June Angel Baby Mommas Hoping for Rainbows!!


I kinda don’t want to get the 3d ultrasound because I already know he’s a boy. I think I want to keep at least some mystery, and be surprised at how he actually looks when he’s born :wacko:. Does that make sense?

Now, having said that, if dh really wants to do it, I will let myself be talked into it. Because I have no patience and would LOVE to see what he looks like, sooner rather than later. But if he can stand firm, then so can I.

Although, it would be cool to have such a pic for his baby album, right? See, here I go, wavering in my steadfastness. Doesn’t take much, does it? :winkwink:


Sorry to hear of your pains:hugs: You sound miserable. I hope your little man is fully cooked and comes out sooner than expected.
Sweetmomma: good to hear from you! You are so close. I'm so excited for you! I too was miserable towards the end with Charlotte and only made it to 37+4. I had forgotten about how bad my ribs hurt, and now I'm sure it'll happen again. Oh well, I suppose it's worth it.

I'll try to find you on FB when I get home, but keep in mind my pregnancy is not FB public. :)
sweetmomma, you're due the day before my baby shower :) I friend requested you on FB (Stefanie Rasmussen)

Meli, I understand wanting to keep some mystery. For me that won't be a problem, because when I see the 3d ultrasound, it's more like a cartoon to me than an actual baby :haha: My brain just doesn't seem to connect what the baby will actually look like with what I see on the screen (except when I see pictures of the baby born compared with the 3d ultrasound, then I see it!). I'm odd.

Afm, 27 weeks today! 3rd tri, right?! Ready for this baby shower thing to be done. Blake's mom called last night and told us she rented a hall for it. This is after having invites out for a week with the location being listed as her house. :growlmad: I don't know if I can really get mad, but it IS annoying. She sent out the paper invites to family with the updated address... just wish she had, you know, maybe mentioned it to us?

On the plus, Holly and I are texting right now about cupcakes. :haha: She's special ordering a bunch from a friend who does homemade cupcakes. Yum.
Stef: congrats on 3rd tri! It's going so quickly, or so it seems. Odd about changing the shower location after the invites were sent, but seeing as she's letting everyone know I think it'll be OK.

Meli: i think the baby will look a lot different than the 3-d scan will portray. My SIL had one done and it looks nothing like what he looks like on the outside. I'm not planning on having one done as I feel it looks a bit like someone pressed up against glass.

Afm: nothing much to report. The dress I'm wearing today makes me look huge (several people have made comments). My hips are starting to hurt a tad. I had forgotten about that little side effect. Ben and I are going out tomorrow. It's a work related networking thing for him, but it's casino night so it's also fun. My only issue is that I have nothing to wear! My stuff is either work appropriate or totally casual. Too bad I don't have time to shop.
Melissa, if you want a 3d go for it. I don't thin it will take away the mystery. We had one with Carter, but you really don't see what they look like until they are born. The only thing we could really see with Carter was that he had hair and that he had my nose.

Vegas, I hope you have fun tomorrow!

Stef, congrats on third tri!!! I would be annoyed with the location change, but I get annoyed at everything lately anyway! I can't wait to see pics and pics of everything you got!!

AFM, I have my appointment today at 3:30 (central). I am very anxious to see if there is growth. I am pretty sure there will be, but it really freaks me out that if there isn't he can say "come back tonight, we are taking her". We are not prepared at all!!
Larry is currently having a bout of hiccups right against my cervix.:wacko:
Angel: GL with the scan. I have everything X'ed for you that the results are good. Keep us updated!

Congrats to reaching 3rd tri!!!

So the party location was changed….maybe it’s for the better, especially if there will be many people there. And you are providing enough notice to the ttendees….

Homemade cupcakes..nom nom!


Lol at your description of 3d ultrasounds looking like someone pressed up against glass :wacko:

I’m sure you will have lots of fun tomorrow at casino night. Those are always fun!

I’m also starting to look huge, but I don’t think I can blame it on my clothes :nope: (although some outfits do accentuate it more than others). A man actually asked me if I was pg with twins. THE NERVE!


I KNOW that Larry will have more growth today. Everything will be fine, you shall see the power of prayer!!

Btw, what do hiccups against the cervix feel like? :wacko:


We are having orientation today and tomorrow for our incoming students so my crazy school year has started. No more 20 min afternoon naps :nope:….I will miss you!:cry::cry:

Dh is on a kick to get me a new car. It’s been difficult deciding what to get, because my focus has been that we need a car that has great gas mileage because each Sunday night we make a 150 mile round trip to pick up dh from his mom’s house. However, I want a bigger car too. I think we’ve decided to keep my Honda hybrid, and that will be the car we use to pick up ds. Then I’ll get a mid size suv. We’ll probably lease it so that we can use the tax break on the business taxes, then we can buy it outright at the end of the lease. Dh is in love with the BMW suv, but that’s too much car for me :nope: I’m more of a Nissan Pathfinder or Toyota Rav4 type of person. We’ll see. I’m not in any rush to start making car payments!
Well I thought they were going to measure her, but they didn't. They did an NST and measured fluid, looked at my placenta and made sure she was moving and breathing okay. Everything looked great and he said he will measure her on Monday.
Angel: boo for no measurements today, but hooray for good results from the NST.

Meli: so the Tesla is out of the running? Lexus makes a nice hybrid SUV. Sadly, most hybrids aren't all that affordable, are they?

Sorry nap time has come to an end. Is your energy still low now that you are in second tri? We need to see a bump photo from you!!!

See, everything looked great! I guess we will have to wait for Monday for the rest of the good news (that she’s growing)!

I imagine this weekend you will be on pins and needles, waiting for Monday testing. As much as it’s in your power, try not to :hugs: I really feel that everything will be ok and dr’s will see she is growing and thriving inside you, where she still belongs!


Yes, the Tesla most certainly is out of the running. DH already has the Lexus SUV (albeit it’s not a hybrid) and I don’t want twin cars, so that’s out of the running. Yes, unfortunately, hybrids are soooo expensive. The only way they save you fuel $ is when they are used to commute to far places. DH bought the hybrid because he used to drive about 50 miles round trip to work. At this point, with him wfh and having a company car, and me taking the train, it doesn’t make financial sense to spend a premium just for hybrid capability. I would like to save the environment, but we're not rich and can’t afford to get a hybrid just to help save the environment, IYKWIM.

We rented a Tahoe for our camping trip, and I drove it home so dh could nap, but I was not comfortable at all. It is way too big for me. I will probably get the Toyota rav4 or Nissan pathfinder. However, I have seen some Huyndai ads that say they offer the best warranty, and I think they’ve come a long way. I would totally go for a Huyndai SUV if dh agrees. We should probably make up our mind soon because the sales we are seeing (no money down, etc) probably won’t last too much longer. I think these sales are to make room for the 2014 models??

You know, I haven’t really felt a change in energy from 1st to 2nd tri. Idk if it’s because I get up so early (445am) and go to bed so late (11p-1130pmish) and the tiredness can’t be avoided, pg or not? I really could use a nap after lunch time (especially if I eat a heavy meal), but I suppose that can be avoided by eating a sensible lunch. Who'd of thought? :wacko:

Yes, even dh has been saying he wants to start taking bump photos. Idk, there’s always something. Like my hair doesn’t look right, etc. But he said this weekend, no excuses!


Dh went out of town for work yesterday and will be back tonight. He's a huge boxing fan and bought tickets for us to go to a big boxing match Saturday night. I’m not a fan, but I like people watching at fights. The boxing fans are a hoot and I crack up at the insults they yell. I also like watching the ‘celebrity fans’ make their entrance. I guess sometimes we have to do things that dh likes to do….

Anybody have any plans for the weekend?
Meli: we considered the Tahoe/Yukon too, but it was just too big. My best friend owns a Santa Fe and loves it. You should be able to find good deals now through the end of the year.

No more excuses! Bump photo!

I'm not sure how you operate on so little sleep. I need 8-9 hours a night or I'm super grumpy. The first seven weeks of Charlotte's life were hell on me as I was only getting 2-3 hour blocks. Thankfully, she's a big sleeper too.

This weekend is busy. Tonight is the casino night I mentioned and tomorrow we are going to our neighbor's for a BBQ. Next weekend college football begins so that is all we will schedule for Saturdays for the rest of the fall. To think, as soon as the regular college season is over I'll be due!
Angel, I’ve been praying extra hard for both Larry and your MIL! :hugs:


I’m not sure how I operate on such little sleep either. Before I was pg, I would try to go to bed by 10pm and wake up at 445am. Since I got pg, I wake up around 330am and cant fall back to sleep. After a few frustrating weeks, I came upon a solution. I go to bed a little later (11pm ish) and I sleep a little better. I still wake up around 330a-4am but most of the time can doze back to sleep until the alarm goes off. And don’t forget that 45 min nap I squeeze in on the train ride home. On weekends, I start waking up around 6a-7a and will get out of bed at that time. I will go watch tv in the living room and get all cozy on the chaise lounge. About an hour later I will get drowsy again and go back to the bedroom to join dh in bed. Sunday I did that and fell asleep til 10:30a! I guess the weekends I definitely use to catch up on my sleep. And don’t think I didn’t sneak in another 2 hour nap yesterday afternoon :haha:

How was your casino night & Saturday’s bbq? I am usually a social person but lately I have had no desire whatsoever to hang out with our neighbors. I guess I just don’t feel like it and have less patience for things that irk me. My latest pet peeve is our next door neighbor. He has 2 huge trucks (one is for work, another for pleasure) and he also has a boat. He keeps his boat parked in his driveway (boo!). WELL, for the last 2 weeks, he’s had his friend’s boat parked in his driveway too! As if 1 damn huge boat parked there wasn’t enough :growlmad:!!! Ugh it looks so cluttered and such an eyesore. Then all weekend long, there were cars parked in MY parking spot in front of OUR house :growlmad::growlmad: We have a 2 car garage, and the Lexus and dh’s classic mustang are parked in there. I don’t like to park in the driveway because I don’t want to block dh in. So I park right in front of our house on the street. I have no idea who these cars belonged to, but it p*sses me off because we are always very considerate of our neighbors and their parking spots. Everyone knows where everyone parks. When we have guests, I have them park in our driveway. I have even been known to kindly ask our guests to move their cars to our parking spots, or I make sure our guests know where to park before they arrive, because I know what it feels like when someone takes your spot. It just annoys me to no end when people are rude :growlmad: So I pull in right behind them as close as I can get and they end up getting blocked in :haha::haha:

Anyways, rant over!

You know, it’s really hard to believe that as soon as regular college football season ends, you will be delivering baby G!!!! :happydance:


The boxing match was fun on Saturday night. We really enjoyed ourselves. I especially enjoyed the roaming concession people (kettle corn! Ice cream dibs!) :haha: I was craving the buffalo wings but held back because 1. They looked really messy to eat and 2. My feet were already swelling from lunch and I knew the buffalo wings would push me over the edge!

I bought the crib bedding from Craigslist last night. This person was only about 15 min out of my way (I stopped by her house after I picked up ds from his mom’s house). It’s the comforter, fleece blanket, dust ruffle, crib bumper, 2 window vallance's, diaper stacker, light switch plate, night light plate, 4 soft wall art pictures, rug and the mobile. She paid over $300 for it. She was asking $100 but she agreed to sell it for $80. SCORE! :happydance: All I’m missing is the lamp. Now I just have to buy a 2nd set of crib bedding for my mom’s house, but I’m in no rush for that since it will be awhile until she needs her crib set up.

I have a question and one of you probably knows the answer. I am planning on breastfeeding and have heard bf proponents say one of the perks of bf’ing is at night, if you bf while in bed, it’s easier for the baby to fall asleep. BUT don’t you have to burp the baby after every feeding? Just curious…I also dont plan to sleep with baby in bed because dh is paranoid about something happening to the baby, but just curious about that...

Also, another question: my cousin who had her baby 5 weeks ago, returned to work. OMG I feel so sorry for her :cry:! Anyways, since her son was born, she has complained that he must have a timer on him that goes off every 2 hours. Since he was born she’s been both bf’ing and pumping/giving him a bottle. Any tips? Or is this something that she has to put up with until baby grows out of it? She is a wreck and exhausted...I told my mom to pass along a msg to my aunt to keep an eye on her for post partum depression...you can never be too cautious! My aunt lives 4 hours away from her, and she had planned to stay with her for the first couple of months, but my uncle had to have shoulder surgery and he is helpless for at least 6 months...so my cousin has had to go it alone (besides her dh, but you know how that goes)!
Melissa, sorry you have to lose the naps. I am a grumpy mess when I need a nap! Good luck in the car search. We would love to get a minivan once our financials improve!
Urgh boxing, I can't even handle watching in on tv. My stomach is so weak and even weaker pregnant! Glad you had fun though!
Like you lately, I have no desire to be social! I have been a big homebody lately! Sorry your neighbors have been so annoying. The parking spot thing would annoy me as well.
As for bf in bed, I have a small co-spleeper that fits in the bed between dh and I. It is like a tiny baby bed, that dh can't roll over on. We are also getting an Arms Reach Co-sleeper that attaches next to my side of the bed. Carter slept with us until he was about 8 weeks and then dh kicked him out, but we had his crib set up in our room so it wasn't that bad. I will keep McKinley (I think it might be official) in our room for around 6 months, so hopefully she likes the co-sleeper. I am unsure about the burping thing, but would really like to know the answer myself too!
As for your cousin, her baby is COMPLETELY normal. Waking every two hours at 5 weeks is still to be expected and could still continue for several more weeks. In Carter's second month he finally upped to sleeping up to 4.5 hours at a stretch, but not consistently. My advice to her would be to stop expecting it to change. When you think it should change or might change, I think it is easier to get frustrated and stressed. If she learns to expect it and just go with it, it may be easier for her to deal with. I hope that made sense.

Vegas, hope you had fun at the bbq and casino!

As for me, I had my ultrasound and it went great!!! My dr did the measuring instead of the ultrasound tech, so there may be a little change just based on it being a different person, but she looks great. Her belly measured 31+3, which is exactly what I am!!! Fluid, placenta, movement, everything looked great. She is transverse though, so hopefully she moves. Otherwise I am very pleased!
As for Jeff's mom, they took some cancer off of her epiglottis (flap covering windpipe). They didn't even touch the mass in her neck though. The dr thinks she may have two cancers, the one they removed some of and non hodgkin's lymphoma. She should get more results Thur or Fri and she will likely have another surgery very soon. It was only stage one cancer that they removed so hopefully completely treatable on both. I wasn't there of course so I don't have as much info as I would like, but this is what Jeff told me.
I forgot to say that last time they estimated her at 2 and a half pounds and this time they said 3lbs 14 ounces!

Yah, I can’t say that I didn’t wince and look away many times during the fight!

The arms reach co-sleeper sounds interesting. I’d like to look into it. I would love a co-sleeper that fits in the bed, BUT that would be impossible, even though we have a California king! dh is the king of pillows. He has pillows all over. There’s like a barrier of pillows between him and I. They take up the space of 1 person, I am not kidding. I swear that I am relegated to a little patch of bed, although he denies it :growlmad: HEY, maybe if I insist, and we use the co-sleeper bed, he will get a taste of his own medicine and know what it feels like :winkwink:

I think you gave good advice to my cousin. I will pass that along. Thanks.

YAY to McKinley being right on target for her growth :happydance:!! I’m sure you have a few gray hairs you can attribute to this situation, but at least you have the best resolution possible.

yikes..the situation with Jeff’s mom sounds scary, but the bright side is that at least the cancer was discovered at stage 1. It is totally treatable, thank God!


Wellllllllllllllllllllllllll, I know this is tmi, BUT was curious if anybody has experienced the following: Ever since I got pg, I seem to have a more *ahem* pungent smell :wacko: Not fishy, just more ‘sweet’ or ‘musky’?? I asked dh if he noticed it and he said “yes” , he notices it when we are dtd. He says it’s not offensive or anything, but he does notice it because it’s different. In the beginning, I blamed it on the progesterone pills but it’s been 6 weeks since the last one and no difference noted.

I am pretty trimmed, so I can’t blame it on that. I change my pantiliner at least 3x a day. The only thing maybe I can point the finger to is my underwear. My fav are polyester sheer from Old Navy because there are no VPL. I might have to buy new cotton underwear but I hate cotton and the resulting VPL :growlmad:

Oh, and another thing…I seem to ‘smell’ other women too :wacko: ! Women I work with…like my sense of smell is so much stronger or something. SO WEIRD and I’m hoping I’m not the only one?!
I smell much more "pungent" too. It doesn't help too that I soak three pairs of underwear a day with sweat. As for smelling other women, that made me want to throw up in my mouth. :sick:
I smell much more "pungent" too. It doesn't help too that I soak three pairs of underwear a day with sweat. As for smelling other women, that made me want to throw up in my mouth. :sick:

IKR! But it's the truth :wacko:
Meli: your poor cousin. It pretty much is what it is. I started "teaching" Charlotte the difference between night and day early on by not turning on lights or even speaking to her much during the night feedings so she would be bored and go back to sleep. My mom swears that once they reach 11lbs they can sleep longer. Charlotte was a fatty and started sleeping seven hours a night at just under seven weeks old. But really it just takes time.

As far as I recall you are supposed to burp when bf'ing. I did it after each boob, since I fed from both at feeds. I couldn't feed while laying in bed on my side as my boobs are too small.

Gross about smelling other people. I think I'm a little different now too, but I'm not asking dh!

Angel: hooray for awesome test results. Sorry that your mil may have two types of cancer. How sad.

Afm: I'm at a conference this week so not able to check in like when I'm at work. Feeling pretty good overall.

I like your tips on ‘teaching’ baby difference between night and day. Aww you calling Charlotte a fatty makes me want to see a baby pic of her!! Did she have adorable cheeks like Carter did? :hugs:

Yahh…the smelling other women IS gross :wacko:. I mean, it’s not like it’s a bad smell, but I do notice it. And funny thing is, I’m realizing it happens with only 2 women in my office. And they are 25 and 30 y/o. It doesn’t happen at all with the older ladies. Maybe it has to do with cycles and the older women are close to menopause or have gone through it already?! SO Weird!! As a kid my cousins used to call me ‘snoopy sniffer’ because I would smell everything :wacko: I guess I’ve always had a sensitive nose, and being pg has made it that much more sensitive.

I hope you continue to have a nice time at the conference! Sounds like they are treating you well.


Hope you’re doing well!



Jasmine and Jen,

Although I don’t say ‘hi’ or ask where you’re at, please do know that you guys are on my mind and I pray for you both every night. And that’s the truth!!


I have my dr. appt today, the one where they scan you and check out the goods and make sure everything is ok with LO. I hope I get a really nice picture this time! I also have lots of questions. Scab in my belly button, pungent vaginal odor, commute time from my home to the hospital when it comes time to deliver LO (I live about 75 min away, and that’s without traffic!), tell him I do not want an epidural, ask about cord blood registry, and placenta encapsulation.

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