June Angel Baby Mommas Hoping for Rainbows!!

Here is a pic of Xzavier Vincent Rios. I am setting up a fb page for him tonight so that all friends and family can receive updates more easily.
I will check in later.
Thanks for all your prayers.



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Awwwwwwwwwwww Meli, he's so precious. How's he doing? How are you? I was so hoping you were going to choose that name, it couldn't be more fitting for him. Love Vincent too. I'll keep my eye out for the facebook link whenever you get time, I'm jasmine Gladstone just so you know who is requesting a friend!
Loads of love my darling x x
Meli: he is tiny, but perfect. Love the name. We have all been on pins and needles waiting to hear from you. I think the FB page will be the perfect way for you to be able to update everyone at once, but if there are things you want to just talk to us about we are always here to listen. I'm Camille Seabrook Goodin on FB.
Your tiny little fighter man! Love the name! Vincent is great, too. We talked about that as a middle name for a boy, too. I'll definitely be following his Facebook page, I'm Stefanie Rasmussen on FB.
He is beautiful Melissa!! And what a sharp name! I know he is going to do great!
Hey, how's everyone doing today?

Meli, am thinking of you and beautiful baby Xzavier x

x x x
I found the group for Xzavier that Meli created, has the birth story - https://www.facebook.com/groups/187190374799621/

AFM, have a midwife appt tomorrow, but have to go this afternoon to give a urine sample this afternoon because I've been having crazy BH if I do anything other than stay sitting. Had 6 in 20 minutes the other night. Luckily they stop when I'm resting, but the moment I move (even just getting up) they kick back up again. Hopefully it's as simple as a UTI.

Hope everyone is doing well today!
Stef: thanks for sharing the link, I'll go check it out.

I hope your appointment goes well. I too get a lot of BH's. My doctor mentioned that if you got them in one pregnancy, as I did with Charlotte, you'll get even more the next time. Just thought you'd want to know. He also said to come in if I was getting them every five minutes over a two hour period. Like you, mine seem to disappear if I lay down, but I even get them while sitting on the couch at home.

Afm: not too much to report. I may be coming down with a cold, so that's crummy, bit otherwise I'm fine. Like Stef, I've been getting a lot of Braxton Hicks, but not enough to be anything more than annoying.
I am at the airport waiting to go home from my meeting. I requested to join your group Meli. My name on facebook is Jennifer Kelly. I am also going to send requests to the rest of you girls.

I should be able to reply properly tomorrow.
Updates ladies, updates!

So happy to see Xzavier is doing as well as he can be. Thinking of you and LO, Meli!

Angel, Jasmine, how are you both doing?

Vegas, how are you feeling? Any more cold symptoms? That sucks! Hope your BH are calming down, too. I'll find out more about mine this evening, will be getting my urine test results back, too.

AFM, I just need to rant a little today, hope you ladies don't mind!

So, as you guys might know, every one of my friends except for Holly, who did most of the planning, bailed on my baby shower. Four I knew weren't coming because I had chosen a day when they were all on vacation together before I knew that was their vacation time, so that was ok and expected. One had a job conference that weekend (at least that's what she said, I saw pictures that looked like vacation photos with her mom and sister posted from the weekend... who knows). Two days before the shower I found out two more of my friends weren't coming - one had a last minute job interview, one had a cousin pass away. Everyone else just never responded.

Two friends pissed me right off. They had a falling out with Holly, so we knew they probably wouldn't show. When I asked the week before to see if they would still come, one said she was closing on her house so she may be moving in that weekend. Ok. The other texted, and I quote, "No Hun I still plan on coming I for one wouldn't do that! ;)" meaning she wouldn't back out because of the thing with Holly.

One hour before the baby shower I get a message saying she is helping the other friend move and won't make it to the shower.

I found out otherwise, they both lied to get out of coming to the shower. They showed up at the furniture store my one friend had the job interview at to "window shop." The one buying the house said she only has weekends off and didn't want to waste an entire day for a baby shower (um... we all only have weekends off...). So they "had better things to do." No, they didn't move anything to the house, there was nothing to move... she hadn't even gotten the keys yet.

Anyway, I'm ranting about it now because I just got a text from the friend who canceled an hour before asking if I'd make it out to dinner for her birthday on Friday. This is also my birthday weekend, so I would much rather not spend any part of it with someone who isn't mature enough to handle either (1)being a good friend and realizing people don't always get along and it's rude and disrespectful to cancel on an event on someone because you "don't like" someone who will be there or (2)telling me the truth.

The revengeful, hormonal pregnant side of me wants to either tell her "I have better things to do," "I only have one birthday weekend, I don't want to waste an entire day of it," or tell her I'll be there then back out at the last minute. :twisted: Buuuuut I'm not that kind of person. I can't even bring myself to confront her for lying to me... I really, really want to and I probably should...

Anyway, there's my mini novel rant.

Also, I'm SO tired of people telling me I won't make it laboring without an epi. Maybe I will, maybe I won't, but don't be a dick about it! It's none of your business, you don't know what I can or can't handle, and it doesn't matter what you think, anyway! Why is it such a big deal that I want to try?! AND it's mostly MEN saying this! I don't care if you've witnessed a couple of births, have YOU ever had a human being come out of YOUR vagina?!?

Ok. I feel better now :haha:
Melissa, add me to the page!! I am anxious to see how things are going!

Vegas, hope your cold is better, my allergies are acting up again. For the third time this pregnancy!!! I just this crap is gone by delivery! I sure don't want to feel crappy then.

Stef, Rant away!! I would be very mad at that too! I would have to say something. What a fair-weather friend. F-her! No way in hell I would spend any part of my weekend with her.
I totally feel you on the epidural issue too!

Jen, hope your flight went well.

AFM, Nothing much to report. Like I told Vegas, my sinuses and allergies are acting up with the weather changes. I go back to the dr Thur, I am not sure if they will do another cervical check, not sure if I want them to, although I am curious. I have been doing a lot of ball bouncing and think I might have sex again tonight.:coffee: In the last two days I have finally got the house cleaned (at least for now). I still need to recover the chair and make some freezer meals. And I have a hair app on the ninth, so I need her to stay there at least until then. Even though that will require me to clean all over again...
Stef: that would make me livid. I wouldn't go and I would start looking for better friends.

With regards to the epidural, how does anyone know how YOU will react to labor. As I've said over and over, my mom is the biggest wimp I know and she had all three of us without meds. You can do it!

Angel: allergies suck. I'm hoping that's all mine is too. I too have a hair appointment a few weeks before my due date and would like to make it until then because a) who knows when I'll have time after and b) you want to look nice for all the photos!

Jenk: hope to hear from you soon

Jasmine: did you settle on Molly's middle name yet? Sorry if you've already posted this info.

Meli: thinking about you and Xzavier.

Afm: yep, I've got some sort of mild cold or allergy and I need it to disappear by Friday as we are planning on going to Disney's not-so scary Halloween Party. Too bad I can't ride all the rides, but it should still be fun.
Angel, I need to pick up a ball, found one with good reviews on Walmart's website for $10! Also, I want sex, too! Lol. We haven't in a bit because of all these BH. I'm definitely getting some on my bday. It's happening.

I haven't responded to that "friend" yet. She texted again, "Are you upset with me?" The things she and the other "friend" said about the baby shower were to a mutual friend, one who it pissed off greatly; did they honestly think it wouldn't get back to me? I'm thinking of just not responding at all... just to avoid any further drama.

AFM, results aren't back on the urine sample yet. Appt went well. Measuring on track, still head down, strong heartbeat.

Have even more reason to want to make it through the birth at the center without needing to be transferred. Their policies and beliefs are just soooo much more in line with being patient and baby friendly - skin to skin contact right away and for at least an hour (and if mom needs a break for whatever reason, to go to the bathroom, get out of birthing pool, etc., they have the father take off his shirt and continue the contact until she can take the baby back), keeping the baby in the room with minimal interaction from them unless the baby needs help (based on recent research, they don't even suction because apparently in most cases it isn't necessary)... and although I really don't want family there, they allow as many people as you want there, in the waiting room or the birthing room. She even said they can watch movies, pop popcorn, whatever they want to do.

This was a different midwife than I usually see and talk with. I've met her and had an appt or two with her before, but never one this in depth. I really like her! Kind of hoping she's the one on call when I'm in labor, honestly. Blake was more comfortable with her, too.
Vegas, was posting as you were.

Blake's stepfather says he gives it 2 hours before I'm asking for pain meds. Ass.

Hope you're feeling better soon! Lots of vitamin C.
Hi girls,

Angel - Here's the latest update from Xzavier's page until you can get on:

Today we got great results of Xzavier’s head ultrasound. There was no evidence of brain bleed seen. YAY! The Dr. did state some ventricles in his brain are swollen but that could be just a blip and not due to brain bleed. They will run another ultrasound on Friday and have results back on Monday. We know those results will be the same=no evidence of brain bleed!

His PICC line was installed successfully on the 2nd attempt so he should be more comfortable now that it’s in.

Xzavier had lost some weight but is back up to his birth weight of 640 grams! His lungs look good.

Xzavier loves to stretch his legs out and let them hang out of his little cocoon. The doctor thinks it must have been his favorite position in the womb (and I can attest to those kicks lol!). The nurses are continuously trying to slip them back in the cocoon; they don’t want him moving around too much so he can conserve his energy. Well, he managed to slip one leg out and was chillin’ for a few minutes before his leg was placed back in the cocoon.

I was allowed to touch him for a few minutes and read to him. I'll post our first picture together. So exciting! We can’t wait for more moments like this.

Thanks to everyone for all your prayers and well wishes

Stef - Sorry to hear about all of the horrible BHs, have they calmed down a bit now? I was getting them a lot more early on in this pregnancy but i haven't had any for a while now. They can be unsettling at times, especially if you're getting them that often! With Eva, literally the first ones that I had that were painful were my labour! So they shouldn't be painful just uncomfortable! About your friends I think that's shocking and I would totally tell them exactly why I wasn't coming to their birthday meal, how rude and selfish of them!

Vegas, sorry to here you aren't feeling too good, I hope you feel better soon! The Disney party sounds fun, I'm jealous that you can just pop to Disney whenever you want! About names, I think I better not say anything else because i have changed my mind again! I'm so annoying, I'm annoying myself! Anyway, I have three names now, Molly is in the top three but I'm swaying towards Violet again but I'll wait till I get a good look at her and then decide and announce! Do you have any names decided yet? If mine pops out with a willy I'm gonna call him Henry.

Angel, sounds like you're really ready for baby now and not too long to wait, I'm so excited for you but I'll keep my fingers crossed for your hair cut! mine needs doing but i'm gonna wait until baby is here because I want a bit of a change (I know I always say that, lol!) and wanna wait until I'm a bit slimmer!

Jen, hope you got back okay!

AFM, I'm okay. Really can't wait to finish work now. I fell over last week and ended up in hospital for checks. Luckily everything was okay with baby but I had such a fright because I ripped open my leggings and gashed my leg, hurt my leg and shoulder and walloped my bump on the side :( I went straight to hospital, they put me on the monitors and did all the checks. It took them a while to locate the heartbeat, me and OH were panicking but it was cos the midwife told me that I have an anterior placenta so it may have acted like a cushion but also explains why I don't feel loads of movement.

Other than that I'm quite good, my energy is so low though, I'm struggling a lot. My friend lent me a travel system too, it's the icandy cherry with carrycot and a maxi cosi car seat so I'm chuffed tp bits with that!

Lots of love to all and prayers for baby Zxavi x x x
Jas: sorry about the fall. Ouch! Glad to hear that baby didn't get hurt too. I had an anterior placenta with Charlotte and considering how much some of these movements hurt, I wish I had one this time! You are entitled to change baby's name as much as you like. One of my neighbors told us that his mom changed his name when he was three! We have yet to have a serious discussion on names. Guess baby will be "hey you" for a while.

Stef/Angel: I'm impressed that you are both still in the mood for love. Last time we did it I felt awful. DH doesn't even really want it as the bump is just too much of a distraction (he overthinks about the baby and that turns him right off). Oh well.

Stef: I still think I would be petty by telling your "friend" that you are looking forward to her party and then back out last minute by telling her that you are too tired from working all week and just can't spare the precious weekend time to attend a party. See if she gets the hint.
Jasmine, the BHs are still coming pretty often, yesterday 3-4 an hour all day when sitting, more when moving around. Still haven't gotten back the urine test results... hoping that's all it is. They aren't really painful, but they are very uncomfortable! I've been having them since just before 20 weeks, it's just within the last week that they've gotten crazy.

As for your names, Molly and Violet are both great (both names I passed by Blake when we were deciding!). I also don't think you have to worry about birthing a Henry :)

Sorry about the fall! I hope you're not sore from it any more, and glad the baby is ok!

Vegas, lol @ "hey you." You never know, a name might find itself once you have the baby :)

The bump hasn't been an issue for Blake, lucky for me, lol. I'm a bit less in the mood lately, but mostly because it's difficult to find a position that I really enjoy that isn't too difficult to get into / out of :haha:

AFM, goodbye 20s! 30th bday today. It's not so much that I feel old... just that I always thought I'd be further than I am at 30, that's why 30 bugs me. I thought I'd be done or close to done having kids by now, etc. etc. Buuuuut it took me longer to find the right person to have kids with, so I guess it's ok and worked out as it should.

So I'm kind of freaking about right after the baby is born. My parents want to come out and stay for a week - week and a half right around Thanksgiving. I know they want to meet their first grandchild as close to her birth as possible, I get that. I just REALLY don't want anyone staying with us / being there ALL the time right after. I want time for us to settle into being new parents, time to bond, etc. They're saying they can find a hotel, but they will still be with me at the house all day. I love my parents, they're amazing and I haven't seen them in over a year and a half, so it has nothing to do with not wanting them around... Idk what to do. My brother wants to come out with his partner (who I haven't met and although I heard from my mom that he's great, having a new person around for a week with a newborn is even worse than having family around for a week), too, and the time he said would be right around the time my parents would be leaving. So it'd be 2+ weeks of no alone time for me, Blake and the baby, possibly right after she is born. I tried talking to my mom about all this and she nearly burst into tears...

Also, ultrasound today! Last chance, hopefully she cooperates and gives us some good shots this time!
Stef: Happy birthday!!!

I was pregnant with Charlotte on my 30th and also felt that my baby making days should have been wrapping up not just getting started, but now I really appreciate all of my child-free years.

As far as out of town guests go, I say it's your call. Can you convince them to wait until Christmas? My in-laws are coming in less than three weeks after baby is born and I'm kicking myself already for letting them. It sucks having family that lives far away.

So other than the ultrasound, do you have any big birthday plans?
I doubt my mom would be ok with waiting until Christmas, highly highly doubt. She wants to be here the day of the birth, if she had her way.

We didn't really do much for my bday, got the dinner I wanted (KFC, crazy I know but I really wanted to potatoes and coleslaw, lol). He got me a movie I wanted (World War Z) and we just rested and watched it.

The ultrasound went well, she finally cooperated! She's measuring 2 days ahead and estimated weight of 4 1/2 pounds. She looks exactly like Blake, I see nothing of me there! Just like in the dream I had wayyy back before we knew she was a girl. The CD we got has 150 pics between the 3 ultrasounds, and the DVD has a good amount of video. You guys may have seen the pics on FB, but I'll post them here anyway, these are a few of my favorites.

https://i.imgur.com/rEnuWYe.jpg https://i.imgur.com/5JXlOKk.jpg https://i.imgur.com/Qo9lex2.jpg https://i.imgur.com/TVpG0ZW.jpg https://i.imgur.com/KGL6p2K.jpg

And for comparison, pics of me and Blake as babies.
https://i.imgur.com/YyoCIhZ.jpg https://i.imgur.com/Da74GlP.jpg

Side-by-side Sienna u/s, baby Blake

See it?!
Hi ladies,

I just wanted to check in personally with you guys. I’m running a load of laundry, cooking my oatmeal and have 15 min left before it’s time to pump, take a shower, and get ready to go to the hospital.

Thanks for all the support. You guys are the best. I want you to know that I do check into bnb at least once a day because I want to keep up with you guys and hear what’s going on with you. I miss all of you. You’ve been part of my daily life for the last 10 months and I don’t want to let go of it. It’s probably the only part of my day that is ‘normal’ and I can’t not do it.

So although I can’t respond personally, do know that I do read each entry, and although I cant comment on stuff, know that I feel what you’re feeling. Like, I was also livid with Stef’s friends. Sorry, but what BITCHES!! I hope they never have a situation in their lives to force them to realize what really matters in life and what’s priority. I pity hose who have to learn the hard way, like me.

Dh is strong and so is my family. Well, they at least put up the front. I try to be strong but most of the time I am a wreck and cant stop crying. It’s good to know that everyone around me is strong and I can just fall apart. I HATe my body for letting my baby down. STUPID CERVIX I HATE YOU!! I try to not lose it at Xzavier’s bedside but sometimes I am not successful. I pray to God to not just keep Xzavier strong and fighting, but I also need strength to keep it together, for his sake. It’s the least I can do is to be strong, when my baby is fighting for his life. He’s the one doing all the work for crying out loud!


forget those friends and leave them behind. Don’t respond to them or confront; it’s not important nor worth the drama or your time. Just know that they are not friends and leave them behind and move on with your life. I don’t think people like that change. Even if you confront them and they apologize, they will never change.

oh and happy belated bday and so glad Sienna cooperated at the ultrasound!! She's a doll!


Mckinley will be here before you know it. So exciting!! The countdown has begun…!


So sorry to hear that you fell last week. How scary. I would have totally freaked out and I am mad that you didn’t post it until almost a week later.
You should have told us what was going so we could say prayers for you!!


I hope you are doing ok and those BH go away.


Hope you are doing well.

Well that’s it for me. Time to go pump again (3 hour stretches seem to pass so quickly nowadays) but I am just glad that my milk is coming in. We rented a hospital grade breast pump and it’s wonderful. I am getting .50 oz at a time from each breast. Hoping soon I can get more but the nurses tell me that these amounts are amazing from someone who delivered extremely prematurely and who has never had/breastfed a baby before. My milk started coming in on the 3rd day. At least these things are finally coming in handy!
Love you all!!!

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