June Angel Baby Mommas Hoping for Rainbows!!


It took me forever to make out the pic of Sienna, but once I did, I could see how cute she is! It reminded me of one of those Rohrsbach tests lol. she is so cute! Look at those cheeks :hugs: It looks like she’s resting her hand on her chin. I hope you are successful in getting MORE more pix today!

oh and awesome about your 2nd shower!!!:happydance::happydance:


Ohh baileys sounds good…and you’ll be able to warm up with it just in time for winter! I’m jealous.

Dh isn’t really a ‘beer’ type of guy, but he’ll drink it if there’s nothing else available. I love beer (especially when it’s hot!) just as much as I love mixed frou frou drinks. Nothing can quench thirst like a beer :thumbup:

I’ll have to try that non alcoholic beer you mentioned. It can accompany chips, or peanuts, when I eat stuff like that :haha:
Meli: I'm just hoping we actually get cool weather this year. It was 84 on Christmas Day 2011. Yuck! Also, I've made non-alcoholic piña coladas that turned out well in case you need a fix. The key is using Coco Lopez and some fresh pineapple. Also, garnishing with whipped cream, a cherry and a cute straw help complete the illusion :).

I MUST try the non-alcoholic pina colada. TONIGHT! ok, maybe not tonight, but I will definitely try it!

Same here; we've had a couple of 80 degree Christmases. It just seems so wrong, doesn't it?
Hot weather at Christmas is so wrong. We consistently had colder weather in Vegas for Christmas than stupid Orlando! Last year we went to see our parents in Memphis and were lucky enough to get a light dusting of snow on the 26th. Wish we could go again this year, but seeing as Thumper will only be a few weeks old, it's not going to happen.
Hey Girls!!

I'm really sorry I haven't posted for so long. August was super busy. We went away for 10 days to St John's, Newfoundland which is on the east coast of Canada. It was beautiful and we had a nice trip. I had meetings the first two days and the rest was purely holiday!

I've made lots of progress since I last posted but unfortunately no pregnancy news. I have now ovulated on my own (without a trigger shot) for the last 3 months. I did not take any clomid this cycle and I ovulated on my own with a decent follicle without the medication (which was really exciting). Now the only medication I am taking is the progesterone. My cycles have been totally normal. No more long ones and they have been like clockwork. So it really seems the lack of progesterone was the problem. I am very encouraged that things have regulated and have been working on their own.

This month I still have a chance. I feel quite certain that I have a good chance. I know that I ovulated between August 30 and Sept 2. I went for a scan on Friday Aug 30 and I had a big follicle on my left side. After the long weekend I went for a scan on Tues Sept 2 and the big follicle was gone. My 21 day progesterone test confirmed ovulation. I think it happened closer to Tuesday then Friday. That would put me around 15dpo today. I tested Wed, Friday, Sunday, and today (with ic’s) and it has been bfn. The last number of months my cycle has started right on 14dpo and I always have been able to tell it was coming a day or two before hand. This month my boobs have been extremely sore (more than any month other than the month I had my bfp before my miscarriage). I have also noticed I am not sleeping quite as well and have been feeling queasy more frequently. I know that its too early for these things to be real pregnancy symptoms and maybe I am just getting my hopes up and convincing myself I feel like I did when I was pregnant but this month just feels different. We will soon find out if it is intuition or delusion…lol The last three months it seems I only got to test once (maybe twice). I would get a bfn, immediately after I would start getting af cramps and af would arrive either later that day or the next morning. Maybe that’s why this month feels different. Although even before I tested the first time I really felt like this was going to be my month.

You girls will be the first to know as soon as I know one way or the other. There is no way I could wait until after first tri to tell you guys. I would explode!!

Thanks so much for continuing to think of me!! I will work on being a more regular poster. I really think of you girls often and am so excited that you are all getting closer to having your babies. I feel like a BNB auntie!! I do think that I somewhat limit my time on here just because I am trying not to focus too much on this whole ttc business. It seems to take over my life if I let it. So lately I have not really been on here (other than to try to catch up on whats going on in this thread every few weeks).

Hopefully I will have some good news in the next few days. If not I guess it will be on to the next month.

I am sorry for the novel!! I guess that’s what happens when you don’t post for months!!
Jen, I am glad to hear from you. I can certainly see why you wouldn't be on here as much. I do hope this cycle is it for you, but if not, try to keep your chin up.
I am glad you had a nice holiday.

Vegas, Yay to third tri!!! Your bump looks very cute. Looks like you have a slight b shape to your bump like Stef.
I can't blame you for not going to the game. I have went to one concert this pregnancy and it sucked not to drink. Like you said though, the thought of driving home 5 drunk guys might be the worst part!
Warm weather at Christmas would really stink! It takes away the whole image of Christmas for me.
I am dying to drink at this point. I haven't yet and figured I can wait another 8 weeks max. I want to drink for a buzz, I think a sip or tiny glass will just make me want more! Your pina coladas sound delicious though!

Stef, I am glad the party went well and wasn't too over the top. I hope you get some better pics with your next ultrasound. She looks very cute in the pic though, looks like she already has some cute chubby cheeks!

Melissa, I am sorry the streamed the fight, it does seem very silly when there were better options.
And warm beer.... YUCK!
You look very cute with your bump and lovely comfy dress too!
As for incontinence, I know lots of pregnant people suffer from the occasional leakage, myself included! I have to watch myself when sneezing and laughing.

AFM, we had a good time at the wedding, although it was very redneck and took a long time. I got to see some old friends I haven't seen in years. I also got to spend time with my grandma. While we were hanging out in her yard before the wedding I got stung by a bee though! It has been YEARS since I have been stung and forgot how much it hurts, or I am a baby....
The festival was great, not too big and free. It ended up being a very nice weekend with Jeff being off.
Jen: welcome back! Sounds like you are really making progress. I've been praying for you (hope that's ok, but I pray for all my June girls). I'll keep everything crossed for you this month. You must be so happy to be ovulating on your own.

Angel: ouch about the bee! You are not a wimp. It totally hurts. You must explain a redneck wedding to me. I totally want details.

Afm: so I had a late meeting and so Ben picked up Charlotte. When they got home they watched a movie where someone died. Charlotte looked at Ben and told him that mommy cried when her sister died. Wtf!? While I'm sure I did cry around her, I'm sure I never said why nor did I have any idea about the gender. Spooky, right? And how does she even remember? Just thought I'd share.
Oooh that is spooky Vegas! I will sit down tomorrow and tell you all a bit about the wedding. It wasn't like Honey booboo or anything though.
Hi everyone,

Looong time, no speak! I’m just at work ATM so I can’t log on to respond individually but I just thought I’d give you all an update on me and go from there!

I’ve missed catching up with you all in the last few weeks so much but it has taken me a while to want to talk about what has been happening with me and OH, but I am finally ready and okay now. I have been briefly reading everyone’s updates though so I know you’re all well and all of the babies seem to be cooking up nicely, I’m so happy about that and proud of our June Baby Angel siblings! Everyone is looking absolutely beautiful on their bump pictures and Jen, welcome back I have just seen that you’ve posted!

So things have been eventful here to say the least. I just wanted to say that I very much appreciated all of your support with regard to me and OH and your offers for me to PM you etc. I’m happy to report that we are more than good now. It was touch and go for a while and we very nearly broke up. We have to much to not try to salvage though, so that is what we have done and we’re happy again which is fab!

OH is on anti-depressants now, which seem to be working really well. It’s like having the ‘old him’ back again which I haven’t fully seen for a while. Basically, he’s been over doing it at work for over a year now, and it all finally came to a head. He was working through his lunches, all evening at home, neglecting me, our sex life, we were arguing and as a repercussion of being totally hooked to his laptop, he betrayed my trust by doing several things behind my back that have upset me greatly. He had developed a lot of bad habits from working so much and being addicted to work and he finally had a melt down. He didn’t ‘cheat’ on me as such but I’m sure you can get the picture.

He suffers from a condition called GAD (Generalised anxiety disorder) on a day to day basis but he also gets these mini meltdowns, well this was a huge one. He was suicidal, unrecognisable, all through the guilt of the things that he had done and it all became revealed to me. So although, first and foremost his health was the priority, I was also hurting and we had taken a huge blow to our relationship which has taken a lot of doing to put right.

We have had though, incredible support from his family, doctors and the tablets. He is like a different person, we’re totally happy again. He’s completely stopped working at home but not only that his whole attitude to life and work has changed. He has his sense of humour back, our sex life is back (woohooo, happy horny pregnant lady!) and he is so positive about the baby, our life etc. I love it! He has also promised to be way more hands on with this baby, we have decided to bottle feed so that we can both muck in equally!

I’m 30 weeks now, feeling huge but happy! We have had yet another name change but we are definitely settled now on calling our little girl ‘Molly’. It’s been my favourite name since I was little and had always thought that I couldn’t use it since meeting and getting close with a friend with a daughter of the same name. That’s why I didn’t use it with Eva but after talking with her and considering the fact that her Molly is ten and in a completely different area, school etc have decided to go with it. I’m struggling with a middle name as I wanted something a little different but that still flows nicely. Any suggestions more than welcome!

My bump is low like last time but I think it has dropped recently, I’ll pop a picture on soon! I’m exhausted all of the time, bad indigestion and a huge ass! On the plus side, we have most of our baby stuff sorted now, just need a baby monitor and a few other small bits!

The weather here has turned colder, which has got me thinking about Christmas. I’m trying to be more organised this year as we’ll have our hands full this year, I’m trying to get Eva’s presents etc earlier! We also have her birthday in December, phewf! It’s gonna be mental but exciting! I also have three knitting projects and a doll project on too! My baby blanket still isn’t finished either but I’m making very sow progress! I finish work on 31ST October, so I can't wait for Halloween this year, I'm making pumpkin soup, and cakes and having a big celebration because I can finally rest!

I’ll log on again, one evening this week to do my individual replies but as I know you were all looking forward to hearing about my pregnancy and hoping I was okay, I thought I’d give you an update!

Thinking of you all lots.

Jasmine x x x
Jasmine: so good to hear from you! All our ladies are now back! I'm so glad that you and dh worked things out. It would be especially hard to have a newborn and a four year old all by yourself! The name Molly is adorable and not too popular either. Enjoy the little bit of time off you get before baby arrives. I'm sure Eva will love having you home.

I am so glad to hear that your body is doing what it’s supposed to be doing without requiring all the stuff like Provera, etc. It DOES sound like you had a progesterone problem and that is easily fixed, so that’s good news! FX that your intuition is right and you get your BFP any day now! Remember when I tested, I was 3 days late and I used an IC and it was SUPER DUPER light. It was a real squinter. I no longer trust IC’s!! I immediately used a FRER and it came up blazing, even though it was middle of the day and diluted urine. I’ll keep praying for you and that your BFP happens this month :hugs: !!!


I thought I was the only one who wanted to drink to get a buzz. OK, I don’t just want a buzz, I do want to taste and enjoy the actual drink and no guilt! Only 8 weeks more for you…I’m jealous :haha:

Glad to know I’m not the only one suffering from incontinence :haha:

The last time I got stung by a bee, was when we were camping last year. We set up a clothesline to dry our bath towels. When it was time for my second shower, I got my 2 towels (I have to use one to wrap my hair up and another to dry my body) and went to the showers. Once I was done, I grabbed one towel and wrapped up my hair. I then grabbed the second towel and started drying off. Started at my feet, moved towel up my calves, started drying my thighs, when OUCHIE! Huge sting. I freaked out and started screaming (I was imagining a huge spider). When I realized it was a bee I brushed it off of my thigh. My SIL was in the stall next to me, bathing herself and my niece. I freaked her the h*ll out. She ran out and I made her come into my stall, remove the bee and remove the stinger. SO, I don’t think you are a big baby! I guess the bee was hanging out on my towel. Lesson learned is to always shake out towels before use when camping :wacko: I was just glad it didn’t sting me you-know-where. I mean, that’s HOW CLOSE it was to that area LOL :winkwink:

I am also interested in hearing about the ‘redneck wedding’.

So glad you had a great time at the festival. Free is a bonus!


Wow that is so crazy about what Charlotte said! I totally believe it. Kids are so innocent and open to things that we are closed off to. It sounds like Charlotte is really perceptive.


Such a relief to hear that everything has worked out for you. I know it’s hard to believe, but I was really worried about you and your situation :hugs: After a couple of weeks I shared your cryptic msg with dh. Even he’s been asking me for your status every few days.

YAY to more sex :happydance: I know you and Stef are pretty much the horndogs of our bunch.

I love the name Molly. I have no idea what middle names would go with it…gots to think about it!

Can’t wait to see your picture. And that’s great that you’ve got most of your baby stuff ready to go!
Jasmine, I am so happy you and your oh are doing better. I hope it continues and he stays on his meds. I love the name Molly. How about Molly Elisabeth? Can't wait to see your bump!

-The redneck wedding, first off the girl that got married is no more than 30 years old. The guy she married looks like he came right off the set of Duck Dynasty, long gray hear and beard. He looks to be at least 50, now while the age difference is not all that strange, but boy oh boy did they make an odd couple. Anyhow, all of his friends looked like that too. One of them was even the officiant and it was his first ceremony. So needless to say, it did not flow smoothly. Then they listened to a whole song up there, while we could see them talking to each other but didn't really know what was going on. Oh yeah, and it started 20 minutes late. Then after the ceremony, they went outside of the receiving line and we were all given bubbles. But then the couple had to go back inside so that we could blow the bubbles on them for pictures, but with a three year old waiting, we had no bubbles left. Then they did pictures, so we all went back into the auditorium to wait. It took over an hour of everyone just sitting there waiting for the reception and food and stuff. It wasn't awful, but surely there were better ways??
Jasmine - I am really happy to see you back too!! I am glad that things have gotten better in your relationship!! I like angel's suggestion of Molly Elisabeth (my middle name is Elizabeth). I also like the sound of Eva and Molly together.

Vegas - I think its neat how kids are so unknowingly perceptive. I really think they are more open to picking up on things than adults are. It really does emphasize how so many of the things we think are over their heads are actually being processed and thought about by them. Thanks for the prayers. I am open to any positive energy being sent my way!!

I've never had a Christmas where there was no snow. This year we are planning to go to Disneyworld with my husband's family over Christmas. I don't know what I think about the no snow part. I just don't think it will feel like Christmas with no snow!!

Angel – That wedding does sound different!! It’s funny you said it wasn’t Honey Booboo. That is totally what I was picturing when you said redneck wedding. I have to admit that I did watch Mama June and Sugarbear get married…..I am a bit of a reality show junkie. As much as I hate to admit it!!

Meli – Now you have me thinking about pina colada’s!! Your baby shower will be here before you know it. Nov seems so far away but time has been going by so fast it will be here before you know it!! Sounds like you have a good group planning it and it will be lovely!! I agree that it is weird they streamed the fight when there were so many people there that wanted to watch it (and would have pitched in to order it). Some people are just really cheap!!

Stef – I’m glad to hear your scan went so well. Little Sienna is so cute!! Like Meli it took me a minute to make out the picture but once I figured out what was where I could definitely see her clearly. Loved the hand under the chin!! I hope you are having a nice visit with your brother. It sounds like your baby shower went really well in the end!!

AFM – So unfortunately I am on to the next cycle. Af arrived yesterday evening. I am just trying to focus on all the positive things that have happened with my body lately. I am discouraged and sad but still hopeful that this new cycle will be the one for me. This is the month I got pregnant last year. My naturopath believes that women tend to have one or two especially fertile times in a year. Since I conceived this month last year maybe this will be my month. If it doesn’t happen this month I will have to start thinking about looking at the next options (like IUI or IVF).
Jenk: you'll be here for Christmas! That is so exciting! I'd offer to meet up, but I'm pretty sure my December will be a bit busy. At least you'll see what a non-snowy Christmas looks like (it's awful). Although I've never been to Disney for Christmas there are supposedly some beautiful light displays (Hollywood Studios has like one million lights).

Sorry AF got you, but things are truly moving in the right direction for you. My co-worker, who is 41, had IUI and is now 35 weeks pregnant, so that totally worked for her should you choose to go that route. Like us, she also had a mc before her sticky bean. However it happens for you, I just know it will happen.

Angel: I too pictured some sort of Honey Booboo/Duck Dynasty wedding. Still, I totally understand what you mean. My mom is in the wedding business and I hear all sorts of stories. To each their own!

Afm: I'm starting to wonder how I'm going to cope without sleep again once baby is here. Charlotte's been waking a lot at night and then last night one of the smoke alarms decided that 2am was a good time to remind us it needed a new battery. And all of those are minor compared to a newborns needs throughout the night!
Meli, we live 10-15 from where I'm giving birth, so that's not an issue, although possibly still being at work when I go into labor still makes me nervous!

A lot of women have the peeing issue while pregnant! I've read so many women talking about it that I'm surprised it hasn't happened to me. Do those kegels!

Yay for the bump! So cute!

And yeah, it took me forever to make out what was going on in the ultrasound, too! And she did have her hand resting on her chin, after what looked like sucking her thumb.

jen, glad everything seems to be heading in the right direction! Sorry af came this cycle,

Angel, I've heard of worse weddings! One in particular comes to mind - my friend's brother. It was Ninja Turtle themed... yep. Each groomsmen's outfit coordinated to one of the turtles - blue, orange, purple, red. Those were the colors through the whole wedding. Interesting, to say the least.

Vegas, that IS spooky what Charlotte said! Kids are definitely more open to things than adults are, I think. I'm not sure if I mentioned it here before, but one of the nieces, who just turned 5, has "ghost friends." That's even what she calls them!

Jasmine, soooo glad things are going well with you and OH now and that he's on meds that seem to be helping! I also love the name Molly, it's one of my favorites! I like Angel's suggestion of Molly Elisabeth.

AFM, my brother went home yesterday :( I'm trying to convince him to move out here, lol. I've been trying that for years. He texted me last night after I fell asleep to tell me his partner said he'd be find with moving out here. I about peed myself with happiness, lol. That's definitely a step in getting him to come! I know my parents want to move out here, too. Would be awesome if they all came! Who knows when, though...

Our second ultrasound on Monday wasn't much more successful than the first. We got a few minutes of video and to see her face just a little more, but most of the time she had her hands (and her feet!) in her face. The pictures look pretty much just like the one I already posted. The ultrasound place isn't happy with not being able to get us at least a solid 8-10 minutes of video, so they rescheduled again (for free!) to my birthday. Little monkey better behave, that'd be a great bday present.

My brother started painting the nursery, just needs one more coat, so that's a lot of work off of Blake's shoulders. All the baby shower stuff is crammed into the office right now, so we need to get the nursery finished soon and the crib set up to get it all out of the office.

Not sure if you guys saw on FB, sweetmomma had her little boy last night!

Going to post again in a few minutes with some pics from the shower and of me/Blake and me/Kenny.
Putting the pics in a spoiler so they don't make the page huuuuge

Blake and me the night of the shower. Sorry for bad lighting, it was outside at night and my brother took it with his phone.

My brother and me on Saturday.

Cupcake table

Diaper cake

Some presents. Onesies above say "Welcome Baby"

Headband making station. I'm going to have to get pics of them when I can pull all the stuff out of the office, haven't seem them yet. Holly made a headband display thing, I'll have to get a good pic of that, too. And where it says Sienna! is a thing she made too, she painted a yardstick black and made the name out of cardstock. So cute.

Had everyone sign / leave notes on a wooden S to hang in the nursery. I haven't even had a chance to check it out yet! Holly also had prints made and she made the white flowers that I can hang in the room.

Onesie decorating station. Haven't seen many of these yet either!

Owl cupcakes.

Yup, that sure sounds like a redneck wedding :haha:


Sorry to hear the stupid witch came :hugs: Your naturopath’s theory sounds very interesting. I’ve heard of it before. FX that you don’t have to use IUI or IVF and spend money. You’re still young, I know it will happen naturally for you!!


Yikes-what a rude awakening to a blaring alarm at 2am :growlmad:

That’s funny because dh and I also had a rude awakening (we woke up at 120am). I had the most painful calf cramp EVER. Like, EVER. I was whimpering and trying (not successfully) not to cry. dh woke up and was freaked out because he thought I went into labor or something. He had to massage my leg because I absolutely could not move my leg. 4 separate times he had to massage my leg and straighten it out. He called me at work the next morning to check on me. His last comment was “Yup, I bet you’ll need an epidural during labor”. WHATEVS! :growlmad: I still am walking funny and it still hurts to flex that leg muscle :cry:


Omg that ninja themed wedding takes the cake :wacko:

FX FX FX that your brother and your parents move out closer to you :thumbup:

Boo to not getting better pix this time, but at least you’ll be able to go back for more and get your fix :winkwink:

That’s awesome that your brother was able to paint the nursery. I’m sure Blake appreciated it.

Your shower turned out so beautiful. Your friend Holly really went all out for you and Sienna. And you and oh look so cute :hugs:
I haven't read to catch up here yet, but I wanted to let everyone know that hasn't seen facebook that Sweetmomma had her little boy last night.
Stef: your shower looks like it was amazing and so original too. You look great pregnant. Lucky girl! Wow, I can't believe you are getting another ultrasound session. That is awesome!

Meli: the dreaded pregnancy related Charlie horse! I got my first one Tuesday night. It's been a rough week for sleep. When they come on DON'T point your toes, but flex them up instead. It'll just cramp more if you point. I've done everything to prevent them, but they still happen. Sorry you are getting them too.

Sweetmomma: if you are still reading this thread; congratulations!

Afm: I'm doing fine. I go for my glucose screening on Monday. I actually went this past Tuesday, but forgot my paperwork and was sent away. Oops! It's been in my purse ever since so I can't forget it.
Meli, I had to lol at your DH saying you'll need an epi because of your leg cramp, sorry! :haha:

That's what I figured about the ultrasound - she offered us a small discount or another visit, of course I chose the visit!

Meli and vegas, Holly did a great job for the shower, especially considering all the changes that were made and how hard it was to keep in touch with Blake's mom for planning. I keep telling her she should become a party planner, she'd be amazing. She got all the decoration ideas from my Pinterest.

vegas, aww thanks! :hugs: I keep having people tell me I have the pregnancy glow, I just don't really see it!

And you're definitely right about not pointing toes when the cramps come on, it's a lovely way to get your foot stuck like that and your leg in more pain (at least for me!). I get the cramps fairly often, boooo, but I also always have trouble staying properly hydrated.

Good luck at your glucose screening!

I am soooo uncomfortable at work today. Finding it hard to breath, pain under my ribs, my butt hurts... not uncommon, but much worse than normal... Bleh. Maybe it's from not having to be here the last 4 days, body rebelling, lol who knows. Idk how I'm going to make it to 39 weeks here...

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