Stef, sorry you lost your response. It really sucks! Hoping your idea of an 11/12/13 birthday works, wishing you lots of labor dust!!!
Vegas, at the end we were going through tons of tp too! Especially once I started losing plug, I was always using extra checking.
I do love the leaves, but I would love it if we had your temps. I hate the cold.
Well done on all the Christmas shopping and wrapping!!
Middy, glad she is still head down. It does sound like a scary process and I am sorry you had such a scare after. I am glad she started moving and that all is well now.
I am very sorry about the heartburn too. Luckily I was never sick with it, other than it choking me occasionally at night. I remember how bad it sucked though

I didn't have the vibrating thing, but I am certain I saw at least one thread about it.
Maybe the labor is longer because the baby hasn't descended yet, maybe they don't have time to since they didn't go head down on their own. Don't know if that makes sense.
I am sorry Eva is still having trouble with sleeping, hopefully the new bed helps.
Thanks for saying I looked high on love, it has been super hard, but I was pretty happy at that particular moment.
I really don't have any advice. I feel like we didn't really do a good job with Carter and are just getting by and taking it day by day.
I love Astrid Wren. I loved Wren from way back when you first mentioned it.
Afm, I am pretty miserable right now. Emma is so fussy. She is never happy awake. She is either eating, sleeping or crying. She never just sits on our laps where we can say "aw, look at the baby", nope she is too busy crying. She is on my boob constantly. She falls asleep eating, but when you take the boob away she wakes. She was doing good in the swing, but that seems to be out the window today. Last night was awful. I went to bed at 10pm and got up at 7am, yet I only got 5.5hrs of sleep. She takes forever to eat, but even longer to settle.
I absolutely HATE co-sleeping with her, but I want as much sleep as I can get.
I can never show Carter any attention because she is always attached to me. I really feel like I am neglecting him. He spends all his time with Jeff and cuddling Jeff, and I am actually starting to get jealous. It sounds childish, but Carter and I always had a special bond.
Separately, I don't feel any bond with Emma. This also sounds bad, but I just don't feel connected to her. I never feel that rush of love for her. I don't know what is wrong with me. It is just so hard right now. I feel like I must me doing something wrong, I mean people have second children everyday, and they just get on with it. I feel like I am barely getting by on sleep and sanity.
Sorry for my pity party. I have moments of days where I feel happy, but otherwise I hating my life currently.