Vegas, I'm sure the 6 pounds is mostly water weight, unless you ate a buffet this weekend

I'm wondering how much of mine is water weight because I'm swollen ALL the time. My legs are like pieces of artwork with all the crazy temporary indentations they get from everything - my pants seam, leaning on things...
Jasmine, glad it wasn't your labor, and yayyyy for her being head down now! I will definitely post a pic once everything is done in there, but it might not be until after she's born, I'm not in a rush to get the decorating, etc. done completely; working on it, but working on the more important stuff first. My last day is next Friday (the 15th). I'd like some time off before she arrives, but I also want enough time with her before my parents come out (the 28th), so I'm torn on if I'm hoping she comes early or not!
Angel, glad your nipples are doing a little better now. I hope you are able to stick with it! How rude of your doctor! I'm sure he didn't mean anything by it, but it definitely comes off wrong. As for the furniture, we really only needed the dresser (we literally have NO dressers, we use drawers built into our bed and our closet for our clothes), but with such a good deal, we couldn't pass it up.
Meli, I'm solo happy Xzavier is doing better! What a little ham, too. So cute and sweet! I'm happy you both got to hold him
AFM, I'm not coming down with anything... it hasn't gotten any worse. I've realized the weird head feeling comes with BH. The pressure in my head starts up pretty bad and then I have a BH. Those are also getting stronger and more frequent (occasionally mildly painful), so who knows!
We got the pack n play set up in the bedroom, so we're working on trying to convince the cats they want nothing to do with it. One doesn't, he hasn't made any attempt to get in it and only showed mild interest when the other one had jumped in and was trying to play with him, so it was really only interest in the other cat and not the pack n play. The other cat seems to think it's a great place to get comfy and stretch out, so we're working on that.
Also got my bag for the birthing center packed, just have to add a couple of things that just got washed last night. Car seat still needs to be installed, but otherwise, we're pretty good on everything else. Still want to get a massive cleaning done, but I'm not stressing about that too much because it doesn't seem to matter how much of a massive clean I do, between Hurricanes Blake, Capone and Sonny (the cats), it becomes a mess again. So I'm just continuing with the regular cleaning I'd do anyway and fitting in anything bigger when I can. I'm deciding that everyone who comes to visit will just have to deal with any mess and really won't care anyway.
And totally off topic but because my phone has been blowing up for the past 20 minutes from a group message... there really should be an unsubscribe from group texts option on phones. It's driving me nuts. Luckily no one at my work cares!