June Angel Baby Mommas Hoping for Rainbows!!

Stef – Sorry to hear you are feeling so crappy. That is good news that your boss offered you some work from home. That will make things easier for sure!! Do you get maternity leave where you are?? We have it pretty good in Canada. You can have up to a year of maternity leave after you have a baby. You can even split it between you and your partner. Its way less money that you would make from your job (55% of your wages maximum – there is a cap so if you make more than a certain amount you just get the maximum). The max works out to be about $800 every two weeks. Your employer has to hold your job for you during that year as well. So it allows you to take the time without worrying about losing your job while you are off. I know we have it good here compared to a lot of places.

Vegas – So glad to hear that your appointment went well and they scheduled your c-section. That is only two months away!! I can't believe how fast the time has gone.

Angel – I am so impressed!! I can't believe how organized you are. Those freezer meals will make your life so much easier after baby Larry arrives!!

Jasmine – Your name change went through. I feel like you need to reintroduce yourself!!

Meli – I read your updates every night before I go to bed. I am so happy to hear that Xzavier is doing so well for the most part. I am also happy to hear that you have been able to change him and hold him up and he was able to get some breastmilk. I’m sorry that yesterday was a tougher day. But as you said, they expect there to be some setbacks. The progress he has made already is amazing!!

AFM – Yesterday was a tough day. I would have been at most 9 dpo (and more likely 7 or 8). Af decided to make an uninvited early arrival. I am so disappointed. I really felt that this would be the month. I am also upset that after all the good progress my cycles have made these last few months that af would be almost a full week early. Days like this I really find it hard to keep positive. I worry that it will never happen for us. I have an appointment next week with my doctor to discuss next steps. I guess its time to open up our wallets and look at IUI or IVF. I was really hoping we could make it work naturally (or at least with minimal interventions). I’ll keep you guys updated with what I find out.
Jen, maternity leave in the US, as far as I know, is up to 6 or 8 weeks. I think it depends on the company, but I don't believe they're required to pay. My company doesn't technically even offer maternity leave, we have less employees than required for them to follow FMLA rules. If I wanted to come back, I know they would hold my job and let me leave for as long as I want, though, but that's just because my boss is nice. I'm not coming back, though, because I get paid less than daycare costs, so it's pointless.

I'm so sorry stupid AF got you :( I hope your appt goes well next week. :hugs:
Our maternity benefits here are paid by the government. So the company you work for does not have to pay you. We are deducted money from our paycheques for Unemployment Insurance which goes to the government (this is also what is used when you are claiming maternity leave). You have to work a certain number of hours before you claim the maternity benefits (or EI) in order to qualify.
Haha I know Jen, it's weird but I'm glad I'm more anonymous now, anyway I'm Middysquidge! Good to meet you and when I get my fat lazy ass onto my laptop I'll write a proper reply, kisses! Oh you can still call me Jas/jasmine Vegas hehe X
Jas: when I first logged on and saw that Middysquidge was the last poster I was like "who the heck is that?". Lol.

Jenk: boo for af not only showing up, but showing up early. How rude! On to next month!

In the US if you work for a company that qualifies for FMLA then you get up 12 weeks of unpaid leave. The US pretty much does not encourage us to reproduce.
Hello everyone!

Finally dragged my lazy bum over to the laptop!

Jen, so so sorry that stupid af got you, you must be feeling so down and it's horrible it came early. Has it turned into a typical af for you? At least you can move onto the next cycle quicker I suppose. Big hugs x

Stef, Im really glad to hear that the visiting arrangements are now a lot less stressful than you first thought, it's nice that your parents understand and have let you know this! I'm sorry you are feeling so uncomfortable, I hope you get to finish work really soon. I am finishing on Halloween and it couldn't come soon enough!

Meli - so glad to see baby X had another good day, he's such a little fighter. I absolutely love his updates and I read them to OH every morning. Hope that you're okay too, it's can't be easy for you but it looks like you have a strong support network! It's amazing that baby X opened his eyes for the first time and you have been getting to change his little nappy, awchhhh!

Angel, thinking of you lots! You seem very prepared with your lovely new hair and all the freezer meals! Seriously there is no way I will be as organised as you, I can't even hardly move atm I'm so tired! Let us know the minute there is any news! Eeek!

Vegas, I am also feeling anxious about arrangements with Eva when I go into labour and how i will manage with two kids. I'm trying to concentrate on the former at the mo, I need to sound a couple of people out about driving Eva to her nannas when I go into labour!

AFM, I'm okay but if I'm honest I'm getting really fed up now. Physically this pregnancy isn't as hard as Eva's but the tiredness is like nothing I've ever encountered before, I don't know if it's cos I'm older and have a three year old or a combination or what but it's really hard. Eva doesn't seem to nap or go to bed until at least 9pm and comes in our bed every night, so I am struggling for a rest or any room in the bed! Anyway, I won't go on about it but I'm sensing that when the new baby comes along and Eva is in our bed, I'll be sleeping on the sofa with the new baby which isn't good but I know it will happen!

Yesterday, I was having some period pains in the afternoon, around the shops, there were also in my legs which worried me as when I laboured with Eva it was all in my legs and it felt similar but luckily they tailed off and it was fine! They were different to BHs so I'll just keep an eye on it and today I have been having sharp pains in my heart, not sure what that's all about but its when I'm stressed (all the time, lol) or take a really big deep breath? Anyone else getting this?

Current baby name is Violet Elowen, we shall see hey, although I'm pretty happy with it! Elowen is a Cornish name and quite rare which is what I wanted. Thanks for your input on Letty/Lettie, I'm STILL undecided on that! Well, I'm off to have my tea now, OH has made a roast beef dinner for us with yorkshire puds and all the trimmings, perfect for a rainy Sunday and me and Eva did fairy buns for afters, food heaven!

Take care girls x
Stef, Yay to 34 weeks!! Hope it goes well for Thanksgiving, it is tough traveling with young babies. You feel like you need to bring so much!! If Jeff wasn't working in the retail field, we would have been going to Memphis for Thanksgiving. Since his mom found out she had cancer in all, but with his job, he has to work black friday.

Jen, I am sorry af came. Will they be testing your oh? As for being organized, I am a super anal person. I make lots of lists and am pretty analytical and would consider myself a micromanager.

Jasmine, the couple of weeks before making the meals, I was VERY tired and couldn't be arsed to do anything! I managed to find some energy for about two weeks and now today I am back to being worthless. I am sorry Eva keeps getting in the bed. I sleep awfully anyhow, I can't imagine being able to sleep at all with Cart in the bed. I don't know if I mentioned it on here, but about a month ago we stopped naps with Carter. He was staying awake until 11pm and while I was getting an hour and a half nap when he did, it just wasn't worth it. Now we have quite time with a movie everyday. We lie in my bed and I practically pass out while he has to lie quietly. He doesn't always listen, but at least we have some alone time at night and will have alone time with the new baby.
I really like that name, especially Elowen! Very original!

Vegas, Charlotte's hair is very cute! Don't feel bad about Panda Express, I made all those good meals, but the whole week I was working on them ,we ate crap!

AFM, I am completely done with this. I had sex last night, and I will likely do it again tonight. I have a whole pineapple smoothie in the freezer ready to drink tonight and plan to bounce on my ball. Think I may have JEff have a go with a couple of pressure points. This weekend we went to a pumpkin patch and to another fall festival. We had a good time and I think I got some sute pics of Carter. Here is a 38+1 bump pic with my roots finally highlighted. My belly looks small at that angle, but the look on my face, is exactly how I have been feeling. I still have BH all day and sometimes I get cramps, down my legs too, like Jasmine, but nothing seems to be coming of any of it.

Melissa and Xzavier, always thinking about you guys!!!

Angel: you are almost there! You can do it! I'm pretty sure the only way the pineapple will help is if you stick the core up your hoo ha (I believe that's where the bromelian is the most concentrated). Baby will be here soon regardless of what you do.

I thought about you Saturday as I went to Costco and they have a giant Mr. Potatohead dressed like Darth Vader. Inside are normal sized potatoes with other Star Wars themed parts. Super cute.

Jas: sorry about the crap sleep. I'd already be on the couch if I were you as Charlotte is a kicker (which is one of the reasons I refuse to let her sleep with us). She's also been having sleep issues. Some nights are great, but last night she was up four times. I believe the impending babies are to blame.

Afm: I too have started to cramp. I'm used to the BH's, but now I'm feeling cramps lower down. Perhaps it's round ligament pain, but I don't think so. I'm only 31 weeks so I don't think any of it means anything really. Baby continues to squirm around a lot, but I'm really not getting any big kicks, just bits poking out all the time. Poor kid appears to be stuck or something.

I think I forgot to mention that work threw me a surprise shower on Friday. It was awesome. They even had games, a cake, punch and of course gifts. As the only thing I mentioned needing were diapers and wipes, I ended up getting a huge supply of both, plus a few other things like blankets and toys. It was really so sweet as I've never had a shower before. And the most impressive thing about it was that my co-worker, who is 38 weeks pregnant herself, organized the whole thing.
Jasmine, I would love to finish work on Halloween! The day after was my original idea, but we really could use the extra two weeks of pay (my normal pay, that is, not whatever my from home pay will be).

I'd say your tiredness probably does have a LITTLE something to do with having a 3 year old in your bed! I find it hard enough dealing with Blake and two cats, lol.

Could the sharp pains in your chest be asthma or something like that? I sometimes get sharp pains with deep breaths if the air is heavy, allergies are bad, etc.

Love the name idea! Very pretty!

Angel, there's a chance we won't be traveling with a newborn on Thanksgiving, because she could easily not have come yet (Thanksgiving would be 41 weeks). Sooooooo not hoping for that! I want her to stay in there as long as she needs, but ideally, I'd love for her to come early so we can have more alone time with her before everyone starts showing up.

You do look ready to be done, but still looking gorgeous!

Vegas, sounds like LO is starting to run out of room. I've been getting a lot less strong kicks, more wiggles and squirming with the occasional big movement that's very uncomfortable.

That's so cool about the shower! Your co-workers sound awesome. And especially the one who organized it, what a nice woman.

AFM, Blake had his diaper party on Saturday. He was super excited about it because a lot of his friends, many he hasn't seen in years, said they'd be coming and they were excited about it. I didn't end up going because I wasn't feeling well and it was going to be an all day / possibly staying at his mom's (where they were having the party) overnight type deal. Apparently, a lot of his friend's didn't show, NONE brought diapers (some "forgot," one gave him $5, one gave him $20, one gave him $25 gift card), and most left early. He called me at 7pm saying they were almost all gone already, most hadn't gotten drunk with him (he rarely drinks and was actually looking forward to that part, lol). He let me go to sleep off the beer, and ended up being home by 11. It was also the bday party for one of his brothers and his stepfather, so family was there and they gave him enough diapers and wipes to fill the trunk, so that was nice. We're pretty much set as far as newborn and size 1 diapers go, and wipes for quite awhile.

As for the BH I was having, they seem to be back. Can't get anything done. Sucks trying to work through them because I'm feeling them in my back now, too. My midwife also thinks I might be having anxiety attacks. Dizziness, shakiness, heart racing, sometimes accompanied by nausea and slightly fuzzy vision. I have my next appt today so I'll be talking about it with her more then.

And I'll be very surprised if Sienna isn't transverse. All the movements I've felt lately have been across by belly. Feel a head or butt on the left, what feels like kicking on the right. Hoping I'm wrong or she turns soon if I'm right.
Jasmine, I would love to finish work on Halloween! The day after was my original idea, but we really could use the extra two weeks of pay (my normal pay, that is, not whatever my from home pay will be).

I'd say your tiredness probably does have a LITTLE something to do with having a 3 year old in your bed! I find it hard enough dealing with Blake and two cats, lol.

Could the sharp pains in your chest be asthma or something like that? I sometimes get sharp pains with deep breaths if the air is heavy, allergies are bad, etc.

Love the name idea! Very pretty!

Angel, there's a chance we won't be traveling with a newborn on Thanksgiving, because she could easily not have come yet (Thanksgiving would be 41 weeks). Sooooooo not hoping for that! I want her to stay in there as long as she needs, but ideally, I'd love for her to come early so we can have more alone time with her before everyone starts showing up.

You do look ready to be done, but still looking gorgeous!

Vegas, sounds like LO is starting to run out of room. I've been getting a lot less strong kicks, more wiggles and squirming with the occasional big movement that's very uncomfortable.

That's so cool about the shower! Your co-workers sound awesome. And especially the one who organized it, what a nice woman.

AFM, Blake had his diaper party on Saturday. He was super excited about it because a lot of his friends, many he hasn't seen in years, said they'd be coming and they were excited about it. I didn't end up going because I wasn't feeling well and it was going to be an all day / possibly staying at his mom's (where they were having the party) overnight type deal. Apparently, a lot of his friend's didn't show, NONE brought diapers (some "forgot," one gave him $5, one gave him $20, one gave him $25 gift card), and most left early. He called me at 7pm saying they were almost all gone already, most hadn't gotten drunk with him (he rarely drinks and was actually looking forward to that part, lol). He let me go to sleep off the beer, and ended up being home by 11. It was also the bday party for one of his brothers and his stepfather, so family was there and they gave him enough diapers and wipes to fill the trunk, so that was nice. We're pretty much set as far as newborn and size 1 diapers go, and wipes for quite awhile.

As for the BH I was having, they seem to be back. Can't get anything done. Sucks trying to work through them because I'm feeling them in my back now, too. My midwife also thinks I might be having anxiety attacks. Dizziness, shakiness, heart racing, sometimes accompanied by nausea and slightly fuzzy vision. I have my next appt today so I'll be talking about it with her more then.

And I'll be very surprised if Sienna isn't transverse. All the movements I've felt lately have been across by belly. Feel a head or butt on the left, what feels like kicking on the right. Hoping I'm wrong or she turns soon if I'm right.

Try doing the breech tilt from Spinningbabies.com. When mine was transverse I did and she moved right away. I was 30-31, so she had more room than yours, but it is certainly worth trying. You may have to try it a few times a day.
Happy Pregnancy Loss Remembrance Day ladies! I lit a candle and thought of all our angels!

Vegas, that Mr. Potato Head set sounds pretty cool. Jeff would not be happy if I came home with another one. I think the 8 we have are enough. They are the only toys allowed out in the living room, because they get so much play time.
That is really great about your shower! That was really nice of them!

Stef, I am sorry the diaper party didn't turn out as planned. And I am sorry about the BHs. And from the other thread we replied to, I am VERY sorry you have to shave everyday!!! What a hassle! I am glad Jeff has low standards....
Angel: I too thought about our angels yesterday. Bittersweet.

Stef: what part of you are you shaving every day?! Other than my armpits everything else gets the once a week treatment. Certain parts I keep nicking due to the fact I can't see and I'm only trying to tidy up as I don't dare attempt the usual level of maintenance.

In other news: my c-section time has been set for 7:30am on the 12th. I have to be there at 5:30am. I was hoping for a little later as we can't drop Charlotte off at daycare until 7:00am. Not sure how we are going to handle that one.
Angel, shaving every day sucks! Like I said in that thread, I've been slacking on it. Blake doesn't have low standards when it comes to that, but he's adjusting. He has no choice, lol. He DOES complain if I let my pits go... sometimes he says I need to shave them right after I have! I blame that on super pale skin and super dark hair... :wacko:

Vegas, I usually shave everything every day - pits, girl parts, legs. The vag and legs have been slipping, since I can't see one, and the other I can't bend over to get easily. My hair grows super fast and being very dark on very pale skin, it shows really easily, too. When I go for it, I have been attempting the usual level of maintenance down there... which is a pain in the butt, but I'm super picky about it myself. I did nick myself pretty bad down there last week, went to the bathroom a few minutes after I got out of the shower and about freaked out because of the blood in my undies... then I remembered I had just shaved :wacko:

Yay for c-section being scheduled! Could you bring Charlotte to the hospital with you and have someone pick her up to bring her to daycare, or find someone who can take her that morning to bring her to daycare?

AFM, midwife appt yesterday went ok. Could have had better news... I was wrong about her being transverse, apparently she's breech. Angel, my midwife actually recommended the same website you did! My next appt is at 37 weeks so if she hasn't flipped over by then we'll have to discuss other options (she mentioned something about chiropractors that use some method for getting breech babies to flip? and then manually flipping her at a hospital).

Explains why, since I started thinking she was no longer head down, I've been extra uncomfy... can't lean forward without feeling like suffocating, bra band feels extra tight... Thank you, Sienna, for shoving your head into my ribs.

I talked to her about what the other midwife thought might be anxiety attacks. Still possible it is, but very likely it's caused by my heart murmur (which is apparently pretty common in pregnant women, I had it before being pregnant). Anxiety could be making it worse. She just said to keep an eye on it and get in touch with her if it gets worse or I black out.
Hey everyone,

Meli - I'm glad that little X is having a better day today and that he is continuing to fight on. Continue to be strong, you will get there! I am yet o send your little package as I need to put something into it but it will be on it's way shortly! Lots of love x

Angel - the expression on your face is exactly the same as mine, hehe! I agree with Stef though, you still look fab! I wonder if any of your eviction techniques will work, here's to hoping you pop soon! Glad you had a lovely weekend though, it's nice to enjoy the last few with Carter as an only child too. Have you settled on a name for LO yet, or are you just gonna throw the towel in and go with Larry? I'm glad to hear that you had an energy boost in order to get your meals and other jobs done, here's to hoping I get the same!

Vegas - Awww what a lovely surprise about your little baby shower and the fact that the girl who organised it is that heavily pregnant, what a legend! It's great that you have a good supply of nappies (diapers, sorry feels weird to say that!) etc. I have my little shower on Sunday, the girls have mentioned that they have filled up a baby bath with toiletries for me and made me a pom pom garland for the nursery, how sweet! I love Charlotte's new hair cut btw, very cute indeed, I have thought about doing that with eva's but she wears it up most days so I couldn't! Great news that you have your C section booked although the time is a little awkward, could DH maybe drop Charlotte off and meet you back at the hospital?

Stef - Sorry to hear Sienna is breech, hope she spins around for you but she still has plenty of time to I guess. Fingers crossed! I used to get a lot of kicks etc in my ribs with eva but this time my bump is much lower and have an anterior placenta I don't at all! I agree with Vegas, it's a once a week affair with the shaving at the mo, poor DH has to put up with it as I have no energy to do anything about it but I am fairer haired than you although my leg hair used to be blonde these days it is black! I asked my midwife about the sharp rib pain and she says it's normal, just all my organs getting squashed etc.

Jen - thinking of you, are you okay?

Wonder if Sweet momma ever still reads this thread, I'd love to hear about her little boy, does anyone know if she did call him Lucas or how they are?

AFM - I'm okay, started packing and writing lists for my hospital bags today, seen as I have to pack a labour bag, an overnight bag, the baby's bag, Eva's bag and Shane's I thought I better get at least started! Turns out I need quite a bit of stuff still to go in them! I had my 34 weeks appointment yesterday, everything seems fine, she said the baby is head down but has loads of room so could move from one hour to the next at the mo. Measuring on track with the bump and everything seemed okay, we went through my birth plan and added a bit of stuff but it's all okay for now!

Have my baby shower on Sunday so looking forward to that! Looking forward also to payday as me and OH are very poor this month! I want to buy the stuff for my bag and a few Christmas presents and get organised!

Take care everyone, Angel let us know of any progression! hehe x
Angel: how are you feeling today?

Stef: I can see where pale skin and dark hair make shaving more often necessary. I'm like Jasmine except my leg hair is still blonde.

Wrt Sienna being breech, I'd try the spinning babies move, but I wouldn't let them manually turn the baby. I've read some not great stuff about that and think a c-section is safer if you can't convince her on her own. Also, I know the feeling as Charlotte was breech. Her hard little head would just dig into my right rib cage. Other than that I felt very little as I had an anterior placenta. Wish I had an anterior placenta this time to cushion all this movement!

Middy: I hope you have an awesome time at your shower. It really is nice to receive some useful items without going into debt to do it. Charlotte wore her hair up almost every day too, but it was a pain for me to do her hair as she's tender headed and picky about what style she wanted. You know how it is to have a diva!

Meli: thinking about you and baby X. Love seeing his posts and I love it that he has such a big personality already.

Jen: hope all is well with you.
Jasmine, glad the rib pain is normal, although I know it sucks! Also sucks that your leg hair has turned black, how strange! Yeah, she better get her butt to spinning because I'm worrying now about the feeling that she'll be early... less time! Sweetmomma did call him Lucas, I saw her post a few things on FB, but not in a little bit. Glad your appt went well! Have fun at your shower!

Vegas, I'm definitely working on the spinning babies stuff. Also contacting chiro's about the method they use - I read it doesn't make them spin, but it opens things up to give them more room to spin, so if it's because of a problem like that, it works well. Don't so much have the extra to spend on a chiro appt, so hoping spinning babies works, but a chiro is a much better option than the options left if she's still breech. I did some research on ECV and the risks are scary, but they seem pretty low. Hoping it doesn't come to making that decision, though...

Angel and Jen, how are you doing?

Meli and X, sending my thoughts! Still reading your updates daily.

AFM, tried some of the spinning babies stuff yesterday. Started with the inversion, then did the breech tilt. Holy hell were they uncomfortable. Inversion made me sooo dizzy. Breech tilt wasn't as bad but did cause dizziness and brought back my heartburn. Felt pretty crappy most of the rest of the day... Sucks but I'll keep doing it until this booger flips. Feels like she might be sideways again, but not sure. I only know she's not head down yet.
Vegas, glad to hear you got scheduled. Surely they would work with you on time?? I mean what's a couple of hours???

Stef, hope your anxiety calms down for you. Also, for position changing, I have seem moxibustion recommended. I don't much about ecv, but I have heard it is very painful.

Jasmine, We still don't have a name. I am really getting worried that even after seeing her I won't know!! Have a great shower this Sunday!

Melissa and Jen, thinking of you guys.

AFM, Everyone keep your fingers crossed for a full moon baby, or at least a baby before next Thurs. My dr is pushing induction for that day and I really want to avoid it. We had sex the past two nights and it has been pretty unpleasant...
I am just barely over 1cm, 85%, -1 station and still a moderate cervix as of Wed. I still have BH all day, with a few possible real ones thrown in. But nothing that progresses or has a pattern or anything.
We have everything ready. I am trying to keep the house and laundry up so that when the time comes I am not freaking out.
Angel, my midwife did mention moxibustion. I contacted a woman in the area who does it and she said she's not recommending it because of safety concerns. Idk... I was iffy about it to begin with, if someone who does it doesn't recommend it in this case, it makes me more iffy on it.

I've read various things on ECV, from it being painful to uncomfortable to simple... I'm hoping it doesn't come down to having to decide on it, but if it does I'll be asking the midwives their opinions.

I'm pretty sure she spun back to being transverse. Last night after some spinning babies moves and sitting on my ball for hours it felt like her head was down and to the left, but today it feels she's back up sideways again...

FX your LO comes soon! Have you tried accupressure? I've read some about it, not sure of its success rate, but it couldn't hurt. https://www.justmommies.com/pregnancy/labor-and-childbirth/pressure-points-to-induce-labor

And I'm sure you'll figure out her name soon :)
Angel: sending you labor dust. My mother swears by Mexican food to bring on labor. I still remember going to eat chips and dip at Pancho's (do you remember Pancho's in Memphis?) after school and then her heading to the hospital two hours later to deliver my brother. Have they offered you a sweep? The girl at work had hers yesterday and she said it was not pleasant, but hoping it helps. Can't hurt, right?

You'll know what to name her when you see her. It'll just fit.

Stef: you did manage to make her move, so that's a start!

Afm: I believe the heartburn has started. Luckily I can get it under control, so that's good. I'm hoping that this means that the baby won't be completely bald!
Hey Girls!

Angel – You are getting so close. Love the bump pic. Any day now we are going to get the news that you have given birth. I hope everything goes the way you want it to!! I personally think that today would be a really good day to have a baby!! Thanks for lighting the candles for our angels. You are always so thoughtful! I really appreciate that.

Jasmine – Hope that you are finding some energy. I definitely think having a three year old requires a ton of energy. It’s no wonder you are feeling more tired this time!! As I said to Angel the other day, I don’t know how you girls with kids do it. I am impressed!! That sounds like an awful lot of bags to pack. Its almost like moving in to the hospital!! Enjoy your baby shower this weekend!!

Stef – I hope Sienna turns for you before your next appointment!! I also hope that she doesn’t make you wait to 41 weeks!! It would be nice for you to have a bit of time before your family comes and before travelling to see Blake’s family for Thanksgiving! I am glad that both my family and my husband’s family live in the same city we do. We don’t have to worry about travelling to visit or having them come stay with us. They can come for a visit and go home the same day (and we wouldn’t feel so bad about kicking them out if we needed some time alone!!).

Vegas – That shower at work sounds great. It is so nice that your very pregnant coworker organized that for you. It sounds like you work with some good people!! I’m glad they got your c-section day and time scheduled. It does suck that you have to be there so early though. I guess it will be all worth it when you get to hold your baby!! I am excited to find out if it is a boy or a girl. Angel, Jasmine and Stef are having girls and Meli and Sweetmomma had boys. If you have a boy it would even things up, if you have a girl the boys will be outnumbered 2 to 1. Boo to heartburn. I hope it continues to be manageable or goes away altogether!!

Meli – Thinking of you and your family. I am so pleased to hear that Xzavier has had a few good days in a row. Love the photos and the updates!!

AFM – I had an appointment with my doctor yesterday. She is a regular ob-gyn. She does some basic fertility stuff but doesn’t deal with more involved situations. We have basically come to the end of what she can do to help us. She is referring us to the Fertility Clinic in our area. We will hopefully get in within the next few months and will likely go on a waiting list for IVF. We will try a few IUI’s while we are waiting for the IVF. From what my doctor could tell us it will likely be somewhere between $6,000 and $10,000 (depending on medication costs) to do one round of IVF. Fingers crossed that we get a miracle and can somehow get pregnant before we get to that stage!! It does feel good to have put the wheels in motion for the next step. We definitely need to do something to mix things up. Especially after this months super short cycle.

I just finished up work and I am heading home to get my husband and we will head over to my parents for a birthday supper. My brother in law and nephews will also be there. I am looking forward to it. Thanks Angel and Stef for the birthday wishes on Facebook.

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