June Angel Baby Mommas Hoping for Rainbows!!

Angel - I can't believe that it is almost baby time!! Only a few more weeks. I am so excited for you. I'm glad things looked good at the scan. I consider the fact that the tech consistently measures smaller than the doctor to mean that things were looking good even though they said she was measuring behind!! I don't think they can really give accurate measurements. I have known lots of people who have been told their baby was small (or big) and when they came out they were actually closer to average size.

I also never did say congratulations to Sweetmomma. So if you are reading posts Sweetmomma, CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!

I am going to Ontario for a work related meeting (the meeting is on Monday). I am going early and will visit some family (including my sister who is away finishing up her Midwife degree and my cousin I mentioned who had the very early baby). I leave tomorrow and will get home late Monday night. I will definitely be checking in for updates but will likely not be able to post much as I will only have my phone.
Thanks Vegas!! I am looking forward to it. I hope the baby settles into a more comfortable position for you!!
Hi everybody,

I had the perinatologist 2nd opinion yesterday evening and it was not good. Dr was very distressed when he saw the full extent of the cervix opening and the membrane bulge. The amniotic sac also has low fluid. He honestly said he would be VERY surprised if I was able to holdout and not deliver for 1 more week. He's estimating that I will PROBABLY deliver as possibly as early as tda or the next few days.

Ladies, I am again asking for your fervent positive thoughts and support. I NEED a miracle. If I can keep my baby cooking for even 1 week, just 1 more week, it would make a world of difference in my baby's viability.

Otherwise , outcomes do not look good at all. Heck, even reaching that 24 week milestone still has dismal outcomes.

I REFUSE to let myself go down a dark hole and think about all the awful outcomes that are possible. I refuse even to acknowledge them even to u... the only people that I have ever, ever acknowledged my deepest ttc and baby fears.
I am trying, with everything I have in me, to be strong, stay positive and pray for my miracle.

Thank u all for all your support. It means so much to me.

Jasmine, thanks for the link u posted. I woke up at 3am to pee and couldn't go back to sleep so I started reading that thread. Read through the first 82 pages b4 my nook battery died at 6am. I pray that my situation mirrors the success stories I have read about. I plan to keep reading during my downtimes.
Meli, DO NOT give up hope. I've read stories of 23 week babies surviving against the odds, one even after having been without waters for 4 weeks. I'm hoping that your doctor is wrong and LO stays put for a while longer. The other ladies are right when they say the mind is a powerful thing. Every single day he stays in there will help - you've made it 2 days longer so far than you might have had you not caught the problem, that's 2 days longer that he has had to develop. Remind yourself of that - focus on keeping him in there day by day.

Stay strong!
Meli: have they started giving you the steroids to help lung development? I'm pretty sure they can help you with the amniotic fluid by having you up your fluids. A friend of mine had this issue and they had her drinking two gallons of water a day. I'll keep praying as I know every day counts. They really can work miracles these days so please take some comfort in knowing that everything that can be done for you and your baby wiling done. I too refuse to think that the worst can happen because we aren't going to let it happen. Big hugs to you.
Melissa don't loose hope. There are many micro preemie success stories out there. I will certainly pray with all my might. Like Stef said, every day counts! Try to focus on the positives, but know that it is okay to be scared. You don't have to be strong right now. Try to be positive, but don't try to hold everything by yourself. Lean on your support, say the things you need to say. You can't do this alone, you have a great team and we/they all want to do everything we can to help. We love you girl.:hugs:

Oh yeah, and ask for steroids if they aren't offering!
Meli: checking in to see how you are this morning. I've been thinking about and praying for you constantly. In fact, you and your baby were my first thoughts this morning and I even woke up before my alarm! I hope they are treating you well in the hospital as I know you will be spending a lot of time there. How often do they check things?

Afm: I went for my 28 week appointment yesterday. The doctor said he will schedule the actual c-section at our next appointment. All along he's been saying Monday, December 9th, but now he says he can't do it before Thursday the 12th. I'm a little bummed and scared. With Charlotte my placenta started dying at 37 weeks which is why we did the c-section to begin with. Also, I could actually go into labor before the 12th. The due date according to them is the 16th, by my estimation it's the 15th and by my nine week scan it's the 13th, but they will only use the first number from my six week scan and won't do a scheduled c-section before the 39 th week. Meli, I wish I could give you those extra days, because if this baby is anything like Charlotte it will have super developed lungs by week 37 and that is the primary concern for taking them even a tad early. The good news is that they will monitor my amniotic fluids and move up the date should a problem be detected. Also, if I go into labor they will do it then. I just want a healthy baby, but I feel in my case the longer I go the more risk baby faces.
Meli - My sister is just finishing up her schooling to be a midwife. I told her a bit about your situation and she said even if your baby came now it has a really good chance. There would be a lengthy stay in the hospital but even at 21 weeks babies can do well. You are almost 24 weeks!! I just know that he will be ok. I have been thinking about you tons and sending every bit of positive energy I have your way!! Every hour that he stays in is helpful. Just keep visualizing his lungs developing, his body getting stronger, him snuggling down and getting comfortable. Know that you have done all you can and you are already a great mama. We are all thinking about you!!
Hope everyone is doing well today.

Meli - hoping LO is still where he's supposed to be!:hugs:

Vegas, I would discuss your concerns with your doctor, definitely. Does he know 37 weeks was when your placenta started dying with Charlotte?

AFM, been looking into the Boba 3g carrier as it has amazing reviews and is one of the VERY few carriers that allows LOs to sit properly and doesn't risk causing hip dysplasia. It's very pricey, but based on all the amazing reviews, I figure it's going to be worth it. Today I found another amazing review that settled my decision, plus she has a code for 10% off, and there's free shipping today (not sure if that's all the time, Boba's website says it's a special today). Anyway, if you ladies are interested, here's the review - https://www.wholefamilystrong.com/2013/09/26/boba-carrier-review-coupon/

And the code for 10% off is WholeFamily10 - expires October 11th. Not sure if the code works on their other carriers, I ordered the 3g and it worked.
Stef: I'll have to check on that carrier.

Yes, my doctor knows as he actually delivered Charlotte, though he was not my primary OB until this pregnancy (I stopped seeing my usual Dr when she asked if this pregnancy was an accident). I'm pretty sure we will do some ultrasounds in the last month to check on things. Had I not demanded a positioning ultrasound with Charlotte I'm not sure what would have happened. I totally expected her to be breech, but the other part came as a shock. I've learned to never underestimate a Mother's intuition!
Melissa, thinking of you.

Vegas, with the fluid monitoring, I am sure they will be checking the grade of your placenta too. I am sure they will take lo if it looks like it might not be functioning properly. I can def feel you on the scariness of the uncertainty! I also completely trust a momma's intuition.

Stef, so far we have a moby and an ergo, both that I got great deals on. Hopefully I like on of them.

AFM, I think I lost a bit of my plug last night after having sex. I took a pic if you guys would like me to one up Jasmine in the TMI category....
We went to the zoo today, likely for the last time this year. Carter had fun, so it was worth all the sweating. Tomorrow we are going to another festival. There is a parade too. I love marching bands so I am kind of excited.:blush:
I feel like I still have so much to do and not enough time, but I just have no energy! I still need to recover the glider, shampoo the living room, CLEAN the house, finish my birth pan, pack my bag and make some freezer meals! I need to get some more nesting energy if I will even have a chance!
Hi everybody.
Well, my little man is here. He arrived at 239pm. He weighs 1.7 lbs and is 12 inches long. He is a fighter and we are so grateful to God that he is here with us and has a fighting chance. Im sure u guys can all imagine the drama of his birth but I will soon share soon, will try to share deets tmo. I was just brought to the recovery room and both dh and i are exhausted and the last of our many visitors just left. Everybody has met my baby except for me. I am waiting for them to let me meet my little fighter man. Hopefully any minute the nurse will come for me to escort me to the NICU and let me meet him, then it's off to bed for me.
Thanks for all prayers and positive thoughts, I KNOW that's the reason he has made it this far. Pls keep em coming, he's got a long road ahead but he WILL do it and keep exceeding all medical establishment expectations. I will post a pic as soon as i can.

Hello Meli,

Congratulations (I know that seems strange) on the birth of your little man. I can't imagine how you must be feeling right now and what you must be going through. I wish I was nearer to you so I could come and give you a huge cuddle.

I believe that your little man can do it, he is a good little weight for his gestation, he has the best mummy in the world. Your strength and your attitude our amazing and together you can do it.

I hope you have at least got to see him now and I bet he is beautiful beyond words. I mx praying hard today for him and thinking about you non stop.

All my love,

X x
Meli: you're a mom, congrats! I know this isn't quite how you imagined it, but he here and he is loved and I'm sure that he is getting the best care possible. You and your baby are never far from my thoughts and I will continue to pray for you both. Hope you are able to get some rest and I hope you have had a chance to meet your little guy. Have you decided on a name?
Meli, have you gotten to meet him yet? I hope you two are doing ok! And congrats on becoming a mom, even if it is much earlier than you had expected. You're both in my thoughts and I'll be checking in to see any updates (Thank you Jasmine for letting us know on FB there was one! I get those updates to my phone so it let me know to hop on BnB, I spent most of last night up until I went to bed refreshing to see any updates!)

He's a little fighter and I'm sure he's going to continue fighting, especially with how much love and care he is receiving.

Vegas, I would make sure you talk with your doctor about monitoring, I'm sure he will be ok with it since he's the one who delivered Charlotte and knew the situation there. I trust a mom's intuition, too! A lot of people think it's crazy, though, unless they're the ones experiencing it!

Angel, feel free to post the pic if you want, lol. Glad you had a good time at the zoo. We, too, have A LOT to do around here before the baby comes... The nursery isn't even done being painted yet. Get on it, Blake!

Thinking about all my JAB girls today.
Angel: feel free to share your photo. I've never seen the plug before. Don't overdo it at home. Those family sized frozen Stoufers meals plus a salad do the trick and don't cost much more than making meals yourself (especially if you can catch them on sale. $4 for a pan of lasagna can't be beat!).
Oh Melissa, congrats on the birth of your little man!! I can't wait to see him and hear his name! He is a fighter and I just know he will do great. We will all keep you and your family in our thoughts. Keep your chin up, you have every reason to be positive.:hugs:

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