I can't say I am really in the mood for sex, but if it will help things along, I will keep trying it. I usually get off with foreplay, because the sex is very uncomfortable and not enjoyable.
Stef, I am very jealous about the birth center. I really wanted to have a home birth or a birth center birth, but with everything I have going on, I can't yet. Maybe if I can convince Jeff of a third...
Like Vegas, I would not be able to help being petty back. All of that would piss me off pregnant or not!
I would not want all those people around so early either. Older relatives always think they know best and try to convince you of their ways instead of allowing you to find what works for you. Also, you feel self-conscience all the time and who needs that!
I am glad Sienna cooperated this time! The pics looked great! Such cute chubby cheeks! That is crazy that yours is measuring 4.5lbs and so was mine at my last check. She does look just like Blake!!
Vegas, I am jealous of you too! I can't wait to get back to disney. And apparently they now have a Beast's castle, is that where that picture was? Beauty and the Beast is one of my favorites!
Jasmine, how scary about the fall!! I am glad all is well though. And how awesome about the stroller! I have serious stroller envy! And don't feel bad about hte name, we aren't decided yet either. We are still on the fence with Kinsley, McKinley, Harper, and McKenna.
Melissa, You are doing great and so is Xzavier. Cut yourself some slack.

Well done on the pumping, that is hard work!
Jen, Thanks for the props on juggling a preschooler and pregnancy. Most times I don't feel like I am doing such a good job. We do have a lot of festivals going on in fall. I love it and hate sitting at home when we could be out! My to do list is coming. Pretty sure I have at least another week to finish.
Are you going to Orlando?
Sending you lots of dust! I really hope this is it for you.
AFM, I finally got my glider covered. I only need to cover the foot stool, but I need a stapler. I went to the dr yesterday. I am still at 1cm, I am 60% effaces, my cervix was softer and she was at -2 station. It didn't seem like much of a change to me, but he said there was a definite change in how it felt. He is very positive of a vaginal delivery.
I took Carter to gymnastics on Wednesday. I did something that killed my left side. It hurts so bad sometimes and I can't even sleep on it at night. I am generally uncomfortable, but I am fine to continue this for a few more weeks, I just wish my side would stop hurting.
We went to an apple orchard today and Sunday we will likely got to a pumpkin patch. I feel like I want to do as much with Carter now while he is still an only child. I just keep thinking that his life is about to be turned upside down and I feel like he still really has no idea what is coming. He always surprises me with his maturity in handling new things so I know he will do great!
Here is my glider, I was so happy to have it done and I even rocked Carter to sleep in it, it was wonderful. I rocked him to sleep until he was about 18 months and I have really missed it.