad the kitten is gone, even though you will miss her.
I also understand what you mean about announcing too early. My sil announced at 5 weeks. I think although everyone is scared of miscarriage, no one really thinks it will happen to them, especially when you had an normal pregnancy before it.

Jasmine, sorry things are so busy at work for you. Can't wait to hear about your scan.

AFM, not much going on. Jeff lost his wedding ring at work.:gun: Thank you for all the compliments on my pics. I really loved them! I can not believe in a week and a half I will officially be in the third trimester!!
Jenk: sorry AF showed up, but things sound like they are headed in the right direction. I know the waiting and all the trying is frustrating, but you will get your BFP!

Angel: The Changeling I am referring to is from 1980 starring George C Scott. Also, have you seen the Exorcism of Emily Rose? That scared me tons!

For those having heartburn issues I swear by Pepcid Complete (or the generic from CVS). It is a chewable and starts working quickly. All my stomach woes are gone for now. I'm wondering if that means this baby will be bald as heartburn = hair (or it did for Charlotte!).

Jasmine: hope things settle down for you at work. I was excited about the royal baby news. Though I will say I wasn't digging the cut of Kate's dress yesterday as it made her still l

Busy day at work for me today and tomorrow, then off to the beach Thursday night.
Jasmine: my sentence got cut off! Anyway I thought Kate looked more pregnant in that blue dress than at any point in her pregnancy. At least she's human and not wearing her skinny jeans the next day!
Hey everyone,

Will reply properly this evening but I have had my scan and everything looks good and it's still a girl, she said it was very obviously a girl, no doubts! Yaaaayyy, finally believe it now! We already call her 'Vi pie' nn of Violet! X x

My next dr appt is 1 week from today. I’m sure he will do another scan but I believe them when they say it’s a boy lol. dh was like “I had a dream I was holding a little girl” Silly man..doesn’t he know my dreams matter more than his :wacko:

I think 1 dress should fit you. It’s a cute black sleeveless cotton dress with crocheting detail on the top shoulder portion. I will wash it this weekend and mail it to you next week. Pm me your name and address.

Yes, I’ve been to a dave and buster’s so I think I know what you mean.

Wow…$2 bucks per announcement is kind of pricey, isn’t it? Or, maybe I don’t know what the going rate is nowadays. I agree--that was too early to spread pg news. I think we’re all over cautious at this point!

Oh, and “die heartburn” made me rofl!!


Lol at Carter picking Larry for a nickname! As a child, my nn was Sasha. My little brother couldn’t say Melissa. How does one get Sasha from Melissa??

I can't believe Jeff lost his wedding ring :nope: Sad. Are you guys going to buy a replacement?

Yay to almost being in 3rd tri!!!


Believe it or not, only 1 additional boy name (Nicholas) has popped up that I like. So right now the only possibilities that we agree on are: Xander Raul, Jonathan Raul, Aidan Raul, and Nicholas Raul (although dh is not thrilled with Nicholas--says it reminds him of Santa Clause). All the other names I like (Eric, Justin, Alexander, Matthew, Andrew, Ryan, Benjamin, David, Anthony) are all names of cousins in my family. Yup, having a large family DOES take away lots of options :growlmad:

Did you find a maternity bathing suit yet? And I agree--YIKES to a beach party with Ben’s co-workers!

Sorry baby G was going to town with kicks on your vaj :wacko: It must feel weird? And I wonder if the full moon does have anything to do with it?? interesting….

Oh, and I agree with your observation that Kate looked more pg in that polka dot dress than she ever did before delivery! It doesn’t look like she’s wearing that compression underwear. My mom already bought me a few. They look like old lady girdles. She said that you need to wear something tight for a few weeks postpartum to help put all your innards back in place lol :wacko:? I think it helps shrink your uterus back to regular size? Maybe it’s an old Mexican wives tale?

YAY to the beach tomorrow night! How fun!


Congrats to confirming baby is a girl!! :thumbup: YAY! I love the name Violet.

It sounds like you’re running around like a chicken without a head trying to get that special edition out. I hope they are not stressing you out too much!

dh already put his foot down to Eric because his nephew is named Eric…:nope:


I think you are right! Something tells me that vegas will beat me to the punch by delivering a boy!

It sounds like your body is totally on the right track. 60.2 is an awesome number. I think the highest mine ever was, was 21. And that’s while I was already taking the progesterone suppositories!! Like the other ladies, I just KNOW that your bfp is right around the corner. It truly is. You’ll catch a good healthy egg!!! :dust: :dust:

Keep positive and it will happen soon. Oh and YAY to not having to spend $150 on the shot! That’s a nice bonus. I’m sure your follicles will be nice and plump on July 31st.


Thanks to all for your well wishes on the news of my healthy rainbow. I just feel so validated that I was right regarding the gender! I tell you, that dream was SO vivid so I couldn’t ignore it.

I am now 14 weeks along. It’s so hard to wrap my head around it. So excited!! Last night was the first time dh and I got busy, since I conceived May 1. CRAZY :wacko: !! He was just so cautious and really wanted to make sure it was ‘safe’ before we bd’d. I was fine with waiting and having a break. Now that we finally did, I realized what I was missing! I guess now that I’m out of first tri, I’m more ‘in the mood’. The only thing is that I’m always tired, esp at night!

I bought a crib monitor from a lady from Craigslist for $40. It’s called Angelcare movement monitor. You lay it under the mattress and it detects if the baby stops breathing. I’m also going to buy her Baby Bjorn carrier for $50 (she paid $180 for it) and a doorway swing for $10.

I’m just curious as to whether or not any of you have ever shared pregnancy/birth stories with your mothers? My mom said she never felt better as she did during pg with all 3 of us, no ms, nothing. In regards to labor, she also said that from the moment she started feeling ‘uncomfortable’ and delivered us, only 3 hours had passed. As a matter of fact, my dad missed my older brother’s entrance because my grandmother sent him away to get something to eat, by the time he came back, my brother had arrived! Needless to say, my mother said for the rest of her deliveries, he was forbidden from leaving her side.

I hope my labor is the same as my mom’s (except for dh missing the grand entrance) lol. Do you think that girls pregnancy and labor models their mother’s?
Jasmine, yay she's still a girl! :haha:

Vegas, I tend to like the foreign versions better than their American counterparts. Isn't it fun when they do a dance on your lady parts?

Jen, sorry AF came, but it definitely does sound like you are doing everything right and everything is headed in the right direction!

Angel, I wasn't a fan of The Others, either.

My brother is an arcade and bowling fanatic, so I'm definitely taking him to this place when he comes out to visit. If I bowl at that point it'll probably be the little kid version of bowling, lol. He's coming out mid-September.

Booooo to Jeff losing his ring. Any chance he'll find it or are you going to replace it?

Meli, even though you know it's a boy, scans are still fun! I'll shoot you a message in a minute, the dress sounds cute!

I agree with the naming issues having a large family. The only two nieces both have variations of two of my favorite names, so those were out. It did lead to a name that I like better, though, so there IS an upside :)

Yay for 2nd tri!!! :happydance: I think I have the Angelcare on my registry.

As for having deliveries like your mom, I hope not. My mom complains about how hers were, lol. I'd love to have a delivery like your mom had!
Hello again!

Stef, I'm so relived to hear the kitten has gone safely to her new toilet, I mean home! It sounds like she has the best start with you though and awww at poor little Capone, bless him! I told OH that I'd be up for getting another cat one day in maybe ten years, he didn't look that thrilled but I'll probably let him and the girls :cloud9: have one sooner than that really! Oh, about swimming, it's annoying you live too far away! Do you live in the countryside? I live about two minutes in the car away from the pool but I'm not going tonight, I'm waiting for my new maternity swimming costume to arrive any day now, I'd love to take you swimming with me, hehe! I've copied and pasted your ghost story recommendations too, I love ghost stories, Shane and I used to read them to each other in bed by candlelight and get all spooked out!

Vegas, thanks so much for the advice with Eva, we do most of those things already apart from the silent treatment when taking her back to bed which I have started doing now, great tip :thumbup: I might get her a glow worm too! Cute, me and my sister used to have them too! I think starting pre-school in November will help her a lot actually!

Angel, the gender reveal pictures are stunning, you have a very good looking family and you are blooming! Pregnancy suits you! Hey, do you and Stef live near to each other by the way? I was looking up the places you guys all live in and it said St Louis is in Missouri, sorry if I'm being thick America is so huge, I don't know where to start! That's such a cute and funny story about Carter, I guess I'll never have to deal with those funny willy things! Well done for telling him about the baby! I bet he remembers more than you realise, I thought it was going in one of Eva's ears and out of the other until I overheard her telling a little girl at the park that she was excited to be getting a baby sister :cloud9: I'm sorry to hear you have been feeling down about your living circumstances, I agree with everyone when they say try to remember it's only temporary and of course the baby will always have a prominent place in your home! She won't care as long as she has her family! Little Larry that is, :haha: So have you gone off mckinsley now? H=Gosh, so sorry about Jeff's ring, has it tuned up? I tend to lose mine a lot but luckily it always turns up!

Meli, so happy for you and your little boy! How selfish of your OHs new nephew to get that name too! hehe jk! I love Xander Raul from your list, I like Nicholas cos I like the nn Nicky! Congrats on second tri and getting some action yayyy! Me and OH hardly ever DTD, I am in the mood all the time but can't be bothered, that's bad I know! Hope the weekend of driving alf way around the world wasn't too bad, poor you :hugs: Great bargain on the angelcare, we want one too! As for mother's labours, my mum alway says my sister Alana, her second child slipped out like a bar of soap and the mw had to catch her!

Vegas, how did the spooky trip go, anything happen? Yayyy, for feeling movements all of the time too! Mine are getting quite strong now too, it's nice and reassuring atm, it gets really painful and the hiccups get irratating towards the end though don't they! Yes, the royal baby news has been exciting, they have named him George Alexander Louis as you probably already know! I totally agree about Kate's dress though and I though exactly the same thing plus how similar it was to her mother's outfit when she visited them! I guess it will be easier for us lot to cover up as we're having winter babies!

Jen, Awww I'm sorry stupid AF got you but I agree with everyone it really won't be much longer until you get your BFP! Are you trying any methods etc to get pg or just going with the flow?

AFM, well my scan went really well! I wanted to get a completely unbiased opinion off the sonographer so I didn't let on a thing about knowing the sex, she started saying 'So, what do you think you're having' I was like 'I don't know' she was like 'goooo on have a guess' I was like '50/50' she said 'Nature gives you a 50/50 chance' then she said 'Wasn't the baby co-operating at the 20 week scan?' so I had to admit I knew the gender but was paranoid but I still didn't tell her! She says 'Well, it's a girl, very clearly a girl, no doubts about it' and showed me several potty shots! She measured her foot to be 4cm for fun and we got some really good close ups of her face! :cloud9: They were so clear. The whole time she had her feet in her hands above her head if you can imagine that pose! (the baby not the sonographer you understand, now that would have been impressive a contortionist sonographer!) It was lovely to see her again, get confirmation and put my mind at rest and then I spilled the beans to OH when he got home, he seemed ever more excited about it and not cross about the money or the secret so that's a bonus!

In other news, we've bought a new car, a Black VW (Violet Wren :winkwink:) Polo, it's a 5 door and although it's a 2005 model it's only had one owner and is in great nick! Just a smidge bigger than the micra but much more reliable! Oh is chuffed as we were going to spend that money on moving but now we don;t have to move, we can finally get a better car! Still having a heatwave here, I'm only ready for it to be over because I have lymphadema in my lower left leg and that plus being pregnant is making me not only uncomfortable but I can't find anything to wear! Okay, moan over!

Take care girls x
Stef, I'm so relived to hear the kitten has gone safely to her new toilet, I mean home!

That made me lol!

We don't live in the countryside, we're in a pretty busy area. His mom is in the country, though. Well not SUPER country, but enough where the kids have to be bussed 20 minutes away for school and her mailing address is a PO box because mail doesn't come to her area.

Glad that you didn't get in trouble for spending the money on the scan! I really want another one but have no good reason to go, lol. When my brother comes out to visit I will probably take him for one, but that won't be until September. Until then I might get my mw to use her little machine, next appt in just under two weeks.

Did I miss something? You're not moving again now?
Hehe! It's hard to keep up with our moving situation, sorry I thought I'd updated! Basically we have decided to stay put now, after all that! I have made peace with our situation and simple as that sounds it has really helped me! The main problem was the school that we are nearest too is a very rough one, I assumed Eva and the new baby would have to go there if we stayed here, we are also by an exceptional school. As it turns out we have been reassured by the good school that she will have a place there, our next door neighbours kids also attend so eva starts the pre-school there in November! The other main reason for wanting to move was job opportunities but since we both work ten minutes away from here we may as well stay for now and if we need get jobs in the city and had to move there, we'd cross that bridge then! After extensive research and house viewings, we really cannot afford nothing like what we have here and it would still cost around 300 pounds more per month plus commenting costs! The summer has also helped, it's made me realise there is more to the place than I had thought! So, we are going to stay or now! I'm very relieved as we can maybe start saving now, get a better car, and of course no house move to do, which seen as though it exhausts me to go up the stairs ATM, I'm pretty pleased! X
Vegas, I have seen The Exorcism of Emily Rose and it creeped me out too. But it creeped Jeff out even more. He is catholic and all that stuff freaks him out. Stigmata also creeped me out. I hope you have fun at the beach!

Jasmine, glad it was confirmed a girl for you! I love that nn, how sweet! Yes, Stef and I live sort of close. We are in the same state, but about 3 hours from each other. Carter has a glow worm too, we call it rocky baby. I bet Eva would love one. So you are done having children after Vi pie? I haven't gone off McKinley, I think it is actually my favorite, but I don't think I can get Jeff to agree. Yay on a new car!!! Your scan sounds lovely, makes me very excited about my next one (aug 14). They want my bladder full again, but I refuse!! I want to enjoy this one and ask questions. I have no idea what Larry was measuring before, I was in so much pain I didn't ask any questions! I am glad you are settled and okay with your decision not to move and that Eva and Vi pie can go to the good school.

Melissa, we certainly are not going to buy a replacement right now!!! Maybe if he gets a better job, otherwise he will have to suffer without it! I really like Xander Raul and Aidan Raul. I believe you mom is right, the compression belts help to shrink the uterus. That Angelcare monitor was a must have from our lists, so awesome buy! I would do some research on carriers though before going with the Bjorn. I have heard lots of complaints about them, I think most people prefer ones like Ergo, Moby and ring slings.(maybe not those brands, but those types). My mom had me at 17 and my little brother at 21, both were unplanned and she doesn't seem to remember much. I ask, but she doesn't ever have any details. I wish she did, because I would be really interested in hearing!

AFM, I am dealing with sinus crap again. I feeling particularly miserable and pathetic right now. I started taking tylenol severe cold and sinus last night and have been taking it today. I will add benedryl in tonight, because last night was awful. I have a very hard time sleeping when i have to breath out of my mouth. I don't know what is going on, I hardly ever get sick. I usually only get sinus issues 1-2 times a year, but this is my second time in three months. Hopefully it goes quickly, because I am being quite the whiner!
Also in other bad news, Jeff's mother has a lump in her neck. Apparently it has been there a while. They tried antibiotics a while back and it got smaller, but it came back. She went to the doctor and there is a possibility it could be cancer. She goes back to the doctor 8/3 or 8/4 and I think they are doing a biopsy. Jeff is taking it well. He says he isn't going to worry until there is cause, which obviously is the sensible thing to do.
This weekend we have to dog sit for my parents. Jeff will be sleeping at their house fri-sun night. I will stay with him Fri night and go spend the day up there sun. There dogs are pains though. They are spoiled and constantly want to go in and out, even at night. One of them is huge because of allergy steroid shots and humps a lot and can really hurt you. The other one is really old and arthritic and grumpy, so I completely avoid him so he doesn't bite me. But Peepers gets to go spend the weekend there too and gets to have fun with her "boyfriend" and run in the yard.
Nothing else going on, hoping to call it an early night and hope the bendryl really knocks me out!
Ok so I know I'm going to miss some details as I respond, so forgive me!

Meli: my mom has spoken to me about her pregnancies and they are night and day from my own. She never had ms, she wore her pre-pregnancy jeans home from the hospital and she had three natural no-drugs-at-all births. I spend my pregnancies feeling like crap, then eating too much and gaining too much followed by a c-section due to a breech baby and wonky uterus. Also, I agree with Angel about the Bjorn. I have one and it hurts my back.

Jasmine: I'm glad you are staying in your house and happy to hear your baby is still a girl!

Angel: you are lucky to have a young mom as she has lots of energy to help out (even if you don't want her to). Hope Peepers has fun this weekend.

Afm: beach trip has been postponed though we may leave today. Both dogs dug up and ate some mole poisoning my dh stupidly put out in the back yard (though it was buried and my dogs are not diggers). I didn't know they had gotten into it that morning until Ben called me at 3:30 to say there was dog puke all over the house. They had to spend the night at the emergency vet and they thought one of them wasn't going to make it. I slept maybe an hour, and have been up since 3am. I was on the verge of an anxiety attack before Ben went to pick them up. I've always referred to Rufus and Chevy as my older children and thinking they could die and I wasn't there was awful. Also, trying to figure out what to tell Charlotte if they died was hard to contemplate. They are back at their regular vet now. What a crappy night. Just glad it's over and the boys are semi-ok.
Jasmine, glad you're ok with your living situation and found a good school! Yay for being able to save money! Wish I could figure out how to manage that, lol.

Angel, my mom had me at 21, but you better believe she remembers every little detail, haha. I haven't asked her for more details than I already know because I guarantee I'll hear how it was sooooo unseasonably hot and there was no air conditioning and she was in labor for 17 hours and I tore her down there with my big shoulders and blah blah blah...

Also, I know sinus issues can come with pg. I think mine are worse than they would be otherwise, I've had a cough that just won't quit (coughed so bad one day I peed :blush:)

I hope Jeff's mom is ok and it isn't anything serious.

Vegas, I hope the dogs are doing much better today! So glad they made it through the night. I saw your post on FB last night and was worried for you.

I think that’s an excellent idea-to get a private scan when your brother comes to visit. I’m sure he will love it and will be in awe! I know my mom and dh were. They both kept saying “how things have changed!” “It’s amazing!” My mom took the scan the perinatologist gave her, made a copy, framed and hung up the original, and uses the copy as her bookmarker (she’s a total bookworm--I take after her).

Don’t feel bad about not being able to save money. I’m the same. I save some every month, but not as much as I should, or could, if I really wanted to. And it doesn’t matter how much or little money you make. When you start making more money, you’ll just adjust your spending habits and spend more. Oh well. I tell myself DH saves excessively (without being tight), so we balance each other out :winkwink:

Your mom’s birth story is scary. How rude of you tearing her with your broad shoulders lol :haha:


That’s funny that OH is the cat person, and not you! I always picture the woman as the cat lover, not the man. I know, I’m cuckoo.

Both dh and I don’t get along with cats. I never grew up with cats so I’m not comfortable with them. I’m easily startled so I think cats and I startle each other with our sudden moves. Plus I HATE how they jump around and walk all over the place--specifically, countertops and tables, and stuff. What if you have food there or are cooking? As far as I know, cats can’t be trained, right? They pretty much do what they want. I wouldn’t be able to deal with a cat, especially because in our area, they need to be indoor cats, or else you’re just giving the coyotes a special treat :nope:

Wow, Eva is starting preschool in September? You’ll have one leaving the nest right as the other is arriving!

I have one other name I like: Adrian Raul. Dh seems to think it’s ‘okay’ so I put it on the list. My mom is stuck on me naming my baby Angel, either as a first or middle name. I tried to explain to her that the term “angel” reminds me of my angel that I lost, so that name brings me sorrow and not comfort, and she said “Well, if you name him Angel, you’ll have 2 angels-one in your arms and the other in heaven looking after him”. DH said no to that name. He says he knew quite a lot of Angels growing up and none of them left a good impression. idk how to break the news to her :nope:

You made me lol at your sister Alana slipping out like a bar of soap. Wouldn’t that be awesome if we all had that experience!

When are you going to post the close up scans of Violet’s face?? I can just imagine her with her feet in her hands above her head. How cute!!! I lol’d at contortionist sonographer. YAY to Shane not being mad at the extra scan :thumbup:!!!

I’m glad you guys bought a more dependable car (VW= Violet Wren is CUTE! That’s a good sign!), thus negating the need to move house. You’ve just saved yourself lots of stress!

I hope you get more acclimated to the heat since it’s probably not going anywhere for a long while!


Yah, I liked Stigmata also! I’m also Catholic, so yah, I know what you mean when you say it freaks Jeff out.

Ha ha something tells me that Jeff will be ‘suffering’ lots without the wedding ring LOL~! :winkwink:

RATS! I already bought the Bjorn…too late! I wish I would have checked with you guys sooner. I pictured using that for when the baby is older, and using a moby or peanut sling when he is younger. Oh well, I will just have DH use the Baby Bjorn. I also bought a high chair from her for only $40! And she gave me 2 extra covers/seat pads.

I’m so sorry you are dealing with sinus issues :hugs: I know I was miserable at the beginning of this pg and I came down with the cold/sinus issues and didn’t take any rx for it. MISERABLE. I can’t imagine how you feel-sounds like it hit you hard.

Speaking of which==everybody be super careful, idk if you’ve heard of that norovirus stomach flu epidemic going around? Supposedly it’s only in a few states, CA isn’t listed as one of them, BUT 5 of my students have been absent from school in just the last 2 days, with the same symptoms of stomach flu! I can tell when stuff starts going around because one of my responsibilities is to monitor our absence hotline and follow up with students that they've made up their time absent when they miss time from their clinical internship--yes, yes, I'm the meanie :haha: Wash all your veggies and fruits really well! Don’t touch your eyes/mouth/face with your hands, EVER (unless you just scrubbed them down lol)! Stuff like this freaks me out-esp being pg and all.

I will pray for Jeff’s mom :hugs: Hopefully it’s just a reactive lymph node. I have one on the left side of my neck, it’s been there for years. I also had a biopsy done. It was an OP procedure, but I can’t remember if I was awake during the procedure, or if they put me to sleep? Anyways, the recovery wasn’t bad at all. Glad y’all are being sensible and not worrying yet!

That’s funny that you guys are dog sitting for your parents, but Jeff is the one that has to stay there more than you. He’s a good man!

I hope Peepers has a good time and that you got some rest last night and feel lots better today!


WOW? Did your mom really wear her pre-pg jeans home from the hospital??! That’s cray cray!

So so mad/sad that 1. Your fur babies are sick, and 2. Beach trip cancelled!! It sounds like they are on the mend, so fx they continue to get stronger and recuperate quickly. Try not to be hard on Ben…I’m sure he had no clue this might happen :hugs:

Vegas, I am really sorry about your dogs. Dogs are like family so I know it was tough last night. I am glad they seem okay. So scary that it could happen to anyone!

Melissa, they found Jeff's ring at work, so his suffering is no more. Lucky for him!! I hope you are right about Jeff's mom. She is a VERY big woman, I would guess around 450lbs. She also has lupus. Because of all this, she barely leaves the house, much less the couch. So, anyway, Jeff doesn't think she would be able to handle any cancer treatment like chemo. And Jeff is a good man, but he is practically just as close to my dad, constantly playing golf. Jeff is the reason we see them so much! As for that stomach thing, I saw something on facebook about a bug being in the three states around MO, so I will have to be super careful!

OOOPS just seconds after posting, a preview for the news came on saying that the bug was confirmed in MO!! Yikes!
Dogs are back to normal today so we headed out to the beach this morning. There are two women at the pool with four month old babies and their tummies are tighter than mine was pre-pregnancy. Not fair!

Hope everyone is having a good weekend. I'll write more later.
Meli, hopefully I have the extra money for the scan when my brother comes out. He's never seen an ultrasound live so it'll definitely be cool for him.

We're not great with saving money, but Blake is a HUGE problem solver and if we need money when we don't have it, he always finds a way, and he's always finding ways to cut bills or move bills around to make it so we're paying less. Right now he's working on trading my car (the one without a/c) at least for something better or for something not worth as much (even with the busted a/c it's still worth a decent amount because of the very low mileage) + cash. There's a few dealerships that do cash trades, so if we can get enough, we can get a decent replacement plus have some extra money to pay off some bills and reduce our monthly payments. This is all from him, told you he's a thinker!

Cats can definitely be trained, they're just more difficult. I think they like to see how much they can get away with! Gracie, the one that ran away, manipulated me when she was a kitten and I was litter training her. The only thing that worked was giving her a treat when she used the box. She quickly learned she'd get one if she did, so she started faking it. She'd get in the box, scratch around, get out, look at me and meow. I realized what she was doing when she did it a second time right after actually using the box and getting a treat. So yep, they can definitely be trained (and manipulate!).

Angel, glad they found Jeff's ring. Ok, let's hide out in our houses... I don't want to catch another bug!

Vegas, glad the dogs are ok! Hope you had fun at the beach.

AFM, we went to the zoo again this weekend - this time we actually walked around instead of 10 minutes and leaving, lol. We didn't stay as long as we planned because we got hungry again! Then we went to the restaurant in the park, The Boathouse. It was PACKED because of a free concert in the park and the outdoor theater showing Mary Poppins. At one point they started turning people away because there was a 2 hour wait and they would have been closing before these people would even be seated. Had a good time though.

We had pretty much the best seat in the place. Some views:

We're taking one of the niece's back to the zoo next Saturday for her 5th bday, then her bday party is next Sunday.

Found some baby clothes I fell in love with and bought. Really need to get some pics of all this stuff to show! I also found some maternity stuff. One shirt I got and fell IN LOVE with. It's destined to be wrecked, though. Day one - I got mac and cheese on it. I hand washed that out, but... day 2 - one of my cats decided it was a fun toy and got some claw holes in it. I love it so much I don't care and wore it again anyway (the holes are tiny and there's only a few, thank goodness, I'm just hoping they don't get any bigger). So the next time I wear it (yesterday), what happens? Well, the Boathouse has this amazing black bean and corn veggie burger. They used to serve it with guacamole mayo, but they don't carry that anymore, so I get a side of mayo and a side of guacamole and mix them together. My veggie burger pooped guac mayo on the shirt. Grrrr. Telling you, destined to wreck this poor shirt. Which is, and I HIGHLY recommend (soooooooo comfy and the only shirt I own that fits PERFECTLY) a Gap Maternity Pure Body v-neck. I got it used for $4, they're $19.95 from The Gap. I want two in every color, haha, but I'm so damn cheap I don't think I can bring myself to spend that much on ONE.

Anyway... done babbling!
Angel: I love a restaurant with a view. One of my co-workers is pregnant and her cats have ruined her favorite maternity shirt. It's like they know.

Afm: headed to the doctor this afternoon for a check-up and then tomorrow is my 20 week scan. Baby has been moving quite a bit so I'm assuming all is fine.

Rufus, my younger dog is totally back to normal. Chevy is still having some issues with unsteadiness. Not sure if they are tiny seizures or something else. They go in for a re-check on Wednesday.
Angel: just wanted to let you know that I'll say some prayers for Jeff's mom. It must be a scary time for him and her.

Meli: I fear getting another stomach bug so I'll be super careful. It's hard with a kid in daycare keep all the germs away.

Stef: can Blake tell me how to pay these vet bills? Their little accident cost us more than our house payment and utilities in a typical month. Maybe I need to look at cutting some of my cable services or just stop buying maternity clothes. I'm sure it'll all work out for both of us, but geeze life can get expensive!

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