Vegas, Sienna has some lazy days, too. My midwife said as long as I feel 4-5 movements in an hour when I'm paying attention, all is good. But when worried, it doesn't hurt to get things checked out! Is LO back to being more active? I'd be afraid of a postpartum bender, probably get drunk off 2 sips!
Angel, definitely sounds like a fairly quick labor! I figured it was when your texts went from 7cm to 9cm in two minutes. I'm sorry Carter isn't handling it well, I hope that gets better soon!
Meli, good to hear from you! I do still think she is going to come early, but I was wrong about the date! I predicted today... glad I was wrong. So not ready. I'm also glad you took the epi. There was definitely no need to be going through that physical pain while going through the emotional pain as well. And I can understand removing the ticker, although now you can be counting the days that Xzavier is here, and every day is another day closer to him growing healthier and bigger and stronger.
Jasmine, what is it with breech babies lately?! My midwives said they've seen an abnormally high number of them lately, too. I hope it's not labor starting! Get rested and drink a lot of water! But like Meli said, if it is labor starting, everything will be ok
AFM, getting a little closer to being ready here. We've been searching for a dresser to double as a changing table and storage that matches the crib Blake's mom gave us, with NO luck. We started looking for white ones in addition, still NO luck. Then we came across someone selling a set - dresser, changing table, crib, rocking chair, bookshelf for $300. We don't need the chair or the bookshelf; we offered her $60 for the dresser and changing table as a long shot, and she accepted the offer. When we got there to pick them up, we decided to go for it and offered her $90 for the dresser, changing table, and crib, and she accepted! So we took the other crib and sold it for $60. Blake got the furniture set up when we got it home and said, "It's starting to feel like we're going to have a baby soon." I said, "Are you ready?" and he said, "Fuck no!"

I had to agree.
I still need to clean the furniture up, wash a bunch of stuff (although I've got 2 loads of clothes / bibs / blankets etc. done so far (2 more loads left, I think), need to clean paint off the nursery floor (somehow a lot of it got splattered in spite of the plastic sheeting covering the floor), pack a bag, set up the pack n play / maybe get a bassinet for our bedroom because the pack n play might be too big, install the car seat, etc.
Been feeling off the last few days, feel like I'm coming down with something. I know this can be a sign of labor starting soon, but Blake was sick last week and my boss is sick this week, so it's more likely that. I have had a lot of BH yesterday and today, but I've also been moving around a lot.
Other than that, nothing really new going on.