June Angel Baby Mommas Hoping for Rainbows!!

I know you guys are right. And actually, Vegas, the first hour thing IS part of my birth plan (which is really only necessary if I need to be transferred as everything on it is standard care at the birthing center)! I hadn't even thought about it going any differently until the other day.

So I've been having BH every 5-10 minutes for the last 16-17 hours. Not sure if it's going to lead to anything or just go on for weeks, but it sure is annoying. Doesn't seem like it's planning on fizzing out. Also had some pain that felt like round ligament pain, but not sure.

Anyone heard from Jasmine? She hasn't updated here or FB that I've seen since the version, makes me a little worried because I know there can be problems hours after one is performed.
Still having the BH? Any changes?
I haven't heard from her either, hope all is well.
Still having BH, but they have slowed. Still strong, but not as often now. So I guess they did fizzle out a little! I thought at first last night they were from my mini cleaning spree, but when they didn't stop by this morning... beats me! I'm sure they'll come and go like that for a little while. Blake is convinced she'll be coming by Wednesday, though, and a friend of mine predicted Wednesday, so... They'll probably be back in full force again tonight because I have plans for more cleaning when I get home, and they seem to start up if I move around at all (pretty much every time I move!)

Just got back from lunch, my coworkers took me out for a mini baby shower! The one who has the daughters with the kidney and liver problems even came in to go out with us (she left work a few weeks ago because she has way too much going on at home). They got me lunch and brought a bunch of presents (I knew about the lunch as of yesterday, they let me know on my way out so I could decide where I wanted to go), but I didn't know they all got me presents. They FB stalked me a little, lol, and got my registry link so they got things we actually needed / wanted, so that's awesome.

Jasmine, let us know how you're doing real quick if you see this!
That was really nice of them. And to get things you needed is even better!!
Sorry about the BHs. I used to get them bad while moving, luckily for me, they never hurt at all. Can you believe I actually really miss being pregnant!!
Weirdo! :haha: You can have my symptoms if you like! Some of my BH are mildly painful, more in my back than anything... and not really even "painful" as much as obnoxiously irritating. They make me waddle more than I already do, which makes it tough to get up and down stairs for laundry or to bend over to pick things up, empty the dishwasher, etc. As if those things weren't already tough! And bending brings on the heartburn, so I try squatting instead, but that hurts and is hard to get up from! Ohhh prego woman problems.

How are little miss Emma and little man Carter doing?
Stef: that is so sweet that your office gave you a shower. Sorry about all the BH's. They really are annoying. I find that they squeeze my lungs where it makes it hard to breathe. The heartburn is also a pain, but it will disappear as soon as she arrives. It's like a miracle.

Angel: you can't possibly miss being pregnant! I'd happily transfer my baby over to you for the next four weeks if you'd like.

Middy: please check in with us. Hope all is well.

Afm: today was Ben's and my 10th anniversary. I left work early so we could go for lunch and hour long foot massages. I feel so relaxed! We decided not to go out for dinner as I just get too tired too early, plus Charlotte was already going to be in daycare so we didn't need to get a sitter.

Last night I felt awful. I think in addition to the heartburn I had some gas issues and the baby kept trying to turn, made it harder than normal to sleep. I can't quite figure out what is where now, but I believe baby is slightly transverse as the larger lumps are on either side and my ribs hurt this morning. I swear this baby is going to be long. Another girl I work with had her baby via c-section yesterday and he was 10lb 1.5oz. Now that's a big baby!
They are doing okay. Emma has been sleeping in the swing and giving us a break from holding her, so that has been good.

Middy commented on a pic of mine, so I guess things are good with her.
Congrats on the anniversary Vegas!
Sorry last night was bad, hopefully tonight is better. I think we could switch, you take Emma and I will take yours for the next four weeks!
Hey girls, just a quick update from me as it's only 6am here, sorry I've been away, I honestly haven't stopped since my maternity began but I promise over the weekend I'll update properly!

I've been put on iron as my levels were low and have been dined September but my useless community midwives didn't put me on iron since I've been taking it I've been feeling soo much better energy wise, I'm kind of mad and relieved all at once!

Me and the baby seem to be fine, only a few odd bhs for me nothing painful though! Okay so I'll speak with you all later.

Lots of love x
Glad they got you on some iron and you are feeling better! I can't wait for things to start happening for you and Stef!!

Middy or Vegas, how much are you supposed to wipe in a baby girl's vagina area? Do you spread things to wipe well, or leave that white stuff?

Vegas – Happy tenth anniversary to you and OH! I loved that picture on fb, the black and white one, WOW you are so beautiful! Thanks for sharing your experience and advice about C-sections. Nothing is TMI in my opinion as it’s good to be prepared! You sound really organised and it’s good that you have been through it before so you know what to expect!
Part of me was secretly hoping for a C-section but maybe that’s cos I’ve never had one before but I knew I had to at least try the turn. I have my scan tomorrow afternoon so we’ll see if the little monkey is still head down! It’s a good idea that you have booked Charlotte in daycare between 8am and 5pm, I will have Eva at pre-school 2 and a half days a week, it’s not going to be long enough!
Sorry that you are worrying about something bad happening all of the time, I have to say I’ve been exactly the same with this pregnancy and it is so out of character for me, I guess all we can do is try to keep our chins up and not worry too much, easier said than done isn’t it! I am loving the bump too, like Angel said it’s big but you do look cute and it’s all bump, I think you’re having a boy btw!

Angel – Great to see things are going so well with little Emma! The professional photoshoot pictures are just gorgeous aren’t they! I think she looks a lot like Carter but with darker hair obviously, she’s so pretty! I saw your fb status this morning and you seem really happy, loved up and on top if it all! Also, you look so cute with Emma nestled into your neck into the moby wrap, seeing all of your pictures makes me so excited for my baby! Great that OH is so good too! How are things with Carter now? Do you have any tips for the early weeks with the older siblings?
Thanks also, for your advice on C-section, I am confident the baby has turned but I have been reading online that sometimes the version can make the birth a long and laborious one. My friend had a successful version a few weeks ago with her third baby and went on to have a 30 hour horrible labour with her this week, yikes!
Gosh, I’m really not sure what to advise on the white stuff with Emma, I can’t remember (it was so long ago, lol) but I do remember she had some gloopy white stuff at a few days old that we pulled out but then I don’t wanna advise removing or wiping it off in case it’s there for protection of infections? Sorry, I couldn’t help more! Let me know, when you find out!

Meli – I am so happy for you that little Xzavier is doing so well, he truly is a miracle baby! I am loving that he is eating all of his ‘cheeseburgers’ (lol) like such a good little boy and that you are getting to do kangaroo care! Yayyy! It must feel so good pumping your milk, knowing that it is making him grow big and strong! How are you feeling in yourself? I’m glad you got to go out with OH for steak and chips too, don’t feel guilty about it, you need to recharge too!

Stef – Gorgeous bump, I would say mine is exactly the same size. I am liking your attitude with regard to cleaning, I am feeling the same, I jut do not have the energy to get it to the standard that I want it so it will just have to do. I am spending my days trying to get a couple of the extra chores done but other than that it’s hard enough keeping on top of the regular cleaning, doing the school run/entertaining Eva and trying to keep my energy up for possible impending labour! I don’t wanna knacker myself out incase I go into labour!
I was also annoyed to read about your mother in law dilemma! I could not even imagine having my mother in law anywhere near the birthing room at all! Last time with Eva I only had one visitor and that was my sister in law when she arrived to take us home! This time I was planning the same but it’s different for me as my family live about 5 hours drive away. I feel like I’m a bit mean because I also told my family that we couldn’t host overnight for at least a couple of weeks but it’s only cos we have no spare beds. I do think it’s important to be honest though. I am so impressed with the way that your midwives are handling the situation though, it sounds like they will look after you well!
Congratulations on the job too, that is absolutely fantastic, how ironic that it’s happened now too. Well done you! You getting anymore BHs?

Sweetmomma – how you doing hun?

AFM – *RANT ALERT* Getting truly fed up now. As you know from fb I had the baby turned, it wasn’t too bad as it worked first time but I have to admit I did nearly pass out afterwards, it was just such a weird feeling having her in a new position after her being breech for so long! The little monkey had to be held static in her new position for ten seconds as she kept trying to wiggle back! As soon as the doctor had done it, my bump changed shape, and my belly button changed, it was strange but now it feels very natural and she seems to have settled well in her new position! The day after I had it done I was worrying myself sick, reading horror stories online (why do I torture myself?) and her movements were quieter, I was literally a wreck when OH got home, I decided that if she didn’t have her usual active period that evening that I would got to hospital but luckily she did and the movements have picked up since then and are in the regular pattern. As I said I have a scan tomorrow to check the position so I’ll report back and let you know!

I am suffering terribly with the heartburn, I am unable to digest hardly anything and am being sick every day and night at least 7 times, especially before bed as when I lie down the food starts creepy back up my pipe! My bladder muscles are gone completely, and I am going for a wee every half an hour at least. When she moves in the evening and dances on my bladder it is truly unbearable!

As I said though, my energy is slightly better since being put on the energy tablets but of course the constipation and piles are worse as a result! God, I’m so sorry all I do is moan ATM, I don’t know how OH is putting up with me, lol!

On everchanging name news, we are now have a front runner:

'Astrid Wren' nickname 'Addie' or 'Asti' or 'Astrid Emilia'.

I’ll tell you the story behind the name (Astrid was our original and favourite for a long time) when it is official cos you know what I’m like for changing it!

Other names on the list include: Amelie, (adore the film not sure if the name is a bit naf) Adelaide/Adeline, (love but oh isn't keen) Molly and Megan(OH loves this one). Violets gone now, we went off it, sadly.

Middle names include Emilia (love), Wren (also love even enough for a first name but OH doesn't plus there's a company round here called Wren's kitchens, hmmmm)

Can you tell me if you prefer Astrid Wren or Astrid Emilia and if you think Addie is pushing it for a nickname or not?

Take care of yourselves girls, can’t wait for news, eek! X x x
Middy: so happy you are back and all is well (besides the typical late pregnancy woes). I'm glad you have a bit more energy now that you are on some iron. Are you taking a stool softener with it? It could help. Of course I believe some bathroom issues come from baby sitting on our internal organs. I'm not taking anything extra and have been experiencing some constipation too. Soon enough we'll have our bodies back.

How long did it take for them to get baby to turn? That is so odd that your whole bump shape changed. I wonder why the labor would take longer with a baby that has been turned. Maybe their internal compasses are still set to present foot first.

Is Eva excited about the baby? I keep tellng Charlotte that once the baby gets here it is here to stay. I know there will be jealousy. I figure Eva will be a bit jealous too, but at least you have her birthday and Christmas to distract her. Must still focus on Eva Diva!

I love all of your names; they are all unique and beautiful.

Angel: I don't remember Charlotte having any discharge. Of course she had this odd thing when she was born where she still had skin covering her girl parts. We even had to take her to a urologist when she was a few weeks old. She peed all over him so he said she was fine and eventually everything opened up on its own. I know that's tmi, but I'm pretty sure that's why I didn't deal with the white stuff. I'm sure it's harmless and probably protects like Jasmine said. If I end up with a boy I'm going to need advice on how to clean him up. All that extra equipment seems like it will make cleaning more difficult.

I also love the photo of you with Emma in the wrap. So cute, and you look like you are absolutely in love. I'm jealous of your fall weather. It's still in the upper 70's and lower to mid 80's here. One of only things I dislike about Florida is the lack of seasons.

Meli: hooray for all of Xzavier's weight gain and all the kangaroo care time. This week has been a really good one for him and I pray they continue to all be good weeks.

Afm: I've been getting a lot done this weekend. The foot massage has given me renewed energy (well, I had energy until about 5pm last night). Anyway I managed to wrap ten Christmas and birthday gifts for all of Charlotte's cousins so I can send them off this coming weekend. I am going today to buy the remaining gifts I need for the kids. Hopefully my SIL's won't mind storing the gifts until the birthdays (one in December and one in January) and Christmas arrive. I have all of Charlotte's Christmas purchased, but not wrapped and still need to buy for the adults (our parents and DH).

The pack-n-play arrived this week and we've had it airing out on the back patio all weekend. Glad we did this as it really smelled of plastic. I need to wash my newborn clothes and the car seat cover as they've all been in storage for a long time.

We have yet to come up with any names. I think we'll just wait until baby is here to decide. I'm hoping we can at least come up with a short list before then.

Hope everyone is having a nice weekend.
Hey Vegas,

Thanks, it's good to be back, I'll have more time to reply now I've finished pesky work! Yes, I am taking a stool softener too, it is helping slightly, I actually had a black poo today though (tmi) hehe, I'm guessing it's the iron but in my mind it's worth solid black poo yo have extra energy! I've just cleaned the whole house, (including three bathrooms) put fresh bedding on, done three loads of washing, feels nice to be able to do things again, best enjoy it I suppose before the baby comes and I'm not able to again!

Eva is excited for her sister, she asked Oh when would she be here yesterday, she's getting a little impatient! I do think there will be jealousy too, it's only natural I suppose and she is sooooo spoilt when it comes to attention off us! I said to OH this morning, I don't know how well fit this baby in!

Eva stayed up all night and came in our bed, it's just getting too much but the little monkey takes Naps in the car if we go out on a Saturday and then won't go to bed, so it's the same most Saturdays. I'm getting too irritable and uncomfortable for it now and I do envision myself on the sofa with the baby the first few weeks, then ill put my foot down! We're also getting her a single big girl bed in the new year so hoping that will help! Has Charlotte shown a preference for a brother or a sister?

The version took less than three minutes as it worked first time, it felt like she was kneading dough inside my stomach, was painful but fx it's worth it! I font know why it would lead to a long tricky birth, maybe they never properly get in the correct position but I'm hoping to prove the theory wrong! Whens your sections date again?

You sound so organised for Christmas, that's great! We have bought Eva's main Christmas present, it's a le toy van dolls house and we have Also bought her a bit of sylvanian families stuff, I've bought OH some knitwear but that's about it! What do you want yourself? Every year I get a doll (don't worry I'm not a creepy weirdo lol) this year I want a blythe but of course the girls and everyone else comes first so we shall see! What did you get Charlotte?

What's a pack and play? X
Middy: this is a pack-n-play https://www.target.com/p/graco-pack...ersible-napper-changer-scribbles/-/A-14030867

I think that may even be the one I got. In the beginning you can use it for baby to sleep in and as the baby gets older you drop the sleeping surface to the bottom and use it as a play pen (I'd put Charlotte in it while I showered or cooked). The whole thing folds up and is great as a portable crib when you go on vacation. We used our first one exclusively for nine weeks before I transferred her to the crib in her nursery. This one has a changer area which will be a nice addition.

Sorry Eva isn't sleeping well on weekends. Charlotte still wakes in the middle of the night a few times a week just long enough to pee and wake us to tuck her back into bed. I have a feeling her sleep will get worse once baby gets here. She wants a sister, but says that the baby is a boy.

Now that you are home you should be able to finish your holiday shopping too. Or you can just order it all online. Nothing wrong with that!

Three minutes for the version doesn't sound too bad, I thought they took like 30-45 minutes. Did they use an ultrasound while they did it? I've read that they sometimes do that.

Charlotte is getting all sorts of stuff: a Doc McStuffin's kit, a Disney princess sleeping bag, a care bear, a puzzle, the cootie game, some play dough thing I know I'll regret getting her, some new games for her Innotab and a few other little things. I bought a ton of stuff on sale a few months ago and started stocking up as the prices were so good.

I really don't want anything for Christmas; just a healthy baby and maybe a few hours of quality sleep. I still remember how sad I was last Christmas and all I wanted then was to still be pregnant, so having a baby in my arms this Christmas is all I need. We've all come a long way since last Christmas.
Ahhhh okay, it's what we call a travel cot, they are so handy, in fact Eva wouldn't sleep in a regular cot so slept in her travel cot until she went into her junior bed at aged 2, it was handy too for her to play in downstairs so I knew she wasn't up to mischief if I went out of the room! I need to get another one though this baby will be in a Moses basket at first and then hopefully her cot.

Omg, if the version were to take that long I would have not had it done! Luckily it was quick and they'll only try three spins for a few minutes, they pretty much know straight away if it will work! They did use ultrasound throughout mine too. I've had about ten scans now this pregnancy, two is standard!

Awww, I guess your Christmas wish will come true this year then hunny!

I had my scan today and baby G is still head down and in a great position, her head is into the pelvis but not fully engaged. So it's great news, just waiting now although my feeling is she'll be late!

How's everyone else?

Stef, you're not in labour are you?

Oh weird question, does anyone bump/baby 'vibrate' sometimes? X
Grrrrr. I had my whole response almost typed out and my computer started acting up. I rebooted and forgot to save it and lost it alllll. Sorry if I miss anything in this one!

Vegas, I have the same thing happen with BHs and breathing. I usually know when they're coming because I get this crazy pressure in my head (which is weird) and in my chest right before.

Glad your anniversary went well! I agree with Jasmine, you look gorgeous in that wedding photo! Sorry about feeling awful the other night, I hope your heartburn has at least gotten a little better.

We haven't done any Christmas shopping yet, but we don't have much to buy this year. We draw names every year for his side of the family because there's just too many of them. He got his mom and is setting up a computer for her, so that's being taken care of already, and I got his 12 year old brother who hasn't given me any ideas yet. Then there's the nieces, but they're pretty easy. My family is going to be easy, too. I'm expecting to do most shopping probably online.

I'm sure, like with Angel, your name will come to you once LO is here!

Jasmine, glad the iron has helped your energy, sorry the heartburn has been terrible, though!

Bumpwise, I was thinking I was still pretty small, but my boss's wife just came in and said "Wow! You're going to have a big baby!" Lol.

I think I'm destined to have a lot of family at the center when she arrives - his mom for sure, possibly his two youngest brothers (they're 10 and 12, so it all depends on if their dad is home at the time). Most likely his oldest brother and his wife (hopefully they find a babysitter because their kids are 5 and 1 1/2, but MIL is usually their babysitter). Then possibly my parents if she ends up coming after Thanksgiving.

I'm sure she's still head down! At this point it'd be difficult (although not impossible) for her to flip back. I still worry every time I get checked, too! And I can totally relate to feeling like your bladder has given up! Made it this whole pg without any issues holding it... but lately... And it's always the tiniest little amounts that sneak their way out... :blush:

I think with your last name I like Astrid Emilia better, it flows nicely.

Angel, looooved all the pics of Emma on FB! She is too freaking cute! Glad she's been giving you guys some breaks and sleeping in her swing.

AFM, still getting BHs, but not nearly as frequently as the other day. No signs of impending labor otherwise. Blake is getting anxious, he wants to meet her. As he was leaving this morning he said, "Let's see baby Wolz today, mmhmm." I texted him earlier, "70% chance of rain / snow tonight, bleh." His response - "Chance of baby???" I told him yesterday that tomorrow would be a cool bday - 11/12/13 - so now he's hoping! I think I'm finally ready for her to come.
Stef: I agree that 11/12/13 would be a cool b-day. Go for it!

That's quite a crowd you'll have at the birthing center. I would think the kids would get bored depending on if their parents bring them while you are still in labor.

Sorry your bladder is shot. I still have control over mine, but I go once an hour. We are going through TP at the house at a rapid rate!

No, vibrating bump here, though I could swear someone had a thread about it this past weekend.

Middy: wow, Eva did like her travel cot! We used ours tons, but I was glad she used her real crib too.
Jasmine, we posted at the same time so I missed responding to your latest.

Yay for still being head down! I've had 9 or 10 scans myself this pg, love it :) And I do get that weird vibrating thing sometimes! It's like she's spazzing out in there for a few seconds.

Vegas, the kids would definitely get bored, and the center is right next to a busy highway / service road with no area to play or anything, so even if it's warm out, they wouldn't be able to play outside. There is a TV in the waiting area and they can bring movies if they want, but it would still be boring for them.

We're going through TP like crazy too!
Stef, sorry you lost your response. It really sucks! Hoping your idea of an 11/12/13 birthday works, wishing you lots of labor dust!!!

Vegas, at the end we were going through tons of tp too! Especially once I started losing plug, I was always using extra checking.
I do love the leaves, but I would love it if we had your temps. I hate the cold.
Well done on all the Christmas shopping and wrapping!!

Middy, glad she is still head down. It does sound like a scary process and I am sorry you had such a scare after. I am glad she started moving and that all is well now.
I am very sorry about the heartburn too. Luckily I was never sick with it, other than it choking me occasionally at night. I remember how bad it sucked though:(
I didn't have the vibrating thing, but I am certain I saw at least one thread about it.
Maybe the labor is longer because the baby hasn't descended yet, maybe they don't have time to since they didn't go head down on their own. Don't know if that makes sense.
I am sorry Eva is still having trouble with sleeping, hopefully the new bed helps.
Thanks for saying I looked high on love, it has been super hard, but I was pretty happy at that particular moment.
I really don't have any advice. I feel like we didn't really do a good job with Carter and are just getting by and taking it day by day.
I love Astrid Wren. I loved Wren from way back when you first mentioned it.

Afm, I am pretty miserable right now. Emma is so fussy. She is never happy awake. She is either eating, sleeping or crying. She never just sits on our laps where we can say "aw, look at the baby", nope she is too busy crying. She is on my boob constantly. She falls asleep eating, but when you take the boob away she wakes. She was doing good in the swing, but that seems to be out the window today. Last night was awful. I went to bed at 10pm and got up at 7am, yet I only got 5.5hrs of sleep. She takes forever to eat, but even longer to settle.
I absolutely HATE co-sleeping with her, but I want as much sleep as I can get.
I can never show Carter any attention because she is always attached to me. I really feel like I am neglecting him. He spends all his time with Jeff and cuddling Jeff, and I am actually starting to get jealous. It sounds childish, but Carter and I always had a special bond.
Separately, I don't feel any bond with Emma. This also sounds bad, but I just don't feel connected to her. I never feel that rush of love for her. I don't know what is wrong with me. It is just so hard right now. I feel like I must me doing something wrong, I mean people have second children everyday, and they just get on with it. I feel like I am barely getting by on sleep and sanity.
Sorry for my pity party. I have moments of days where I feel happy, but otherwise I hating my life currently. :cry:

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