June Angel Baby Mommas Hoping for Rainbows!!

Meli, aren't neighbors great?! *sarcasm* We have one who keeps parking his truck in front of our lawn. It doesn't block our driveway and our front yard is large so it's not taking our spots, but it's still annoying to see. One week they parked in front of our trash cans and the garbage people couldn't get to them so they skipped us. That pissed Blake off.

As for the pungent smell, mine's smelled different since becoming pg, too. And there's a lot more discharge. Eww and booooo. It's annoying, but I've talked with my mw about it at least 4 or 5 times and she said it's normal.

Angel, soooo glad everything measured perfectly! Sounds like the last measurements were right before a growth spurt. I hope Jeff's mom's cancer is treatable and that they can get it all!

Vegas, glad you're feeling good, and hope the conference goes well!

AFM, didn't do much this weekend. Sat round and rested, I've been soooo exhausted. It hit the day before third tri started, like clockwork. Yesterday was Blake's bday. He didn't decide what he wanted for his bday dinner until we were at the store to get ingredients at 8:30 pm :wacko: Between the store, cooking, baking his dessert and then special bday naughty time (in a new outfit that he says was "one of the best birthday presents ever" :haha:), then we stayed up and talked for a little while... didn't get to bed until 2 this morning. Got 4 1/2 hours of sleep and I feel like passing out, and I have an hour drive home, then an hour and a half down to his mom's for his bday dinner with them, then another hour and a half back. At least I don't have to drive those 3 hours.

Appt for next ultrasound at 30+2 when my brother is here is booked! September 14th. My brother picked the package, and he's buying as my bday present. It includes DVD Video set to music, Four black and white photos, Four 3.5 x 5 color photos, CD with all images in .JPG format, Gender determination/verification (if desired), $30 discount on any return ultrasound visit. The woman at this place gives WAY more pics than the descriptions say. Last 2 times we got the package that says it includes 2, and she gave us 10 (and she did measurements, which is usually an add on package). This place is so popular I called on Monday to set the appt (almost 3 weeks in advance), and they had ONE appt left, the first of the day at 8am. Excited for it!
I don't know if any of you shop with Amazon, but they have a sweet deal going on.
I follow this site (which I HIGHLY recommned) and if you scroll down a little it shows you a great diaper deal on amazon. I got a 234 count size one box for only $10.74!!!
Melissa, how did your app go? Get any good pics? What did your dr say about cord blood banking? We looked into it with Carter but at $5000, we couldn't sing that. I have recently come across some stuff that says not too, that it is a waste and that even science minded people aren't doing it. I don't remember where I read it and have no idea how valid it was. He was also probably against the placenta encapsulation. There is no where near enough research done on it. In my case, I wanted to do it, based on testimony from others and because I really want to be successful in bf.

Vegas, hope your conference isn't too dull!

Stef, I am excited for your next app!! You have to tell us about your outfit!!!

Jen and Jasmine, hope you are both well.

Ooooo I can’t believe that your neighbor’s car blocked your trash can pickup. dh would be SO PISSED (as would I)! Except, dh would probably call the neighbor out on it, while I would just vent to dh, silently stew and not ever mention it to the neighbor. Speaking of which, at least every few months, our next door neighbor’s trash isn’t picked up. Pretty embarrassing, because that makes it obvious that you haven’t paid the trash bill, right? And I’m sure for them to cut you off, you’re late more than 1 cycle. The husband will always complain to dh about his wife (she’s always running late, can’t get the kids to school on time, she will be late to her own funeral, she is horrible with money). I just tell dh it’s a cop out. If she’s so bad with money, then why doesn’t HE take over the finances?

I agree with your ewww and boooo about the difference in our vag. I mentioned it to my doc and he said he would give me a cream to use for 3 or 4 days. But he DIDN’T! Why? Because we were so rushed. My appt was at 11am, I didn’t get called in until 11:40am. Dr didn’t walk into the exam room until 10 minutes later! I’m so glad I’m not the only one!!!

Omg I cant imagine going shopping for dinner ingredients at 830pm. Forget about naughty time, I would have given him a raincheck.

How was Blake’s birthday dinner with his family?

YAY to booking your scan!! 2 weeks away!


Thanks for the heads up about the diapers. I ordered them. Now I just have to remember to cancel the amazon membership after I receive the diapers.
My appt was rushed, but went well. I didn’t get a chance to ask the dr about the cord blood banking, nor the placenta encapsulation. However, I did ask dh’s ex-wife (who’s an ER nurse and had her 3rd child last Halloween). She said she did research and even her own dr recommended against it. It was too expensive and only a tiny amount of people actually use it. I did read somewhere that it can be donated (just like blood) where it’s stored and if a baby needs it they will match it if appropriate. If we don’t bank it, I will donate it so that it doesn’t go to waste. It’s supposed to be free to donate it, you just have to sign up for it and submit all your docs by the 34th week. Even if I have to pay a fee to ship it or whatever, I will do that (although there’s supposedly no charge). If it can help another baby, why not?
I also researched the placenta encapsulation. I agree that there isn’t any hard scientific evidence proving the benefits, and it may work just as a placebo, but I don’t care. I still want to do it. I read that it usually costs between $250-$300 to get it encapsulated. I also found instructions online on how to do it yourself. NO THANK YOU. First you cut and remove the membrane. Then you steam it for hours. Then you cut it up and place it in the oven and cook for a few hours to dry it out. Once removed from the oven and dried, you pulverize it in something like nutri bullet. Then you can encapsulate. OR, once dried, you place it in the freezer and use a piece in a daily SMOOTHIE. Again, NO THANK YOU. I prefer to pay $300 and let someone else do the dirty work for me.

The newest pix are "ok". First, lo was moving around lots and so it was hard for him to get a good one. I also think a huge contributing factor is that his machine must be old. The fact that we didn’t get a good, close up pic is the only reason as to why I am leaning towards doing the 3d/4d. I want a pretty scan, like the one Stef has as her avatar. I scheduled an appt for Tues. 9/10 (the soonest available). Let’s see if dh agrees. This place in my city has a “Tuesday special”. It’s a 10 minute 3D/4D ultrasound scan. As our gift to you, we will provide all captured images onto a CD, in addition to 4-6 B&W printed pictures. If your baby does not cooperate and you would like to come in and try again, we will only charge a $25 fee.


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It is a better pic than any of mine. I was telling Jeff that I hope we get at least one profile pic of her!
Where I am, I can get the encapsulation done for $150. BUT if you encapsulate, you can't donate.
Ooo that would be nice if I could get encapsulation for that price! Lucky u!

I didn't know that....if I keep the placenta for encapsulation, then I can't donate....thanks for sharing that!
Angel, damn, wish I had known about the diaper discount on Wednesday! We had a Prime account trial that ran out that day and we're still deciding if we want to actually get a Prime membership. Oh well.

The outfit was a Hustler brand schoolgirl red plaid pleated mini skirt (not one you could wear out! my butt was hanging out :haha: ) that I paired with black pieces - bra with open nipple area, open crotch panties, garter, thigh high fishnet stockings.

Meli, Blake was super pissed about the trash incident. Since then they've continuously parked there, as well as another of their cars straight across from that one, making the road very narrow and it more difficult for us to back out of our driveway. They do have a driveway, not sure why they aren't using the whole thing (I'm not sure how many cars they actually have but their driveway fits 2). I'm honestly surprised Blake hasn't said something to them. Also, I hate when people complain about their spouses to other people!

If you're worried about an infection *ahem* down there, my mw suggested an option that I've used in the past and since being pg this time that seems to help (and I've done a ton of research on it). It sounds crazy, but half water, half peroxide (may need more or less peroxide, if it causes cramping, less, if you use it when you do have a nasty infection, more can be used, but work it in slowly, it can sting). I use a 10ml syringe, lay down, shoot it up there sloooowly and let it sit for 5 or so minutes (laying on a towel because it will leak out). Then I shower. I know it sounds nuts, and it's not recommended to shoot stuff up there because it messes with the normal bacteria, but apparently peroxide is different, as it's naturally found in there, and it kills the bad bacteria but not the good. My mw suggested once every 4 days for 2 weeks. I don't think it would harm anything if you don't have an infection, and I've read of people using it once a week to keep things "fresh," but don't quote me on it! Also, be careful of air bubbles. Since the syringe picks them up and they sit at the end, I just make sure not to squirt the whole thing, that way the air bubble stays put. Idk, it's worked for me and helped me avoid antibiotics in the past!

Do you know when you'll be going for the other scan?

AFM, Wednesday night was another laaaate night, since his mom's is an hour and a half away. Blake got out of work late, to start, then we drove down, had to stop for an oil change and to pick up a part, got the windshield replaced by the guy is stepdad knows, didn't get to his mom's until after 8. We ended up not leaving until almost midnight because he got into a huge screaming almost physical fight with one of his brothers (they all have very short fuses, which they get from their mom!), then they talked for quite awhile, and after the fight I didn't want to interrupt the talking to get him to leave. Everything is back to normal, as always happens when they all get into fights. Got to bed around 2 again, so yesterday was TOUGH.

Glucose test today... yippee. Texted my mw this morning to ask her a q about it, then mentioned LO hasn't been moving as much the last couple days (not sure if it's because I was busy then very tired and didn't notice) and she said we'll take a good look at her today, so it looks like I'll be getting an u/s, yay! It'll be with her old portable, so I won't have any pics to share, but it's been soooo long since my last one I'm excited.

I'm over this whole baby shower thing. Everything keeps getting changed from what I wanted. First, the location change. I wanted it at his mom's house because it's more personal, feels more like just having friends and family over at home, more comfortable for me. I HATE being the center of attention and having a bunch of people making a fuss, particularly in a place I'm not familiar with. Now his brothers are planning him what apparently is called a "diaper party," where the guys all get together, bring diapers, etc. sort of as "cover" for the party, then they all just hang out and drink. I'm totally cool with that, but they want to make it the day of the baby shower, same time, at his mom's house no less. So now my plan for the co-ed shower, which was also to make it more fun, more comfortable, less pressure (would help having Blake there since a lot of his family will be there, including people I've never met), is probably wrecked. He told them we wanted the co-ed shower and then we can do the diaper party at separate times, but they're all "baby showers are for women, you aren't supposed to be there," blah blah. To which I responded, "Right, because he didn't do half the work in creating her." :growlmad:

So now I'm just whatever about it. I wasn't really into the idea to begin with. He's saying he wants them to make it the same day, just after the shower, so who knows. The shower is a Sunday and ends at 4, so not sure it's the greatest idea for them all to be getting drunk on a Sunday night. He said he's not even going to try being part of the plans because no one listens to him anyway... which I have to agree because that was my point exactly! Just ready for it to be done.

That hustler outfit sounds HOT! No wonder Blake said it was the best bday gift EVER :haha:

That stinks that your neighbors hog up the parking spaces and make the street narrower. So annoying!!!

You know, the neighbor that complains is a really nice guy, he loves to talk. I think he is embarrassed because his wife is a piece of work. Their oldest daughter is the same age as ds, and they go to the same school, so for the last 2 years, we’ve shared school drop off and pick up. DH drops them off in the mornings, she picks them up in the afternoons. Well, dh and ds are always on time, but the neighbor NEVER is. dh changed the morning departure time many times, because she was always late. They started off leaving at 7:15am, then he changed it to 7:20a, then to 7:25am (and school starts at 7:45am). I told him, with people like that, it doesn’t matter what time the departure time is, they will ALWAYS be late. After a year, he finally commented to the daughter “Should I change departure time to 7:30, because you can’t seem to make it out on time? But do know that if we change it, you MUST be on time because it doesn’t leave us a cushion to get to school on time”. Now, I know dh can be firm, but he’s not the rude nor yelling type, but apparently the daughter was offended, because next thing I know, I get a text from her mom saying “thank you, but we will no longer be needing a ride to school”. This happened in Feb, so from Feb to end of school, dh no longer dropped off neighbor, and I paid the neighbors $10/week to keep bringing ds home after school. Now, this just goes to show you what kind of a woman this is. This was a teachable moment, and she should have told her daughter “I will make sure you get up 10 min earlier each day. These people are doing you a favor and you are NOT to make them wait for you. As a matter of fact, you should be out there waiting for them. I will NOT be taking you to school in the mornings, so if you screw up this ride you are on your own”. I mean, I know that’s what my mom would have told me! And that’s a fact. My mom was a hard a** and all about respect and courtesy.
WELL, now that they are in HS, the mom has 4 school drop offs: her daughter in HS, her son in junior high, her son in elementary school and her son in kinder. So guess what? She came back with her tail between her legs and asked if we can start dropping off her daughter at school in the mornings. HA! Of course we said ok. Unfortunately, she can’t bring ds home from school because he has a different release time tham her daughter, so dh has to do both school drop off and pick up. Oh well…

Anyways, my whole point is that I think her hubby is embarrassed because she is so irresponsible with her time mgmt and her kids are always getting in trouble at school for tardies! Sad, because I bet you her kids will be the same way…(the oldest has already proved it) always running late for everything…school, work, social situations….It really just is a disservice to the children. I am so neurotic (and so is dh and ds) about getting to places, not just on time, but early! I get that from my mom and dad, and I thank them every day for that life lesson…

Thanks for the info about the hydrogen peroxide. I will definitely try it!!! I will definitely be careful of the air bubbles, have heard before how one must be careful of oral sex because if an air bubble is blown in there, no bueno!

I have the scan scheduled for Tues Sep 10 (soonest available) but I am going to try to get someone on the phone today to tell them to fit me in if they happen to get any cancellations for Tues Sep 3. Worst case scenario, it will be Sep 10.

Wow..Wednesday night sounds like it was crazy. I know what you mean about not wanting to interrupt when it looks like they are bonding/taking with siblings or family. I do the same thing when necessary. Boring!

YAY to another scan today :happydance: gl on the glucose test, I’m sure it will be fine.

I hope you get some rest this weekend. sounds like you really need it!

BOOOOO to the baby shower snafus :growlmad:! I would be so very frustrated too! I completely agree that Blake should be there with you for the shower, especially since you don’t even know some of the people that are coming. Any way they will change their mind and schedule the diaper party (if they MUST have it) to another day?
Meli, wow, that lady sounds ... annoying. Since you guys are doing the morning and she is no longer doing the afternoon, you should charge HER $10 a week the way she did to you! Haha. I would totally think that but not have the balls to do it.

Yay for the scan! That's not that far away!

I'm worried about the test today because sugar hasn't been so kind to me lately. Almost every time I have any, I feel sick, like I've had too much caffeine or I'm coming down from a caffeine high. My sweet cravings have pretty much disappeared. I hope the way it makes me feel lately isn't a sign that my body isn't handling it properly... but I'm almost expecting to fail the test today.

I don't think they will change the diaper party to another day, they seemed dead set on having it that day. His mom handled inviting her family and only invited the women, even though I KNOW Holly told her I wanted co-ed. Somehow I think she thinks it'll be more fun just women... but does it matter? It's not what I wanted! At least my brother will be there, even if Blake can't be. He told me he's not going to the diaper party if they have it at the same time, he said he's pretty much one of the girls anyway, haha.
Hope everyone had a good weekend. Posted on FB but posting here as well - passed the glucose screening! She also tested my progesterone to make sure all is still well there, and it is.

Slept A LOT this weekend. Was too hot to do anything outside.

As for trying to change things still, his mom tried getting us to change our chosen middle name. To "Reign." :wacko:

Been feeling down a lot. I think the depression I had as a teen is coming back again. Hope it's just hormones but I seriously don't feel like getting out of bed in the morning and I've been sleeping just because I don't feel like being awake. :|
Stef, that outfit does sound hot!! No wonder he liked it! I would feel like a stretch marked whale if my belly was hanging out!! And with these udders on show! No way!!
I am really sorry that the shower isn't going the way you hoped, but I would start getting ready to put your foot down now. This sounds like all the mil/in law rants we all hear and it only gets worse once the baby is here.
I am happy to hear you passed the test, I know you were a bit worried. I also wouldn't worry too much about the hormones unless it gets really bad. Our hormones start acting up again in the third trimester. I have cried lots and now I am starting to get spots on my face again!

Melissa, I would CERTAINLY be charging her the $10 back!! How rude! My parents would have acted the same as yours in a similar situation with me.

AFM, I blew up on my mom two Sundays ago and we spent the week not talking, exactly how I wanted it, but my dad had his parents in town this weekend. I have only met them once and Carter never has, so we spent some time together and I just acted like everything was fine. I just hope she doesn't start trying to act the way she did before again and shove her way into our family stuff. I need a break from them desperately! Not giving me a break is hurting our relationship more! I realized this weekend that there are more pictures of Carter with them, than with Jeff and I. That really pisses me off!
Also, some may not feel as strongly as I do about this, but it drives me crazy!! If you post a photo of MY child on FB, then you need to tag me in it, no questions asked. I have a right to know who is posting pics of my child! I am almost to the point that I am not going to allow anyone but me to post pics of him. Am I only only one that thinks this way?
I have another biophysical test tomorrow morning. They don't test growth, but the test fluid, placenta and movement and chord as well as an NST. I am sure I will pass fine and am anxious to see what position she is in. Last time they told me transverse, so I tried a spinning babies technique and she moved right away. I think she is head down, but can't wait to see!
Stef: sorry you are feeling down. It is natural to need a lot of sleep the closer you get to your due date (at least it was for me). You need Blake to tell his mom to back off. Even once we decide on a name I'm telling no one, but you guys as it just open the conversation open to unwanted comments and suggestions.

Angel: glad you got to see your grandparents, but sorry you are having issues with your mom. I hope all goes well with the screening this week.

Meli: your neighbors sound a bit selfish, too bad they are parents and passing on their ways. At least you know better and will raise your son to respect others.

Afm: I am feeling huge these days and am not sure how I'm going to make it 14-15 more weeks! I'm also finding it harder to concentrate at work and I have so much to do. Oh well!
Angel, your udders comment made me lol!

I hope you're right about the hormones. I went through depression as a teen, even left school and got home schooled because of it. That was because of a hormone imbalance, got put on the pill to help correct it.

Hope you get things worked out with your mom and she gives you a break!

Vegas, Blake's very open with his family, he tells them like it is, usually. Feeling huge? I think that calls for a bump pic! Also, where's our bump pic Meli?!?

Jasmine, missing you!

AFM, not much new. Just wanted to mention a movie we watched last night - Now You See Me. Was pretty good! Plus it has Dave Franco in it, yum. Then Blake watched The Comedy Central Roast of James Franco, more yum. :haha:
Cursing out hormones right now. Sitting at work, feeling perfectly fine, looking through the third tri bumps thread. Pandora is playing on a co-worker's computer and Sara Bareilles's song "Gravity" comes on and I tear up. Stupid hormones.

Anyway, this song is amazing if you guys haven't heard it. There was a dance done to it on So You Think You Can Dance years ago choreographed by Mia Michaels, ridiculously amazing. The dance is about trying to break free from addiction - the male dancer represents addiction, the female is the addict. I'm going to link it here because it's a must see. THAT good. There's another version done by two different dancers in a later season, not nearly as good. I was SO upset when neither of these two dancers won that season that I stopped watching the show :haha:


The $10 weekly charge for picking up ds wasn’t their idea…it was mine. I just felt awkward that we were no longer dropping off neighbor’s daughter, but they were bringing ds home. It just made me feel better, like ‘what’s right is right’, IYKWIM? No, I am not going to ask them for $10/week back so we can take their daughter to school. Eventually (hopefully) I’m sure it will all even out.

Yay to passing the glucose screening :thumbup: Told ya!

Umm yah I like Sienna Marie better than Sienna Reign.

Sorry to hear of your depression that you've been experiencing lately :hugs: Speaking of depression, I’m so scared of post partum depression..that’s probably one of the main reasons that I want to encapsulate my placenta.

I know..I know….I PROMISE I will take a bump pic tonite and post it tomorrow morning. dh made me promise him because he remembered on Tuesday and I told him to wait until today. I didnt want to take one in my 'around the house' clothes.

We also watched the Franco roast. I fell asleep halfway (of course!) but dh saved it and he played what he thought were the funniest roasters (Jeff Ross and Natasha Leggero). It was raunchy but that’s what these roasts are known for, right?

That dance performance was beautiful!


OH NO don’t tell me that hormones act up again in 3rd tri. The last 2 weeks I have noticed no more spots! Not looking forward to them coming back.

I am so sorry you are going through stress with your mom. That has got to stink!! Your question about tagging and fb, idk…first of all, since I’m not on fb, BUT I think I understand the concept. And if I had the same type of relationship with someone (whether it be with my mom or someone else) I would be bothered if they posted pics of my child and didn’t ‘tag’ me.

I’m sure everything was fine, but how was your experience during your biophysical test?


I totally want to vote for a bump pic from you, BUT how can I since I haven’t even posted one myself? However, I will ask for one as soon as mine is posted :winkwink:


My weekend was great. I got so much sleep time in! I took off Tuesday and Wednesday to extend the holiday week, so that was cool. BUT it was so hot!! AND it’s just gotten hotter and will stay hot for the next couple of days.

Saturday we went to dinner, and did absolutely nothing. It was heaven. Sunday we went to our store for the day to check up on stuff, then Monday we went to my mom’s to bbq and swim. Tuesday and Wednesday I worked on cleaning out the spare bedroom (soon to be nursery). I probably made a 30% dent in the room. I also slept lots!!! :happydance:

Oh, and no sooner than venting of my parking situation, ughhh I was so p*ssed off this weekend :growlmad: !! Friday night I come home from work after making a stop at Costco. Guess who’s parked in my spot? My neighbor’s guest. This neighbor KNOWS better. She is the one I vent to about this kind of crap. Normally she has her guests park in her side of the street, and even in her own driveway. Not this time. Not to mention I was loaded down with stuff to unload from costco. GRRR :growlmad:~!~~ so I texted her to say “Pls let me know when Lauren leaves so I can move my car into my spot”. She responds “We are out to dinner and won’t be home until late. Go ahead and park in my driveway” I’m like, ??!!**&&@@? (I didn’t tell her that, I just thought it). It’s like, why should I park in her driveway, to just have to move it again whenever she gets home?? It’s stupid and makes no sense. Might as well park in my own driveway!! Oh, and no “sorry about that” from her. So I just didn’t respond to her text and ignored it. SO, the next evening, Saturday night, dh and I left around 730pm to get some fro yo. I swear that we were only gone 20 minutes. 20 minutes!!! Well, we got back and our next door neighbor had moved one of the 2 boats, from his driveway, into my spot. Omg!!!!! You don’t even know :growlmad::growlmad:!!! So, to make my point about HER actions the night before, and the boat currently in my spot, I texted her “OMG!! I literally can’t leave for 20 minutes before someone takes my spot!! WTH?” She responds “Maybe Roy is leaving early to launch his boat” and I responded “That’s what I assume, but why can’t he block his OWN damn driveway, instead of me having to block mine?” She responds “I know how you feel”. I’m thinking, NO, NO YOU DON’T know how I feel, because you JUST did this to me last night!! So now she’s really on my sh*t list. Like, I don’t even want to see or talk to her, that’s how much she annoys me. I have to admit that she’s kinda been on my nerves (just a tiny bit) for the last couple of months. When we got the maternit21 test results, dh invited them to join us for dinner to celebrate. Well, dh bought a drink and offered drinks to them. They declined (when normally, they always drink with us!) I could tell dh was offended…very offended. I’m thinking “just order a damn drink and nurse it!!! Please!!!” So I guess from that night on they’ve been slightly on my nerves…Ya know, I’m normally good natured and can take lots of shit from people and move on….but I feel like I’m making a big deal out of this parking sh*t and that p*sses me off. I blame it on the hormones. And I totally want to do the following on weekends: whenever I leave, put an orange traffic cone in my space. What cha guys think? Is that too much :wacko:? Am I being unreasonable? Please be honest!

Not to mention this neighbor is so nosy! Whenever she sees my car at home during the weekdays, she’s texting me “wanna go to breakfast? Wanna go to lunch?” My thing is, if I am home from work, it’s because I’m either not feeling well, OR have plans to do something. I want to respond to her “No thank you, I have no desire to go to eat with you and your 4 year old grandson who does not listen and doesn’t know how to behave” but I just make up excuses. Well yesterday, this was the text conversation between us (this is after I made a trip to the garbage can to throw out some trash, she must have spotted me):

Her: What are you doing?

Me (1 hour later): just cleaning

Her (right away): Why?

Me (3 hours later): ??Because it had to be done??

Her (right away): ok why are you home?

Me (the next day): I just wanted to extend my vacation.

I’m telling you….she is N.O.S.Y.

Anywho………..rant over. Thanks for listening :haha:.

Ohhh and we did the 3d/4d scan on Tuesday night. he was moving around so much in the beginning for at least 15-20 minutes, then he snuggled into my hip bone, turned his face away from us, and went to sleep. No amount of prodding/pushing on my stomach woke him up! Dh said “he’s just like you--as soon as he finds his sweet spot, he’s out”! We got a pic of his hand, and another of him sucking his thumb, which I’ll post. Her printer was acting up and the pix printed out with streaks on them. Based on that, and the fact that she couldn’t get good pix of him, she wants us to go back in 4 weeks for a re-do. Can’t wait! He should have more fat on him by then so he won’t look quite so ‘alienish’ :winkwink::haha:

I’m not feeling huge, per se, but my back is starting to feel weird, like I’m getting back pain when I’ve been standing for a even just a few minutes. Also starting to get left leg side pain that’s shooting and random, I’m hoping it’s not sciatica!! I started slathering my face, boobs and chest, stomach, hips and the tops of my thighs with coconut oil after I get out of the shower. It seems to be helping my itchy nipple problem. AND best part is that it doesn’t seem to seep off into my pj’s and ruin them (been testing them with old pj’s to make sure).


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Meli: cute photo. Thumper was the same during my 20 week scan, hidden behind my left hip bone. Unlike you that's the end of my scans, so I'll never get a decent photo :(

As for you neighbor I have a few feelings 1. She is very nosy. What business is it of hers why you stayed home from work?! 2. Seeing as she knows where you park she and her dh need to not park there unless they ask you, BUT (and don't get mad at me) it is a public right-of-way which means that anyone can legally park there. We had this issue in Portland as our house was next to an apartment building. Dh liked to park his truck on the street in front of our house, but one of the long-time residents of the apartment had been parking there forever. It came down to a first-come-first-served issue. I'm sure Ivan started parking there again exclusively once we moved away.

Stef: I'll watch the video when I get home as I'm sure they wouldn't approve of me watching videos at work (though one lady blared her radio all morning while the boss was out. Grrr).

Ladies I'm not sure how concerned you should be about pp depression, but you should be aware of it and ready to seek help if you can't snap out of it. I felt really down for a week or two right after Charlotte was born. I had all sorts of awful thoughts, but I kept telling myself that it was just the crazy hormones. I promised myself that if I was still feeling that way by week six that I would talk to my doctor. Luckily it went away. Also, be aware that it can creep up on you later too, but there are lots of things you can do that will help.

Afm: I know this is going to sound ungrateful, but I'm done with being pregnant and it hasn't even gotten too bad yet. I'm tired of my boss asking me if I'm sure it's not twins or triplets. I'm tired I can only walk a 17 minute mile as opposed to running my usual 9-10 minute mile. I'm tired of worrying about if the baby is OK. And I'm just plain tired. Why can't I be one of those ladies who loves to be pregnant, has tons of energy and has a radiant glow? I'm fat, surley and greasy. Arg! Anyone else feel like that or is it just me?

You’re right. I know it’s a public right of way, but was going to do the parking cone and hope people would honor it. I guess it would look g-h-e-t-t-o if I did start using cones, huh?

Yikes about your boss constantly asking if thumper is twins. Does he/she think that's funny? I don’t think that would annoy me, but I’m not the one that’s being asked that. I suspect that if I was being asked that constantly, it would bug me!

Like you, I am also tired of worrying about the baby! Idk if I’m ready to say I’m tired of being pg, but ask me again in 4 more weeks and who knows what my answer will be then :wacko: Maybe I don’t want to say I’m tired because I’m not ready with the nursery!
Meli, you are WAY too nice!

I'm worried about PPD too, considering that I'm pretty prone to hormonally related depression. After getting put on birth control as a teen to control a hormonal imbalance that caused it, I had to switch pills every so often - they would stop working for the depression after awhile. I'm really expecting to have PPD... hoping my body proves me wrong. I haven't been off birth control since I was 16 for more than a few months before getting my first BFP last year, so I'm not even sure how my body behaves hormonally anymore.

Waiting on bump pic... this morning, woman!

Yeah, your neighbor sounds like a pain in the ass.

Also, yay for getting another scan in 4 weeks!

Vegas, can't you do a private scan too, if you want a good pic? I've noticed private scans seem to get better pics than doctors.

And even if your boss is joking, that's super rude. I'm feeling kind of ick, too. I heard twice last week that I look good pregnant, that I have that glow, but to me, they were totally lying. My hair is a mess (I didn't get that nice, thick, shiny hair going on, it's falling out more, looking rattier...), my skin has breakouts on and off... bleh. And energy? Ha! I can't really say I'm TIRED of being pg, but I am tired of being tired and feeling like I look like crap! So I totally get where you're coming from.

Angel, how did the tests go?

Ohhhh yay. Just found out there will be no bathroom for the rest of the day today at work. They're putting a second one in and who the hell knows why the first one will be out of commission... Yay to wasting gas to get somewhere to pee multiple times today. :growlmad:

Wouldn’t that be awesome if your body chemistry totally changed with this pregnancy, and you did not get ppd or any other depression afterwards, for like, forever? FX!

Omg that stinks about not having a restroom to use!!! I would be so mad!

Ok ok ok here is my bump pic. It was SO hot when I got home from work, I immediately had to change out of my work clothes and throw on my house dress. Then I remembered about the pic. Even dh was like “you want me to take a picture of you in that?” I’m like, “Yes!! If I don’t take a pic today, I will get lynched through the computer”. I’ll take a nicer one soon, but for now, here it is. o-k-a-y.......I do not know why the pic is coming out so tiny!

We are going out of town this weekend :happydance: My aunt owns a modest beach house in Carpinteria and she’s not using it this week so she gave me the keys. It’s about a 1 hour drive. It’s just going to be myself and dh. I am soooooooo looking forward to getting out of this heat hellhole and chilling in a beach town. I can’t wait! And we can actually touch without burning each other! :wacko: at least, that's what it's felt like for the last few nights!

Has anybody used/or considered using cloth diapers? I know they sound like a PITA, but, was wondering if I should attempt to use them. I’ve heard that people who use them, use disposable diapers in the night, and if they are out of the house. Any thoughts?

*edit* Vegas,

I'm still rofl about your description of "fat, surly and greasy".


  • Bump_20 weeks_4 days.jpg
    Bump_20 weeks_4 days.jpg
    8.5 KB · Views: 9
Meli: from what I can tell that's a cute bump you've got growing. I say that because the photo is about 1/6th the size of your avatar photo. The beach sounds awesome. I too am ready for a break in the heat, but it'll be another month before it happens here.

Wrt cloth diapers, I considered trying it out, but I have a front load washer and I think it works better if you have a top load washer so the diapers can soak. Otherwise you need to have a big bucket that they can soak in which did not appeal to me at all. I hate filling the landfills with diapers, bit I've lived in places with water shortages and hate using good water to wash loads of diapers too. I do hear that cloth diapers ate great for avoiding diaper rash, so that's a big plus. Totally up to you.

Stef: I watched the dancing video last night. It was great! And they didn't win? Sorry you don't have water at work again. I'd go home, but that may not be an option.

I've thought about getting a private scan, but I'm afraid they'll accidentally reveal the gender. So I'll just accept what I have.

Like you, I've been on bc since my teens. Honestly, I think I'm better without it. I remember I switched BC once when I was about 20 and it made me cry all the time, so I had to switch back to the old stuff. Anything that messes with your hormones messes with your mood, sometimes it's good, sometimes it's not. Time will tell.

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