June Angel Baby Mommas Hoping for Rainbows!!

Stef, I also love James Franco, but used to love him in Freaks and Geeks too! That song is beautiful and the dancing was a as well. I think that style is very popular right now, the first I saw of it was when Pink did it in her video. How do you get such luck with no bathroom again! Just knowing there was not bathroom would make me have to go!

Melissa, lovely bump! It looks to be coming along nicely, but as Vegas said, the pic is a bit small. I am the wrong person to ask about overreacting! I am WAY to hormonal and bitchy right now to be a level head! So certainly EVERYTHING you mentioned would have pissed me off! That is great that you got so much sleep and got so much done in the nursery. I want to go swimming again, but I don't have the energy to do it with Carter. It isn't very relaxing when he won't leave me alone! The 3d pic is very cute and super awesome that you get to go back!! I laughed out loud about you saying "lynched"!! So true though! I am about to lynch Jasmine if she doesn't get in her and let us know she is okay! I am so jealous of all of your vacations!!!! A beach house sounds so lovely right now! I considered doing cloth with Carter, but decided against it after dealing with them with Charlie for a year. They aren't bad really, I am just too lazy.

Vegas, I was also really down the first couple of weeks after he was born. I cried everyday, for seemingly no reason, then of course I cried about the crappy birth and not being successful bf. PPD is something I would like to watch out for, especially if I am so disappointed in the birth again. Luckily for me with him I was fine once my hormones leveled out. I am sorry you are "done" already. I will be adding my own rant further down!

Jasmine and Jen, hope you guys are well.

AFM, I haven't wanted to say I am done being pregnant just for financial reasons and other stuff we wanted to get done before she gets here. BUT... I am DONE!!! I am so over being pregnant! I am exhausted all the time! I am so sick of having heartburn. It hurts to lay on my sides, it hurts to lay on my bad, hurts my butt to sit down to long and I get light headed when I stand too long! I want desperately to sleep on my stomach! And I am Fuc*ing sick to death of going to the doctor so much!!!!
I had a growth scan wed and while the tech still measured her smaller than my OB, it showed she gained a pound in three weeks which is good. My OB didn't like my nst though because she didn't move much and wasn't reactive to me eating candy and drinking a bit of juice. I wasn't worried at all, but he wanted me back today. I go in today and I had to wait an hour and 15 minutes just to go back!!!! They didn't even call me then, I walked to the window and said "I can't wait any longer" and they got me back right away. All for a 15 min app!!!!! Then I have to go back on Monday, then the 12th, then the 18th. I know it is good that they are being so cautious, but jeez! I can't find someone for Carter so often!! I already have to bring him with me Monday, which I am sure will be awful! He is a good kid, but he is three! Loves to talk and can't sit still.
And I am so behind on all the threads I follow, I just don't feel like replying! I just want to get in bed and stay for a whole day!!
Here are some bump pics, the first two are around 32+2. My belly looks HUGE in the one with my grandparents!!



Angel: you look great! Out of curiosity, do you think your bump looks any different than it did with Carter?
Thanks! I don't feel it looks any different. I feel like I carry low and felt the same with him. I do feel bigger though! I am sure I have surpassed what I was at 36 weeks when I had him.
Angel: interesting. I was just wondering since the old wives tale says that girls and boys are carried differently. I feel like I look like I did with Charlotte, but I'm not confident that it means this will be another girl. Does your doctor think you will deliver early this time? I know you are being monitored, but seeing as all appears to be going ok, I'm curious if they think you'll make it to 40 weeks.
They haven't really mentioned it. I don't feel I will get to my due date though, whether through intervention or her just coming on the earlier side.

Thanks for the info on the cloth diapers. We do have an older model washing machine, it’s not front loading, which will work if I do decide to go the cloth diaper route. One of my biggest concerns is that I don’t want to burden my mom with cloth, since she will be my babysitter. I guess I should have that conversation with her and see how she feels about it. If she can support me in that, I think I will at least try it.

What kind of things are you craving? Are you craving sweets and junk (like Stef)?


Aww all your bump pictures are beautiful! You DO look like you’re glowing!!!

Thanks for sharing your experience with Charlie and cloth. I’m glad to hear that you thought it was okay, that kind of takes away some of my trepidation.

I know what you mean about Jasmine. I think about her lots and hope she is ok! And I hope the reason we haven’t heard from Jenkb, is because she will be one of those ladies that jumps back on the board and shares her bfp once she passes her first tri, and is just gun shy of announcing in the early days.

Sorry that you are suffering so much with your pregnancy :hugs: Not to mention all those dr visits are hard to swallow. Small comfort, I know, but all you can do is take comfort in the fact that they are tracking you so closely for yours and McKinley’s benefit.


The weekend was wonderful :happydance: We left Friday evening and stopped at the outlets on the way to the beach house. Dh bought me a new pair of sunglasses and bought himself some shoes and sunglasses :thumbup: We got to the beach house around 9pm.

The next day, my cousin texted to ask if he could ‘crash our party’ because he was dying in the LA heat and had no plans to do anything (It’s his parents that own the beach house). Of course I said come on down and join our boring party :haha: Dh and I left the house to go to breakfast, then for a bike ride then to dinner. On Sunday, we walked to the beach and then went to brunch. We came back to the beach house to hang out until it was time to leave to pick up ds from his mom’s house, so we left around 6:30pm. It was a gorgeous weekend with lots of relaxing and sleep time again! Came home to our house temp measuring at 87 degrees at 830pm :growlmad:

I had intentions of starting to learn baby sign language and to start filling out my pregnancy book. HA! I didn’t even open the packet of flash cards…:nope:

Oh and Saturday morning I finally felt my first kick that was certifiable! No doubt there at all! IDK if it was a kick or a punch, but there was no denying it. The movement has been ongoing since then. LOVING IT! :happydance:
Hey guys,

I'm okay don't worry. Things are great with me and OH now, I'll come on here either tonight or tomorrow and catch up with you all! I so appreciate your concern and thoughts, it has been a rocky road but were great now.

Lots of love x
Hey guys,

I'm okay don't worry. Things are great with me and OH now, I'll come on here either tonight or tomorrow and catch up with you all! I so appreciate your concern and thoughts, it has been a rocky road but were great now.

Lots of love x


So glad all is well! WHEW! cant wait to hear all the latest about u and ur pregnancy, but dont feel u have to post details of ur issues. In my experience, sometimes talking about stressful or painful things brings up negative feelings and thoughts. I am just happy to hear that things are better now, things are being worked out, and that was enough for me :hugs:
Meli, it would be awesome if I didn't have any depression issues after pg!

Bump looks cute, from what I can tell! I did consider cloth diapers, but like Angel, I'm kind of lazy. We also have a small washer / dryer that's going to be hard enough to use and keep up with baby clothes, so cloth diapering is out here.

Also, I'm really not craving sweets anymore! I'm not really craving anything most of the time. I do have the occasional chocolate craving, but less than I did before being pg. Now I just don't really want anything, I'm indifferent to pretty much everything!

Yayyyy for feeling movement!

Vegas, nope, neither of those dancers won that season! The girl made it further than the guy, he got kicked off 2 episodes later (I think, I know those two did one more dance together that was amazing but I can't remember if it was before or after this one).

Going home when there's no restroom definitely isn't an option, unfortunately. The last time this happened we didn't have one for a good 1 1/2 - 2 weeks. We still don't have one again. It was supposed to be only for a few hours on Friday, but it's turned into Friday, Monday, today - the unforeseeable future / who the hell knows. My boss's son was the one working on it, he did nothing yesterday because he wasn't in the office, and today his wife is in labor. So who knows when he'll be back.

I can understand being worried they'll reveal the gender at a private scan. One of my coworkers was telling me they did that with her middle child, didn't TELL her it was a boy, but kept referring to the baby as "him."

Angel, I can totally relate to every position hurting! I almost wish my bump were huge so it didn't look like I was just being whiny! Lol. I have all the weight gain associated with a big bump (somewhere around 30 pounds now), yet I look exactly the same outside of the little bump and my butt being bigger. I'm not sure where all the weight is!

And I agree with Meli, you do always look like you're glowing in your pics :)

Jasmine, glad you're doing well and things are good with you two! We were worried about you.

AFM, next midwife appt on Thursday, brother is flying in on Friday, private scan on Saturday, baby shower on Sunday. No mention of the diaper party from Blake's brothers, so it seems maybe they didn't plan anything. *crossing fingers* If they didn't, it means Blake will be at the baby shower, so yay to that! Anyone want to come over and help me clean before my brother gets here? I'll make you cookies *hinthintwinkwink*

WOW…I cannot believe there is no bathroom at work. AGAIN! You poor thing!!!! It sounds like it will be forever before it’s back up and running. Definitely unacceptable!

I totally agree that your bump is tiny! Who knows where that 30lbs lurks, cuz it sure doesn’t look like it’s all in your stomach! One of the office ladies was the same way. She said it was due to her frame, that the baby sat towards the back? BUT she is pretty tall (I’m guessing at leat 5’8”, so it made sense.

This week is going to be a whirlwind of fun stuff :thumbup: (except the cleaning before your brother comes home). I’m sure this week will pass by quickly. I hope it slows down so that you can properly enjoy your baby shower. And I will also keep my FX that those fools nixed the diaper party!

Oh, and if I lived close to you, I WOULD go help you clean. I know you’ll probably be really busy once your brother gets here, and probably won't have a chance to log on while he’s here, BUT maybe you could at least share the scan pix on Sat :winkwink:?


Where’s YOUR new bump pic?! (I have some nerve, don’t I?:haha:)


Dh and I noticed a few days ago that my bump is kinda uneven?! Just a tiny portion, right next to my belly button. It’s like, one side is bumpier than the other? :wacko: Dh says it kinda looks like a hernia is pushing out of one side??!! Which, we know it’s not a hernia, cuz if it was, I’m sure I would be in extreme pain. It’s not even noticeable with clothes on, but him and I were really scrutinizing my tummy and he was rubbing it and that’s how we noticed?! I tell ya, my body is weird. Scabs in belly button? CHECK! Uneven bump? CHECK! :wacko::wacko:

My baby shower has been scheduled for Nov 9 and the hall has been rented. We agreed that would be a good date; it would avoid the crazy holiday season. My mom and dad are the main funders and my multitude of cousins are the main planners (I’m sure dh will pitch in $ also). One cousin is in charge of the decorations (I’m sure of it because she’s the crafty type that likes to make those pretty fancy cardstock and ribbon invites). Another cousin signed up to do the decorations (I heard straws had to be drawn for that duty because it was really popular!). I’m sure my SIL will be the party photographer and other cousins and those listed above will be in charge of setting up. They’re paying someone to clean up after the party so they don’t have to worry about that. I told them that I don’t mind helping with anything (I was thinking like helping to make decorations, helping to make party favors, buying the prizes for the games) but they all said absolutely not!
Meli: hooray for feeling baby! Don't feel odd for having an uneven bump, mine is too. There is a bulge on the left side. Also, my bump is kind of flat in the front. I took a photo this morning, before seeing your request, and I will post it when I get home. Your baby shower sounds like it's going to be huge (like Stef's)!

Jasmine: so glad you and dh worked things out. Can't wait to hear how your pregnancy is going.

Stef: I'm barely able to keep my own house clean. No one expects it at this point, so try not to overdo it! I'm not sure where you have put 30lbs, but that's a good thing! Baby must be growing well which is awesome.

Angel: how are you this week?

Afm: the energy I had is quickly fading away. I feel like I need to start buying stuff for this kid, or at least getting stuff out of storage. I did something silly and stupid this weekend. I decided to jog a tiny bit. My bladder told me absolutely no! So it's walking only from here on. Oh well. Dh claims my backside still looks good, so I'm hoping the 20lbs I've gained is all in my bump. Meli, you asked if I'm craving anything and I'm really not. I still have a sweet tooth, but I try (not very hard though) not to eat too many. Last night I felt awful and had a lot of Braxton hicks. I attribute this to the fact that I had to carry an 18lb bag of dog food for ten minutes at Petco while the moron in front of me exchanged her stupid litter box and asked a million questions. I'd also like to thank the other checker who refused to check me out for no apparent reason (told me the other checker would help me and by the time I got in his line another lady got ahead of me. Five minutes later the other checker did check out the lady in front of me). Guess it's my fault for not getting a basket, but I thought I'd be quick. Rant over.
Melissa, thanks for the glowing compliment! I hope you are right about Jen! I am glad you had such a great, lazy weekend and am happy to hear you felt your first proper kick!!! As for your bump, maybe he is just always laying to one side? Mine certainly looks lopsided sometimes. It sounds like your shower is going to be pretty amazing!
Jasmine, I am so glad you are doing okay and that things are better with oh! I can't wait to hear an update on your pregnancy!
Stef, I am really craving sweets, it is basically all I want to eat. I have actually eaten peanut butter off a spoon dipped in chocolate chips! And thank you as well for saying I look good! Three more days until you see your brother!!
Vegas, sorry you had to hold the bag so long. I also get lots of BHs when I do lots like clean house.

AFM, going okay this week. I already went to the dr on Monday. I had to take Carter, which I was DREADING! I took some prizes with me and he got one half way through and one at the end. He did very well, especially since I showed up an hour early, thinking my app was at 9:30 when it was at 10:30.:dohh: I go back again Thursday and then again on the 18th for a growth measurement. I also have a wedding to go to this weekend. It is a long time friend of the family that I haven't seen in about 5 years. I have known her since I was born and now we each have children and it will be great to finally see each other and let our children meet.
On the bad news side, they thought that Jeff's mom might not have had the Non Hodgkins lymphoma and they were right, but the did a pet scan and her neck LIT up, so she does have some other kind of cancer there. So she does have two kinds of cancer in her neck. She is having another surgery in two weeks to remove it.
Back to good news..... I will have a baby NEXT month!!!
Meli, we have the bathroom back, yay. Not even sure why they had it out. they were tiling so they moved the toilet or something, but having it out Monday, Tuesday and most of yesterday was pointless because they weren't doing ANYTHING in there. Once they got in there to hook the toilet back up, it took 5-10 minutes. It'll probably be out again soon because they didn't finish tiling (I think I mentioned the wife of boss's son who was doing it was in labor, she had the baby on Tuesday). I'm working from home Monday-Thursday next week, though, so hopefully I miss that!

Idk why mine is so tiny. I'm not super short, but I'm not tall, either! 5'5" doesn't seem tall enough to cause it!

I'll try to share the pics on Saturday! If not I should be able to come on sometime before he leaves, shouldn't have to make you wait until then!

Lol @ one side being bumpier. Mine does that sometimes, depends on how she's sitting. I do still have a flat spot on the top, though, which is odd. My friends even pointed it out and now Blake mentions it all the time.

I hope you're more excited about your shower than I am about mine ;) lol

Vegas, soooo where's that bump pic? Also, no more carrying dog food bags! I get BH from things like that, too.

Angel, I'm kind of glad my sweets craving went away! Although not finding anything desirable is a huge pain, too. I'm always "ehhh..." whenever we're deciding what to make for dinner.

How did your appt today go? And I hope the surgery on Jeff's mom is a success!

AFM, appt today. Wondering if my fundal height will be behind again, I feel like I haven't grown at all since my last appt (it was only a week behind then). From 28-29 weeks I stayed the same weight, 29-30 (today) I've lost a pound. I think it's just because I've had much less swelling the last couple of weeks, though.

Cleaned like a mad woman yesterday - probably not the best idea. Ended up with BH and a really, really sore back. :dohh:

Oh! We found out - no diaper party, at least not on the day of the shower. It sounds like it was a bunch of drunken rambling; his brother now says he meant he wasn't going to the shower and was just going to stay at their mom's and drink while his wife is at the shower. Whatever. So Blake is going! He's trying to convince his brothers to go, who knows. People are just asking me NOW where we're registered. Cutting it a little close?

As for work... yep, toilet is back, for now. But fridge is out :wacko: It's one of those small older ones where you have to thaw out the freezer or it becomes a huge block of ice. Well, it got to the point the other day that the door wouldn't even close because the chunk of ice was so big. Now it's not working, which means the salad I brought in is probably bad from sitting in the warmth all day.
Appt went well yesterday! Measuring right where I'm supposed to, strong heartbeat. She's facing the right way and head down, for now! We got to feel her head, was pretty cool. She's definitely low! Midwife says I still have that flat spot because of my long torso and how low she is and she thinks it'll round out soon. Blake had some questions; he was confused about staying at home during labor until the contractions are 4 minutes apart. I think he's used to labor the way tv shows make it look, lol. He assumed we have to go in right when contractions start.

Picking up my brother at the airport after work today. Yay!
Stef, I hope you have a great shower, ultrasound and visit with your brother! I am glad the bathroom is back up for you.

I hope everyone else has a great weekend too! We will be driving a couple hours away to go to a wedding tomorrow. We are also going to stop by and hang out with my grandma for a while. I may take the opportunity to visit my grandpas grave too, it depends on how things play out, I kind of want to go by myself. On Sunday we are going to a free fall festival in town with some free kid stuff to do so it should be fun.
I have noticed today that the baby on my ticker went upside down! How exciting getting so close!!!
Oh yeah, and my app went well. They didn't measure growth, just checked the placenta and fluid and stuff. I don't get another growth measurement until the 25th at almost 36 weeks.
Stef: Can't wait to hear all about the shower. Glad to hear that your appointment went well too. Are we going to get to see new photos too?

Angel: Hope you had fun at the wedding and a nice visit with your grandma.

OK, so here is the photo I promised, but this is the first time I've been on my actual computer in ages and I'm still totally lost with Windows 8. I'm 27 weeks today, is that officially 3rd tri? I hope so! The photo was taken at 26+1. You can totally see how lumpy my bump is. It was pretty much the same with Charlotte, though I swear I'm not as big this time (yet).

Yesterday I went to a co-workers baby shower. She is 34 weeks along. I'm so jealous that she is almost there. It was a very nice shower and I even won a few prizes.

Today I'm relaxing at home as Ben went to the Saints game in Tampa. Normally I would have gone with, but the game started late and there was a rain delay so who knows when he'll get back. Also, last year I was the DD as I was pregnant then too and it is no fun going to a football game where everyone else is drinking and you can't. We get tickets in a suite so at least there is good food and our own bathroom, but football without beer is kind of lame. Driving five drunk guys home is even worse. I'm content with staying home and hope DH doesn't over indulge.


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Angel, hope you had fun at the wedding and the fall festival! Glad everything went well at your appt!

Vegas, looking cute! I still have the lumpy bump, too. Kind of annoying, I think!

I don't have all the pics to share just yet. LO was being a pain in the butt at the appt on Saturday, first she had her hands covering her face, then she moved her face, shoved it into the placenta and wouldn't move back. We tried for almost an hour - poking around on my stomach, getting up and peeing (twice!), bouncing around a little, rolling into different positions - nothing worked, all she did was kick in annoyance. So we're going back today, and hopefully we'll get something! We got one decent picture (shadow on her forehead). From what we can see, she looks exactly like Blake (and how she looked in that dream I had before the gender ultrasound). And we saw hair (not surprised!)


Baby shower went better than I expected. It wasn't huge (thank god). Every single one of my friends except Holly, who planned it, bailed on me. One even bailed an hour before. So I'm upset about that, but we still had fun. A few of Blake's friends and their girlfriends came, all of his family was there, and of course Blake and my brother were there, so it wasn't too bad. We got a ton of adorable clothes, a super nice car seat, a bouncy chair, a pack n play with bassinet (the exact one I wanted, yay!), a bunch of books (we asked for books with notes to the baby inside them instead of cards, I'm going to have to type up what his 12 year old brother wrote as a note to the baby, it was HILARIOUS), a bunch of blankets (3 of the same one, even, lol), and other small things like diapers, wipes, etc.

The friends of mine who had legit reasons for not coming want to throw me another shower, so that will be nice, and his friends / brothers still want to do the diaper shower for him, so that will help, too.

I'll come back later today or tomorrow to share the pics we (hopefully!) get from today's ultrasound.

Hope everyone had a good weekend!

YAY to no diaper party!! :thumbup:

and double YAY to a great appt! :thumbup::thumbup:

I have the same concerns Blake has (about when to go to the hospital once labor starts), mostly because we live about 75 minutes away from the hospital (and that’s with NO traffic!). Once I start going into labor, we’ll probably head over to my mom’s house because she lives about 30 min away from the hospital and we hang around there until it’s time to go! (YIKES!)

I can’t wait to hear all about your baby shower and to see Sienna’s latest scan!!


YAY to another good appt!:thumbup:

I hope you were able to go to your grandpa’s grave by yourself, like you wanted.

How was the wedding and the festival?


Cute pic :thumbup: I can barely see the lumpiness you refer to but I will take your word for it.

I agree with you--going to a football game and not being able to drink IS lame. Whenever we are around liquor, I will totally take a sip (or two!) of whatever dh is having. Probably happens not more than once or twice a week at the most. The sip is enough to take the edge off the craving, not completely, but it somewhat helps. Every time that happens I tell dh “as SOON as I deliver this child we are coming back here and I am ordering a (fill in the blank)”. You can fill in the blank with margarita, fruity sangria, pina colada, mai tai LOL. I have lost track of all the places I’ve demanded to return to :wacko:

Oh yah, and driving 5 drunk guys home is even lamer.


This weekend was another hot one :growlmad:

On Saturday dh and I went to a friend’s 20th anniversary/vow renewal ceremony & party. I haven’t seen this friend since before she got married. It has been a long time! I saw 2 other ladies there that I also haven’t seen in over 20 years. Omg it was crazy!!! First of all, they were so excited to see that I was pg. The friend that was renewing her vows looked the same, as did one of the other ladies. They all were so surprised, swearing that I look exactly the same but we all know that’s crap (omg I was looking at some bump pix dh took of me and I SWEAR I don’t recognize myself :nope: My nose seems to be spreading and getting huge :growlmad:!!!) Anywho, one of the ladies I did NOT recognize. She recognized me right away, but it took me a few seconds to realize who she was. And I never would have figured out who she was if I didn’t know that she was going to be there. She’s probably 2-3 years older than me. Her kids are 22 and 25 y/o now. But she has gained so much weight!!! I mean, maybe around 40 lbs or so, which definitely doesn’t make her obese, but she is petite so it’s not as forgiving. Even her face and cheekbones looked puffy. I had a feeling she’s on meds and that’s what’s causing the puffiness, and sure enough when I asked another friend she told me that this lady has arthritis and lupus. And she was kind of limping…It made me so sad to see her like that, not just because she is still so young and shouldn’t be suffering that way, but maybe because it’s a reminder that we’re all getting old! But she still has a beautiful personality, cheerful, was smiling lots.

dh was kind of irritated. I’ve mentioned dh is a boxing fan, and saturday night there was a huge fight in Las Vegas. Well, I had agreed that we would stay at the party for a couple of hours, then we would go home and order the pay per view. WELL, when we got to the party, my friend mentioned her husband was going to show the fight! Dh was then happy and patiently waiting for them to start showing the fight. Turns out the guy didn’t order the pay per view, he was streaming it from the internet. YES HE WAS! Cheapskate!! IF we would have known it was going to be the internet streaming, we would have gone home to watch it, but they live 90 min away, and by the time we realized it was streaming, it was too late to go home. Idk about you guys, but if we had a party with 100+ guests there, and we said we were going to show the fight, we would have sprung the $75 for pay per view. (first of all, if it was my vow renewal, I would NOT have let him show the fight and take away attention from the party). I mean, really. They could have taken a collection up there and there were more than 20 guys willing to chip in $10, but the guy ignored the suggestion. The internet streaming sucked and the picture kept freezing. It was painful. We had to leave by the 4th round because it just sucked. I felt bad for dh because even I wanted to watch the fight, I know how much he really wanted to.

So, I know that once a woman has a baby, she may suffer from incontinence. Well, Sunday morning I served myself a bowl of cereal with bananas. I took one spoonful and wasn’t even able to swallow half, I just started gagging. I ran to the sink but didn’t make it. By the 4th gag it came up and splattered all over my kitchen wall and floor (I was so p*issed because I had JUST finished vacuuming!) :growlmad::growlmad:. Turns out the milk was bad. Anyways, with each gag, came some pee?! :wacko: And I had just finished peeing 5 minutes before, there was nothing left to pee, but yet some came out with each gag motion.WTH?? Like I said, I know this *may* happen once you deliver, but I have never heard of this happening during pregnancy?!

So here’s bump pics dh took of me on Saturday, 21 weeks and 6 days.


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Angel: yay to another ultrasound session, let's just hope Miss Sienna cooperates! Your shower sounds very nice and I think it's good that it wasn't too crowded. If you get another shower that is even better!

Meli: your bump is so cute! Not sure about the incontinence, but I can see where it is possible. Sorry you got sick in the first place!

I can't believe those people said they were going to show the fight and then streamed it. Not cool.

You are lucky that your dh will order sippable drinks. Mine drinks scotch or beer. I do like the occasional beer and find that Kaliber non-alcoholic beer is by far the best. Thumper loves it too as he/she really starts moving as soon as I start drinking it-typically on the weekends. I still allow myself the occasional small glass of red wine with a meal, but I bet it's been a month since I've even had wine. I just can't wait until this kid is out. It'll be December and I'll be able to drink Bailey's!

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