June Angel Baby Mommas Hoping for Rainbows!!

Stef: gee, that sounds comfortable for both you and Sienna. Let's hope it works!
Lol, right! If not I fear my midwife will be talking to me about ECV tomorrow... of course there will still be time for her to flip before that decision has to be made, but I just really want to KNOW she's going to flip...
Jasmine, I am sure your lo is just fine! Most people are bigger with subsequent children I believe, so there is no reason to suspect a stuck shoulder or something. You guys will do great! And who knows, maybe you will decide on a third and it will be a boy.
I am happy to hear that your shower went well!
As for the piles, I don't really know much and luckily haven't had to experience them.:hugs:

Stef, I felt the same about cleaning. In the last week and a half I was trying to keep up, but it felt pointless. Luckily, I cleaned the toilets the day before labor and I remember saying while in the hospital that I was happy that was done!
I really hope the herbs or the tilt work very soon. It stinks to be worried so late in the game!

Vegas, sorry about the heartburn! That does sound a little creepy about Lo's legs going behind your ribs.

Melissa, I love to read Xzavier's updates. His pictures always make me smile. I am sorry the irrigation treatment didn't go as well as they hoped. But regardless, I know he will continue to thrive. I mean look at how far he has come already. Quite the little champ you have.
Do you really think she looks like me? I certainly don't see it. With those dark eyes and hair, all I see is Jeff.

Jen, hope all is well.

Emma is waking now. I am going to try to update on me tonight!
That is great news!!!!

So I am pretty pissed right now. I just wrote a huge reply with my birth story. But between bf and stuff, I probably took 2 hours to write it and at the end I was stopped for a while feeding and I left it in case after a while I wanted to add to it, but this new format logged me out and I lost it!!!
Yay Stef!! So happy she turned for you!!

Angel that is so frustrating!! Love the pictures of Emma. She is so sweet!! I also love the name Emma. I've always loved Emma and Emily for girls names. What does Carter think of his new sister??

I'll try to reply properly tomorrow. I'm just on my phone now and I find it too hard to properly reply from my phone.

Hope everyone has some fun plans for the weekend!!
OMG Angel, I'm annoyed for you plus I really wanted to read your birth story, stupid format!
I have my last day at work tomorrow then I plan to catch up on here with everyone, the last couple if weeks have been very tiring, everyone is in my thoughtS! X
Stef: hooray for her being head down! Hope she stays that way.

Angel: I'm looking forward to reading your birth story and so sorry bnb timed out for you. We've all been there!

Middy: enjoy your last day at work!

Afm: I think this kid may have just turned breech. Today I'm not feeling kicks in the usual places (or much at all) and there is a hard lump on my right side. Do/did any of your babies have lazy days or should I be concerned? Usually baby is really active, and although I am feeling some movement it's not as much as usual. Maybe he/she is finally getting too big to do too much. I certainly know I'm getting too big to do everything I want to do!
I posted the same thing in my journal, but here it is again. Hope you feel like reading!
So Friday was a completely normal day for me. I didn’t feel anything different, no contractions other than BH and I didn’t get the “off” feeling lots of women seem to get. We went out to eat with my mom, grandma and little cousin. I was really wanting to buy a new car seat, so on the way home from dinner we stopped to buy one. The evening was also normal. After Carter went to bed, I bounced on my ball for an hour hoping something would happen, especially since there was a full moon. That resulted in no contractions so I got in bed.

At one point in the night, I got up to pee and as I rolled out of bed, I felt a little gush. I’d been dealing with a little incontinence throughout the end of the pregnancy, so I really didn’t think anything of it. A bit later, I would guess about 2:30am I felt what I thought to be another gush of pee. I was just lying in bed and had never experienced that before. And while it was abnormal for me, I still didn’t think much of it, but I put a pad on just in case. I went to go crawl back into bed on all fours. I stood up to my knees and felt another gush, this one bigger. I turned on the lights and Jeff woke up immediately and without knowing anything said “did your water break?” I said “I think so” and went to the bathroom again, fluid continued to leak while walking to the bathroom. I soaked my underwear and a pad. I knew that was certainly not pee. This was about 2:40am. We put some dog training pads on the floor to the bathroom and in the bed. I lied back down and tried to rest. I figured it would take a while for things to happen. It took about ten minutes for contractions to start.

They started out pretty close together, about 5 minutes apart. They began to intensify and got to as close as 2 minutes apart. They were lasting about a minute. Around 4am we called my mom and my doula to tell them that things were happening. Jeff ran to the store to get some snacks and change for the delivery room. He also installed the new car seat. When he got back, he was getting really worried about the contractions being 2 minutes apart. Seeing movies and stuff, he thought I would be having the baby very soon. By 5am we told both my mom and doula to go ahead and come. Once they got there we left immediately. The contractions were pretty painful, but I was about to walk through them and sometimes talk through them.

We got to the hospital at 6:10am. We checked in and went to the admitting room. I got my gown on and they checked me. I was already 5cm and 100% effaced!!!! I couldn’t believe it! The contractions were getting really intense now. They walked me up to the delivery room. I said I still didn’t want an epidural, but by around 9am I was wanting it. I was in tears during contractions, leaning and sobbing on Jeff, saying things like “no, no, no” and “I can’t do this” and “I don’t want to do this anymore”. I am sure I was a pretty pathetic sight!!! They finally got anesthesia in there, but it felt like forever before it took. They told me it would be about 4 more contractions before it took, but it took about 20. I was in agony during this. Wish I had a video, because I am sure I would laugh at myself!

After getting the epidural, they checked me again and I was 7cm. It was about 9:30am then. By 10:50am I was 9cm and by 11:30am I was 10cm and +2 station. My ob came it and we did some pushes. I tried for about 30 minutes. It was much harder work than I thought. My ob suggested a little Pitocin to help make my contractions more effective. I said okay. They gave it to me and my ob turned around to get something ready. While turned, the nurse said “Dr., you might want to catch this baby” as she was just sliding out. He told me to reach down and grab my baby. I pulled her to my stomach and it was amazing!!!

They waited for the cord to stop pulsing and Jeff cut it. She staying on my chest for a bit, then they weighed and measured her. She was born at 12:36am, 6lbs, 20 inches long and had a 13 inch head circumference. They gave her back to me and we cuddled some. We tried to bf and she latched on right away and stayed on for about an hour! After about 2 hours we moved to the room we would stay in. She was perfectly healthy! But because she was a low birth weight for her age, she had to have her glucose checked before all her feeds for 24 hours. That sucked, but she did well on every single one!

By the end on the first night, my nipples were already starting to hurt. She was latched on a ton and she had a smaller latch. My nipples continued to get worse, and I saw a lactation consultant. There wasn’t much they could help with though. They told me to hold her chin down to get a bigger latch, but when you are trying to hold your baby’s neck, c-cup your breast and keep arms out of the way, there aren’t any more fingers left to hold a chin down. And with Jeff helping, it only made things worse.

We got to go home Monday afternoon. My nipples got worse and worse, until I got to where there were tears when she would latch. Wednesday night, I latched her and just started bawling it was hurting so bad. I told Jeff to just go make a formula bottle. I gave myself a couple days of pumping to give my nipples a break. They are much better now, but we did go through a couple of days of her really fighting the breast. I am not sure of the reason, if she was just too happy to have an easy bottle and didn’t want to work for the milk. Whatever the reason, she is doing better now. I would consider her to be a pretty fussy baby, she doesn’t ever seem to be content when awake. She is either sleeping, sucking or crying. Hopefully it doesn’t last too long.

As for Carter, well he hasn’t taken it well at all. He hits, yells, kicks, tantrums, you name it. I feel bad for him, but at the same time, I get so angry and frustrated with him. Every time we have tried to take him somewhere fun, he has acted really badly. Tonight we started a star chart. He gets ten stars to start with. Every time he hits, tantrums, doesn’t follow instructions, he loses a star. Within reason of course, no 3 year old is perfect. If he loses all his stars, he doesn’t get any bed time stories. We will see how it goes. We are also trying to ignore bad behavior and super praise good behavior. FX! Jeff has been doing rest time with him and he will not listen to him at all. I told Jeff to make him nap if he isn’t going to lie down, but Jeff is really bad at follow through and I am usually attached to Emma through rest time.

So anyhow, that is my birth story and a little update from me. Hopefully things start to work themselves out soon. Right now I am still feeling very overwhelmed and am VERY grateful that Jeff has been about to be home with me.
Jen, Carter doesn't care much about her, other than the fact that she is taking attention away from him:( When to you have your next app?

Vegas, I had quiet days probably about once a week, they tended to be on the weekends for me. I hope she isn't breech for you, not that it really matter I guess though with the c-section. I don;t know if it is more uncomfortable or not?
Angel: I'm not sure how you feel about it, but that seems like a pretty quick birth. I'm so glad you got your vbac. Part of me wishes they would let me try as I'd much rather be walking around after birth than stuck in bed and dealing with staples and stitches. Did you tear at all? Is it still pretty tender or have things started to heal?

BF-ing is so hard, or at least it can be. Emma sounds a lot like how Charlotte was. She'd stay on the boob forever with a pretty crummy latch that tore my nipples up. Have you tried those soothing gel pads? I'm planning on getting them this time to see if they provide any relief. Regardless of what lactation people tell you, formula is not poison. I started resenting Charlotte for hurting me and found that using some formula gave me time to heal and actually form a better bond. Sadly, I had a super slow letdown and a very impatient child so bf'ing long-term didn't work. Hopefully, you will have better results.

Carter is jealous, I've been wondering how he'd react. I think they are so excited about the idea of the baby, but the reality is a lot different. Seems like you are doing your best to entertain and include him, but I know it's hard. I like the idea of the chart. Do you have incentives too? Charlotte responded well to the reward chart we did for the Disney visit. It has helped change her behavior since we ended it too.
Hi ladies! Finally getting a chance to check in quickly.

Jasmine: just curious what Middy Squidge means? I am so glad you are finally off of work..YAY!!! I hope you can get some good rest in before LO arrives.

Vegas: sorry you feel so huge and miserable. But your time is almost here, too! Oh my goodness I cant believe Dec 9 is just around the corner!

Stef: and your time is even closer! Nov 21 is my mom’s bday. Let’s see if Sienna comes early or not! It seems surreal to me that my baby shower was scheduled for Nov 9. Weird that it’s next week already.

Jen: GL on ttc!! I would totally not be surprised if you got pg before you got in to see the specialist. I know it’s trite but isn’t that pretty common? FX!! And keep your head up.

Angel: yes, I totally think Emma looks like you. Maybe it’s her cute lil button nose that resemble yours? Then again, the pics I have seen, she hasn’t had her eyes open so I couldn’t tell what color they are. Although her hair is dark now like Jeff, perhaps it will lighten up as she gets older? I have a friend whose daughter was born with pitch black hair and green eyes. She was stoked because she loved the combo of dark hair and light eyes. BUT by one year old her hair was completely blond LOL! Was Carter born with dark hair and eventually lighten to blonde? OR maybe her hair will stay dark and she will favor Jeff’s coloring while Carter favors your coloring. Genetics is funny, isn’t it?

And your description of your birth sounds somewhat like mine. I was trying to be a trooper and when my contractions kicked in around 8am, I was so miserable. I had back labor—all the contractions and pain were felt in my back and not in my stomach/pelvis/uterus (like my regular horrendous af cramps are). I was sweating and I didn’t want dh to blot my forehead or face to take away the sweat, I didn’t want him to talk to me, I just pretty much curled up into a ball, as tears silently streamed down my face. TBH, I was in more pain emotionally, so scared and not knowing what was going to happen..was Xzavier going to be born alive? Etc etc…The nurse said some people do that…when in pain they turn inwards. Well, that was me. Once I was offered the epi, I jumped on that and never looked back. I don’t regret it, either!

Anybody going to pump? I'm using a great pumping bra that is a lifesaver! Let me know if any of you are interested and I will post the deets.


Just hanging in there and praying for Xzavier every.single.moment. He is such a tough cookie and I love him more than life itself. I wish I could feel his pain and spare it for him. If I could give up my life for him, I would totally do that in a heartbeat, no hesitation at all. Now I know what it means to love unconditionally, I truly do. Life is truly different and has changed completely since he arrived. I truly value and cherish the little things now. He had a great night and rested well, no spells of his heart stopping or slowing and he wasn’t see sawing on his oxygen levels? Great! He had a horrible night? Terrible. It’s crazy how his condition affects this household. If Xzavier is doing good, dh and I are on top of the world! If he isn’t doing well, then you can imagine how we feel.

Luv and miss you guys!!! So excited for the rest of the LO's to arrive! :hugs:
Oh, and I HAD to update my signature as looking at my tickers of my non-existent bump kills and tortures me me!! :cry:
Hey everyone,

Good to finally get on here and reply! Even so, it’s taken me about half an hour to write one line as Shane is away in London working and so it’s constant toddler demands, god knows what it’s going to be like when baby arrives!

Stef – So happy that she is head down! All of your hard work paid off, well done you, I really hope she doesn’t spin back around but it sounds really promising! How are you feeling in general, any twinges or signs?

Vegas – Hope your baby hasn’t turned breech, it seems to be a common theme with us lot! Mine is breech as you know from fb, I have a hard lump in the middle and kicks on the right hand side and low down! As for movement I can’t advise as everyday is quiet for me due to anterior placenta! It sucks!

Angel – thanks for posting your birth story, I really enjoyed reading it and finding out how it all went! You did absolutely amazingly and I’m so happy for you that you managed to get a vaginal delivery! Can’t believe you were already 5cms when you got there, that’s fantastic going! Oh your poor poor nipples, is there anyway you can use those shields for a bit and I don’t know if you have Lansinoh nipple cream over there or similar but it’s amazing stuff! I’m sorry that Carter isn’t coping too well with the change but I think this is the hardest it will be, while she is newborn? Also, I think Eva will be exactly the same at first! I’m nervous about it all! Emma is so beautiful I love her hair, she has so much it’s gorgeous! You must have had killer heartburn, hehe, I’m having a bout now!

Meli – so good to hear from you, love the new siggy! The name Middy squidge is just a silly thing, OH calls me Middy to take the piss it’s kind of like a name for an old dithering nanna type, which is nice isn’t it, we have weird humours! Squidge is just what I call Eva and always have! I wanted it to be Middy & Squidge but that was too long so that’s what it is, as long as it was anonymous that’s all that mattered to me! Xzavier is doing so well, it’s been such a rollercoaster for you guys, I bet you never imagined in a million years it would be this way! I don’t blame you for not feeling guilty about the epi, why should you, it was such an unexpected birth anyway and you did a great job! I hope that Xzavier continues to grow stronger and bigger, he is absolutely gorgeous and I think about him and your family everyday! Continue to be strong too and don’t neglect yourself as you do need to keep your strength up for your little fighter!

Jen – How are you doing?

AFM – As you will have seen on fb, baby Gladstone is now breech, got that confirmed this morning at a scan, oh dear! They have advised me to have a procedure to turn her which is booked in for Tuesday, I have to let them now a final decision on Sunday! I’m still properly undecided as OH is away and we haven’t had a chance to discuss yet! I’m not very keen on the idea of the turn, it seems a bit risky, invasive, painful. I’m leaning towards a C section if I’m honest. I know the recovery is not as quick and all the cons but there are also pros too for having one. I will let you know what I decide to do soon, I think if I opt for the section, it also gives her more time to turn naturally, right up until 39 weeks! Decisions decisions! Done my last day at work too, got a really good send off, loads of presents and I have done very little relaxing since I finished which I hope changes as I am bloody exhausted and have loads of stuff to do! x
Meli: you really have had a roller coaster week this week; more so than normal! It's been so good to see the positive news about Xzavier. He is doing remarkably well. I just can't wait to read the news that you are able to hold and feed him. I know it'll be soon.

Please do tell about the bra. I will be pumping when I go back to work, but I was thinking about cutting some holes into a sports bra.

Middy: your new little girl already sounds just like my Charlotte as I had an anterior placenta with her too and of course she was breech. I didn't have enough amniotic fluid for them to even attempt to flip her, so that is something they will need to look at as well. I was fine with the idea of the c-section as I felt it was the safest option at the time, plus I was so over being pregnant and it was an easy out.

I'm jealous of your shower gifts, namely the champagne! I went yesterday and stocked up on wine and Bailey's in anticipation of my postpartum bender.

Afm: my mom is in town and last night she got to go trick-or-treating with Charlotte. Today we went and bought baby supplies. I bought a new pack-n-play, a sleep sheep, some swaddle blankets and a few other things including a belly band for me.
Vegas, you crack me up, post partum bender, I love it! I know I was spoilt wasn't I, they got me some rather expensive 'Mumm' champagne! I feel more reassured about the C section after talking to people, I think I want it but I don't know if I'll even last that long!

I've had a really scary couple of hours just now! Shane is on the way home, I'm picking him up in half an hour but for the past hour and a half, I've been having tightenings, regular and painful! They started off every 5 minutes lasting around 30 seconds, the first one was quite intense! Thanks fully they have eased off during the last half an hour so I'm hoping it's nothing to panick about but I normally only get like one tightening per day! I've been in an awful stressy mood all day, the tigthenings are accompanied by leg cramps which I only ever get when I'm on or in labour. I've been so scared amd nervous, as I'm alone with Eva, breech baby, exhausted beyond belief and bags aren't even packed!

Please pray that my labour doesn't start for me tonight! x

I am praying that this isn't your labor starting. BUT if is, I know everything will be ok :hugs:
Thanks Meli, thankfully they have eased off a bit and I've now got my man back! Have a dull stomach ache now and I'm so tired beyond believe after my 5 am wake up and 70 mile round trip yo get my scan done this morning and 48 hours of toddler attack! Eva's just dropped off in the car on the way back from picking Shane up I've put her in her bed and it's the first break I've had from her in 2 days found the clock, so I've just put a pizza in and my feet up and hoping my labour doesn't start! Nice relaxing day for me tomorrow if possible x
Vegas, Sienna has some lazy days, too. My midwife said as long as I feel 4-5 movements in an hour when I'm paying attention, all is good. But when worried, it doesn't hurt to get things checked out! Is LO back to being more active? I'd be afraid of a postpartum bender, probably get drunk off 2 sips!

Angel, definitely sounds like a fairly quick labor! I figured it was when your texts went from 7cm to 9cm in two minutes. I'm sorry Carter isn't handling it well, I hope that gets better soon!

Meli, good to hear from you! I do still think she is going to come early, but I was wrong about the date! I predicted today... glad I was wrong. So not ready. I'm also glad you took the epi. There was definitely no need to be going through that physical pain while going through the emotional pain as well. And I can understand removing the ticker, although now you can be counting the days that Xzavier is here, and every day is another day closer to him growing healthier and bigger and stronger.

Jasmine, what is it with breech babies lately?! My midwives said they've seen an abnormally high number of them lately, too. I hope it's not labor starting! Get rested and drink a lot of water! But like Meli said, if it is labor starting, everything will be ok :)

AFM, getting a little closer to being ready here. We've been searching for a dresser to double as a changing table and storage that matches the crib Blake's mom gave us, with NO luck. We started looking for white ones in addition, still NO luck. Then we came across someone selling a set - dresser, changing table, crib, rocking chair, bookshelf for $300. We don't need the chair or the bookshelf; we offered her $60 for the dresser and changing table as a long shot, and she accepted the offer. When we got there to pick them up, we decided to go for it and offered her $90 for the dresser, changing table, and crib, and she accepted! So we took the other crib and sold it for $60. Blake got the furniture set up when we got it home and said, "It's starting to feel like we're going to have a baby soon." I said, "Are you ready?" and he said, "Fuck no!" :haha: I had to agree.

I still need to clean the furniture up, wash a bunch of stuff (although I've got 2 loads of clothes / bibs / blankets etc. done so far (2 more loads left, I think), need to clean paint off the nursery floor (somehow a lot of it got splattered in spite of the plastic sheeting covering the floor), pack a bag, set up the pack n play / maybe get a bassinet for our bedroom because the pack n play might be too big, install the car seat, etc.

Been feeling off the last few days, feel like I'm coming down with something. I know this can be a sign of labor starting soon, but Blake was sick last week and my boss is sick this week, so it's more likely that. I have had a lot of BH yesterday and today, but I've also been moving around a lot.

Other than that, nothing really new going on.
Middy: oh, I hope it's not labor, but if it is I too am confident she'll be just fine. I hope you get at least a week off of work before she arrives.

Stef: sounds like you got a great deal on all that furniture. Btw, you'll never really be ready for baby, but it'll all work out anyway. Hope you don't get sick. Try taking some vitamin C. I've been taking it and I'm the only one without a cough in this house right now. As for the Braxton hicks, put up your feet and drink more water.

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