June Angel Baby Mommas Hoping for Rainbows!!

Meli: so happy to hear from you. I have been thinking and praying for you and Xzavier often. Please don't be too hard on yourself. For reasons unknown these things happen. The important thing is that you immediately recognized things weren't right and you sought help. The good news is that Xavier was healthy and therefore is better equipped to continue to grow stronger than babies that are born early due to the baby's issues. He sounds like he is a real fighter and a spunky little guy as he kicks his way out of his cocoon. He is in a hospital with the highest level of care available to him and lots of people who are there to make sure he gets all the care he needs. I can't imagine how hard this is, but I do understand that children are your heart existing outside your body and when they hurt, so do you.

Great job with the pumping. Keep in mind your insurance will cover a double electric pump for free if you would rather own. Also, and I know this sounds weird, but I believe milk-bank milk should be available for Xzavier if he needs extra or for some reason you can no longer pump.

Big hugs!
Hey Girls

I am so glad its Friday. This felt like a long week even though it flew by. I am definitely ready for the weekend!!

Vegas – We are pretty excited about our trip to Florida over Christmas. We had a big family meeting last week where we tried to decide what things we are going to do while we are there. We are going with my husbands parent, his sister, her husband and their three kids (ages 12, 10, and 8). It should be a busy but fun trip. You will have to give me some suggestions about the do not miss places. There is so much to do it is really hard to schedule in everything that everyone wants to do!! Enjoy the Halloween party today!! I bet Charlotte will love it. Hope you are feeling well and the cold or allergy you felt coming on has gone away!!

Angel – Hope your allergies have calmed down. How is your to do list coming along?? I think you are doing amazingly well being almost ready to give birth and taking care of Carter at the same time. I don’t know how you guys do it. I have no kids and find it hard to get things done!! I love hearing about all the fun things that you guys go out and do. It sounds like your city has a lot going on.

Stef – Have you got your results back yet from your blood test yet?? I hope you can come to a compromise about all of the family visits after the baby is born. I would be torn. It is great for everyone to meet and spend time with the baby but it is also important to have some time alone with just you, Blake and Sienna. Maybe you can block off a couple of hours a day that are “no visiting” times and kick everyone out. I’m sure they would understand that as much as you love to see them that you are adjusting to your new family!! Love the pictures you got at your ultrasound. I bet Sienna cooperating for the pictures was the best birthday present that you got!! I think she looks like you too (not just Blake). Cute baby pictures of you and Blake by the way!!

Jasmine – That is scary about the fall. So glad to hear that everything is ok!! I really like the names Molly and Violet. You can't go wrong with either of those. I think its a good idea to wait and see what fits best after you see her. I would change my mind a million times too.

Meli – So glad to hear from you on here. I have been looking forward to your daily Facebook updates and think of you guys often!! I think it is wonderful that you have taken the time and the effort to keep everyone updated about Xzavier’s progress and how he is doing. I think it is safe to speak for everyone and say that we appreciate that a lot!!

I think you are amazingly strong. You are in the middle of an incredibly stressful situation. I would be worried about you if you didn’t cry and fall apart sometimes. You are there with Xzavier every day, pumping milk, holding his hand and just being there. That is more healing for him than any medication they could give him. Your strength is not measured by how many tears you cry or how often you feel helpless. When I think of you I think of a strong mama who is doing the absolute best for her baby. I agree with Vegas that you shouldn’t be hard on yourself. You have no control over your cervix. Some times even when we do everything right things happen. You did catch it early and because of that you had a few days of advance warning and were able to get Xzavier as ready as he could be for his early arrival.

Just know that we are all here for you. Please know that you are strong and you are a great mother. Just keep loving that little guy and know that a few tears are not going to hurt him. Take care of yourself and give yourself permission to feel upset and angry and scared and whatever else you feel when you need to. These emotions will make you stronger!! You are already stronger than you know!!

AFM – I had a great trip last weekend. I had a nice visit with my sister and some other family. My meeting Monday went well. I went for a follicle check on Tuesday on cd 13. I had a follicle on the right that was 25.3mm. That is as big as a follicle will typically get before ovulation. I am assuming that I would have ovulated sometime this week (probably Tuesday or Wednesday at the latest). I will get a progesterone test next week to confirm ovulation. So I assume that I am now in the dreaded TWW. I have made an appointment with my doctor for the 17th of October to talk about the next steps if this cycle doesn’t result in a bfp. This is the month I got pregnant last year. For some reason I feel like it will happen this month (although I have thought that many times in the past and been wrong). I just have to stay positive and wait it out. I will keep you guys updated.
I can't say I am really in the mood for sex, but if it will help things along, I will keep trying it. I usually get off with foreplay, because the sex is very uncomfortable and not enjoyable.

Stef, I am very jealous about the birth center. I really wanted to have a home birth or a birth center birth, but with everything I have going on, I can't yet. Maybe if I can convince Jeff of a third...
Like Vegas, I would not be able to help being petty back. All of that would piss me off pregnant or not!
I would not want all those people around so early either. Older relatives always think they know best and try to convince you of their ways instead of allowing you to find what works for you. Also, you feel self-conscience all the time and who needs that!
I am glad Sienna cooperated this time! The pics looked great! Such cute chubby cheeks! That is crazy that yours is measuring 4.5lbs and so was mine at my last check. She does look just like Blake!!

Vegas, I am jealous of you too! I can't wait to get back to disney. And apparently they now have a Beast's castle, is that where that picture was? Beauty and the Beast is one of my favorites!

Jasmine, how scary about the fall!! I am glad all is well though. And how awesome about the stroller! I have serious stroller envy! And don't feel bad about hte name, we aren't decided yet either. We are still on the fence with Kinsley, McKinley, Harper, and McKenna.

Melissa, You are doing great and so is Xzavier. Cut yourself some slack.:hugs: Well done on the pumping, that is hard work!

Jen, Thanks for the props on juggling a preschooler and pregnancy. Most times I don't feel like I am doing such a good job. We do have a lot of festivals going on in fall. I love it and hate sitting at home when we could be out! My to do list is coming. Pretty sure I have at least another week to finish.
Are you going to Orlando?
Sending you lots of dust! I really hope this is it for you.

AFM, I finally got my glider covered. I only need to cover the foot stool, but I need a stapler. I went to the dr yesterday. I am still at 1cm, I am 60% effaces, my cervix was softer and she was at -2 station. It didn't seem like much of a change to me, but he said there was a definite change in how it felt. He is very positive of a vaginal delivery.
I took Carter to gymnastics on Wednesday. I did something that killed my left side. It hurts so bad sometimes and I can't even sleep on it at night. I am generally uncomfortable, but I am fine to continue this for a few more weeks, I just wish my side would stop hurting.
We went to an apple orchard today and Sunday we will likely got to a pumpkin patch. I feel like I want to do as much with Carter now while he is still an only child. I just keep thinking that his life is about to be turned upside down and I feel like he still really has no idea what is coming. He always surprises me with his maturity in handling new things so I know he will do great!
Here is my glider, I was so happy to have it done and I even rocked Carter to sleep in it, it was wonderful. I rocked him to sleep until he was about 18 months and I have really missed it.
Jenk: fingers crossed for you. You and your family will love Orlando. December is a nice time to be here, especially if you are used to Canada in the winter. Even if it is cold by our standards you'll be quite content. When it gets closer to your trip I'll try and give you some tips, but I'm a real Disney novice compared to all those bloggers out there. The one tip I'll give you is if you know your dates and want to eat at a character dinner or one of the nicer restaurants at EPCOT (Le Cellier is in the Canada section and is the most popular as it is the steakhouse), make your reservations now!

Stef: hooray for great photos. Such a nice birthday gift.

Angel: cute glider. I can't believe you can still fit Carter on your lap as I find holding Charlotte to be a bit uncomfortable. If you want sex to help bring on labor I read that you need to do it three times in 24 hours for there to be enough semen to ripen things. I've also read that the only thing that really brings on labor is a chemical released by the baby when her lungs are fully matured. Who knows really.

Afm: Disney was awesome! We were there a little over four hours and managed to ride eight rides (I only rode six as two were not ideal for pregnant gals), we saw the Halloween parade, ate dinner, got tons of candy trick-or-treating and watched an awesome fireworks show. We did go to the new Fantasyland and did story time with Belle and a new Little Mermaid ride. Beast's castle is where the "Be Our Guest" restaurant is located. We tried to get reservations, but as we waited until this week to do it, it was way too late. The baby was moving like crazy yesterday and even while I was walking he/she was pushing so hard on my side. Pretty sure baby has been transverse for a while, but may have moved head down last night as the movements felt a lot different this morning.
Hello ladies!

I must have accidently unsubscribed from our thread as I thought noone was posting, so I haven’t been reading! Oops!

Stef – Happy Birthday too yoooooouuuu! I love the sound of your night, KFC and a new film, I LOVE KFC, now all I want is a KFC bucket with coleslaw, gravy, corn on the cob, chicken and fries, we’re having sausage, egg and tomatoes, booooo! Did you decide what to do about your mean friends birthday night?
Those BH contractions sound very intense, how are they atm? Did you get the urine test results back? I was having them early on in this pregnancy but they have stopped for a few weeks now and it’s totally baffling me! As for DTD, OH and I are like rabbits atm! It’s great! He has his sex drive back and we’re making the most of it before the baby comes! Visitors after baby is born, don’t be afraid to lay down some laws about that one, people will totally understand but if you must have visitors then make the most of them, get them cleaning and cooking and don’t be afraid to rest as much as you can in front of them! Can’t believe Sienna is already 4 and a half pounds, I don’t think I’ll find out how much mine weighs until she is here sadly but Eva was 7 pounds 10 when she was born! She really does look just like Blake as a baby, crazy! Eva is like that, her face is all Shane but she definitely has my physique (sp?) she is tall with long legs, arms and big feet like me and she has started to look like me facially more the older she has gotten!

Meli – hello hunny! I’m so happy for you that baby Xzavier is doing so well, he’s quite the little trooper isn’t he! It’s also fantastic about your milk, you are doing an absolutely great job! I’m loving all of your amazing and detailed facebook updates, especially the new ones that are from his point of view, he’s totally loveable! I’m sorry I didn’t tell you about the fall but it really felt like nothing compared to what you were and are going through! How are you doing in terms of recovery, are you managing to get any rest at all and are you eating well and everything? Please, like the others girls have said, don’t be too hard on yourself, already you’re an amazing mummy and you’ve had an incredible journey to bring this little one into the world, you should be very proud! I am always thinking of you! I have a little parcel to send out to you, which I will send as soon as I can, not sure how long it will take to reach you, maybe about three weeks!

Jen – great news about your follicle, I read something the other day that said women tend to catch at similar times of the year, this was also true with me as Eva and her sister will be only days apart in terms of their birthdays if everything goes to plan! I am keeping everything crossed for you that this is your month! How did DTD go this month, did you get lots in, I’m so nosy aren’t I! I always like looking on people’s charts at there DTD patterns! Hope you have an absolutely amazing time in Florida, I hope to take my girls someday, I think Eva would have a heart attack if she saw beast’s castle!

Angel – cant believe you are talking about a third baby already, hehe! Out of your names I like Kinsley the best but they are all nice! The glider looks great, really love that fabric that’s on it! I’ve never had a sit on one, just will be using my bed and sofa but I’d love one like that! Have my fingers crossed for your vaginal delivery, it sounds very promising atm and I have a good feeling about it! I am also very anxious about the new baby and how it will effect Eva, I have spent most of this pregnancy stepping back a bit ad letting OH become really close to her as I don’t want it to be too much of a shock for her but she starts pre-school in a couple of weeks, so hopefully the baby won’t be early and I can get her settled in nicely!

Vegas – Wow, your Disney Halloween party sounded great and I think you did really well to go on two of the rides, I wouldn’t have managed any atm! I also think my baby is transverse, as I always get random kicks at the sides of my bumps but apparently with second babies their heads don’t engage until much later!

AFM, I’m okay, went to my first antenatal class today, it was good although mainly aimed at first time mums, I don’t mind as I got to get out of work at 1pm and I need refreshing anyway! I really enjoyed the class, I have another three to go to, every monday now until I finish work. One thing I noticed though was that my bump looked way smaller than others that were the same gestation as me, so I’m getting that checked out tomorrow, even though it feels massive to be, it seems really low down? Who knows? Things are still really good with me and OH which is great, we are stronger than ever atm and the tablets he is on seem to be working wonders, he’s totally back to his old self! Other than that, a few of my friends have organised me a little baby shower for Sunday 20th, which I’m looking forward to, apparently they have made me some pom pom bunting for the nursery and plan to feed and spoil me all afternoon! Can’t complain about that can I! I am defo still leaning towards Violet as a name with Letty as a nickname, just out of interest would you guys spell it Letty or Lettie? Loads of love to everyone x x x
Meli, I can't really say anything the other ladies haven't said, especially Jen. It's totally ok to break down, and it also doesn't mean you aren't being strong. I'm so so happy to see the updates on Xzavier every day and see how well he has been doing! What a little fighter! And good for you with the pumping! I told my mom and a good friend of mine about your little man, and they are both sending their thoughts.

Jen & Jasmine - I did get my results back (urine test). It was negative. BH have slowed down, thank goodness. I did have period like cramping the other day, woke up in the middle of the night with it and got worried, but I don't think it was anything because it stopped. It may just have been having to go to the bathroom.

Jen, I honestly don't see any of me in Sienna's ultrasound at all! It's ok, though :) She MIGHT have my eyes, just can't tell when they're closed! Blake and I both have brown eyes, but his are squinty and mine aren't (he says he looks Asian in his baby pic, lol, he's not. He's German and Native American).

My fingers are crossed for you for this month! Let us know how the progesterone test works out.

Angel, as long as we make it to 37 weeks, the birth center it is. If before 37, they have moms deliver at the hospital just in case, so that would suck! I still have the feeling she'll be early, so hopefully, if I'm right, it won't be before 37 weeks!

Blake isn't big on the idea of my parents being here so early, but he won't be the bad guy and say no (he told me this last night!). I think I'm just going to suck it up and say it's ok... I feel horrible saying to get a place to stay, though... looking into prices it's going to double (or way more than double, if they rent a car) the trip cost (and that's with a cheap-o, probably crappy place to stay).

Yay for it looking like you'll get your VBAC!

Vegas, glad you had fun at Disney! We're going to Six Flags this Sunday for a work thing for Blake, they do it every year. Bringing his 5 year old niece so we can actually have a little fun since I can't do most of the rides, lol. Disney sounds much more fun, though!

Jasmine, we love KFC, too! Unfortunately, this was the second time we visited this one, and the second time the chicken was overly greasy and not crispy enough (and they forgot my coleslaw so I had to go back in to get it!), so we won't be going back to that one!

The BH have calmed down. Still coming when I'm active, but not nearly as much (they were getting to the point that I couldn't keep count!).

Oh I will be taking advantage of having visitors! I already know my parents probably won't let me do anything while they're there, I won't even have to ask.

So glad you and OH are doing well! Also, jealous of you two going at it like rabbits. We've been busy and tired and not having much time / energy to do much... boooooo!
Also just wanted to let you girls know, I've requested to change my username to "Middysquidge" (don't ask!) because it bothers me that my real name is my username, didn't really think it through at the time you see! Anyway, just in case it changes and you don't know who it is, it's mee! X
I didn't know you can do that. Been wanting to change mine!
Yeah you have to pm wobbles with a genuine reason but it can be done x
Hey Girls:

Hope everyone had a good weekend!!

Angel – So glad to hear that they think things look positive for a vaginal delivery!! Just remember, however it turns out, it’s the outcome (healthy baby) that is important. How she gets here really doesn’t matter in the long run.

We are going to Orlando in December (over Christmas) with my husband’s family. We are looking forward to it. Thanks for the dust. I am also hoping that this is my month!!

Love the way your glider turned out!! Hope your side is feeling better. Extra pain on top of the normal pregnancy discomfort is unfair!! The good news is that there are only a few more weeks to go!! I am sure Carter will do great with the new baby (after a bit of time). It is always an adjustment to go from being an only child to a big brother but it sounds like you have been doing your best to prepare him. Kids are very adaptable.

Vegas – Thanks for the tip about the restaurant reservations. I will pass that along to Corrie’s sister. She is the planner of our group. She will likely have some places in mind that the kids want to go.

Sounds like you guys had a great time at the Halloween party at Disney. It is nice to hear that you were still able to go on so many rides. I am hoping that I will be pregnant by the time we go and I wasn’t sure if I would just be the designated bag holder or if there would be some rides I could go on.

Jasmine – That has happened to me before where it unsubscribed me from this thread. How rude!! Glad you found your way back!! My naturopath believes that women have two fertile periods a year where they are especially fertile. I do know a lot of people who’s kids have birthdays that are close to the same time. I am hoping that theory is right and this month will be lucky. Last year I found out I was pregnant the day after my birthday. This time I would be testing right around the same time. I can’t think of a better birthday present than a bfp!! Since I was away at the end of September we didn’t get to start bd’ing as early as I would have liked. At least I know I didn’t miss ovulation as the follicle tracking confirmed that the follie was still there on Oct 1. I assume that I ovulated on the 2nd or the 3rd and we did bd on the 30th, 1st, 2nd, and 3rd. Hopefully it was enough!!

Your shower sounds like fun! It’s always nice to get fed and spoiled. I think I would spell Lettie with the ie not the y.

Thanks for the heads up on the name change. We would have eventually figured out it was you from your ruby slippers and your siggy.

Stef – Glad to hear the urine test was negative and the BH have slowed down a bit. Would be hard to get anything done with them coming all the time like that!! I will definitely let you know how the progesterone test turns out. I think I will go get tested tomorrow or Wednesday after work. They have the results back the next day which is nice.

Meli – Still thinking of you. Hope Xzavier had another good day today!!

AFM – Nothing new to report. Just waiting, and waiting, and waiting until its time to pee on something. I can probably start testing next week. I hope the time goes by quickly!!
Jasmine: can we still call you Jasmine after your name is switched? I thought about changing mine as I no longer live in Vegas, but a few weeks ago I noticed someone else had the name "Vegazbaby" so I'm keeping it as I'm the original. Lol.

That's great that you are getting a shower. Hope you gets tons of nice new things for baby. I think I would use Lettie as the nickname, but really it's totally up to you on how you spell it.

Stef: happy to hear that you don't have a UTI and that the BH's have slowed down. Don't worry too much about who the baby looks like because it changes. Charlotte used to be my twin, but now I see a lot of Ben in her too. Of course she does have my blonde hair and blue eyes, but the shape of her eyes is just like Ben's. It's fun looking at their features and deciding who they take after.

Jen: I hope the next week flies by for you so that you can hurry up and test. I do think women have certain times where they are more fertile than others so let's hope this is your time!

Angel: how are you feeling?

Meli: if you are reading this, I just love Xzavier's updates. He sounds like he is really doing well. I'm glad your dh told the staff he was tired of hearing statistics. It's about Xzavier and no one else. Sorry he's got a bit of jaundice, but that is super common in all babies. I have a friend who had her baby at 42 weeks, just over a week ago, and he already had to spend the night at the hospital for jaundice. I just hope he's able to take off the eye shield soon so we can see his eyes open for the first time.

Afm: I've got a doctor's appointment this afternoon. I'm hoping we are going to schedule the section so I have a firm date and time. I'm really hoping baby comes a bit earlier, but I'm freaked out about actually going into labor. I'm not sure what we would do with Chatlotte if I went into labor in the middle of the night. Guess I need to talk to some friends and neighbors to see if anyone can take her. This is one if the things that sucks about not having family nearby.

Baby has been moving like crazy and sometimes it really hurts! If fetal movement is any indication then I'm going to have a wild child (or should I say another wild child). We still haven't decided on names or really discussed it lately. I suppose we still have plenty of time, but I would at least like to have a few in the running.
Vegas - Good luck at your appointment this afternoon. I hope they schedule your C-section so you don't have to worry about it anymore!! Do you have some good neighbours/friends that are close by where you could drop Charlotte off in the middle of the night?? Not having family nearby really does make things tougher. I totally take my family being nearby for granted.

Thanks for the well wishes and dust everyone. I sure hope I can give you all some good news someday soon!!
Jasmine, I agree with Jen, I would spell it Lettie.

Jen, sounds like you got a good amount of BDing in right around the perfect time!

Vegas, I'm not worried about who the baby looks like :) I KNOW Blake has strong genes - of the 6 boys, he's the only one with dark hair, dark eyes. I think it's pretty neat that, from what we can see on the u/s, she looks not only just like him, but just like the dream I had back before we knew she was a girl. Hope they schedule your section for you!

Angel, hope you're doing well!

Meli & Xzavier (X!), loving the updates on FB. First thing in the morning when I wake up, I grab my phone to turn off the alarm and check on your updates.

AFM, after much stressing about it (on my part mostly), my parents have their flight here booked. They're flying in on Thanksgiving. They're spending the whole day at airports / on planes / in a hotel. They won't get here until 6pm, and we'll be at Blake's mom's (he says we aren't allowed to miss a holiday, even with a brand new baby, and this is coming from him, not his family :wacko: ). They'll be staying at the hotel the whole time (my brother is paying for half, so that's nice), and she reassured me that we will still have alone time because they want to make some of the time sort of like a second honeymoon and do some things together. So I'm feeling better about it all.

I'm becoming more doubtful that I'm going to make it at work until 39 weeks. I'm SO uncomfortable with all the driving / sitting. And for the first time today, restless legs has kicked in mid-day. It usually waits until a little after dinner time when we're lounging on the couch. I'm not sure which I hate more - that or heartburn (which isn't too terrible today, thank goodness, but SUCKED yesterday). Yesterday was horrible. I spent most of the night before awake with a headache and heartburn, then heartburn all day and I was so tired I almost fell asleep sitting up at work. Felt miserable all day.

But anyway, hope everyone is doing well!
Stef: Reading Meli's updates is the first thing I do every morning too! I'm sorry that you aren't feeling well and that work is so far away. Maybe you should consider leaving a bit earlier than 39 weeks.

I can't believe you are still planning on going to Blake's mom's for Thanksgiving. Can't a few of them bring you dinner? Of course you may want to get out by then. Let's just hope you don't go over 40 weeks!

How long are your parents planning on staying? I'm sure they will be a big help.

Afm: Dr. visit went great. Measuring perfectly, hb is 150 and I've only put on one more pound since my last appointment two weeks ago. The section is planned for December 12 unless I go into labor before then or something else happens.
Vegas, I can barely hold Carter. To rock him, he had to kind of lie sideways around my bump. Hopefully you lo moved head down for you. It was pretty uncomfortable when Larry was transverse. Sorry you weren't able to make a reservation. I can't wait to get back out there. I think we may try to go in two summers.
That is great that you have a date set, hopefully she will cooperate!

Jasmine, I hope you have a great time at the shower. And I am you and Shane are doing so well. I don't know how you can want to do it so often! I think I would go with Lettie, but I am not really sure why. I can understand the user name change, I have thought about it too.

Stef, hope you have a good time at Six Flags. And like Jasmine said, if you are going to have family visit, put them to work and don't be afraid to sleep while they are there! I am glad that still have some plans of their own, so you won't feel so obligated to play hostess.

Jen, hope you have a great time in Florida! Disney will be so fun! Luckily my side pain eased off after about 3-4 days. I am pretty comfortable now aside from BHs and of course at night. Hope your naturopath is right and that you get your bfp this cycle!

Meli, I am so happy to see Xzavier's updates everyday! It is very cute to do it from his prospective. Can't wait to see his eyes!

AFM, I finally got the freezer meals done and I got my hair done today. There are still a few small things I would like to get done, but we are pretty ready. My dr is out of town this weekend, so hopefully she won't decide to come then. Just in case, I will probably avoid sex until Monday. I am also starting to freak out about how hard having two kids will be. I know it is just bday jitters, but it is still scary and sometimes think "what was I thinking!!!"
I have been having tons of bh since about Sunday or Monday. Although I am happy for her to stay in, I am sure getting tired of them.
Angel: you sound very prepared! Perhaps I need to start working on some freezer meals as I don't want to be eating Boston Market and Panda Express every night (like last time). So do we get to see your new hair? Try not to worry too much about having two kids. Tons of people have more than one and they all manage. Carter is also old enough to be a big help, so that is a plus.
Vegas, I'm for sure considering leaving earlier than 39 weeks, but my pay is going to decrease when I leave, so I'm trying to stick it out as long as possible. It's no longer going to nothing, at least, because my boss offered for me to work from home, it will just be less hours. We haven't had the discussion as to how many hours yet.

I think it's crazy trying to go to his mom's for Thanksgiving, too. It would be crazy even if they were close... her house is an hour and a half away. If they came up with dinner, though, they'd be dragging 10-12 people, so I doubt that would work out! Would be much easier on us, though...

My parents are flying in on Thanksgiving (won't be here until 6, though, so they won't be going with us to Blake's mom's) and leaving the following Saturday, December 7th. I know they'll be a big help, probably won't let me do anything while they're visiting.

Glad your visit went great and your section is planned!

Angel, I'm thinking Sienna may have moved from head down to transverse, all the movements I'm feeling the last few days are spread across rather than up and down like they were, and I can't feel her head where the midwife had us feeling before... hoping I'm just imagining things!

Your "what was I thinking" comment made me think of my boss. He asked yesterday if I had started thinking that yet, lol. When I said no, he said maybe it was just him, because every time his wife was pregnant, and especially all subsequent pregnancies after the first, he briefly thought that (he has 6 kids).

AFM, 34 weeks today! Started red raspberry leaf capsules today. My midwife recommended against EPO, so I won't be using that. As crazy as it sounds, the red raspberry leaf capsules smell and taste so yummy, lol. Just like tea, almost makes me want to try the tea itself. Just been burping up tea flavor since I took them this morning! At least they don't taste like crap like most supplements.

I'm not sure if it's going to turn into something to worry about, it'll be something I watch closely, but last night I got stressed out over something and started feeling very off. I got dizzy, shaky, my heart started pounding and I felt nauseous. Took a good half hour of laying down to calm it.
Stef, why did your midwife recommend against epo. With hoping for a vbac, I decided against all of it, but I am curious to see why she said that.
She didn't tell me the reasons, just that based on recent info, she is no longer recommending it. She actually responded to an email of mine, here's what she said -

I have recommended EPO for a while, basically because my preceptor did. I have read a little lately too about possible side effects and not enough evidence of benefit. I generally try to avoid interventions before there is a problem to make them necessary, but it is easy to recommend "natural remedies" without holding them to the same standard. Tea is a nutrition thing, not a supplement or intervention, but evening primrose is concentrated, something you would never take in with a normal diet. I don't plan to continue recommending routine use of EPO, based on newer info.

They're all about the natural stuff there, so if she's saying no, I'm listening to her. I did some research on my own before asking her if I should use it and found some info, but there isn't much. Some studies showed risks of labor complications including bleeding and increased risk of delayed labor causing suctioning, etc. to be necessary. Studies also showed it does help the cervix ripen but doesn't necessarily decrease the length of labor.

I don't know for sure, because there isn't enough information out there, but since she said she's not recommending it, I'm going to be safe and avoid it.

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