June Angel Baby Mommas Hoping for Rainbows!!

Angel: huge hugs. Emma sounds a lot like Charlotte. She was only content if she was eating or sleeping, the rest of the time she'd scream at the top of her lungs. I wanted to love her, but she made it so hard. I can only imagine how hard it must be for you that you need to focus all of your attention on her and that makes you feel like you are neglecting Carter. You need to make sure to find the occasional hour to yourself as well. Have Jeff watch them both while you take a super long shower, go to the store and roam the aisles, go for a walk by yourself, take a nap, etc. Currently you are trying to be everything to every one and it's just not possible. It will get easier, but it may take a while. :hugs:
Hi girls,

Stef - that would have been a cool birthday but we do it the other way round here 12/11/13 so it wouldn't have worked but it will on 11th December! Anyway I'm presuming Sienna didn't put in an appearance either way, lol! How are you doing?

Meli - I'm so happy that little Xzavier is putting on so much weight, he is doing great and you are a pro pumper! Glad you guys are as okay as can be!

Angel - I'm sorry you are having a hard time adjusting, please don't be too hard on yourself although I know I will be the same. It can take weeks or even months to bond with your baby and I think that's all it is. Have you also considered introducing a little formula just to settle her a bit? I also agree with Vegas that you need you make time for yourself, never underestimate the healing qualities of a long bath and very large glass of wine! It must be so hard not being able to have time with Carter and I too will feel like this I'm sure but we must remind ourselves that we'll be there for all of our children for hopefully most of there lives but right now Emma needs you more. It's a long hard slog but you seem to be doing brilliantly, the hormones also make it tough. Go easy on yourself lovely. Thanks for saying you like Astrid Wren too, we've road tested it on a few people and not had great responses which has been upsetting. Makes me want to choose a less unique name but I like unique names.

Vegas- I'm getting through tons of tp too, I'm actually getting a bit dry down there as I go and wipe so often! Tmi! How are you doing today anyway?

Afm- not much to report. Two hours of slightly painful regular bhs last night, thought it was maybe early labour but it wasn't! Other than that I'm good, enjoying maternity leave but fed up and ready for baby now x
Middy: I say name your baby whatever you like and don't worry what anyone else thinks. My BF hated the name Charlotte when I told here were considering it, but I felt it was the right name.

Perhaps those BH's will turn into real contractions. Another friend of mine said all she was getting was BH's and then a few hours later her 4th son was here.

Too bad my section is scheduled for the 12 or I could have had an 11-12-13 baby by your calendar.

As far as sibling rivalry goes I'm already starting to prep Charlotte by reminding her that she's had me all to herself for almost four years and how together we get to take care of the new baby and that babies need a lot of attention. I doubt it'll help once the time comes, but a girl can dream!

Meli: Xzavier really seems to be putting on weight at a pretty good rate. Hooray for cheeseburgers! You keep enjoying your oatmeal and beer so Xzavier can continue to get the good stuff. I'm going to ask my doctor for a prescription for beer, that sounds awesome! Btw, when I used to pump I found cloudy wheat beers helped me produce more than say a bud light.

Stef: how are you?

Jen: are you out there? How are you?

Angel: hope today is a better one for you.

Afm: I'm sleep deprived still. Between the peeing and the pains in my hips and ribs I just can't sleep. I took a Tylenol, but that only helped for a short time and besides I was still being awoken by my bladder. Charlotte came in at 4:15 with a cough, so I had to re-settle her. When I got back in bed it was time for baby gymnastics and hiccups. Geeze. In positive news, I sorted out all of my newborn clothes, especially the gender neutral stuff, and got it all washed. Dh thinks I'm crazy for doing all of this now, but who's to say this baby will wait until 12/12 to arrive.
Angel, How much did you just love the cold yesterday? Bleh. I want fall to stick around... it feels like we haven't gotten much of it this year! Either too warm or too cold.

I'm sorry you're having a hard time bonding with Emma. I'm not sure what advice to give since I have no experience, but I agree with Vegas and Jasmine when they say to make sure you take some time to yourself. Could you speak with a lactation consultant? Maybe there's something to her always falling asleep while feeding.

Jasmine, nope, no Sienna yet! And I agree with Vegas, don't change a name you like because of what others think! I think both of our bodies are having a wonderful time prepping for labor with all these BHs and nothing to show for it!

Vegas, I hope your prepping of Charlotte helps! Does she seem excited about helping to take care of the baby? Hope you are able to get some sleep soon! Definitely not crazy getting things ready now - if you wait you may become more tired and uncomfortable and less likely to get it all done. This is why I have all the clothes washed but still not put away...

Meli, so happy to see Xzavier is gaining weight and improving and getting past all the bumps in the road. He's such a little fighter!

AFM, appt went fine yesterday. Still head down, very very low. I got to pick the room I want (so long as no one has already chosen it the day I go in). Got my postpartum kit that they give (heavy duty pads, a pad for my bed, the mesh undies, an herb kit to make ice pads with). Also got the birth certificate paperwork to fill out so we can relax and not have to do it the day she is born.

After the appt we stopped at the store and got a few groceries then went home. My friend / hairdresser came by with his partner and did my hair, Blake cooked us all dinner and we just hung out for a little while.

Today I'm picking up a "used" bassinet. I say "used" because it's pre-owned, but they never actually used it, so that's awesome. Plus I'm getting it for $10. Huge score! We rearranged the living room and moved the pack n play out there since we're getting the bassinet. It'll be much easier because I can put that next to the bed - the pack n play had to go at the foot of the bed because of the way our bedroom is set up (with no way to rearrange without blocking the only floor vent). Then later this evening we're picking up an activity mat that looks absolutely adorable - bright colors, plays Mozart, etc. Blake fell in love with it. Retails for $50, we're getting it for $25. I found another really adorable one that someone is selling for $15, but he insists on the one that plays Mozart! :haha:

Wondering what's going on in there this morning. She's moving around A LOT, and not tiny movements. Somehow with the very little space she has she's still moving like crazy today, in ways that are painful! I felt a huge movement while driving into work, it definitely wasn't her flipping back to breech, but it could have been her rolling back to back... hopefully not! Yesterday was interesting, too. Had some really watery discharge, but it didn't continue, so it wasn't leaking waters. Last night I was suuuuper uncomfortable, lots of BH, some painful, a lot of weird pinching / stabbing feelings in my cervix. Today so far my abdomen is sore down low and getting BHs again. Hoping it's the start of something! I've been keeping moving and walking when I can (I never thought walking would be SO hard), cleaning a lot. Thinking about bouncing on my ball to make sure she's nice and snugly positioned, but I can't bring myself to do it with how sore my lady parts are!

Hope everyone is doing well today!
Stef: isn't today the day Blake predicted she would be born? It's still early, but it sounds like things are happening (not that I would know since I've never actually been in labor).

Great job on all the deals! I love a good bargain.

My friend who just had a baby said her girl was super active even while she was in labor. I still can't believe how much mine moves. With Charlotte I had an anterior placenta and I had to really concentrate to feel her move or eat something sweet and lay down, this is a whole new experience.
Vegas, yep, Blake said today. I sure hope she's one of the LOs that gets more active before labor! I've read it's more common that they get quiet the day of, but some women do say their LOs got super active. She's STILL going at it, has been for about 6 hours straight now, usually she's fairly quiet in the morning!

Are you getting any big movements? It can be fun to watch / feel, but sometimes it gets a little crazy! You mentioned the hiccups... everyone keeps telling me they think they're cute, my response is not when they go for a good 10 minutes straight multiple times a day and it feels like she's hiccuping on my butt!
Thanks ladies for all the reassurance.
Vegas, I am trying to take time where I can get it. Last night I went to Sams Club myself and it was wonderful! I took my time leisurely went down aisles! I just try to keep thinking that in the scheme of things, that this is just such a short time.
Sorry you are sleeping so badly, like I said, I would gladly trade!! But seriously, I do remember the hip pains and peeing and it did drive me crazy at night. I always wanted to bad to sleep on my tummy!

Middy, Jeff does give her formula bottles and I do top ups at night, but it doesn't seem to make a difference. Sorry about the BHs leading to nothing last night. Hopefully it won't be much longer. And like Vegas said, name your baby whatever you want, don't worry what anyone else thinks!

Stef, I hate the cold.:growlmad: It stinks even worse this year in this apartment because I have to walk the dog all the time, and now I have to bring Emma.
You get such great deals on baby stuff!!
Hope you like your hair.
The night my water broke, I bounced on the ball vigorously for an hour straight. Who knows if it is what did the trick???

Melissa, I am so happy that Xzavier loves his cheeseburgers and is gaining and healing well!

AFM, today has been better. Firstly, Jeff had her all night, so I got some much needed rest. Also, I am a member of a mommy club and we have monthly meeting to handle any business. Well today was the meeting and I was kind of dreading it since I was taking both kids. Emma was good the whole car ride there, awake even! Then she was so good the whole meeting- still awake! Then she bf for just a little bit and fell asleep. I put her in the car seat and she stayed asleep and then slept the whole way home. She was a completely different baby! I am hoping maybe we have turned a corner and that today isn't a fluke!
Angel, glad you got to get out of the house by yourself! And that's great that Jeff took her for the night and you got some rest. And yayyyyy for her being better yesterday! That's great! Maybe she just needed some daddy time :haha:

I'm wondering about sharing feedings. Worried about the whole nipple confusion thing if I pump so Blake can take some feedings on; is nipple confusion common? It'd be my luck that it would happen. I got some nipples that have great reviews for breastfed babies (Avent Newborn, and we have Avent bottles).

We're totally bargain hunters (helps that I'm cheap (thrifty!) and I've corrupted Blake :haha: ). I rarely buy anything full price unless I absolutely need it and there's no less expensive option. I even got our bedroom set free (well, we didn't have to pay for it) by doing web work for the company.

Hmm... I'll definitely have to try bouncing on the ball then! I'm sore down there anyway, so I guess it couldn't hurt.

AFM, no baby, obviously! I really thought it might be starting last night, was getting stronger contractions for about 3 1/2 hours, nothing severe at all, but more uncomfortable than any before, but they fizzled out again. Blake's mom started texting me last night asking if I was having pain / pressure etc. etc. She's getting as anxious as he is. She ended her texting by saying, "I'm trying to patiently wait but it's hard."
Angel: sounds like you had a pretty good day yesterday. Let's hope that you have more good days than bad as you go forward. Being a newborn is probably hard, we've just forgotten. Babies don't realize that we adults need our sleep too.

Stef: bounce away! Personally, I think there is no such thing as nipple confusion though nipple preference may exist. Charlotte was impatient and didn't like waiting for my let down, but had no problems switching between bottle and boob. She never refused either, but was always happier being able to suck down a bottle. In fact, I never used fast flow nipples as she'd choke herself. She was such a greedy little thing!

Afm: today they were starting a holiday weight challenge at work. They would not allow me to participate as they said I have an unfair advantage. Don't they know it's hard to loose baby weight? Anyway I did have them take my blood pressure and it was really low, 98/54. She asked if I had been feeling faint. I did have one bad episode a few weeks ago, but otherwise I feel OK. Should I mention this to my doctor on Monday? I'm pretty sure low BP is ok in pregnancy, just not high BP. Of course, she could have read it wrong.
Vegas, good to know Charlotte was able to switch back and forth! That makes me feel a little better. The nipples I got are slow flow, so they should work well.

About your BP... hmm I wouldn't worry too much if you aren't dizzy or having headaches, but I would mention it at your appt (and sooner if you start feeling off). I have naturally low BP, but never been that low (always right around 108/62).

Have you guys ever heard of the purple line? I read about it awhile back - a purple line shows up in your butt crack :)haha:) that's supposed to indicate you're dilating and the level of dilation. For some reason it popped into my head last night after I showered and I just had to have a look. Not sure how I managed to twist and look at my own butt crack, but I did, and it was definitely there! Apparently it's a pretty good indicator of dilation, but I'm thinking it can't be terribly accurate as far as how long it is relating to how dilated you are, because mine looked pretty long. Makes me really curious, but I guess we'll just leave it at curiosity!
Stef: I have heard of the purple line, but there is no way I'm looking. I'd rather reach in myself to feel what's going on (not that I could reach anything). The full moon is on Sunday, so perhaps that will move things along.

Afm: I did call my doctor and they said as long as I don't faint, I'm fine. I felt a bit lightheaded at one point this morning, but I'm fine now. My BP is normally quite low, but that was a pretty good dip.
Hi girls,

Stef - I checked for a purple line, I do have one but I have also been scarred for life at the sight of my backside and all of its pregnancy woes! Have you been having any more signs?

Angel - I'm so happy you are making progress with Emma, hope that it's continuing and you're feeling a little better!

Vegas - oh I think that's terribly unfair of work, hehe! How are you feeling now, you still getting faint? My Bp is slightly on the low side so I do Also tend to get faint, it's horrible! I've been better since on the iron on though.

Meli - thinking of you and so happy to read of Xzavier's progress everyday!

Afm - things could be happening here, lost a bloody show at 2am, and some more at 4am, been having mild contractions every 15 minutes or do since then as well as bowel movements and nausea! I'm just down stairs ATM while Eva and Shane sleep, I'm just wondering what my plan of action will be ! Don't say anything on facebook I haven't told anyone yet but fx for me x
Jasmine! First of all, you crack me up at being 'scarred for life' at viewing your booty.
omg how exciting! sounds like it's happening soon! and go for the epidural if you don't have a c-section! keep us posted!! I am praying for you!
:hugs: :wohoo::wohoo::wohoo::wohoo:
Thanks Meli, it's true, I saw all kinds of terrors I'm telling you!

Okay, so it's 9am here, have had loads more bloody show but the contractions, although mildly painful when they bond are not regular and only about one or two an hour right now.

Have sent OH to work and LO to half day pre school but OH can be back here in about twenty mins!

Hope it happens soon although I know it can be days with a bloody show, but with Eva I had my show and it was all systems go!

Only other thing I can think of us that me and OH DTD last night, then started getting my show 3 hours later!

Meli, I'll be taking the drugs don't worry! Pix

Oh another tightening is starting up now, most painful one so far, think I'll start timing x
Middy: looks like the full moon may have worked for you (I am referring to the one in the sky). I'll admit that I looked too and saw a purple line and far too much flesh. I don't think it means anything for me, but clearly it must for you! I hope those contractions keep coming and that baby is here soon. I'll be checking here and FB for updates.

Meli: loving your updates. Make sure you save that photo of Xzavier's foot compared to your dh's thumb. When Xzavier is a teenager you will never believe his foot was so tiny. I'm so glad that the nurses are finally saying such positive things about Xzavier. You are right, they now know what we always believed. He's getting stronger every day thanks to his own resolve and the thoughts and prayers of all those who love him. I still can't believe how quickly he's gaining weight now that he can really eat. Just a few more ounces and he'll be double his birth weight!

Stef: has the moon done anything for you?

Afm: I actually slept last night. Feels so good! Today I go for my 36 week check up.
Ha Vegas, yes there was a moon in the sky and my mirror! I forgot about the full moon though, spooky! I'm still hanging on, had more show and continuing with mild tightenings, been for a 45 minute walk in the rain to collect LO which has nearly killed me, feel all shaky and crampy now!

Glad you got some sleep and good luck at your appointment x
Middy, :rofl: at your "scarred" comment.
I think I would be too! Hope things happen today, and that you aren't having all that for nothing.

Stef, I have heard of the line, never really checked to see if I had one.
As for nipple confusion, I kind of agree with Vegas. I don't think it is about confusion, more like they just prefer the bottle because it is easier to get milk from. Emma has been able to switch back and forth pretty easily. I know they say to wait six weeks before introducing a pacifier or bottle, but I feel like it would be easier to introduce earlier while they aren't so set in what they like.

Vegas, glad your bp is good. I hope your dizziness and stuff doesn't get too bad. Good luck today.

AFM, things have stayed pretty much the same. I did enjoy three nights in a row of Jeff helping, so that was great. Tonight I have a mom's night out and I plan to have a couple of drinks. Not my first, but I am very much looking forward to it!
Tried updating last night on my phone and accidentally hit the back button and lost my reply so I got mad and gave up, lol. Been having inconsistent semi painful contractions since 11pm last night. They fizzled out for a few hours between 3:30-6:30 and then came back. Most about 7-10 minutes apart. So it looks like she should be here by tomorrow, hopefully. I guess there's something to the sex thing! Contractions started literally 10 minutes or less after we finished. It wasn't as good as I was hoping considering how long it's been... my cervix is apparently way too low because he kept hitting it and it hurt.

So anyway, that's what's going on here.

Jasmine, hoping you're doing well! Update us!

Vegas, glad you got some sleep! Hope your appt went well.

Angel, hope you have fun at your mom's night!

Meli, so glad to see Xzavier doing so well!
Wouldn't it be awesome if Stef and Jasmine's babies arrived on the same day!

Good luck to both of you!

Afm: baby is head dozen, cervix is high and closed. I may have to try this sex thing in week or two. Based on how much the pelvic exam hurt it's not going to be fun.

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